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Anthony Perry Jan 2016
I am unsolved, I am a statue in mortality, my smile has had an impact on society but my life has never been absolved

All I wanted to do was entertain, but instead, someone betrayed me and let my blood fall like rain and with nothing to gain

Before and after, my eyes have always been open so while you figure out who's the killer wheather it was Rob, Ed, or that guy Hansen, I have to wait, invisible to the world and lost until then

I've been killed, tortured but you all just talk about which side they cut first or how my body tore, the name is Black Dahlia and that name has become a media *****

My smile has been smeared ear to ear, my body severed in half, my veins drained of every quart but I am still proud to say my name is Elizabeth Short
Mercy B Apr 2013
When I needed some one to lean on
You stepped away and watched me fall.

You said you would always lift me up
When I was crashing down you did nothing at all.

Any time you needed a sholder to cry on
I was the first in line to be there.

When tables turned and I had to cry
My sorow was too much for you to bare.

You cut me deep, my soul left to bleed
With your lies and wicked schemes

I don't need your fair wheather friendship
You take two-faced to a whole new extremes.
KellzKitty Jan 2015
The heavy girls are too heavy
The skinny girls are too thin
The **** is perfect
The nerd is a try hard
The fangirl is a freak
The fanboy is gay
The goth girl is a *****
The goth boy is insane
The person who asked for help today just needed a person to talk with
But in today's society we only follow hate and gossip
That skinny girl can't gain wait
That fat girl doesn't know what to do
That **** maybe varsity but he's got problems too
The nerd is poor and wants to go to college and the only way to do that is through a scholarship
The fangirl lives in a fictional world because of the judgmental people in her own
The fanboy does the same and it doesn't matter wheather or not he is straight or gay
The goth girl isn't a ***** she just listens to her music and wears black
The goth boy isn't insane he just wants his happy life back
The person who asked for help today really did need it
But now it's too late for her and now her death has been completed
All of these people could be good or bad but you will never know that
Because in today's society we only follow hate a gossip
So the next time you see a strangers face
Go on say hi and see what they say
Some might stick their noses up and walk away
But for others a stranger being friendly just might make their day.
I'm in 10th grade and I see a lot of hate and here a lot of things being said in school.hate is an ugly thing
KnudsonK Aug 2013
My big brother, big sister and I .
Fourteen ,ten and I was nine,
Cried more  tears then we ever cried.
Our mother had committed suicide.We'd already been through  qiute a bit. We were babtized that lifes one thing you  just cant quit.Our Mom committed the biggest sin.I refused to imagine which place she  was in.It was the one thing I couldnt bare.   I d  seen alot more evil then Id ever  seen of good\ We found our selves there questioning  God.My brother  bent his brow and gave a  nod. He thought a careful moment  and scratched his  head.He  then leaned in close and this is what he said, "For right now how about looking at ot like this Instead..?
You  don't have to wait till your
darkest hour. To admit to yourself
you believe in a higher power.
It's like telling white lies ,everyone
knows  we all  do it. And you know
they do it too.Don't believe me?
I can proove it to you. Proove me wrong,
I dare you to. Take this dare.  
Bowed in prayer,Be thankful for  care.
Greatful hearts for all our mercies and despair.
Be Blessed, us all,your  with the gifts we recieve.
Wealth of knowledge from lessons
in the burdens that we bare.
Our faith mirrors our existance.
A life worth living.Sharing and giving,
helping hand one good deed,
without expectation.With out even a whisper
of taking credit.An angel to guard
inpure thoughts,another for my words.
Together  both in charge of my deeds.
Provide for my essential needs.
So that I don't mistake them for my wants.
The regret that haunts.Gifts of good fortune
one never flaunts.When
we fail to fullfill.No weapon or pill
upon my own self be done.
Judging no one.
gossiping upon no one. Do not listen
nor tell Any one.No false pride
Or mask to hide.Beauty comes from
whats inside. Swallow your pride
I am forgivin. I will forgive,
because we are human. Because
we live. Give what you can give.
.No less,When the cuphas been filled
it can hold no more.We've done our best.
When in error just confess.
No man alive.Him nor I ,
has the right to choose
how either of us die. Do not lie.
When I look at him and he looks at me,
We are not consumed with greed or envy.
I refuse to be his enemy,the way  that satan
would like it to be, I have no hate in me.
Music and love, respect and honesty,
Wheather or not anyone else can see.Patience
understanding and an opened mind.And being
somebody  to believe. Being someone
whose kind.Being somebody
that somebody can trust. Be fair and be just.
Be very wary of whomever you lust.
Look down on no one unless your
helping them stand, if put in power
don't be grand.Don't let that power go to your head
Keep it in your heart instead.And every night
when you go to bed.Bow your head  and pray.
I promise if you live this way. And say this poem
every day. Unhappiness will stay away.You
will not be afraid.You  will not want for anything.
You'll be pleasantly  surprised at what each day will bring.
And everyone around you will see it too.
You will be sufficiantly sufficed. It's not  a  religion
It's called living life. It's that feeling you feel
right now inside. It  won't be denied.
It's believing in my believing in you,
It's me believing you two feel that too.
You can call it God...
You can call it whatever you to.
Call it love.It's in each of us.
This power thats greater and higher above.
But its not about religion  or going along
You know the difference betwren right and wrong .Your hard enough on yourself when the heat is on.And most imortant of anything at all if you absolutely HAVE to lie....
......look them in the brows....not in the eyes.
JAATC Oct 2020
You inspire me to be better
Assertive like heaven
Positive vibes move subtle, etheric wheather
Though not as you think
Subtle like beyond view ;
vibe Grand like da right hand of the spectrum
Young driver but
Dis ain't my first vehicle
Sight like, first-eye wise
O sumtm' of da direction
The blessing is
We can all share this space of awareness
If we step correct
No draggin
No shade
Sun rays
But the method take
A lil "calminuity"
Yeah I get fluid like da element
In the Magic of Creation
No disruption
No displacement
Focus like a blade being sharpened
Home is Presence
The day began on a sunny note
For hours it shone
wet clothes wrinkled in heat
the clothes of the labouring man was wet.

the sun shine went bleak.
The winds arose in its greatness.
Sands and weightless filth rustled in laudatory.

The first
we heard
was a sound like a Tornado,
sweeping through the trees and dry land.
Doors and windows rattled in response.
Pregnant trees
forcefully delivered its fruits.
Road gossips fled.
The clouds thickened.

The lighting struck,
making free-hand sketches on the clouds.
The sounds made
felt like God was smashing bottles in heaven.
Children ran under their beds
and tightly blocked their ears.

This went on
for a while
till the wheather blew the whistle for 2nd half.
The clouds cried sweetly
and intensely.
The winds pacified the clouds.

Children came out in troops,
******* dressed
They delighted in the taste and feel of the rain against their skin

Whatever that wanted to remain dry stayed hidden.
Moments later
all was quiet
except for the children.

Soon it was nightfall,
bon fires were made.
The youths gathered to hear and tell stories.
The occassional flies made their way to these gatherings too.
Amazing night ahead
I thought.
The beauty of Nature.
Weather in Africa
courtney jean Jun 2016
Autonomous you don't wanna miss
Synonymous with anonymous
Alcoholics drinking like the glass is bottomless
Lost confidence and gained higher consciousness
Now doing opposite to avoid consequence
Pertinent providence prominence
Profits from the pompousness of old profits of our fifth
They were out prophets then
Now it's promises
Back to provenance of our populous
No predominance
More contentedness with our documents with what's cognizance
And the monument of spiritual opulence
Wheather hypothesis
Or is what it is
To remain in the violence
Or turn optimist
All your perogative
Wish you well
Wish you rocket to the fourth dimension ****
But most of all wish you to close your eyes to hear what it says
Cause that you don't wanna miss
It could be your bliss
Reminisce but remember they're remnants
Resentment you keep in your sentence
Is your penance
What you recieve is your resemblance
No regrets for pass but remembrance
Your true presence is endless
Practicing temperance
Life is tremendous
too good not to post, I don't take credit
A Dec 2013
I have to stop thinking.
I need to turn my brain off.
Im torturing myself
By thinking of the future.
Figuring out the maze,
Of you and me.
How to get to the finish line,

Im trying to prepare myself,
For hearing the words,
"We used to talk"
If they mention my name.
Instead of,
A smirk on your face,
And a little laugh,
"Yeah, shes amazing."

So im trying,
I really am,
To block out the future.
Its was working a week ago,
Because your presence
Was the only distaction i needed.
But now i am left with myself.
With my thoughts.
With images of you
With memories of us.
With high hopes for the future.
That flicker through my head,
Almost constantly.
But now they are fading.
I dont know wheather its a
Good thing?
Bad thing?
Because sooner or later
I will be confronted with one choice.
I will reach a dead end.
I could fly.
Or I could fall.
There is no middle,
Believe me its not what i want.
But all my odds are pointing
To a deep black abyss.
I will have to force you out of my head.

I dont know if you can tell,
But i am a fighter.
This is why i am in such a panic.
"There has to be a way around this."
My subconscious really needs
to shut up.

Part of me.
wants to keep my two fists up.
And part of me.
Wants to enjoy the time we have.
It is very hard,
But i guess,
i need to let fate
Write the rest of my story.
Even though i keep trying and trying
To skip ahead,
And See what happenes next.
The pages are blank,
And my thoughts
write in alternate endings.

Lets breathe in,
And out.
And hope for the best.
It will work out.
It will work out.
If for the worst-
I can just say,
He wasnt the one.
And FINALLY have closure.
But a my heart will be shattered,
And my life will turn grey
For a while.
With heavy drops of water,
Splattered all around me.

If for the best-
I would beat all odds,
Im sorry,
I need to give myself more credit,
I have a chance.
I fit in somewhere on the scale

- I would beat all odds
Of other minds work.
And could finally show them,
That i could be loved.
But thats just a bonus.
No one out there,
Is like you.
No one.
Thats why everyone wants
But i know there more to you than that.

This is why we need to talk,
This is why i need him.
I want him to think of me,
Half as much,
As i think of him.

Just half.
I dont ask for much.
I have been patient.

So now you see my struggle.
Now you feel too
the pebble in my shoe.
I still have two weeks with him,
And one more to think.
But when the beginning
Of the four week loss.
I hope i stay strong.
I hope he dosent change.
I hope we wouldn't of changed.
But now.
He hasnt,
We havent.
I need to enjoy the sunlight on my face.
I need to make the most of it.
There is something there.
But if there is no love for me,
In his heart,
I hope it comes to a complete stop.
I hope my eyes can open,
And my heart released,
Because right now,,
And theres a tear in my eye.
That i so greatly hold back.
Because there might be another,
Or another,
That he wants
From a long time ago.
And she will have
the one thing
That we dont have.

But i can't dwell on this.
Its unfair to everyone.
So like I've been trying to say
About three dozen times,
In about three dozen different ways....

Enjoy the good while it lasts.
And save your good memories,
And smiles,
For a day you might need it.
K Balachandran Feb 2012
i heard you say softly,
you would soon get married,
in a passive way.
your mum has found a groom
she thought perfect,
the horoscopes match,
and your father, approves. that's that.

so nothing much left,
except sorting out "our mess"
caused by your" thoughtless
adventure," as you put it,
you now think it was  "just physical"
you weren't sure yet
wheather it was love,
you felt, about me
though intense.
"that was a whim
and i wasn't in my senses
as i see it now,

when i listen to  my dad and mom ;
a  whim ruled my mind
i fell for you straight
your scent had something to do in that,
i could hardly think,
every time i almost swooned"

your part of the  story
has  a  sharp  razor gleam
the matador smiles,
just before the sword gets the bull,
i can almost hear the cheer of spectators,
it's the Roman crowd that still calls the shot
you and me are pawns, as time  here stand still.
that's convenient, isn't it?
you are still, and would allways
have a disarming charm,
i'd never forget that, my lovely war wound!
it would remain with me ever.

we need to learn
to take body and mind
in seperate packages,
in this quagmiry times.
i understand,
you are at it, you'll be good.

you have this black mole
on your cheek,
as you speak i was
looking at it, as if it has a different life,
it now seems a symbol of something,
i try to place , but head was muddled,
i smell a betrayal, the mole soon would go,
suddenly, i felt a whim:
to kiss the blakest bit,  still your part.
Teo - Enlightened Now

Sometimes i'm like a dragon flying high.
But even i, one who is appointed in the sky cannot tell you without a doubt that i know where the truth lies.
I am simply just a victim of my own imagination
but maybe i will be true this time.

Deep insight
into the abyss of self.
My enlightment has lost its light
The darkest bright has overcome
but  i see what i am now.
i see why they say ignorance is bliss now.

I am a place of light and darkness
a wondering vessel wandering throughout the night.
Torn between the pang of evil, ignorance and the bliss of knowing that which is good and true.
How dare i dare to dream !
how dare i dare to dream when my woe can outdo my wisdom.

The fire of five suns often rises from within...
What if fire and brimstone was just a whim
would it still be enough to win ?
would it still be enough to quench thy sin ?

The wrath of a thousand men has fallen upon this den
Their rage has become my energy
My Anger, my angst and my anguish is just fire for my breath.
If it is to be, belligerence will bring my death.
But if it is a fight i must fight it must be for the light
is darkness not full of vainity ?
I must die to self.

The battle of self
a battle of mind and matter.
My subconscious is my friend
but my subconscious is my enemy.
If within me is a universe, i am a place of light and darkness.
How dare i dare to dream when i am but light and darkness.
I have felt the darkness death has brought upon my head
My woe has outdone my wisdom !
i must die to self
over and over again.

Time has washed me onto distant shores.
In the distance passed lies my past.
in present time i stand aghast in the sight of what i once was.
there was no self to be found
only mere imaginations.

who am i now ?
who will i be tomorrow ?
Where am i now ?
where will i be tomorrow ?
drenched in doubt
from the weight of it all i become no longer sure of self.
there was no self to be found
only mere imaginations.
yet still here i am swimming on through the skies.
oh how my imagination has fooled me.

In sober sight
i see clearly now.
Like stars the folly of my imagination falls before my eyes
My glory descends into dust
oh how quickly a lust for life can fall from grace and wonder.
oh how quickly what one adores can become just a thought.
Oh how words can lose their wisdom
does truth not always remain the same?
with eyes aghast i question the heavens
why the whim ?
truly because of sin?
Who am i now ?
how much more must i endure ?
Truth is found, yet truth is lost
the quest simply continues
to wander
to be
what does it mean to be who you are ?

Quite clearly,
My heart is not what it used to be.
why the whim ?
My desire has drifted...
but somehow the cold has kept me warm.
Somehow the hand of the divine has reached me in the depths of my darkness and handed me a speck of light,
enough to to see my way out of the void and back into interstellar flight.

Along this path i see,
i see clearly now !
but my dream seems to be different from what i wanted it to be.
Devastation has dimmed my delusion but robbed me of my fantasy.
what are the elements now ?
but it feels good to be free from it all
to see through that which is empty yet fills the heart with pride.
if everyday my ego flies
everyday my dream continues
but i  am no longer blinded by the bright blackness.

The night of day is still dark but my skies are clearer now.
I do not see my destiny
but i see the light.
Focus on the Light.

"the true mind can wheather all the lies and illusions without being lost. The true heart can tough the poison of hatred without being harmed. Since beginning-less time darkness thrives in the void, but always yields to purifying light."

Zack Hemsey - The Way
'to experience life in all its woe and wonder,
to lose a little of all you have but gain a greater understanding'  
- Philippians 4:12-13
Can i count on you
to be my man?
Just enough love
to keep us above.
Numerous Mistrust regulations
keep us from reaching the remark, congratulations.
Your dipped your tongue in pungent waters.
Now, your fresh breathe became odoured.
Your insults just give me the strength.
Your eyes tease mine in mockery
but soon it will be my own turn to laugh back.
No one will make u forget the way i laughed.

Can i count on you
to stay away from me?
You came, you saw, you took.
All the sweetness in me will never be over before my life-time.
You traded Faith for Flesh,
Interest for Injury
and Love for Lust.
All you ever experienced with me
is just a tip of the ice berg.
It gets interesting for you
when i go on hurting.
I will get better,
no matter the wheather
For i am stronger.
You will witness the radiance of Life in me
and you wont have a spot of that brightness in your direction.
Maxim Keyfman Jun 2018
I don't know what to do
I don't know where to go and whether
I don't know whether to
destroy the old and create a new one
I don't know what to do

I don't know what to do
Today very bad wheather
I don't know what to do
Im very hate everything now ever

I don't know what to do
I don't know where to go and whether
I don't know whether to
destroy the old and create a new one
I don't know what to do

I don't know what to do
Today very bad wheather
I don't know what to do
Im very hate everything now ever

Diana C Dec 2014
There once was a little boy that did not fear anything. He never knew what being afraid felt like. He kept thinking about it, and he started to think that he might not be normal, so one day he looked his mother in the eyes, with the biggest amount of sadness the eyes of a 9 years old could hold, and he asked her: Mom, what if I'll never fear anything? Would it be so bad? She smiled and took him in her arms and said:You would be the luckiest man alive. but sadly, my dear, fear is gonna find its way to your heart sooner or later. Wheather it would be after your first real love, and you'll be just frightened to lose her, or after the first time your heart has been broken and you'll fear you'll never find anyone as good as her, and you probablynever will, or after years of trying to make best out of it, when just hearing her name brings tears to your eyes and chills to your skin and you realise that that's not the best you could get you of it...Oh, my dear son, I hope you'll never fear anything... As she stopped talking, she looked at him. But it was too late, he was already still and cold.
        *Death never spares the brave ones...
I have some mentions to make first. This is not a poem, so if anyone finds it inappropriate for this site, please notice me and I'll take it down. Also, if there are any mistakes in the spelling of some words, please tell me, because my mother tongue is not english. Thank you and enjoy!
yann Feb 2021
theres a paper copy of taylor swift stuck on the window, an acab sign in her hands
this is the start,
there's an uber driver on a bike singing like i don't exist

this is the part where im cold

here the water overflows and this street understands my journey
two strangers talking about music and growing up with AC/DC and the Red Hots, parents' music shaping you up,
they understand me too

there's leaves falling, the sounds like bricks on the pavement
i sit down, back turned to the church
i heard there's at least one spider living every two meters
im scared of them, like a child's memory never truly leaving,
but the rain has calmed down, or calmed me down, which is which
i heard that wheather is always partly in the mind
i don't resent drops and winds and lightning anymore
i made them, right ? i'm strong enough for that
if i can create water and angry skies then
why do i fear creating anything else.
Semihten5 Feb 2022
the wheather was cold until your eyes
I do not understand
One bird was frozen
I think my heart
jesse packard Jan 2015
I walk the street, and all I do is weap.
For all I see is anger, and haetred.
People stuck sleeping and eating on the street.
I see them begging for money on the corner.
Just to get one meal for the day.
I don't like watching good honest people.
Down on there luck asking, but no one helps.
It makes me mad , and all so sad.
All I can think of is.
What if this was me or my loved one.
Would any one help?
Will I have food today?
Why will no one give me a chance?
Is it because I am down in a hole?
I see this everyday, I try to help when I can.
But its not enough. Alli can think of is.
Why will no one help the ones in need.
Ya they might not have jobs but if I can help.
Wheather it be $1 or a place to stay.
I know how it is, I don't wish any that.
So if I help, that means more people can.
I barely make enough to hold myself afloat.
I see my heart sinking like a boat.
Every time I see amazing people.
Eating off the street, and sleeping under a bridge.
As I walk down the street all I do is weap.
SweePea May 2019
People often change,
Like wheather they have various range.

I totally understand it's the situation,
But atleast you can call me on some occasions.

The world is f i l t h y and dark,
Now see where we are.

I'm done with fake clowns,
Everytime I trust my face truns frown.

It is for sure friendship had cost me a lot,
People now a days are emotionless just like a bot.
breathe, breathe
always be on the ease
see if you can
be a man

take hand and
say good job man
i really am a man

never say never
and always say i asked for the news not the wheather
high score
you wild bore

breathe, breathe
always be on ease
Reign Nov 2017
I see him....
I’m strutting with no reaction
His thumbs on his phone just thumping and tapping
With grace and with strength like love mixed with lust
His attention I need his touch is a must
The jealousy and Envy is from a light on a screen
I wish you could hear me I plead and I scream
I know I look good in these ocean blue jeans
Just look...JUST LOOK withthat fire in those frames
Dare I say... did it work?
As he peaks with a smile
Did he hear?..... was it heard?...
Yes he’s up
Oh **** these nerves that I feel
His touch
His feel is what makes me kneel
Wheather their heard or not
These curves words said were real
Slam Sep 2015
A healer can be a killer
Like a storm that pour down
In a sunny ****** wheather
A white flock of pain
That you can never regain
It cuts deep inside your brain
Like a bite from a fight thats my insight
Slow but true it has always been you
Clotting my brains out from my gut
Breaking and shaking my every waiting
Just breathe in all the feeling
Eventually it will all be nothing
And someday it might be
But all we will ever be is someday
What i want is you everyday
But all we ever say is hey
Moli Quill Apr 2018
Blow by blow
The nasty winds battered
My Heart
The wind of Fears
The sorrow of tears
Like Tornado on top a tsunami
My eyes are liquid filled misty
I question my deity
I question my choicey
In this world of Desperate calamity
You see me smile
you don't know what I feel inside

inside me there is a storm coming
category five honestly speaking
I've never felt more alone
yet more in tuned with God
yet more in tuned with Jesus
my signals are crossed
I will let them give me rest

And the nasty wheather
blame it on nature
I will keep on trusting
I will keep on serving
I will keep on Living
So trust me when I say
there's no other name


Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus

that's it!!
shreyas bhalekar Feb 2014
sun ray's are so strong
it is harmfull. it is wrong
when I wake wake at morning
i like to sing a song.

day's are going ,wheather are changing ,
my life is running
i am still studying .

i want to enjoy my life
without any wife
because life is cutting slowly by

i have only 30 days
to anjoy my life & love
after 30 days i miss
my all dove.

I waste my life in study & cigaratte
today i want to share you
my all
secret's .

After my death don't miss me
and don't do any foul
every day , every month ,every year
i am with you
with me & my soul .

                                                              ­           :- **ShreyasBhalekar
I made this poem on one boy, who was suffering from cancer, because of smoking cigaratte . **Smoking** is injurious to **health** ..
Swoo Feb 2020
She has dreams of touching skies wheather its  physical form or in hyper spirits. Takes trips to little Paris and takes pictures on a bridge of locked up secrete. Yet still wants to go to Big Paris and enjoy the high fashion trends of France maybe speak a little bit of french c'est la vie she'd probably say a honey with a lot of sauce I say. - A Pedi Women With  French Taste

dead poet Nov 2024
write a verse,
write a song,
write it with the chillum, on a ****.
write slow, write fast -
write with an ******* while it lasts.
write for the right reasons, and the wrong ones too:
write because it matters to you.
write like a man, write like a woman -
write despite their contempt, unforgiven.
write on the walls,
of the times you recall -
when you felt small,
or when you’d fall.
write your heart out!
write your ***** out! -
and don’t you ever doubt -    
wheather it’ll work out,
or choke your bank account.
write, if not for anything -
for the hope that still lies within;
just write, do not ask why!
if you must know -
write because you’d rather die.

write, my friend -
CJ Sutherland Jan 2018
Who are you?
what do you believe?
what do you stand for?
we are a society living lost  
oblivious in our own little worlds
Do you see what is happening all around you?
the homeless living on the streets
do you know your neighbors names ?
What is your form of entertainment ?
Television shows;  
Satan worshipin,
demons, horror movies,
bloodly corpses, ******,
****, ****** violence,
sexually  scenes with under age,  
we see every commandment in the Bible broken daily
on prime time for entertainment
Do you remember waiting all week
for the Disney family show  Sunday night ?
The news shows q
terrorist cutting off somebody’s head on the internet
in the name of God,
schools, Music concerts, ands  churches mass killings
Cultures collide,  mass death because they believe it’s the end od days
Mass shootings, hundreds of people for no reason.
The worst wheather in history;  
earthquakes, tsunami‘s  floods
our earth is on fire.
people Suffering; starving, sickness, superbugs,  
epidemics beyond proportion:
Isis Wars using child as A human shields strapping bombs to Babies  and elderly
all in the name of God
There is an attack on ALL Christians and Christianity
We have taken religion out  from our schools,cities and states
no longer allowed to pray.
You used to be able to go to any hotel room and find a Bible in the nightstand drawer no longer . 
 56% of the entire world no longer believe in God
we allow same-*** marriage
you can change your *** to whatever you want
We wonder why our children are so out-of-control
Why they have no respect for their parents or for anything
why they’re lost
why they try to **** themselves and others
Why they Turn to drugs; alcohol
Trying to escape reality

The Bible talks about a day when wrong is right and right is wrong
I would say we are there

If you do NOT believe in the Bible
then how do you base your moral compass ?
if it feels good do it ?
if it’s good for you then it’s good
if it’s bad for you then it’s bad
Isn’t that rather like
playing GOD
It’s time to wake up
Lavanya Jain Jun 2020
It was a late midnight
and the radium stars on the ceiling wall were shining bright.
The wheather was pleasant,
the aura was warm.
I was sleeping with Noddy, in my arms.
Then A sudden heaviness in my head
broke my sleep
The pain was growing so steep
That I couldn't get up.
I tried to drub
but Some thing was pulling me in my bed.
I could feel something leak
out of my nose.
It was blood , spurting out
flinging the coze.
Severe nosebleeds,
was a common symptom
of my disease.
But this one was differing,
My nose was blistering.
I knew it cause I've had many before
But this time my throat became sore
And soon i lost all control over my nose,
All I could do was doze.
My mind, I tried to divert,
So I looked for Noddy,
his cap was as red as his shirt.
Then I tried to call for aid
But by now not just my head
also my arms and legs
heftly weighed.
The pain was only growing more,
worse, than ever before.
It was as if the red water was flooding,
Unstoppably my nose was bleeding
Then with a sudden strangeness,
something leashed my lungs
Now I was breathless.
I don't wanna a die, I wanna play with my dolls,
I spoke to the dream catcher ,
That hung on the wall.
I was ailing and weak
my vission was turning bleak.
Soon i was left with none.
All I feared, was oblivion.
Semihten5 Mar 2018
top-level sleep
tired eyelids
questions repeatedly stacked
cloudy wheather

sharp cilffs
scary steps
standing in a place
life is forcing

hand shakes away to the past
fearful look to the future

we are at such a point today
Isaiah Lee Jan 2019
I'm back on the page again
Yet again
Writing about life and how it's been
In the wheather in
Storms of all levels
Facing demons fighting devils
But I'm on my level

But my voices tell me "Your not in level, you should go to your crib and settle"
Like hell I live this
I don't wait for handouts
I go get it
But there's some people I connect with
Who lives in restless nights
And fights for light but never reaches it
Then falls and say "This is it"
It's not it

It's the beginning of the war we're facing
Yeah your not alone out there
But alot of people are wearing mask out
How to tell when enemies are coming from down stairs
To break them
To watch them shed tears
I say to them
So this is fun

But then when someone like you
Puts a gun
To your head
Then what words will come out of your mouth

Just Had to get that out
For those who are suffering
I'm just like you
I hope this write soothes you
I hope the next verse does to
For example
Whats Inside there is a fire
That burns inside of you
That brings you to higher places

Fire you can walk through
Protect those who are dear to you
If you lose you'll get smarter
The wise never fluants its power
The wicked hides its claws
Fire wins
Fear lost
Semihten5 Apr 2021
get next to the last picture you drew
tell me your colors
no black and white
tell me your choice
not finished yet
tell me why

even if I do not understand from the picture
nice to hear your voice
tell in a whisper

I want to know the music you know
I do not want to listen
you tell me

feelings reflect in your eyes
enough for me,tell me your inside
let me know you
tell about your life

tell about your places at lenght
let me know your wheather,your water and your soil
let me see your view
let me go to your roots
tell deep

I want to ask a lot
you tell,I will listen
I have no job but you
tell me about you
not enough, tell me other than you

shortly, sweetheart
tell me everything
Ankit Dubey May 2019
When I say you,  I am sleepy.
Then you just try to leave me alone so that I can sleep well.
But actually that silence hurts me more that creates more ease in my heart, and then I do never sleep.
When will you understand me ?
Whrn will you come to know what I actually want ?
Have you ever tried to feel that why I again n again say to you that m sleepy.
Wheather if I want to sleep inly without you in loneliness n quietness then I simply can say , please go I want to sleep.
But the fact is it that I want you to be with me.
Beacuse with you I do not remains a simple person. I just become someone else, someone special actualy someone very special.
I know you love me alot. And no one can love me like you.
But please baby understand what I want.

Baby I simply want to say-"  when I say you, i am sleepy. It doesent mean that I want you to go away n leave me alone.
That particular time I actually want you to lay down with me and hug me as tight as u can, so that I can sleep without any fear. Because I know that my world is with me."
And  when you are with me then it feels like-
I and you are for each other for always.
We are different than others.
We are the lovers the true ones.
I feel like I am in the heaven.
It make me feel safe.
I love u. N I want you to love me .
Butore than that it is important that we should understand each others feeling. We should understand what other want from me.
It will make us together forever. You are my angel n always you will be.

I love you
Semihten5 Oct 2021
premature smiles would
big mistake for the world
the wheather changes suddenly
waits storms
Curiosity killed the cat,
Or so we were told, see, I don't believe that
Let me tell you, what,
He didn't buy it either
He wondered about every little detail others left to the gutters
And he pondered every little spec of dust on his windowsill
See, Curiosity didn't **** the cat,
Because the cat's still alive
And It's okay that you don't know this but it's not from a lack of trying
He screams it at the top of his lungs just because even he needs a reminder somedays
But just because someone tells you a life isn't worth living doesn't mean it isn't alive
Like your passions for grape vines could never grow a vineyard
They're wrong
You can raise up cities
Tame seas
And this isn't just because I professionally believe in you
It's because there's a fire still inside you and I want to keep it alive for selfish reasons
So don't listen to what they say
You can be whatever you want to be, and a little curiosity never hurt anyone
Find whatever it is that you never knew you missed
And make it the basis of your every day lives
Because the strum of those strings reminds you what it means even if you can't define it
Because nobody can
But I beg of you just one thing
Wheather it's the strum of the strings
The words you sing
The seeds you've sewn be them literal or in the metephoric
Just because you've found your life inside whatever it is
Doesn't mean the world lies in that little pocket that you've found rest for your mind
Azhaan hussain Nov 2024
The wheather initiated showing footprints of cold ,
A boy was crounching inside of his blanket whose nature wasnt really bold.
For him where I should hug him but I don't  
He needs to learn that's life isn't a soft tone.
Unknowingly patting starts inside his chest ,
Was that a heat attack or someone telling him he's the best?
The inner child who wanted to feel warm is now in cage,
You might don't know but it takes a lot to drink you own rage.
if you were my little boy I would never let you down ,
I would hug you and never get you frown.
And if you were my little boy I would always make you proud,
Even if you weren't  my little boy you would be the only one I care about.
The little innocent boy who got hate disguise as love.

— The End —