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Don’t be cynical
              Dial down The rhetoric
           The world is watching
       Better class politician
          America still best Hope

Song inspired
another break in the wall part 2
by Pink Floyd

We don’t need to be at each other’s throats, fighting race, creed, color, woke politics
With all the threats coming to America, we need to hold fast stand strong together
more than ever we need unity.
And prayers
Tanka is a haiku consisting of five lines
31 syllables 5-7-5-7-7
If you're going to pull the arrow out, replug the hole with your finger.
Book of Murphy chapter 16:02
Dear *******
The once beloved Knight Sir Lancelot
and his loyal trusted men at
The threat of death were forced to kneel before the entire royal court and pledge their fealty to the King.

They were admonished for their actions.
The King had a more useful purpose for these men. They were given impunity. Which led to the discriminate slaughter of the peasants they sought to protect.

This harsh reminder and lesson for the other Marauders in the land,  going against the King, would have dire consequences.

Song inspired
The monarch song by horrible histories
There are several different versions are all funny
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
An old-fashioned word, somewhat literary word that refers to intense, loyalty or fidelity
Will the fealty of the masses
who have blindy followed a
Judas Ram into the perdition
we now face be shifted slightly
off target by the clarion call
issuing from the Good Shepherd
in search of her lost lambs.
An entry into BLT's Websters word game.  This one was too easy.
Smart and sincere not
              Moral Sanctimonious
                   It’s my way or the highway
                      I’m right and you’re wrong
                             We can do this all day long
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Sanctimonious 7-24-24
Describe the behavior as thought they are more superior than others. Suggest a moral superiority.
"When will you leave?" I asked.
"When you use me to grow yourself,"
replied the pain.
On the Path of God
Lies no fear, no regret, no guilt
Just purpose and courage
And most of all Love
Because of all things
God commands you to love
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