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1.5k · Jul 2019
Good Old Television
Jack Radbourne Jul 2019
good old television
or televisions plural because
this shop window has
twenty-two of them
all showing a celebrity
cooking show twenty-two

identical pans containing
the same cuts of chicken
or maybe pork or whitefish
being lightly browned while
no voice can be heard from
the twenty-two tanned faces

smiling out at us and
here the homeless man
watches them all from the
pavement and the rain
good old television
something for everyone
What surprises me is that even after well over a thousand views nobody has liked or loved or commented on this poem........ Can it be that bad?
1.1k · Jul 2019
Most Marvellous
Jack Radbourne Jul 2019
not crayon not water
but watered down
to drown that claw scratch
of its taste it is
most marvellous
sometimes a shocking
mark made here on the page
here here here here
just where my finger points
to whatever past
symbol we all agreed
on then when need
made need obey
for everyone
sometimes a mark memory
asks for from its past
sometimes a real jewel
that fell to earth and
rang as a star and rings still
so get it back
it’s written down
it can’t be difficult
unless you’re blind
unless you’re dead
and even then it is
most marvellous
928 · Dec 2020
Jack Radbourne Dec 2020
I wonder if you know
What we have now become?
You are that heart-shaped kite
Dancing above in air
While I grasp tight the thread
Not wanting to let go.
712 · Aug 2020
Jack Radbourne Aug 2020
It’s actually quite fun
throwing mud,
if you can accept it
sticks sometimes
to your own slow fingers,
staining them.

But gather it all up
in handfuls,
dirt, wet for preference,
as missiles targeted
away there:

At the dark heart hated
by us all
and by all means repeat
the treatment,
until the target becomes
the victim.

There. Hopefully you feel
better now.
625 · Aug 2020
Label Me
Jack Radbourne Aug 2020
go on label me
put a name against mine
state what you say I did
box me up
lock me down
clamp the compartment lid

go on label me
invent a sin or syndrome
measure me for size
say I am this or that
account for nature and my skin
or the colour of my eyes

go on label me
punch the card
ink barcode my arm
number me a beast
stencil my blood type
where it does least harm

go on label me
believe I've gone away
believe in your own system
and write it safely down
but someone else has labelled you
and someone’s labelled them
544 · Aug 2020
Hey You
Jack Radbourne Aug 2020
Hey you crocodiles
Fighting for words to claim as yours.

Hey you mosquitoes
Drinking more than your fair share.

Hey you vultures
Circling around the weakest of us.

Hey you spiders
Waiting for an easy meal.

Hey you apes
Battling for possession of a bruised rose:

Look up and see the stars.
541 · Nov 2020
The Best Word
Jack Radbourne Nov 2020
There are words that do not need saying,
Words that are wrong or cruel,
Words that lead others to fail or cry,
Words that are sweet words of betraying,
Words that flatter or fool,
Words that weave a maze in the head,
Words that tell a talent not to try,
Many of these there are, although
There are also words that need to be said:
You are the best word that I know.
525 · Nov 2020
Short Poem
Jack Radbourne Nov 2020

and me
             waiting to see

now seeing you
       that’s enough
513 · Nov 2020
Moods of Verse
Jack Radbourne Nov 2020
There’s tidiness here
And a full dream ahead
Pencil and paper set out
As soldiers wait to die

There’s sadness here
And some words of sorrow
Songs allowed to cry
Tears allowed to fall

There’s humour here
And laughter in my pen
Jokes brewing happily
Smiles served for all

There’s anger here
And a list of needs
Names and faces known
Rights to claim again

There’s true love here
And sweet ambition
Sun and eyes and skin
Ready for kissing
I set out to keep this simple and sincere.  Enjoy.
496 · Oct 2020
Song for a Flame
Jack Radbourne Oct 2020
Guard your freedom flame: Do not permit
Events or people to extinguish it

Guard your freedom flame:
Or live a shackled life, corrode in chains
Without a vision of the sun or rain

Guard your freedom flame:
Or hear how truth is mocked by lies and lust
And let sweet souls be trampled in the dust

Guard your freedom flame:
See how turbulent times threaten its spark
Into the shadow and the waiting dark

Guard your freedom flame:
Share your spark, ignite hope for you and me
Increase, again increase, this liberty

Guard your freedom flame: Do not permit
Events or people to extinguish it
468 · Dec 2019
Assembling Heaven
Jack Radbourne Dec 2019
Read the instructions carefully:
Begin at one, go on to two,
Although, if logic’s not your thing,
Just tear the rule book into shreds
And visualise perfection now
Using the ideas of ideas

Beyond mortality and death,
Build foundations of cotton wool
Clouds as white as nothing known here,
Blend with new brightness,
Wipe clear shades of uncertainty
Away into whatever time

Becomes in this new place and then
Find things to occupy your time:
Balance pale porcelain cherubs
High and thread cold stars in millions
Above them. Harp with purest notes
If you are musical, if not,

Give oxygen to souls in need,
And shelter on this white mountain
Those bewildered victims starting
Without choice to spend infinity
Themselves believing nothing more
Than self and suffering.
438 · Jul 2020
No words For You
Jack Radbourne Jul 2020
I find there are no words for you
or none that on their own will do
your true ways cannot be expressed
whatever things swim through my head
are not enough to say aloud
and so intending what is best
here are my rhymes for you instead
420 · Sep 2020
Storm Words
Jack Radbourne Sep 2020
That night I saw you sail
on wind made into words
on surf breaking in sound
on foam-crested verses
and your song called again
rolled back and called again
in this storm of meanings
wrecks were made of reason
my tears became the rain.

— The End —