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596 · Aug 2017
Jorge Diaz Aug 2017
Holy God, Sovereign, Faithful, Righteous and True

I pray every day that I may be reduced

Death to the flesh, alive in You

This is hard to do

So much temptation blurs my view

Whatever it takes, this is what I chose

Be the gardener of my heart, weeds, and thorns remove

Drink from Your cup, Blood of Jesus righteous juices

My soul’s affection and bruised

Healed by Christ Jesus, stripes, and wounds

Don’t want to go back into the devil's pool

Let me walk in your victorious shoes

So that I won’t slip into the devil's glue

Like a plug to a socket, connected to You

So I won’t go down into death and meet my doom

Everywhere I go, Your light that gives life produces

Giving birth to everlasting Spiritual fruit

Fire of Your Holiness consumed

“To live as Christ and to die is gain”

This is my life’s pursuit
562 · Sep 2017
Jorge Diaz Sep 2017
Part 1

I come to you with openness
With truthfulness

We need to be Opposite
By Jesus

Is found in material things

We need to leave our mark in history
Not by what we can see
But by what we cannot see

There is a war
For our soul
Don’t lose

For many are covered in darkness
In blindness

We need to bring the light
Into their life's

Because humans are like a water stream
They go
With the flow
Don’t understand what’s beneath

For they are deceived
With unbelief
Cannot forgive

And everything in between

Part 2

Commandments from one through ten
Freely chosen
Did not listen

Women and men
Following the Serpent
Their spirit affected
Now dead

The one who gives them
In His book written

His affection
Pay attention
All humans

We are His children
Not rejection
Autumn love demonstration

We have fallen
But we are not demolish
Will come to Satan

From beginning to end
He planed
To Send
His only son for redemption

Blood red
Sins forgiveness

Three days rose
From life to death
From death to life

On the Man who changed history
For all humanity

Jesus is that Men
Come to HIM today.
524 · Sep 2017
Jorge Diaz Sep 2017
It’s Endless
No start no finish
It's God's presence
Through all dimensions
His Spirit

Physical matter embrace
For we are its subject
With-in its space

Without it
We do not exist
With it
We coexist
In a finite

Life’s courses
First breath
Day of birth
Every choice of yours
Every step
Future only God knows

Passes by
Leaving behind
Warning signs
With cries
That we may realize
The issues of life

Gives you opportunities
The discovery
Of how to be
From your enemy

Tick Tock
On the cross
He was mocked
Forgiveness He talks
Grace, He brought

Once it ends
Eternity begins
Once you’re dead
Where will you be lead?

Presence of the Savior
Presence when a deceiver

Come to Jesus today.
472 · Aug 2017
You Saved me
Jorge Diaz Aug 2017
We do not have to plead our case
For he took our place
Tracing back-to Genesis
When we were molded by His grace

His love demonstrate
Gender and race
For we are all the same

It’s a shame
What we are today
Is not how we were made
To walk around with these chains

For we bear His image
To a perfect finish
But we’re stained with sinful *******

It's self to blame
Self-most fade
Our ego trade
For a righteous change

He paved the way
So that our sins will be erased
Our hearts engraved
With the message that saves

Demons shack
When they see His face
The devil races
Back to his cage

His love is like a flame
Power with in His name
From death the grave
To life, He reigns

Your guilt exchanged
With your sins paid
Forgiveness He give
Don’t have to wait
Come to Jesus today.
You have saved me...
461 · Aug 2017
A Cry for HELP
Jorge Diaz Aug 2017
O Lord
How I have fallen over
Allowed my fresh to take over
Addictions of old uncover

I’ve hit the floor
Because of self-effort
Sin has me in a corner
O how I mourn

Am spiritually sore
No more
Do I want to be torn

I want to be all Your
In Thy arms
My Savoir
My Shepherd

I give You full control
Body, spirit, and soul
Help me to Ignore
The distraction of this world

In Thy grace restore
My heart for Your
Mind and eyes make pure

O Heavenly Father
In You alone
I want to adore
You are my true life source

In Thy wings of love soar 
Above life storms
Thy Word record
In my heart's core

To go forward
Not backward
This I pray for
This I am sure
I can not run this races on my own.  I need help.....
Jorge Diaz Aug 2017
Covered from head to toes, in this sinful mud

Weighs more than a thousand tons

Seeking for help, in wrong directions we run 

Drowning in the worlds' dissolution pond

Demons ripping apart our hearts like piranhas in the Amazon

This is their act of pleasure and fun

To make us, selves of the devil, the fictional fraud

Whose tongue is like a frog?

Wrapped around our thoughts

Misconceptions, our mind he would flood

To injected us with his disease of death

Our life he seek to rob

286% of alcohol, I was almost gone

This is my life's testimony to all

Now I worship and sever the true living God

He revived my heart, with His unfailing love

Starched out arms from above

Shepherd staff and rod

Crucified His Son, shaded His Blood

Now I worship the Lord Jesus Christ

Every day, throughout the night, until the break of dawn

Lock and loading the Word of God

Within my heart, sin be gone

It is to Him that I now belong

Holy Spirit lead, fire in my lungs

Making Christ known

Is my life's marathon
Jorge Diaz Sep 2017

Our Words
Are thought expressed
Within the contacts
Of our heart's intent

Our Word
A manifestation
That reveals
Our spiritual condition
The humans friction
Between good and evil
A piercing to our emotions

Our Words
We either speak
To please
To deceive
A blessing
Or filled with profanity

Our Words
Are a part of you
They stick like gum to a shoe
Freely they are used
Floating around like a balloon
Careless and playfully like a cartoon
No clue
Of its true

Our Love
It Hurts
It could bring us together
Or rip us apart
We need maintenance to our hearts
Like a broken car
It has lose part

Our Love
Is blind
Yes that’s right
We only like
What we see with our eyes
Don’t care to hear the truth inside

Our Love
Understanding of it is wrong
With sin, it’s clogged
We toss it around like a ping pong ball
Always hitting a wall

Our Love
Its moral attribute
With self-confused
Everything to gain and nothing to lose
It's the opposite
Everything to lose and nothing to gain
We have to stop playing that mind game

Our Actions
Is a reaction
To the attachment
Of our mental process

Our Actions
Our behavior
In labor
Towards what we favor
Self pleasure
Who cares about our neighbor?
It’s the law that we find better

Our Actions
Or an accident
It was motivated
By sin Influence
Either by self or spiritual darkness
Still, have to face the consequence

Our Actions
More evil than goodness


His Word
The unseen and makes
The physical state

His Word
It's not like ours
For creation is showered
Sustained by its power
Throughout histories hours
It’s been strong like a fortressed tower

His Word
Doesn't change
Always Remains
The same
It's not to entertain
But to heal our pain
For our very being is sustained
By the fulfillment of its grace

His Word
Is true
Holding past, present, and future like glue
its track record not new
Nothing to prove
Always alive never on mute
Let it consume

His Love
Is not random
Nor can it be fathom
Molded by those hands
So that we can all become
His daughter's and sons
Right were we belong

His Love
Is pure
The Cure
The rescue
To our emotional insecure
In its wing of mercy, we are secure

His Love
The human joy
From its core

His Love
Not an imagination
But arms of affirmation
To All person
With no divisions

His Actions
In Him
Who died on the cross?
For you and me
Can not deny
Just the need
To believe

His Actions
Sins forgiveness
Life redemption
Brought out of darkness

His Actions
Against all evil devices
To protect our life
Day or night

His Actions
Eternal judge
For all, we have done
Saved in Christ the one
That died for our wrongs
So we will not be condemned
Let’s not wait until the end
Embrace Him as a father and as a friend
419 · Aug 2017
Word of Life
Jorge Diaz Aug 2017
The LORD's Word

Creates ocean waves

They surf right through my brain

The love of the Father

Is what keeps me brave

If you're interested and bothered

To know my inner flame

Then Salvation

Is the name

Spreading it all over the nation

Is the game


We have gained

Making history

Should run through our veins

Accepting the LORD

Is a process of change

Being reborn

And walking in His righteous ways

Is confessing your sins

And you'll be redeemed

Don't hold it within

And He'll be there, on time of need

For the things, we have done

He'll set us free

For He is the one

Who give us eyes to see
I wrote this back in 2006 when I met Jesus. My whole life changed. He gave me a desire to read His Word. I fell in love and I was inspired to write this poem.
416 · Aug 2017
Jorge Diaz Aug 2017
We do not have to plead our case
For he took our place
Tracing back-to Genesis
When we were molded by His grace

His love demonstrate
Gender and race
For we are all the same

It’s a shame
What we are today
Is not how we were made
To walk around with these chains

For we bear His image
To a perfect finish
But we’re stained with sinful *******

It’s self to blame
Self-most fade
Our ego trade
For a righteous change

He paved the way
So that our sins will be erased
Our hearts engraved
With the message that saves

Demons shack
When they see His face
The devil races
Back to his cage

His love is like a flame
Power with in His name
From death the grave
To life, He reigns

Your guilt exchanged
With your sins paid
Forgiveness He give
Don’t have to wait
Come to Jesus today.
Forgiveness is the power of freedom...
406 · Aug 2017
My Hero
Jorge Diaz Aug 2017
We do not have to plead our case
For he took our place
Tracing back-to Genesis
When we were molded by His grace
His love demonstrate
Gender and race
For we are all the same
It’s a shame
What we are today
Is not how we were made
To walk around with these chains
For we bear His image
To a perfect finish
But we’re stained with sinful *******
It's self to blame
Self-most fade
Our ego trade
For a righteous change
He paved the way
So that our sins will be erased
Our hearts engraved
With the message that saves
Demons shack
When they see His face
The devil races
Back to his cage
His love is like a flame
Power with in His name
From death the grave
To life, He reigns
Your guilt exchanged
With your sins paid
Forgiveness He give
Don’t have to wait
Come to Jesus today.
397 · Aug 2017
Encourage a Friend
Jorge Diaz Aug 2017
When you face obstacles and trouble
Your faith starts to crumble
You question is if God is real or not
Your lead into doubt


The righteous 7 times may stumble
They get backed-up and become stronger
By Dialing Jeremiah 33:3
That special number

Once we become His
Internally will become rich
Externally we still go through bad things
Just need to remember not to quit

He delivered His people from the pharaoh
With His mighty hand
He points His bow and arrow
Against your enemy, so they fall no longer stand

He parted sea
So they can walk across dry ground
His miracles they got to see
Don't forfeit for your time is now

They were 40 days in the desert
He protected them from their neighbors
Continue to trust in His Word
So by this world, you won't get hurt

To quench their thirst
He provided water out of the rock
Your needs He places first
In faith step outside your box

When they were sick
They were healed
No matter what you think
A doctor He is, to how you feel

When they failed to listen
They were placed under his discipline
His love for his children serious
From start to finish

Moses climbed the mountain
40 days to God he was speaking
The people all the gold they counted
For an idol Chaff, they started worshiping

They were placed under judgment
Believers and non-believers were separated
To the non-believers, death was sent
To the Believers life for their repentance

To the promise land
They graded towards
That the plan
Into eternity you shall s

On the way
They encountered war
Just like today
The struggle is not over

To the doubters
Stayed outside the gates
The sinners and cowers
Shared the same fate

To the faithful
He gave the promise land to
Yes He is able
To finish line He will carry you

When in doubt
Worship with lifted hands
His name you shout
The impossible He does and can

Understanding this walk
Is not done in your own straight
It’s a daily sit down talk
A relationship with Him
Jorge Diaz Sep 2017
The world is in stage of insanity
Practically it is crazy
Heaven and earth shacking
So many un-answer questions, that I finally
Deceived to sit down with Reality
With a paper and pen to take notes, I was ready
As he began to speak, my ear opened
My eyes widened and I was focus
His voice was full of pain consumed in sadness
To understand the present and future is to understand the past
From the beginning, he started
I was curious to what Reality, had to say, I was hooked

From His eternal Palace
God decided to create
Something out of empty space
The invasion of His spoken Word and His presence
Created time and matter within the empty space insistence
With His Word, God created the universe
The animals and separated the ocean's
All within days one through six

But, we were molded by His hands for a purpose
He breathed the breath of life into us
Created in His image, pure, naked and perfect
He was the first surgeon
Out of the ribs of men God made the women
So that by their seed the earth will be inhabited

He gave us free will as a love token
We are not made to be robots
So that our love towards Him will be genuine not forces
As His love is towards us
With a choice comes the test

You may eat off any tree accept
The tree of good and evil He said
Obedience to His comment brings life
Disobedience to His comment brings death

They were placed in the garden
That's where everything began
The stage was set

To be continued....
367 · Aug 2017
Talking to a Friend
Jorge Diaz Aug 2017
As I sat down with my friend
To talk we began

One on one
Open conversation

A bond of trust
A must

Expressing her lost
Letting it out like a water fall

I understood and responded with a nod
I will tell her what I saw

Your Choices
Are influenced by someone voices
Or by your free will

So much noise
You can not think clear

The way you feel
You just want life to disappear

When you look in the mirror
You break down into tears

Your life is broken like glass is shattered
Hopeless and in despair

These words I would like to share
Because I care    

I have been there
Confused and afraid

My life I almost took away
A second chance I was given on that day

I fell a sleep that night
When I woke up I felt broken inside

I understood what I had done to myself
That’s when I started crying out for help

I was tired of the way I felt
Tired of being wrapped up in the devil's belt

Tired of being a mess
Tired of feeling depress

For three days I rode the bus
Thinking and to God, I was speaking

In change, I was in search
Invited to go to church

I learned the meaning of the cost of love
That a man came from above

He took all my pain
He forgave

All my wrong were wiped away
I was never the same

He was whipped
He was mocked

They placed a crown of thrones on His head
Hung on a cross unit He was dead

They Pierced His side and He bled
Into hell, He descends

To take back the keys of death
No longer will the devil control our flesh

On the third day, He was resin
To give us all back life’s breath

In Him, we find our rest
In Him, we find new life

This what I told my friend
Come, believe and confess

Put your trust
In Jesus Christ
358 · Aug 2017
Jorge Diaz Aug 2017
From the shortest to the smallest
From the biggest, tallest and Giants
Let's stop the violence's 
The average, smartest and brightest
Let's stop and think
Our life with-out Jesus
Is like an artist who has no materials
A car but no driver
Useless, impatience, confuse and full of emptiness
It is like a book with no pages
A pen with no ink
At a standstill without directions
In a state of hopelessness

But, a relationship with Jesus
Can't be bought, for it is priceless
Special, unique and precious
Neither can it be ruffled as a ticket
For it's not a human gift or present
There is only one way it come
And that's a spiritual awakening, awareness
Of the truth that is mention 
In Christ Jesus message
Of joy, peace, and salvation
"That He is the truth, the way, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)

So let your eyes and heart be open
Connect to Him in a personal, spiritual bond
Fall on your knees voluntarily repentance and exceptions
Of His sacrifices and the flowing of His blood
Which brought us salvation
Cleaning our affliction
No longer are we covered in darkness
Like a towel and Windex
We are being wiped and polish
Every second, minute within the hour we are in the process
Of receiving a pure-hearted transformation
All it takes is faithfulness and dedication
To inherit, fellowship, disciple, and education
Don't look at me, my faults and imperfectness
But look at God, His Son, Holy Spirit, and Trinity
At His Word, faithfulness, reliable promises
My relationship with Him is most important to me. The life I live is based on my relationship with Him. A relationship of truth and love.
Jorge Diaz Oct 2017
Reality spoke with word of emphasizes
As I gazed into his eyes
He looked terrified
I felt nerves inside
The next stage of history he categorizes
As humanity idols and compromised

For the humans logic and reason
Was now seasoned by the serpent poison
The foundational truth of our existence injected with corruption
The heart motivated by evil inclination

The human race, universe, and earth
Were now under a curse
Unit the promised one will come
Things will get worst

After Adam and Eve had their first two sons
It became a conversational tradition
On how to honor the God of creation
What could and could not be done

One was a framer and the other a hunter
The yearly sacrifice need to be offered
One sacrifice fruits and the other a lamb on the alter
The choices to do what is right and wrong
Was now in their hands where it belongs

Not both offerings got accepted
The one who offered the fruit got offended
His jealousy led him to **** his brother
Into the ground poured forth his blood

Crying out for justice into the ears of God
He was judged and cursed as a ****** unit his days were gone

As men and women started to multiple
Their hearts were filled with evil
Angles lusted over the women’s beauty
To them, they came to sleep
And giants they conceive

The Creator was now agree
But there was one that found favor in His eyes
To him, he would speak
Noah was his name
Times and seasons were about to change

The Creator will share with him what was to come
He told Noah to build an ark and not delay
To take two of every animal and his family he would save
It was going to rain for forty days
And forty nights

The fallen angels were put into chains
For they taught the secret arts
To all plants and stars
Humans were never the same
For those that failed to listen to Noah
And not come into the ark would pass away

To be Continued..
337 · Aug 2017
Jorge Diaz Aug 2017
Humanity is lost and afraid
As I sit here today
I see our world enraged
Our soldiers are far away
Policeman's are dying and going into their graves
I look up at the stars and I hear a voice within my heart say
Every tongue and every nation has gone astray
Let my children's arise come together and be brave
For in my name (JESUS) there will be change
Many Souls will be saved
What has been will be again,
What has been done will be done again;
There is nothing new under the sun.
For evil is no longer on a marathon but on a sprint to outrun what is to come
But those in Christ, Gods sons
Will hear the sound of the trumpet, rapture and be gone
324 · Aug 2017
Conviction & Redemption
Jorge Diaz Aug 2017
Shocked and Stunned

When that day comes

Your chances to repent are gone

Wishing you had done things differently

Standing in front

Facing Christ Jesus at the judgment seat

The Great White Thorn, with your planted feet

No escape on what lies ahead

Because you did not believe, sincerely

He tells you to depart from me

I never knew you

In hell, you will find yourself to be

Burning and suffering for all eternity

Every second you lived the day was a new

This is true

You chooses and refuses

To listen to the message

To change your ways and your views

O how my heart goes out to you

How I pray that your eyes be opened

The pride of your heart is broken

That you will look at your life and its course

You might have money, cars, and girls

But you are stuck severing this world

Pleasures of the flesh is your focuses

Departed from God

Not obeying His Word

Like a blind bird

Don’t know where to go

Home is lost and the horizon is a blur

This is not the life you deserve

Come to Jesus today....
2 Corinthians 5:10 (NIV)

10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.

Revelation 20:11 (NIV)

11 Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. The earth and the heavens fled from his presence, and there was no place for them.
315 · Sep 2017
Absolute Truth - Part 2
Jorge Diaz Sep 2017
Part 2

Two Paths
Two ways
Do the math
God does not play

Like metal to a magnet
We are pulled to do what is wrong
But the right still lives inside of us even as a fragment
This we know all along

No matter what you have done
At the feet of Jesus where you belong
Your past, present, and future sins are gone
Forgiveness becomes you new song

Taking control of your air balloon
Removing the tape life of perspective
Embracing Jesus the absolute truth
Understanding what one faces

The bible you now read
Your eyes now see
Life’s true meaning
Creation, sin, redemption and it’s ending

So your choice makes a difference
Go into the streets
Filled with Jesus presences
Not to judge but the gospel to preach

Planting seeds
Allowing God to make it grow
Because you know
Jesus is knocking on their heart’s door

What awaits the world?
Judgment with fire
To purify it to make it a pearl
Into hell all unbeliever and devil

Your Choices
Could either lead you to poison
Or into fortune
Hell or heaven

Stay with your earthly desire
An eternity burning with fire
Receive the breath of life
Eternity with God to admire

Absolute truth
Let it become a part of you
Jorge Diaz Sep 2017
The conversation took a pause
I was eager to know more
I was in awe
Reality said to make sure
To listen with my ear, understand with my heart so I don’t get lost
And he continued

Time and history was affected
Based on what happened next
The scent of temptation was send
By the conniving serpent

Evil and hater was his intention
As he spoke to the women with lies and deception
Catching her heart's attention
It’s ok to eat from the tree of good and evil He mentioned

She remembered what Her Father had said, but forgot the consequences
The promise of being like Him, like a god, like the creator
The more she listened the greater the temptation
As they both ate from the tree death and separation
To All creation

Causing a broken relationship with the Creator
Hiding their nakedness with fig levees
They lost their state of innocence and perfection
The creator becomes the judge

That's the reaction to their actions
The creator becomes the lawgiver
Out of our disobedience, we become the sinners
He gave the Judgment and the prophecy

The punishment and the way of salvation
The Serpents destruction
The purification of our nature and creation
Our relationship with the Creator restoration

Will come in the form of a man born of women

God killed a lamb that was innocent
To cloth their nakedness
They were kicked out of the Garden
He placed in front of the tree of life to angelic guardians

To be Continued...
309 · Aug 2017
Jorge Diaz Aug 2017
There is only a two-way street

For a human being

It is seen

With our ability

Of Decision-making

Either Heaven or hell will be

The place where you or I will dwell in eternity

Facts are simply this

We're born into sin consequently


Separated from God Almighty

In His absolute nature, He is Holy

I am groaning, longing inside of me

To bring this message, to all who are perishing

Entrance into Heaven there is only one key

But the road to hell, the path is many

Read the Gospel of John especially

Chapter 3

We seek to please

Ourselves with human philosophy

And forget our spiritual need

The women at the well portrays this clearly

When Jesus began to speak

He revealed what is here and now

Is a passing of a breeze?

She agreed

And ask Jesus what you mean

Jesus said this water you will drink

And later you will come back again

But what I give is everlasting

If you believe

Spring of living water would flow out of thee
John 14:6New International Version (NIV)

6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
305 · Aug 2017
Jorge Diaz Aug 2017
Right and wrong is no longer defined
By a divided line
Morality no longer exists in the human mind
Truth has been overcome by compromise and lies

I chose not to follow the crowd and stand to the side
To be a difference maker with my time

I am not the judge but the judge is soon to arrive
The atmosphere is consumed by hypocrisy and apostasy  
False religion, wolf covered in sheep clothing on the rise
Preaching teaching nothing but idolatry

The devil disguised as an angel of light
Bring war and endless distraction to all humanity

Like a rat in a maze
We are detained
With no escape
Prisoners to the devil's games

But things have changed
This I would say

If you are alive
Your life is in a tie
Every step, every breath you take
Your life is in overtime

The choice you make will decide
Where you will spend your eternal afterlife
Good and evil are in constant fight
For your soul, mind, and life

The man who was crucified
Jesus Christ
Set us free from being victimized
His grace and love is the ultimate prize

Jesus was resin
To become your friend
To bring evil to an end
He now stands
At the right hand of Father in heaven

You don’t know when
You will run out of Oxygen
Your sins have been forgiven
This world and the devil will be defeated

Jesus will soon come in the cloud
With a double edge Sword in his mouth
To bring justice to all
Only those who in Him they believe will be a loud
To enter His earthly kingdom

If Christ you do not choice
Then with the devil, you will lose

Come to Christ today
This I pray
279 · Sep 2017
Absolute truth - Part 1
Jorge Diaz Sep 2017
Part 1

The removal of Absolute truth
It’s like a pierced air balloon
Oxygen and air it will soon lose
Losing control nothing we can-do

Like tape an easy fix
But it won’t stick

Perspective has become its replacement
Humanity’s extinction
The minds Pollution
Animation to our existence

Keeping us in a state of nonsense
Produce a fictional conscience
Logic has been stained by its toxic
Good values are no longer put into practice

Let these words start trends
In the heart and minds of each person
Knowledge and wisdom refocus
Bring it back to the surfaces

Like a body of ocean
Become like the shark
All that’s false rip apart
To see the beautiful art

Universe and stars reveal
The glory of God is real
An Attempt by Evil
The lie of this world wants to steal

What Our heart feel
Time is here
To chose your meal
The deal has been made clear

Follow the world to an endless pit
Or build your house on the rock with everlasting bricks
Continue to be deceived by the devil’s tricks
Or receive Jesus His love and grace

Two Ideologies cannot be mix
Nor contradiction co-exist
Going back to absolute truth is the fix
Choosing to ignore you are at risk
278 · Aug 2017
Hard to believe
Jorge Diaz Aug 2017
It is hard to conceive, to believe

What we are going through is tough

It’s truly not, just a rain drop

Really, it not much

Forecast shows, it’s not going to stop

Begging to the end times has just begun

Loud and clear like a gun shot

Accuracy of Bible prophecy fulfillment can’t be touch

In step with humanity from begging to end

Sovereignty of God’s will always stand

He knows all

It will never be gone

Sit down and think, take a pose

The storm is approaching, worst is yet to come

What side are you on?

God the Creator, has had enough

His mercy, grace is still at reach

To those who call out

God’s atomic boom is about to go off

His righteous anger, judgment, pouring out ready to flush

This world that is covered with evil stuff

Better word with junk

Making and establishing cults

Giving answers to these troubled times, which are false

From text of ancient myths, nothing but nonsense

God’s truth refuses to listen, and so be lost

This world has nothing to offer you, but ******, hatred, and lust

No purpose, no hope, no detraction

Making you think, you could do as you want

Exposing your body, chest, breast, legs having *** getting drunk 

Confused in your thoughts, so many problems, you’re going nuts 

The devil's toes are hot

Like a boiling ***

Seeking whom he can deceive

He’s on the hunt

Because he knows his time is almost up

Don’t look to me; don’t look around but to God

He is in control sitting on the throne

He’s on top

What you do now counts

Or repent; confess Christ as your SAVOR and in HIM you put your trust

I not perfect but I am redeemed by His Blood

Speak of this I must
Conviction on what's happening in the world.
God word is being forfilled as we live today.

— The End —