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Solaces Mar 2014
Strange..  The way the light shines here..  Its not like back at home..  Where all at once light takes over a room in an instant.. Here light moves at a much slower rate..  Amazing how light pushes darkness away..  It seems to do so but in a very gentle manner.  It protects the darkness. It does not want to vanquish it.. The darkness also does the same to the light.  They truly make love to eachother..
l . l . d
Solaces Oct 2018
I capture this memory with my mind..
The way the sun lit up your eyes..
The wind made your hair flutter ever so..
My dream came true..
Memory of light...
Solaces Feb 2024
(Is there an emotion for mystical? I suppose it would be to be mystified. Perhaps awe is the word I am looking for.  I was in awe at the sight of him! I was beyond mystified!)

It started in the Yellow Wastelands.  Where life went to die.  As life dies there, they become a part of the Yellow Wasteland adding to his spread and growth becoming a sort of crystalline lattice.  All go willingly to the crystalline whisper. The whisper in recent theory emanates from the shining yellow crystals that grow among the Yellow Wasteland like blue bonnets in the Texas spring.  Once the Whisper is heard the victim willingly partakes in what we call The March. The March is a mindless saunter to The Yellow Wasteland where upon arrival they lay in the yellow dirt and slowly begin crystalizing. We have tried stopping The March. But have been unsuccessful for many years.  During the state of the march the victim gains a strange, extraordinary ability to control others as they see fit. If one or a group of people, try and prevent the march they will be controlled by the whisper to put the victim back on track.  The final equation that we cannot solve is why one hears the whisper.  There seems to be no pattern whatsoever.

On this day my daughter heard the whisper. We walked with her for hours on end.  My wife and son followed shortly behind whilst I walked beside her talking about memories and music.  My son then caught up and started to play his lute. He played song after song and sang beautiful lyrics that they wrote together.  My wife would then catch up to fix our daughters hair and clean her face as we walked and walked toward The Yellow Wasteland.  There were times where we would walk all together in a line and pray and pray.  

Over the Wolf's crossing trail was a hill. The hill was now called.
" The Last Ascend."    The Yellow Wasteland can be seen below.  We started the ascend up the last ascend.  Tears flooded all our eyes as we were powerless to stop The March.
Toward oblivion.
Solaces Aug 2014
When I got dropped off the first thing I noticed was the floating islands passing on by.. 
They all had this blue windmill that would spin with a beautiful light at its center..
The windmills were soundless..
They did not whisper a noise at all..
I then turned around and noticed I was on a floating island myself..
I then looked over the edge  of this sky island and saw the clouds below..
I wanted to see what was under them..
My sky island seem to read my mind and took me below the clouds..
There were millions upon millions of people everywhere..
They were running after all the sky islands with their hands to the sky..
They were all screaming out " TAKE ME"!!
Take to the skies in the near end..
Solaces May 2014
When I got dropped off the first thing I noticed was the floating islands passing on by..
They all had this blue windmill that would spin with a beautiful light at its center..
The windmills were soundless..
They did not wisper a noise at all..
I then turned around and noticed I was on a floating island myself..
I then looked over the edge  of this sky island and saw the clouds below..
I wanted to see what was under them..
My sky island seem to read my mind and took me below the clouds..
There were millions upon millions of people everywhere..
They were running after all the sky islands with their hands to the sky..
They were all screaming out " TAKE ME"!!
Solaces 1d
The young sorceress Baltra observed the stars above. She and her old friend Killian together discover something in the constellation Oscillain, The star dragon.  

" The Oscillain constellation has gained a star at the left-wing center mount. It does not belong there."  Baltra spoke from the observatory "Gaze heavenward" on the island of Cimsoc.  She has been there a year learning about the sky and all its wonderful mysteries. The observatory was built on an island where the sky seems to present itself the best. The darkness there made star watching a beautiful dream come true.  " You're correct Baltra. That star was not indeed there nor am I seeing it in any of the star legends." Killian was an old Star watcher and a great creator of maps. Using the sky above he was able to create maps and plot out directions for lost ships at sea as well as people lost on land.  " Killian there is a strange light pattern and sequence the new star is emitting." The new star begins to flicker and channel new colors of light.  Killian looked in awe at the star trying to ascertain if it was a star at all.  

Killian eyes so focused on the sky where interrupted by his ears that heard something in the surrounding beautiful darkness that star watchers loved so much. He then turned to Baltra to warn her whom already heard the sound herself and held her staff high.  

" Luminis Sados!!" Baltra's staff lit up like a bright moon revealing the horde of undead skull warriors.  Their eyes began to glow a dead verdant followed by howls and moans as they advanced forward.
Solaces 7d
The screams of fear and joy echoed throughout the ravine where the Violet Cascade waterfall fell.  Solan awaited Alston and his boys as they slid down the spiral ice bridge with a smile on his face.

Alston and his boys reached the bottom of the waterfall with eyes wide open with fear only to scream with joy and laughter.  Solan begin to laugh with them as he helped them on their feet. Alston then then turned to Solan.  " We must have saved a day in a half sliding down the waterfall like that! Yes, my friend, we can follow the riverbank to the gold dusk road bridge.  We should be able to reach the bridge at a steady pace by midday."  Leaves begin to fall beginning to write the lyrics of an autumn song soon to have melodies and verses. By midday the gold dusk road was reached.  The bridge was alive with caravans, vendors, tents, fires, small battalions and the moving of folk throughout the land all trying to reach the castle city of Oinotna.  Solan then spotted a Council of wizards deep in discussion smoking silver grass. Solan spoke out to the group.  " I will go into discussion with my fellow coven members and seek out knowledge of what they have experienced as well as share what we have seen. Very well Solan, I'll find us a place to camp nearby and find us some food. Alston, if chicken is burning somewhere please fetch me a thigh. Very well!"

Solan approached the Conclave of wizards as the smoke of the silver grass swayed through the air like a magical haze only dreams could conjure. Solan knew of three wizards there in discussion.  Rizen, from the coven Sun-wind. They wore the color red throughout the lands. Wizards that specialize in fire and wind spells. Olian, from the coven Metals of the light. Wizards that specialize in invocations, blessing weapons with immense powers and abilities. They mostly cloaked themselves in the color gray.  And finally, Tersia, from the coven Wings of the moon, Sorceresses specializing in the magic of water and healing. Wearing a pale white moon colored cloak.  As Solan arrived a wizard in a gold cloak called out to him " Solan from the coven 3 Stars shine." Solans coven had only three members which the other two members being his brother and sister.  3 stars shine specialized in ice magic as well as combustion magic.  " Come and sit with us Solan, Join the discussion."  A clump of silver grass was given to Solan as he fetched his pipe from his pocket.  He huffed up a huge smoke cloud and added to the magical haze that swirled about and joined the discussion.
Solaces Feb 3
The campfire danced into the night absorbing the conversation the young wizard was having with the father and his two sons.

The four of them ate chicken with broth as the glow of the campfire warmed their bones.  " Mr. wizard sir" One of the boys whose mouth was full of chicken softly started the conversation with the young wizard.  " What were those words you were yelling? I did not understand their meaning." The young wizard whose mouth was also full of chicken had to wait a moment to chew his food and speak properly.  With a giant gulp of a swallow the young wizard explained.  " Those words were invocations or chants.  I suppose a sort of calling or request for me to ask upon nature and the universe that I may borrow their power. The first invocation I used was Ignitis Sol. Which means Ignite the sun. The second one was Ignitis Sados which means Ignite the staff." The young boys both smiled while they ate as they listened to the young wizard talk about magic and invocations.  Their father ate silently and finally joined the conversation. " We are heading to the great castle city of Ointona.  Are you going in the same direction as us stranger?  The young wizard who again had a giant amount of chicken in his mouth had to chew a little faster to join in conversation with the boy's father. With a large nearly choking gulp the wizard answered the father's question. " I am.  Would you like me to join you on your travels to the same destination?"  The father of the two boys answered with a concerned yet relieved face. " Yes, would you please. I am Alston, these are my boys Kanan and Liam.  We owe you, our lives. " The young wizard smiled and uttered out some words almost unrecognizable with again a mouth full of chicken.
  "This meal will be your payback to me."

The young wizard then set his staff down as it begins its watchful eye of the night.    " Let's all get some rest; my staff will keep watch if anything wicked should happen to come our way."
Solaces Feb 19
" Your new blade needs a name." Said the young wizard to his new warrior awoken friend.  The blade gleamed with magical permanent glows and luminescent courage.  It also seemed lighter in weight when Alston held and wielded it.  

Liam and Kanan awoke from their slumber oblivious to the cursed night they slept through.  Alston stoked up fire and broke out the pans for cooking.  Eggs sizzled to both the boy's delight.  The sun broke through the clouds and the young wizard soaked it up in his staff. He walked back toward the campfire to the smell of eggs sizzling under the morning sun.  Alston retained his fatherly appearance, and the warrior was hidden and dormant inside the new unlocked chamber of his soul.  Birds sang their morning melodies and rabbits hopped to an unheard song of nature.

The four of them ate breakfast through the beautiful morning with the boys laughing at the funny faces the young wizard was making at them.  The young wizard also had egg yolk on the sides of his mouth.  Although formidable in the uses of the magical arts the young wizard table etiquettes were not so proper.   Alston then fetched some toy soldiers and horses for the boys to play with while he and the young wizard packed up for the journey ahead. After everything was packed Alston then lifted the sheathed sword and looked to the young wizard.  

" I will name this blade "Awoken." Together this blade and I awoke parts of us that had always been there, yet fear kept them from awakening. Awoken has vanquished that fear.  Now I must learn the way of the sword.  My brother-in-law is the commander of arms in Oinotna.  I will learn from him when we arrive.  Let us journey together my friend."
Solaces Jan 31
The young wizard walked on through the sand near the bank of the purple river. Heading easterly toward the great purple waterfall and below to the fork of the green and blue rivers.   His steps were silent in the white and golden sands as the evening slowly bedded the day down.  The young wizard readied his staff for battle. Charged with sunlight from the early day he was ready for another fight.  

As he walked on through the blankets of shadow the night brushed with paint made of darkness, he heard cries and screams for help. He quickly made his way toward the screams and saw the glow of a campfire not too far inward into the forest.  A man and his two children were surrounded by Hunger Ghouls. The man waved about a sword trying to keep the night creatures at bay.  The creatures moaned their dead song with lyrics that only translated into the hunger they had for blood.  

" Stay behind me boys! Get back! Go back to the hell you came from!" The man full of fear and new courage knew he had to protect his boys or die trying.  His heartbeat drummed away while both his hands flooded in sweat. For a moment he thought the sword would slip out. He quickly lifted some dirt so that he could better grip his sword. The hunger ghouls all advanced moaning with open mouths ready to bite down.  

" Ignitis Sol!" Two words came from the shadows of a stranger behind the hunger Ghouls. Two of the hunger ghouls violently burst into a mixture of white and yellow flame burning from the inside out and collapsing into a pile of ash.  " Ignitis Sados!"   Again, two words rang out from the shadows. Only this time a young wizard holding a staff made of sunlight stood his ground. The staff was so bright it nearly created a false day in the night under the forest trees.  The young wizard spun the staff and landed a series of blows upon the hunger ghouls that remained. After the young wizard finished his dance of the sunlit staff, he stood absolute holding the staff in front of him slamming it to the ground releasing a sun flash and destroying the remaining hunger ghouls.  

The man and his two sons were in absolute awe. The light of the staff soon faded away.  The young wizards staff retained its color of oak and deep browns. The only light leftover was the campfire they had created for cooking some broth and chicken.  The man then approached the young wizard with an open hand gesture saying, "Thank you!"  The young wizard then looked toward the children and uttered out with a smile.  " Is that chicken I smell?"
Solaces Jan 29
The young wizard found beautiful nourishment in the apple like fruit the withered old tree gave to him.  With both a touching and spoken gesture of "Thank you" from the young wizard the withered old tree responded with a small voice of the wind that blew through the wizards long brown hair.  The young wizard recognized this gesture of nature and the universe as "you're welcomed."

The young wizard lifted his staff toward the direction of the sun and uttered " Soakas Le Solars " Translation " Soak the sun." His staff begin to shine and absorb the light from the sun charging it up with immense power.  After a moment the staff seem to change color from a deep oak brown to an ivory cream like color. It had a soft glow to it and almost seem to vibrate with power.  

He walked on forth through trails made by animals and reached the purple river.  The water was at a slow crawl and looked almost mirror like with no ripples or waves. The young wizard held his staff forward and uttered "Frostias Platformais" Translation "Ice bridge "   The cream like color of the staff shined in a brilliant beautiful azure light and froze the water of the purple river creating an ice bridge across. The young wizard walked across nearly slipping and losing his footing a couple of times, but all together made it without falling.   Once on the other side of the purple river he continued on the banks of the river toward the Fork of the blue and green river.
Solaces Jan 28
The young wizard set down his staff upon a withered old tree that was somehow still standing. Like the old tree the young wizard endured through the time of one night of terror that seemed an eternity all together.  The dawn was here. The sun sang of song of rest and reassurance that "I will be your guardian of light and keep all the dark madness away." The young wizard then sat next to his staff and fell into a much-needed slumber. His staff begin to glow acting also like a guardian of sort alongside the sun in the sky. An old protection spell once cast by the young wizard so that his staff may be a watchful sentinel-like eye to warn him of evils that may be coming for him in his sleep.  The spell sometimes spilled over into the nightmares the wizard may have also protecting his sleeping mind as well as his waking body.

The young wizard begins to dream and is among friends and family.  Dreams of eating chicken and potato soup with his brother and sister.  Hearing the fire crackle while his grandmother read to him. The dreams turned like a wheel in his head always in constant change of beautiful memories and scenarios.  The wizard slept on through the morning until one of his dreams was disturbed by a strange growl in the sky.  The young wizard walked a trail of round pebbles through the forest.  The growl became more intense as he walked on through the forest. He came upon a Y shaped tree with no leaves at the center of a glade in the forest.   It reminded him of his slingshot he hunted back at home with.  The young wizard grabbed a pebble from the trail as it transformed into a large boulder to load the tree slingshot with.  The growl was more intense as he slung back the large boulder in the direction of the growl and released it.  As the boulder landed the young wizard awoke to his stomach growling as he had slept through breakfast. The young wizard stood up and stretched his arms and legs. His hands reached into the leaves of the withered tree an felt something round shape among them.  It was a large apple like fruit.  Seemed the old tree still had enough youth in it to bear fruit.   The young wizard smiled and set his hand on the withered bark of the old tree whispering two words.   " Thank you."
Solaces Feb 10
Into the veil of the night, the young wizard had to reconnaissance that of which hunted them.  

With careful steps, the young wizard moved through the night toward the cracking of twigs.  He then felt a stone near his left foot as it had parked down from a quiet march forward.  He then lifted the stone and tossed it in a westerly direction toward the denser side of the forest. The stone did its job well, creating noises of false escapes. The hunter then revealed itself, trying to chase the noise down.  The young wizard then returned to camp.

Alston waited back at camp with the empowered frost and flame sword, ready to fight and doubting himself all at once.  The young wizard returned with a slight concern on his face, which Alston had not yet seen in his new friend.  They whispered in the dead night.

" It's a shadow mantis, a very large one.  Something is strange about it.  It does not look natural, nor does it want to hunt for small prey. It must stand at least 6-7 feet high.  We have to go for the head.  I will distract it with my staff. There is an invocation of light that I will use to draw it near me. It will be fixated on my light for a short moment until it realizes that I am holding the light. In that time, I need for you to do your wild swings on its legs from behind. As the shadow mantis falls, strike the head as hard as you can. Remember, I have invoked your blade with immense power. Trust in yourself and then trust in the blade. There is no time.  Ready yourself, Alston."

Alston readied himself with so many questions he wanted to ask the young wizard as well as himself. But the questions never came, nor did he know what to ask.  He then saw the young wizard walk forth holding his staff upright. " Luminis Sados."  The young wizards staff burn brightly in the night.  Like a small sunrise in the dark forest. Alston then heard the nightmarish scamper of the very large shadow mantis.  It stood over the young wizard with gleaming yellow eyes as it was in a small trance looking into the light. Alston knew it was time.  He gripped the enchanted sword with both hands and closed his eyes. He called courage and bravery from all places, but none of them answered. He then opened his eyes and saw his boys sleeping behind the young wizard. Courage then called, and Alston came in swinging at the legs of the entranced shadow mantis. With war screams or fear screams, Alston swung his blade. The blade gleamed white with frost, then red with fire as Alston swung the blade widely.   Burning and shattering the hind legs of the shadow mantis it fell on its side, screeching and unholy voice through the forest. Alston then spun around swinging the blade true through the head of the shadow mantis.  The screeching stopped, and black blood poured out of the headless body of the shadow mantis.
Solaces Feb 7
Alston woke in the middle of the night to a strange hum like sound.  As he sat up, he saw the young wizard already standing upright with staff in hand. Both of them begin to whisper only.

" Alston, there is something hunting us.  Keep the boys covered in the blanket. Get your sword and bring it here to me quietly." Alston took two steps toward his sword when he heard the cracking of twigs and something drawing near.  He was maybe four more steps away from his sword. He began his silent march yet again toward his sword. One step, two steps, three steps, and four.  Alston then picked up the sheathed sword and then made his way back to the young wizard. Again, the cracking of twigs grew louder and signified that something was near and closer than before. Alston and the young wizard both walked slowly and quietly toward each other. As they finally met up another cracking of a twig reveled that whatever was hunting them was only about 30 to 40 ft away now. Again, in whispered conversation Alston and the young wizard formulated a plan.

" Unsheathe the sword Alston. Hold it right there. What are you doing? I am no swordsman. All I can do is swing widely. That may be all we need my friend. Keep the sword still." The young wizard then touched his staff to the blade and whispered an invocation upon it.  " Ignitis Frostias Armos " The blade of the sword begin to glow crimson and deep blue, white.  " The sword is empowered Alston. Even with wild swings you are a formidable force.  I am going to move toward the hunter. I must see what it is to gauge what we do next. Stay right here" Alstom felt a surge of new courage course through is very soul as he held the empowered blade. But not without fear. The young wizard walked into the curtains of night to see what the hunter in the shadows is.
Solaces Feb 21
The young wizard and his new friends journey together finally reaching the purple river waterfall "Violet Cascade." Conversations ramble on through the morning sun.

" My boys and I have been calling you Mr. Wizard. So, what is thy true name? " The young wizard cracked half a smile and spoke out.
" Although I do enjoy Mr. Wizard! My name is Solan."  Both the boys smiled, and Liam spoke out. " So, Mr. Solan it is!" Solan smiled and laughed. " No just Solan will be fine."  

Solan then turned to Alston and asked of his journey.  " May I ask why you are travelling to the castle city?"  Alston smiled faded and explained their journey.  " Our town of Egnur was destroyed by an army of dark creatures.  My wife Miria and the boy's mother woke us in the night. She was part of the watch and a great fighter.  She took us out of town and instructed us to get to her sister in Oinotna.   As we fled our town, she went back to help the other soldiers get families out.  It was the last time we saw her. Kanan then spoke out about his mom. " Mom is the best fighter ever! She can kick anyone's ***! " Solan smiled and agreed. " I'm sure she could! " Alston then spoke. " I was a woodsman. I could build anything. I once built Miria's father a weapon shed, and she came to observe my work. It was at that moment we fell in love with each other. A warrior and a woodsman.  She was way out of my league. But the stars aligned that evening. I suppose we were meant to be." Alston smiled and looked to his feet as he followed them on the journey.
" May I ask why you journey to the castle city Solan?" Solan then explained.
" The monsters and the creatures. The attacks on towns like yours and mine. Something is not right with the balance of things.  Even magic and invocations are being affected in such a way we cannot explain.  New spells are being discovered at an alarming rate. While creatures never seen have somehow come to life with malice and hate. The lineage of the wizards will be gathering at Oinotna for a council of thoughts. Wizards from all over the lands are making the same journey I am.  Hopefully together we can find this imbalance." The sound of Violet cascade sang through the air.   Alston then spoke out. " The waterfall. We must now head west down the blue and green trail. Should take about a day to reach the bottom of the mountain.  Solan then smiled. " I have a better idea! Frostias Platformais Sliadia! Translation (Ice bridge slide). A huge ice slide fell to the bottom of the waterfall in a beautiful spiral formation.  Without hesitation Solan slid first with screams of joy echoing across the ravine as he slid to the bottom of the waterfall.  Alston and the boys followed with both screams of fear and joy!
Solaces Feb 12
As blood poured out of the shadow mantis body and onto the ground the sun rose to vanquish this horrible night. Alston stood there absolute still gripping the enchanted sword tight.  

Alston had small tremors course through his hands in an intermittent pattern like response.  The tremors soon faded away and his hands no longer shook. Courage had infected his blood and killed away the doubt and fear he had.  The blade gleamed crimson, blue and white. This came as a surprise to the young wizard. Such evocations cast upon weapons only last a few uses.  This blade however seems to retain the power.  " Alston, may I see the blade? " The young wizard ask the new warrior if he could observe his blade while all together ease his mind that everything is okay.  Alston then looked at the enchanted blade he carried about with him on their travels.  It had always been just a sword. Normal and nothing special. Just a weapon to carry about on travels for the little inexperienced protection he could provide with it. Only now it was an instrument of power.  An emblem of one's courage gained. Not only did this sword **** the shadow mantis but also carved out a new warrior inside of one whom wasn't. The young wizard understood this in a moment realizing why the sword has not lost its enchantment. For Alstom and the sword have ascended together. The young wizard then remembered what he had told Alston before the shadow mantis arrived. " Trust in yourself and then trust in the blade." The young wizard may have inadvertently invoked the spirit of this man, this father, and also invoked the sword and somehow bonded them together spiritually. Many invocations used by the lineage of wizardry are mostly discovered by accident.  This happens to be another moment.  Only the young wizard did not understand how it happened. It was quite difficult to remember every detail which is important by all measure.  The position of his staff, his stance, the tone of one's voice, and the emotion given.  So much was happening at the time there was no time to remember it all.  Perhaps just an early morning breakfast and the start of a journey together could render some lost memories.

Alston gave the enchanted blade to the young wizard with a smile as he walked toward his sleeping boys to wake them and start breakfast.  The young wizard held the enchanted blade and turned to Alston. " Your new blade needs a name."
Solaces Jul 2015
Shadow after shadow.  We fought on through. They had golden eyes and wanted to consume our light.  There were only 3 Celestial star owls left. But they still fought the darkness with all the light they had left.  I tried with all of my shine to help them as much as I could. The addiction had some strange hold on me.  Its as if I am unable to forget its strange euphoric cosmic gifts to my soul.  I wanted to be a part of it.  Every time I would get these urges the Star owls would shine the urge away.  Only I was taking a lot of their light away. I had to break free! The star demon mounted its attack as one of the Star owls met it head on. Light and shadow clashed creating this incredible explosion of darkness and shine.  Light feathers were all that was left of my cosmic guardian.  They faded into the darkness. He was gone!  There now was only three of us left.  The golden eyed shadows were pushing us away from the star memory.  Slowly they were consuming our light.  Then all of a sudden they stopped attacking. The shadows stood still and looked to all the bright stars around them.  Only they were no stars. Someone had heard my call for help.  The sentinels of light were coming to our aid.
Look to the stars
Solaces Sep 2015
There are things unseen that keep this world living.. Things that go without notice.. Things that we make sure go unnoticed.. So the everyday things you see as everyday things simply are not that at all.. Everyday messengers and receivers are at a constant movement of life giving moments.. The bird you saw fly by, The cat that leaves and never returns, The butterflies that migrate south, And the ghost that sometimes haunt the living.. But when the path is interrupted the unknown ramifications occur.. The disasters, the catastrophes, the plagues, can all be prevented.. On this day two children, two brothers, will set forth a path that is unknown to them.. On a plastic bottle cap they put one large red ant on board.. They float it down the creek and watch in awe at the sailor ant they have set in motion.. This ant has a very small package to deliver.. Across a world to him, at the end of the river to us.. This ant will deliver a small speck of light.. The first star in an infinite darkness..
The flow must continue.
Solaces Mar 2014
The lines go to the same place..
They are drawn out by belief..
But some lines do not travel straight..
Some bend and turn..
Some even break..
This is the sadness of your God..
At times I could always see my line..
It was not to straight..
But i could still see where it was going..
Where it was drawn out to go..
So why am I mourning..
This is the sadness of your God..
My line one day was fading..
Yours seem to shine so very bright..
As if it was destined to shine over all the others..
A sort of outline to follow..
The perimeter of your belief..
Where your line was solid mine was hollow..
This is the sadness of your God..
The mistake we made was our love we made..
This painted your line in absolute..
With the color of regret..
To your God, The sad one who cries on me..
Because I belive in him now..
I have the sorrow to prove it..
My line will never shine or be lit..
This is the sadness of your God..
Solaces Oct 2017
The sun hit your face in such a way I forgot what we were talking about.. I felt it in my chest.. My eyes told me, " This is what beautiful is."
Light on your face
Solaces Jan 2014
Ill simply sleep..
There is where I will burn it down..
Perhaps fire can bring some form of color here..
But as I walk into this empty grey room I see him..
He is me..
The anti me..
We look eachother in the eyes and flow into one another..
He smiles and uses his finger to write into the air..
His finger uses some form of ink made of light..
This is what he wrote..

You are the very artifact that started this all..
You Have the same color eyes as me..
YoU HaD To tAkE it Past what the soul could take..
You juSt couldn't leaVe iT alonE..
UnDeRSTAND thAt all Things are nOT meant TO always go forward
BuT you seem relentless in makinG it so..
go BacK and NeveR return..
YoUr creating A shift ThAT i WILL NOT bE ABLE TO FIx..
Not all things are meant to go forward.
Solaces Jul 2014
Among such structures was the  pools of creation..  The airglow here was ambient and beautiful beyond all measure..  This is where I set fire to all the stars in the universe.. I smile before I do so..  Signals and twilight fire flies fill the black void..  And there echoes creation eternal..  A nexus travals across forever..  Feeding colors to life..  To the eyes that will one day behold them..  This is how wonder is born..  I think of all this as I look to the stars.. I am just a human.. But my imagination is a GOD...
look to the sky with me..
Solaces Mar 2014
Those deep brown eyes.. Put my soul into a coma.. A coma that let's me visit heaven.. I'm yours..

I welcome the needed candles during the storm. Where the true light shines upon thy face.. we make these shadows run in all directions with our eternal flame..
Deep within, shadows run away!!
Solaces Feb 2016
You know why its so hard to let go of your demons.  Because they held your hand when no one else would.
. . . .
Solaces Dec 2023
Looking up at the stars here was much the same as gazing at them back at home.  The difference was the unknown constellations painted upon the new heavens vault before me.  On the other side of the universe, I find myself star gazing and thinking back to the moment of how normal everything was for me.  I could remember just staring into the endless expanse of beauty back at home and falling in love with what my imagination created for me.  It was a safe scenario where I always came out on top. I was the hero that defeated some unknown evil that lay dormant underneath the Earth.  So many stories. All with a safe outcome.  And yet somehow that person still exist there. Safe and so naive to what is really going on.

I am still trying to figure it out myself. Those small moments of star gazing are a beautiful peace of mind to all the madness and chaos that flow forth from an unknown spring of evil.  I was never a hero (Only in my mind) I was never brave, nor had the courage to confront all that I feared.  I was a person that let the river take me and did my best to just stay afloat.  And yet I was chosen for this.  To weld this immense unimaginable power.  To become a beast of blue star fire and light.  A mage of blue flames and cosmic torrents.  And although I am on the other side of the Universe, the true perspective is that my journey has just begun.

I look upon a triangular like constellation similar to that of Libra back at home and feel the call there.  The light vernacular of those three stars speak to my eyes in a universal like plea.  Many patterns cycle on through all meaning the same.  The one I recognize is S.O.S.  I align my staff to the constellation in the sky as it sets a course for me to safely navigate my way to the cosmic call for help. I then transform to the star dragon and spread my light wings. In moments I am in root toward the unknown libra like constellation moving at the speed of thought.
Solaces Sep 2016
At last the sky.   Was this the end?  Did we make it.  There was a glowing haze among the air and sky.  It was if as the colors of my dreams slowly rained down on reality.    There were butterflies made of fire fluttering by.  All we could do is walk forward.  Through the haze we walked on through.  The more steps we took the brighter the haze got.  There was now no ground beneath us. Every step we took left behind ripples of blue light.  The stars were now around us.  Feathers made of sunlight were fallen around us.  And then we heard a strange song.  There were Angels every where!  All of them holding strange instruments.  They created a sound like no other.   We were lost in this song of the angels.  But these were no angels!  They were previous heroes lost in the maze!  Lost in this wicked haze!  Turns out we are halfway through the maze! We most go on!
Heaven at the center.
Solaces May 2013
i watched the end of everything come down before me...

i was so scared and just stood there watching..

the fire was coming from the sky..

it will be here soon..

as the tears ran down my face i saw her there by the tree..

she was holding a guitar looking to the sky..

she begin to play ever so as i listen to the song of tomorrow..

all sound seem to leave all at once except for the chords she played..

i noticed that my tears were no longer running down my face..

the song she played seem to calm the fire in the sky..

she played till our sky was clear again..

until our sun shined true light..

when she was done she held the guitar to the tree she stood by..

the guitar became part of the tree turning into a branch with leaves..

she walked away into the forest never looking in my direction..

for years i tried to play this song again..

but i can never find the chords..
Solaces May 2014
I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I can make you see galaxies!
I can ignite your skin like a small lightning storm..
I can pour out your soul and return it..
Time and time again..
But I will only do so if you let me....
The beauty of your waterfall fills my shadow with light!
Silver vire.. the beauty of your waterfall fills my shadow with light!
Solaces Jan 2014
That alone feeling..
Comes and goes..
You feel it in the depths of your beating heart..
Everyone is here and your alone.
It does not last long..
But it truly is there..
Its as if emotions felt throughout life resurface from time to time when not used..
I suppose my happiness is the reason for such a forgotten feeling..
The loneliness just misses being felt..
And so it comes and goes with me..
I feel alone among everyone around me..
Sad gray man in a gray painting..
But then the colors return..
And I bid loneliness farewell..
The gift of loneliness today was this poem you read..
I am fine again..
(Time felt alone today.. 5:51 seconds.. )
Comes and goes..
Solaces Feb 2016
Today we will learn
I am sure you all have heard the term S-ENERGY, SOULCHARGE, S-WAVES, SOUL-POWER, and LIFESPARK..

We can run across the stars because of such energy.. The soul is more powerful then anything we can ever fuse or generate..

But a soul must be given not taken.. This planet is known as Earth.. It has over 6 billion souls.. For 1000 yeras we have studied the relegion of this planet and have found some loop holes on how such earthlings will give their soul..

There are enough souls here to sustain us for the next 5,000,000 yeras.. in 12 dayres we will create a false rapture.. the humans will think it to be a sort of gateway to their heaven, to their salvation..

Understand the humans will be apart of our amazing race, a race that will rebuild across the universe everything that was taken from us.. They will power our star vessels and sustain our way of living

Our vessel, The Grandjas, 70 mileres long 50 mileres wide is powered by only one human child soul..
Solaces Oct 2015
I have been dreaming about small unnamed towns yet again.
I walk along the nameless streets and unnumbered homes.
I hear phantoms singing through all of the open windows in every house I walk by..
Some songs are happy, some are sad, but through and through I find they are singing to me..
Singing to a stranger walking by..
To draw out the kind wild one..
And perhaps invite him in..
The skies are purple and sometimes blue.
As I walk on out of town and into the countryside I cross a bridge standing over two rivers..
The rivers are side by side..
One has sky blue water while the other has emerald green..
Night slowly puts the day to rest..
The silver moon rides high and full pouring on its haunting glow to the rivers below.
I then see shadow children jumping into the waters and playing under the moonlight..
Both rivers seem to sparkle with delight...
A beautiful serenity begins to warm my soul.
I wish I could paint what I saw.
Solaces Dec 2013
I flow into her as she flows onto me..
Our eyes and souls connect time and time again..
Until the embrace of the absolute nexus is tapped on both sides..
where explosions of emotions and shadows become one..
together we go, together the arrival..
where our spirals become one intertwined and spin out of control creating colors seen by closed eyes!
Solaces Oct 2015
()" The world was much like ours!  A perfect distance from the sun.  A goldilocks based planet that we found one the other side of our galaxy.  It was then we met them on the surface.   Green forest and the bluest of oceans.  We called this place Eden.. " The only difference was this planet was the size of our sun.  "()

<>" Early at sunrise he came.    Like a slow falling star.  He came out of a door of light and embraced us so.  We did not know how to greet God.<>

()  " Could it be possible! Could it be real!? This may be heaven.  Is this where we ascend? It must be if humans are here!()

<> "  He looks a lot like us? We are molded from him. He comes from the heavens above the stars. <>

() " I am among angels. ()
<>" We are among God.<>
To find each other among the stars..
Solaces Dec 2013
If the yellows bend to the winds and the yellows gain no color from life water itself, from sunshine eternal.. Out wisp the colors green in certain areas, more custom to life, more in tune to the gospel of the Sun..

So flows the river, down a swath to return to oceans dreamed.. under moon, under sun, under storms without flood, once there was a judge, but even the rivers cut him apart..

Blue blaze among stars, through eyes of zeal, a hope to be zen when light leaps are possible.. A return to Eden Soon..

The return.. Light leaps through stars on wings of light.. They walked among us.. With wings grand, the angel men, the eagles, falcons of vengence as they reclaim their Eden from us.. They walked among the day with wings brighter than the old sun.. They brought life back to the Earth.. In groups they travelled, with 3 always playing and singing the song of their return and rise..

Mankind tries and takes the world with it.. For no one to have.. As the explosions brigther than 1000 suns shines among the Earth..
The angel men, the eagles, the falcons of vengence..
Solaces Dec 2013
They danced around me. Tornados made of light. The spirals of shine spun the darkness away. Everywhere I walked they followed.. in the forgotten sky I create a vortex made of dreams. This is my return back home. But I truly do not want to leave.
where i am in control
Solaces Sep 2017
Endless white..  As far as the eye could see.  We had to travel far and wide in search of food.  My bones were as cold as the wind..  But we had to go on.. We were the strongest in the tribe and chosen for its survival..  The snow begin to fall again..  Could not see 3 ft in front of us.. This would make it more difficult to follow tracks and such.  But forward we went, together for the hunt!  

It was getting colder.. The winds were picking up again.  Then all of a sudden a warm gust of air hit us all..  For a moment we were all warm inside and out..  We continued to feel these gust of warm winds from time to time.. It got to the point where the winds stayed warm.. So warm in fact we started to remove pelts off of our backs..

We traversed over a hill and saw the most amazing thing I have ever seen.. Green... so much green! The grass was beautiful here!  And at the center stood a being, a person waring strange glowing armor! He was floating above the grass sleeping..  He was the source of all the warm air we felt..  It was as if he was emitting life itself..  The grass felt so beautiful to the touch.. The green was making love to our eyes..  My body felt as warm as ever.. All my pain was gone..  My cracked cold skin was warm and full of color..

We all fell into a slumber in the grass..  I had beautiful dreams of green.. When we all awoke the strange armored being was gone..  Just being in his presence kept us warm for weeks.. It was as if his power somehow soaked into us.. All of our wounds were healed.. We came back to the tribe with plenty of food and one hell of a story!         S.DIVERS
Just resting on a planet of snow
Solaces Dec 2013
Sleep.. within thoughts.. with your memories of the day.. share your dreams with others... golden sand will be on the wooden floors of the dream chamber.. light blue flame will burn as u enter.. all the others here are dreaming also.. pour your emotions and get drunk off their souls.. one night we will all fly together. . Toward the 12th star above libra. Above and beyond reality. .
and its not straight on till morning
Solaces Jan 6
On the road, moving forward.
Destination random small-town Euphoria.  
Calm and peaceful visuals.
Green grass and trees.
Hilltop views that would make mountain views jealous.  
Down the country roads.
Over some unnamed creeks.
Passing over rivers I never knew.
It's a strange, beautiful peace.
It's what my mind awards me when I sleep and dream.
Town festivals with strangers.
So far away yet so close to home.  
And toward the end of it all.
A calm rain sings.
A soothing song of nature awakens me.
One of the most beautiful dreams I have ever had.
Solaces Dec 2014
What I see is before me is what music looks like..
To hear such beauty will paint pictures in my mind as I transfer the images for you to read and to imagine..
In the dream I finally see what music looks like..
There is a part of the mind that is dormant in all whom can hear..
This beauty is deciphered by the eyes..
As if you could hear what the colors and sound have to say..
transfer, beauty, eyes, music
Solaces Jan 2016
Truck ride down the old dirt road..
Leaving dust and catching up to the night..
Cross the river bridge and drive to no where..
Have some beers and party at the blue gate..
Watch the stars fall through the Texas sky..
I can see her looking at me..
Smiling in the dark..
Buzzing hard I walk to her..
I tell her.. " There is no poetry I can write that will be more beautiful than your smile in the night."
Liquid courage
Solaces Feb 2016
Turns out that some of the most beautiful poetry ever written was turned into music by them.

Like the way numbers seem to find a mathematical connection.

The words that flow together best seem to make the most beautiful of musical notes.

I wish I knew how to convert it..

I am listening to a poem speak to me in musical notes!

I write down what it makes me feel!

I have found the connection!!!!!!!!!
No need to solve! Just feel!
Solaces Dec 2013
understanding is beautiful..
i can say that i have always been confused..
trying to understand is the hard part
but at least i tried..
and trying is understanding in a sense i guess.
wow! thats all that needed to be done!
i get it now!
All you have to do is try..
Solaces Oct 2015
Took a drive to no where.
Out and about.
It was a early evening in the fall.
And I was not in route.

I took a drive to clear things up.
I thought of 12 stories and one poem.
As the early evening turned into actual evening.
To wherever I may roam.

I took a drive into the night.
Down lonely roads and over a quiet river.
Under the clear Texas night sky.
Where all the stars sing their twilight silver.
I figured things out.
Solaces Jun 2013
i lost my colors to fate..
i lost my colors to sin..
they faded away in one day..
it was as if i lost hope..
lost belief..

this was a feeling like no other..
a sort of sad gray that washes everything away..
a sea of shades..
sad shades and shadows..
to lose belief..

but all at once it can be remembered..
the colors in this plain of gray..
a song heard from the memory of me..
played by you under the gray sun..
i can feel the tones paint me..

its like a chill..
that travels in waves across the body..
where every cell remembers the feeling..
that true feeling of belief..
because you have always done that for me..
you have always believed in me..
Solaces Dec 2016
I think of the units who are getting a good night sleep with the one worry of just getting up to go to work.   I suppose its because that was me two weeks ago.  Just get up and go to work.  But now I am on the RUN.   Across the nation to destination I can't share.  Tonite I sleep off the grid by a creek with no name.  

It starts to rain down on this old truck I stole from some farmer back in Texas.  I am on the RUN because I have truly woke up.  No longer bound by these invisible chains of programs,  I am free!

My self given misson is to wake all the others.  To let them know freedom.  This can only be done from one destination.  There I will broadcast the freedom code across all bands in a worldwide pattern.  
I just have to make it! I need to RUN!
Run, run, run!
Solaces Sep 2014
The everyday life you and I live is able to happen because of something unseen..

This unseen force will forever die in order for us to live..

If one day we see this unseen force, we will fight for its survival.

The very little things make grand possibilities.
The very little things make grand possibilities.
Solaces Dec 2013
after all it was us that brought it upon ourselves..
Ill cup it in my hands and let it shine on the lines..
In the end at least ill know it was with you..
This darkness really does have no mercy..
I smile at the thought of it not being able to consume my hands that cup this light..
The darkness waits and waits until i finally let go of the light..
I look into my glowing hands and day dream..
I can see the clear day..
Blue skies..
The star filled skies wisper their light as the moon's silver rays light up your dress..
Its time to let go..
All i can give you is this sun..
May it light your days until it burns out..
and so it ends, or should i say begins..
Solaces Apr 2014
I have found myself thinking of the end.. weather it will be darkness or light.. I often think of the music that helps me write.. How someone else's creation helps me create new ones.. But I am only left to wonder.. My dreams have been showing me a heaven from all different strange angles..  I really could not begin to describe it to all of you..  There are colors there that we have not yet seen.. There are emotions there that we have not yet felt.. These warm nights have been showing me a clear beautiful sky.. I sometimes speak to the stars because I know something out there hears me..  I truly hope I am forever as well as the ones I love!
Just thoughts
Solaces Dec 2014
I am not suppose to stay..
I cannot..
So for one last time lets walk under your stars..
I'll point you in the direction to where I am from..
I have come here for one thing only..
And once I found that one thing I have to go back and spread what I found..
You have led me to that one thing..
We call it Urasa, And you call it Love!
And I love you!
Urasa = Love
Solaces Sep 2020
I follow you into the light..
The prisms of your dream light..
The sun came up and became my light..

I awoke with you in the night..
The rain of moon glow lit up the night..
We travel together hidden forever in the night..

The sun chased us back to dream..
Hidden in darkness we sleep and dream..
To not burn in the sun can only happen in dream..

All we have is the memory of light..
And the moon light in the night..
We day sleep and see the sun in dream..
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