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Jun 2020 · 231
mystiquemarie Jun 2020
A little bird all alone,
Afraid her nest will get blown.
Finds an owner for a day,
Only to get shot down and served on a tray.

The little bird had so much to give
But cut short when she could not live.
She thought she was a rose in a sea of thorns,
But she was just a piece of meat waiting to be torn.

Devoured to bones and left on the silver tray,
The owner took off in search of his next prey.
Worthless and discarded just like that
Jun 2020 · 166
mystiquemarie Jun 2020
The man who said he was a giver,
Chose to put his feelings first.
My vulnerability made him waver,
As if being vulnerable was a curse.

The man who said he didnt want to hurt me,
Led me on to believing i had a chance.
When we cuddled in the corner of the backseat,
Butterflies in my tummy started to dance.

He strung me along like a puppet,
Orchestrated a plan that was so wrong.
He played me like a trumpet,
Perfect tune to my favourite song.

A fool i was to believe every word.
Still, he is worse for being such a coward.
Being vulnerable does not mean I am weak,
It means I'm strong enough to weather through the bleak.
Maybe one day he will finally understand
That trying not to hurt me, hurt me in the end.
When you know your worth and potential, being vulnerable won't cost you a thing. But sometimes its tiring when people take it for granted and use you like a door mat.
Apr 2020 · 168
mystiquemarie Apr 2020
To pray for recovery seems quite ideal,
take away the pain and completely heal.
But thats so selfish and foolish to say,
for I am listening to my heart when I pray.

To pray for happiness is what I should do,
even if it means having to lose you too.
Not only will the pain go away,
you also wont have to suffer another day.

It must be lonely living alone,
hundreds of miles away from the ones you call your own.
It must be tiring putting up a fight,
hoping to see us again before you see the light.

Im afraid of whats to come;
I wish to hold you tight in my arms.
But again its happines that I pray for you,
its this one line that will help get me through.

I love you so much, so come what may;
for its you whom I am listening to when I pray.
To my dear Lola, thank you for guiding me to build a strong bond with God. Thank you for loving all of us and making every Christmas a special one. I am so sorry you have to go through this alone.  To everyone reading this, please stay strong.
Mar 2018 · 179
Vanilla sex
mystiquemarie Mar 2018
I sit here waiting for the time to come.
I crave to have your warmth against my skin.
The heat is rising as I look at you with lust in my eyes;
the desire to taste you,
to have your salty golden skin on the tip of my tongue,
as we go deeper, the sweet creamy filling oozing out.
I salivate and swallow.
The warm liquid flowing down smoothly,
resting in my stomach that is churning uncontrollably.
I feel restless as I look at you,
my fists clench as the anticipation grows.
I imagine us together and I let out a soft moan.
Plain and simple yet an experience like no other.
Satisfying my hunger and giving me nothing but pure bliss.
The one thing worth waiting for.
[just imagine being super hungry and sitting in front of the oven waiting and watching for the pie to finish baking.]

^the true inspiration that has led me to write this poem.
Mar 2018 · 453
8R0k3n h34r75
mystiquemarie Mar 2018
You threw my heart onto the floor.
It shattered into a thousand pieces or more.
With what was left of the tiny fragments I was able to gather,
I gave it to the people I cared for,
the people who truly matter.
I let them use it to mend their hearts back to being whole,
to fill the missing pieces inside them,
the chance to find their lost soul.
Because unlike you, I choose to be unselfish;
this isn't a pity party for me to weep and cry.
I'd rather lose my whole heart to see the world relish
than to watch it stop beating and eventually die.
one man's trash is another man's treasure.
Jan 2018 · 475
mystiquemarie Jan 2018
It's in the dark where appearances don't matter,
it's a place where your thoughts define who you are.

Not to be silenced because of a flaw on your skin;
not to be silenced for being too fat or too thin.

It's in the dark where the flower of closed-minds open;
illuminating genuine and raw emotions.

It's in the dark where this flower is all that you can see,
surrounded by nothing but love and purity.

When we see darkness,
we instantly assume we are blind;
but truth is, it is in the dark that we see clearly
of the importance to what defines mankind.
mystiquemarie Jan 2018
When you are not afraid
to let him look you in the eyes,
for all sadness is gone,
and in turn, where happiness lies.
When the nightmares end
and the daydreams begin,
and your smiles become
a hundred percent genuine.
When sad songs turn into love songs,
and the days stop feeling dreadfully long.
There is no need for red roses
or a beautiful white dove,
to lure you into believing you are in love.
Don't be afraid to know love is in the air,
for a moment like this is awfully precious and rare.
there is a difference between loving someone and being in love with someone...
Dec 2017 · 446
n e w b e g i n n i n g s~
mystiquemarie Dec 2017
A bridge connects two ends together.

The sky above, clear and blue.
The river below,calm and soothing.
Those constructed without care and concern are not one to last.
Lack of attention results in it losing its shine,
becoming rusty and covered in moss.
As time passes,the sound of the steps of two lovers passing by is replaced by a vociferous creak.

The sky above,cloudy and grey.
The river below violent and wild.
The gust of wind makes the bridge tremble.
The deafening sound of thunder sends shivers down the cables.
The rain makes it slippery.
It is now ever so dangerous and unstable.
Lightning strikes it,a surge of perplex anger and outrage courses through.
The bridge weak and tired,gives up and crumbles.
It drowns in the currents of despondency and grief.
The sound of the pieces plunging into the water almost resembles a sigh of relief.
Its over. The damage is done. All ties are cut.

Now the two ends are disconnected.
You on one end,and I on the other.
I pick the pieces up one by one.
It's plain to see you don't really care,
for if you did, you wouldn't just stand there.
So instead of putting the pieces back together,
I used them to build a wall.
I promise to make it last forever,
this time I won't let it fall.
It's hard to write a relatively long poem that captures the reader's attention all the way through. I just hope that this poem was captivating enough for you. :)
Dec 2017 · 916
I am trash
mystiquemarie Dec 2017
Bottled up emotions;
Shards of a broken heart;
Cans full of empty words;
Expired faith.
Cracked jars filled with a mixture of sadness, hurt and grief leaking out every second.
Packets of crumbled hope;
Sweet wrappers torn and crumpled;
Half eaten dreams...
Nov 2017 · 328
mystiquemarie Nov 2017
I thought my emotions died,
but they were alive all along;
they all come scribbled out in a poem or in a song.

I thought I was fine,
but it was apparently lies.
The evidence were the tears escaping from my eyes.

I thought you were genuine,
But I found out it was fake.
Never realised I was someone you wanted to break.

Now, I think it is the end.
Do you think so too?
Hopefully,this is yet another thought
I'd prove myself not to be true.
Oct 2017 · 606
My Saviour
mystiquemarie Oct 2017
Maybe the darkness isn't something to be so afraid of.
Instead, it is the hand of the Lord,
shielding us from the unbearable struggle.
Maybe the weight on our shoulders isn't one from our burdens,
but the weight of His arms around us,
as a sign of comfort to know we are not alone.
Hence when we see the light at the end of the tunnel,
the weight is lifted off.
For He is setting us free,
to fly off and live our lives once more.
Psalm 140:7  <3
Oct 2017 · 1.1k
Let's play tag
mystiquemarie Oct 2017
Ready or not, here I come!
I see you not too far from reach.
I take a deep breath and run after you.
Everything around me blurs,
but it was crystal clear that the main objective was solely focused on you.
I reach out my hand, so close yet so far.
Minutes turn to hours, turn to days and soon, months.
The distance between us seem to get farther apart.
I can’t keep up!
My heart feels as if it’s going to burst;
all my energy is drained and I’m gasping for air.
Despite all this, you never once turned around,
to check if I’m fine,
to see how much I’m struggling to get to you.
Not once did you ever stop for a second,
to think about giving me a chance and letting me win.
So here I am now, standing still,
stubbornly waiting to see how long before you notice I’ve given up.
My guess? Never.
tired of games
Oct 2017 · 397
letting go
mystiquemarie Oct 2017
I held your heart for way too long,
my arms feel heavy, I guess I am not that strong.
My tolerance for your ******* has reached its max.,
I toss and I turn and I just can't seem to relax.
Your absent presence makes my mind run wild,
as if a cup of coffee with an extra shot were to be ingested by a child.
Tear-stained pillows and a melancholy song,
I told myself its really time to move on.
I break away from everything connected to you,
even if it means splitting my heart into two.
Your heart returned to its rightful place,
in one piece and beating at a rhythmic pace.
It hurt for awhile, I'm not going to lie
but now that you are gone, there's one less reason for me to cry.
I can breathe again, blinded no more and now i can see;
I can scream at the top of my lungs and hear myself shout "I am free!"
-good goodbye-
Oct 2017 · 396
mystiquemarie Oct 2017
I hate running,
running hates me.
Every time I try running..
its as if it wants to **** me.
My heart burns,
my stomach churns,
it feels as if I am going to die.
The sun shines into my very eyes
and I stop and I start to cry.
a light-hearted poem I created inspired by the 1 time I decided to run during the holidays. a heavy-hearted poem about running away from problems and not having enough strength to continue fighting on..
Oct 2017 · 457
mystiquemarie Oct 2017
As a child, ignorance was bliss;
but now its not something I miss.
I never had the courage to muster those three words,
so I find ways to show it, be it in a picture or a verse.
By now I'm sure you would've guessed,
but you choose to ignore it and it makes me depressed.
I question my worth each time you indirectly reject my love
could it be that I'm just not good enough?
I came to the realization it was all just a game you see...
a game in which i thought was reality.
Sep 2017 · 369
mystiquemarie Sep 2017
They say I’m lazy, I should do something with my life.
If only I found a purpose and the strength to stop the knife.
stay strong my friends.
Sep 2017 · 904
mystiquemarie Sep 2017
Freshly picked poppies
Under the tree
Carefully picked out just for you.
Knocked on your door

Yanking you from the floor
Over the hill
Under the tree

Around us were poppies chosen by me
Stunned by the beauty
Smokey bitter-sweet smell
‘Have a bite I promise it will taste lovely’
One bite is all it took for me to say farewell
Letting you walk away would not suffice
Eating the poppies and watching you suffer added a little spice
first letter of each line..
Sep 2017 · 364
mystiquemarie Sep 2017
I may have your heart, but it wasn't given.
I loved from the start, knowing it was forbidden.
Your words were empty, just like your soul;
I showered you with love but it fell through a hole.
Through one ear and out the other,
When I try to make a move you always falter.
What do I need to do for you to look at me?
what do I need to say for you to listen to me?
Every step I take forward, you always take a step back.
I'm slowly getting tired, for I don't know what I lack.
Despite the fatigue, I still weep gently at night behind closed doors;
It is not a guarantee, but I hope that one day I would be called yours.

— The End —