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I've been lately writing poetry!
Oh? What do I see?
A perfect poetry site waiting for me!
First poem, proud of it!
Oh? Someone in my messages?
This guy seems sweet
And he's hoping I don't get beat!
Pretty songs for me to listen to!
And a drunk man messaging me...?
“You're only making yourself a victim because you're cutting yourself"
Oh? Okay- thanks for the paragraph/drunk rant?

Shining lights on all of my latest poems?
Thank you! You're so sweet!
….oh…talking to me about pedophiles…got it…
Why are there so many sad songs?

Oh? You wrote a poem about the 764 and absolutely humiliating them?
Great! Good job!
…But uhh… why and how did they make a virus only going after your followers that are minors? Not funny!
Why is this man warning me if they threaten me? Is he trying to make me scared on purpose?
Blaming the Japanese for this virus now, huh?
Oh? Now blaming someone else named Pax to be part of the 764? Crazy

…. going to another website? But you're so fun!
May as well click on the link you sent me so I can join you

Drunk rants with me? That's okay!
Giving me gold so I can freely make poems?
Daily texting
2-10 hour sessions
Why are you drinking everyday?
You're making me concerned for your health
I told you to stop drinking, papa
You promised me you'd stop
All you did was keep on drinking

Commenting on every poem I made
Oh? So suddenly I'm a “nasty *****" when I have done nothing to you? ありがとう!
We have a suicide pact now?
I'm going off the bridge first?
Don't mind if I do

Oh? Another poetry site? Okay…
I really don't like the way this site works, can't we just message each other with email?
Yes? Yay!

People bullying you on the internet? That's not okay!
Why would they accuse you of being a *******?
Letting me join an uncensored group to back you up? Great!
Sending me to a Reddit page to back you up?
….oh … they warned me and I didn't do anything….
******* this man is an actual *******…..
gotta go fast like Sonic
pack my bags and leave

Oh? I betrayed you? Crazy
We were just friends
Can you stop spitting my name everywhere?
It's like you're so obsessed with me
Stop trying to be the Eminem to my Mariah Carey
Made a poem about you and you HAD to take it down?
Never thought you'd want to hide your identity THAT hard
Oh? Betting on my suicide now, are we?
Sending me multiple emails, desperate for me to come back to him?
I'm not that ******* naive or gullible
It's crazy if you think that about me
…I did tell you to send those photos of your cut open arms but I DIDN'T THINK YOU'D TAKE IT SERIOUSLY AND DO IT

Being racist?
Why are you so obsessed with my Chinese genes?
“I thought I can use Kai because of her Chinise genes because the Chinise was known to be very good spies. ☝️🤓" へー! Didn't know that!
Also, that's not how you spell Chinese, my fellow kind sir
Threatening people to come to America with a Katana and slice us to pieces
So envious, I see
You're just mad because we have a little bit more freedom than your drunk *** does

Oh…. Talking to me about ****
Got it
I didn't need to be taught about METART or some **** like that
I'm only 12 years old
You ***** *****

Well…this is the aftermath
There it goes out to all of you:
Ryan Geoffrey Hayward
Nephilim Angel
Rose White
Rose Red
Jacob Lives
Hybrid Angel
Bread Crumbs
The Machine
Soul Unknown

(Btw, all of these names are RGH's names so if you have these names, please don't feel targeted! The person knows who they are.)

Abbott J Hardison
To my dearest monsters,

  I hope this letter finds you on the brink of your doom, rotting away in your sinister cave. Because it's what evil like you deserves. To rot and woe, to know the pain of fading, before you fade away. Because your longevity is short lived, for most of you will die come first daylight.
  I hope you know, there is no home for you here. But if you try and build one, It will be burnt down. Every scrapped cinder and discarded log crushed to black dust. The substance of your soul, you're made of cinders, burning away at the human you once were. And if no one else will stand against you, know I will. Don't mess with fresh fire, lest you get burn away too.

                                                                                    Sincerely, I.
I refuse to be fooled by one of these again, I call to the writers of HP, let us make this a safe space for all writers.
Peter Gerstenmaier
They say time heal all wounds
And though that may be true
For the majority of scenarios
It’s not an irrefutable fact

For our childhood scratches
May be a fleeting kind of pain
Yet there are some scars that life
Engraves deep within our soul

Like a bullet whose trajectory
Missed my heart by a few inches
But hit a far more damaging target
My very last bit of innocence

Now, when I look into the mirror
Every broken bone lost its meaning
And the echoes of who I once was
Are all that remains to be seen
This is a poem my friend Mariya wanted to have written, but couldn't do it 'cause she's too busy saving the world.
Sally A Bayan
Some people aren't open to talks
others don't even entertain jokes,
because their daily moments are
a chaos, of sadness, pain, of anger,
of rising from varying rejections.

We.....are the heroes,
or the villains...or the sacrificed, glorious times,
struggles, described in verses;
we know...for we are those writers,
our poems are colored with our lives.

We create our own rhythms, from
calm or tempestuous days and nights,
we hear ourselves
in gentle or loud voices
we hide...among our limited choices,
we turn numb
we become blind, due to despair,
yet, with a little love,
we get by, time,
our poems become our lifetime hymns,
bringing us back to those days,
how we tried, and
learned our lessons.

sally b

Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
March 2, 2025
Agnieszka de Lods
The water was crystalline and cold
I danced with you in a crushing grip
and distant disconnection.

I held on to you—
in an illusory intimacy,
and deafening silence,
in the moments of fulfillment,
in the endless hours of isolation.

It was my first dance—
chosen with open eyes.
Youth tames wild rivers,
but the swirling depths take away
strength, naivety,
and wonder.

I persisted in stubbornness for years,
suspended between the worlds—
like a stone swallowed by a waterfall
at first, looking into an icy void
then into the warm sun,
convincing myself
I could heal something,
never having been whole.

Uncertain of what was
much closer to me—
my persistence
or my yearning
for what would never come to be.

Then the river tore me from the shore
carried me far away.

Did I ever have a choice?

The hardest thing
is to say goodbye to what
was never real.

This dance by the waterfall’s edge
will remain the only dance of my life.
I know I don’t want to be trapped
in the cold waters rushing toward
the abyss.
Marc Morais
you back up into a corner,
not knowing what else to do—
you feel terribly alone,
and terribly blue.

alone and blue,
backed into a corner.

Just remember—
feeling alone and blue,
you have backed into a very strong corner,
and life has your back.

So stand,
just a moment,
and breathe—just breathe
and know—
you are not so alone,
and not so blue.
Stephen Leacock
The Amelia Falls, where waters break,  
A young man stands as dawns awake.  
Sigil of Lucifer, bold and bright,  
A mark of will, a guiding light.  
Hecate blessings like the moon light.

Oil and gas beneath his feet,  
Fueling ships, the nation's fleet.  
Once rice and sugar tilled the land,  
Now black gold flows from his right hand.  

Through sweat and steel, he built his name,  
A force of progress, forged in flame and fame 
Like Musk before, he dreams in codes,  
Where energy sparks and data flows.  

The Dutch arrived, their wager cast,  
They bought the land, they saw his past.  
Not just wealth, but future planned,  
They forged his bond, they took his hand.  

And now he stands, the world in sight,  
Guyana rising, bold and bright.  
No longer bound by past despair,  
A titan shaped by fire and air.  

In the city’s heart, a hush unfolds,  
The President, a child he holds.  
A newborn wrapped in tender grace,  
The future’s breath upon his face.  

With care he lifts, with might he sways,  
A leader’s arms, a nation's gaze.  
For in this child, the hope is set,  
The dream not done, the path not met.  
The pink COVID  slip that cares
The 100k cash grant that shares

Votes like sugar, sharp yet sweet,  
A pulse that makes the drumbeat meet.  
Like honey poured in hands of fate,  
A whispered choice that fixes the slate, with hands of faith

The young rise up with eyes alight,  
Their voices carving paths of might.  
No story ends where hope still grows,  
A tide that swells, a flame that glows.

Gold in veins, the mountains sing,  
Electronic minds, a future’s wing.  
Rice in fields, the harvest thrives,  
Oil and gas keeps the 25 alive.  

Cards are swiped, the markets rise,  
Trade and commerce touch the skies.  
A land of wealth, both old and new,  
Built by hands both strong and true.  

Yet in his veins, the battle flows,  
Kept alive where medicine goes.  
Right hands guide, the path is clear,  
Strength restored with 25 percent every year.  

Through fire and fate, he stands so tall,  
A future built, a nation’s call.  
The Falls still roar, the waters run,  
And so his empire has begun 1331.
Marshal Gebbie
There's always a beginning
There'll always be an end
And no matter how you play your cards
You won't see round the bend.
For tomorrow is another day
The morning sun will shine
And the layer of potentialities
Set forth for yours and mine.

In looking back a long time
A little boy in jeans,
Check shirt on a pushbike
Amid the in betweens.
Nothing really mattered,
Each day came and went
and before the realization dawned
The infancy was spent.

Mother died of cancer
The agony in eyes
Just 43 years of age
In alcoholic lies.
The Old Man was likewise
Collapsing in my arms
He passed away at 43.
Evaporated charms.

Adolescence came and went
Forced to join the race
Of madness in the unknown
The world's a violent place.
Decision ****** upon in spades
Cut and ****** in life
It's Papua or Vietnam
Instead, I took a wife .

Disaster in the making
A sidestep in the way
I left the complication there
And coldly strode away.
Changed the whole complexion
Altered how it planned
Ended up with knapsack on
Afresh in New Zealand.

Strangely how it re-aligns
The order falls in place
Confusion dissipates to let
What clear defined, creates.
Somewhere I turned the corner
Took it all in hand
Built an actuality
Of promise in this land.

Pride and hard ambition,
defy the odds and graft.
Visualize a rainbow
From inspiration's craft.
Build it with your own two hands
With sweat upon your brow
And know, within your very depth
You're on the right path now.

Lady luck was with me
Somewhere along the way
I found myself a sweetheart
In chance creation's way
Then ragamuffin boychilds
Scrapping on the rug,
Engendered that which matters
In life's eternal shrug.

You touch upon the beauty
You taste the honeyed wine,
You walk on fields of flowers
In the nectar of your time.
Tenderness and kindness
Essential to the mix
Should you wish to be of value
In the blended world you fix.

Some you win, some you lose
Sometimes you just laugh
For as the years meander
There's humor in the task....
And a gentle satisfaction
In the way it all pans through
And at my eighty year reflection
I'm gunna throw a smile at you.

Eighty years, gone in a flash.
Wouldn't have wanted it any other way though!
A sunflower stood, golden and bright,

Bathed in the sun, kissed by the light.

Yet all they saw the flaws in her,

Not the kindness,
Nor the soft and pure nurture she gave

She bent with the wind,
she danced in the rain,

Hiding her struggles,
hiding her pain.

She gave warmth and care,

Yet they acted like she wasn’t there.

She held on tight, she tried her best,

But love unreturned, left an empty chest.
Born in the wild, she'll die the same,

A whisper, a shadow, forgotten name.

Not broken, just emptied, her soul set free

A wildflower’s heart lost to the breeze.
When you go all in and returned only with heaviness in heart
Belinda S Richmond
What's with you?
You seem really sad!!
I'm not sure what to do?
I don't have a clue!!
I don't know, let's see!!
I'll just let you be!!
A color so true,
Don't feel SO BLUE,
just see it on through,
BLUE as the SKY,
BLUE as the SEAS,
BLUE is created
MY, MY, MY!!!,
BLUE can BE,
to LOVE and FEEL,
BLUE is a SHADE that
there is no other,
part of the RAINBOW HUE:

🫐🐦💙🔷️🔹️🟦 THIS IS BLUE 🟦🔹️🔷️💙🐦🫐!!!

Date: 3/9/2025
I died
A life worth living
is a life worth dying

so I was sold

I still smell you
in my brain

A dumpster fire
to re-train

And loose

For an absence of identity within
Julie Grenness
You give many reasons,
Our smiling seasons,
Fishing for souls in human race,
Preaching all find such grace,
Comforting souls foods,
Love tender attitudes.
Feedback welcome.
I knew this feeling clear and deep
The way the world takes on a hue
Of vibrant light a softened grace
A smile reflected in your face.

This quiet bond a secret kept
Where others fail and others slept
We'll find our love in silent grace
Defined by us in time and space.
hue feeling secret clear deep quite bond love time space
I used to dream

about myself in the future.

I wanted to do so many things-






But now that I'm older,

all these dreams


like glass,

drifting away like

a feather

lost in a black tide.

And all I can do is

close my eyes

and let them fall

into the

void of my heart.
Berrin Yakar
Do you recall when we were one?
Because it's the only thing what's been on my mind.
Texting till 4 am,you're laughing
Saying time flies when you're shining.

We even dreamt of ruling this town,
Generous king you were,handed me the crown
All of that,just for me to get left behind.
You have a new queen now,I must stay strong,
But tell me,was it fair to string me along?
Someone who made you believe you two were one may not act like that after a while.Just so you remember to complete yourself first.
Trying to love you when you don’t love me is like drinking acid
It burns my tongue and coats my throat and brings tears to my eyes
Nothing I do or say or where I can go will stop the burn of unreturned care
Nothing you do or say or where you can go will stop me from downing another bottle
Abbott J Hardison
How cruel is reality,
I loved Truth,
An idol of a speaker,
An intelligent human being.

But maybe not,
Maybe he really was an evil thing,
Maybe they were all right,
The questions just pile up.

Where did he go, why did he leave,
Is he coming back, or gone for certain,
Was he really a good person,
Or was I wrong all along.
I think we all know Mr Truth, he's a big name. I love his work and I believe that he is a good person. But with all the claims and random attacks surfacing against him, I don't know if it's just instigation anymore.
Why follow when you can lead the way,
Lose your way you may, but never lose hope.
Accept challenges, never surrender,
Every time you fall, rise a little higher.
When one door closes for you, find a new one.
Love you may not find, but always look to earn someone's trust.
When you see a dark cloud,
Remember there is a rainbow around.
Don't be afraid of the dark night,
For, the night is the darkest
Just before sunrise.
Joginder Singh
जिन्दगी में
संवाद के अभाव में
अक्सर हो जाया करता है
मन मुटाव ,
अतः परस्पर
संवाद रचाया जाए ।
एक दूसरे तक
अपनी चाहतों को
शांत रहकर
पहुंचाया जाए ,
ताकि समय रहते
सब संभल जाएं ।
वे सब अपने मनोभाव
सहजता से
अभिव्यक्त कर पाएं ।
संवाद स्थापना को
विवादों से ऊपर रखा जाए ,
अनावश्यक असंतोष को
बेवजह तूल न दिया जाए ,
बल्कि जीवन में
अपने को बेहतर करने के लिए
प्रयास किए जाएं ,
हो सके तो मतभेद मिटा दिए जाएं।
संवाद स्थापना की ओर
अपनी समस्त संवेदना
और सहृदयता के साथ बढ़ा जाए।
इसके लिए अपरिहार्य है कि
जीवन को विषमताओं से बचाया जाए ,
जीवन पथ को कंटकविहीन बनाया जाए।
I am cursed.
Handed down to me by my mother,
I am cursed.

"This feeling is a blessing!
To know what the soul knows,
To feel the weight of a sigh,
To know the hurt behind a tense laugh--
This feeling means you are good."

This feeling is a curse.
To bear the unknown,
To hold sharp ends of knives,
To carry the weight on my shoulders--
This feeling means I can never be just good.

Disguised as a blessing, this curse runs deep.
You feel it in your heart now, don't you?
Every creak in the forest,
Every cry,
Every sound that was not made.

It runs until you can't hide from it,
It's light so blinding you believe it to be God.
It puts it's hands on your eyes,
And cradles your face so gently.
You would be a fool to not trust it.

And it tells you to do just that--
Trust it.
It's so warm and inviting,
So you do.
Syafie R
He never left a single note.
Just rings on wood, the scent of smoke.
A door unlocked a room left bare.
A ghost still sunken in the chair.

The bottle stood, its duty done.
A quiet war that no one won.
No cries for help, no last refrain.
Just heavy air and dried-up pain.

The world still turned the clocks still kept,
No one knew how hard he wept.
And when they asked they swore he laughed
Yet all he left was hollowed glass.
Isabella Rossi
I just stood and breathed beside a tree
The other day. Odd thing to do perhaps,
It was deep winter, he was sleeping.
A stark
the sky.

Tried to form some words to releaf his
Dark lines.

But no
I was in his keeping.
inverted soul
i'm pretty sure it's a crime
to have you skinny dipping inside the pools of my mind
Eindeinne Moon
It is always "What will other people think when they see you?" NOT "What would I feel when you said that to me?"
My mother's reputation and image is more important than what I feel
The Lily looks up,
the Moon gazes back,
both knowing well,
they will fall,
I remember the full moon night last year, lighting up my terrace. The flower plant looked sooo beautiful!!
One flower was shining exceptionally bright, its face turned up toward the moon, as if it was shyly glancing at it.
Such a magical moment it was!
Rubianne Foster
My personal orator,
tell me a story with profound meaning.
Spin the tale of the abrasive man
who grew from a silent boy.
Feed me you unmistaken eloquence.
Let me drink in your vocal opulence.
Ugh, Why Didn’t I Say Something?

Okay, so like… there was a time,
When you liked me, and I liked you—what a crime.
But I didn’t know, I was so clueless,
And now I’m here, feeling kinda useless.

You’re cute, you’re tall, it’s actually unfair,
And I catch myself trying not to stare.
Do you still feel the same, or is it too late?
Am I stuck overthinking while you’ve moved on straight?

I wish I had said it, just got it all out,
Instead of sitting here filled with doubt.
But maybe—just maybe—you still feel it too,
And you’re wondering the same thing about me and you.
How shamelessly
these storks mate upon
the church tower
You think I’m ok
That is what you see
It’s not as simple as you think
There are things you don't see
It’s all in my head
Mentally I’m not ok
It doesn’t always stay that way
There are demons up there
I’m not good enough they say
They tell me I’m not gonna make it
They are easy to believe
It’s hard to understand
It’s hard to comprehend
It’s not a simple fix
Not a one handed trick
It’s a continuous process
A journey worth while
I can get better
I will get better
I’m determined to get there
I’ll be able to change
I can’t do it without others
I wouldn’t be the same
One day I will see the change in me
One day I’ll find the person I want to be
The Blue Bottles
You say, "I hate you," you mean it
And "I love you" sounds fake
It's taken me so long to figure that out
I used to love the taste, I would do anything for it
Now I would do anything to get the taste out of my mouth
Todd Sommerville
This Romeo is bleeding
Lying here fast awake.

Juliets long gone,
Your suicide didn't take.

Now youth has passed
You by.

No longer a young
Girl's dream.

Not a tragic love story.

Just a tragedy in life,
it now seems.
So obviously this was inspired by the Bonjovi song Always.
It seems I'm inspired by music quite often, that opening line has been in the back of my mind since I first heard it in 1994. LOL
So if music is poetry, which I believe it is, then is a poem inspired by a song
an act of plagiarism? Or is it just a variation of inspiration on a theme???
B L Costello
“I was waiting for you birthday”,
He took off his ring…and walked away,
Well planned,
I wouldn’t invite you anyway!
It’s all about you,
What you want,
What you own,
I guess I’ve always been alone.
Melanie Munoz
Does the sidewalk feel my feet?
Does the wind notice me?

-Melanie Munoz

Another flower that
is near and dear
to my heart.

Black and purple little petals

You used grow in my yard
in the house I grew up in.

So pretty.

What a contrast
to the chaos I
was enduring

Truth. Memories. Interesting how in all of the chaos in my early years I was so aware of the lovely, little delicate flowers that grew in my yard.
I see ghosts
Phantoms of the past
Of a love, that did not last
spilled tears
Once you drew me naked,
And I did not recognize the man,
A stranger in my skin,
I couldn’t trace where I began.
I know you have the picture
Tucked between your pages
I know I have your heart
Tucked between my teeth
Jace Albine
The stains of our love
Have been left on the fabric
Of time itself

And it cannot come clean
Of every shade beneath the sun,
Each heart beats strong, each life begun.
In fields of gold, where shadows play,
All voices rise, come what may.

The sun shines bright on every face,
In every faith, in every place.
Alevi souls, with wisdom deep,
Deserve the light, their dreams to keep.

Together we stand, hand in hand,
In unity, we make our stand.
For every life, a right to be,
Under the sun, we all are free.
Alevi Soul Right Free Stand Hand Wisdom Dreams Light Unity
Lukas Buijs
Turn deep blue’s bright yellow
Shape shift them like Jell-O
No more Mellow Mondays
With my Circular Fellows

Squares playing the Cello
Dimensions Wave Hello
New Motions with New Haze
Make my heart Bellow

No more Paydays,
No more Maydays,
I spend my Haydays–

Let’s have a play-date,
So we can Cre-ate,
Galactic Colours and Shapes–
Next page