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158 · May 2022
Two eyes and two
Colm May 2022
Mine are not two eyes of gold
As an ouce of blue more can be found
Don't ask as to where they look around
Every second, of every day, instead
Like a passing light, step inbetween
Ever flashing still, look back at me
In unstumbling step instead stand before
No one else will ever see
Except for thee
158 · Sep 2019
The First Sight of Fall
Colm Sep 2019
Through the trees it peeks
Like a breath of Fall
Caressing the mirror of Summers last look
Holding the eyes of all
Of the passers by
Who happen to look
And luckily happen not to catch cold
At the very sight of miss Summer
Growing ever older between two trees
I saw it this morning. The first sight of Fall.
158 · Mar 2018
My Writing Is
Colm Mar 2018
Experiential and sensation
Mixed with a desire to connect
A wonder regarding where its going
And very much
The fear that I'll forget
Scribble, scribble, scrawl it quick
The moment turns like a television set
Onward with the next
The fear I mentioned, is what intuitive mind may call a lightning bolt. A sporadic shock of thought mixed with the alignment of truth and observation. The desire to capture that and hold onto it... That can be a strong motivation.
157 · Aug 2018
Rough Cut Edges
Colm Aug 2018
With an edge like brick
Not beautiful by any means

So curt you are
As spoiled milk

Yet I'm unturned
And therefor left

Alone to drink
In this uncomfortable way
157 · May 2021
Plastic Ball Haiku
Colm May 2021
This plastic fire burns
Into a melted mixed bag
Of ***** and strikeouts
Colm Jan 2021
You'd sooner see the ease of shaking the trees
and demanding that the leaves fall
rather than rushing to find
She who was not ready to be found

We won't talk again
Colm Sep 2022
Battled as a worrier be
I feel berated all around
Not just the wind or the waves
But by what I cannot see

As it is me always been
Always will not hopefully
These constant battering thoughts
Cautious tumultuous as is me

But if I'd speak as I speak
Lean on Gods listening
And just walk into freedom
Be it overtop of the sea

Next, I'm known longer lost
But instead, free to be
Like a sailboat again
Against winds constantly
Most times I, do indeed. Pray for me.
Colm May 2020
Yearning for the hours free
But once set upon
By the all too present moment
You may wish yourself
To the time before a viral wish broke out
So be careful of your wishes now
A Year Stolen From Ourselves
155 · Feb 2019
Moon Sight
Colm Feb 2019
With that same young moon smiling down
At that which was never this separated us
With a smile alive, I'm not surprised
As my prayer was granted
Though I'll never forget the sly expression
Just below and beside my own eyes
Not no light
155 · Mar 2018
Looking Up
Colm Mar 2018
Dreams are...
Like the stars
Unreachable but
Still embedded
Within existence
You may not reach. But that doesn't mean such a thing does not exist.
154 · May 2018
Doom Heart
Colm May 2018
My heart has been heavy
And very much aware
Of the smallest value which it brings to the world
No companionship or creativity
Accomplishment or distractions
Can distract me from this
The inevitability of mortality
RIP one day. Free to be.
154 · Aug 2022
dear alan watts
Colm Aug 2022
You are
Like cloud
And water
In the breeze

Like stray fodder
You lift
And float
And love
And hover above
The blocking sun
At ease

Until rain
Or snowfall
Or dew
Does fall

You are
As nothing
And yet something
As all
154 · Jun 2018
Passing Thoughts
Colm Jun 2018
My mind is flint
My tongue the tinder
A spark that is
Just let me die

These were the passing thoughts of mine
Sometimes I wake up just to write.
153 · Jun 2019
Nature And Consciousness
Colm Jun 2019
Mindfulness, awareness
The pursuit of perfection indefinite

Though she may be
All which grows heavenly above the middle sea

I am the opposite of her
I am consciousness indefinitely
Men and Women
153 · Aug 2021
Wind Beyond
Colm Aug 2021
The wind, a blessing,
gifts me this -
I can hear the trees
from all the way behind glass doors
such as these
153 · May 2019
Old Addiction
Colm May 2019
You’re the drug I see from an old distance
A smile that I cannot hold

How I wish and wish
And wish and wish
And grow older

Sipping on cups of memories
Which I thought I'd emptied long ago
Not that it matters, but she was mine.
152 · Sep 2019
Love Each Day, A Tanka
Colm Sep 2019
Kiss this youthful day
With a passionate prose tongue
And hold her hands close
As if tomorrow wont come
Though it ever will do so
Don't waste another day
Not saying words
Which should've been reinforced long ago

Live fully, darnit
152 · Feb 2021
when alone is said
Colm Feb 2021
my saying I'm alone by me
is like saying that the stars have no sky
because the night cannot breathe so deeply this far into the galaxy
alone is never alone, my friends
151 · Sep 2022
Colm Sep 2022
That horizon
It would've been beautiful
To climb and peek
At its mountain peeks
And at the top to see
All of the breathless heights
Which it would've held

But instead
In the middle of the week
I wed
151 · Jun 2018
The Same
Colm Jun 2018
Though my hopes
My wishes
And my prayers
May change

With each
New season
Of remind

My spirit
And my smile
Will always remain
And the same
Colm Jan 2020
Sink not in oceans
So much as you swim
In the unified chorus
Of Calvary's voice
The ocean is a place. I've found it and I love.
150 · Jan 2020
Lightning Tanka
Colm Jan 2020
Thunder strikes sudden
Blanking conscious volts and jolts
So fast that being
Fails to be aware of self
Old heartbeats stop as of now
These last 10 verses, mixed with tankas and haikus, were all from the same set. Written on the same day, at the same place, one year later. It seems to be a tradition that I always write a set of ten on that particular morning. LOL. Enjoy!
150 · Sep 2018
Small and Indicative
Colm Sep 2018
In peril elsewhere I may be
Or not
And yet
In this quiet place
You may find
A small piece of me
And my quiet mind
Why was this in my drafts?????
150 · Jan 2022
Breathing Last
Colm Jan 2022
The difference between life and stories
Is that when one ends
The other keeps breathing
Or not
Newry Set . 6
149 · Jan 2022
Fog Like Wine
Colm Jan 2022
A riesling fog
Rolls back like fingers
From the base of the Alleghenies

And I
In watching still
Call forth no words to move as it
Newry Set . 2
149 · Jan 2020
The Changing, Aiming, Ever
Colm Jan 2020
We are not just aiming creatures, but also changing creatures
Ever moving steadily offwards
Acting only when we want to be, or time compels us to be more
Some think, some feel, some find their way in the formidable dark
Some ponder and abhor the sight
But creatures we are nonetheless, in ever undoubted outline
Stark is our contrast
Night is our eyesight
And burning is our ambition bright
An observation with a flicker. Like a candle shedding light. I'm a big JBP fan. But this also seems true to me personally. That we don't just aim at things, but that we adjust our aim based on many things over time.
149 · Apr 2022
My mistress named Poetry
Colm Apr 2022
I understand
You're jealous of my words
And greedy for my eyes and time
Which seeks to self aggrandize self
Which forgets our God and you alike

I see this now
As clear as red flame
I can see what wishes you had in mind
And I, and I, still can care for these
But forgot not how to forget this time

Please understand, you are also in
My life
149 · Jan 2021
Your name (A Haiku)
Colm Jan 2021
Apart is the tear
Of myself and yours a piece
Every time I hear
148 · Jan 2020
Original Thought
Colm Jan 2020
These words
Are neither alone
  Nor my own

Having found their way from eyes to ears
From ears to mouth
  And down

No thought original
Ought to be originally found
   When it comes to expression out

We speak
And what we think to be our own
  Is found
148 · Mar 2021
Colm Mar 2021
Unfeeling is no cloud above
Though ground unwilling to hold you fast
Like stars and fires and ocean sands
We turn and burn and age unto ash

148 · Oct 2018
At The End Of All Focus
Colm Oct 2018
Tear me away from this society
From this company
From these smiles that are not mine
And will not keep

Give me a flower
Give me a tree
A shining steeple that grows till death
And shimmers in the sun
Stedily, radiantly
At the end of all focus
Colm Jan 2021
Finding your memory
Lodged deep like a bullet wound
And in reaching past ribs, I heal
And turned out your used-to-be onto the street
And now only its recollection collects
And makes me money
All patched up, I'm headed home.
Colm Jul 2020
These clouded heart strings
Cannot hum through air most faint
When in breathing out
147 · Sep 2018
Say This And Outlast
Colm Sep 2018
I have trudged and rolled through the cold wintery days and the springtime of freedom is here at last.

You will not spoil this for me.

You too will pass.
Don't give anyone that kind of power over you. Your purpose is your own. Not theirs.
147 · May 2019
A Stoningland Prayer
Colm May 2019
Tall tower of Ecthelion
White tree of Númenor
Crash not over me with tidal waves
But restore the trust
The peace perceived and the strength of men
As it was before between the earth
During the younger days
When the sunlight was bright with gleaming eyes
A Stoningland Prayer
147 · Jun 2018
Colm Jun 2018
Dancing round the kitchen
Three am an omlet
And the only pair of eyes to see
Will ever be for me
Will ever be for me
Certain sights. Etc.
146 · Jul 2018
Colm Jul 2018
You'll know him
Or her
When you see them
A steady person
With an intriguing glance
Masking a world inside
Sound it.
146 · Jan 2021
Headache Based Haiku
Colm Jan 2021
No coffee can cure
Or time can begin to hide
Such lack thereof, sleep
144 · Nov 2021
Lovers beneath night
Colm Nov 2021
Moonlight is a special ray
Which falls reflective upon us all
Not all, or all the time, at all

But slowly, and somberly, and softly
It starts with an edge of blue alive
And moves like a slow dance between stars ignite

Moonlight, my old friend
Even now in my minds eye
Over top of us, together, it comes to call
Two love might take
Colm Jun 2018
When the stormy days come
     And do not leave

When you're turning like the July wind which rolls
     Through the summer trees

When the walls seem dry
     And the wells turn warm

When the childlike embrace
     Finally runs to the storm

When all of these things happen
     When all of these things combine

When the rainy season comes
     There's no reason to hide

Live your life in the storm
     Waste no moment alive
When the storms come for you...THAT is the time when you most need to live your life. Not recklessly, but with confidence in your backing.
144 · Jun 2018
Colm Jun 2018
This is me letting go...falling slowly from the cliff of selfish desire, into the cool and clearness of the conscience below.

Of you and my desire for you...this is me letting go.
From the Sleepless Feet Collection.

A wise man said...that every seed dies before it grows. And so then it what love remains therein enough to let them go? To relinquish what you want...I think so.
144 · Mar 2021
be tired with me?
Colm Mar 2021
like a scratching record
around I cannot break
and in circles find nothing
more than our something should
this unwaking headache
with its cold sweat and migraines
is the only thing left
the only path to take

until we are left therein
that parallel state of unbeingawake
144 · Oct 2021
Colm Oct 2021
My life is cloudy with a chance of smiles. Quiet with a propensity for lofi.
And cold coffee warming like the mountain streams, basking in the summer sun.

Look and see.

Just breathe and let me be.
Colm Apr 2021
Your star
No matter how far
Or in nearness, how bright
Though time does dim
And wear away at
The corners of your eyes
Near the edges of life
And galaxy's end
I, fear not lonely your presence
Only your absence of light
For it's within the sky
In this ocean of goodnight, alone
In which I could never shine
At least therein, without you
143 · Feb 2021
girl Dream
Colm Feb 2021
When I least expect
Your presence to be
Without longing or desire
Or conscious choice
Without all of these
Some mornings you'll appear
Out of fog and vale revealed
Almost sudden without warning or iniquities
You aree simply there
And I'm left wondering as to why
You chose once again to visit me
Not in the real but the realm of dreams
Left is right, up is down, and I am you
Colm Jan 2020
Open my mouth to raindrop thoughts
Forget to breathe the breath of life
And I forgot
As I tried to consume the sky again
For not
Just Me beneath the sky

The girl I haven't met yet
143 · Jul 2019
Your Shirtsleeve World
Colm Jul 2019
Everything outside of your universe
Which you cannot SEE because you're already IN
Dictates what you are and have already been
Just a carbon based life form
Just a volley of stars
Stretching out like milky moonlit sea
As you cannot shift what is out of reach
Or find with your eyes that which is out of sight
It is the thought ⁠— the study of that within glass ⁠— which allows you at last
To begin to begin
Your Shirtsleeve World
142 · May 2021
The Act
Colm May 2021
Saying it isn't feeling it
And feeling it isn't breathing it

Breathing it isn't living it
And living it isn't being in it

Being in it isn't believing in it
And believing in it isn't seeing it

Seeing it isn't abiding in it
And abiding in it isn't contentment in it

And the act (therein)
Doesn't begin without the feeling of it
Deter Me Not Set (3)
142 · Jan 2020
Human Fixitie
Colm Jan 2020
If you're reading me
In this moment now
We are one and the same
Not just in eyes or in fixitie of mind
But by the air we breathe
With the dreams we dream
In mutuality of meaning
We are alive
You're reading me? Thank you for your eyes. (:
141 · Sep 2019
The Right Choice Undoubted
Colm Sep 2019
All of the superficial, super-******, similarities in the world...
Are not worth an ounce of misunderstanding.
Or two ounces of lifelong regret.
The Right Choice Undoubted - Glad Indeed
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