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 May 2018
Rebel Heart
Because in between the notes
That hum a melody through my veins
I find the overbearing reality
Of the ghosts that scream out
In a rising soprano
So out-of-tune that I'm afraid
The pieces left of my heart
Will shatter into nothingness
And leave me empty
With no music to describe
The burden of these demons I carry
Most of all,
I'm afraid
To live in this void
Of infinite silence
That forever threatens
To swallow me whole
(Front Page 5/8/2018)
 May 2018
we begin.
i am painted pink
and your hands are my artist.

we begin again.
and i might be hurting
and you never notice.

we begin again.
and you are running miles for the both of us
while i am hesitant to take a step.

we begin.
you and i, both shaking, letting go of holding on.
and i have begun not loving you.
 May 2018
Rebel Heart
But in the deafening sounds of silence
There lay thousands of silent screams
Never to be heard by anyone
But the ghosts that haunted
The sinners and the ******
If only you could hear
The echoing of their voices
In the corners of my mind
In the emptiness of the night
Then and only then
Would you understand
That behind my smiles
And stupid childish jokes
Lies a thousand unheard screams
Demanding me
To let them break out
And finally be free
Because I am the Tortured and the ******.
(Front Page 5/6/2018)
 May 2018
Rebel Heart
But the second I chose
To embrace who I was
I plunged into a darkness
So thick
I lost my own reflection
and When I finally emerged
I saw a once-broken girl
Turn into the very demons
That tormented her
And she then turned
Into the very monsters
That made her suffer
In the land of supposed dreams
And that little girl
Was wiped from existence
Just. Like. That.
Never to be found
Ever again
(Front Page 5/5/2018)
 Apr 2018
Willy Shakysphere
My wild ambition loves to slide - ye all must understand
But fortune's ice prefers only the most virtuous of hand.
In Malaga I grew weary and wanton to possess
The most colorless canvas, one easy with a lazy happiness,
Disdained by golden fruit to the viewer be
As I passed the crowd to gently shake the tree.
Now manifest in paint, inward contrived and long since
I stood in bold defiance with the heart of a prince,
Held up on the square by one wanting to buy my latest cause.
Against the wind I held it up in spite of all the laws.
Do they wish to thicken my lot among all their other mistakes?
What circumstances find you this? -This is what my mind makes!
The buzzing of my emissaries fill my ears
With many solitary jealousies and fears,
Arbitrary thoughts brought forward into the light,
Contemplating existence, must it prove my vision right?
Weak are the arguments! Which the true artist knows full well,
Where weak minded people curse my renderings or are easy to rebel.
For am I not governed by the moon and by the far off stars?
Tread lightly on me and don’t put me behind your own bars.
And once in a shard of time let the Annunaki’s scribe record,
That my vision once rendered could somehow affect their lord.
The unrecognized Enki still wants to be a chief, yet none
He created was found as fit as barren Adam.
Not that he wished his greatness to create,
For leaders should wish not to be called great.
But he like I know our titles are not to be allowed.
For titles are useless and only dependent upon a crowd,
Those are kingly powers, thus ebbing us out, they might be
Drawn by the dregs of a falsely acclaimed democracy.
But in my paint I attempt, with studied arts to ease,
And shed the unholy venom with visions such as these.
On the other side of the canvas, not much escapes my eye –
But once in front of it – nothing escapes the me that I call I.
I have several prints of Picasso's work and sometimes I ponder their true meanings. I'm like that. I wonder what was the artist thinking as he created this or that piece. Picasso was/is a hard nut to crack. Born of influence and trained mostly by his father he should have had a life of luxury. But such was not the case. For a time he lived almost penniless and hungry a lot of the time. But even in those years he not only refused to conform but he defied all reason to conform to what he was being taught as an artist. Instead he blazed his own trail. And today more people know the name of Picasso than any other artist, I dare say. So - in this piece it is my hope to show you how original he truly was. To me his magic is found in his ability to reflect his own thoughts into - if not inside of - a particular piece of his renderings. After just a little study - you can see him in his drawings, paintings, etc. Here's a last bit of trivia for you concerning Picasso. Were you aware that in his earlier young adulthood that he was so poor that he actually burned some of his own art just to try to stay warm? Think of what any of his burned renderings would be worth today. Now I call that perspective.
 Apr 2018
Tark Wain
I want to
feel nothing for you.
I want to
soak myself in Novocain
when you pass me on the street.
I want to
not be blown away by the way
your hips shift when you walk .
I want to
delete memories of you
like they were data on a disk.
I want to
shove you so deep into a crowded backpack.
That thousands of years could pass
before I found you.
I want to
be like the neutered dog
able to **** away and away
with no consequence.
I want to
close my eyes and think of anything else
literally anything else
like dead bodies decaying
or something along those lines.
I want to
be free from your chains
and I mean that.
You don't seem to understand that
but I do.

Mean it.

Believe me.

I want to feel nothing for you.
 Apr 2018
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

True nature would be equal to a God,
But you rather ignore what you have,
times are too short to be sad,
Sacrificing so much for greed, all that
you had,
Time is ticking and we gotta listen,
Lives are on the line to display the
While people walking around penny

We are so not far from the end,
Evils everywhere , even on the dollar that
you spend,
Nothing is fair,
They told you about the beast,
And how we always feed it,
**** disability checks , go for achievements,
We struggling with our **** demons,
Down for a truth seeking mission,
I aint reachin',
Have enough hard time learning,
I ain't teachin',
People **** each other for the dollar,
Steal from another all for the dollar,
Keep a gun in their pants for the dollar,
Selling their souls all for a dollar.
 Apr 2018
I just realised that I have to love myself more
in many different ways
like appreciating me
that I'm beautiful and I have brains like no other
even with all my flaws, I'm beautiful
and no one has to make me feel bad about being me because there's no one else like me.
I realised that I also have to make time for me
the same time I give to other people should be
10 times more that I give to myself

This is all self love and it comes with self confidence.
 Apr 2018
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

we live for this break,
‎as much things as we say,
‎there's no room for mistakes,
‎I'll be one with you.

we fight different devils,
‎we beat different levels,
‎some have hearts like gravel,
‎I'll be one with you.

you're the,only one that knows my
Sayings are so fresh and new,
I'd admire you and all the flaws,
Wish I would have knewn you soon.

Dark days are ahead,
Dark days,
Dark days are ahead,
Dark days are ahead,
Dark days,
Dark days are ahead,
Dark days are ahead,
Dark days,
Dark days are ahead,
Dark days are ahead,
Dark days,
Dark days are ahead,

being alone in this world could be the
worst if you know what the feelings are
worth,and so forth,
being alone in this world could be
worst if you know what the feelings are
worth,and so forth.
 Apr 2018
April 15, 2018. 11.11am - "Make a wish!"

"Did you make one?"

         I did, I wished for the impossible with all the might of my heart.

"Yep, I did."

         If only you knew, I wish for this with every beat of my heart on
         the daily.

"What is it?"

         I wished for everyday to be like this, I wished to wake up next to
         you, I wished to stay with you.

"I can't tell you, then it won't come true."

         We were meant to say goodbye from the beginning,
         The universe brought you to me, only to leave me attached
         and longing, knowing you'll have to be ripped out my life.
I ask myself sometimes, why did I let this happen?

Then I look at our hands, our present, intertwined, even if momentarily, I understand.

To be able to love, to be able to miss, to feel this kind of pain, to go through scrolls of memories with you, to understand depths of myself that were once shallows.

Our paths were always carved into two,

I can only wish,

our paths can come become one again.

Through all the kisses and tears, I'll be yours.

It feels that I've been in stages and phases of preparation. Preparing myself to say goodbye to you, the acceptance of that hurts. Maybe we weren't meant to say goodbye, maybe we were meant for a hello in the future, in a different time.
 Apr 2018
Amanda Kay Burke
Hang up and regret
Not saying goodbye. We might
Never speak again.
You never know
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