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Charlie's Web Jul 2015
I'm still afraid of letting go.
Letting go of the bed
I only know how to sleep in
with the AC roaring.

Afraid of what my life will look like
without the seductive smoke
and twist off bottle caps.

I'm just as afraid of walking out the back door,
keeping me inside,
holding me together.
Afraid of the weather
my body has not yet adjusted to.

There's no harmony in heat and some days I think I'll never stop sweating.
Charlie's Web Jun 2015
I am an individual responsible for my beliefs.
Responsible for the way I wear my hair or if I brush my teeth.
Individuals watching me, judged by jobs I can't keep.

Kids responsible to read, get good grades.
Even when ma and pa weren't there to praise
preoccupied with their financial raise.

So I raised my hand and asked to go to the bathroom
where I fixed my hair to avoid disastrous measures.
Nobody wants to get the wrong answer.

I am an individual responsible for my beliefs and the habitual liquor I drink.

Responsible for the way I phrase my words.
Regardless what they heard won't make them think about
their own decisions

and the tinted glass we all look through the
sinking depositions in court accusing a man as a monster
whose really a victim of the system.

american predisposition.

I am an individual responsible for my beliefs.
Disregard all opportunity to challenge what I think.
We all woke up on a road where
Signs said this way goes home
Said this way isn't wrong
Said look around and see where you belong.

I am an individual responsible for my beliefs but my individuality is regurgitating the messages around me and I am having a hard time taking full responsibility.
Charlie's Web Jun 2015
I told myself I couldn't hold the truth
in a matter of seconds, I lost the essence.

I told myself I couldn't find the grind
of my purpose, I lost the focus.

I told myself I couldn't be the person
people say they see, I won the protest.

I always told myself I couldn't so I didn't.

And time is slipping through the fingertips
of my eyelids that keep shutting when they shouldn't.
Charlie's Web Jul 2015
To say that it's complicated is
under the water where you can't breathe.
it's under the bridge where it could be me.

Even that white girl wearing white pearls
with her beige bag because black
was a place she'd never admit to be

But yeah, she smoked crack too.

To say that it's complicated
is to say "just calm down,"
"take a deep breath and relax."

As if your simply stated words would
relieve me from the concrete that
sits at my feet up to my knees.

As if your teeth can utter the
importance of how it feels to
have a hole in your chest and
blind spots in your eyes,
the inability to cry because
you don't care anymore.

I put down the whiskey
but picked up the menthol
because some buzz is much better than
nothing at all.

To say that it's complicated
is to say that the
puzzle pieces don't connect.
that the picture on the box
resembles regret.

I don't think that my life is a broken tune,
but I think there are some things you can never
Charlie's Web Apr 2015
I am paying 40g's a year to read a ******* book.
Four ******* years I devote to read a few ******* books.

two hundred bucks a pop
I'd be better off with bad credit
from unpaid fees at the public library.

I'll be paying off my social score
for the next forty years.
watch my tight skinned allure fade to menopause grey.

sun rise sun set
I'll forever be a slave
paying off this debt
society's dug my grave
prosperity's crude parade
makes my sanity tranquilized on getting paid.

money makes the world go round but
honey used to be found when
bees buzzing was a common sound
when bees knees meant nothing
trees dropped acorn spreading its breed
expanding the air

now we make babies and they like to eat and breathe
expanding our waistline
instead of our fine minds

oh yeah, apparently we need to to pay for that.
Charlie's Web Jun 2015
I'll give you my sleeve if you take my heart.
I know how to please,
not fall apart.
Charlie's Web Feb 2019
we wish to wake the shadows we don't own

the sun don't shine in places unknown

you've put monsters in our heads
monsters in our beds

come home

our eyes may hide but we still see the lie

our hearts are meant to sing you deny

you've got monsters in your head
you're the monster in my bed

go home
Addiction captures a group of very special people.  Their power and wisdom could heal the world once reminded who they really are.
Charlie's Web Feb 2019
An open letter to my mothers boyfriend,

When you blame millennials for the current state of our nation, you are disregarding the environment we've learn to survive in. Cookies hanging over our heads, blindly following the sound of people celebrating empty dreams. Dreams recited by our fathers.  I am not trying to place blame on you, as I know you too have been infected by these unspoken rules. You too had a cookie hanging over your head. But I want you to know that our cookies just look different. As time passes recipes’ recalibrate and cookies transform. And I feel for you, maybe you’re still chasing the cookie, maybe it’s getting harder to chase, or maybe you ate the cookie and still felt hungry. But if we really want to have this conversation, about the current state of our nation, I’m gonna need for you to stop talking about cell phones and 20 something year olds and start talking about where these cookies came from!
Charlie's Web Jul 2015
I want to eat when I’m not hungry.
There’s something to feed and I know
that there is nothing I can feast off of to satisfy the
empty heart that heavily hangs in my chest.

Sometimes food helps me forget
that I’m not hollow,
it helps me remember
that something can fill me up

As I walk to the kitchen and look
in a fridge that has nothing to offer
I grab another coconut icicle pop

It’s sweeter than my father was growing up
I eat it even though I’m feeling cold
I eat it even when I’m not hungry at all
Charlie's Web Apr 2015
i am the colored leaves cascading from autumn trees onto concrete
where you don't know below greens used to grow.

i am the pupil of your eye standing before a judges' sentence
without knowing the consensus missed evidence.

i am the rain drop that falls on your forehead
forgetting umbrellas don't matter
until they do.
Charlie's Web Apr 2015
i am no poet. i am no writer.
I am an aspiring intellectual

But not in the "educational" sense.
I just want to find a way to
Express these thoughts that
Slip through the moments are memories

so do they really exist?

Are my insights just grasps for straws
To explain the logical
Pain from memories
that don't exist?

Or do they design new rules
becoming predisposed tools to advance
because we don't always have to get the short stick
Charlie's Web Apr 2018
Instagram embodies a heart shell
negates to incarnate the beat.
Rejecting its blood flow,
Projecting its cell count
to a matter of likes.

Instagram is home to a
headspace with heartaches of
beautiful ideas
that want to be felt
but can only be seen.

These days connection's connected to
soft eye lids and caressing  fingertips to a screen.
Charlie's Web Jun 2015
come here, lie down with me,
come cuddle with curdling casualties
that don't tell you it's alright.

I'll feast off the feeble fallacies that haunt you in the
knight in shining armor that never comes

Unless you lie right here
next to me.
Charlie's Web Nov 2015
My love for you is like the first slice of chocolate cake.

I keep eating more thinking it will feel as good as the first.

But I'm down to the last and I feel nothing but sick.
Charlie's Web Apr 2015
Reasons why we should study the birds,
a species that's outlived humanity.
Seasons try to tamper feathered herds,
humans hamper their vacancy.
Wonder why they've survived?
it's pretty obvious,
birds can fly.
Charlie's Web Mar 2019
I thought I saw you in a dream last night

My words wouldn’t let my heart speak

I'm not used to hearing colors in the words you use to make your mouth leak
Charlie's Web Apr 2015
You sit on the holy hollow thrown in my body.
Calling for salvation, claiming camaraderie

The internal tick I tend to mend,
sits on my chest, sinks into my irises.

A sip, a snort, a huff whisper safe promises.

You are the thumb I **** singing lullabies to sleeping peace,
the knife I carry down dark streets.

You are the doctor I call when I break my arm,
the scarf I wear in winter storms.

But too,

You are the *** hole in main streets,
and a broken belt in the drivers seat,
the sour milk in my fridge when I make English tea.
You've put salt in my sugar.

You are the feet that fall asleep in a moment of danger.

You are a beautiful thought waiting to unfold on black paper.

You sit on the holy hollow thrown in my body.
Commanding toxic tensions, comforting ill redemptions.


The kingdom we live in is drinking resilience,
mind stepping back into its brilliance.

You still sit on the holy thrown in my body.
But I too fight for survival
and you still dable with devils.

But the battles I face are no longer hollow,
and sometimes I miss the comfort of denial.
Charlie's Web Apr 2015
I cannot express myself
Not the way letters have sounds
And the way words have means
Because means have ends.

I cannot find a way to define my experience
Because definitions have conditions
And every definition is defined
By one mans minds eye.

I cannot find my voice
Because the keys are in the Kingdom of my choice
And if my choices are made in duty to the words you say

How can my words carry voice?
Charlie's Web Dec 2015
Sometimes right before my head hits the pillow
my teeth start to ache
my eyes dry up
and my hands start to shake.

I never remember why I can't sleep
until those shattering thoughts remind me of the
chatter I made to keep you awake
the signs I'd seek and hoped to make you stay
the thighs I'd grab to tell you it's okay
to be broken.
To think that the world is unholy.
To think the rain only comes when your shining smile starts showing.

Just don't forget that you can't control the weather
and maybe your smile needs to sleep for a while.
Come out when the storm resides to a spot in your heart.
Maybe one day you'll remember the rain is not only a time that
tore you apart,

but a horrible storm that gave you enough water to grow flowers.

I sleep soundly now
my teeth don't ache
my eyes aren't dry
and my hands don't shake

I sleep because I know this small body can't control the weather.
I simply stopped trying because I don't have the power to grow flowers.
Charlie's Web Mar 2019
Moments dressed up as old friend
Stories with sharp ends
Time can be violent, ever so silent
Is your love timeless?

I don’t need your love
I just want your eyes to unwind
See behind defining lines

Stories told by false notions
Innocence drinking potions
Do you even notice?
You’ve got to focus
Charlie's Web Apr 2015
Love is the light I turned on when he tried kissing death

it's the jump across the muddy puddle
with new shoes you hold your breath

Love is my bandaid that won't save cries from more lies, just harm

it's the rug you wipe your feet on
after walking in the snowstorm

Love is the warm wind that greets the frost biting your nose

it's the living pit in my stomach
fearing a phone call

it's the sky's orange, pink and purple
the suns departure and arrival

Love is the toxin I inhale
exhale love reflexive sparkle
Charlie's Web Jun 2015
My hands keep rolling off the tip of my tongue.
Words keep grasping for branches on trees that won't grow
And I am left hanging
Anticipating a drop
Of wisdom that won't
Thy kingdom come to my rescues.
Because this fortress of trees foreshadows vulnerability.

Where is the light?
Charlie's Web Jul 2015
I saved a spot in my gut
for another huff
another snort
another sip
as they whisper sweet nothings in my ears,
it sometimes tickles.
the way my lover makes me feel
when he breathes down my neck
and there are days I forget
that he crushed my heart
i never remember those days
i fell apart
because those whispers are so enticing
so inviting.

There are some days where I think I've had enough.
I looking for my out because I fear the loss of lust
Sorry for all of the addiction/recovery writes. Thats just where I am at right now.
Charlie's Web Feb 2019
How many times must my fists smack your stiffness until you soften?

I don’t want to use my fists, I’m not violent.
Even in defense, words raised to take the hardness,
silently, repeat, repeat.
Raised to repeat, repeat.
I never wanted to be violent.

I don’t want to use my fists, but your stiffness is contagious.
I don’t know how to look at you without them,
smacking every corner, separating hard shells.

I don’t want to use my fists.
my hands,
They’re raw and dry, too sanitized.
and my shell is colliding, oozing, fermenting
into juices of the berries you forbid.
I don’t want to use my fists anymore.
My hands want to open, softly.  
Sweet unfolding fingers
offer demons blessed darlings.
Charlie's Web Feb 2019
There are days I dream and feel like an imposter

until I remember we’re all imposters living in unrealized dreams.
Who are you
Charlie's Web Feb 2019
What an insidious dance among your
tone teeth and tongue. Words not formed to be heard, just flashing the flags you claim.

All actors acting the leads in roles of plays they don’t write.

Moving tongues become obsolete on stages build in concrete.
And as I watch
I wait
I listen for those words of choice to sound less like a noise and more like voice.
Charlie's Web Jul 2015
I'm done getting faded
My dream's vindicated
Your eyes don't have to waste time on me

My words keep on falling
My mouth hits a wall and
My pupil pin point prevents
Me to see

I just can't stand for this **** again
Walking on water
With weights on weak knees
Without the dope sick
Dream trip
I can feel the breeze
Right beneath my cheeks
Where the wind used to blow
Too high to know
The difference between
Free and
Let be

I'm done getting faded
Fake friends getting wasted
More time to find how I can please
The mind that's been on a grind
To forget memories
Charlie's Web Jan 2019
What colors will whisper around the crack of old silhouettes? What words will soak me in light and dark? What eyes will I meet? Can you hear my thoughts calling your name?
Sometimes I wonder
Charlie's Web Jan 2019
When curiosity is pursued new wonders will flourish, leading you to a stark stage that continues to unfold into rose buds and rose beds. And thorns still sting but darling you will smell the summer breeze when winter nights bite your nose.

if curiosity killed the cat, at least they knew living.
note to self
Charlie's Web Apr 2015
Im feeling confined by
lines leniently lighting the way.

The ******* I bare
the clothes I wear

So the curve in my line carries cat calls all day.
Charlie's Web Apr 2015
At the age of nine he wanted to die
which was something I couldn't understand
because I knew our mother loved us.

desperation so

doctors drill diagnostic decisions down his throat.
I pray he won't choke on the
shallow pills he has to swallow
hollow dreams he has to follow.

Sedating's seductive for families who can afford it.

The Founding Fathers have forged my future,
they've mocked my freedom and cashed in on humans.
America likes to revive our problems with the quickest fix, money solves it.

My brothers become another lab rat
to solidify the fact that these pills are legit.
Simply because his name appears on a list.
Ignoring the fact his original pain was nothing but a claim

against all of this cultural *******.
Charlie's Web Jul 2015
Life Liberty and the Pursuit
of never catching a breath,
leaving a house wreck
in the yard where
I thought there were flowers.
The garden where
my mother spent hours
growing vegetables
she'd always over cook.
Her sweet potatoes baked bitter
no butter made it better.

So I decided to grow on my own,
to grab a gasp of air that
will never let me choke.


— The End —