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Mar 2021 · 548
Found a box of poems
Anne B Mar 2021
So I went home
Found a big, tuquoise box in the wardrobe
I thought I would find treasures from the past
Forgotten poems to amaze me

All I found, was a selfish, young girl
- feeding the fire that was
my depression /
My personality
at the time
I want to burn it all in terror anyone will find it.
Feb 2021 · 331
Anne B Feb 2021
Burn those bridges, then
If you must.

Let them ******* burn.
Sometimes you gotta do.
Anne B Feb 2020
Poetry is for truth and emotions.
ugly emotions.
You can't just
censor people and
think they won't
do the things they write.
I think the curse words and depression words came back. K thx. - spring 2021
Sep 2018 · 629
w o l f
Anne B Sep 2018
You look like a wolf
in sheep’s clothing

And yet, you say you
are the dragon

Yet, you make us believe
in your story

You breathe no fire

You only wanted the
castle walls
to protect you
from our glances

If you had opened up
Put away your wolf hide

All could see
how lonely you are

And how wrong our story is

Ann­e H. Bakke  |  02:09  @   29.05.2016
The narrative is all wrong. You are doomed.
Sep 2018 · 1.1k
Anne B Sep 2018
is left to find
We know it all
The explorers are dead

is magical anymore

We already know
we are going

And we're not leaving
We're conciled
to this part of the Universe
which we've already
managed to

The heat has arrived, to
   torch our land and it's too

comes to us.

AHB |  9.08.2018.
A poem about how we are slowly destroying the planet and how we seemly seem to do too little, too late.
Oct 2016 · 439
Anne B Oct 2016
We were too
in love,
to see how
we turned
into mirror images

It’s so difficult, when
in euphoria;
in love, to
see challenges and
set boundaries.

**10. july 2016 – 23:16
May 2016 · 388
Anne B May 2016
They say lightning does not strike the same place twice.

But a man named Roy Sullivan was struck seven times.

So don't tell me the world is fair.
May 2016 · 1.1k
r e g u l a t i o n s
Anne B May 2016
Maybe I like you
Possibly, I admire you

Hopefully, I won't
fall for
Guess what, I did.
Jan 2015 · 662
Anne B Jan 2015
maybe I should just let you go?

You, who have taken home (shelter) in my mind
You, who have stopped paying your bills.
Your post box is full.
My mind is about to explode

You see, I have found properties of atoms that meet;
Connect –
Then explode.

My mind, my explosion; people –
they meet to explode

Fragments of people the only to survive

Am I nothing but atoms and organs? After my mind produced nuclear power and
BLASTS everywhere.
Blood everywhere. And fragmented bodies.

In 1945, Nagasaki and Fukushima fell.
In 2014, I fell to your feet (and all your other parts).

In 1945 and 2014, bombs were bombs.

People are weapons.
We can’t separate friend from foe,
and we fall to ashes in a ******* hole on the earth’s cold, silent surface.
Shields and swords are cruel words – silence is the first part of death.

But maybe I should let you go?
And what if I can’t.
Will your artificial love in my mind keep pushing me off the rooftop?

“You’ve moved to the top floor?”
“Yes” (So that I can **** myself more easily, from the top of the world)

Maybe I should jump from the church towers.
Would I be mature enough for you?

Flowers are grown, old and beautiful
when we pluck them
- Maybe that’s the truth to me too.

I should open up,
not wither away

I should not be the person I am; or the one I am clinging to
I should trust the right people.

The nuclear clock should stop at 11:58.
These people should be saved.

You could come back to me.

Maybe I should let you go. Maybe I won’t.

25.01.14    |   *Anne H. Bakke
Aug 2014 · 4.0k
Anne B Aug 2014
it’s the skin disease that is my sickness
It’s the red dots
                  (hurtings, blemishes, scars)
                         and not my face I see
It’s the
                                 d e s p e r a t i o n
                                  on display
                                  of my insecurities, and
  so it worsens my insecurities
The hermeneutic circle;
                                             fact is fact
So, on my face
       desperation is visible
                     sadness in my mind;
         emptiness in body;
— but explosions on my face
  That is all I see
       It's all
I am a

**august 2014
Acne. What it does to me displayed. At least some of it.
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
Anne B Jul 2014
No similes
No metaphors
No allegories
No alliteration
No irony
No paradox
No rhythm, and no rhyme
No more stanzas
No more verses
I miss you.

**2 8 . 0 7 . 1 4
It's not pretty. Why should poetry be a lie to that obvious truth? This is the truth; my body aches, and I think that writing will cure it away, forever. It won't. The world is ugly, so we should not cover up the truth.
Jul 2014 · 2.4k
Anne B Jul 2014
Step by step;
And stroke by stroke on your painting;
Throw it away
Word by word on your typewriter;
For every broken glass,
and the sound it made in your ears
Glass, so fragile
Shattering into thousands of pieces
So small and
so insignificant
For every breath you hold;
For every time you pull on your sunglasses and hope they won’t see;
For every time a branch pinches your legs when running and the little pain is a reliever;
You want more
You always want more
Breathe out;
But it doesn’t matter to anyone
You don’t matter
The pieces of you are scattered
and no one could hardly care
You’re so close to that fine line
You can’t help it
But you are almost crossing the bridge
You’d much rather fall over
But here you still
writing poems
as if everything
was alright

Trying to fill it. The emptiness. But pain creeps into that hole every time. Too bad.
Jul 2014 · 524
Anne B Jul 2014
Love and those things aren’t as romantic anymore
It’s not as letters,
or Shakespeare's sonetts
sprinkled with red kisses and Chanel N5
We don’t call on the house phone anymore,
dreading that her father will pick up
And the cinema isn’t as it was
The boys weren’t on Tinder to “make omelettes ;)”
Girls didn’t complain about their life on twitter
And really, it’s not as romantic to dream and lose you
when the only simile I have is
“I have replayed your photostory as many times as the sun sets”
Love and those things

Just a thought when I'm trying to write something romantic, and it doesn't work.
Jul 2014 · 878
Anne B Jul 2014
You said you read Nietzsche in ninth grade
I said
"How far deep down are you now, then"
And laughed it off
I had no idea I hit the nail of
the both of us
right there.

I think we were happy together, but separately, we were still sad.
Jul 2014 · 505
Anne B Jul 2014
Who are they killing?
These human beings running away from themselves
and away from those we love;
and away from those who leave us;
By choice we choose to love
and hate at the same time
For no love is so great it can strangle flames;
For no human being is so great he can change the world;
But it is quite so possible to bomb away,
At great heights,
we push buttons and exterminate millions
And it wasn’t our fault,
but the machine
The machine is our great deceiver and the machine
is what we feed with black gold
Black gold, at the bottom of oceans and
mixed with
on battlefields

Who do they keep killing?
For their love of people, they ****
They **** reflections of their own families and friends
The cruel game of war
We love and hate
and we love to hate
and we
hate distances
but we create so much distance as if
the machine; air planes; bombs and knives
could destroy our bodies
At the end
we dread those distances
Those distances are ways to death and ways to die
We hated those distances
in the end;
we regret the moments of breath we didn’t
in fear of being rejected
When we run away from each other
We hate each other
And we love to play the game of
forgiveness and pain

Open up and love people
even when they are rejecting you
Because that’s just our
Because war is in our nature
Because we should see the flickers of right and wrong
Because we should stop
before we start
killing one another
like small soldiers
and never
coming back to us
Read the last lines backwards
That could be us

Oh. It's two in the morning. Again.
Jul 2014 · 742
Anne B Jul 2014
Friends are the best
when they stay
But friends have  
on them.
Imprinted in fine
Their love
is like watches.
Always somewhere.
Moving, chasing.

And lovers are the best
when close to your heart.
Oh, dear.
You pull them
You can’t even breathe.
Their strangles
are lovely,
but they always hurt once their hands
let go.
And now your heart

In life thus far, I’ve come to see
People are strangers.
People are dying.
People exist.
People make love and
break each other.
Yes, just like that.
Carve it up

And I’m the best

I'm currently watching Hanna.
Jun 2014 · 401
Anne B Jun 2014
If I were to colour our world
I'm afraid
I would only cover it in

Not so much a poem.
Anne B Jun 2014
Sometimes, I think
I could have been that girl
At first I thought I could have been the popular, pretty, pretentious
…                                                    ­        
I could be the centre
I walk past you and you could envy me;
I’m the one on the corner – the grey mouse

But as a grey mouse,
I think my perspectives have changed
I think I can see the faint contours of truth

I was always an unusual girl
Given the circumstances;
I should have broken down
Long, long ago
If I had believed in fate -
My aspiration date was due
long, long ago

And I
could have been

I could have been the girl who stormed out of the classroom, crying
I could have been the girl aching every day; every minute
But my sickness had holidays
I could have been the girl crying herself to sleep, every night
I could have been the girl making red art on her arms
I could have been the thin girl
I could have been the girl crunched over the toilet-seat

I could be the saddest face you have ever seen
But hope is my great illusion and my illusions
are sometimes better than life

So, I created another world for myself
to live in
So, I sold my soul for this
So, I gave up everything
But I lost nothing

When the sun sets
I’m still here

When the sun goes up,
I’m still here

An apple is still an apple,
even if it’s
eaten up;
Even if it’s rotten

A human is still a human being
with one less limb
But now the human is less of a human
You see,
there’s a scale
you can’t see
Step on the scale
Step off

I’m still me –
Even now
One less dream
One more forged smile

Sometimes, I think I could have been so much more
I think I could have been whole
If I was allowed to break down and cry
If I was allowed
to be

To be that girl, a little while
Maybe I too -
Could be saved

Oh well.
Jun 2014 · 244
Anne B Jun 2014
If you can't write when you're happy

Stay dead
Jun 2014 · 1.5k
Anne B Jun 2014
The darkness will make you strong
I promise you
It won’t do you wrong
Then why do you sleep with the lights on?

They’ll all be gone
Once the nights are long
Darkness won’t do you wrong
Curtains are drawn
You are not asleep

Wetting your bed and then
staying up to weep
So that is life
Who knew growing up would offer such a mountain steep?
Again, again, again

Let go of the kitchen knife
When the sun has set
all eyes are black
Now you see the night as a potential threat
Wishing for the light to come back
But wait –
Dawn break is coming
Meet your fate

Don’t you hate –
the memories, humming to a different song
A song you once tried suppress
Now you’re staring down at your life
It’s all a mess
Even so

The glow
I guess,
Is not a shoe fit for your toe


Light covers everything;
Unwashed drawn curtains;
Midnight dances on the carpet;
Broken bottles;
Again, again, again
The kitchen knife;
Your broken bedside lamp;
Blood drops;
Wet cheeks;
- Everything the night covered up is brought into the light
Your wight can’t live in this sight
Can you follow?

So bright
Shut your eyes
You won’t have to fight
Daylight is not meant for your lie

"He's been dead for 48 hours," the police statement reads.

I'm thinking the night is another kingdom.

I'm trying out rhyme for the first time. It feels sort of cheesy, but it flows good as well. Again: I'm sorry I tag. But I'd love some feedback.
Jun 2014 · 596
Anne B Jun 2014
He was the shootings in Sarajevo
to my sorrow

Memories were the reasons
Self-detest, the most prominent
Self-destruction, the ultimate goal

It's not that it's just heartbreak I'm suffering from now. They believe so. But I think he simply was the catalyst for what's happening right now. Meh.
Jun 2014 · 919
Anne B Jun 2014
So, we pretend we are all right
Cold faces, cold streets, cold weather
Hurry up, hurry up
Do something with your life, they yell

‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’
‘Old enough to go to bed whenever I want’
Slowly turning away from the dream;
Staying up all night was just another disappointment

Well, growing up isn’t all it’s cracked up to be
Growing up is being told ‘you’re too young’ by others
‘You can’t do it’ by your own mind
Wearing a smile and hoping for the best
Doing everything half-heartedly;
… even loving half-heartedly, and

Just step all over me
With your big feet
Fast-paced and cold faces and something to do with your lives;
Crush me under your feet –
turning to dust.

I'm trying to write. And I'm not watching the WC football matches.
Jun 2014 · 272
Anne B Jun 2014
We grew cold;
We drifted away
So, we burned all our bridges
And threw in some oil to the fire
Just to make it hurt

Jun 2014 · 444
Anne B Jun 2014
I don’t mind if I’m alone
I don’t mind if you throw me away
I don’t mind if they say you’re no good
I don’t mind if you go up and down
I don’t mind if you go away in your mind
I don’t mind if you are a scarred soul
I don’t mind if you tense when I ask you ‘why’
I don’t mind that you don’t fit in a group
I don’t mind that they talk about you
I don’t mind that you stroke my hair
I don’t mind your kisses
I don’t mind your own space
I don’t mind if you touch me
I don’t mind your warm hands
I don’t mind you
In fact, I don’t mind that your nose sometimes was in the way when I kissed you
I don’t mind that you didn’t meet me at the train station
I don’t mind the cold water between us
I don’t mind your wars
I don’t mind your peace
I don’t mind smile
I don’t mind how you laugh at my clumsiness
I don’t mind your presence in my life

What I do mind:
the sorrow you brought upon my kingdom
when you stopped singing and when you
stopped talking, and asked me to leave and
said ‘goodbye’

And I tensed.

I don't know anymore.
Jun 2014 · 662
Anne B Jun 2014
You have holes in your body
Lights leaking;
All of you,
washing out
into the darkness

Hurry, pick yourself up

Don't let them get you.
Jun 2014 · 636
Anne B Jun 2014
I’m on a train
People keep sleeping
Tossing their heads
Closing their eyes

It’s peculiar, truly
People's stories;
Countries with damp skies and damp, sweet, tickling rain;
Mountains and an elderly man with an umbrella,
wandering around the station
What are you looking for?

I remember my computer-generated wifi-password by heart
I have been travelling, running, up an down this country
the past months

Looking for safety
The ground below me was collapsing

The last time I was here I was travelling in the
opposite direction
Not from you – leaving you behind
To you

Only by duty am I forced to leave
I would have screamed out
"Don't say it, please"
What do I know?
I'm just a writer on a train
Clinging to people like magnets

All those clichés are over
Just as quickly as they happened
I think I knew
I think I should have known

Insomnia affecting my friends on facebook's chat
Logging on; signing off
Do you sleep safely now?

We are like inevitable frictions
Turned on; shut off
Close; far away
Warm, intertwining with my sweating feet; cold as blocks of ice

Close by force – far away in our minds

I go away in my own world as you consolidate your own troubles
I am a never-ending train of guilt, self-hatred and self-sacrifice
Stupid, trusting, kind but hostile of nature

Water running down the windows in a pattern of coincidences; ice in my mind
Fire in the hole!
Always a fire, they tell me
Is there a fire in you,
or just ashes?

You are a builder, afraid to stack too high
Trembling when I fall
But just reaching out to run away
So, now I stand here

No train;
No stations;

But there’s still life
But there’s still me
There’s still time and wars to be fought

That train will never stop
The sun also rises
Ice blocks too, must one day, melt

The water rises
We drown.

Train ride from where I study, down home to my family for the summer vacation. It's raining just slightly. I wish you could see what I see.
Anne B Jun 2014
I was finding myself sleepless more often
And I was searching for something
A poem to write; words to scribble down; people to ****; joys to scatter…
Hopes to crush, maybe

Time to heal
Maybe not
Time to run away
Time to cope?

My heart crumbled into just the ***** pumping blood around my body;
like play, like something rehearsed;
completely like my life – structured and thought-over

I kept looking up at the ceiling and the light of my computer
All these ‘I’s and no ‘you’s
I was finding myself going mad, over you – the missing part
The music I played turned into cries for help
The lines I wrote were messy battlefields of abandonment and desperation
And I hated myself for it

All these news on my twitter timeline, and one new reply
All these people I live with and don’t know
These incomprehensible ****** expressions in the crowd; that piercing sound
All these faces I need to rehearse before leaving the bathroom
All these subjects and this language I can’t speak
Quick, back to the bathroom. I’m losing it

Don’t just think about yourself
Now, fall down to the floor like they do in the movies


It’s not as cool as in the movies – not as glamorous
Now, dry your tears, rise and breathe normally

For God’s sake then – just hold your breath
Let me count to a thousand
No, **** it
I don't want to do it

“Drink up and it’ll be better”
No, no
It get’s worse
The headaches and how I can’t walk straight – how is that better?

We’ll try again:
“He’s a *****.” “Yeah, I know.”
I still think he’s a good guy

But he’s not the problem
The problem is me;
and what he made me realise I am


I confess
Let me through, judge
Yes, I swear to tell the truth and all of that now

It’s inside me
The monster is inside me
The sleepless nights; the endless poems and the tears hitting white unwritten papers
Judge, I have these convictions
“So you are a psychopath?”

(I hope I’m not)

I’m just a poor creature
I just think, and my thoughts are written down
I try, your honour
I try to stop them – try to fight them
But the words are law to me now

I do know they are not true
But I have been researching this field for my PhD thesis, you see
I have been finding no objections to my thesis
So I had to drop out and give up
It’s true
What the law has written

Your honour, I wish I could say it’s not true
But thus far, I have ended up alone
I have not been as good as I hoped

I feel no relation to people and my face has froze this way
I know I smile, and I know I laugh, and I know I talk
But I don’t understand

There is no one in the courtroom
But myself
There's just me - staring at myself
These are just mirrors
So I guess it’s true
The mirrors break


I’m walked out
In chains
To keep staring up at the ceiling
Keep staring at myself


I’m sorry I used up all my faith on coincidences
That time would heal wounds
Time is a punishment and time is all we have
Time and minds make us all go mad

In my eyes I am still my own hero
Still on a quest to find
safety, confidence and self-worth

Do it then
If you think that’s so impossible
Break a few other mirrors and see if anyone can hear them break


Trying to explain how depression suddenly can catch you and force you down a tranquil road. This is how it feels for me.
Anne B Jun 2014
Shoulder to shoulder, we slept.
Face to face, we woke up.
And your face was peaceful then -
I'm sorry that this too,
*is a lie.
Jun 2014 · 275
Anne B Jun 2014
Would you be able to separate me from the crowd,
even in a crowd with the faces of monsters?
Anne B Jun 2014
”Og kjærligheten ble verdens opphav og verdens hersker; men alle dens veier er fulle av blomster og blod, blomster og blod.”


"And love turned out to be the origin of the world and its master; but all of its roads are filled with flowers and blood, flowers and blood."
I truly love this excerpt from Hamsund's 'Victoria'. This book reminds me to believe in love - even when it sounds like a horrible cliché.
Jun 2014 · 423
Anne B Jun 2014
I’m a writer
I **** my own joy to jolt down words
I **** heroes and I see beauty too late
I leave people just as they leave me too.

I’m a writer
I destroy the people I care about, make them leave
as I run and I miss them when their bags are packed.
But their stories still travel my world;
my pages.

So, I think I’m a writer.

I find my muse and I get afraid and
the demons inside of me force me to fill
the pages. And I do it.

Only to realise a muse might
also be someone I care about.

But I push people away.

And I give myself a lonely life;
in which I bleed and sweat for empty
words and empty stories.

The muse does have emotions too, I fear. But he disappeared for me anyway.
Jun 2014 · 691
Concrete Ground / Mentality
Anne B Jun 2014
It's that bitter taste
it comes and goes like the seasons; the sun and the moon; the rain and the sky; the wind and the stillness.
It's windy out here,
in the cold
in the open
so fragile
I am
out here
Does it ever stop
that feeling,
I ask.
you answer, when you are dead. You tell me.
But why does it have to hurt, I ask you again.
You smile.
No, it doesn't always hurt, I tell myself.

I wrote this as one of my first poems. I think it's one of my better ones. It's simple and honest.
[EDIT: This is published on!! Yay!]
Jun 2014 · 1.2k
Anne B Jun 2014
You thought you could love, but darling.

You are the Arctic Ocean.

**— 3.05.14
Not a poem, in truth. Just another one of my confessions.
Jun 2014 · 598
Two predators
Anne B Jun 2014
Distant cars somewhere nearby
Travelling unknown places and
sleeping people in their beds.
Wet pillows. I think my roof is
The sound of shoes on soaked
dark pavement and the smell of
damp clothes - wet hair.
This was supposed to be our moment.
                                                                    And you sang.
But it kept raining.

**March 25th 2014
I'm starting to think this, in fact, WAS our moment. Walking home after a pub quiz in the rain, with winter jackets in March. You fascinated me more and more.
Jun 2014 · 752
Anne B Jun 2014
I wanted to name a poem after you.

But I'm afraid you'll destroy that too.

**May 29th 2014
Too late. I already did. I hate how I fell so hard.
Jun 2014 · 2.0k
INEVITABLES (biographic)
Anne B Jun 2014
I believe that life happens between the points of a few good moments
and a few bad ones.
All that’s between are only shades of blue,
grey, whites, blacks and weddings and funerals and christenings.
I don’t know what life is
But surely, it must soon start.
I mean, the clock keeps ticking,
Tick, tock. Tick, tock…

I believe that the shades of grey are tests
Tests I must pass.
But life goes on.
Tick, tock.

Ok, I admit it. I don’t know.
When does life happen – when we find out to be alive?
-  or when we wish we were dead?
When I cry into my pillows and hope the rest of my dorm won’t hear me, but hoping someone will take care of me.
Take all the weight off your shoulders. Kiss you. Hold you close.
**** me.

No, I didn’t mean it that way. Ok, so maybe I do.
But we’re drifting away from each other – like two opposites, going our separate ways.
Tick, tock.
Stop the ticking, please. Make it stop.
“Don’t you want to get better?” Yes, I do.
“I know you’ve been here before.” Tick, tock.

So, for how long am I supposed to cry into my pillow – loneliness as my only friend; constantly lurking behind me; my shadow is loneliness – my face is lies. Pleased to meet you.
But back to him. I want to talk about him.
Tick, tock.
Shut up,
this is important.

“I’m just looking at the prettiest girl here,” you told me.
If I knew what I know now, I would have run away.
I would never have let you give me compliments; lever let you twist my hair; never let you kiss me; never let you touch me. Never let anyone touch me.
Go away.
Leave me.
The shades are all black.
My shadow creeps up on me.

I smile. And I don’t look happy. The face staring back at me is broken.
Tick, tock. Tick,
They talk. They know. They keep talking. I walk away.
“Mum, I’m not alright.”
“I know. You’ve been here before.”
Shades are grey – shades are black. The sky is dark. My face still doesn’t look happy.

My family keeps falling apart.
My home is no longer my home.
My friends, no longer so interested.
New friends. New places to hide.

Part one. I’m on a train. I’m standing on snow.
Part two. I’m in a car. I’m falling apart home.
Part three. I’m with you.
I’m alone. I guess that’s another story – but it’s not. It’s just me, and my friends loneliness, and my friend silence, and pillows, and lies on repeat.

So, for once. I understand.
It was a question of time before I broke too.
I wish I was dead, sometimes. But how can I give up when I have tasted the sweetness?
I have seen tiny sunrays; I have smelled your skin; felt your body; touched your soul – and then been crushed under myself and my enormous tumour of social sanctions.
I’m not allowed to love unconditionally.
I constantly find reasons to run.
Part one, part two, part three.
The ending comes later. The sad ending.

He doesn’t want me, I figure. And is confimed.

“It’s – it’s – “
“Please, just say it.” I swallow. “What happened between us?”
“Well, it’s – it’s – the age gap.”

I push people away.
I break their skulls and their hearts, and I find myself hiding like an unhappy fool.
- Who could ever want me?
They already taught me: the ones who love you will sooner or later hurt you, and let you rot in yourself; let you stay alone.
Destroy possibilities to climb back up – and that’s worse than hurting now.
It’s been worse.
They’ve humiliated me and destroyed me and my hopes and my intentions.
I don’t want to lose myself again.
Part one,

Hug me in the rain and laugh at my objections.
Show me the pictures of your family.
Let me in.
… maybe I’ll let you in too.

We ****** each other (over).
Was that really a good idea?
I can do that completely fine by myself, thank you.
Tick, tock. Really, still?
“… The prettiest”
Your lies are deceiving me. Your smile deceives me.
“Does it hurt?” “No, not so much. I’m okay.”

Please, I beg you.
Make it hurt.

I want it all.
The hurting; the people; the time; the time I don’t have; your smile and your lies.
“What is it you’re not telling me?” “Nothing, mum. It’s nothing.” She starts crying on the phone.
But please. Let me in.
Knock, knock.
It’s raining. Please, can you let me in?

I have no home.
I’m just constantly hiding, running and trying to find someplace safe. Someone safe.

We could make it, you know.
“I don’t know what is happening now. I don’t know what we do.” “That’s fine. Me neither.” Kisses.
Where are your kisses now?

All I have is my sorrow, my shadow and my wet pillow.
And it hasn’t been raining. Screaming into my pillow.
Save me – just this once. I’m begging for help.
Can’t anybody
Screaming out?

Grow up. Don’t write that.
Are you really that desperate?

Maybe life is only time.
Maybe time is just an illusion that one day another day will come, when time is really just night an day
– not years and weeks, but just empty days and nights.
Maybe life isn’t a linear curve where things get better as I previously had thought.

Just get out of this town.
Just grow up.
Just show them how good I can be.

I failed two classes this year.
I moved away from home;
and now they sell my home for strangers to live where I once played, cried, slept and laughed – by myself. Where my dreams were made.
And now; they seem to be crushed by waves crashing to the shore.

And my wall is finally crumbling down.

Inevitable. I scream into my pillow.

And I hang up the phone. Please, just take me in.

**Night to: 27th of May 2014
Stream of consciousness. Written on word. Trying to figure myself out.
Jun 2014 · 1.0k
Prologue of a monologue
Anne B Jun 2014
Why do people leave me?

Why do love only give birth to be slaughtered by your hands?

I am so afraid.

You won’t listen. 

You won’t tell me the words I want to hear.

I bring myself into the fires as I scream and smoke fills my lungs and the fire licks my body angrily - the same way your hands are all over me. I scream. Nightmares. 



I wish I didn’t end up like this all the time

I have a tortured soul, and one day, Jung and Nietzsche told me, I will too,  become the torturer

But ******

I fight, and I fight it so hard

I fight so hard to not hurt others

It’s all I ever do

I fight, and
I fight but I never seem to win

I had given in, accepted my fate

Why did you have to tear down



Maybe this all I really am;

a punching bag;



Please, one time.
Help me up before you throw me out the window.

Next time, don’t let them get so close.

Don’t let them 




against the world. 

I should know better.

I sink. 

No metaphors.
No similes, please.
No poems. Please.

Just empty words after all.
Yes, beautiful. 



Take it all away.

Leave your knives,
leave your swords,
leave your guns.
Stop killing me.


Please, stop me before I dive into the dark, freezing ocean - 

there is nowhere for me in this world.

So, to sleep. 

Perchance to dream… 

and all of that.

Let’s be true.
I don’t really know Hamlet’s soliloquy. 

But **** Shakespeare. He doesn’t know how hard it is. 

Ophelia didn’t drown herself so easily - I don’t sink so easily, but I still do - and every night I dream, I go away. 


I’m not alone. 

I tell lies.

Okay, so maybe I’m not okay. 

But when will I ([n]ever) be?

I am born with this heritage.
With this scarred soul.
And William, Friedrich, Carl… 

- well, this is just another story of loneliness and giving up.
The crazy bunch.

Maybe, this is the last straw. 

Maybe, I’ll finally go crazy. 

The inevitable will happen. 

The lonely will be left - completely alone.

The self-destructing fool,
finally, self-destructing oneself. 

It’s so difficult to climb this ladder. 

I’ll just go down.

The water is cold.

**May 29th 2014
From my diary.

— The End —