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May 2020 · 432
Summer has come.
Amer Pelides May 2020
Blessed sun and glorious weather,
I feel you warming my blood,
The bitter cold has said its goodbye,
Now the sun is here to lift our spirits,
What more could one ask for?
I remember how grey I felt during those cold spells,
Those times are now past,
Brightness is all I can see,
Oh, how I wish summer could last for ages,
It would be a welcome thing,
For as long as I live.
May 2020 · 593
The Argument
Amer Pelides May 2020
Words were thrown into a turning wheel,
Twisting and turning their meaning,
Humble and thoughtful they were not,
They were intended to hurt and dismay,
I felt their sting and cold touch,
Why was I the target of such accusations?
Am I the carrion and they the scavenger?
I did not deserve this,
Or maybe I did.
May 2020 · 164
A Lost Love.
Amer Pelides May 2020
I know what it means to love,
and not receive its embrace,
I've known many a girl that refused me,
I feel pity for myself and anger at my folly,
Would I wish I was different?
Why, yes!
Perhaps it would've helped me a great deal,
Knowing what hindered me,
and what got in my way.
A fish can only swim so far,
until it realizes that it has been in the same river,
All its life.
I do wish for change,
But how much more can I wait?
May 2020 · 437
Furious Drive.
Amer Pelides May 2020
The deep-seated feeling that comes from a challenge,
Cannot be underestimated,
A rush of excitement and a climbing thrill.
It is the fire that burns kindled by competition,
Harness that energy to your advantage,
and you shall conquer the field.
As we all know, a furious drive is key to the game.
May 2020 · 370
Wild Fun.
Amer Pelides May 2020
Lost in the rabble and drunk in the street,
Drowning in beer and gnawing fresh meat,
This is the way all men should live,
Leaving nothing behind like flour through a sieve,
Give me one reason why I should care?
Watch me dance and show off my flare,
The world burns and leaves everything in ash,
I don't give a hoot and to prove it I'll give you a flash,
I'm having fun and don't you dare judge me.
May 2020 · 462
Praise to the sun.
Amer Pelides May 2020
Oh, lavish rays pour upon me your favor,
The warm flush of naked light gives me life,
My skin teeming with sensation,
A golden blanket enveloping me,
The cold of the frost has withered,
Leaving only your burning love,
Through you, I can feel all,
I am not afraid when you are near,
How can I be?
When I can sing praise to your shine.
May 2020 · 361
An Infinite Dream.
Amer Pelides May 2020
A dream of a thousand years,
Comes once in a lifetime and with it brings hope,
The sourness of existence has little taste,
But a well-placed wish can make all the difference,
This world in all its tragedy can make us feel weak,
A laugh with our friends and family helps all,
Is my place in such merriment secure?
I'm drawn to my dreams like a bee to the nectar,
An infinite rush of ever-changing thoughts.
May 2020 · 423
The Test.
Amer Pelides May 2020
You must endure life's test,
Don't keep your fears in your breast,
You must give them a sign,
That you will be fine,
That you are able to tinker,
And not really linger,
Have some cheer,
For you are near,
To the end of the road,
So you may unburden your load.
May 2020 · 338
A Heavy Truth.
Amer Pelides May 2020
Years gone by without seeing myself,
Sheltered from the world like a babe,
The toils of life and the world covered,
Like a curtain covering the window to destiny,
When was it that I lost sight of who I am?
Was it never there or was I locked in?
The roaring blaze of fiery pain now seeks to be extinguished,
I desire to accomplish what I can in this unforgiving void.
To realise my ambition and vision as any man should,
Now I must free myself,
I am past hoping a friendly force to liberate me,
I shall now liberate myself,
To experience either glory or ruin.
By my own merits forever more.
Feb 2018 · 351
The Morning to come.
Amer Pelides Feb 2018
As morning breaks and moonlight sleeps,
My ever-changing moods awaken
The light shines through the darkest slits,
And fills the conscience with all things good
The weariness of yesterday is no more,
The restlessness of the busy day
In the sweet quietness of night,
Comes forth the noiseful chaos of the day
All is forgotten in the clamour and clutter,
Perhaps this is the way life was always meant to be.
Feb 2018 · 391
Desires that bind
Amer Pelides Feb 2018
In sweeping thoughts and rushing winds,
Dwell the secrecy of my sorrows
Sorrows filled with wants and cravings,
Beneath it all I feel the calmness within
Crying out and besieging my soul,
I long for purpose and the envy of others
Yet I wish for understanding and stability,
Buying time that is ever expensive
I must look to myself to reach an agreement,
Binding words have no effect onto the tempered mind
And so shall my desires seek new paths to find.
Feb 2018 · 283
A Heart of Grief
Amer Pelides Feb 2018
In the winter chill
My heart heaves and sighs,
I've seen and heard all I can bear
What do my eyes not see?
The endless toil, the never ending cascade of suffering and disillusionments,
I find myself not caring or feeling.
Why should the heavens pour joy, while I weep in grief?
I shall never know, why I have received these just deserts.
Could this be my trial?
Could this be my end?
I leave it to fate to do as it wills.
Sep 2017 · 550
A Seat Near The River
Amer Pelides Sep 2017
I make my way out of my warm and cosy home,
Walking towards a park so near
The chilling and sobering wind,
Brushing against my face
I hear the grass crunch beneath my shoes,
The hushed whisper of people conversing
I feel at peace and harmony with all,
I reach a bench empty and untaken
I sit and breathe in fresh air,
Staring at the ripples made in the river before me
Ripples created by ducks and swans,
I observe adults walking from work and children waddling from school
I seem to pay no attention to them,
In a world of my own I am in
I drift into a short sleep as the sun sets,
Who knows if it shall rise again
When I open my eyes.
Sep 2017 · 518
A Wisdom Unheard.
Amer Pelides Sep 2017
Wisdom read but unheard,
Is truly an injustice
Why must the world suffer fools,
That know not the difference
Between ignorance and knowledge,
Wisdom is felt from the heart
And sung with the breath,
A million ills can be righted
With one wise counsel,
Joy can be grasped with caution,
Not with haste and recklessness
Hear my words,
And take heed of my warnings
Wisdom should be heard and felt,
Not taken for granted
Aug 2017 · 382
A Flickering Flame.
Amer Pelides Aug 2017
The flame burns bright and hot,
Like joy kindled from love
I live in your heart endlessly and intensely,
Have you ever known a warmth such as this?
All for you my dear
I need you as the fish need water,
As the trees need the sun
I long for you as fire burns fierce for air,
Walk with me through flame and ash
And I will protect you from the heat,
As the she-wolf protects its cub
A blazing flame flickering in the dark is no match,
For my constant and steady affection.
Aug 2017 · 666
The Death of a Spirit.
Amer Pelides Aug 2017
Gnawing at me and clawing its way out,
My loss and my agony comes forth
Like droplets from the sky,
Would I wish for an easier path?
A path full of comfort and leisure,
Have I failed you?
This day this hour,
Memories seem to flood
From my mind,
I once had a spirit indomitable
Life has seen to its demise,
I am sorry my sweet love
I wish my spirit could return strong and full,
Like a war ship full of hardy men
But alas death does not return,
What it has taken
I remain spiritless forever more.
May 2017 · 680
A Life Like a River
Amer Pelides May 2017
My feet are tired and sore,
from a journey of a day or two.
Strolling from settlement to settlement,
I reach a river gleaming with beams of light.
I sit and stretch my legs wide and long,
Wiggling the toes on my feet.
The river never ceases in its motion,
The life that I call my own has always been a motionless thing.
Seeming to stop and stagnate unlike the river before me,
A river teeming with bounty.
Perhaps my life could be this way,
Full of energy and beauty.
Such a life is worth living,
A life full of opportunity and wonder.
May I live to see it for myself!
A breath of fresh air is all I need,
I prepare to continue the journey.
Up on my feet newly refreshed and rested,
Never shall I stop till I see a life as I see this river
Strong and full of vigor.
Jan 2017 · 336
The Glory of Poets
Amer Pelides Jan 2017
The glory of poets is that,
they play with words
Oft like musicians play with notes,
Like a fiddler that plays with his fiddle
Like the dancers that play with their feet,
The heart must go with its rhythm,
Such as a poet has to go with the flow,
Lest he lose his moments grace
To the wicked diversions in his mind,
The mind that inspires
Should not be left alone,
Rather it should indulge in such
The ever so quickening thoughts,
That run through the tunnels of our conscience
We must do our best to catch up on time.
Dec 2014 · 441
Silent tremors
Amer Pelides Dec 2014
Unshaken thoughts seaming through the evening
whispering sweet and devilish creations into me
why do I feel surprised and gullible when I hear your words?
Those slick words travelling up my spine and entering the chasms of my mind
A rush of acknowledgement  leaves me humbled
I wonder if you could've unravelled the tight knots that bound my heart
My legs feel heavy and lifeless
As though they know what lies ahead
Show me the path to walk on and allow me to carry my head alongside the endless and eternal sky
The earth holds secrets and as I walk on it's rigged surface
I feel silent tremors echoing within
I finally know what it means to be me
What it means to be human and alive
I feel content and the anxiety disappears
Never to return.
Sep 2014 · 3.0k
Amer Pelides Sep 2014
The wind moves coldly among the season beaten leaves
Lives flourish and despair in front of me
Cracked and sullen memories flood my mind,
I look to the horizon and see the burning indigo sunset
Gliding unto emerald grass,
I see a reflection of myself leaking out of suppressed thoughts
I see a lake full of sapphire stones, I stare at the illuminating stream
I jump and dive into the crystal waters, the thoughts wash away
And are replaced with all the beautiful things of this world
The beauty grasps at me and covers the dark and hollow parts of my mind that have troubled me all my life,
Clear blue waters as blue as lapis lazuli bouncing before my being
I feel complete and whole as I leave the warm water
Water droplets trickling between my fingers,
The thick air of melancholy is gone and I feel light and swift-footed
I make my way towards the already settled sun and now the sky is littered with starlight,
Its rosy lights captivate me and I sigh and run towards the everlasting joy awaiting me
The stars cry their approval and I fly again once more
Sep 2014 · 565
Golden Flecks
Amer Pelides Sep 2014
The grey sky looms over the hills
I like to watch and get lost in them,
Flickering memories of long forgotten days
I remember you and your bright green eyes
Green with flecks of gold,
But then I lose you to images of broken ash,
I yearn for the days in which I could walk free
And smile upon the grass dew alongside you,
I miss your quick wit and silver smile
Your swift feet that made me breathless
Oh my friend return to me clad in luminous memories of us,
I want you here and now among the flames of our youth.

— The End —