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Dec 2024 · 142
Morning Dec 2024
Art is like a furnace, and I the sword.
Struck by each verse and quenched by each chord.
Through the flames, I will always be reforged.
Dec 2024 · 90
Morning Dec 2024
Till thee are.
Till thee be.
Covered in the light, Josephine.

High the tides he brings, oh yesterseve.
And pains so true,
Yielding all familial antiquities.

Yet, still, the glimmer remains.
On a Christmas Day,
The choirs echo on sunlight rays.


A blossom from within.

Since thee are.
Since thee be.
Covered in the light, Josephine.
Dec 2024 · 34
Morning Dec 2024
Sarah, can I believe in evergreens?
Trees so glorious it's forever green.
When, the dust of sands is all that is seen.
Here upon this land, the trees never seed.
The dry beds where the rivers never meet.
And the brushes crumble beneath my feet.

Where the sun scorches everything in sight.
Where the moon tides the waveless earth, respite.

Who am I to believe in evergreens.
Trees so glorious they're forever green.
When, for ages, this is all that's been seen.
Here upon this land, nothing ever seeds.

Sarah, I can't believe in evergreens.
Sarah, I can't believe in anything.
Jul 2019 · 338
I think
Morning Jul 2019
I think I loved you once upon a whispers dream.
I think I cared for you more than I thought,
More than it really must seem.
Because what is love to a seed?

A seed with no real intentions.
With no real expressions, but its expected
To grow.

To grow, in the ash painted battlefield,
Where the war set its claim.
The field you fled from, yet your spout remained.
A seed without its sower? A farm without its grower,
but somehow it continued to maintain.
In the beep pits of soot, it set's its proclaims
However, without its owner, it was all said in vein.
I'm sorry, let me refrain.

Refrain from expressing too much because I think it was all too late.
Refrain from expressing it all because I think you were my soul mate.
why me so dark  ^.^
Feb 2019 · 668
His Business
Morning Feb 2019
You know, it's funny,
I had that ringing in my ear.
You know, that funny feeling,
A tinglin' in my ear.
So I went a snoopin'
And it's what I've always feared.
He was creepin'
He was sleepin'
With all the volunteers.


With all the volunteers.

"Volunteers! What?"

Yes, with all the volunteers.
He was rollin'
He was dippin'
He was flippin'
He was eatin'-


With all the volunteers.
Something fun.
I can't help but read this with a slight doo-*** vibe.  XD
Feb 2019 · 216
Morning Feb 2019
There was a time of Twos and Fours.
The Dawn of love blinded by naiveté, never to endure.
When a breach of confusion commenced the cold war.

Four, strained by antipathy, refused to vocalize.
Two with contrition that's finally realized.

There once was a time of Twos and Fours.
A time that passed but you can not ignore.
Now there will be zero, none, no more.
Feb 2019 · 340
Mon Ange
Morning Feb 2019
Vous êtes la douce lueur de l’Aube, comme elle scintille à travers l’herbe humide,
Comme des étoiles sous mes pieds.
C’est le paradis que je peux atteindre
Toujours avec toi, mon ange, à mes côtés.
Brushing up on my French and now I realize I'm almost back at square one. There is just so much I have forgotten.
Feb 2018 · 1.2k
Mourning Morning
Morning Feb 2018
Every morning I wake with the half-risen sun shining through
my blinds
It glistens beautifully off the tears streaming from my eyes

Every morning I wake, I remember the olden days
Just a boy crying for his lost balloon
With such a big imagination, it could have sent you to the moon

Oh how I would give anything to turn back time

Every morning, I'm mourning

Baby brother, I miss you.

       because   I
   w a s       SELFISH
          A N D
     r a n     a w a y

                                   Yo u          could
                                   H A V E  B E E N

            IF         OnlY           I
IN                                                  MY
   ­                  P L A C E

                                                              ­                                                                 ­             

              ­                                                                 ­                    I'm   sorry
Jan 2018 · 3.8k
...Dealing with YOU...
Morning Jan 2018
My problem is that I don't follow my intuition, even though it always comes to fruition.
It took me some time to really you down. You had my head spinning, round and round.
Ignoring the clues and the giant red flags. I still blame myself for everything you did that was bad.
I trusted you with secrets, bit by bit. Was it all just too much for you? So, you had to split?
Why should I feel guilty for being ignored? I'm the only one wondering, should I have done more.
But that's the whole point of your fun and games. You emotionally strung me along like I was shackled in chains.  
How many times have I apologized, for you hurting me because you're emotionally desensitized?
for you
Jan 2018 · 419
Morning Jan 2018
Is it even possible to truly be cared about? Having someone to understand your feelings instead of just throwing you out?

Is it possible to be loved for everything you are? Even when the worst of you is the worst they've seen by far?
Jan 2018 · 664
For your Amusement
Morning Jan 2018
I am like a roller coaster
A twisted creaky track
Taking you on my ups and downs
Never holding back
Looping through the disarray
Of an introverted maniac

You hit that final drop
Around the last bend
Then to a full force stop
Some will have fun with me
Others maybe not
But in the end,
They all well get off
And leave me without a thought

I am like a roller coaster
A twisted creaky track
Behold the out of service sign
Sorry, no more riders.
I'm now completely wracked
Jan 2018 · 269
That one friend
Morning Jan 2018
My body created music for you.
                                       Did you hear it?     I heard yours.

The sound of joy... The sound of laughter...
                                         Did you hear the bliss in our banter?

It was a beautiful harmony, you and me together
...But ... Now...                        
It's just dreary song no one hears forever repeating in my ears
Forever a reminder of what I have caused
And everything that I have lost.
Jan 2018 · 255
Save Yourself
Morning Jan 2018
You remember that one time... You remember? When you were alone in that one place, with that little bottle,
it was half full. You remember?
I was there as you cried alone in that dark room whispering, "You have no meaning here in this life".
One By One they entered you but if you truly wanted to die, you would have taken a hand full.  
You remember.
And as much as I hate you, I don't really want to see you go. Our life is fun sometimes, don't you know.
So once again,
I save us...

Yes, I know you really want to go but if there is a GOD, she'll see your pain and take you home.
Dec 2017 · 452
Morning Dec 2017
There is no sympathy in this world.

           Not a care for that little girl.
     Don't get stuck
     Do not ask for help,
                   For they will look down on you.
      You will be left on the shelf.

Get back in the game
    Do what you must
Be like me and pick yourself up
    Heal those scars
           Tape them up
    Forget their names  
           And the pain it brings up,
    It doesn't matter how
             Just get back in the game,

There is no sympathy in this world.


             Bullet to the brain.
Having sympathy for yourself and allowing yourself to heal, at your own rate, is very important to some of us.
Dec 2017 · 401
Excuses of a different kind
Morning Dec 2017
~~~Excuses of a different kind~~~

"I have a story to tell ...
              But they probably already know it.
                                We have all been through hell." -

"Open your mouth and just let it out...
              But it's in the past.
                                I'm ok now?" -

"Just say it and lift this burden, let me free...
              But I would if I could.
                                It's you and not me." -
We all have some kind of internal monologue.
Dec 2017 · 473
Dolor's Grenade
Morning Dec 2017
The pain will never go away
Like raindrops on my cheeks
Flash flood, into a raging river
Rushing off my face; Waterfall,
A grief-stricken cascade
The pain will never go away
Weak with ailing vertigo
Swaying back and forth
Only to be stationary; Rotting,
A slow and steady decay
The pain will never go away
Raging war, of the internal kind
Dolefulness claims it's crown
Contentment held captive
Like the Seventh Crusade
The pain will never go away
No light insight, Deep in the woods
Like the blackness
On a new moon night; Cold
One degree centigrade
The pain will never go away
Hollowed, repleted with agony
Gray, A bleakness
Never truly described; This
The obscureness of dolor's grenade
It will never go away
Episodes of depression

— The End —