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mochiu Aug 2014
She couldn't understand why people wasted their time being in love
She had plenty of other things she could do with her time

He couldn't understand how people couldn't waste some time being in love
He didn't have many things to do with his time

How can you waste your time doing such silly things? She said
How can you not? He replied
Falling in love, spending time with that person, your time is thrown away to the wind. She couldn't understand
That wind flies it to it's Timekeeper. He understood

I don't have a timekeeper. A hint of animosity in her voice
I don't have any time. A hint of hint of intimation in his voice
George Krokos Mar 2019
I often wonder just who is the timekeeper of this our world
when something happens that seems to be out of the ordinary.
Even if it's only commonplace without much flair or sparkle
and whenever something begins or ends in our life's journey.

Some people may call it karma or destiny that is operating
and is the underlying principle or basic law of the universe.
But whatever happens requires an agent to set it in motion
whether done with intelligence or ignorance, good or evil.

An awareness to choose what options are available to take
and the motive or intention behind what someone decides
to do for whatever reason they may have at that point in time
seems to be one likely answer to the main question proposed.

Everything has a beginning and an ending in space and time
even the very fabric of space and time itself won't forever last
as it itself is subject to the will of an indescribable infinite force
and almighty existence which expresses itself as all the universe.

The timekeeper though, I think, wouldn't measure everything
that happens by the passage of time as such because as it is
It wouldn't be aware of anything else except itself to know;
only perhaps in a fantastic dream of its imagination on show.

Where it would have control over the extent of the dream
because it would all be happening within its own being
without any external influence to hinder it or otherwise
in the manifestation of this sport and play of the universe.

And as we are all made in the image of this Creator we have
been given free choice to do as we wish within certain limits
because we all live inside the infinite existence of His dream
and witness the ever changing aspects of that Glorious Power.

In fact we're all a part of that Glory and Power and use it to
create and manifest dreams within our own world or universe
with the extent of the imagination we're capable of realising
in our journey or progress within the fabric of space and time.
I would like to know just what is meant by the keeper of time
and the reason why any action doesn't stay around as a rhyme.
Unless of course one makes an effort to capture the moment
that may come about in time unexpectedly out of the foment.
Written early in 2018. A bit of a long ramble on time and the apparent keeping of it by the Creator if in fact this does happen at all.
Tea Jan 2015
time folds around warm kisses and freckled skin
stretching and pulling in
you are a timekeeper my friend
you touch my warmest spots and time just stops, existing.
the only thing left is the way you leave me feeling
tapdancing heartbeats and quivering thighs
intake laughter exhaled sighs
fingertips plunge, taking pleasure in what they have done
throbbing heat and buttons undone
you hold on to a pink petal presentation
slowly taste in hesitation
then with a delivered force
a quickening blow
eyes light up and a smile shows
You know what living with no time can mean
you take pleasure in what it does to me
hot pressed pull and pushing
ohh time keeper you know what you are doing
the pleasure you lead me too
has an equal rush in store for you
passion peek, time still speeds
I have you on your knees
i feel you close behind me
time freed is so fulfilling, so enlightening
time folds around heated skin
i hardly know what year we are in
we have been together for so long
its hard to see it, we still look so young.
Dear Mr. TimeKeeper
You took my time;
Something that was rightfully mine
No more time for this or that.
I want my time, rewind it back!
Devon Newsom Feb 2011
The clock stands still-
the battery does not live any longer.

A man looks at me and asks
"Will you go?"
Fear is struck within me, and I cannot move.
My esophagus betrays me, allowing only choking sounds to be released.

I slowly close my eyes
trying to dream this mess away.

My voice quivers-
shaking just as my heart does.

I hear footsteps walking away from me-
heads shaking in disgust.

I can feel the ice freezing my soul
impeding my movement forward.
My life is frostbitten and I have lost the warmth.
A fire will never be sparked.

The clock fills me up-
it is the broken avatar of my spirit.
-Written by Devon Newsom
es Feb 2015
i love the rain it reminds me of you
every droplet a tender touch
at times, a storm or two
terrifying passion
you used to call us
we were always more than mere
man and woman

it keeps raining in these parts of town
raindrops falling causing
ripples on the ground
like my thoughts just going
round and round
"repetitive motion"
you sometimes whispered
my eyes drawn to you but
yours always to the ground

if irises are round
trace our line of sight in
perpendicular motions
i will be waiting in between
those moments your vision clears
anticipating the silent drop when
our eyes meet
turning two points into one
Amy Grindhouse Jan 2014
I destroyed the entire universe
smashed every star
smothered every black hole
All life
extinguished and placed
in the palm of your hand
because you told me
you needed time and space
rk Sep 2019
time can change
alot of things,
but you dug your nails in
and now, despite the
oceans between us
you're still the only one
my heart beats for.
They’d shovelled her husband into the ground
Before she got to the grave,
She wasn’t able to keep good time
And her husband used to rave:
‘I spend my life, waiting for you,
You’ll be late for your funeral,’
That wasn’t due, but it may come true,
She was late for his, do tell!

He wasn’t a very pleasant man
He was known for his violent moods,
She’d married the guy, then wondered why,
He was often downright rude.
She knew what he was capable of
For he’d often flipped his lid,
And left a trail of destruction then
For that was the thing he did.

If only she had got to the grave
In time for a swift goodbye,
And with a spray, sent him away,
She may have just heard him sigh.
But he must have known she was still at home
When the hearse, with him inside,
Arrived at the local cemetery
On time, but without his bride.

She lay awake in the bed that night
And thought she could hear him breathe,
Just across from her pillowcase
And her breast began to heave.
The wind sough-soughed at the windowsill
And she heard a step on the stair,
She wished for once she had been on time
To know she had left him there.

But she hadn’t seen the coffin drop
And the hole was almost full,
She’d asked that they uncover it
But she didn’t have the pull.
She only hoped he was six feet down
Unable to get back out,
When there was a rattle, out on the porch
And she heard a dead man shout.

‘Late, you’re late, you’re always late,’
It moaned, in an eerie tone,
‘You couldn’t get to the grave on time
So you left me all alone.
You’d not come even to say goodbye
And for that, you’ll pay the price,
For I’ll reach out of the grave tonight
And I promise, it won’t be nice!’

The shutters began to rattle and bang
And the door flew out, ajar,
The wind howled in like a taste of sin
‘I know just where you are!’
She shrieked, and pulled the covers up
And placed them over her head,
‘You just can’t stay, please go away,
You can’t be here, you’re dead!’

The covers were torn from her huddled form
And from what the coroner said,
‘Her face was white, she died of fright,’
Curled up in her lonely bed.
There was just one thing in the autopsy
That was missed, and he made a note,
The thing was botched, for her husbands watch
He found, was lodged in her throat.

David Lewis Paget
Marsha Singh Jan 2011
We draw hearts to say 
     I am in love with you

when love disappoints, we say
     I am heartsick

when we fall deeply, we say
     My heart did a slow somersault

when we know that the heart 
is a drum, a pendulum, a clock.
On good days, it is a sundial

but it is always
just a timekeeper, the 
of minutes and seasons,
but never
Shawn Apr 2012
(9-24-11 instrumental)

it takes 2 years to forget 6 years,
it takes 12 beers to forget your tears,
and it's those tears that flow so near,
this backyard that you hold so dear,
i held you here in better years,
i'd cheer you up, when i'd hear your fears,
the taste of beer and sky so clear
steer away now, it's in the rear,
view and that feels so cold,
i only see you through untagged photos,
youtubing high school talent shows,
or recitals, it's vital, that no one
actually knows, that i'm caught up
bought to get lost up,
another drink, another think,
i'm just a flawed ****,
but i play it cool and act strong,
those other fools won't last long.

another sad song, i make it better,
got a new chick that's wetter cause
she aint afraid of that weather,
umbrellas discarded, in the bleachers,
teachers, gawking from the sidelines,
it's all fine, it's our time,
no need to dodge landmines...
call me minesweeper,
call me mindreader,
call me timekeeper,
call me justin bieber,
call me baby, baby baby,
call me jay-z, call me kanye,
call me all day, call me homewrecker,
call me and say i can do better,
call me about your sweater,
that's still at my place,
call me ghostface, call me action bronson,
call me hot one, call me ******* loser,
call me a waste of your time,
call me and say that this rhyme's, too simple,
call me jimmy kimmel, sarah silver-man.
i'm a better man, i'm business-man, i'm a gentle-man
i'm stan, writing this down in a crazy letter
no ink, self-mutilation and a feather,
better yet, i'm saying this outloud in the booth,
kick this rap game in the tooth with these red wing boots.
Nevermind Nov 2015
There's no fast forward
I can't find the rewind
I have no control
Over time as it flies
And when I'm in agony
It simply won't pass by
Slowing to a crawl
Dragging out my silent cries
Seems life's a series
Of fast paced slow motion
Before I can even reach out
I've lost a thousand moments
And when I finally decide
To give up on catching time
Something beautiful occurs
Before my very eyes
Alyssa Myers Oct 2014
I spied a timekeeper
reposed upon a wall.
His burden too heavy,
the edifice too tall.

Tenderly I did lift
his old timepiece aloft,
and there inside he hid,
vulnerable and soft.

Patiently I waited;
I didn’t want him urged.
Torpidly time did move
before an eye emerged.

Then, as if he realized
all the time put to waste,
out came the other eye
with a little more haste.

Gently, he moved towards me
as the old church bell chimed;
shell lumbering above
and slime trailing behind.

And for me he kept
some of life’s precious time,
passing so pleasantly
for no reason or rhyme.

-Alyssa Myers
Majestic old moss covered lion
standing guard over the locus of a pagan soul
and hedonistic bloodhounds ready to pounce
their muscles stretched in anticipation of  feasting

An ancient timekeeper drips eternity in pearly drops
over and above the city of omniscience…
chalky faces embedded in the century old walls
I wonder about their cloaked, clandestine lives

The lady in white lost in peaceful contemplation
demure head ensconced within her flowery crown
presiding goddess over a temple of busy-ness
devotees scurrying beneath her perennial sight

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
Sean Pope Jun 2012
A curious thing to reset an old clock:
Turning, churning, winding, minding
The delicate craftsmanship, rollicking spots
And gears, gears, gears.

How children delight in the noises and sights,
Ticking, ringing, turning, swinging
The pendulum flowing, eternally slowing
And falling, falling, falling.

Tumultuous ticking, the timekeeper turning
For each little hour to come and pass,
'Til one fateful second, the governor reckoned,
The clock should surely stop.
Jami Samson Jun 2013
Ana knows I can't be alone,
So she will mourn by my side,
While I count down
From the start
Love lived a decade ago;
Calendar dated 10th century,
Top chest smeared with last millennium's dust and dried rose petals,
Bottom shelf stacked with the Recent epoch's chronicles in scrolls,
And I wrote this anecdote during the late Eocene,
But I am now an era old;
Too short of memory to remember fairytales,
Too outgrown to believe magic tricks or play a game of chance,
Too outworn to have my heartstrings plucked,
Too callous to bear a soft spot,
Too archaic to belong in any contemporary world,
Too ancient for a technological revolution.
Fixed in a period that won't age,
Absent of a timekeeper, missing every timepiece;
My antique mind couldn't only smarten up for
This relic of a body, camouflaging skin-deep among prototypes,
Preserving the fossils of my endangered heart.
Maybe one day a noble clocksmith will come
And build us a time machine.
Maybe I'll have my youth back
When Ana teleports back to Erin,
Where her misplaced soul will finally be home with the gods,
For I think I'd do fine without her anymore,
As I land inside a time capsule,
Or wake up as a hand-me-down,
In time at long last with today's pendulum clock.
I'd be lucky if it's the clocksmith who takes such artifact.
But until such time warp,
Ana knows I can't be alone,
So she will mourn by my side,
While I count down
From the start
#24, June.09.13
Nat Lipstadt Apr 2014
the thermometer's rising red mercury,
a truest signal-fire of  the
approaching well-fated
army of summer days,
their inevitable return
prophesied and more accurately foretold by heated degree,
than any solitary red X penned,
marked upon an island's
dog-eared firehouse kitchen calendar

the imaginary sounds of their solacement
inside the heart beats louder
than any timekeeper's ticking clocking counts,
mechanical reminders of a return inevitable,
comforting but impoverished upon compare,
to the warming solace of hearty silent sun sounds
far louder in the mind, than that of measuring throbbing metal

for nigh, nigh the hour's of your carriage come hither
does near approach and laden heavy by
the long time distanced poet's exhausted hopes,
a labored long voyage, soon to be ended,
yet worthy-word laden,
promised peace, carried within it,
a steady straight forward rolling gait heard,
that, it's Paul Revered lanterned combined signaling,
one if by land, two, if by sea,
for I will come back, traversing both

"return, return poet
to where thy fellow musketeers,
wind, sun and sea
have impatiently waited,
we, your corporate grayed chair's guardians and protectors,
memorizer's of the poetry of our yellow scented,
electric conspiracy, rusted silent, now too many months,
your voice transmogrified
by sophisticate urban airs,
man's unnatural pollutions,
we woo and will you, make over"

Ah, that Adirondack throne,
my summer body's glove,
magical wooden carpet
flying the mind's eye
to places where unfriendly times,
give way to reworked words
in a refreshed world, that makes sense again,
the joy tears that layup on and in it imbedded,
know only of the comfort of a
nature's shelter never withheld

"the winter's pale thrashing has skinned
and stripped your voice of its true timbre,
you gaze only inward, obstacled your vision,
seeing only whitecap seas of internal distress

come hear the seagrasses waving windy welcome
listening rapt  to your summons of convocation,
and the celebration of your traditioned blessed evocation,
a combine of old poems, old tears, and fine oak memories,
new candles lit, new waves crashing but soul soothing,
let us cleanse the taunting taints that inhabit,
our duty to inhibit the unforgiving stale self-reproach
of winter's ugly poems and slushy fears

we are folk honest, your summer companions,
acknowledging that what haunts your interior,
to the task of cease and desist we are inferior,
but in your chair, by the bay, the old words refreshed,
and the new poems of hope and scents
of yet better days promised

of that, of that
we do not promise,
of that that we bonded guarantee
a pledge of mutual fealty

we smell you and taste you in every old recirculated breeze,
as you inhale us and exhale toiled tribulations,
we will be married-vow renewed,
a new peace of sorts imbued,
far far better, than no peace at all!
I write more and will post less,
but this weekend I hope to journey
my own one hundred miles, across three isles,
employing bridges and ferry,
to get back to where I write a different kind of poetry,
and the bad, the surface cracks within welded shut,
the winter's road ruts,
filled and sealed,
melded by nature's lighter than air cement

though the cracks within cannot be
filled or healed
by them alone,
a lush quietude invades
and does the best it can...
the photo my winter's hairy tale,
scissored and dispatched,
and an old memory restored, replaced,
my new island audience and followers,
who disapprove or approve of what I write,
by leaving, or honking OK!

if you care, search my old summer poems,
and discover the story's of the chair, the island, and it's unforgiving
demand to write...
Oscillating timekeeper ticks and tocs.
Pendulous seconds bumping time forward on the face of a clock.
Father Time, that Patriarchal chronometer
that martyr, master, commander and observer.
Watch the clock, it's moved forward, did you notice time moving?
Father Time so old, and bearded, a scythe by his side waiting to cull.
Waiting is dull.
Time is a lull, a lullaby before you die.
Cronus never steps back, always marches forwards
and we the human race, suspended in time, and space
watch the clock, wishing more time away with regret,
whilst watching the clocks face.
01:45 GMT
I put a lock on the clock
tied its hands with rope
if that made time still
halt its fast gallop!

There was an eerie silence
as lay dead the tool
with time now my slave
I could take it cool!

With there nothing to pass
I felt the burden off me
to lie back and relax
lead a life sans hurry!

For a while it seemed so nice
my time was what I liked to be
reading and writing and dreaming
walk hourless freely!

But soon boredom got me
grew a void of unease
a dead clock wasn’t that good
closed time killed my peace!

Time’s passage the timekeeper speaks
so we aren’t complacent too free
but keep the flow somewhat disciplined
by following a tool friendly!
Joanna Oz Jun 2015
I wear my watch on the inside of my wrist keeping time by the pulsing of overfilled veins.
If I'm honest, the seconds pass blurry when you are around, red pounding at the blue surface reminding my life of it's vigorous momentum as the watch face marks it's disappearance.
I can do nothing about it's circular cycle, nor the manner in which I mirror it, recycling threadbare thoughts and feelings in ostensible new purpose.
I am a walking contradiction formed of practical mysticism and coffee stained teeth, spinning poetry from numb fingertips onto the ghosts of birch trees, fleeing from my wildest dreams.
Meet me,
half way between belief and reality at the junction of duality and I'll reveal I have no true identity - no creed no name no history,
only chaotic shifting and angry bumblebees drilling sinkholes for visitors toes to curl into as they fashion temporary homes in me.
I am solar soliloquy.
Astrological antiquity curses me to orbit you habitually.
Eye of the storm, hand of the beast, souls of the many downtrodden and hungry, asking for shoulders to stand upon shaky.
Grant me your three wishes, and I will conjure infinity from our palms clasped tight in secrecy.
Tell me,
neglectful lover,
when did my beauty become a pleasurable void, to be touched
yet left unseen,
when did my spirit become matter
buried under the mind of desire and empty chatter.
Humor me,
say that the meeting of our skin is more than physical proximity say,
that you dream of my flowers growing from your ribcage say,
that the gods granted us an opportunity for greatness,
say that our kiss is a portal to Andromeda and that you could get lost there forever - I know I have.
Yet, even light years away I hear the tick tocking ticktick of my heart bleeding into itself.
I am fleeting.
I am deafening.
I am a forgetful timekeeper,

late to my own re-birthing.
The word was out around the street
Tonight, behind Giannis bar
There would be really something special
From the bluesman and his guitar

For locals not for punters
Just for those upon the street
You'd better bring a lawn chair
If you wanted a good seat

The word spread fast and no one
Would miss this once they heard
New works from the bluesman
You had to take in every word

The bluesman was a legend
In this flawed, dark part of town
He only played back in the alley
That was where his show went down

At precisely eleven seventeen
The bluesman took his place
Upon his beat up orange crate
In his same familiar space

It was just like a cathedral
Underneath the golden moon
Quiet and forboding
As he started his first tune

The alley was the bluesmans church
As he sang to the street people
But this church had no walls or pews
No bells, it had no steeple

The bluesman sang of love and loss
Of dragons, ships and gin
He sang of Shubert, Bach and Liszt
He sang of constant sin

He looked but he saw no one
He was zoning, all alone
He sang songs of faith and hunger
Time to give the dog a bone

He played and drank his med-cin
For sometimes he got dry
The bluesman had the crowd entrapped
Beneath the shining moonlit sky

He talked of how his smoking
Through the years gave him his sound
It only took me fifty years
I'm surprised I'm still around

He sang of love and window panes
Of jealousy and trust
Of walruses and potholes
Of people turned to dust

As people sat in wonder
Of this prophet in disguise
You could see a certain twinkle
Deep in the bluesmans eyes

Gianni, stood off to the side
Timekeeper of the show
He signalled to the bluesman
One more and we must go

He had to close the restaurant
Turn the lights off in the back
So the bluesman took another sip
And grabbed a song from his minds pack

He finished up with something
Singing songs for all who came
He made them feel it was their heartsong
Although he never said a name

He sang of waitresses and barkeeps
Pawn brokers and of guests
of family and train tracks
of watchers and of quests

He finished up and packed away
His crate and his guitar
And he collected appreciation
In a two quart mason jar

The crowd left thirty dollars
almost ninety cents a seat
A fortune to the bluesman
And the folks here on the street
Nielsen Mooken Jun 2014
I arise to thee, beautiful pilgrim
Returning to the ***** of Winter,
Droving forth the winds once full of whims,
But now bound to thy will- oh Enchanter
Of the first dancing lights- by the promised
Arrival of the new Gods of the sky.
You wear the morning light- Remised
Of the nascent azure and its red Eye -
Like a veil, in mourning of the silence.
The kings and queens of burning summer,
The din of the humans’ blissful pretense,
Will soon seek the night like moths a taper
And tributaries of parched skin will be paid
To the pest that walks, the old timekeeper
And the shaft flies and leaves things unsaid.
Away! Hot and languishing despair
For I arise to dreams of the sprites of Winter,
And the light kisses my skin like sweet Death,
Oh! Sweet, sweet ghost of coldness, here, my wreath!
Carlo C Gomez Oct 2019
She waits in the shade
Of a best-loved oak,
Where he once carved their names inside a heart:
"This means forever."

The heart needs tending
--she visits from year-to-year.
Her security, a vow.
His constraint, a contract.
She made to open the door but he detained her,
A perjury.
Pruning stems, branching
--cognitively speaking--
Dead or alive.

The landscape has changed:
This place no longer holds water.
Listen now for love's addendum,
Measured in the signal-to-noise ratio.
(You'll hear it all the time).

Oh, painfully leafless gray meadow.
Sufferance is a viable timekeeper,
When it storms the weak run for shelter.
Francie Lynch Jun 2016
Maura gave me a watch
Many Christmasses ago;
Time and again its hands
Moved me.
It had a crystal face,
Nickel-plated case,
A golden crown,
Calendar window,
And a dial with Arabic numerals.
A ten dollar Timex
That made me feel like a million.
The brothers didn't have a watch,
But I had a second hand
For accurate readings
Of who could **** the longest,
Hold their breath for two minutes,
How long it took for the kettle to boil,
Or a snail to crawl.
Everything could be timed,
And timing, like my watch,
Was everything.
I was the timekeeper,
And took duties seriously.
I wore it on my left arm,
One day the sweep second froze,
The big and little hands stopped.
A spring or something broke;
The date was a constant
Grim reminder.
Geno Cattouse Mar 2014
From love's facination the joy and pain of it all they slowly pull their questing hand away from flickering flame away from love or loss.

Frisky and coye a first then they quickly see the spectre of past demons of bloodied hearts ..deception then they recede and begin to dance ..
They turn their minds away to  havens built from the rubble of yesterday..fall away.

To bastion and barricades they made from fantasies of the highest grade "  my heart of heart cant take the chance of another love found and another love lost"
The clock ticks forward
Never back and so the dance proceeds
A dirge as understudy seeking solace centerstage seeking. Wanting.desirous. envious and confused.

An ember still seeking air it sits hopefully in hearts all dressed up in pounding chest.
Again the moment sits there the tick the tock from love's timekeeper time reaper and so the the moment passes as she turns askance with fears well justified.
She turns the lock as tumblers catch the safety latched.
Dreams at bay.
Hopes astray
Needs neatly wrapped and tucked away.
Love, love go.away come again some other day.
Sweet nothings how they capture.keens to rapture
Just love me please for what I am,love me with no reservations . See deeeper than my fears. Take my hand and lead.the dance but love past all other. The silent request.
In the moments heat turned slow deception. They learn to
Fall away
Richard Grahn Apr 2017
This somewhat epic poem translates in defiance based on real life and my struggle against illicit authority.

“Ever since I was a small child, I've had this feeling - it's in my nature, and so it's not even pretentious - that if everyone's going one way, I will go the other, just by some kind of spirit of defiance.” – Charlotte Rampling

Moody lips scratch at the pain
Can’t resist the chance for a wholesale change
Settling down, I wait for the train
There’s nothing to miss like this time again

I seek the battle they say I can’t win
I fight for the right to begin anew
Twisted around in the tale that I wrote
Entranced in the time it took to write

We forge a fantasy and try to rise
My side is the best of a half-chanced world
Let me resist, holding fast in the night
Got to get back where I left the light

My sight grows dim in the pale moon glow
I rise to the edge of the walls that you raised
Over the top, I fly away
Beyond your moat’s where I like to play

Dragons sail through a cloudy sky
Nothing can get in my way right now
My cheeks are frozen in a rosy hue
It’s only the rest that I want to do

Blithering idiot, get out of my way
Don’t set your soul to such passing fate
Rattle the cage and set yourself free
Toss off the chain you’re taught to believe

Complete this phrase with your ****** words
Trace your shadow and set it aside
Grieve for the moment you let slip by
You’re caught in a whirlwind, caught on the fly

Collect bygone moments and try to
Tear down that wall and set it to rest
The best we have is a spoonful of time
Take your regret and salt it away

Spin the yarn that you spin so fine
Deliver the blow that blows me away
You can’t stop me now and you never could
I won’t sit down and let it get by

You pass my time in an abstinent way
I test you with answers you can never know
You’re caught in the pang of your own little show
Your dream can’t contain me from passing on by

Your heart is a stone and your head is like bread
Your magic got sold for a stitch in the quilt
I’ll never believe the tale that you told
I’ll rewrite the scene and scatter your dreams

Build up a house the only way that you know
Leave me alone, I’ll build my own house
Don’t bring me down with your rancid dream
I am the man you can’t understand it seems

Break your own rules or set them aside
Leave me to try on my own if you dare
Don’t get caught in your miserable state
Forgive yourself and don’t you be late

The pain on my lips cannot resolve
The fear in my mind you happen to cause
Your wall it too high and your mote too deep
You can’t see the plain for the mud on your feet

You trample the facts with your own stupid dream
I am left all alone, do you know what I mean?
We’re lost in the maelstrom that you cannot see
My point is a line that you cannot read

Putting words to pen is how I contend
The lasting phrase I chose to arrange
Time cries short for the longing we have
There is no room to play it again

Lost in the moment, riding the wave
Treasured thoughts give way to tireless dreams
I’ll measure my time and measure it well
No one can see the me that I am

You think that you know what is best for me
You haven’t the eyes to know my state
I cast you away for the freedom I need
My heart bleeds thoughts that are measured in glass

You are a broken man with a broken mind
Still you try to define my world
I won’t step back and I won’t stand by
Settle your debt with some other guy

Caught in the dream, I can only wait
Severing the bonds for a great escape
The clatter of hooves on the hard stone floor
Leave me with haunts of the evermore

Building a mansion is not easy here
To cast a shadow one must have light
There is no glow in your gloomy depths
I leave you right now with your own regrets

The timekeeper riddles the path of this line
Taking away one day at a time
I can’t get them back, there is no reason
Your actions, to me, feel a lot like treason

You cannot stop me now from being who I am
Your can of worms is not my can
The worms are long and slither around
The berms of your mote are all but sound

I never recalled such a troublesome mote
I will dig you a ditch and settle the debt
You can’t stop my mind from deliberate rhyme
You can’t give back the time that you took

I will not give up, will not step back
You can’t have me, I am not your pawn
Protect your king if you think you can
But don’t attend me with your bruising mind

There are no thoughts like the thoughts that I have
There is no peace like the peace that I know
Biding my time on the castle walls
I push you away just to watch you fall

There is no room for a second chance
The light of the stars leaves me glowing for more
I take my path with a grain of salt,
And pepper the measured insightful dream

I will fly while you sit there watching the breeze
Unsure of yourself, you’re weak in the knees
I cannot regret the place where I stand
Your shoes are too small to see where I am

You’ve broken the pact with your eyes so blind
Can’t see the facts that you’ve locked inside
The truth rings true and you stand much to lose
I will walk gaily by, singing a translucent tune

Born in the wind of a course moon light
Saddled the horse just to get it in stride
Tempted the fates with a bottle of truth
Caught myself falling and withstood the test

Trying to see all the things that you bring
I’m left wanting for more, I’m dressed in rags
For heaven’s sake don’t get in my way
You’ll regret yourself even more in a day, or two

Pretend to know when you act it all out
Savor this moment you live in your dream
Imagine your thoughts are a river of steel
Just don’t let them cost more than what is real

There’s truth in the matter you choose not to see
Believing your delusion is all that you have
I’d help if I could but why be rude
You’re lost in yourself and that could last

Obsession is just the face of the facts
Memories are bound to the fading rain
Splitting a hair with a duller knife
You’re lost on the wave of a deadly game

Built on the foundation of sand and clay
The earth it trembles, your house will sway
I cannot be mute, I tell it this way
Nothing can take this true feeling away
Stu Harley Apr 2016
ocean waves
in our veins
a steady clap of hands
sticks beat upon
the hollowed drums
the sound of cymbals
and tambourines
ocean waves
are full of rhythm and song
timekeeper of
the universe
Dear timekeeper, do pass this message to a young girl:-
Tell her not to grow up
Do everything she can.
If only she knew how lonely she would become
she would not be able to comprehend
but make her understand
there will be a day where
nobody will blow her birthday candles
nobody would sing her birthday song
nobody will even spend time with her
as she continuously wrinkles over in sadness;
let her condense back into the surface of the earth
in her happy beautiful self.
brandon nagley May 2015
Blurting disrespecters of the finer things of life,
Mothers chase their children in dispair,
              Disrepair of ourn wrongs and rights,

Fitful monguls,
Beasts of Hades grave,
             Dance the electrobeat timekeeper of lonely streets ,
I've seen for marveled caves!!!!

Taketh away all disconvert,
Open the quaint parlors,
Where thy cherishing is bountiful,
             Plentiful to all and any other!!!

A configuration of minds far and close alike,
    Where childhood ceases memory!!!
Cells make enemies of evidential ruin!!!!!

         Residential pull ins boisterous,
Signs hold high with all sit ins!!!

Factitious feeling's hold innumerable!!!!

Inconceivably mounted,
Planted in like all thine rest!!!
celestine Jan 2016
from ashes to ashes, I carried myself in return for a sense.
from the demon of my broken youth, I thought I could teach the timekeeper to fence.
from my heartache that lingers, I slowly losing my own defence.

the golden child will pull the trigger
the golden child will pull the anchor
the golden child will pull the dagger

pass my youth, I kept myself under the radar.
but it didn't stop me from being filled with wonder.
unfortunately, it had to stop ever since the blunder.


it's too late anyway.
Jack S Michael Feb 2018
The man, alone, walked through his mind.
Dense, white fog curling around him,
Smothering his outstretched hands searching
For his watch, his precious timekeeper.

He heard it ticking down, getting slower and slower
C L I C K...

His fingertips brushed against the small,
Rusted, damaged watch, and slowly spun
it, round and round and round

C L I C K...

The fog slowly lifted,
revealing a lonesome tree,
blooming with a thousand
Colours, than anything
the man had ever seen

And there sat death, the patient lover
Always watching, always talking with the man
Telling him how much she missed his warm lips
And she asked for a kiss once more.

He solemnly brushed her lips, three times
And the taste in his mouth was always there
Even as he walked away,
Whole, hopeful, healing

Until finally, after many moons,
He finally kissed her lips once more.
‪*We fall down the rabbit hole and find Alice, with her empty prescription bottle and a shot glass, the white-eared waistcoat timekeeper shakes in the corner and screams ‘we’re late’ ‬
‪Alice is dead Alice is dead Alice is dead
wordvango Jan 2018
Scrupulously second by second
A timekeeper sits at his desk
Near the tallest mountain
Riding a cloud one would guess
Tabulating only plusses and minuses reams of paper accumulating
Behind him
Keeping scores almost blind
Deaf and dumb
To secular or pagan
Reasonings and mores
No more
And no lesser
Just calculating
For everything

Almost I want to help him
Throw in my impressions
But ignore
Me us

He does

The ledger
High above in the clock tower
Was a child who misbehaved
Father time grew impatient
She was too difficult to persuade

For she was raised with no limits
Adopting such a life unafraid
Strolling into the timekeeper's tower
Assuming there was no price to be paid

The clock's hands restrained her
Every tic was a step she couldn't take
She was bounded by time by the hour
Creating yet another clockwork slave

The clock's hands became her cuffs
Its numbers turned all the same
To be used as the metal bars
For the finishing touches of her cage

Tamed by routines and muted by alarms
Wondering how long she had left to stay
In this fragile world that was so reliant
To act only upon the specific time of day

She missed her colourful beginnings
Free from a life that continued to age
Time stood still while she wandered
To wherever her heart was swayed

Seconds would turn into hours
Of aimless mere child's play
Were moments she took for granted
And memories she had misplaced

One day she took time into her hands
She reversed the roles to his dismay
Father time's parental grip on her
Could no longer be sustained

For she was a timeless artist
Who could not stay restrained
Whose artwork cannot be lost
In the past or the present day

Her poetic words reside in the minds
Passing generations everyday
Painting moments to only those
Who allow their hearts to give way

She became immortal through her legacy
On the path that she had paved
Making home in the artistic thoughts
Of every artist that was led astray
Gaurav Gurung Aug 26
Is it merely just a paper?

Born from nature, molded by hands

Timekeeper of history, curator of mortal demands!

From the moment a kid scribbles their first doodles

To the moment a person records his last.

Is it merely just a paper?

A child’s canvas of boundless dreams,

Where letters dance, and colors gleam.

An artist’s appetite for creation,

Where he shapes his imagination.

A man’s plea of proposal, a revolutionist’s voice

A royal decree, a gift! Or a nation’s cunning ploys,

An innocent airplane, a love letter or a terrible ransom,

A waste or a cheque of money- quite handsome!

It has the power to bring tears or a simple smile,

A bridge between hearts, across many a mile

In ink, in lead, in blood or in gold,

Written in it are valiant stories to be foretold

Written in it are-

“A B C D”,  “1 2 3 4”

“Apne matbhedo ko bhuljao aur Halla Bol !”

“Rohit weds Archana”

“He fought with honor”

“Sorry mom and dad, I couldn’t make it”

Carrier of Joy, Carrier of Sorrow

Plight of yesterday, Flight of tomorrow!

Is it merely just a paper?
Comment down your thoughts

— The End —