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© By HF-Whisper
7/2/2021 23:26-23/02/2021
Tori G Jul 2014
You're stuck.
So that must mean I am too.
I don't want to be stuck.
My love for you grows
More and more each day.
But I can never stay stuck.

I was stuck.
Long before I met you.
I didn't want to be stuck then,
And I don't now.
Trapped within a
Disgustingly thick, slimy stuck
I worked my way deep in to find
Nothing but more unruly muck.

I'm only halfway stuck.
But you're all the way stuck.
I'm not going back in.
I'll suffocate again,
Lose myself and become
The demon that attaches to
My weakening soul like
The grotesque parasite it is.
You can stay stuck all you want
But you'll never find me down there
While you wallow around in your
Muddled conceptions of yourself.

Yeah, right.
But I'll be here
At the edge of the muck
Waiting to help you out
When you get unstuck.
You'll get through it.  :)
Laura Matas Apr 2017
I want to move on,
But I am stuck.
Stuck on the memories.
Stuck on what could've been.
Stuck on wondering what went wrong.
Stuck on wondering what more I could've done.

I am stuck on the way you made me laugh.
I am stuck on the way you held my hand.
I am stuck on the way you held me in your arms, as we gazed up at the stars on a cold December night.
I am stuck on our roadtrips and our perfectly imperfect duets.
I am stuck on who you empowered and encouraged me to be.
I am stuck on how you made me feel and who you were when I was falling in love.

Now, I see you,
And every time I do,
My heart breaks all over.
I see you talk to everyone else in the room, and bit by bit I fall apart inside.
I see you with other girls, encouraging them the way you did me at the beginning.
I see you moving on, completely unstuck,
Completely unphased by the torment I am in.

You made me genuinely happy.
Happier than I've ever been.
And I can choose to be joyful
and patient
and kind
and humble
and good,

But happiness is stuck in the past with you.
S D S Apr 2013
I will always be trying to become my hero, but better
I will always get stuck being a little bit less, though
I will always be trying to become your hero, but real
I will always get stuck being a little bit less, though
I will always be trying to become everyone's hero, but honest
I will always get stuck being a little bit less, though
I will always be trying to become my mother's hero, but reliable
I will always get stuck being a little bit less, though
I will always be trying to be my brother's hero, but clean
I will always get stuck being a little bit less, though
I will always be trying to be my buddies' hero, but caring
I will always get stuck being a little bit less, though
I will always be trying to be my heroes' hero, but recent
I will always get stuck being a little bit less, though
I will always be trying to be my father's hero, but smarter
I will always get stuck being a little bit less, though
I will always be trying to be my dead grandfather's hero, but young
I will always get stuck being a little bit less, though
I will always be trying to be my country's hero, but benevolent
I will always get stuck being a little bit less, though
I will always be trying to be my friends' hero, but strong
I will always get stuck being a little bit less, though
I will always be trying to be my church's hero, but open-minded
I will always get stuck being a little bit less, though
I will always be trying to be my love's hero, but brave
II will always get stuck being a little bit less, though
I will always be trying to be the cynic's hero, but charming
*I will always get stuck being a little bit less, though
Stacy Mills Jan 2016
I'm stuck in a rut
I don't know what to write
I'm stuck in a rut
I don't think I'm going to win this fight
I'm stuck in a rut
with nowhere to go
I'm stuck in a rut
and I just don't know
I'm stuck in a rut
no friends to help out
I'm stuck in a rut
but too proud to pout
I'm stuck in a rut
but I can't make me frown
I'm stuck in a rut
100 miles down
I'm stuck in a rut
just going to contemplate a while
I'm stuck in a rut
but you're just going to see my smile
I'm stuck in a rut
But guess what, I wrote
I'm unstuck from this rut
As I end this on a positive note
Saiyam Dhamija Jul 2018
It feels like I’m stuck in an elevator. Neither going up nor going down. Stuck in the middle. Stuck in between floors. Stuck between levels. Not going anywhere. Just stuck there. Not moving forward. Not going back. Just stuck. I keep pressing the alarm button but no one hears. I’m alone here. Why is no one around? I’m getting claustrophobic. I’m banging the doors. No one is here. I wish I could get out. I wish I could go up. If not up then at least down. I just wish to go somewhere. I just wish to do something. But the doors won’t budge; the doors won’t open. Why won’t they open? Why won’t the elevator move?
I’m stuck in an elevator. In between levels. Levels being the stages of my life and the elevator, me.
And me being stuck here as I wish to move but I can’t. I’m just stuck not moving anywhere. I hope I move. I hope I go up. I hope I’m not stuck anymore in the elevator of life.
I know it's not a poem but I really cant write poems so yeah
Me May 2018
It’s so easy,
That’s a lie,
It’s easy to write about someone else,
To take away,
Ridicule or mock their story,
What happens when we relate,
Do we shun them,
Walk away, stab, tribute against them,
I’m stuck,
What can I say,
Their is nothing left of me,
Nothing but hate and anger,
Fire filling my lungs,
Smoke bursting from inside,
Everything is just fake,
A reality that is unworthy of me?,
I am stuck,
No movement just the constant questioning of my spirit,
The hunger and ache for knowledge,
Do you hear me?,
Can you see me?,
Are you stuck?,
In an endless spiral of nothing,
Searching for a familiar face,
Begging for love,
Begging for trust and kindness,
Yet denied by a those you love,
Do you know me?,
Do you understand me?,
You might know me better than my closest allies,
Does that make me wrong,
Because I am lonely,
A child in this old world,
Ruined in regret,
Suffering from an illness far from a vaccine,
A broken home without a chance of survival,
Find me,
Search for me in the faces you meet,
You’ll find me,
See me when you close your eyes,
You’ll know I am stuck,
Stuck in shame,
Stuck in lies,
I am stuck in confusion of the past,
Morgan Winters Jun 2014
And I'm stuck.
I'm stuck on the freckles painted on your skin.
I'm stuck on your gentle carresses of your soft but rough hands, tracing endlessly pointless patterns on my back.
I'm stuck on your raspy voice after you've been laying with me for a while and are beginning to fall sleepy.
But I'm also stuck on the weeks of silence.
I'm stuck on the broken promises.
I'm stuck on the false hope.
I'm stuck on how one year ago, or even five months, you said you loved me to no end.
You said you'd never leave again.
It ended.
You left.
And I'm stuck.
"I think once you've thought about how a person sleeps, how they'd feel pressed up against your back, or your head on their chest, how compatible your bodies would be in the same space of a bed — once you've thought about that, you're ******."
Andrew Rueter Dec 2017
I am stuck in your dimension
Which wasn't my intention
But you have a heart warming appeal
And you are a reliable friend
That's why I hate the emotions I feel
And wait for my life to end

I have been stuck for a decade
A twisted mind it has made
I see suitable suitors
Yet yearn for your presence
Your image seems cuter
Than those peasants'
I wish I could make you see what they see
Better yet
I wish I could make you feel what I feel
I wish I could make what I feel real
Instead of being stuck
In my fiction
My wheels in the muck
Cause friction

I tell you how I feel
You handle it with grace
But that makes me love you more
Now I'm a whale stuck on shore
And hanging out with me is a chore
When my love makes you search for the door
Leaving me stuck
Saying things like I didn't ask for this
I don't want to be like this
I am stuck with clenched fists
I am stuck with eyes of mist
I am stuck like this

I'm through thrashing around
When everything is broken
There is no healing joke
No joint to smoke
No way to cope
With your overwhelming presence
And the threat of your absence
While you're stuck on the fence

There is a light bulb in my room
It provides vision
But its light becomes too powerful
And it explodes
Shards of glass penetrate my eyes
Now it is all I can see
And I can't see anything
ZT Jun 2015
I am a wannabe poet
I want to make beautiful pieces
I want to write about a lot of things
But I am stuck in the topic called “LOVE”

I am a wannabe writer
I want to tell wonderful stories
I want to write about a lot of possibilities
But I am stuck in the topic called “LOVE”

I am a student
I want to have good grades in my studies
I want to be able to study diligently
But I am stuck in the topic called “LOVE”

Words that give an impact
Stories that matters
Lessons that are important
I want to write them
I want to tell them
I want to study them
But I can’t because
I am stuck in this topic called “LOVE”

When I write
I try to write about a lot of stuffs
To write something beautiful
But I tend to write about love

When I make stories
I want to make complicated and exciting topics
To write something that grabs your attention
But I tend to make love stories

When I study
I want to study diligently
I want the lessons to sink into my mind
It does sink, but it gets drowned by the thoughts of love

I wonder why, I am stuck in the topic called “LOVE”
I wonder what great force does love hold
A force greater than gravity it has
For not even gravity can hold my thoughts down to reality
Love always makes my thoughts fly away
Love can even drive others to insanity

Today I wanted to write something
Probably just anything
Anything that pops into mind
Of course it’ll be love, ‘coz lately it’s the only thing on my mind

I wanted to write something beautiful
I wanted to make stories that is wonderful
I wanted to study diligently
I wanted to write words that has an impact
I wanted to make stories that matter,
Complicated, exciting and attention grabbing
I wanted to study the things that are important

So now I am stuck in the topic called “LOVE”
I am stuck writing about this topic called “LOVE”
Because I realized,
Can make you diligent
Love can hit you with a great impact
Then love will be everything that matters
And love might get complicated, but then it will be exciting and attention grabbing
But most of all,
In our life, the presence, the existence, the concept, the topic of LOVE
Is important

Maybe, these reasons are the reasons why
I am stuck in the topic called “LOVE”
Have you ever tried to do something else and go back to the thing you did before? Well for me, several times I find myself trying to write about other things but ending in writing about love. Hope for love, sweet love, pain in love, longing for love, love that has left. well, basically everything about love. So I wrote this poem entitled stuck in the topic called love.
Raven Dec 2024
Ive been trapped
And stuck
Ever since I was little
Other than
Little tiny snippets of

Age 3
Staring at the cars
All in a row
While they yell
In the background;

Age 3
In the grass
On a sunny day
With all the room to play;
Little tiny snippet of normal

Age 5
I cried and cried
As my only friend
And our dog

Age 5
On the swing
Reaching way up high
To touch the clouds
Watching me
From the sky;
Little tiny snippet of normal

Age 7
Late at night in a campground
As I hear people shout
And break things
Not so far from me
But I just needed the code
To the bathroom
To ***;

Age 7
At the beach
Feet in the sand
Face all red from the heat
And water in my hair
As I laugh with a random stranger;
Little tiny snippet of normal

Age 8
Moving to a house
And thinking its great
Until the knife marks
Blood stains
And undergarments
In the fire place;

Age 8
Finding the rockface
And seeing the first sunset
From my tall mountain advantage;
Little tiny snippet of normal

Age 9
Feeding me lies
As he steals my soul
And anything I ever had within;

Age 9
Camp arrowflight
And sleeping under the stars;
Little tiny snippet of normal

Age 10
Blades across skin
Blood dripping onto the floor
From my wrist
And from within
Places he shouldn't be;

Age 10
Friends houses full of
Fun toys to be a kid with
And many places to explore
With our imagination as our feet wander
Anywhere beyond there;
Little tiny snippet of normal

Age 12
Running into the night
Afraid but free
As I walk for hours
Until my final destination
Where I stay
Until found;

Age 12
Finally moving in with a friend
And the family
Seeing peaceful
Not dysfunctional;
Tiny snippet of normal

Age 13
He defiles my body
My boyfriend to be
But I love him
So I'm his;

Age 13
Exploring new places
With a new family
Smiles on our faces;
Tiny snippet of normal

Age 14
Back again
Back with him
Because you love him
So you're his
And so am I;

Age 14
Exploring a ravine
And calm
With music by my side
For the first time
My own;
Tiny snippet of normal

Age 15
It happens again
But this time
I dont bleed from within
Just from my thighs
And my wrists
Before I escape;

Age 15
Moving in somewhere new
Cuddles and games
And kisses
And so much soft affection
From you;
Little tiny snippet of normal

Age 16
You cheated
On me
I scream and I kick
I hate you
Get away from me;

Age 16
Walks to the store
Inside jokes and park runs
Full of smiles and laughs
And we finally got a cat;
Little tiny snippet of normal

Age 17
I must once again flee
As I am blamed
For the truth of another
And they all
Want me gone;

Age 17
There isnt a little tiny snippet of normal.

Age 18
You defile me
And she allows it
As she loves you
So she is yours
And I must be too
But you're not the same love
As before
You're new;

Age 18
Applying for my own money
Getting new supports
Getting better help
Finding people who love me
So I am theirs
But this time they don't know
My reasons
As they never force it;
Little tiny snippet of normal

Age 19
Youve done it again mom
Found a new love
Who declares me his
As much as yours
But this time
I stay away
And you keep him
At bay
But you're suffering;

Age 19
A month away
Practically on my own
A lifelong dream
Trips with my own money
To places that make me happy
And a new friend
Who likes me
For me;
Little tiny snippet of normal

These little tiny snippets of normal
Keep me going
And keep me sane
But everytime they disappear
So does my hope
Of getting away

Little tiny snippets of me
Fading away
Ashish Gupta Jan 2018
Stuck between war and peace
Can’t win the fight
Won’t bend the knees

Stuck between cradle and grave
Can’t be a prince
Won’t be a knave

Stuck between the earth and sky
Can’t plant some roots
Won’t let it fly

Stuck between night and day
Can’t silence it
Won’t let it say

Stuck between the head and toe
Can’t keep it in
Won’t let it show

Stuck between a truth and lie
Can’t breathe in life
Won’t let it die

Stuck between joy and woe
Can’t burn it down
Won’t let it grow

Stuck between a yes and no
Can’t make it up
Won’t let it go
ce-walalang Oct 2020
being stuck, they say, is uncomfortable.
i believe it’s not necessarily true. for instance,

...i like getting stuck inside my room and read for a day or two or three or four, forever.
...i like getting that last song stuck in my head for a day or two or three or four, forever.
...i like getting stuck in traffic with my pen and paper.
...i like getting stuck in the moment...perhaps, with you.

getting stuck is an opportunity, staying stuck is unhealthy

staying stuck on a single story out of convenience regardless of its completeness is poison mistaken for remedy
the reclusive writer tells us a good writing day
Ryan Carney Nov 2016
Stuck wanting something more,
Stuck knowing I can do better,
Stuck living and feeling all alone,
Stuck to my depression like glue.

Stuck to my "what ifs" and "if onlys",
Stuck to thinking about the past,
Stuck feeling like less than a man,
Stuck feeling my heart be broken again.
Written 11/11/16
Kite Aug 2012
I am like a firefly in a jar
Never feel that I am getting far
My light burning out, flickering
My screams turn to shouts, slowly, bickering.

I am like a firefly with heavy wings
Around my eyes lay dark rings
I can't lift off, my light is fading
My skin will forever be your shading.

I am stuck in a jar, gravity killing any chances of flight
And lately I have noticed that I never get things right
I am destructive to myself and to you
A deadbeat firefly with nothing to do.

I set up this jar with my own mind
You look for me but will never find
I'm sorry I don't fly for you
I want you to know that this love is true
But you deserve better than a firefly stuck in a jar.

I thought you had mended my wings
But now I see the broken things
No one can change
I don't want to lose you
and everything you do
but you deserve better than this firefly stuck in a jar.

It's not that you aren't good enough
It's that my cracked skin is too tough
Like a second firefly stuck in the same jar
I hold you back when you can go far.

I want you to know that you are the best thing that has happened
But my light will always be blackened
Nothing unjust has given me this
My thoughts lead me spiralling into an abyss

It's not fair that you have to look after this firefly stuck in a jar
After all, I am not going far
You don't have to be stuck with this firefly in a jar.
Jules Harper Mar 2021
I’m stuck in the middle of Nowhere
Can’t stay here
Can’t go elsewhere

I’m stuck in the middle of Nowhere
Can’t level down
Can’t go upstairs

I’m stuck in the middle of Nowhere
Can’t be a snail
Can’t be the hare

I’m stuck in the middle of Nowhere
Can’t move backwards
Can't over-care

I’m stuck in the middle of Nowhere
Can’t trust the Lord
Can’t stop the prayer

I’m stuck in the middle of Nowhere
Can’t stop the yawn
Can’t stop ceiling-stare

I’m stuck in the middle of Nowhere
Can’t have sweet dreams
Can’t stand nightmares

I’m stuck in the middle of Nowhere
Can’t stay silent
Can’t stop being scared

I’m stuck in the middle of Nowhere
Can’t let them go
Can’t pay the fare

I’m stuck in the middle of Nowhere
Can’t stop thinking
Can’t say I dare
I’m stuck in the middle of Nowhere
A day in life of a jack of all trades, so sad to say, and master of none.

Benji James Apr 2018
Nothing on me to light a fire
In this dark place
Only my instincts can save me
A shattered heart and torn soul
But I’m still holding on
There’s not much hope
But I hold faith
That one day I’ll make it free
From this place
I’ll do everything it takes
To get out of here alive
It’s not as easy as it sounds
The hardest things take time
And this is an endless war
Between a conscious mind
Of doubts and regrets
That fill an insomniacs head

All these monsters and me
Stuck here in purgatory
Hellhounds chase me down
For many monsters, I have slain
But there were only more that came
It’s just the monsters and me
Stuck here in purgatory
I’ve followed winding roads
Hid in dying woods
Snuck through the marsh
Covered my scents with mud
In this land, it’s always dark
Woods with leafless trees
It gets lonely here in purgatory

Can you hear the howls,
screams and cries
Deafening to the ears
It’ll make you tremble and shake
You can’t give into fear
Or you won’t make it alive out of here
I’ve been facing down monsters one at a time
Too many at once and they’ll eat you alive
It’s not easy to decide
Which one will be next
Just hope that you don’t mess up
And end up dead
I’m locked and loaded
With guns in hand
I’m prepared as I’ll ever be
I’m gonna make it out of here eventually

All these monsters and me
Stuck here in purgatory
Hellhounds chase me down
For many monsters, I have slain
But there were only more that came
It’s just the monsters and me
Stuck here in purgatory
I’ve followed winding roads
Hid in dying woods
Snuck through the marsh
Covered my scents with mud
In this land, it’s always dark
Woods with leafless trees
It gets lonely here in purgatory

The battles are far from over
Still on guard, ready to defend
Every corner I turn
It gives them a new chance
To catch me off guard
And rip me apart
I’ve got a lot of scars and marks
Barely scraped through
some of my past fights
At the last moments
I was able to turn the tides
How much longer
Can I keep myself alive
I guess the future holds the secrets
Just gotta keep moving
Until I find the exit light
And break free
of this apocalyptic dream

All these monsters and me
Stuck here in purgatory
Hellhounds chase me down
For many monsters, I have slain
But there were only more that came
It’s just the monsters and me
Stuck here in purgatory
I’ve followed winding roads
Hid in dying woods
Snuck through the marsh
Covered my scents with mud
In this land, it’s always dark
Woods with leafless trees
It gets lonely here in purgatory

I’m panting
Taking a deep breath
Bite wounds in my leg
Hellhounds found me out
All is lost now
Guns are out of reach
Might as well accept my fate
Just give in
Let the monsters win
Sometimes you can’t beat a sin
Unless you devote
your unconditional love to him
This was something I never did
So where I’m going is uncertain
Now it’s finally time to
Let the curtain close
Shut my eyes
This is it
I’m torn to bits

All these monsters and me
Stuck here in purgatory
Hellhounds chased me down
For many monsters, I have slain
But there were only more that came
It’s just the monsters and me
Stuck here in purgatory
I’ve followed winding roads
Hid in dying woods
Snuck through the marsh
Covered my scents with mud
In this land, it’s always dark
Woods with leafless trees
I died alone here in purgatory

(To be continued...)
©2018 Written By Benji James
Jimmy Solanki Jul 2014
The tape keeps on repeating
No disgust or hate
I just cannot relate
Any longer
Here I can't escape
Even though I ran
And I changed
I stayed the same

Too tired to sleep
Too afraid to dream
Stuck in a bowl
A delicate stream holds me
Down to sanity
Here I can't escape

Tried courage
Valiant I was defeated
My dreams won't let me in
Here I shall never
Escape my fate
Insanity cackles
Taunting each vein
I'm still running
Too tired to wake up
Too tired to fight
Benji James Jan 2019
Nothing on me to light a fire
In this dark place
Only my instincts can save me
A shattered heart and torn soul
But I’m still holding on
There’s not much hope
But I hold faith
That one day I’ll make it free
From this place
I’ll do everything it takes
To get out of here alive
It’s not as easy as it sounds
The hardest things take time
And this is an endless war
Between a conscious mind
Of doubts and regrets
That fill an insomniacs head

All these monsters and me
Stuck here in purgatory
Hellhounds chase me down
For many monsters, I have slain
But there were only more that came
It’s just the monsters and me
Stuck here in purgatory
I’ve followed winding roads
Hid in dying woods
Snuck through the marsh
Covered my scents with mud
In this land, it’s always dark
Woods with leafless trees
It gets lonely here in purgatory

Can you hear the howls,
screams and cries
Deafening to the ears
It’ll make you tremble and shake
You can’t give into fear
Or you won’t make it alive out of here
I’ve been facing down monsters one at a time
Too many at once and they’ll eat you alive
It’s not easy to decide
Which one will be next
Just hope that you don’t mess up
And end up dead
I’m locked and loaded
With guns in hand
I’m prepared as I’ll ever be
I’m gonna make it out of here eventually

All these monsters and me
Stuck here in purgatory
Hellhounds chase me down
For many monsters, I have slain
But there were only more that came
It’s just the monsters and me
Stuck here in purgatory
I’ve followed winding roads
Hid in dying woods
Snuck through the marsh
Covered my scents with mud
In this land, it’s always dark
Woods with leafless trees
It gets lonely here in purgatory

The battles are from over
Still on guard, ready to defend
Every corner I turn
It gives them a new chance
To catch me off guard
And rip me apart
I’ve got a lot of scars and marks
Barely scraped through
some of my past fights
At the last moments
I was able to turn the tides
How much longer
Can I keep myself alive
I guess the future holds the secrets
Just gotta keep moving
Until I find the exit light
And break free
of this apocalyptic dream

All these monsters and me
Stuck here in purgatory
Hellhounds chase me down
For many monsters, I have slain
But there were only more that came
It’s just the monsters and me
Stuck here in purgatory
I’ve followed winding roads
Hid in dying woods
Snuck through the marsh
Covered my scents with mud
In this land, it’s always dark
Woods with leafless trees
It gets lonely here in purgatory

I’m panting
Taking a deep breath
Bite wounds in my leg
Hellhounds found me out
All is lost now
Guns are out of reach
Might as well accept my fate
Just give in
Let the monsters win
Sometimes you can’t beat a sin
Unless you devote
your unconditional love to him
This was something I never did
So where I’m going is uncertain
Now it’s finally time to
Let the curtain close
Shut my eyes
This is it
I’m torn to bits

All these monsters and me
Stuck here in purgatory
Hellhounds chased me down
For many monsters, I have slain
But there were only more that came
It’s just the monsters and me
Stuck here in purgatory
I’ve followed winding roads
Hid in dying woods
Snuck through the marsh
Covered my scents with mud
In this land, it’s always dark
Woods with leafless trees
I died alone here in purgatory

(To be continued...)
©2019 Written By Benji James
E Jul 2020
In a time of worry
In an endless loop
Without summer camp
Without my friends
I’m stuck
We’re all stuck
In this time and place
zoie marie Nov 2018
stuck on nights that lead to coffee and headaches and maybe even nose bleeds
stuck on nights that lead to heartbreak and clothes on the floor and hands that shake and scream
stuck on nights that lead me to you.
i once fell in love so hard i broke every bone in my body
but that was nothing compared to the years i spent drinking about you.
rough edges, smooth bodies
sweet skin, tongue a bit too naughty
broken fingers, dead eyes
small hearts, big and ugly lies
if you hold me any closer i might fall again tonight.
you are my queen
queen of you mean the most to me
queen of butterflies and i can't breathe
queen of
"baby, it's not you, it's me."
but you keep coming back again.
stuck on relationships i can't let go and people that hurt me because they "love me the most"
stuck on stone skin that leads to stone walls and i love yous that turn into i hate you all
stuck on you.
i once caught a disease thinking you'd be right for me
and that killed me entirely.
i never met someone that made me puke out my guts
until i discovered not all sweet kisses are healthy or are even made of love
bones coated in sugar, thoughts that scream "don't keep her"
and i think you might be good for me.
if i smiled any wider, my cheeks would bleed
and if you hit me any harder, i think i might get weak in more than just my knees.
you are not the one
for me, and good god, you have no idea how badly i want you to be
you are not made to be loved
by me, and i swear on everything i tried to change these things
but our lungs just don't breathe well together.
stuck on girls that lead to mothers and friends that lead to lovers
stuck on suns that lead to stars and touches that lead to broken hearts
stuck on memories that lead me to you.
i've decided to break all my bad habits
no more biting my nails
no more picking my wounds
no more me falling in love with you
no more you, period.
you are my queen
queen of moving on
queen of doing everything but staying gone
queen of
"i love you, but i feel like you're leading me on"
and i think this is why we make goodbye's
i think this is why my mother cried and prayed to god i never fall in love.
i am made of nothing but memories
Pj May 2020
You're supposed to go through
All these things in life
But I'm stuck
Not moving forward

Stuck in this endless loop of despair
Of self hatred
Of being beat down
Of wishing I was dead

Stuck in the past of her
Stuck in the past of overthinking
Stuck in the future with my life in my hands
Stuck in the future where I don't know if my life would end

I'm just stuck
In one place
Alone and

Help me.
Felicia Dec 2020
"Hey, Excuse me.Can I ask a question?"

Yea, sure.

"Where would you rather be stuck than here?"

Well, that's like a huge question, it's like asking me one a first date "where is this relationship going?" Doesn't make sense right?

So, I actually find questions like thid very, tricky, you know, like, I feel the aim of the question is baseless cos' I'm still stuck here, even though I'd rather be stuck else where.

Do you feel me? Cos'I feel like I'm already blabbering.

Ok, to answer your question, I think I'd rather be stuck in a library full of different genres of books than to be here.

I mean that's the best place to be stuck, right?

Ok,  get this logic.

If I was born in a library and lived in a library. I'd definitely not be different from what people stuck here are.
Cos' I could have read most if not all, most of what happens here.

I bet I'd be more intellectual than people out here.

Wanna know the best part?

The best part of it is that "books would be my companion instead of human beings"
Wow, that's like, I don't know, the best feeling ever.

Enough of my fantasy, where would you rather be stuck than here?
Jenni Littzi May 2018
I can’t remember my name
Or my place, where I stand
I appreciate all I’ve been given
But it does not solve anything

If you compare it all in contrast
It could be worse, it’s not so bad
It is far from being good, either
Seems I’m just stuck in limbo here
Can’t pick sides; caught half alive
Since I drifted long ago, in between
I am forever stuck inside limbo

Trapped away, I’m feeling crazy
Because that’s what they want
For you to sink down and believe in
Because that is so just much easier

If you compare it all in contrast
It could be worse, it’s not so bad
It is far from being good, either
Seems I’m just stuck in limbo here
Can’t pick sides; caught half alive
Since I drifted long ago, in between
I am forever stuck inside limbo

I certainly know that it is you
Who can set me free from this
Misery; feeling so constrained
Half alive, but I am just as dead
Somebody wake me up and just
Free me from this draining of!

If you compare it all in contrast
It could be worse, it’s not so bad
It is far from being good, either
Seems I’m just stuck in limbo here
Can’t pick sides; caught half alive
Since I drifted long ago, in between
I am forever stuck inside limbo

I cannot be stuck, cannot be chained
I will fight my way, all the way up
Without your consent, because…
I refuse to choose secluded limbo

Stuck inside confinement
In limbo and I will break free
Free, me, finally, find peace
Classy J May 2015
looking back at the way my path I once walked, blood and pain everyone was worried I had gone insane, but I'm alive and still just as messed up. No path I can find anymore, It's ok though I like to walk life blind because then that way I find myself in the best and weirdest situations. Future used to look so bright and ideal but I keep falling short, thinking I'm not worth it, and counselling doesn't help because I'm too angry about life, man I'm just so fed up. Lost with my lonely thoughts, no one understands me, stuck in the mud of my ****** nation. Where do I go, what can I say to get outta this situation I am in right now? Everything is crashing all around me, I have lost my way, is there hope for me someday?Am I just confused? Maybe I'm just a bomb that desperately needs to be diffused, but no one can help me so I just blow up than people want to help me, but they are too late. Did God make a mistake? I don't know anymore too stuck in my illness, or maybe I'm just to full of pride to bow?  Or maybe I'm onto something here, what if this life is some kind of messed up conspiracy, I feel like such a pinocchio a slave to everything that holds me, maybe it's fate? Everything is crashing all around me, I'm just so stuck in my ways man, don't you see that I need help? All I know is at this moment I'm stuck, and nothing seems to want to pull me out, abandoned by those I thought had my back. Now I'm crashed out,burned out, caught in this harsh reality, stuck with this grim desire to make everyone feel my misery. People don't seem to understand, they just put me in the corner with a dunce cap on my head. A deranged child, looked at like some diseased trout, bitterly oozing trickery that turns into tragedy, born with this illness but not getting any sympathy. Everything seems to be crashing all around me, I've fallen down, stuck in this anomaly, I just long to be free.
Jenny Umansky Oct 2022
i'm stuck
singing joyously loud to love songs in my car
windows down
obnoxious to the cars around
i'm stuck
while everyone at work is serious and just focused on their tasks
and i stand there and greet people around with a smiley hello and a floppy wave
i'm stuck
daydreaming in my mind
floating around

i'm so happy
but i'm stuck
stuck on you
stuck on knowing i want someone that knows beyond a shadow of a doubt
i am the one they want
and their stuck on me too

but i'm stuck
and that's just my luck
i am unstuck now no worries
Cynthia Montano Sep 2018
Why can’t you completely accept yourself as you are? What is stopping you from loving yourself? I feel as though it’s hard for someone to completely accept their self as they are because they’re use to being told how they should look, being on social media, and looking at images of certain people. What is stopping someone from loving their self is when they point out the things they don’t like about themselves, and can’t seem to take their mind completely off of it. Though, at the end of the day I feel that you shouldn’t be beautiful for anybody else but yourself.
“Why can’t you completely accept yourself as you are?” There were people of all ages that would find it better to wear makeup and get plastic surgery, but there is a disagreement that it shouldn’t be needed to make someone feel better about themselves because even if they decide to make those changes, their problems won’t because they’ll always be there. There was plenty of deep research on reasons why plastic surgery was good, why it was bad, reasons why makeup was good, and why it was bad. Though, we are leaning more towards why it is bad because we are focused on why can’t others completely accept themselves as they are without relying on plastic surgery and makeup.
I came across this website that spoke about reasons why women would get plastic surgery. “Some want to look younger”(WebMD) it’s very true that most girls and women want to look younger because when we all start to get old. We feel as though there is no hope in finding someone for ourselves, when in fact there is someone out there for us. It has to be the person that is the most accepting of you. Another statement was “Cosmetic surgery won’t change your life. It won’t solve personal problems or make you look like someone else,”(WebMD). It’s very true that it won’t solve your problems because others will still view you the same way because it doesn’t matter how you look. It’s the personality that sticks out the most. Though, it is very silly to believe that personality actually matters, it’s true because sometimes looks don’t last or change as much as a person’s personality.
There was a website that spoke about the issues and finances of plastic surgery and in the article it states that, ”Many people struggle with confidence issues because of their  appearance,”(Occupy theory). Many people can’t completely accept themselves as they are so they start to lack confidence, compare themselves to others, put themselves down, and they don’t believe that they are actually as beautiful as people tell them they are. Another statement that was made was, “Plastic surgery is one of the highest costs for surgery there is,”(Occupy theory). There shouldn’t be any reason why women should waste their money on getting plastic surgery because it just isn’t worth it especially if it’ll all be for the wrong reasons.
There were reasons why women would wear makeup, and what stuck out the most is when it stated, “It’s a way to be expressive,”(Mathews 4). It’s very true that most girls and women want to be more expressive with the type of makeup that they wear because it shows a different but creative side to them. Another statement that stuck out the most is when it stated, “Do not wear it because you think you’re at an age where it’s necessary to start wearing it. Wear it because you want to,” (Mathews 4). Everything that a person does in their life is because they want to do it when it is right for them, not when someone tell them when to start wearing it.
There were pros and cons of make up and in the article it stated, “wearing makeup everyday can cause serious skin problems,”(Warjri 4). No girl should really feel the need to wear makeup everyday because they need to let their skin breathe because there isn’t a problem with just being natural. It’s better to start embracing your skin and being completely natural instead of being afraid. Another statement that was being made was, “A layer of makeup on the skin clogs the pores and prevents skin from breathing,”(Warjri 4). Wondering why you still get pimples? Well, wearing makeup everyday is what is causing that to happen. So, trying to wear makeup trying to cover up the pimples isn’t going to solve much.
A book called, “The Gifts of Imperfection”, connects in some way to my why question which is why it stuck out a lot. As I was reading the book, the part that stuck out is when it stated, “The better we are at accepting ourselves and others, the more compassionate we become. Well, it’s difficult to accept people when they are hurting us or taking advantage of us or walking all over us,”(Brown pg 17). It’s important to accept ourselves and others as they are because in reality nobody is perfect. That’s why no girl or women should be obligated to wear makeup just so they can be seen as “beautiful” by other people. Another statement that stuck out the most to me was, “What does it take to live and love from a place of worthiness? How do we embrace imperfection? How do we cultivate what we need and let go of the things that are holding us back? The answers to all of these questions are courage, compassion, and connection—the tools we need to work our way through our journey,”(Brown pg 1). This stuck out the most to me because compassion and connection are very important and that’s what should matter the most. Not how you look.
The solution is that everyone should test themselves and try their best to last at least a few weeks without using products to make themselves feel “beautiful” or to make themselves feel better, and they’ll start to realize that it’s better getting up in the morning not having to worry about putting certain things on to make them feel better about themselves.
This was something I wrote for my English class in college that I was very passionate about and cared for. Don't be afraid to disagree or agree with what I've written or give feed back. It would be much appreciated. <3
Anna Starr Nov 2016
and now
i'm stuck
i'm stuck
i'm stuck
i'm stuck
i'm stuck

in the cycle of you -
doomed to repeat
until i find the strength
to let you go.
maddy Jul 2018
how is it that months later I'm still stuck to you

no speaking, nothing, I'm stuck to you

I haven't seen your face yet im stuck to you

and my heart can't calm down because I'm stuck to you

I want nothing more than to be unstuck from you

but I can't let you go, I'm stuck to you
can you tell that i feel stuck?
Nicole Dawn Aug 2015
Goodbye Dalton Stuck
I don't know why the lord
Took your life early
But he did

Goodbye Dalton Stuck
I didn't really know you
But you will be missed
By each and every person's life you touched

Goodbye Dalton Stuck
I can't believe you're gone
I send my prayers to your family
And friends

Goodbye Dalton Stuck
You are gone
But your memory lives
And goodbye is for now
Not forever

You will be missed
*Goodbye Dalton Stuck
A kid at my school passed away last night after horrible ATV accident. His 13 year old brother is still in the hospital. Prayers for him and his family please. Goodbye Dalton.... You will be missed
Acey Dec 2024
I wish to be free like those birds you see up in the sky in the morning daylight. Oh to be a bird. Flying so high where nothing can touch me, just barely high enough to touch the clouds..
But i'm stuck
Here on the ground listening to the sound my mind makes when it overthinks. This body feels like a battle ground.  my mind, the enemy and I the soldier. Battling these fears that weigh me down
This battle ground is scarred and inside burning like a wildfire, the flame climbs higher inside.
I feel like a waterfall overflown with tears but I have none left to cry.
I am stuck.
Playing a role, a person I don't recognize any more.
Where is that little girl excited to live, the one that let everything blow over her head?
She's stuck.
In me begging to be freed, i am sorry little me for pushing you away and locking you in this cage i call myself
We’re stuck.
I feel like a thorned rose stabbing anyone who gets too close, it's dangerous playing with plants and I choose the wrong ones to plant.
I feel heavy like water is weighing me down, like I'm holding a pound of bricks sometimes.
Though dying is so much easier. Then living no living is way harder.
I fight with myself to survive because I don't wanna die.
I'm stuck
Where the only escape seems to be sleep. These dreams take me on journeys where I know who to be .
I'm tired of being me, I'm tired of everything but I keep pushing. Even though it seems i'm not trying.
I'm stuck, stuck
Is all i say when i need to help myself instead of staying away from problems i need to face but
At the same time i still feel
um I'm not that good and this is one of my first poems i'd love for some advice or feedback if you can do that on here
Paige Apr 2017
you want to be okay. but everything inside of you is telling you that you aren't. that you can't be. you feel trapped; like who you are is who you'll always be. there's no chance for you. you're stuck in your own head. you talk but only hear your own thoughts being spoken back to you. all of your fears running through your head. stuck inside your head. stuck inside your head. you're stuck inside your head.
Jordan Frances Nov 2014
Red stop light blends into grey clouds
Looking around, faces blend one into the next
Just as their stories do.
While individual
We are all the same.
Stuck in traffic.

I have broken something some would call
It feels as though I am moving
But like quicksand holds my feet in place
Where are you, my love?
Are you that far away?
Breathing becomes intentional
And suddenly, I am stopped.
Stuck in traffic.

The quicksand I mentioned earlier
It's beautiful, yet horrifying
I can suddenly think about all my mistakes
But I am too entrapped to fix them.
The golden ocean surrounds my body
Tugging me down, letting me watch
As my fate is reduced to an idea.
Once again, forever
Stuck in traffic.

I believe that I can save myself,
Maybe, just maybe
If I get down far enough
Crawl out on my knees
I'll be ****** and scathed
But I truly think I can succeed, right?
Not a chance.
I already am well aware
That I am eternally and unequivocally
Stuck in traffic.

More things flash before my eyes.
Do I look okay?
Am I the fat girl that was staring in the mirror
Tearing apart her appearance
Just fifteen minutes earlier?
Now, none of that seems to matter
As I am dealing with the extreme effects of being
Stuck in traffic.

Do I really exist?
Is my being a fact or opinion?
Suddenly I feel
As though I am not here at all.
If no one sees me
Am I invisible?
My thoughts, spinning the wheels
Have caught up with my body and are
Stuck in traffic.

Speaking of broken bodies
Seven years old was the most dreadful.
Full of shame from the way he touched me
He led me to believe I could trust him
But that trust was not mine to harbor.
Funny how when you're about to die
These memories implant themselves in your brain
Things you think about while
Stuck in traffic.

It's a miracle I am even thinking at all.
Considering in these dire situations
My mind tends to slip
And I stumble and fall with it.
Shards of glass hit my face
But I am the one who crashed and burned.
At least I am no longer
Stuck in traffic.

— The End —