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archana Jun 2017
scintilla - a tiny brilliant flash or spark; a small thing; a barely- visible trace.

a beating of a heart,
a scintilla.

a firework of neurones
almost a burst of panic
a scintilla.

a brush of the lip,
flutterings in the abdomen,
a scintilla.

a sharp intake of breath
inflation of lungs
a scintilla.

a soft goodbye
a shadow of gloom
a scintilla.

a crack in the heart,
a browned vignette,
a scintilla.

a disappearance,
happiness then, despondency now
a scintilla

a faded spark,
the lost scent of vanilla,
a scintilla.
a once scintillated sensation, now a mere vibration. hearts can break over the years, or sometimes in a matter of seconds.
brandon nagley Dec 2015

Brandon and Jane
One heart pumping their blood;
Soulmates, eternal love.


Brandon and Jane
Names written on alleyway wall's;
Undiscovered by man,
Treasure's of God.


Brandon and Jane
Revealed for all to seeith;
Manifested to the naked eye
To her I seek to pleaseth.


Brandon and Jane
Together interconnected glow;
Ourn flower garden is planted
We art the growers of touching soul's.


Brandon and Jane
Mine flesh is her flesh, as tis her's is mine.
Mine pain is her pain, as tis her's is mine.
Mine name is her name
Filipino divine.
A kingdom with an empress
Jane sardua, lady of time.


Brandon and Jane
Coalesced in sacrosanct lullaby's;
As newborn infant's, and before the age
Of man we were to find. To find one another
In a moment's blinking eye, I kneweth her, tis
She kneweth me, I searched the beaches and thus
The sea's, as I landed in Clarin, Philippines;


Brandon and Jane
Forever to be,
Of soulmate
Seeds. Together

©Brandon Cory Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication ( Filipino rose) poetry
Scintilla means - trace. Or trace of sparks .
Serene is peaceful.
Sacrosanct -(especially of a principle, place, or routine) regarded as too important or valuable to be interfered with. Also meaning like something sacred.
The two Greek titles or are just ways of writing it in Greek. Enjoy
Deadwood Haiku Mar 2015
i could sniff this all
you want, boss, but I ain't got
one scintilla
Deadwood haiku
PoetryHeals Apr 2018
The way her wavey locks flow like there's no matter in the world.
The color of her nails that are darker than the depths of the Abyss.
The memories we share, ones that will always make me smile wider than the Persian Gulf.
Her morals and ways could inspire Satan himself to be better.
You see, finding a pretty face is easy.
But finding an impeccable soul as such is where the hard part lays. A soul, by no means, perfect but yet flawless in a world filled with hatred and demise. In it's own struggle finding ways to not only survive, but thrive. Blossom in ways unknown to man thus far.
... I know what you're thinking:
"How can such a person exist?"
I would tell you: "she doesn't"...
No one is as perfect as a poem.
Two words: Dark Side.
Now is the part where I lose your attention because she is no longer THAT. What you haven't yet thought of is the way she handles and drives that darkness... inside there lays a scintilla of madness and humor you are yet to discover; but oh when you do...
It's a whole new world.
Kitbag of Words Feb 2014
shred, dash, drop, pinch, soupçon, jot, iota, whit,
atom, smattering, scintilla, hint, suggestion, tinge,

a modicum of good works,
my endeavor, to serve and deliver,
man's bounty of good words
from my kitbag,
fresh, hot, n' crusty
just like me....

Hello Poetry!
Omnis Atrum Nov 2013
To be imbued with the conviction that empathic listening is a panacea,
by the surreptitious, murmurous harbinger and his mellifluous words,
provoked brooding that my comprehension of his susurrous eloquence was a mondegreen,
when this scintilla of sagacity left a fetching ingenue crestfallen.

By the surreptitious, murmurous harbinger and his mellifluous words!
I adopted a propinquity to this furtive, ephemeral epiphany,
but when this scintilla of sagacity left a fetching ingenue crestfallen,
I discerned this lagniappe beleaguered our dalliance.

I adopted a propinquity to this furtive, ephemeral epiphany.
When she became inured to petrichor I knew my method pyrrhic,
and when I discerned that this lagniappe beleaguered our dalliance,
I vowed to rectify the imbroglio for my quintessential cynosure.

When she became inured to petrichor I knew my method pyrrhic,
and I ruminated that her insouciance was only forbearance.
I vowed to rectify my quintessential cynosure of the imbroglio,
and fabricated a denouement to return her to halcyon incipient.

I ruminated that her insouciance was only forbearance,
until hearing her state our conflation made each a moiety of our own panoply.
She fabricated a denouement to return us to the incipience of halcyon
with ineffable felicity, and I remembered with ebullience my inamorata's words.

Hearing her state our conflation made each a moiety of our own panoply
provoked brooding that my comprehension of her susurrous eloquence was a mondegreen.
With ineffable felicity I found ebullience in my inamorata's words
and was imbued with the conviction that empathic listening is a panacea.
Eli Apr 2017
Scintilla: (n) a tiny, brilliant flash or spark; a small thing;
a barely visible trace.
Is what you stirred in my soul the day our eyes met.
I never knew what the word was to describe it.
It wasn’t fireworks or a spark, or even a fire.
It wasn’t like the movies;
nothing lit up inside me like a Fourth of July party
and my breath didn’t catch.
No, it was nothing like that.
And I’m sorry if that isn’t what you want to hear,
but that’s the truth.
Love.. it isn’t a burning fire where the flames
just flare up in your face and
singe your heart with the name of your soulmate.
It’s barely there.
It’s like the first flame that catches in a fire
or when you first strike a match.
It could be the start of something great,
something destructive,
or nothing at all.
Meagan Moore Oct 2016
A moment's acquaintance with the scintilla convenes as a gallant trail blaze through a dilation of the universe.
A dismantling into compulsion and magnetics.
It is simply being at a still point, where silence speaks volumes.
Where guilt turns to tranquility and I can trust to risk
or risk to trust, either way, it doesn’t matter.
It is a matter of perspective, I can dare to dream,
of a Wondrous Journey and when I dream,
without fail,  I am greeted by Chaya,  
mystical Goddess of the shadow.
She reviles wisdom of the shadow.
in the shadows are rainbow colors.
She brings forth, essence of Black.
For background and contrast.
Then magically splashes
the essence of Green,
and everything

GLOWWS ! ! !

My little Chimera steps out from behind a giant fern
and holds my hand, in anticipation of the journey.
Chaya holds a finger to her lips and says,
“The Whisper sunset is near” I am Red.
Again she raises a finger to her lips,
“Listen for the Whisper - Twilight
The Dream Catcher,
it is what makes
the magic fun
and fancy.

Angel’s Breath and Dragon Tears,”
Chaya explains while
Scintilla the Necromancer
dances along the creek ,
and she SPARKLES.
A giant bumblebee
hovers to watch

Then everything just bursts and fades into the mist.
What happened to the magic? Where is Chaya?
"Chaya went into the eye of the storm"
The voice from within says
“Where is Scintilla?” We ask
  “Scintilla dances in heaven now”
The voice within echoes
The Wondrous Journey
is over,‘til twilight
tomorrow when
Blue Sweater Jan 2015
If the flicker of a flicker of a flicker
in the farthest corner of my heart
could cause such unseemly eruptions
inside the inside of my insides
that leave me breathless
even months after
can you begin to imagine
the unholy mess
the unearthly calamity
that would unfold
if the spark of a spark of a spark
were to blind my eyes
with their mere fortuitous existence?
tangshunzi Aug 2014
Se c'è una cosa che dovete sapere su di me .è che io sono ossessionato con la caramella .Zuccherino.fruttato .cioccolatoso termine " golosi " e mi vanno di pari passo .Quindi questo capolavoro candy- ispirato di un matrimonio catturato da Ozzy Garcia Fotografia ?Beh.mi ha colpito con il suo bouquet caramelle ( SI ) .fiori rosa -riempita da Ocean Fiori e un infinito visualizzazione dolci.Clicca qui per tutti i dettagli squisiti .E ' al di là abbastanza .

Condividi questa splendida galleria ColorsSeasonsSpringSettingsOutdoorStylesTraditional Eleganza

Da Sposa.Yoav e ** iniziato .scegliendo un luogo che potesse ospitare il nostro matrimonio all'aperto .l'aria calda Miami .una tregua benvenuto da inverni ventoso di Chicago e

Amsterdam e un minimo cambiamento climatico per i nostri 30 membri della vestiti da sposa famiglia che hanno fatto il viaggio dalla lontanaIsraele.La nostra visione per la sera era comfort casual con un lato di zucchero e un paio di sorprese lungo la strada.Jessica Masi di JCG eventi assicurato che questa visione è venuto a vita e Ozzy Garcia .di Ozzy Garcia Fotografia .artisticamente catturato questa visione e immortalato esso .
Avevamo fratello Yoavs officiare una parte della cerimonia .perché abbiamo ritenuto che quando si trattava di integrare i dati personali .chi poteva raccontare la nostra storia meglio di qualcuno che è stato lì fin dall'inizio ?Abbiamo voluto questo per impostare il precedente e il tono per il matrimonio a tutti i presenti .testimoniando il primo giorno della nostra vita in coppia .sono stati tutti .personaggi integrali amare nella nostra storia .

amore è dolce .il mio amore per la caramella è ancora più dolce .e ** sempre saputo che volevo il mio bouquet di essere fatto di caramelle .Alcune persone si asciugano i loro mazzi di fiori .alcune persone li salvano .avevo intenzione di mangiare la mia.Grazie alla Donut Divas .** avuto un ottimo spuntino a tarda notte sulla mia prima notte di nozze !Alcuni dei miei dolci preferiti di zucchero .marshmallow e M \u0026 Ms .sono stati abilmente collocato in un cono di cialda gigante.Il vantaggio di avere un matrimonio in giro per le vacanze di Pasqua è che anche l'erba nel bouquet era commestibile .

Oltre alla mia dipendenza da zucchero .credo davvero che ci sono pochi prodotti alimentari in questo mondo che può farmi felice come una torta di compleanno Publix negozio di alimentari .Al fine di condividere il mio amore per questa confezione con gli altri.dolci display ci ha fatto diversi stand torta di legno colorati .a cui Ocean Fiori aggiunto qualche scintilla .e abbiamo avuto diversi gusti di 8 pollici torte Publix poste sulle tavole di accoglienza .Il piano era quello di rimuovere le torte dopo cena e li hanno tagliati per dessert .ma i nostri ospiti seduti a questi tavoli è diventato così possessivo nei dolci sul loro tavolo che non avrebbe permesso a nessuno di toccarli .I nostri ospiti scavate con le loro forchette .senza nemmeno togliere dalla torta stare !

Oltre a tutti gli elementi fugaci di zucchero che è andato in nostro giorno speciale - le carte escort .il bouquet .i pop anello caramelle .lecca-lecca ragazza di candy bar .le torte Publix - Penso che uno dei nostri ricordi preferiti dail giorno è venuto da Erin Una Chainani .** letto di Erin online circa due anni fa dopo googling Miami ritrattista .** chiamato Erin e le ** chiesto se lei sarebbe così incline a frequentare il nostro matrimonio e dipingere una scena.Non solo era ha dipinto due scene di boot!Ha catturato uno della cerimonia e uno del nostro primo ballo in coppia .

Quando il mio nuovo marito ed io stavamo confrontando le note dopo il matrimonio .entrambi abbiamo notato abiti da sposa corti che molte persone ci hanno offerto questo consiglio .amare ogni secondo di questa giornata perché va così veloce .E mentre il giorno ha fatto andare in fretta .non abbiamo mai avuto l'impressione che abbiamo perso tutte le occasioni per tutto dentro E grazie a Erin e Ozzy .abbiamo ricordi che ci ricordano del giorno del nostro matrimonio per sempre .Fotografia

: Ozzy Garcia Fotografia | Floral Design : Mare Flowers | Abito da vestiti da sposa sposa: Pronovias | Wedding Cake: Temptations eleganti | Scarpe : Mojo Moxy | capelli: Tanya Maquez | Abbigliamento dello sposo : Completo di supporto | Cake Stands : Sweet Visualizza | Cake Topper: Questo è il mio Topper | Torte (piccolo ) : Publix Bakery | Candy Profumo: Donut Divas | Cigar Roller : Acope Cigars | Dress Sash : Blue Bird Studio | Orecchini : Matrimoni 826 | Pianificazione + Design : GCP Eventi LLC | Flower Girl Dresses :pretty Flower Girl | Scarpe Flower Girl : Toms | Trucco : Rachel Blair Shapiro | Ritratto Artista : Erin Una Chainani | Wedding Venue : The Palms hotel \u0026
Miami matrimonio al Palms di Ozzy Garcia Fotografia_abiti da sposa 2014
betterdays May 2014
as i grow old,
in days, disparate
from a
squander-ed youth

i lose my tusks.

wisdom, ripped away
in younger times
left me with clicking
lopsided grin.

now the years,
have chipped and ground
away any,
intimated soupcon of,
 scintillating, sensibility
and clarified inhabition.

clear incised & cutting thought process...
transformed to be
dull pointing,

no longer chewing elephants,
by ontological bites.
now...down to *******,
the marrow from within.

with a vacant and
gummy smile.
L'anguilla, la sirena
dei mari freddi che lascia il Baltico
per giungere ai nostri mari,
ai nostri estuari, ai fiumi
che risale in profondo, sotto la piena avversa,
di ramo in ramo e poi
di capello in capello, assottigliati,
sempre piú addentro, sempre piú nel cuore
del macigno, filtrando
tra gorielli di melma finché un giorno
una luce scoccata dai castagni
ne accende il guizzo in pozze d'acquamorta,
nei fossi che declinano
dai balzi d'Appennino alla Romagna;
l'anguilla, torcia, frusta,
freccia d'Amore in terra
che solo i nostri botri o i disseccati
ruscelli pirenaici riconducono
a paradisi di fecondazione;
l'anima verde che cerca
vita là dove solo
morde l'arsura e la desolazione,
la scintilla che dice
tutto comincia quando tutto pare
incarbonirsi, bronco seppellito:
l'iride breve, gemella
di quella che incastonano i tuoi cigli
e fai brillare intatta in mezzo ai figli
dell'uomo, immersi nel tuo fango, puoi tu
non crederla sorella?
mira Apr 2017
peril is not what i fear, i fear your death at such a scintilla of contentment
how can i love you for such distorted exaltation, if it is love at all
she has sunned only her heart, a weathered inamorata of gangrenous pallor
timid and stark naked in the swirling moonlight, blood viscous and ripe to drink, she speaks at last:
i cannot be your lover.
in retrospect, the affair was a whim; lithe but so bitter
love is not divine will, but tenacious valor
as i have learned
as anything

have i disrupted your cadence?
PoetWhoKnowIt May 2013
Ingénue, Ingénue
mellifluous intonation;
within my ear
intangible embrocation!

Emollient to my inure
lithe and lilt affections-
A panacea, a talisman
fetching provocation.

Ingénue, Ingénue
Why must you fall
into such fugacious

Becoming and comely
are you
The cynosure of men
dissembling by demure

Ingénue, Ingénue
how easily I imbue
sempiternal scintilla
into naive little you

Lo, during my brooding-
arrive in halcyon gambol,
Dulcet or Saccharine
Is it me or you?

Ingénue, oh Ingénue
an epiphany, so true
a furtive labyrinthine
past the offing of you

None so opulent
cast more than penumbra.
T'would simply be Pyrrhic
to go on, continue.
Someone once told me my vocabulary was lacking... so I started writing poems to remember words.
Ingénue - a naive young woman
mellifluous - Sweet sounding
intonation - inflection
intangible - unable to be touched or grasped
emborcation - to apply a lotion
emollient - a softening agent
inure - to become jaded
lithe - slender and flexible
lilt - move musically or lively
panacea - solution to all problems
talisman - a good luck charm
fetching - pretty
fugacious - fleeting
dalliances - short love affair
cynosure - focus of admiration
dissembling - deceive
demure - shy and reserved
imbue - instill, infuse
sempiternal - eternal
scintilla - a small spark
brooding - thinking alone
halcyon - happy, care-free
gambol - to skip or leap about joyfully
dulcet - sweet or sugary
saccharine - overly or sickishly sweet
epiphany - sudden realization
furtive - sneaky
offing - area of ocean between horizon and offshore
opulent - lush, luxurious
penumbra - half-shadow
Pyrrhic - victory but with heavy losses
Larry Potter Sep 2017
On the second of September,
God summoned His loyal angel
Plucked the wings of the great warrior
And sent her down for a mortal's favor.

She was born as a lovely daughter
And then she grew as a thoughtful sister
Learned to be a wonderful procreator
And now enjoys her career as a grandmother.

But God didn't take her light away
Knowing that she'll use it all throughout her days
To touch the lives of those she met and stayed
And illuminate the home she has nurtured each day.

She's still the angel that God allowed
To prove her loyalty with an unbroken vow
Ordered to sow love, she felt loved in return
She is everything that a family could yearn.
Happy Birthday, Mom! :)
Universal Thrum Nov 2013
Acquiesce here my love
Ameliorate my heart
The assemblage of circumstance provides dulcet ebullience
An efflorescent dalliance conflated into cathartic becoming
My bucolic bungalow made upon your callipygous
A young Life’s denouement
Your evocative elixir fetching
An erstwhile emollient embrocation
Your eloquent fingers find their way to frisson
My felicitous chatoyant gambols in glamor like a halcyon incipient made ineffable by the look of the ingénue
The labyrinthine inglenook lagoon leisurely lithe
The murmurous daffodils wink at the insouciance of your beauty
A panoply panacea, the half shadow complete as an epiphany
Quintessential to feminine riparian resplendence
Your mellifluous voice, an opulent offing, the sumptuous summery soliloquy of an angel
Cools my soul like the smell of earth after rain
Your propinquity ripples the scintilla of my spirit
Your surreptitious smile like a zephyr quietly whispers
Its redolent seraglio sempiternal in my thoughts
As skyward gazes like saccharine gossamer lilt with the knowledge of our raveling juxtaposition
a masterful pastiche, the cynosure of divine revelation
kimberley Jun 2014
6.02 a.m.

sunlight pries your eyes open and i
meet you for the ****** time again and again

nothing mends and breaks my heart more than watching
you fall in love with a novel fragment of me every day

9.35 a.m.

i toast bread with both eyes closed
and i let them char like the edges of my heart

you tell me last thursday's joke
but i erupt into hilarity, anyway

3.17 p.m.

nostalgia is a side-effect of forgetting
you reminisce about knitting parties we never threw

between giggles, i wonder how your words are needles
that pick all of the right places

7.43 p.m.

this world is a stygian dystopia
but you, you are my sole scintilla of colour

i feed you blatant lies for dinner
only to let you sleep with a peace of mind

11.59 p.m.

i watch you fall asleep to the rhythm of my silence
there are all types of silences and distances
but this
this is the worst kind

please, don't forget
to remember
hey guys, I'd really, really appreciate some feedback on this one! Constructive criticism is more than welcome. Thank you x
PJ Poesy Oct 2018
As I am absorbed
in ol' buttermilk sky,
I stand ***** whilst my bare
feet skim neighbor's roof.
I'm pulled West, up. Setting sun
fans rays. Here, I am emitted
in nebulosity.

I care not what
hankerings loosened, let go,
drift back to earth,
to rosy, lilied yard
where chain link encumbered.
Clinical conclusion drawn
in misty misconception
no longer.
Intrinsic am I as air.

Spread my molecules
in scintilla of light. Yes,
even into gray of smog,
as I must admit,
to ***** parts. These
may rain acidic intrusions
in your backyard. Too
much to assimilate?

I never asked for
what rained in mine.
No impurities
have been intended.
Still, I must emit.
My sky awaits.
Catching next cloud out.
Jules Mar 2017
so maybe we are not all we’re cracked up to be.
maybe we’ve less to be proud of than expected.
maybe they’ll think we’re less fire and all ashes.

so what. I care nothing for it.
the odds are inconsequential;
the fight will continue without regard.
remember this: I refuse to be the ashes.
we are burned but in no way broken.
and if we are not fire—
then we are flint.

we work our way to becoming bonfire.
tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow.

(the past few days have not been very kind to me, so this is another old poem. please burn for me, but in a good way.)
Tamara Ramadan Jun 2016
I don't belong to myself.

These atoms that frame

Everything that I am

Aren't even mine.

These cells don't especial

My small being.

Because they belong

To the extinguished stars.

They belong to the suns

Around which orbited

Planets of all shapes

Of all matter,

Around which orbited

Their moons.

I don't belong to myself

I belong to the


Heavenly bodies

Whose light probably

Still travels, wandering,

Lost without a source,

Just like human souls.

Every scintilla in my being

Belongs to the dark abyss

Of outer space, to the stars

That once shined, to the stars

That someday will,

To the creatures we'll never

Even know existed,

To the creatures that will

Never know we ever did.

I don't belong to myself,

Because the weight

Of my body is and

Forever will be

Too heavy for my soul.


Thank you for reading!

For more, you can check out my works at
One strand of your hair,
one kiss of your neck,
one whiff of your fragrance,
one touch of your cheek--
all make me meek.

One brush of your lips,
one moment in your arms,
one moan of your arousal,
one cry of your pleasure--
all are my treasures.

One memory of your pulchritude,
one scintilla of your charm,
one taste of your sweetness,
one ineffable feeling of love--
all are heaven's doves.

doug curry Oct 2012
Starlight …
Icy crystalline sparkles
beaming brilliance
‘gainst the moonlit  winter sky

Stars bright.
Luminescent wonders.
Scintilla laid bare in the heavens
by the pale white light of the moon

Full moon
bathing dingy cityscapes,
their dim lit ****** tales told
‘neath streetlamps’ jaundiced glow.

We walk,
slip on ice, crunch through snow,
watching  for sliding cars
and dangers lurking in shadows.

whitewashed winter  wind
winds through desolate streets
on a pale cold night in the city.

Walk on.
Whistling winds, barking dogs,
chill us, spur our pace, on
through the moonlight and cold.

Our  wish
upon this night’s heavenly stars
is to  be safely home, watching
from icy windows … winter  walkers.

Doug Curry
Danielle C Jun 2012
The spring’s efflorescence,
the sunshine halcyon,
the withering rose fetching,
the ripple in the lake a talisman,
and the birdsong mellifluous,
is ephemeral,
yet quintessential.

Through wherewithal of it all,
we find ourselves pyrrhic,
because it passes like a scintilla,
but in our hearts, it’s eternal.
Primrose Clare Dec 2013
in the bleakest twilight, stars, a rural sea
hues possessing confusions, mayhem;
like susurrous in the rivers the fugitives seek.

devouring words betwixt papers of prayers
the quiet evensong plays, the salted saliva swallowed
into Rome gardens of sea green and stars
a morose spirit bellow.

into the midst of the labyrinthine coral sea
they'll sail through the soughing seawind
conflating into ocean salts, erupt in mesmeric pulse
soon the April gales will shrink to a bated breath,
credence will turn into a sempiternal menace.

fiery suspires blown to my knees,
auburn tress covered a crescent beam
serenade a zero, I tilt to the drones in the haze
a scintilla of lukewarm left to trace;

to the sea her body lured,
losing panaceas and remedies.
into maelstroms she goes,
inhaling salt water, a spirit wet with ruth;
her grey bones into ash,
into watery cemeteries she goes.
Chuck Jan 2013
A harbinger at a red light
Her opulent glance was evocative
At first forbearance, yet she was

One glance imbued a labyrinth
Of emotion
I felt

The traitorous light objected to bliss
Flashed GREEN

The magical scintilla betwixt us

For that one fleeting moment
Ephemeral  - short lived
Dalliance - a brief love affair
Scintilla - spark
Debra A Baugh Jan 2013
I watch him; beneath veiled stare,
calming his visible quivers; as he
masks desire in slow breaths,
lips tremble beggary evident with

tongue flicks awaiting a scintilla of
moisture; I squirm in anticipation,
he's on his knees, eyes light up with

ache arises with heat of yearn; tongue
brushes skin; teeth nibble and breath
quickens snaring me within ecstasies

captured within his gaze, one finger
slowly outlines lips as hand travels length
of thigh slowly enticing, hornily inviting as
muskiness enthralls


I become addicted to his slow teasing;
every curve finger lollygags easing them
one at a time in creamy deluge; to mouth
I bring them tasting me


screaming his name as tip of tongue finds
my ache begging for release; lust filled
moans escape, arching against his
throb; rising hips, meeting each ******


deeper, letting him in; riding his rhythm;
ignited in his burn, drawn into sweet


in slow motion...

loved profoundly...

watching him sultrily...

hunger no longer veiled...
Chris Saitta Jul 2024
We live in the sunshine of our broken loves,
Where window curtains flow like pouring water from the aqueducts.

Sunlight is the memory of an old world, and we are just
Watchmakers who labor at the trumpets of time
As if to blow from the mouthpiece and unwind
The second hands and derelict hours of our luminous grief.
So too shines the scintilla of frost that covers the ancient wheat,
Snow falls like the listenings of lovers in the dark, and we are just
Cartographers of snowflakes, mapmakers of frozen eyes,
To zone the parallelogram of her strands of hair across the sky.

These and these and these
Were never ours.
Bell Apr 2021
My sweet evanescent orange
although it has been a quiescent season, our time seems to be running short
As you happen to be a seasonal delight
and although our dalliance has been lovely
it has not been one of moiety
I will miss your
rough skin
dulcet taste
and your slender intricate eyes like that of a flickering leaf
Your bittersweet words had a redulcent undertone,
in the most delightful way
but as examine said parcel of citrus before me
I find a scintilla droplet of lament
for I do not wish for this season to end
I am mindful that it would be quite stingy of me to ask you to obtain till next season
for I do not hold possession of your bucolic tree
nor do I know if there will be a following season
So for the time being I will refrain from harboring jealousy of others who admire you
for although I nurtured and paid homage to this Sinensis tree
I am aware
that I am but a visitor
sitting under a grand opulent tree
enjoying your sweet taste
while we are still in season
Sometimes, writing is just
Ink on a page, splashes
Of black
On white, shadows cast
On light, something that tripped
And fell
Just happening
To form patterns
We recognize.
Sometimes, writing is
The ink - which never changes -
Mind you -
Seems to shine,
To leap beyond
Its page,
Like the sempiternal clouds
At the root of
The waterfall,
Everywhere at once,
Obscuring your vision,
Causing your skin to
And Prickle,
All the while
Filling your ears
With the white noise
Of water.
It's when writing is like that,
When it seems to breathe,
Where you might read it once,
And between readings,
The meaning changes,
The writer's pen
Has been left behind,
Still the story lives on,
Like it should,
Like it deserves,
And sometimes it's a vast novel,
It's a poem,
With three lines,
And yet, for all their differences,
They are the same: Two
Living, breathing, scintilla
Brent Kincaid Dec 2016
Disgusted now that America is busted
For voting in sewer rats and gone to bat
For making this into an autocracy,
Working to gut democracy and replace it,
Deface and deforest all of the best
Then sell off the rest of the planet
From the water to the granite
Leaving only inedible gold
Shoved into the the wallets
Of the national pickpockets
And liars while they set fires
And burn down the country
With their hatred and bigotry
Unchecked by the lazy populace
Too stupid to know what danger is
While it is marching into their homes
Making every state a danger zone.

The traitors who own the industries
Hold a gun to journalist monopolies
So that artificial realities are sold
As socialized necessities
To people who prefer tabloids
To history books and crave bromides
For this time it is the Christians
That fiddle while Rome turns to ruins
And ashes surrounded by those who fought
While a complacent half of America did not.

I am sickened at the laziness,
The political father of craziness
Has let this horror happen to this,
The country of which I was always proud,
And sick of how loud the rats are
That they have taken destruction so far
That we may never recover again
And start to elect countrymen
Instead of men to own the country
Without a scintilla of modesty
And treat fine people shoddily
Merely because they can.
Who needs that kind of man?
Joshua X Noheart Oct 2013
If you would allow me, I would like to invite you into a world that I'm in, and then into a world where I would like to be in. The surplus of this thing called madness has overwhelmed me so. It has etched it's presence within the peripherals of my vision and the groundings of the world around me. I'm doing my best to refrain from the usual written prolix; my most verbose dialect that seem even ambiguous to those of a higher stature. I want you all to comprehend and peradventure shed a scintilla of empathy; the bedlam that is my mind keeps attracting the mad and the sleeplessness.

The monotony of repetition and the lonely nights of nostalgia. In unison, the Asylum within the corridors of mind houses such emotional consequences and dares to formulate an ominous construct; derived by the copious amount of my many iniquities. I am never at peace.

Give me a silent "dark" that coincides a placid slumber. Let me drift within the winds of a comatose state and the ringing of the Sandman within my ear; the melodies of sleep produced by nothingness. I seek such a slumber that transcends that of delving into the subconscious of the brain, but instead the subconscious to reach inside it's own subconscious. Like a dream within dream, but with no dream.

How absurd.
ChinHooi Ng Apr 2024
A girl with a crush
every pure thought in her heart
she buries deep
until she misses
the warmth of spring
the romance in the summer
and the fall season comes
only to realize that love is gone
the days
when she didn't have the courage
to say
the words
bloom in regret
black blue grenade
shrapnel wound
seems an eternity
when she carefully peels back memories
wrapped so tightly in time
she starts to see
a scintilla
pink and odd
a clutch of stars
dark red and blinking
every bit as pellucid
as the teardrop coalesced
in her eyes.
I was found on my solace at its solstice-
In my prayer-
Thee heart breaking-heartbeats decries;
Uttering voices-doomed to enchanting yodel of the nights' blues.
I am deeply in pain in this earthly scintilla,
Alike sweet ole rhymes in my sonata.
Singing melodious for my inamorata!
But the suns and the moons call it quits,
Within me, inside of me..

I can't complain no more!

It's now and never..

Believing the goodness, to say the least.
Though in this broken world- still-so-exist.
Realness of somethin' ne'er cease to amaze.
Enduring thy half-moon,
Taken aback to cloudburst boon.
More-so to torrent- thoughts, serenely-outright.
How near and dear o'er this silky-cheek to your smite!

So eloquent, so breathless!

Breezes a smile that is everything to me.
Encouraging manifesto that you told to me,
Like "A fully-bloomed-flower is an answer
and a turning-point to a struggling life!"
A tale of days for love's sake
And the good-times-
Sure swells.
With all my heart whereas Love spells,
Earnestly, lying in wait up to Heavens!
Down-with me here to-my home Cali-turf-now!
She was accused of
Many unstable unsatisfactory emotions
All of which amalgamated her hurricane soul
That so breathlessly changed pace
With every maleficent or peaceful encounter
That fed the storm of her pith
A hollow quintessential girl
Hidden beneath eyes of tragic twinkle and
An amorphous disposition
That so whispered her visceral uncertainty
With which
She placed her demons in plethora
Upon all who obstreperously disturbed
The susurration of her own self-cataclysm
This decrepit distorted typhoon
Of the thundering lullaby she once embraced
Dissatisfied with the resonant rhapsodic scintilla
She so carelessly went from sonorous to somnolent
Once her nature echoed a sanguineous symphony
Of intimate honesty’s to now
Only as discreetly murmur callous contempt
Until this once magnificent hurricane soul
Did crumble like the walls her efficacy once
Tore down to whimper into the dust that is
Now her soul’s riven zephyr.
Anoushka B Aug 2015
You were the forests
birds fled through your *******

you enclose oceans
the earth
the skies

i was just an acetic star
shards of light fled me as i burned
as they disgraced my body

not even the scintillations could linger my soul

i was contained within you
i was only a wave in your vast ocean

i was only a splinter in the earth

only a scintilla in your vast skies

Now Im pushing up daisies in the same wind

Buried beneath the hurricanes
which i would once call gusts

tornadoes which i used to breathe in
now rise from me
as i lay dying
my baby left me and all i could make of it at 2 am was poetry
complexify May 2016
You don't want me
Is it?

It's okay
I understand.

No one wants a stupid
Poetic, weak guy like me.

Is it wrong
For me to want you
So bad
I feel like I'm going insane
Because every second possible
My mind would search for your scintilla

****, your eyes.
I'm just, oh god
Just so in love with your eyes.

I always imagined myself
Staring into the ocean
And storms inside your cold eyes
Reminding me how lucky I am
To ever have you.

I guess
Write about you
Is all I can ever do.

Ah, the reason is easy.
You don't want me.
Unwanted is good, maybe?
Alias Oct 2018
i hate,
just how much hope
ones heart can hold

the way you can stay,
when the world,
seemed to have looked the other way

there will always be hope in my heart
even if i don’t want it there
even if i don’t recognize
what it is

the small light inside me
will shine bright enough
it will say,
“i have not given up, neither should you!”

because deep down
i have never given up
even if i wanted to
even if i tried

— The End —