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Children born with *** is the most sadest thing in life. Everyday there is a child born with ***. The reason for this is because adults and children are ***** each and every day. By the curel careless people in this world. Kids are sent off to oprphanges in some parts in Africa where honestly is better then some other places in Africa. Thats not it though the ones that are not in oprphanges are at risk each and everyday for there lifes. Not only for this disease but for the curlest people that will **** them for basically no reason because they dont have freedom like we do. Why treat children this way period but why treat them especially if they have limited time in life. They dont get to see and experience what we get to see and experience because we have the freedom. Each and everyday children in Africa risk there lifes to go to school most of them don't survive because once again the cruel poeple in this world **** them. Unlike we get to go to school for free and have freedom. We get to have the oppertunity to have an education. When they are not even given a chioce. The kids that are not in a orphanage are slaves they get torchered they get wipped they even are forced to see there parents wipped, ***** and murdered. They dont have choices at all for there life the chioces are made for them. Barely any water to drink or even food to eat. Children in Africa die each and everyday either from ******, starvation, dehydration or there disease. We act so ungreatfully to people in our lives we should be ashamed. When poeple in Africa don't have parents or if they do they dont get to see unless seeing them be torchured. I am thankful for everything I have and the freedom I have. Learning about this in school was intrestingly horrifying because of what these people do to these children and there parents or to people in general. They dont get *** from chioce of *** or born with it or lack of condoms they are forced with this horrible disease that is life killing and that most likely turnes into AIDS. With out any medical or lack of medical attention the poeple with disease are left to die. With people torchering them by watching and ****** them each and every day. It makes me furious to know that there are children human beings out there that are being torchured, *****, murdered, starved and dehydrated each and everyday of life. This is the life to the day they are born untill the day they die. After reading this think really hard about your life and the things and people in your life is life really hard for you is it that painful is it that horrifying. Put yourself in there shoes would you like seeing your parents child or sibling get ***** murdered or even wipped each and everyday. going without food or water or having barely food or water. For me after writing this and learning it my whole life is heaven compared to them. I have everything they don't and better and  I am not even close to being as greatful as I should. Think about this and this is so very true this is there lives each and everyday for the children and adults that are slaves that have ***/AIDS in Africa.
justaspeck Feb 2015
I was walking down the beach today in hope to collect a few beach curiosities.
only just a slice of the most exquisite shell I have ever seen was sticking out of the sand, so I did what was expected, I dusted away the sand in the expectation of uncovering something completely spectacular.
it didn't fulfil my expectations, as all it was, was a slice of what once was a complete, unbroken shell, so I threw it back on the sand.
my mind pounding with thoughts, I soon realised that was wrong of me.
who am I to pick up something that was expected to be perfect and whole and then just throw it back to find out that it's broken and only one piece of it is still whole.
It then hit me that this is what too many people do to each other,
they look at someone and expect everything to be perfect, but then they start dusting away the sand that covers them and then they realise that this person is broken and so they just throw them away to break more.
Ellyn k Thaiden Sep 2013
Unfair is the world
Unjust are the poeple
There is not much I can do about it
So let us pout

And cry tears
And write angst filled poetry
About how unfair
And unjust
The world is
Sally S Ali Jan 2019
Like a bra
She held my heart
in the right place
Covering my soul from the firey eyes

Bitter than *****
Sweeter than wine
With a kiss
she heals
And heals and heals

I had something like a house
But it was just a place to live in
I had a language
But it didn't express my urges
I had a lot of poeple
But not truly humans
Now; Now i have you
And you are the home
To scream by our words
over the top of my chest

World of moustaches no more exists
Underneath her smile i hid my joys
To release the madness
Control the clouds
and let the rain flow
Splitting the reality of us
Away from
Their horrible happeiness

Sally S. Ali / England
Dr. Sally S. Ali MD
Yume Blade Apr 2016
I laugh all time
    but with him
I giggle non-stop
Cause Life's too complicated
&  He makes me Thinkin' to something else
like *** , like couple , like other's life , like win

I crie too much
    but with him
I crie mucher than that
Cause Life's Unfair
& He makes me See different thinks
like other problem , others couple problems , like drama , like lose

For Some poeple it caled Boyfriend
For Some Other it caled Husband
For Some Otaku it caled Manga-anime
For Some Geeks it caled **Games
Too Many examples I can give you !
NZ Sep 2010
In first grade, I learned the turth. And to make it worse I had no friends to share it with because a secret because a secret is not for 1 and not for 3 it only is for 2.

In second grade, I meet ME a girl like me. I think that life could not better but then...

In third grade, I learn that life is not for fun for poeple like me, and ME...

In forth grade, I learn to love my life to its fullest...

In fifth grade, life is as great as it can be for poeple like me and ME...

                                                             SO I LIVE LIFE TO ITS FULLEST !!!!!!!
Michael T Chase Feb 2021
What is it that I'm "in my head"?
The shape of my brain and skull act as a maze through which frequencies are played by the thought constructs which I employ.
It is like every attribute has a string or key which can be played, and every time it is played, it conjures all the processes which that key has encountered before.
Eyes half closed places me in my head, and body sometimes too.
Looking up is paying homage to the sky.
The ability to walk on two legs places humans between earth and heaven, two limbs can reach up, and two limbs touch bottom.
I have no visible tail, only a remnant of one, which makes my movement dependent on just these four limbs.
The head and spine being shared by all vertebrates, means that its sign is more diverse in nature.
Humans have the largest brains compared to the rest of the body.
However, an extra-terrestrial skeleton proved to have a brain/skull even larger than humans.

Consciousness is held much like using all the controls while driving a car: the eyes adjust, pressure in the skull and body is adjusted with muscles, the position of the body, neck, and head is adjusted.
Sounds are drown out or given attention.
The body can be divorced from emotion, virtue, and the universe.
The Self can be divorced from virtue, organization, emotion, and the universe.
Everything in such a state is local.
When things are local, I can only observe the scattering amplitudes.
If the scattering is very low, then the gross or macro-level world is all I see.
But what is different from a chair or sofa and a star or moon?
Both are made from the same universe.
The difference is that one was formed by humans, the other a part of nature.
What makes nature a better object of focus than man-made objects?
The man-made object tends to already have a use while the natural are base elements.
They signify the lowest grade of complexity.
Thus, my body is the lowest grade, the simplest, structure in the local home.
Being simple, it is like a canvas that can be painted, or a quarry from which a rock can be sculpted.

Now I switch to morning mode, which is about waking up and making progress.
But meditation is just as hard waking up as it is staying up sometimes.
I must once again ask the same questions in a new day.
What is consciousness?
Can it really be defined as a particular mechanism?
Wouldn't DNA be the best candidate, and it is made of compounds, which are found with the elements.
Yes, it seems science must switch from a "finding a particle" mode to a global life-form mode.
One which knows that life is a web of different things without any one of which the whole planet would fail.
"Finding a particle" mode has proven to be at the end of its run for finding them, as to find a graviton would prove impossible due to the amount of energy needed that would then create a minature black hole.
It seems like I'm a couch scientist, or a science critic not contributing to the picture.
The "finding a particle" mode is so hard to give up because it has been a part of science for over 100 years, which has shaped what a scientist does, how one thinks too.
However, the "web of life" mode gives a harder picture to deal with: one of thinking about social relationships between and within species and kingdoms.
It means that insight will no longer come from a "gold rush" type mentality of a find, but rather insight gleaned from a cooperative consultative stream of thought.
It takes the center away from the individual and places it on the community and the biosphere.
The biosphere or world civilization perspective takes away a lot of physics needed and instead offers a simpler picture, far simpler.
Now, I ask: how can social groups become more enlightened?
How will personal growth, science, the humanities, and social justice play a role?
How will spirituality, which so often is "other worldly" actually weaken this social structure if it is not focused on the simple practical matters in the "web of life" outlook?
I now see that asking "what is consciousness?", if asked too much, will prove to individualize and hamper people's worldview by placing its concern on minutia.
This "find a particle" view could even be seen as an illness which keeps people from having a more social outlook.
It means giving up the personal glory of the scientist, for the practical glory of the community, of the whole.
Instead, what will cause love to grow and hatred to end?
What will make conversations and interactions become more mature?

Now I turn to the element of virtues, which can be divorced from the human body if its goals are not aligned with them.
Addressing trama and how to cope, or simply depression and anxiety too.
The goal of course being a utopia where all can flourish physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
We must come to some shared understanding of how society best operates, or else we will keep contending with each other for a millennia.
I feel these shifts occur form injustice and the rally for justice in its wake.
It really comes down to the people in power making decisions today.
To how we treat those who share different beliefs, and how we distinguish from mere differences of opinion from a difference between knowledge and ignorance.
I can see both sides of abortion having good points.
I can see good all the way from a flat tax (like religion) to very high taxes on the wealthy.
I can see the difference from helping poeple survive to helping them thrive and knowing the good sides of both issues.
Moreover, I can see why too much nationalism and too much globalism could both be unjust due to the particular opinions of a mother nation, and the need for global unity.
I can see why adherence to one religion will only work if it is based on love and freedom, for love without freedom is not unconditional.
Meanwhile freedom without love leads to destruction.
However, erasing safety and protection from love and freedom would also lead to disaster.

Where is the balance?
That is what the "web of life" mode needs to deliberate.
This is a slow process.
The willingness of one can only affect others through wisdom not fanaticism in any degree.
What is consciousness?
The highest consciousness is deciding public affairs and interacting with others about public affairs.
Therefore, read, write, interact, and work.
Then reflect again and see how far we have come.
4 hours of journaling
Dawn Aug 2016
a lot of folks are torn
if they should cross oceans
for poeple who wouldn't even
cross puddles for them.

while a whole other lot wonders
if they should even cross puddles
for people who would
-without any doubts-
cross oceans for them.

what a desolate lot
people are.
thinking that love was a debate
between the idea
of crossing oceans and of crossing puddles
despite it being
a simple question
of who you should cross oceans for.
Look at the news
How is it the news
When they provide all the clues
Got ya eyes glued to the tube
Knowing they lying to you
Gofund me account
Made over 3 . 8 million just
Just for some.stupid ****
Getting shot by a supposed terrorist
Dont ya see its all publicity
Our enemy is right in front of our eyes
It aint no surprise
But yet you the minorities getting thrown in jail before the sunrise
But theres no uprise
Muthaphukkas is puppets it makes me sick to my stomach
People pay attention to most un important ****
But them when you point out important **** they gotta problem with it
Make up ya minds hypocrites
Are yall going to be down are what?
Cuz america finna bust her gut
She pregnate through evil strain n pain
That mankind has done
Look atthe world take a good look
Its over the sinister forces are already here
Hell they been here
Look around you again
What do you see do younsee what i see
If not this convo cant go no more
Yall muthaphukkaz dont know war
Look at it its right here
Rights being taken hearts being shaken
Why cuz they tell you too
The problem reaction solution works wonders no wonder why poeple
Keep givin up their rights to fight
Political structures get stronger
And we the poor get weaker
The greatest trick they say the devil pulled
Was believing he doesnt exist well?
Look around you *******
The very men who send your children off to die in war
Are the same men that tell you they love you and your service
But then vanishes the compensatiin
When youspent years to reserve it
They dont deserve **** i say riot the white house and that lady liberty *****
Til she touches a laminated casket
Each bullet for each name ya know
This aint no drunk speak this is sober talk
Im already marked
Im like jesus fool im a revolutionary at heart
None could split me apart even if they had an axe im.still talkin ****
Til im dead call me sound hail mary
Ill be in the back sippin hennessey providin pain to my enemies
***** so when ya see bewar ya in for a scare
And one last thing **** the police **** the elite im the true og mobster style
This chronicles of a broken child
**** the elite we the mob robbin deep puttin any to sleep no need to compete
Makin souls obsolete as i mash from the power invested in me
mike Dec 2013
i dont smoke wen i ***.. i *** smoke.
i dont think out loud.. its too loud to think.
wen i destroy planet. i dont destroy planet.
i make space.
if my eyes are open and no one can see them..i must be in a restaurant with an all blind staff.
eating alone. after hours. recycling *****. recycling puke. singing to tiny people who live on my shoulder. in my car. driving tiny cars of their own. and i lay down with a brick on the gas so they can make an overpass on top of me. and there is a sunset in my car. and we all try to catch it. but that would **** us. or at least make our hands disappear. and no one can drive safe now. we're going to crash. drive off the overpass and into my mouth. or fly. and this is all happening in every tiny car. they are giant people. with tiny cars driving in their cars. whos cars... the worlds cars. cars for fleas. cars for ded birds. cars for ded people. we are all ded people. we are all worlds. we are planet. ded planet. exploding and harboring the tiny suns. making too much sound. so no one thinks. because ded dont think. they make space. i am space. a space with shape. inside space. talking to animals. and eating. and drinking love potions. and none of them werk. especially the animals. theyre disabled. they have no hands. and have suns for eyes. but all they see is planet. with a restaurant in it. where waiters are blind. spill your soda. walk into knives. get cleaned up by night crew. werk for nice things. spend time on things. until they are destitute. but things still stay. and change shape. and are fake food. for disabled animals. and they lose all their time. the fake food absorbs all the time. the last of their time makes them rot. and the thing is now ready. to trick someone. into eating fake food. things are real. they have lives now. they miss birthdays. they have birthdays. they have time. they lose time. time is walking. but time is not moving. planet is moving. space is still. space stops breathing. space gets fat. space dies. time is stopped. nowhere to go. turn inside out forever. loses its mind. doesnt have one now. doesnt kno its gone. doesnt kno its time. its not time. its the only thing. not a thing. everything. no friends. no family. no pigs. just inside and outside. no inside. no outside. turning inside out. forever. so no inside. outside. no space. no shape. filling up itself. constantly changing. but never different. and never die. we die. we are lucky. we are happy. happy poeple. very big and very small. emotional. stupid. too loud to think.
mads Jul 2012
I've always been unsure of you,
never knowing whether  
you're a psycopath or if you just
care too much about people
who don't deserve to be loved,
people like me, who
just take and take and take,
who abuse every one for their stupidity
and poeple like me who never love.
You've always been to clingy
asking how I am
too many times in the short span
of one day, if I could really be bothered
to count, I'd say you'd say hello
at least 10 times before midday.
And it's scary.
Don't get me wrong,
admiration is cute,
but it transforms into stalking
very, very quickly.
A small group (or collection, if you wish)
of wanderers and travellers
And people with desires
to see great marvels
Met by accidence,
in a era of confusement
Held together,
by mutual suspicions,
they decided
To leave their abodes.  
So they travelled a long way
Until they were in a place
A very dusty place,
with dry old things
Dry like a last years leaves,
as if there were trees
In a scorching new summer

They decided by mutual acclamation
that they were searching now
A quest had been undertaken
By accidental serendipity
Or so they believed,
among themeselves
To find a way -
To no longer be
in this place of dust
With its winds,
and fierce sands
The kind the stings your eyes,
grits your teeth
sands your clothing
and small possessions
And after a many month of same such
Make's your light heart -

But lacking a compass
or even knowledge of one
Or any real idea of how to travel
they moved in circles
for many's the long time
Never really sure they were,
arguing........ always
This is probably what kept them alive,
or at least
That is what many now believe
Their arguing - their fighting
this generates interest,
and interest keeps you alive
But still in spite of all this,
they weren't really
Getting -

Once in their travels,
they came upon a walled city
They knocked hard the gates,
made of a redded, felted wood
Soft to the touch,
like a hide of a living creature,
or rough carpet
"What do you want?!"  
"Who are you, state your business please!"
Cried the Gatekeeper to them
As this was his role
in the proceedings, you see;
And he didn't get to do it often
Very few people came
through the wastes,
unless.......Compelled -
by one reason or another
So he was overdramatizing (a little),
But we can forgive him,
his job was
quite boring,
after all.

Help us! They cried
We want to leave
this dusty dry place
Full of bleached sheep bones,
black stones
And red rocks;
with that dust,
The dust that stings our eyes
grits our teeth
sands our clothing
and small possessions
And after a many month
of wandering
And wondering
It has made our once -
light hearts
with opression
For now we cannot
perform our tasks
This place is too harsh for us,
We are only poeple,
and wanderers, after all

"Ah, I see!", the gatekeeper declaimed
A little over dramatically (yet again)
"So you are lost then,
my wanderers?"  
No!  Said several of the more......
outspoken wanderers.
There are always
a few outsoken people
in any group,
(Unless it's a group for shy people,
Of course).
"We, know precisely
where we are, -
We are in the dusty waste
at your gates!
We just don't want to be here!,
we want to be inside!"

At that, the Gatekeeper
opened the door
Slowly and surely
but with many creaks and groans
And inside, inside.....well -
There was a dusty city,
But just like outside
With unkempt streets
filled with goats, dogs, people
Unruly Children,
playing with dried out wood dolls
Angry woman -
murmuring to each other
And irritated men -
watching the angry women
"Come in if you wish" he said.
For we were all as you are now

To be continued.
Second draft of part 1
Meghan Makenzie Jul 2015
Drink up baby, stay up all night
With the things you could do
You won't but you might
The potential you'll be
That you'll never see
The promises you'll only make

Drink up with me now
And forget all about
The pressure of days
Do what I say
And I'll make you okay
And drive them away
The images stuck in your head

Poeple you've been before
That you don't want around anymore
Push and shove and won't bend to
Your will
I'll keep them still

Drink up baby, look at the stars
I'll kiss you again between the bars
Where I'm seeing you there
With your hands in the air
Waiting to finally be caught

Drink up one more time
And I'll make you mine
Keep you apart,
Deep in my heart,
Separate from the rest,
Where I like you the best
And keep the things you forgot

Poeple you've been before
That you don't want around anymore
Push and shove and won't bend to
Your will
I'll keep them still

~ Eliot Smith
This isn't a poem. Its just me ranting about my shity life. For all of those who dont want to here someone rant about there shity life, there is no one forcing you to read this.

So i'll start by saying that I hate my life. I want to have fun all the time but I cant. I'm to busy helpin my dad. Now what kid doesn't want to help out his old man. Me thats what ****** kid. Jut because I jump up and do something doesnt mean that you can ask me for anything and I'll do it. that not how it works. I'm an adult now and I dont have to tae you'r ****. But that's right I do have to take it. Why? because im a ******* and dont have anywhere else to go. So here I sleep on you couch and smoke **** and go to work. wake up and do it all over again. everyday. over and over. I hate this ****. my life **** bad enough with Her and all my stupid depression **** that I cant help and that you dont understand. I dont see how you can't tell that your own child is dying. I need to be free or go insane. You've seen me snap plenty of times. I just don't know what to do anymore. I just want my old life back. I want Her back. I want it all back. I want mom back. and miss I want her back too. I want my tree house we built. The jeep we always drove everywhere. The big house with room to spare not some little appartment under the place we work. I can't handle this ****. I'm ****** up I know but you dont have to tell me that. I know Im a ******* but whatever. I have some fuced up **** going on in my head and I don't know how to deal with it. If poeple knew what I thought I would be killed or something. arrested for sure maybe torcherd or some ****. Anyways hope all you readers did'nt mind that to much. I think I'm just gunna call it quits on life. I'm to tired to put on the fake smile. later guys
there is a numbed feeling
one of exclusivity
that suggests
a solitary reconnaissance
one of orientated purposes
where moods are reflectively animated
in individual focus
in order to infiltrate
a non sharing experience
but the feeling abruptly stops
it is a synchronized wound
it is the assassination
of the distant and complex
terminals of the human mind
i am irretrievably shocked
poeple live
but there are really no survivors
Kayla Wozniak Nov 2010
I'm shattered into pieces
All I want to do is cry
I can't believe you,
of all poeple would do this to me
Didn't you know how much I loved you
It took all my strength to make it through one day
Being alone is only a temporary relief from the pain
I put on a "Happy Face" so people won't ask what's wrong
No matter where I go I still see you,
leading such a happy life
while i'm slowly dying inside
You turned my whole world up-side down
Nobody understands what i'm going through
Is the pain ever going to end?
Dimitrios Sarris Jul 2018
A bitter taste i have as the flavor of your lips is gone,
alone and cold i feel as the warmth of your hug
is nowhere to be found, but knowing of your
great exertion i gain strength and i admire you!
You are trying for a good cause and there is nothing else
i'd like to see. You lead my path through the darkness
and i'll make my effort to whatever ends.
I can see now why our hearts beat in this eternal struggle,
for each piece taken from the board another is placed upon it.
Back and forth we go, across the world, across the ages.
Some days my struggle feels like an impossible task
but i can not be consumed with doubt. There are other
poeple i love too and at some point they might need me more
than ever. So i will make an effort and overcome the burden
of my heart but don't worry i promise you.
I promise you i'll be there for you as to any person i call family.
I'll be there for your love can never be retaliated!
Mane Omsy Jan 2017
Glancing again, what happened?
Why did they die?
Have they seen us, the poeple?
For whom they fought bravely
Holding hope, the only weapon
The only inspiration, dragged out

Then go through every aspects
Slavery, prison, torture, death
Or more, living worse than death

You can see how it turned well?
And still ruining the whole respect
Hell, we brought the laws, divided
Race, cast, religion, gender, wealth
Can you think about anything else
Done with it, where they left, we start
Skylar Del Re Jan 2012
Trapped up in this house of lies
covered ever so discreetly in its loving disguise
looking through the open door
begging, wishing, wanting more
each and every day passes me by
the seconds, minutes, and hours on the hands of time
watching as we all fade away
in the glooming encompass of everfading gray
        windows closing
        poeple imposing
trusting every enemy that fills your head
dancing the nights away with the living dead
         tweak out
                    freak out
                             sleep out
melting your brain inside
praying for the rain of tears, but all thats left is dry
running through these shrinking hallways
trying to remember better days
force on a smile, so your friends won't see
what's eating you alive? The real me.
digging your own hole
picking apart your frail soul
pounding the nails into your own Cozy coffin
smothering memories of when you thought you were something
        the wind blows
        the doors close
your fire ignites inside
your laughing at the thought of being buried alive
the house is overtaken by flames
you start to forget your purpose, your life, your name.
the foundation you called your own disappears
your mind is flushed. your head is cleared.
you look over the horizon see a new beginning ahead
forget the past there's something new to be had
         layer by layer
         brick by brick
you rebuild your ways
after all, tomorrow is always a new day.
juan zavala Jun 2010
Hearts break by slight touch of pain,
crys are stopped by love thats gained.
"no more hurt",he says shouting with surrender,
It feels like my heart is inside of a blender.
Can it be stopped with one push of a button?
Why is there poeple watching without saying nothing.
Could it be that im all alone in a world filled with hate,
just stop it already im ready to die where i stay.

Then came a light far so bright,
everything is gone even the quietest of night.
What happened to all the pain who could've stopped it?
Out in the distance a voice so pure said,"I just pulled the plug out of the socket".
Show yourself and let me thank you with so many kisses!
Could it be that they call you The Fairy Princess!

Let me take your hand at lease to feel that you are real.
A kiss on the hand filled my soul down with chills.
I can feel your warmth, soft hands on my shredded heart.
Please rescue me from a world that hearts always fall apart.
Hold me and don't never let go,
and take me with you to a place where its purer than gold.
Be with me to make me feel whole again,
Because loving you and being with you was my plan.
my first write ever on hello poetry
Holly Anderson Dec 2011
I don't hate my life,
just the person living it.

I don't like the pain,
but the sight of my own blood is bliss.

I don't want to die,
just to turn my mind off.

I don't want to cry,
so I smile for the poeple I love.

I don't like what I see in the mirror,
but the hurt reflecting in my eyes holds a sort of beauty.

I don't want to hurt myself,
and I know the only one hurting me is

is there hope between a stone
like the figurative speech of abstracton
those fragile metophers of life
an essesnce of fleeting moments of existence
like some iconic inventory of bourgious values
that reinscribe themselves
on the inside of your eyeballs
so when you close them
they become a cultural outpost
here where inventory shades into affermation
where poeple come, clamour
to claim it as thier own
where a thousand seductions become one illusion
your eyes closed peer
into and enchanted looking glass of stone
where brooding darkness
offers beauty and hope
but rules here are different
language, customs, values
are not what they seem
for if you look back
it is a piller of salt
who will turn into you
for this is a place of images
images built upon images
constructed upon layers
and layers of so much paint
and you ask yourself ( without much instistence)
is there hope between a stone
and in this brief moment of asking
you give a life time
Vianga Dias Dec 2012
Outside the house
it's raining
it seems that the rain is angry
no matter how much we try to stop it
it still is raining
the river, seas , lakes and ocean are increasing
here comes the flood.
the poeple are going from their houses
to  save their lives
and believe in me
this rain is  a acid rain
the rain is coming with lighting
By: menu vianga Dias
Amanda Kay Hill Jan 2017
We don't know how long
We have on earth
We all will die
We all will die
So make your life a good
Memory and touch as many
Life's has you can so when
you do die poeple will remember
You for your kindness and how
you lived your life
We all will die
I know when I die people
will remember me for my
kindness and funny personality
That my funeral there will be more
Laughter then tears because all
my family and friends will laugh because
they will remember the funny stuff I did
They will also remember how kind and care
I was to others and they be sad
because they miss me
© Amanda Kay Hill
CynicAndASinner May 2014
Wanna know the weirdest part about me? I can barely make the muscles on my face move enough to create a smile, when all I really wanna do is take too many sleeping pills and drown in drowsiness while the world around grows black and silent.

But yet I somehow find a way to force myself onward to help pick up those who have fallen when I don't even know where I stand with myself. Hello, meet me, the biggest hypocrite alive.

For example, one day at school on my way to 6th period biology, I was having a day alot like today -horrible- and when I got to the top of the steps I saw that one of my classmates, Rhiannon, had fallen and her stuff was scattered. Everyone just walked around her like she wasn't there, except for these cute upperclassman boys who were staring at her with amused smirks on their faces. I didn't find them very cute after that. Rhiannon was always very shy and was never quite popular, some poeple even called her hippo because of her size. But what people probably don't know about her is that girl has one of the biggest hearts and biggest brains I have ever seen.

So I helped her up and grabbed her bag and gave the upperclassman boys the meanest look I could conjer up and made small talk with her on the way to class like nothing had happened so she wouldn't feel awkward or the need to say thanks.

People like those in the hall that day are the reason I have given up on people and society. They leave people like me to feel even more drained than I already do because I have to help those that they have victimized along the way. Why are they so high and mighty that they can run over who ever the hell they please?
This is so so old.
Maegan Sep 2012
I want you to have something to remember me by,
When photos fade and memories leave,
Not what poeple shaped me to be,
NO, me, just plain me,
The me that liked going to the movies with friends,
The me that talked to you when i couldn't talk to others,
The me that loved sharing secrets,
The me that saw life form a different perspective,
The me that cherished every day that came,
The me that loved writning poems,
And more importantly the me that you knew,
So I'm writning this for you,
So you'll have something to remember me by,
When photos fade and memories leave,
Don't forget that there will always be our friendship,
So if you need me you'll know I'll always be there evn when I'm not.

written by maegan cattermull
I wrote this poem for all my friends to show that I'll miss them sooo much next year when i go to high school.
Julie Loveless Jan 2012
The city is a wonderful place,
its only the poeple in them that make them bad,
or to some scary,
but if you live there,
you realize its just one big story,
that never ends,
never boreing,
always exciting,
i walk the streets at night,
taking in everyone,
and everything,
i see homeless on the street,
on benches,
in doorways,
trying to sleep and stay safe,
couples walking just enjoying being together,
the city is a beautiful place,
the lights and the buildings,
i could just stare at them for hours,
everytime you walk by someplace,
you find something new and different about it,
thats whats so great about the city,
theres always something to look at,
and stuff to do..

The city is a great place,
only the people make them bad.
Some nights I lay awake thinking about my day or about my life and I wonder did I do anything to see what I have seen to expeirence what I have experienced. I tell myself no I havent but that is not the reason why I have seen what I have seen and I have experienced what I have experienced. I know that I was put on this earth for a reason and who put me on this earth and that is God himself. He wanted to show me and have me experience what I have for many reasons. I may not know all the reasons and may never know all the reasons but I know some. I know that God wants me to become a great strong women of him and show people the right path to take in life. I may not know all the ways to the right path but I know alot of them. For instance drinking alcohol is a horrible thing to do. It messes up your life so much to the piont where you may not even exist to people that love you and you love. Yes those poeple will always love you and you will always love them no matter what but they pretend you dont even exist so they dont get hurt because they know you can do better in life. When you have family and friends by your side each and every step of the way it is so much easier you think. If it is an addiction or just life no matter who is at your side other then God it is not easier. He will guide you be there for you catch you when you fall and pick you right back up. Yes family and friends is a thing in life that you do need but not as much as God. (John 3:16 For God so�loved the world he gave his only begotten son for who so ever believed in him shall not parish but have ever lasting life.) So if you dont know him I deeply and strongly encourage you to get to know him and ask him into your heart. If I have learned one thing its that life is pretty much impossible without him well thats what it seems to me and my life. Everyone is different there lifes are to. For all the things I have seen and experienced I have needed him for either guidence, faith, or support. It has always been easier to me having him there each and everytime I have needed him. Even if the answer wasn't the answer I was looking for he has been there for me. There is a few more things like medications for mental illnesses. There is no such thing most of the time with peoples behavior its because the person wants attention from people they love. Some people were shown the only way to seek attention is doing dangerous behavior and making negitive choices. You have choices oppertunities in life to make the right decisions and you have oppertunities chioces to make the wrong. Let me tell you will know when you make the wrong choices and the right because it shows in your life. You dont need medication you need God he will give you the attention and wisdom you are seeking. When your family and friends are not there for you giving you what you need. I have had times in my life where I have had to go to him instead of my family or friends for wisdom and attention. He is a really good source and person to go to when you need wisdom and attention. He is also there when you feel alone and depressed you may feel alone but you are not alone he is right there beside you. You may feel that this obsticle in your life is impossible to get over its not just pray ask for help he will help you in ways you would never ask for or even imagine. He is such a great person the greatest person you will ever have in your life. He will always be there for you even if you slip more then once just ask for forgiveness and he will forgive you each and everytime you ask for it. You will never have to think about your slip ever again for when he forgives you he lets go never remebers it again. You may ask for forgiveness from your family and they may hold it against you forever but he will never do that to his children. Remember this always he is with you each and every step of the way and will always be there for you. He has always been there for me.
Ellyn k Thaiden Sep 2013
I had a dream
The other night
And by the end
All I saw was white

It was a appoctalyptic world
Many years after a war
World War Four
Is what I knew

And I felt a force
Slip into my dream
Making reality a myth
And tear at the seams

Every where I looked
Poeple were paranoid and afraid
They pretended like it was not real
That it might just leave or fade

But the evil force stayed
It grew strong and brave
It told me I must **** myself
If my dear ones I were to save

My father was the one
To hand me a razor blade
He said I must slit my throught
For every sin I had made

So I started slicing the skin
But I realized it would never end
There are too many sins Ive commited
So I choked on my blood and the razor I did bend

I awoke seeing white
And air couldnt grace my lungs quick enough
I cried for ten minutes
Because to me it was real and tough

Dont let dreams take over
Your life and your mind
They might seem fun at first
But whatch them and mind
Nhlanhla Moment Jun 2015
Father, Mother, Brother
how can you watch me burn and do nothing
why do I have to be something when you'll just sit there and do nothing
Could you wait just two years or 25 months
before I form and become a someone
even though I'll have to wait another 16 years for you to sell me into hell

Oh guitars, strings, beautiful women, burnt wings
Palpilated lungs, gross strings
5000 thousand punches for Memory
here you are, take your  guitar back
Without you Memory I am just a Moment and no one remembers me
Fly Memory, be the star of the show
Some things you cannot erase unfortunately
especially if past the times of threes

So a new chapter has to unfold naturally
Soon we go into old age and the occult evils **** our inner child
But Mother at 16; this feels like 1976
You couldn't wait until you were 18
And now a programmed memory has to take your punches just to have the momentous opportunity to be young again
So scarred and ***** - loose you regret the decision that you took

so from an artist here is then live tragic drama, we die because you fail to brace yourselves and lose the war against lust and its evil friends
why am I born Memory  to be abused and take the fall of the irresponsibility of others?
Whose Life is it anyway?
Why am I born to wipe the buttocks of other men and on retirement have them wondering where I have gone
Is it not their own filth anyway?
Are they so crippled that they cannot clean up after themselves?
To the crippled I aplogize that some mock you

It is out of the disrespect of Divinity
Out of the disrespect of Life
A spit on humanity
A shame to soul for those who do these evils have sold their souls
Much to the unfair despair of innocent children
I will tell you this from a child just born or 3 months old: "Why do they bring me into an evil world when they have not even bothered fighting and wrestling against these evils. for every child born how many souls are saved or the world changed?"

Poor child many of the poeple here don't live to fight evil.
They live to sustain it
They hold up its pillars and cast black magic like a futuristic video game
They cannot care sincerely and deeply enough for the scarred, the martyrs, those who die for their Nation
They serve self and ego and an age old reptile livelihood of feeding on negative energy
Without murders, evil rituals and sacrifices: they starve to death
You and I both on Deathrow, I don't know why you'd even bother coming here
What's sad is that the truth seekers and soldiers of Light have done all they had to do
it's a matter of the children of all nations to choose Heaven over Hell
But heaven does not beg for occupants
the Light is
not maybe, not predicted
Just is. like Justice
If that's anything, I have earned my Freedom
It's up to every soul to search within itself the voice and will to stand against the shoulders of evil
Memory I have taken all these punches for you and fought for you, time to get off the wheelchair and stand on your own
Memory take your guitar of burdens now, I have proved my point as a passing Moment.
Happiness was on my side but really symbols of Luck got me this far and my dead grandmother knew it before me.
David Bojay Jun 2014
I was riding my bike earlier today.
Drops of rain were hitting my head, and I didn't bother going home anytime soon.
I talk a lot of ignornace, is it really bliss?
I try not to, but I'm the perfect imperfect human.
I got off my bike and took a deep breathe, clasped my fingers, and sat indian style in the park I go to everyday.
I listened to the kids play, I listened the wind moving the tree branches violently, I listened to parents telling their children they won't be there much longer because of the storm coming.
The clouds felt so close to my head, but I'd probably need a million ladders, each ten feet tall to see above them.
And to think sometimes I feel like I'm walking on the sun, imagine how many billions of ladders I need to feel like a million bucks.
My mom always asks me why I always leave home, and go out for long periods of time on my bike.
I dont think she understands I dont feel home, at "home".
So I'm out looking for one in mother natures heart.
It's 8:25 pm and I'm at the park again, no ones here, for safety I guess.
It looks like the sky is angry, its roaring a lot.
I dont think I should write about anyone anymore,
I feel like I'm not putting my mouth to use if I just write about someone and posting them in this website, thinking hopefully they'll click the link on my Instagram bio and read what I wrote about them.
I figured I'd say what I felt about them face to face now, it's better.
Also I wont cry as much at night when I reread what I wrote about them, when they're gone.
I have a lot of poeple to express to, eye to eye.
I owe it to them.
They've made their mark in my darkest of days.
So I'll use the best of my vocal chords to clear up their gray skies when they look up.
I hope to take away the gloomyness in your souls, because I feel a lot for you.
I meditated today, I forgot I was even alive for a few minutes until I snapped, soemtimes I wish I could meditate forever.
I don't know where people are going with anything, neither do I.
I just enjoy filling up notebooks with nonsense, and feeling happy.
Ottar Feb 2014
who I am,
is not what I do,
I am not old,
but I am old enough,
                                  to know better, whoever she/he/it is,
what I do,
is using my senses,
I am not unkind
but I am that kinda shy type,
                                                not a wall flower, but bring in the poeple and you won't find me,
you can read in silence,
you can read aloud,
you can cho[p and mince
words or absorb it all like a sponge,

maybe one day, someday,
I will tell you who I am, no I am not famous, I am not Epic,
I doubt most truths and the ones I don't, I am still trying to
are you sure you read that right?

Humour has helped me survive to everyone else's bane,
dysthymia is to be a temporary curse, so far four decades,
does not seem in the temporal, to me,
my glass has a crack and it is always have empty for what I
don't have, I make up in humour, not jokes (they are for the mean)

but enough of me, for this is about poetry,
how IT saves little bits of sanity, watch the woe in me,
(I use that line alot you see)
why so transparent, why so vulnerable,
this is just scratching the surface,
but enough of me,
for this is about empty gardens with rusty gates,
barn with no roof and an appetite to sate.
for if a person is a goof, sure there are few who relate,
"for you will see more foolish things than these" to
paraphrase a fool before the Lord, someone whose heart was adored,
for it was always after God.

There is much in a life the strife, the pain, soap and hot water
does not take away or wash it down the drain, or the trouble river
which has a bridge built on pillars of, naivete and emotions, in that river,
with the water riding high showing portholes of watery eyes in tear ducts,
that run freely, because they were born free, we are all prejudiced by birth
until we become self-aware and accept what value all humans are worth,
at par.

self awareness = maturity, there are a few other parts to it but this is the bolts
Luisa bernabó Sep 2015
My best friend had just gone to get pizza, left me in the car. I put my feet up and sat back lighting a cigarette, feeling the smoke heavy and dense in my lungs, piling on top of the remains from the joint we had just finished. I was sitting in the centre of Rome, looking out the car window up at the tall buildings, fading colours and dim lights, accompanied by the live music from a nearby restaurant.
I remember closing my eyes for a second, realising the state of happiness and tranquillity I had reached. The reassurance of just knowing that my friend would be back any minute, with that huge smile of hers and pizza in her hand yelling my name. Just the idea of that happening was enough to make me giggle. The tranquillty of knowing that I was home, of knowing that wherever we were together could be made home, of knowing that we were about to meet with more poeple that made me feel that way, of knowing how ******* lucky I was, of finally knowing that feeling of pure happiness. I don't think everyone is lucky enough to feel this way. I don't think it's common at all; to be so in touch with the people around you, to be so accepted and to feel so much love. I had never felt more at home; and it was that overwhelming sense of feeling complete, of finding that inner peace, that was the best feeling I have ever felt.
Emma S Jun 2013
The truth is
There is no such thing as shortcuts
When it comes to beauty

The secret is in the word itself
Be You
That the only way to find beauty

It doesn't matter how much makeup
You put on your face
It doesn't matter how good you are at
Faking smiles
It doesn't matter how you dress
It doesn't matter how you laugh
It doesn't matter how you talk

None of this matters if you aren't
The true beauty shows when you
Stop caring
When you stop caring about what other
Poeple thinks about
And you start to care about what
Feel about yourself
When you feel good about yourself
Will be the most beautiful person

— The End —