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You was like,
need your help...
I was: Yes,

Help you Odo-Ban
and ***** jeans
my only soap.

Help you Odo-Ban
and ***** jeans
my only soap.

u V p

Those my biscuits,
Ban-dana Jean...
my comely soap.


Help you Odo-Ban
and ***** jeans
my only soap.

You want to be an "activist?"  Go live on the streets..Ben Franklin lived on the streets, Karl Marx did also, Davy Crockett, come play with nothing.
Your Name Here Jun 2016
Cascading tears fall from my face.
Love has come and abruptly been erased.
So quickly you swept me off me feet.
And the same goes for how you discarded me.
What the fck I thought I meant something.
Told myself you were an angel without wings.
You burned my fortress that took so long to build.
Destroyed my home and crushed my will.
Love is such a masive risk.
****** cold touch and poisoned kiss.
Creation of my darkest dreams.
I wish you'd just f
ckng leave.
Youve scarred me enough to scare away.
I will never forget your evil waysssss.
Thanks alot you evil witch.
You ******* my life you f
ckng btch.
A little graphic sorry was emotional write at the time
Obadiah Grey Jul 2011
Daves squeeze.

Waayyy below Mozart
n closer to a doggy ****;
she's in painted toe nails
of poodle dawgs;
in colonic irrigation
of a plastic tummy tucked clone,
she's contemporaneous
with minuscule ****
has extraneous fat Dyson'd
cyclonic Mike Tyson'd
and a crows foot is botoxed
- to *** **** ******* death.....death.

so am I wrong to like James Blunt.
am I wrong to like James Blunt.

she's cut n paste n drug n dropped
last seasons face has up n flopped
am I - am I - am I wrong;
--- to like James Blunt.

she sings sour songs in
cavernous bathrooms
with a badly strung violin voice
but smiles the smile of the fuckyoualls

Am I
Don't suppose you'll get this but hey ** here we go.
Ma Cherie Jul 2016
"I'm NOT going to tell you
this is NOT
JUST a test
like I tell ALL the rest

that it's ONLY
a test?
you should know better"

I'm noticing this guy has a lot of ink
all over
and the darkest kind

"So it's NOT
Not an ordinary exam?
this ain't basketball tryouts?"
I ask...
"I just took a walk in the park
had a...
****** knuckle sandwich
I played pinochle
with the Old Man
rode in bear backed
like Lady Godiva...."

I heard
words &
Maniacal laughter
played by symphony  of demons
& smirking
violinists in the background

"I'll tell you it
a super difficult one..."

".....continue reading my contract...."

reading and absorbing
unfathomable amounts of learning
and yearning
excellent Earning Potential
requires a decent,
above average
genius IQ
i don't need anything
other than...
leave my heart behind
and any other angels
my set of wings
saved aside
this is just a ride
I tell myself
they cast him out you know
fallen Angel other Gods, Mommy, Daddy, deities....xcetera.

"logically it's been there all along
everyone hears me
not like you can IGNORE my voice
you've seen my ad...."

(a bony finger with a long sharp nail
points upward)...

"up there
you know where...
on the billboard in Times Square
i am 100% certain it was you"

and it is
here I am.
Okay, I'm in control...breathe
take a sip of moonshine first
a little chuckle

Lucifer continues....

"You can bring Conscience along
she has been cleared.. "
Loudspeaker coming on
"We repeat
this is NOT a Strong Storm warning
there won't be any arms waving
no lights like at the airport
telling you where to land
no hands outside the vehicle
or for holding"

A pause, closing
he looks my way...saying

"You'll stop at the Crossroads
lose the shirt
see a
blinking Amber Alert
don't stop at the bar
no flirting....

look back
actually there's a poetic flood
it's coming
that 'deluge' of your
bloodstained Indigo ink"
filled paper
boats are
floating &
he is gloating
"you might refer to the Ark section
of your Manual
before it's time to go...."

I gather important
necessary documents
for example making sure my will is signed
on the dotted line
***** donor checked off
blood type
leaving all others behind
no certainty of any kind
may not return
from an
Unknown Destination
things tend to get worse
  before they get better
  grab a sweater
a bumpy ride
my friend
dragging those
    sharpened ink filled
       down a chalkboard...
       I  buckle up
   transportation provided
nausea subsided
here I go
down below
  "I thought
     I would
     always have to
      take you
        & screaming
        still saying the
        Lord's Prayer
        signed, sealed
          & delivered."
         I smile...
         nod ...
          I say
           guess so"
            time to go
           getting up
            from a chair...
             & I swear
              I am
 ­                any

Cherie Nolan © 2016
Recently had a seizure in my sleep, had before during bad insomnia and anxiety....mixed with prescribed new medications in the study of Medicine
unknown reasons, it felt like I was pinned to the bed and I remembered something my Maternal Grandmother told me to recite the Lord's Prayer, she said there would be times when I would need it
and I have
  somehow I could do it even if I wasn't saying it sounded like I was trying to apparently.
I'm not overly religious
baptized Catholic, born again Christian
Native American dreamer...
but  I am very spiritual and it got me through that horrible thing whether it was a dream, a seizure or something else, prayer works.
"Our Father
who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name
thy kingdom come
thy will be done on Earth
as it is in heaven
Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but Deliver Us from Evil
And I believe there's an Amen
Some possible alternative endings ...
anyway thanks all :)
levi Oct 2012
My big headed people said ity, i trusted, 'hiriz' has never dissapointed themy,
my hatred for non conformity, enormous, i surely hated the conformity truly,
i almost lost it for 'hiriz' sakey, **** it, ill never have wanted to lose this beauty,

i had it  weirdly thinking ablazey, loozing?, no, i hadnt  and  you n they didnt realize fastly,
loosing soo fast  about  lowly sinking sinly,curse all day i ,ever had thee meeting to lyfy,
wit all the  a vitue TRUELY INVESTMENT **** no lievly, forget me darl; once and  for ever dony

one more what you  waznyt quetly, cool openly, man must lively sweetly
that a day woud spoily truely, madly mey, sooooooo losty i had made a choisy,
refusing my being theiyyyyy, lucky  me doing, buty,  i love thater that am no longy

your timey was wanting by virtuey,  truey. luck **** spyty this shiety oul
endy began truely sure truelly, fukciey, its thats badyy, me lost it shortlley
man must livevy or diiey, truely, gotta  ity, man look for bread i wannaity

withought even hiriz it all worked welly, herey,  i am.  fu** like ity
Oh do try to spit in my eye
please just try
you do kiss ***
whilst I never do

Get your sycophants to love you
try whatever you want to do
but get it straight lady
I don't love you

Does this mean war
no not with a dumb *****
a worded incompetent
nothing more then a runt

I am not here to play
may you write everyday
I hope your words ****
every ***ng day

Your doing well
so so ***
ing well
and when you finish
I will drag you down to hell

Byy By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris

By NeonSolaris

© 2013 NeonSolaris (All rights reserved)
Tiffany Marie Dec 2014
Alright this poem is ***** but heee goes nothing (inspired by stop don't talk to me loser lamo or lameas* wannabe)

Stop don't talk to me Loser Lamo Wannabe like o totally
Stop don't talk to me your a:
You make me scream
I hate you your
Killin me you
This its impossible
You don't listen you just talk talk and talk
You just don't stop
What happenin to me
What about those dreams where's the key
I think I know where its up your as

Stop don't talk to me loser lamo wannbe like o totally
Stop don't talk to me loser mother ***in lameas wannabe
This *****
You don't think you say you better think before I say
Stop don't talk to me you little loser lamo wannabe like o
Like O
Like O
Like O
Like O
Comments private suggestions reposts and likes welcomed
Free Dec 2013
I will try
So ***-
So very hard,
To be reserved.
At least
More so.
Because the ****-
The things I say can be quite innapropriate,
And highly unbecoming
Of a young woman to say.
Welcome to Angie 2.0, The girl who wants to write respectful, clean, profanity free poems.
Poetry by MAN Aug 2014
I can be one
I can be all
I can run
I can crawl
I can slither into every hole
Bathe in the sins of your soul
I am the dark
I am the light
I am not seen
I live in full sight
Born to be better
Born a go getter
Born to flow
Get you wetter
I am not nice
Worth more than the price
Feelings precise
Bug you like lice ha..ha
...I crack myself up
I laugh everyday or else I'd be ***-k-d
Lost in my mind
Scene of a crime
Emotions when I write can't be defined...
Still I try till I die
To discover myself..Who am I?
M.A.N 8-13-14 I wrote this odd ball this morning before work I already love reciting it out loud...:)
Poetic T Apr 2015
They said it was beneath me
"Beneath me"
I'll show them what is beneath this fixture
Of flesh and bone.
Can you walk on shards without cutting,
Making me feel as though this is what I'm worth
Laughing, smiling wailing at my misfortune,
"I'll shut the door on them all"
Awaken my princess of beauty, but you are
Ugly on the inside,
I have skills you didn't know,
I went to medical school,
"What was that you said"
"Cat got your tongue"
No its here cold as your words,
Know do you wish to see something??
"Here is the ugliness inside"
Fear, horror as anaesthesia, wears thin
"Do you feel the disgust in yourself"
"Do you feel what is beneath"
Open mouthed silent scream resonates
Upon her bleeding featurless face,
"Does it hurt"
"Here this should help"
I pour on a solution
Two parts vinegar,
One part salt,
A little water a cup was enough,
"Wow" "Fu#k"
Watch her shuffle and squirm,
As the pain gathers pace,
A tear forms in my eye, I hoped she would
Lasted longer...
O' well next room it is...
Hi welcome to the moment you waited for
"This is what's left of your life"
What can I say, the big man
"Now a little shorter"
A little taken of the bottom and sides
"He goes to grab upon my throat"
Now aren't we silly lying in a puddle
Of our own blood, I was never that good at stitches.
"Squirm little worm"
Wakey! Wakey! sleeping trunk,
Thought I lost you for a moment,
"Now where were we"
"Fifteen years ago"
Driving having fun, having fun,
"Having ***#ing fun"
"Little rich boy"
"Little rich departed girl"
You paid for your freedom while she was,
"She was trapped below"
I watched the love, the life drain,
You just laughed...
What was that!!!
"I'm sorry"
That's what I thought you said
We are way past sorry, now its time to leave,
I was going to put you beneath,
"Soil" "Earth"
But I thought this was fitting,
Meet your love, the ugly shown
Now shhh... you'll feel like a little *****.
Wakey! Wakey! sleeping trunk,
Look I found your,  
I had some fun,
Now these are of my own design,
For people like you, like her.
Don't worry there sound proof,
Unfortunately she'll not feel this
But she felt plenty before she was gone.
This will be slow painful
"I'm not sorry"
"I'll ki yo"
I love doing that open, close, open, close.
Sound like musical beat if you time it just right,
"You took her from me"
"You made me what I am today"
Every action has a reaction
And this is yours.
Lets play some authentic music,

"Burning in the ashes"
"Of those that came before"
"Paying for sins of a past forgotten no more"

"You gone burn"
"Burn so slow"
"Feeling the flame of redemption"
"You going to die"
"To ashes you will slowly go"

"Burning in the ashes"
"Of those that came before"
"Paying for sins of a past forgotten no more"

"Did you like,
"I wrote it myself"
You will not go fast, think
"Slow Cooker"
You will feel pain like never before.
You where the last in a line, of those who did
Me wrong. They say the best is for last,
Everyone else was quick. each their own chorus.
Know that when you are both ashes I will urinate on
Your hot embers, no dignified place,
I will just flush you down the ******
Its where **** does goes and **belongs.
Ma Cherie Oct 2016
You asked me why I write,
why I daily hope again to fight,
as I ignite it takes my sight,
like lovers in the heated night,
& nothin' but a pure delight,
musta  been a true birthright

It covers me & smothers me,
engulfing me in flames
a place for me to point some blame,
& bury me unwanted shame,
I know that this is not a game,
& not for fame
& not for fate,
I already gotta a real full plate,

& hey they say it's not too late,
I am banging on the waiting gate,
let out the angry angels
& let out the long forgotten hate,
it's a crazy little bit of spate,

I took a pill, was feeling ill,
& went along against my will
it takes my heart and runs
it shakes apart, in booming guns

It's a hiding cluster
& I'm a wordsmith hustler
guess a real crime buster,
yeah I think I trust her,
ya know that shiny luster,

Hope is dope, grab a rope,
the drugs, the thugs,
the tiny little budding nugs,
the tipping back of happy mugs,
giving you a little hug,
a white hot plug,
electrifying baby
an aiming slug,
try to get me maybe,
a stinging bug,

Ouch that hurt!
while rubbing in a little dirt,

It bites & bites,
& then I writes,
again, again, again
yes its true my poet friend,

My hands they move to a different beat,
& down a different funky street
with moving feet,
it's groovy, neat,
& this is sounding really sweet
it repeats, repeats, repeats,

Awaiting  dictating
sometimes  frustrating,
enticing & slicing
my hands always dicing
& giving me pricing
sweet just like icing,

Skating through life,
finding creating,
all the press is still waiting,
and me it is bating,
I'm hating the dating,
'cept while we are mating,
sweet, sweet loving
& good turtle doving
is soooo satiating ; )

Sometimes I'm grieving,
but always believing
& ever retrieving,

There is a voice
it's not a choice,

I hear it now
they tell me how,
a sense of humor
I heard a rumor
a cancer's tumor,

In the radio
the tower on the mountain
my pens leaky fountain,
signaling changes in the weather,
calling me birds of another feather
when that lone whistle blows,
wherever my shoes may go
as high as any flower grows,
leaves of fall & winter snow,
what the tallest cedar knows,

What about the crescent  moon
& how those lovers kiss & swoon,
this could be such a boon,
like incandescent bulbs
May in  bloom,
& hearts with maybe too much room,

Aggravating spirits

A fever spikes,
so I must take
a farther hike,
a stronger bike
peddling & meddling,
shining & pining
sometimes I'm whining,
in the brilliant ink
it's the deepest well,
the very deepest sink,
I'm in the drink, I shouldn't blink,
Nevermind to stop and think

Like lidocane I am tot'ly  numb
my mind alive & feeling dumb,
it's sticking like a piece of gum
as I come all done,
I know I'm not the only one,
captured by the guilty sun

Metaphors the seep my veins
taking with them tired chains
my chest can breath without the pain

Ahhhh so sublime,
it's why I rhyme & rhyme
why my voice it chimes,

Say what you mean
and mean what you say
because the Sun is gonna
rise on some other day,
& anyway
as a coloring book streaks
& takes away the ugly bleak,
to seal up the finding leak
I must write if I can't speak,

In the deepest midnight skies
I think I heard an angel sigh,
she saw a falling passerby,

Turn it up,
till death comes again
sometimes it comes, a long lost friend
one my pen it will defend,
my heart it might be on the mend,
when pain to me, it looks real pretty,
& getting kinda nitty gritty,
and scars bleed too
from me & you,
we bleed our truth,
in wisdom of our years and youth,

In deep crevasses of beauty
it's a poets certain duty,
the bones we bury deep
in messages they seep,
& tiptoe 'round and creep,

I dream, I hope
I hold on a rope,
I'm dizzied by the angles dope,
in a hurry and in our worry,
we want to be saved
calling from a darkened grave,
watching shadows dance,
as they kiss in sweet romance
hoping for another chance,

Don't wanna be played,
in death to be slayed,
plunging a sticking blade,
& down my enemy is quickly laid,

Rescue me poet
you are, you are & you know it too,

Sleep peacefully at night,
live your life & say it right,
you keep the lid on way to tight,
open it, let it out
just scream & shout
but never doubt,
hey you got clout,
releasing the way
in every word you speak and say,

Listen intendedly
& contentedly
find a beat,
& take a seat
have a treat
just grab a pen,
& say it again, again,
a heart you know you must defend,

I hold teardrops in my hands
I hold them out & as they land,
release me in the said demands,
a clench my fist,
& I slit a wrist,
bleeding & needing,
just keep reading
love is breeding,

I tighten up,
I take a sup,

I reach you & as you teach me
as every one of you beseech me,
as minds are racing
and hands retracing,
as I'm embracing,
the poet's calling,
again, again I'm always falling
in love with life,

Like lightning in a bottle
I'm a genie,
& holding on the throttle,
my heart BEATS like the rain
I feel it's endless painted pain ,
it's electric & hectic,
I'm a gentle bird
a voice I hope is duly heard,
can be wounded easily
though strong in storms,
I fly again,
& can't be warned,

I'll never fly too far
I must reach the closest star,
touching souls,
drifting & sifting
words I'm grifting,
I'll never go without saying so
no matter where a poet goes
or what the traveling picture shows,

A hazy start
an aiming dart
a broken down ol' heart
a silly **** (haha)
a nice full grocery cart,
I'm acting kinda smart,
a glowing celestial chart,
cuz ya know
I think that this is art
especially when we drift apart
and even more when we depart,

Note taking for granted
as my feet are planted,
words they are slanted
& dark art is chanted,

If words cut deeper than a knife
Just write me out and bring me back to life

There is always a compelling story
one of histories honored glory,
& even if it's kinda gory,
I gotta a suitcase to pack
a train to get on back track,
pick up the slack
sometimes derailed by life,
divorced from reality,
as once I was a loving wife,

To tell & share
a way to find, a way to care,
& yes we must, we must dare,
words can't bring me down
hey, I love that endless sound,
fall & crash back to the ground,

I am beautiful
& you are too,
I know these things,
I know it's true
skies above they are so blue
a color that looks good on you

I hear a rap repeating tap
leavings of  unwanted scrap,
a song that I still can sing
I hear a voice, my voice it rings
another soul,
a bell it dings,
a dance left to dance
a chance of romance,
a hand left to hold,
the shiniest gold
treasure for seekers,
for look at life peepers,
I hope it's a keeper,
I'm delirious but serious,

Game changers & rearrangers,
in infection & detection
not won in a election
a sugary confection
in delusions & illusions
& constant intrusions,
the magic is tragic,
ecstatic & fanatic
this curse could be worse,
you could be me
as I bleed ink
& quickly blink,
can't stop to think
or ever take a tiny drink

Kick the ceiling
minds are reeling & keep feeling
just touch it
just do it to it,
come in undo it,

It's a really deep well,
so I gotta tell it
& I try to sell it,
close my eyes & try smell it
wave a wand & even spell it,

I want to take a sip
so hear my families battle yip,
my heart it just skips & skips
a wandering blip
just take a little skinny dip,
here's a little helpful tip,

We gotta spill it,
need to **** it
because they drill it  
way down deep,
in veins they seep,
Oh my ****
I think I'm struck
& now I'm stuck
by luck or fate
in love and hate,
it's been a date,
I had to wait,
it's been real great,
I can rate & keep it straight
Pick up the weight,

I can avoid or be annoyed,
I tell,  I yell
my soul, I'd sell,
say in a way you understand,
so poet here's the perfect plan, Stan
I want to dive
so we survive,
& feel alive,
live vicariously through my words,
know your voice, it too is heard,

As water & gasoline
is touching my skin
as I reach out, to be new again
reaching out to find a friend
I'm burning down
& hit the ground
a violent sound,
I turn around,

I swim inside the glistening wet,
to clean my life from sins & sweat,
& anything I might regret,

Carbon Copy

If there is a God,
in him I say, I'm truly awed,
I'll find out too,
I'm humming right along with you,
we cannot undo
the sticky glue & residue,
words we pray
& ones we say, & where we lay
or head to pray,

Say what I think
stand at the brink,
& take nice long lasting drink,
let the indigo ink,
just let it flow,
write it down as you go,
& let a shining spirit glow,

Earths angels
party hard, & learn harder
we work just a little smarter,
get it down
get it right
as it hits the ground,
I'm kicked around,
poetic sounds
as ears they pound,

Sometimes the rain
in tears and sun
sometimes a battle
or a war we won
sometimes I cry, inside I sigh,
or walking in a dessert dry,
my pen will tell & never lie
protect me as I wait to die,
painting words in pictured skies,
so many left unsure goodbyes,
diamonds fall from tears they cry,
I sometimes think that I,

I can't go on
until I hear a poignant song,
please won't you come along,

Sometimes my feet are on the run
those setting tangerine skies
the blistering hot & sweltering sun,
illuminating my darkest ink,
& every thought I try to think,
a Titanic ship can sink,
when you need help
I'll beg & steal
try my best
to make you feel
when you are suffering
& life not buffering,

I'll believe
in tomorrow
find time we can borrow
a bottle to drown out every sorrow
I'll love you when you're gone
this is a place where I belong
together we can sing along,
a crutch for a rugged heart
a gift of life,
a brand new start,
so don't be crude or ever rude,

I am human too
just like them, just like you,
a drum don't stop beating
or keep on repeating,
Keep me up,
give me a cup,
keep me going,
& ever knowing,

My heart it never does take rest
after the most grueling test,
it beats & it heats,
in the pain &  the rain
I can't stop this ugly vain
raised it from its darkened bed,
now it demands, I hear it said,
every single word
that anyone
has ever said, I heard,
crashing burning
I am ever learning,
& always yearning
a day I'm earning,
to get a chance,
just one last dance
before its over
to kiss the clover,
my starry rover,
an Australian drover,

To be rendered useless
if my words are fruitless,
if said in vain,
against the grain,
it doesn't matter
as tears they shatter
the sky it sets
but you can almost always bet
I'll be writing of you
& love that's true,

& everything that's beautiful
trapped in Autumn's wind
with tombstone eyes,
caught  again in sad goodbyes,
please baby don't you cry
stupid cupid,

The bittersweetness
of our yesterday's
I feel it in the touch
one you want so very much
again come tomorrow's light
again I will take another flight,
again I bleed the poets plight,
I pray for vision
hope & sight
listen & get it write,
I know I will win the fight
burning lamps into the night

Add, edit, do that again
hold a hand & be a friend,
be a lover and a mother,
celebrate & graduate,
follow & lead
ask of us  & beg & plead,
I will not be afraid,
filling every heart it's need
drowning out the sounds of greed

There is nothing to fear but fear itself,
no truer statement
could have ever been uttered
  whispered,  or muttered,
like sweet Fred that stuttered
warm wheat bread that's buttered,

It's why we rhyme,
we are chasing after time,
yup, your words & mine,

I go unafraid into darkened night
and even with my blinded sight,
lit by scars & brilliant stars,
candles snuffed out too soon
caught by the tail of the crescent moon,

I'm mesmerized I can't move my feet
unless I hear that haunting beat,
as demons flee in sweet defeat,
at times I carry the weight of the world
& that of my children,
that they too are heard
ancestors calling as I,
I am,
I am always

Afraid to close my eyes,
& look at the skies,
afraid of that surprise,
and each day I awake,
grateful for what I take,

I rise up,
a phoenix from ashes
& blinking eyelashes,
while I can still see
sight please find a plan,
left upon a grain a sand,
I'm made of glass & paper
I got a pass  hey what a caper,

Wake it up & take it up
just make it up
it'll be just fine,

I must go unafraid into the long night
an endless spinning soulful top
one that I hope won't soon stop
I am like an aurasma
my own Galaxy
past the Milky Way
Listen close to what I say,

As demons flee & I can see
in every lovely memory,
please say you'll remember me
& our history,
kicked around & on the ground
I still hear that painful sound
I think I'll  even maybe drown,

I might be a muse
that the heavens abuse
or my words that they want to use,
intentions are everything,
listening & glistening

Watch me burn,
ya know I never learn,
don't put me out,
or even pout
we can't doubt,
hear me fry,
Cuz I,

I just keep swimming
as waters are brimming,
& stones are we are skimming
tredding in cold waters,
waves pull me under,
fires grow hotter,
a thinking blotter,
cleaving bones I am asunder
& broke apart by rampant thunder,

Breathless & gasping
my hands are grasping
in desperation & despair
cannot pretend that I don't care,
something that I must share,
I see a shore,
& I've seen it before,
just beyond the waiting door,

A mascara smudge
but please don't judge,
or hold a silly hateful grudge
I'm through the wading of the sludge
I just wouldn't budge,
it just took a nudge,

Because a beautiful mind
one so very, very kind,
protected by the hands of time
a precious thing
a voice, I sing
heard in my poetic choice,
undiluted  not refuted
undisclosed, many ohhh's
a twitching nose,
teaching all in what we know
to be silent is a terrible wasted gift
to not hear that sound,
bring a voice around,
the voices ring,
I've had a taste,
my shoes are laced
I can keep the pace,

To not write,
to seal the vain,
relief from pain,
would be a terrible waste
of a divinely inspired pen. ❤

Cherie Nolan© 2016
Why I write, some of it. I've been asked this question by a few so hope that answers some questions : )
rosees satin doll favorite orange hair thick clothe ciggerett on addas shiny pants accedent the whole doll little nos you would remember it peach polka a dot dress and  ya the ros the top of my hamper wicker basket and nope never remebered to rember any of that the doll part with the polka dot dress *** i trhew the ***** bend with dithces caves and wholes the holes those are my windy road holes and the ditch just got taken care of that sentences with ditche started with a long widy road the caves was in casers i could never explain how i got my words but i sewed every one of them up and i got all my papers stolen and everything else happended too wow **** so i dont know no more again but *** k wait again yep im the **** fewfiefofum low and i dont tknow vwhat the mother **** **** is **** ya i did it was a sence i was ggoing to be talking an my greatest fear was alwasy well mark once said lurp and right before he said it  it landed on me and i was checking him  for the first time i said i lurp and he saidvicki dont say lurp becuse he started with dont he was at his breaking point and i just found out a second ago any fiefofee he got ****** up and almost killed and i have a question do people ypou people know get ****** up for passing seses cause i am dethly afraid i am going to pass one that sys i o i have to say the word out loud o o kay well let me try hold up i am quick well because i roll something in a row doesnt mean it hooked even though it hooked i just rolled by it dude and ya i hooked it It might be illegal on a jank undergo
Ma Cherie Nov 2016
So I hear,
just today,
in fact,

I'm not certain exactly when it was said,
a reliable source,

So, I hear that great wall,
the BIG & beautiful one
on our Southern border,
the one HE wanted to build?

The one he raged about,
& of course,
while it was always preposterous,

Anyway he says,

It can maybe be a fence,

Oh my ****.

Huh, interesting,

Well, that's not wishy washy,
At all...
solid guy, he is,
& along with all the other rapidly,
changing things,
that he was so very,
passionate about,

And given,
the absolute myriad of obstacles,
from forcing Mexico to pay,
(haha- good one)
making Mexico pay,

By the way,
do you want to work for his immigration?

Cuz' he's gonna need a bunch of new
if so,

Not to mention,
workers to survey & complete,
that ridiculous project,
the complex geological complications,
in an interesting terrain,
& the endless wordly implications,
that and so MANY other problems
we face,
far worse,
& BIGGER ones too,

check it out,
it would literally take,
FOREVER to build,
true narcissism,

he might have single-handedly stopped illegal immigration by being elected.

Mission accomplished?

Do you wanna come live in the U.S. now?

So stupid,
not REALLY funny,
still good to laugh,


This is who we elected?
were we ALL high,
on propaganda?

God help us in times of war.

Cherie Nolan © 2016
Seriously people?
Arcassin B Oct 2014
By Arcassin Burnham

I have a problem with people that don't put enough trust in me,
When I'm loyal,
When I'm steady,
Won't cheat you out of your money,
But still thinking its funny,
That I won't meet up to you expectations,
Man I'm smarter than I look,
With your sarcastic elevations,
I don't trust you either............ Da ***.
From my ep titled "17"
Reece Nov 2014
Fire questions to the sky
so many bullets rain back down
Cruelty abound by the bookstore in town
Where skagheads rob ragheads and laugh
back to broken scuttle-bug alleys and rain
the pain
I hope your age doesn't enrage you
or I hope the town doesn't become you
Burn all your Matterhorn replica symmetrical dreams
guard all bars by the backdoor sullied sweethearts
the ally of your ally is an enemy of somebody's enemy
but the enemy of that enemy is a friend of the state

Liquid LSD spilt on the raptured structures of this ***-
King city and the all encompassing simultaneous trip
is only the perception of reality we're made to endure
the title you hold is a roll of paper by the door
and we burned them all for heat when the powers that be
rolled over you and me
Donall Dempsey Oct 2018

The perfect summer's day.
The sky a postcard blue.

Hate distorted voices...faces
chanting: "STICK IT IN HIS GUTS!"

A lark ascending
throws itself against the vault of Heaven.

Only to be

**** THE *****ING *******!"

God has a sick sense
of humour to have

bayonet practice
on such a perfect day.

The world whirlpools
down the plug hole

of Corporal 'Orrible's
almighty mouth.

He hates me because I
(Pt. Dempsey D. No. 835572)

am not showing enough
hate to **** a sandbag.

Sweat trickles down my spine
vertebra by vertebra.

The sandbag ***** the blade in
and won't give it back again.

I pull it out and fall
upon my derrière.

The sandbag bleeds sand.
Mocks my efforts

which displaces the book
I have about my person.

"What's this...what's this!"
Corporal 'Orrible hisses.

"A book, Corporal!"
"I can ****** well see it's a book!"

"A poetry book, Corporal!
IN PARENTHESIS by David Jones."

" do you think I'm
thick or wot!"

"Wot, Corporal?"
"Don't you wot me sunny Jim!"

His spit
peppers my face.

"There isn't enough white space
around the words for it to be a poem!"

"That's not an accurate definition
of a poem, Corporal!"

He froths at the mouth
tears it in half...throws it over his shoulder.

"Why you impudent little pup!
*** that rifle up...up....up!"

He runs me around the training ground
three times and then three times.

Later I go back and find
only half of it.

The half I have already read.
A sheep is nibbling it.

But like the Corporal it isn't
to his taste.

Over 40 years go by and
here I am an ex-army man.

Finishing the second half of

Remembering all too well the hell of
running 'round the training ground

three times and then three times
with my rifle up above my head.

Oh the agony of bearing arms.
Remembering too never to argue

with a corporal's definition of
poetry during bayonet practice.
Jeremy Betts Feb 2024
I don't know who I think I am, but I ain't
Ain't shiit, ain't a saint, track record ain't great
I battle free will and fate over ornate quips with no stake in reality but won't vacate
I'll always acknowledge everyone that has filed a legitimate complaint
I eat nonstop, still too much on my plate
With this much weight, it's gonna break
Losses stacking at an alarming rate
Losing track of where I'm at in this debate
The one on good and evil and people that doesn't seem to translate
Breathed life into a mistake
I'm what I thought he couldn't make
But here I am
With almost nothing left at stake
Never heard the last boarding call whistle for moving on, left stranded at the departure gate
It never has before, I don't know why I thought it would wait
And being in the state of mind I'm in, my best guess for what the **** is happenin' is not elaborate
I was simply destin to be too late
Or maybe it was destiny that was early but I shouldn't fixate
'Cause either way, the screen says game over and on the board...

your a joke,
this planet is a joke
im a joke
its all a misguidance and a paradigm
which we all fight to protect
money is false
religion is false
all these wars are *******
see through my eyes
and reallise all there is is eachthyer
with poison comes clear water
and with death there comes life
unite or perish
if ss
Nicole Ormerod Jul 2015
**** **** **** **** **** **** u **** **** **** **** ***,s uuuu
what the fuuuucl
**** ****

I don't want to start something I can see the end of
we all know what's inevitable;
we all know this tunnel is going to end
we all entered it and know we must pass through it at the other end
but we don't see the end yet, humans don't worry about what we cant see,
with you I see the other end
I see the end of the tunnel and I know how ******* bright and harsh and jolting the light will be,
I'm not ready to start this with you because I know how it will end
I know I will be left blinded, hurting with a sharp pain on the right side of my head
pressure building where you used to place your hand whilst you kissed me
I can;t bare to put you in a position where you have the full power to utterly destroy me
I will bathe myself in fuel  and you will not light the match
I will sit here covered in fumes until they suffocate me
its easier to fall into a coma then burn to death
I would rather slip into nothing on my own
without it being at your beautiful hands.
rosees satin doll favorite orange hair thick clothe ciggerett on addas shiny pants accedent the whole doll little nos you would remember it peach polka a dot dress and  ya the ros the top of my hamper wicker basket and nope never remebered to rember any of that the doll part with the polka dot dress *** i trhew the ***** bend with dithces caves and wholes the holes those are my windy road holes and the ditch just got taken care of that sentences with ditche started with a long widy road the caves was in casers i could never explain how i got my words but i sewed every one of them up and i got all my papers stolen and everything else happended too wow **** so i dont know no more again but *** k wait again yep im the **** fewfiefofum low and i dont tknow vwhat the mother **** **** is **** ya i did it was a sence i was ggoing to be talking an my greatest fear was alwasy well mark once said lurp and right before he said it  it landed on me and i was checking him  for the first time i said i lurp and he saidvicki dont say lurp becuse he started with dont he was at his breaking point and i just found out a second ago any fiefofee he got ****** up and almost killed and i have a question do people ypou people know get ****** up for passing seses cause i am dethly afraid i am going to pass one that sys i o i have to say the word out loud o o kay well let me try hold up i am quick well because i roll something in a row doesnt mean it hooked even though it hooked i just rolled by it dude and ya i hooked it It might be illegal on a jank undergo
Poetic T Feb 2016
**** what was said, its what was known was a whole other story:

"Run their coming how much you got,

"I got fifteen clots left,
"How the fa-jesus is that gonna stop them,

"Improvising is the necessity of the moment,
"Now grab that gas bottle and traffic cone, hurry,

"You are one crazy ******* you know that,

He smiles and watch's as his friend plays tinkerer, he
Was called the tinker bell of improvising. Less the *******
Wings and smiles. I loved watching his thoughts as they
Always had a party trick sense of humor that played with
Those that were against us and our family. We had been
On the streets for at least for at least fifteen years running
Against those that were in this seeded state of imprisonment

"That's so messed up dude,

He laughs out loud at the thought of those playing the field.

"The streets are our weapon their sheep on our land,

Running to a secluded place darkness cleanses their view
From others prying eyes. You think there stupid enough
To fall for this ****? their is always one dopy *******.

"Here they come,

They see the funtarded plan that they left for those playing
Cat in a world of mice, but mice are smarter than others
Give credit for, "******* cat, "SSsssshhhhh,

The thugs speak to each other faces deserted in black.

"What the hell is this?
What is it? anything of importance?
"It looks like a Knock, Knock joke,
"Read it then you imbecile

"Knock, Knock,

"Who's there?

"Count to three,

Ambush is shouted around, all but two aren't caught
In what happened two moments before.

Two moments earlier

"Gas is silent but deadly,
The one that smelt it dealt it?

What the **** is that meant to mean?

As an incendiary round is fired, figures they
Momentarily see,
With gleeful smiles and a middle index finger
****** in the air by both, and unheard words spoke
"**** all yaaaa,
All are engulfed in flame, screams are heard from the
Distance running in futile acts.

"Drop and roll,

These words of panic go unheard as if swatted
They each fall like wicks. They smoulder and then
Unused ammunition upon themselves like
Fire crackers go off. like jumping beans
Their frames jump up as appendages release
from their now flaming form.

"Run for cove.........,
"O ****, he just got to in the head,
"I don't get paid enough for this Fu.....,

One slug only used impressive is a thought,
His little playful tricks never cease to amaze,
Cadavers smouldering linger as they both
Look over amazed it worked.

"Now that's what I'm talking about,

As he walks over and does a midsection ******
As the air is clouded with profanities


"What's so funny,

"Its the Karma of the situation,
"He dealt it, you smelt it in the ****,

"That's so not funny my dairy-air kills,

"Dude you got a brown stain hahaha.....,
"**** the bed or your pants,

They walk away, well one walks the other hobbles.
I hate this place so much, god dam generation prison.
"What did we ever do?
"We were born dude,
They arrive at camp to eyes happy to see both
Alive and slightly well, curious looks
Gather at his reddish brown patch,
"He smelt it,
As giggles surround and he punches him in the arm.

"I'm never going to live this down am I dude,
"This is worthy of years of puns haha...,

They see their mother, a tattoo of shameful pride
Adorning her neck, so long ago given for
A crime of hunger to feed her first born.
But their was no cautionary words, but deployed
Into this state now walls elevated a half mile high.
Did the world still exist no one knew no one
Had been dropped in nine or ten years.
This place was a whole state enclosed, the
Worst and those of minimal crimes linger in
This place to survive is the only thing and not
Lose your humanity in the process.

"Hi my little ones,
"I see the journey was not with out incidence,

"It was a pain in the **** mum,
"Well his **** not mine,

"Mum tell him to stop it,

"Young man your brother is not the **** of all jokes,
"Ok maybe for the next few years give or take,

They walk off as the gates enclosing there camp
Though rusted keep outsider not wanted
Away from the peace now claimed in the enclave.
Felix Andlar Nov 2021
I've been thinki

I really miss y



I don't care that you w

I love y
Vishal Bhojwani Apr 2013
Poem about the feelings inside either of a couple that are away from each other and the loneliness is just unbearable with *****g memories.

Can you smile the way you did as ever,
because I can’t without you.
Can you laugh the way you did as ever,
because I can’t without you.
do you able to enjoy every moment of your life,
because I am trying every way still alone allwhere.
Do sleep comes to you,
I m still unable to sleep throughout nights.
Do u miss this idiot,
my mind resists your thoughts every second.
Did your heart asks how I am,
my heart has stopped murmuring just doing pumping.

©2013 Vishal Bhojwani  
Look at more poem with some creative look in the book @
Poem of book SPARK written by Vishal Bhojwani (viZacK)
To know more about SPARK visit :
Lucky Queue Jun 2017
The boy’s hand slips into mine. The cave tunnel is dark, and wet. Not cold, or musty, or anything other than dark and wet, and still. I look down at him, and smile softly, then turn forward as we stepped into the water. Large pebbles underfoot crunch roundly over each other.
Take a breath and everything is green and clear and open. Underwater, all the even lines of an empty public school hallway hauntingly echo the muffled silence. The stairwell opens easily, and strangely so.
The landing at the top is far enough away that I nearly choke looking for it. But we make it and there’s a few feet of air and this door is harder to open. Much harder. We pour out through it, onto the matted carpeting of a library where many eyes swivel to find the disruption.
A crisp lady with cat-eye-glasses ushers the boy into a side office while barring me from entering further. She and a round, stationery man snap back and forth at each other in distress.
The boy and I are in the wrong time, it’s not the right time. ****. ****. They’re sending him back to 200 BC. And me to 2017. No. No.
No, I’m supposed to take care of him, he wasn’t even supposed to be in the cave with me. Neither of us were supposed to be that far away from the group. He isn’t old enough! This was supposed to be quick and distracting and ******* hell what do we do?
The people in the library push us back into the stairwell and it’s cold. Not the water, the color. The light fades out of it as ceiling glow-stars would, and he’s so calm HOW IS HE SO CALM?
His hand is so small in mine and I’m afraid we’ll run out of air before I figure out what to do, but we can’t do anything. We can’t. There’s nothing here. We have to go. It’s the only direction; back into the water and hope they were wrong. I don’t understand how he can trust me this much, why is he still looking up to me? We might drown.
I need to make a move, and he hands me some glowsticks. Somehow he’s found light. I’m sure my hand is unpleasant and clammy and can he feel my heartbeat through my palm? We need to go.
Big breath, into the watery shadows of stairs. There’s sand at the bottom. My hand’s on the door, pushing out. I can hear my blood. It’s open. Oh god, ***-

I’m awake
dream from last week
written out 6.29.2017
Matt Jan 2015
Are you going through a hard time?

Do you feel emptiness and pain
Like me?

It's okay
We are human beings
Here hold my hand

We will not break
We will fight on
We remain unbroken

We are poor
We are tired
We are searching
Searching for meaning
Searching for something

Oh this life
This life
Somebody should have told me
I am learning for myself
Are you seeing like me
Seeing how hard it can be?

I am more
More than just a body
I am not a materialist

We are fighting
We are fighting
We are fighting

I am fighting
I am poor
And as hard as I have studied
As much as I have studied
I still can't find a job

We are fighting
Don't stop fighting
And why do I breath heavy like this?
It must be life that weighs heavy on me

Still Still
I do not want pills
Or Sympathy
Just more hard times
Get up, get up!
We are still here
We are still Fighting
This is earth
We are strong
We will not break
We will not break

I went to college
Then I got a credential
Still no job
Still no job
Almost 30, still no job

These dollars are practically worthless!
Quantitative easing
The Fed
What a miserable institution
Printing more and more
Hyper inflation
Worthless American dollars

Let's be strong
Let's get strong
They cannot break
They will not break the iron will
The iron will
Forged in fires
Of endless hours alone
The emptiness alone alone
There was no one  
No one
Just some hope or something

Something that no one can ****
I am man!!!!!!!
This is earth!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not a super soldier
My body ages
My weak frail human body
Work out
Again and again
Again and again

Are you poor like me
Do you look for love
But you can't find it?
People can be terrible
Forget them

You are still here
Still here and still fighting
You cannot take that away

Say your name!
I am Matt
Almost 30 earth years

Come on!!!!!!!
I'm ready for more pain
More emptiness
I'm ready
I am ready
I will not break

Spinning earth spins round and round
Human bodies go up and down
It's a crazy ***
* place

I try to do what is right
To be good
I show love to people
Are you like me?

I am earth man
I am earth man
I will not fear
I do not fear

I keep the times
I keep the times
I am the keeper
Poetic T Jun 2020
You weren't vertical with your rhyme,
na brov you weren't a stand alone dime.
Throwing it in the air and landing face down,
  you now horizontal laughable like a clown.

But we ain't here to watch you blow up,
more like deflate, claiming this was a set up.
Tripping over your words like a stuttering
      F.. ***… k you... and there's ya muttering...

No one follows you, more like your wife walking
out on the embarrassment, **** blocking
you as she got an itch that wasn't seven years,
more like size matters and yours were in arrears.

Look I don't want to put you down, I want to hit
you so hard you feel it in the next life. Llease quit
cos you haven't got what it takes to spit lyrics
you have dry mouth, your words are you own critics.
Tiffany Marie Nov 2014
You you you and you
you are always in my
space and then again
in my space so go
away before the
police arrive you
better get the hell
out of here or go jump in the water and swim
Across the country to someone
Else and cheat on em like.
you did to me you *****ing
******* me life up now get out
Of mine before I cause real ****
**** means. **** fyi
PK Wakefield Apr 2014

                                                    the ****



her **** the i
Clarkia Apr 2021
like Walt Disney
You and I know each others bad sides
Let's get to know each others good sides
Just kidding I know
It'll never happen
You're too scared
And I'm too intimidating for everyone
Or maybe
I'm just not manipulatable enough
All I know is
*** the dream
I'm never getting married
I was married once
And like I said
Before I was widowed
I'll only marry once
I'm done with all 8 billion of you
You know its funny when all these years you wanted to be around with people, then suddenly, you want yourself to be secluded and isolated at the same time. You don't want attention. You even refuse the hands of those people who are reaching out for you. You of all people? You who always wanted to hang around with friends. You who always wanted to see the people you love brimming in happiness. You of all people who always reach a hand to your loved one's whenever you see them in despair.

Look how things strangely turn all this upside down. You who merely thought that everything will just go accordingly. But NO. Times change. People leave. And memories fade.

*"I want to be alone.
Secluded from the reality.
Pain? Loneliness?
Those are only excuses.
The truth is,
You want to be free.
You want to see yourself
as you,
Not worrying about
What other people might say.


There are moments
Where you want to
Turn back time.
But you CAN'T.
Reality is a sore
Where everyone is
Forced to stare
Without any option.

Cruel. Right?

It's what it can only offer.
Nothing more.
Nothing less.

***—... Ugh! Nevermind."
bluevelvet May 2017
I didn't go through
all the pain
for it to not mean
a dam thing.

This one
means i love
myself for everything
that i was told to hate.

This one
is for the way
it was easy for you
to break my heart.

This one
is because
a lyric taught me
everything good in life
even my favorite
things that are blue.

This one
is because i
root myself in
everything that i have
loved and had the chance
to touch.

It might
not be beautiful
to you,
but my body
EP Robles Mar 2020
when the heart is shattered the world turns black & cold
you either swim in the light of dust (across Rainbow-Glory)
roads or float through life & space  
   so ****ing a l one
   unless i am with you
   the walls & madness become
a nuclear-cloud of fears
when the heart is shattered
bruised-Love accents are lips
spokenWild  and the heart's
echoes are as musicSplendor
   S W I M into space
Orion hides your Face
   I'd die with you if
   Rainbow-Glory is ever
   d e s t r o y e d.

:: 03.06.2020 ::
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2022
1 + 1 = 2
or 1 + a = 1a

a bit like my idea of: unconscious spatial coordination...
and at the time time my idea of unconscious
temporal coordination, after all... given enough
time and enough space: the two seem to merge...
ergo? e = mc²
     funny that... that's "almost" like the acronym of
my legal name... eschlert = matthew x conrad squared...
i've waited for this cigarette for an entire day...
i'm disappointing my high from the nicotine rush
by jumping right into typing...
    obviously i'm meticulous since i'm not some
lazy Bukowski... and i'm not allowing myself
to cling to chicken-scratching hand-writing akin
to a Samuel  Beckett...
            Nietzsche perhaps walked a lot...
i walked a lot too... from Havering Country Park
through Hainault Forest... a nice round-up
of the Essex countryside... but that was never to be
i needed to elevated thinking to be outside
the realm of maxims... aphorisms...
i always abhorred that style of writing...
Ovid's or Horace's cascades of narrative...
   oh to hell with the theatre of Shakespeare!
      if you're going to go "big": might as well learn
from the old...
i was getting my haircut today
in between doing some landscaping
using a 55kg wacker... well... compared to
a kango... breaking up concrete...
i was spreading butter (sand) with a butter-knife
(the wacker) on butter and toast...
but my "barber" was being harsh with me...
why was she so rough?
i could feel every scratch of the blades...
she employs a girl... a Mikaela... a Mikey...
i abhor how the English shorten beautiful sounding
names into forms of ugliness...
the meaning is lost: who resembles god?
i type in what i transcript: Michkalia? 29 results
from google...
now i couple that name with... hey presto!
Michkalia kaltnacht...
that's a googlewhack...

             ich bin ein: nein... nicht übermensch...
mich?! ich bin ein: allmann!
that's what i am... i found that i had nothing
to overcome... i had to superpowers...
there was nothing to overcome...
apart from... the English gimmick of:
a jack of all trades yet a master of none...

i'm not work-shy... but i too can have bouts of
having to deflate my original energies of intent...
lie in bed for a day... experience a break
from drinking... deflate my former carousel
****** of the *****...
   but i'm not idle... like a Somali...
          i take interest in literature...
i take interest in art... in music...
    i did my science bit by studying chemistry to
a bachelor's level... now this...
crowd safety... trying to spot a Manchester Arena
bomber... frequenter of the brothel...

poetry... sure... heavy equipment tools...
the kango... the wacker...
i even managed to gallop on a horse in Poland's
pine forests... didn't break a neck...
bit a hoof...
               cinema used to be fun once...
i was a big cinema nerd once...
i used to be a big music nerd too...
    now... eh... whatever i find i keep to myself...

scientific news bores me...
    etymology is more interesting than history
per se... weird...
so why did this haircut feel like i was being scalped?!
well... she employs this poor girl that has no
technique in cutting hair... she's still on base 1
merely washing people's hair...
glasses... like... i'm thinking...
   thinking... should i invest in an aquarium...
and replace the television with it?!
i'd love to be with a woman that
would rather have an aquarium with a load
of pretty fish than own a television...
we'd drink... try other drugs and get ****** into
Poseidon's trident of eyes...

but i also know how this works...
i'm throwing away a fiction... in the hope that...
someone might experience what... i will not...
i know where i am...

i follow the tennis... pretty much all the celebrated
sports ex Europa...
     i don't follow who's richer than who...
i try to follow who's going to be the prima ballerina
at whatever ballet is being staged...

i'm not willing to overcome myself...
Nietzsche was a sickly creature... i too have had my bouts
of sickness...
    it's not hard to see... the retaliation against
the inherent nature and the lottery...
      the arguments of elevated intellect in a way
that might have salvaged his life from
the onslaught of the: Darwinists in practice...
the Nazis...
                    science observes... doesn't interfere...
well... these were the prototypes of scientists
and what happened since?
   the scientist re-emerged as an anti-scientist
in the form of the social-engineer... no?!

            we're not experiencing neo-****** trends?!
of "late"? it's such a casual term... "social-engineering"...
that's why i like the complicated constipation
of Heidegger's lingo...
        people always have "ideas"... one idea tramples
another "idea"...
   but... ha ha...
           the ****-test?! narrative...
                              the narrativ!
                       people with the supposedly "best" ideas
are usually poly-phrenic...
   try out a bilingual in the form of a schizophrenic...
or? try a schizophrenic in a bilingual form...
              these supposed "great ideas" are nibbles
readied with the impression of: so many people...
let's trickle x = 0.001  
          into y = 1000
                       and get the z = 1000000...
                     or 0.000001...
                   binary... oops...
in terms of mathematics there was either a yes or a no...
a 1 or a 0... a + or a -...
the rest? it's not mathematics... architecture...
it's geography...
                   not exactly a levelled reading ground
since... there's as many evens as there are odds...
but only 5 vowels and 21 consonants...

ha ha: 0.23809523809 concern?!
3 results...
         0.23809523809 quest5
     2 results...
ha ha...

  0.23809523809 szasz... 1 result...
Recollections of A Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy:
The Case of "Prisoner K"

so she's shaving my head like mad... i'm sort of getting
bruised and i'm starting to think...
that girl of hers' that washing the customers'
hair... she's fancying someone...
i always close my eyes and pretend to be a vampire
when sitting before a mirror
in a barber shop... or a hair salon...
                             i get asked the sort of questions
that most female hair-dressers don't ask
female customers... first-date questions...
oh... so what are you interested in?
cycling... your mother said you cycled to Southend...
oh no no... Canvey Island... just Canvey Island...
how far was that? 26miles there... 26 miles back...
you're part of any bicycle group?
no... cycling is the only passion i managed to
take from my youth and attach a 36 year old's
face to it...
            i'm not even as concrete as i am when i come
to cycling...
   how many bicycles do you own?
this Trek mounting bike...
                    cost me £500... i over-pumped the tyres...
kept ***.... i really don't have fond
memories of reading Zen & the Art of Motorcycle
Maintenance... Diaries... whatever the hell that was...
sure... it must have been a popular book...
but i read it like a chore...

   like i once said to two drinkers outside of a pub
i was evicted from via false-allegations for
throwing a pint across the floor:
Birmingham? eh? any river in Birmingham?!
well... no river... no flow...
     i.e.: coming together... glue... blah blah...

women can talk just talk their chirpy vanilla ice small
town small talk...
i get a haircut i get ******* interrogated by the
KGB... CIA... NSA... anything with a ******...
i overhear... oh man...
you better listen... women are so bored of
talking to women...
women are so bored of being polite to women...
there's no: suspense: THRILLER! OOH!
wild-money-eyes! OOH!
             this ******* gimmick is going to die a sudden
death and i know because:
oi oi... first date with... i'd love to be 18 again...
i'm 36... ooh... ****... i'm turning into an oyster...
my heart is turning into an oyster...
no no...
               time to test the mallet on some stones...

it's not a lack of focus... Good Will Hunting...
genius that and the other... but how splendorous
does love, ahem... "love" bites back...

right... because that's how the ******* soap
opera narrative stereotype goes, like... so...
a roofer... educated in chemistry...
now turned crowd safety steward at large
public events...
starts dating a girl who... washes the hair
of the clientele...
and sweeps up the "lost hair"...
without cutting it...
         it's London... there's the tube...
the boy has no driving license...
he'd rather cycle to a Walter Sickert
exhibition than take the tube...

                  we're talking banana boat "migrants"
of: *** in a woman that's merely 10 years
my junior and... i'm... ******* tired of
correcting myself on references...
no... i'm not Manhattan savvy... oh... right...
make... concession...
like that one concession i was asked
by my first girlfriend:
quote: i just want someone to sit with me
and watch the news with, on the t.v....

   sure... and i just, sort of, feel, like...
pulling my teeth out without any anaesthetic;
you want to sit and look at that?!

i actually though i'd find relief in a brothel...
**** me... no relief in the brothel!
she bailed... didn't block me... like some...
ginger... cougar... oomph...
   fair enough... i gave her boy some pointers...
drop the Spanish... take up German...
but i thought i could secure something
in the brothel... something reminiscent
of being my uncle and in the prime of youth
in the 1980s...

             ah: ha ha... yeah... maybe...
the i.q. equivalence of: system of a down?!

   my unwilligness.....
to somehow... to somehow: have to die...
that, it is..... the Thames...
is confusing... not being a Firth of the Forth...
just bite but bite:
just bite...
         petra a saxum...
         a grain of sorrow of salt alternatively
supposing "some" sand...
      ventus per gestus...

— The End —