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Liv Nov 2014
I** leave
Please know I
Loved you when I
Absolutely knew
Reality was long gone

Don't believe
In much
Since you left
Or how to cry
Really it's just too
Difficult to
Recognize your face
starting tags I suppose.
I miss you.
Poetic T Dec 2014
It wasn't Really thought through
That momEnt changed
Altogether eVer feeling
Cascaded, rEations  of
What was kNown, regret
Was stained,naGging within,
It wasn't revengE it was a foolish moment, now regret.
Revenge is never sweet it is a stain that follows for life..
Chris Killeen Oct 2013
Understanding a
Notion, of
Devotion and
Emotion, is
Really a
Essential, but
Impossible to
Maintain, this
Alternate sane,
To never be repeated,
E**nding defeated
Nina McNally Feb 2015
Time goes by so fast!!
Here and now are our moments to cherish for
Eternity! We have the chance to make a change, the

Kids won't be alright if we don't do something now.
In these precious moments of childhood, innocence, and  
Diversity, we have a chance to
Show the kids that they can make

A* difference and change the world for the better.
Right now, there are many kids who are "lost" and feeling
"Empty". They don't have anyone, but we  
Need to show them that  
They're not alone!

All these kids are our *FUTURE!

Love and caring,
Really caring, showing them that together we can be one.
In our culture, there's still so much hate
Going around that our kids will grow up
Hating people based on their skin, who they love, and so on.
Together; here and now, we can change that!!

*The Kids Will Be Okay
©2/13/2015; McNally, Inc.
title from the song by Fall Out Boy,
(also from The Offspring)
This poem is very much inspired by Fall Out Boy's The Kids Aren't Alright. :)
Nina McNally Jan 2011
Calling all lovers,
Attendtion; Please read this. Time is
Really lost. The room is spinning,
Don't forget there are other fish in the sea, just jump
In and dive for them. They should be there with
Open arms, waiting.
Love can be a magically thing--
On with the show already. Ladies & Gentlemen I welcome you,
Good Charlotte, playing their new album, "Cardiology." Forever
Y**oung in our hearts. Keep on believing.
copyright; 2010
McNally, Inc.
-inspired by GC's newest album and just remember you'll find that special someone. Just keep fishing.
Nina McNally Jan 2011
To tell the truth will
Really hurt me, but it is worth it for you to
Understand where I am coming from. So
To say I love you is not an understatement, never
Has been. I really did

Love you even if you never loved me back
I** still got all the wonderful memories.
Everyday I am happy with the chooses I made, the people I
See, and the friends I made.

So telling the truth may hurt, but so does
Everyday of trying and pretending that it didn't happen.
Caring and loving someone for a long time and then have it be over
Really can hurt and
Each day I thank god
That I am Right Where I Belong!
Speak the truth and good things will come.
copyright; 2011
McNally, Inc.
It just came to me.- From When Times Get Tough....Write Poetry
Gwendolyn Jun 2013
Am I suddenly not good enough?
Am I really that desperate?
Am I pushy and annoying?
Am I unworthy of your love?
Am I unworthy of your presence?


I am not good enough
I am really that desperate
I am pushy and annoying
I am unworthy of your love
I am unworthy of your presence

Really must you hate me?
You are too good for me
Am I unwanted?
Never will I live again
Kelly Roland Jun 2013
Couldn't wait to see what it was like
In an instant the world changed for me
Might have been a horrible idea
Just had to try it
Somewhere down the road I realized
Love is more than a feeling of comfort
Can't force it and can't ease into it
Rest assured you cant **** around with it
Partly for the sake of someone else
Really for the sake of yourself and what you know you need
J**ust don't sacrifice for what someone else needs
Àŧùl Feb 2017
Beautiful so much & she is cheerful,
Her soft & creamy blush is so lovely.
Unto her my attraction is wonderful,
My crush she is a new bubbly crush.
I** will for her be mine I'll be dutiful,
Kind she is so attractive and plush.
And I will be realistic about future.

Fulfilling my duty I will never rush,
United as friends we are going along,
Loving her through the unseen I am,
When I will be successful, I can stand.
Atul is respected by her & it's obvious,
Never promised anything improbable,
I am definitely up for working so hard.

I have found an inspiration for work.

A sunrise is imminent after this night,
Slowly will vanish this darkness,
Surely he has learned in life,
United we stand together.
Redness in your cheeks,
Especially brightens your eyes.

You will never find me gone,
Onto another attraction,
Up above the limits we'll go.

Too much expecting I won't be,
Hunting your freedom I won't be,
Atul will succeed for his parents,
Then you can join him here.

I am glad that you are the inspiration.

Well-versed with life I am now,
In an Indian angel I put my trust,
Linked deeply can be our destinies,
Land of dreams be our destination.

W** I wait for is your beautiful heart,
As for the added benefits I will get,
In my lovely but lonely life I am,
Tthrough crests I have no companion.

Far from grief I am right now,
On the cusp of beauty I relax,
Really I know my final destination.

Youthly are your ways today,
Ostensibly my love for you is seen,
Understandable is your caution.
Bhumika Fulwani, I assure you that I will wait for you.

My HP Poem #1406
©Atul Kaushal
IzaakM Oct 2014
P - opping
O - ver the top addicting
P - owerfully delicious
C - an't be beat
O - pen the bag!
R -  eally good
N - ever enough
Mrs Leslie Oct 2014
P - opping
O - utstanding
P - erfect
C - overed with butter
O - pen your mouth:-)
R - eally good
N - ever too much
Popcorn Poetry
Àŧùl May 2015
Kind & caring,
Regal & royal,
Inquisitive & interesting,
Playful & loyal,
Indian & global.

Focused on her career,
Or on her love,
Resting not till succeeding.

Dispelling her negatives,
Really loving and meaning,
Organizing her career,
ostalgia waiting for us,
A**s we become closely bonded.
My HP Poem #863
©Atul Kaushal
Nina McNally Jul 2015
Forever in my mind,
Always in my heart, you are my one and only! I love you
Very much! You're my future, and the
Only guy in my life.
Remember when we first met...
I** do and each day feels like
The first and I can't believe it's been 3 years!
Everyday I'm with you

Reminds me that good things do happens to good people.
Everybody wants a love like ours;
Caring, loving, and always having fun!
One day we'll be Mr. and Mrs. and I'm
Really looking forward to that
Day, but I can wait! I love you!
McNally, Inc.
Title from Fall Out Boy and inspiration from my fiance.
Everyone has a true love out there, and I'm lucky I found mine.
Nina McNally Oct 2015
Back to the beginning
And back to the start. Let's
Change our future and raise our
Kids right!

Time to stop robbing banks and
Others; stop being racist, sexist, or whatever

Everyone--STOP! We are the same,
All on the inside. Doesn't
Really matter the color, ***, who we love- we are all
The same-human beings-mammals-
H**ope that helps-if not, we are like M&Ms; *fighting over your favorite color only to realize they're all chocolate on the inside.
Inspired by and song title from Steve Aoki and Fall Out Boy!
I can't remember where I heard the M&M;'s comparison but it was from a celebrity.
©McNally, Inc.
Nina McNally Aug 2016
One day soon this world will
Realize that it's not worth
Dying because people don't agree.....
It doesn't matter if someone or
No one agrees with you, really it doesn't.
And having a different opinion
Really truly is what makes us unique.
Yeserday is the past and

Let's learn from
It, not repeat the same mistakes!
For centuries, we've been repeating history;
Each day that goe by is a new chance for a new beginning.

Change starts with you!
McNally|Flanders Inc.
Just a little something I wrote within a few minutes.
Title from Simple Plan.
*edit; small edit didn't see that I forgot the b in by... but you guys knew what I meant. Thank you to all who like it!!
Nina McNally Jan 2018
"Some princes don't become kings,"
That is a very interesting thought
Yesterday's just a day, live

For the now--
Rught now, "The
Only thing that's ever
Stopping me is me-I'll testify; If I die in my sleep
Then know my own life was a killer dream."
"You only get what you grieve," another great lyric--

Really this album is amazing!
One day I'll get to meet these 4 boys from Chicago,
You'll see--
And I'll have a nice talk,
Laugh, and thank them for what they do!

Mania is fantastic and a great poetic aibum!
I wonder sometimes, "seems
Like the whole **** world went and lost it's mind."
Keep dreaming, "real living, fake

Tears," keep it real-- know that
Everyone goes through bad days, "But the
Alcohol never lies."
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Inspired by Fall Out Boy and their MANIA album.
Satsuki Feb 2014
To being 18 and insecure
Every day fighting more and more
Love hurts worse every time
Losing myself in a poem's rhyme

Missing you always
Endless nights and tiresome days

Your voice echoes in my brain
Over and over, again and again
Useless feelings, my insecurities reign

Covering up my scars
And frequenting bars
Really it's not that great
E**ighteen is just ten years of misery, plus eight.
j a connor Nov 2021
P atience
U nderstanding
T olerance
I s
N on - existent

B uffoon
O r
R eally
I ncredibly
S mart

M eets
A ll
C riteria
R equired
O f
N apolean

B lasting
I nto
D emocratic
E ctoplasm
N ow

M adam
E xacts
R evenge
K eeping
E veryone
L our

T he
R esult's
U ntenable
M r
P resident
Àŧùl Jul 2017
Smart was my first girlfriend,
Open minded she was a friend.

She was my 3rd crush,
Often she would blush,
Forget I'd all the rush,
The ***** of hers was so plush.

Why I remember our third kiss,
Ended it so sweetly in a bliss,
Royal caramel chocolate I miss,
Enthralling was her soft hiss.

Her memories I remember sharply,
Exceptional was my every reply,
Really my kisses were never haply.

Lies never ever appeared among us two,
In fact she wanted me to be her Mewtwo,
Penance she was my life number two,
S*he wanted to kiss me but atwo*.
I can't help how I always rhyme my poems.

My HP Poem #1641
©Atul Kaushal
Lucas cameron Oct 2014
P-retty great
O-h my goodness this is awesome
P-eople you need to try this
C-ome on try it
O-h to bad you can't have any
R-eally you're crying?
N-ever disappointing
Gaby Comprés Aug 2014
y** ou are
o ne lovely human being and your worth is
u ndeniable and you

a re
r eally beautiful and
e xtraordinary but most of all you are

l ovable and anything but
o rdinary because you are
v aluable, more valuable than all the
e meralds and
d iamonds in the world.
Jules Feb 2014
Really, people don't want to admit it exists
Always implicit and unspoken—too horrible for words
People —won’t acknowledge it unless it slaps them in the face
              —can't deny the fact that
E*veryone flinches at the very word itself
Àŧùl Jul 2017
I* have understood
Over the last decade
That I'm unlovable
And an eternal failure

Only my parents care for me
First Gods they are for me

Truly selfless they have been
Really supportive in my life
Unwavering their commitment
They are the only permanence
H**urting them will be my sin
I may be unlovable for some people,
But for my parents I am the prime,
And I have truly realized it finally.

To hell with all those unfaithful lovers.

My HP Poem #1624
©Atul Kaushal
Marian Apr 2014
Satin fluffy fur and plumy tail
I* love you with all my heart
Like ever since the day I kept you
Violas lead an orchestra just for you
Every time I see you, you make me laugh
So you are a delightful and adorable little boy
Trust and respect is reflected in your eyes even though you're shy
Really you make me cry sometimes remembering that
Onyx was your mother and now she's gone... at least I still have you

Written for my handsome male cat, Silvestro!!! :) ~~~~<3
He is a darling little boy cat!! :) ~~~~<3
Enjoy this poem, my HP friends!!! :) ~~~~~<3
roumen Aug 2019
C hristina
H ave you ever been loved.
R eally loved before ..
I will never regret that love.
S top me if you can
T oday ,maybe timorrow..
I will love you again
N ot because I can...
A m I wrong.... not ?
Kabelo Maverick May 2019

"Truth has no temperature,
takes my breath away
Shan Coralde Oct 2015
Silly is what they call me
Happy is what I'll be
Another would be a maniac
Not knowing why I act

Awake in the evening
Losing sleep in the night
Depraved of sleeping
Really, in the dark nowhere in sight
Idealistically wanting to be cool
Alas I'm corny like a fool
N**ever say 'give up' in a battle I fight
for those who wants to know me (lol)
Nina McNally Dec 2017
"There's been a million before me,"* and
Having been in the mental health field for a while now;
Each day I'm always learning and sharing "That ultra-kind a

one that I'll "never walk away from."
And "I will shield you from the waves, If they find you."
So "I'm done with having dreams;
The thing I believe;

Oh, you drain all the fear from me."

From this moment on "I will protect you."* I'm "just

The last of a dying breed,"

Hoping more people will come out and help others.
Every day someone needs help and

Really we're all in this together. No one is alone.
Every day "I wonder if your therapist knows everything
About me."
I'm just "here in search of your glory."
Love is all we need!

One day, we'll see that mental health is okay,
Not something to be feared.
Enjoy life for what it is and
So much greatest will come to you!

                                                           ­                        *STAY STRONG!
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
wrote this as I was staring at the lyrics to this song from Fall Out Boy.
When I first heard this song I always had a special feeling to this song and it's one my favorite songs! Plus mental health is super important and we aren't alone, there's always someone to talk too, a teacher, a friend, family, or therapist. Just find someone and don't let go of them. Stay Strong, you are loved!
Kathy Dehaven Mar 2016
I was the                                                        I waS the
                                                            Child of thE
                                                           ­     Most weLl known
                                                           ­            ActrEss of all
                                                             ­                 Nobody would predict
                                                         ­                 ThAt a child
                                                                ­       Would die so
Girl with a
RocKstar boyfriend.

  I hAd the look.
       Really I had
It all. Until one
daY I lost every-
Mollee Nelson Aug 2015
Have you ever looked into the sky and thought your not the only one.
Utterly impossible for you to be alone in the universe right?
Maybe something is out there, but we can't see it.
Another life. Another thing
Nothings impossible right?
Something so different from us but yet exactly the same?

And what if we find out there is something out there.
Really. Something that would astonish us to our last breath.
Everything would change. Right?

Absolute shock would take this planet and crush it.
Lives would go on with fear of invasion.
Is it fair for us to do the same? To go and change the way things are.
Eventually we would have to be ok. We would just forget.
Notorious known, we would be unfavorable, we would be aliens.
S**tep out of the blindness you're in, and see them around you.
Destiny Nov 2019
Where do I begin?
I've managed to be in "ReCoVeRy" for a while now.
I think. . .









- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I was told that recovery meant progress, when really is just means I'm weak!

I was told that things would get better, when really they just s-e-e-m better!

I was told to just have faith, even if it meant insanity!

I was told to smile, which really just hurts at this point!

I was told to hang on, but my palms are getting sweaty and I'm about to fall!

I was told to pray, but GOD CAN YOU HEAR ME!
don't want to do this any more
nd I am sick of falling asleep in class
ore times I think about doing other things
rying to do the best I can
want to give up but I cant
eally pushing myself day and night
verything that I do I feel like it is not enough
ealing with what is going on in my life still learning how to deal with it

— The End —