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Jul 2017 · 1.1k
Mikkel Mathiesen Jul 2017
Remove my hands from my throat
Let me escape the white inevitable screen
Red upon blue wires strangles me
Everyone else is already dead
The white light ate them
Split and obsessed with confirmation
Impatient to get recognized
Indistinguishable personalities judged by each other
Because a heart per day keeps the Reaper away
And hungry they wander the masses
Brainless and forever starving
Dissolving in their own expectations
Layer upon layer they change, though, never evolve
Eternally forgotten in themselves

Who are they?
Everyone alike
Who am I?
I fear; everyone alike
Social Media
Mikkel Mathiesen Aug 2016
Death is never painless nor serene for every soul.
Someone will always fall short in the game of the dead.
Either the man taking the last breath or a man who has many left.

We never know anything other than the certainty; what is dead will forever remain.
Jul 2016 · 600
God Complex
Mikkel Mathiesen Jul 2016
There are wolves in the forest
I'm the moon to which they howl

Thousands of stars ******
I'm the black sky in which they lie

Leaves fall from the trees
I'm the wind which carries them

Branches crack and plunges
I'm the sound of devastation

Saplings grow and evolve
I'm the light which guides them

Shrooms chatter and wonder
I'm the mellow forest bed

Trees stand as giants
I'm the solid ground of rock and soil

I am Everything
Jul 2016 · 1.1k
Mikkel Mathiesen Jul 2016
The world is made of ****
and I'm a joker to the story
Gone in a moment of bliss
because I didn't seek glory
-- bore me

"It's a new day tomorrow",
they say ignorant and hollow
"Seek your dreams and a great life will follow"
however the flaming lord is still waiting below
-- drag me to the galow

A smile turned to a frown,
I'm sorry to let you down
But gone is my clown
and now begins my countdown

Brown town bring me the crown
Make me king of **** and let Minaj be the next centuries hit,
flick her *** while we drown in spit from Trump the Dump, a camel has two lumps
-- ****

Burn me and put me in an urn
All we want is money to earn
When will we learn that happiness should be our biggest concern?

Happiness: Hidden in society and locked away in plastic, happiness is free but requires a key
-- fantastic
All the while probably as fake as the *** of the Kardashian, and just as far fetched as the marsian

We say we are all a part of the innocent
but then who are we to blame for the mess we make?
Jun 2016 · 616
Er jeg død?
Mikkel Mathiesen Jun 2016
Konstance konstance,
mit hoved ligger i trance
Mister grebet om livets balance,
savner de sidste dages nuance

For Djævlen er så småt,
ved at danse i blåt
Flammernes varme er blot,
falske i enden af livets plot

Vi rejser os for senere at falde,
dog forbliver hanens gjalde
En ny dag vil kalde,
Den må andre dog bifalde

Jeg bladre til den sidste side,
og lader andre leve og blive
I det grønne æble jeg bide,
ikke længere er jeg i live

Træets immortale grønhed,
maler over min dødelighed
Broderen græder sin sidste afsked,
nu ved Gud endelig besked
Sep 2015 · 581
Mikkel Mathiesen Sep 2015
Society makes me wonder.
Is the Devil dancing in blue?
Aug 2015 · 765
Mikkel Mathiesen Aug 2015
Everyone always says that the other side is greener.
But sometimes the green is neon,
and how real is neon?
Sep 2014 · 664
Strange Times
Mikkel Mathiesen Sep 2014
We live in a time where
poverty and killing is a reality.
We need to be square
that this is real brutality.

Though all that crosses our lips
are the celebrities and their flaws
"Did Brad Pitt really eat fish'n chips?"
Folk's, we need to put this at a pause!

We need to take a breath
and come back to sense!
Because too much ends in death
since all we do is putting it in suspense.

Its like no one can figure out how to use their ears.
**** it.. I'm outta here, cheers!
Sep 2014 · 647
Mikkel Mathiesen Sep 2014
When you live long enough. When you have encompassed the world.
You will start learning that it's not you, who makes up yourself.

But a sum of everything around you.
Sep 2014 · 321
*ten word*
Mikkel Mathiesen Sep 2014
Life is like a drum
you should keep beating on.
Sep 2014 · 332
Life be like
Mikkel Mathiesen Sep 2014
Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Monday.
Sep 2014 · 893
Addition and Subtraction
Mikkel Mathiesen Sep 2014
Is the edge of the cliff
the time of your death?
Or the realities sudden wiff
of: "this is not your final breath".

Are the falling skies
tumbling over your head?
Or your happy moments in disguise,
from the tragic ending in red.

The conception of lives subtractions and additions
is the everlasting question to find lives prohobitions
Sep 2014 · 780
Attack or release
Mikkel Mathiesen Sep 2014
The everlasting choice;
Should you taste an attack
or listen to the subtle voice
"Maybe I should fall back?"

Forgiveness and delight
often go hand in hand
Though it can quickly turn and bite
and then it's forever banned

The forever perplexity
of attack and release
Is the real complexity.
Sep 2014 · 1.9k
The power of a confirmation.
Mikkel Mathiesen Sep 2014
Am I in her mind?
Or am I just for her - the blind?

Is she laughing at me?
Or can she agree to laugh as a we?

How much do I mean in her world?
Am I the one who, around her finger can be curled?

The acceptance from her is vital
As the Pope's mighty title

The confirmation of interest is all
Be my guest and don't leave me to crawl

Be my guest to love me and don't let me fall.
Sep 2014 · 318
Mikkel Mathiesen Sep 2014
Crocodiles have one goal
To eat and survive

People have one goal
To live and make money

Who is the most reasonable?
Sep 2014 · 279
Mikkel Mathiesen Sep 2014
Keys are the secret to life
So why not learn picking them?
Because you can't cheat the sharp knife
And you won't get the life's gem

Who care?
The one who breaths the air
Of our choice of living
and our choice of giving

The value of life is not measured in fiction but reality.
Sep 2014 · 8.5k
Mikkel Mathiesen Sep 2014
In you breath life
Out you breath death
You dream about kids and wife
But all you get is one last breath

— The End —