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Mark Wanless Nov 2017
"A Scene"

A Man    Long have I sought answers
                Yet now, seeing her, I stand mute.
                What glories, what honors shall be mine
                When I ask of the Goddess Future
                And She tells me what lies ahead.
Future    Ask of me what you will
                It is mine to answer plainly.
Man       Future, what shall be my greatest glory
               In times to come?
Fut         Happiness is the greatest treasure
              And is sought by all
               Through many and various means.
               Happiness may be a part of all futures.
Man         Yes, 'tis true
                Happiness is a worthy crown.
                How shall I find my happiness?
                Through wealth, fame, power?
                If this glory is to be mine
                From whence shall it come?
Fut         From love. True happiness
                Comes only through love.
                Not love of money
                Or of clattering applause
                Nor love of deeds greatly done
                Or wars bravely fought
                But simple love.
                To love oneself
                Freely, and daily, and imperfectly
                As in all the affairs of man
                This brings the greatest of all treasures
Man         Love? Love??
                My greatest glory in all my days
                Shall come through love?!
                By the power that has put us here
                In this darksome void of emptiness
                You are bound to answer all
                And answer plain!
                Yet you stand before me
                Spouting riddles and ancient stories
                Told to fresh weaned children.
                Tell me! Tell me true! Tell me plain!!
                Where and how and when
                Shall I find happiness!!?
Fut         I tell you true and I tell you plain
                As I have always done
                And never were these words hidden
                From anyone's heart.
                They have been lying amongst your feet
                Crowding you and tripping you
                As you travel your daily lives.
                Yet you kick them aside
                Daring not to look down
                Through fear of being devoured
                By life's pains while caring
                Or lest some vain comfort of man
                Pass you by.
                Truly I say
                The ones who find happiness
                Are those open to change.
                For all mankind yearns
                For the missing part
                And accepts what is before them
                To fill the emptiness.
                But only those who recognize
                The ill-fitting lies of
                Worldly miss-pleasures
                And frail human vanities
                Only they are free to continue the search
                And eventually gain, happiness.
Man         Words, hollow words.
                Long have I lived.
                Many are my tales
                Of wearisome toil and effort
                And again all that is found
                Are simple words.
                You, Future
                Who's power it is to know
                The fates of all men
                Answer me with uncertainties.
                Go, go back to where you came from
                Leave me alone.
                I shall rest,
                And tend to my pains and sorrows.
Fut         NO!! There are no uncertainties
                Or riddles in my speech.
                Only to those who love themselves
                And others
                Is given the boon of happiness.
                You, who's ears are small
                And filled with worldly echoes
                Distorting all,
                You stand before a Goddess
                And dismiss Her words
                Rather than admit your error.
                And yet,
                It is the honor and privilege
                Of all free willed man to do so.
                Therefore I shall be silent,
                And leave you,
                At your own bidding.
Mark Wanless Aug 2016
As close as our bones
And as difficult to see
Self knowledge brings cease
To the pain
Unnecessary everywhere
Condition of heart
that is why it is difficult
Mark Wanless Aug 2016
God, give me the strength to get down on my knees
        Give me the strength to accept my disease
        Give me the strength to surrender my ways
And to know I need fellowship for the rest of my days.

        Give me the strength to continue to live
        Give me the strength to know You forgive
        Give me the strength to approve of myself
And to reach out to others for comfort and help.

        Give me the strength to live with life's pains
        Give me the strength to work for my gains
        Give me the strength to know I'm not less
And to give up my efforts to be better than best.

        Give me the strength to share what I have
        Give me the strength to play and to laugh
        Give me the strength to live in each day
And to listen to others and hear what they say.

        Give me the strength to cry and be sad
        Give me the strength to smile and be glad
        Give me the strength to know I have worth
And to know its an attribute of everyone on earth.
sometimes God is small g or big G               you choose
Mark Wanless Dec 2017
"A Sun"

What would you like
To be
When you grow

A sun
Mark Wanless Sep 2016
The thoughts of loved ones float
         across the mind, happily.
Emotions stir, sweet and pure
         and yield a soothing, reverie.

Often may we stop and muse
         of joyful moments, dreamily.
When we but exercise our will
         and make the effort, consciously.
Mark Wanless Aug 2016
A wisp of dream surrounds me
Is me moves me to act in accordance
With practiced artful touch i flesh the scene
Insphered and drape the world mutable
In self flattering robes and ego's crown
Centered i stand triumphant unbending
Unheedful of the dim murmurs mewling
From the lips of those other actor beings
Crowding the majestic idcreated stage enfolded
No touch is but permitted of my will
No reach is but the servant of the task
Vast i am the full cosmic volume of what is
Omniscient immortal god immaculate until
Another wisp of dream surrounds me
Mark Wanless Aug 2016
A wonderful life is not coherent
No linear course can span the all
From 20 till now, a course unimaginable
Yet hear we are, compassion trying to express itself
        despite the illusions.
Forgiveness is not a lie, to stop is to stop
Therefore it has stopped, a comfort of feeling.
The journey is my road, traveled by me, and
Everyone else in the space/time/mind continuum.
I am the sole owner of love, as i am the sole owner
        of fingernails.
Mark Wanless Aug 2016
Defensive barriers
         may bestow
         bitter *******
burdensome byroads.

Defensive barriers
         can be
beneficial birthrights
bodyguards, buttressing
         by love.
what are words worth,,,,,, what you say they do
Mark Wanless Nov 2017
"Bad God"

Addicted to strain and turmoil we ****
All chance of happiness to feel a thrill
Juicing the brain momentarily the
All in all of here and now no room left
For peace or compassion to arise so
Why do we feel surprise at their lack of
Existence and cry tears to whatever
God inhabits us to please please give me
Give me something i want but do not make it
Difficult for then you must be a bad god
And i will not be your friend any more
Mark Wanless Feb 2022
dog in the window
thrown there by an angry man
blood dripping down still
Mark Wanless Jul 2020
can you see the dog in the window
thrown there by an angry man
blood dripping down
Mark Wanless Apr 2018

been to the sliver
been to the arrow
been to the place
don't want to be

call it tuesday
call it friday
call it the place
don't want to be

where you going big adult
what you choose  if and but
past is future   future past
call me angel   devil is past

don't know where   the time is
just a trick of mind
been to never   been to heaven
hell i've often seen

just a trick of mind

just a trick of mind
just a trick of mind
Mark Wanless Aug 2016
a dog bit me

           i cried for thirty years
metaphor dah
Mark Wanless Sep 2022
big is the mind of all
travel the road what else
foam from the ocean is life
mystery is just ignorance
Mark Wanless Apr 2018

the birds
    do not move
Mark Wanless Aug 2016
I think of myself as one
But bits and pieces form me
Physically, emotionally, and spiritually
I am a grouping of known
And unknown ingredients
Mixed together with known
And unknown laws
Possessing known
And unknown attributes
Thinking known
And unknown thoughts
know and unknown    whats the differenceb
Mark Wanless Aug 2016
A sweetly flowing melody
        stirs my heart.
From afar do I listen
        muse, and admire.
Daring not to interfere
        lest I bring discord.
Mark Wanless Jan 2024
the blankness calls i
hear and see and imagine
many things not real
Mark Wanless Jan 2022
can you hear the voices
shouting out of nowhere
always saying live or die

don't listen to the others
walking on forever
blindly till they fall
Mark Wanless Jan 2024
peepers close i see
dark i string the bow let fly
i hear dying sounds
Mark Wanless Sep 2016
A blurring idiot frame of mind i've been
A brain reflexive
reality 101
Mark Wanless Aug 2016
she hated me because
i left her naked
with a bunch of *******
syllables   6 5 6
Mark Wanless Oct 2023
this song will tell the count of bones sleeping

what call to arms does break the peace again

there is no cause but willfull mind unfolding

blades to human throats just us again

greed calls to all and is heard by many

loudly no place other than ego bliss

i speak amid the stars in my own meaning

no source of war but loving kiss
Mark Wanless Sep 2019
the song will tell the count of bones sleeping
what call to arms doth break the peace again
there is no cause but willful thought holding
blade to human throat but for blind swollen
greed calls to all and is heard by many
loudly no place other than ego bliss
i speak amid the stars in my own way
not vaulted source of truth but comely kiss
that whispers out to total mind you me
crawling spec on battlefield woeful sees
world of blood and yearns soft to speak of free
Mark Wanless Aug 2023
drunkeness echoes
soft air breathed in again
and i want nothing
Mark Wanless Jun 2023
a mother in her heart
of days of love

and falls to this time of
of here and now
Mark Wanless Aug 2016
Break the mold not your mind
Two different things really so close
Their breathing together
What is which you choose
No others job
Suffer/suffer      experience/suffer
Learn and live
Don't learn and live
Feel cause and effect
Yearn and seek
Stop yearning and be
One grain of sand
Precious universal jewel
All in all yin yang
Together rhythm creating
You perceive my excretions
I perceive your excretions
Thought volumes cosmos particles
Karma freedom
Top bottom side side
****** physical something moves
Light dancing
Body slow
X-ray fast
Rock solid
Think thought thunk kerplunk
Think thought thunk kerplunk
Mark Wanless Jun 2016
We do not breathe a moment unloved
Though pain unjust
The most fearful kind
Swallows us whole
Torso and soul
Cognition and mind
This human realm
Heaven and hell together
Joined at the root
Ignorance a mountain walked upon
( we not looking down )
Anger desire burning the house
Bewilders blinds defends and
Shrouds the truth now
Is not the end ultimate
Manifestation of
Perceptivity we
But ancestors of those to be
Who shall see upright in spirit
Forebears dreaming
They are the highest form
A dazzling appearance i agree
Yet so far to go
The best is not we
Evolve a bit more i think
Mark Wanless Sep 2016
A brighter hue of rainbow
       Effervescent tune
Compassion builds a sentient
       World        worth living in
Mark Wanless Aug 2019
he came upon my
    meek night yearly
told no one
Mark Wanless Sep 2016
No afflictive yearnings but joy
       moves a finger to compassion
Mind's miracle ever valid
       overlooked a thrilling for.
Mark Wanless May 2016
The lesser of a thousand
Evils at this time
The toiling masses here in this
US are stepped upon and cheated
By the rich not quit so ghastly
As in other realms of universe
On earth the slowly dwindling moving
Faster to the order out of chaos
That may splatter fall and crush the lives
And hopes of billions to their grave
With bleating hearts though all are
Godly holy plus a bit of self
Contaminate which may be
Quickly freely dropped at any time
Or so i'm told by seated teaching
Buddha man now dead
Now dead now dead but
Relatively speaking truth
He never was cuz we are he and she
But just don't know it yet
So all in all with all
The love misuse and thieving lying
****** **** torture hatred
Anger depression prejudice drugs
Denial fear kidnapping of kids
Illness road rage and suicide
That define our red and white and blue daze
There also gleams a glimmer
Of compassion in the source of
Every being self-imputed
Which will blossom at some moment
I am very truly certain
But when?
society compassion u.s. buddha
Mark Wanless Aug 2016
Calmly viewing
celestial wonders
can circumcise
cognitive dregs
sometimes curing
melancholy cynicism
Mark Wanless May 2018

called a lecture
   at the coffee shop
no one showed
   but me and my cup
proclaimed to the walls
   my fantasies of words
no one denied
   my ignorance
but i heard an echo
   speaking softly
the coffee machine
   gurgling softly
and i fell in love
Mark Wanless Aug 2016
What madness may come    
What madness of delicate errors
What madness of pith throbbing
To the chord
Umbilical to the sea madness
Legendary feared sought addiction drug
Of life madness
Of heroes of hope of mind of kind
Of dirt of stars of see of blind
To God to god to man to woman
To child to care to worry to near
To live to die to save to fly
For money for joy for pride for boy
For girl for gold for past foretold
For madness called love never dies
Mark Wanless Dec 2017
"C and L"

Compassion is not        divine
unless we are all    divine
Love is not                      god
unless we are all    god
Mark Wanless Jan 2022
thought a half and
   did a half and
      dreamed a half again

worked until the sun
   was set slumped home
      in the dark

can there be a lesson learned
   in a hundred years
want to go to heaven but
   the devil owns my fears

in the future i am
   blessed blessed as
      man can be

walking to the childrens
   park my daughters
      hand in mine

went to work with
   my true mates
      good days sweat again

can there be a lesson learned
   in a hundred years
want to go to heaven but
   the devil owns my fears
Mark Wanless Aug 2016
the earth presses upward to my feet
my joints align to the core
gravity on bones caress of the way of flesh
soft breeze in long beard such a powerful kiss
a moment transformed by thought
Mark Wanless Apr 2018

caught you in a moment of openness
you said you love me
to late,  can't take it back
what are we going to do now :)
Mark Wanless Jan 2022
change 18/9/3

the little child
in the tiny bed
went to sleep one night
and dreamed

of a magic kingdom
"here you are now"
said the unicorn
"why did you come now"

and the child said
"i wanted to see what was beyond"
"beyond what" said the unicorn
"beyond what i see" the child said

a large bear then entered the circle
"there are always things beyond what you can see
little child who can tell the future
good night and sleep well my child peace "

"brother bear where does change arrive from
but the place beyond the known "
said the little child in her dream
Mark Wanless Aug 2016
My feet are connected to the earth
When i hit you with my right hand
    the small toe on my left foot hurts
Pain is a part of life, misery is optional
Time is variable for everyone, no trick
Reflex from a thousand years ago manifests
Intention from a thousand years ago manifests
If i execute the most perfect punch
     it can knock me out,     no problem.
truth is not what you think, no problem
Mark Wanless Oct 2019
my muse is me
what a ******
no place to go
but inward
lucky i am
a chimera
Mark Wanless Aug 2016
My heart was broken, crushed and torn
By a cherished ******'s vengeful scorn.
I trusted none to share the strain
Alone I sought to heal the pain.
With grief born logic I chose that day
To lock my wounded heart away.
To keep if hid from spiteful lies
To keep it safe from sadistic eye.
Mark Wanless Sep 2016
Choices have come to us
Vital, alarming, deadly, painful.
It is time! It is time!!
To choose the new way
With free will and foresight
And love holding together
The one race which exists.
Mark Wanless Nov 2020
i understand
more than i do
sometimes i do not understand
what i choose not to
Mark Wanless Nov 2017
"Clamorous Tumult"

We often form a clamorous tumult
Within. Not illusion, but a chosen
Mutable reality. We are caught
Amid our own theater, acting frozen
Dead parts, with anguished hearts and shame laden
Souls, a lifeless script of mimicked lines. What
Paths to freedom we may find, if any,
Are ours to seek. No mindless slaves are we
To this world's pendulunt course. Though many
Flee their task as co-creator to be
Bound in various roles, all are truly
Aspects of the whole, which is our Light, to see.
Mark Wanless Nov 2017
"Clear Thinking"

Voices disturb my voice.
My voice changes to anger.
I blame the other voices.
My voice knows better
But its a human voice.
A voice that must be loved
As it is. For only then
May voice change voice,
So as to kindlier deal with,
The other voices.
Mark Wanless Nov 2017

Grating perceptions hammer spark
       The soul to bustion.
Natural flames sear thought flesh.
       Sentient fear
Boils consciousness to clinging
       Intensity and i, one.
"thought "flesh #intensity #one
Mark Wanless Sep 2016
Grating perceptions hammer spark
       The soul to bustion.
Natural flames sear thought flesh.
       Sentient fear
Boils consciousness to clinging
       Intensity and i, one.
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