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256 · Oct 2018
don't hurt me
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i find myself letting you in
and seeing pieces of me i've never shown anyone
please don't take that for granted
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
all i want is for you to be happy all the time.
255 · Oct 2018
but not me
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i see so many hands held
and so many lips kissed
so many bodies pulled close
and so many i love you's said
but it's not me
i'm not the person they are with
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
i just wish we were waking up together and staying in bed all day.
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
baby, i love you with everything i am, all i ever was, and all i ever will be.
253 · Jan 2019
lovelywildflower Jan 2019
i feel disconnected from my own body
i look down
and i know this is my anatomy
it's mine
so why do i feel like it's not?
it's like someone put my thoughts in a different body
and i'm lost
i don't know where i am
where am i?
please find me
253 · Nov 2018
haiku: fight
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i don't want to fight
just do whatever you want
i don't need this pain

253 · Nov 2018
numbing the pain
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i wonder if you ever drank
because you missed me

a poem i wrote awhile ago
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
i wish i could wipe away your tears when you don't feel alright.
252 · Oct 2018
take a chance
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i know we are not close
we are pretty far apart
but that doesn't mean we can't fall in love
i know you already told me your answer
and i understand completely
but if you are so sincere about wishing you were here
then could you maybe just take a chance on me?
because one day we might be close
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i knew you existed before you knew i existed and from the very moment i knew, i was already drawn to you somehow and i did not understand that at all. but now i do.
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
without you, my life is dark and lonely. but with you, i'm so full of life and happiness.
lovelywildflower Sep 2019
i don't know if you've noticed but i'm totally in love with you.
lovelywildflower Sep 2019
my love for you is indescribable. i cannot put it into words.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
nothing will ever be better than being with you.
245 · Oct 2018
you're lovely
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i'm sitting here crying after reading your words
no one has ever said something like that to me before
no one has ever cared as much as you do
everyone just always leaves me feeling so blue
i haven't felt beautiful in the longest time
you are so lovely, you make me want to rhyme
and now, because of you, my heart is starting to feel again
and i think i'm finally starting to see some light ahead
i'm sorry this poem isn't the greatest of mine
you deserve something of a heavenly design
but you made me so speechless, i can't even write
and darling, you just made my life a little more bright
244 · Oct 2018
battles on repeat
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i can't seem to sleep
your touch lingers on my thoughts
you're always on my mind
collecting all the dust
cleaning out all the bad stuff
it's moving day for us
we've been turning this into something good
if that's really the truth, why am i up so long -
my eyelids like weights
my body like quicksand,
stuck in this place called "you" -
thinking about us and how it could all be so wrong
"never date your ex"
isn't that what they say?
i always tell myself that so why can't i stay away?
i'm stuck in this tidal wave
you're pulling me in
pulling me in
i'm afraid i might be pulled under again, you see
i do not want to drown again
not again
not because of you
honey, if you're going to stay, please just stay for good
why tear down my walls again like you're just chopping up wood
with an ax
right where it hurts the most
and the scary thing is, if you left, it probably wouldn't hurt
it's just a battle on repeat
the same wound again, i'm numb
you can't hurt me anymore
so if you're going to hurt me, just do it
that way, i wouldn't have to peek around every corner
wondering if it's the end of us
244 · Nov 2018
in love
lovelywildflower Nov 2018

244 · Oct 2018
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i loved you more than i loved myself
so when you left
i was completely shattered
and didn't know what to do
or how to keep breathing
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
i look at images of you and wonder how it would feel to hold you in my arms or kiss those lips.
242 · Nov 2018
the way i feel
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
je t'aime tellement et je veux être avec toi pour tonjours.
Je pourrais continuer encore et encore et vous dire ce que je ressens,
mais ce poème serait trop long à lire du début à la fin.
sachez simplement que je vous aime plus que tout et que j'aimerais qu'il y ait suffisamment de mots dans l'univers pour vous un dire plus.

i just felt like writing in french
240 · Oct 2018
maybe i need a break
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
my words are not as good as they used to be
all thoughtfulness and creativity gone
i can't even think of poetry at all
i'm trying to impress
i'm trying to do my best
but it seems like my mind is so dull
my energy is gone
my enthusiasm drained
my creativity burned out
it took everything to even write this
i'm gone
who am i?
i don't even know anymore
i don't feel alive
i don't even exist
i feel like i will never come out of this
i'll be fine
i always am
but i think i need a break
239 · Oct 2018
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i wish i had something to write about
some trauma i experienced
or some injury i endured
or some great adventure
but no
i'm just plain me
no interesting stories inside of me
i'm no library
239 · Oct 2018
into the sunset
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
that girl
she stood there
for hours
on the sandy beach
the waves meeting her toes
her outstretched arms
begged to be free
a bottle full of suicide notes
prescribed by the doctor with love
she popped them into her mouth
one by one
tiny time capsules travel to her brain
and she tilted her head
up to the sky
and said, "take away the pain"
she collapsed sometime later
at the same moment the sun hit the water
and they both died
to turn into something brighter
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
i remember when i used to pray to god and i asked him to bring the right people into my life. i have always chosen wrong. and then you showed up. and i believe that this time, i chose the right person.
237 · Oct 2018
i'm okay
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
how are you?
i'm not good
i'm terrible
but i can't say that, can i?
so i guess i'll just say i'm okay
237 · Nov 2018
my purpose
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i'd kiss every part of you
and leave my mark on the world
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i was lying on the floor in front of my grandma's fireplace, eyes closed. i felt so safe and peaceful. the warmth from the burning fire finding a home inside my reddened cheeks. i had a longing in my heart to do the same, to find a home in you. my heart was aching and still is. but it's okay because it's just proof that i love you so much. and it's okay because my mind was memorizing every note you played and every word that came from your mouth to form a song. and i was laying there wondering how the hell you love me. what did i do right in this world to deserve you? i mean, all i am is a mess. there is a raging storm inside of me but i think you're the eye of this hurricane. and with you, i feel so safe and peaceful. the fire whispered to me and told me i was going to lose its warmth but not to worry, because i would be gaining yours very soon. it told me to let go and welcome you in. and i will do just that.
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
despite every word you say to me, i am still so afraid of losing you
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i'm just sitting back
pretending you don't exist
but i'm listening to every word you say
why are you such an ******* to everyone?
and why did i ever love you in the first place?
why did i think we would ever last?
i hope you know
i'm much happier now
i don't care about you anymore
i hope one day you get what you deserve
and i hope one day you see what you lost

to an ex boyfriend
235 · Oct 2018
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i'm a sunflower, a little funny
if i were a rose, maybe you'd want me
from the movie Sierra Burgess is a Loser
234 · Oct 2018
i'm strong enough
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i'll turn my heart into stone
and burn my lungs with cigarette smoke
i'll be tough
i'll perform exorcisms on my thoughts
i'll stand here
but i'll still be breathing
watch me
234 · Nov 2018
haiku: broken
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
crying in my class
i don't want to be alive
oh god please help me

234 · Nov 2018
never forget
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
you had to go
and you looked so sad
it broke my heart
tears formed in my eyes
because you told me
your life is ****** there
and i just want to
pick you up off the ground
kiss all your broken pieces
and heal them with my love
i want to make you happy
i want to give you
the best life i can possibly give you
i want to start our life together
and it will be so amazing
i know the distance *****
but it will be so worth it in the end
and i want you to always remember
i'm with you
no matter where you are
i'm right there with you
i want to hold your hand through all this
and help you through it
i want to love all of you
i want you
i need you
i love you so ******* much
never forget that
234 · Oct 2018
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i know deep down i want you so
dancing around the early hours of the morning, hand in hand
softly, slowly falling in love with you
233 · Nov 2018
dreams come true
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i've been having good dreams of you every night
i hope you know i want to make them into reality

232 · Nov 2018
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i don't usually wear socks just while i'm at home
but if i do
treat me with care
because it means i'm really hurting
what i mean is
i don't self-harm in places you would guess
it would be too noticeable
people check your arms
your thighs
your stomach
but who would guess to check your ankles?
i don't usually wear socks
but when i do
it means i'm really hurting
it means i'm hiding something from you
and perhaps i'm hiding something right now
why else would i be writing a poem about this?

232 · Nov 2018
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
sometimes waves of sadness wash over you
for just no **** reason at all
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
I have wanted to show you my poetry ever since the day you asked me what I like to do in my free time
I told you I write poems and songs
And I want to show you what I feel inside
The things that hurt me
The things that make me cry
The things that make me happy
I have never been good at opening up
I'm not good at talking
Ask me what's wrong and I freeze
But ask me to write a poem about it
And you will see all the things that are breaking me
I do not know if I want to open up to you yet
You still have the ability to leave
I guess you always do
But it will hurt much more than if you didn't know me
I'm still trying to decide
I want you to know me but I'm scared
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
you know how to make such a bad day into something so much better.
229 · Oct 2018
you don't even know me yet
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i just met you
and even you don't want to talk to me
228 · Oct 2018
would you?
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
would you still think i'm beautiful
if you saw the scars on my arms?
would you still think i'm beautiful
if you knew my dark past?
would you still think i'm beautiful
if i was just a dim and lonely star?
would you still think i'm beautiful
if i was just a lonely outcast?
228 · Nov 2018
that kind of love
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i've always wanted that kind of love
where they stare at you laughing
because they love seeing you happy
the kind where they make you smile
to the point where you can't stop
the kind where they tell you
that you are beautiful
because you are to them
even if you don't see it yourself
the kind where they want to share every piece of them
so they write you poetry and create art about you
to prove how much they are in love with your everything
the kind where they love everything about you
and they tell you that all the time
just to remind you
the kind where they tell you they are thinking of you
just to let you know
they give you pieces of the future they want
and it fills your chest with longing
for that life
and i want it, baby
i want all of you
every single thing that makes you who you are
i want everything
the good and the bad side of you
the fighting, the arguing, the making up after
little kids and a house where we live forever
waking up beside you and falling asleep in your arms
walks in the park, going out on dates, and you singing songs
everything, baby, i want everything
i've never felt this feeling
i want you
i need you
and there are people who will be against us
and people who will try to tear us apart
and i've told people so many times
that i would wait for their hand to hold
but never kept those promises
i'm not proud, baby. i'm not proud.
but that was before i knew what love was
and now i know that i love you
and i promise with all my heart
that i will wait and be patient for you
i do not want anyone else
i want you. only you. my one and only.
and if i get into a lot of trouble loving you
then i will smile all the way through
and i will never let go
because you are so worth it, baby
you are worth everything
and for you, i would give up my soul
i would die to save you
i would give up my life to make you happy
i would do anything for you
i hope you understand
that if we are torn apart by people who don't like us
that i will wait for you
and think of you
and never love anyone else again
and one day, i will find you
but we don't need to worry about that
until it happens and it won't
i love you with all my heart, with everything in me
and i think we're meant to be
i will not back down without a fight
and i will fight until my last breath
because i love you
and there's still so much more i want to say
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
we've only been together for 10 days but it feels like it's been forever
227 · Oct 2018
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i can already feel your lips against mine
and let me tell you
we will create art every time we touch
225 · Oct 2018
don't blame me
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i want to try everything that's bad for me
including you
225 · Nov 2018
what did i do?
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
what the hell did i ever do?
what is so wrong with me?
i think all my pain started because of you
i'm so happy without you
i'm so happy when i'm not plagued with your words
you told me you thought i was doing drugs
oh, is that what it is now?
is that what you think of me?
that i'm a failure?
that i will amount to nothing?
that i will do anything to disappoint you?
mom, what did i do?
i didn't do anything wrong
all i did was exist
all i did was be myself
am i really that messed up?
you told me once
i remember
you told me you didn't like who i was
that you only loved me because i'm your daughter
what the hell, mom?
i can't wait until i'm out of here
all i know is
as soon as i turn 18
i'm moving out
i don't care if i'm living out on the streets
that will be better
than to live there any longer than i have to
i guess i'll always just be nothing to you

224 · Nov 2018
stuck here alone
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i was sitting outside in the freezing cold
hands numb and body shivering
the cold makes me feel better
my friend saw me crying
she came out and hugged me
and i realized how much i loved warmth too
i'm missing out on so much
and thinking back
it's because the cold is all i've ever known
and what's sad is
i also realized
no one has really hugged me in months
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