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8.8k · Mar 2014
like a rose
Kaitlyn Marie Mar 2014
like a rose
trampled on the ground
a beautiful delicacy
that has been ignored
not yet found
like a rose
vibrant in all ways
full of potential
who lives its own kind of way
like a rose*
we are all like a rose
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
4.5k · Mar 2014
he had major guts
Kaitlyn Marie Mar 2014
I sat there with friends
admiring cute couples
wishing that could be me

and in barely a minute
I feel a tap on my shoulder
I wonder who it could be?

I realized it was a boy
with a bright yellow sweater
how did he know, that that was my favorite color?

he said
I saw you from across the room
and wanted to say that you are really pretty

I thought my ears were lying
I was so shy
I didn’t even want to look him in the eye

thank you
I said so timidly
it felt like a dream

he started throwing off some cheesy pickup lines
I thought they were adorable
and he seemed so confident

he had major guts
for doing what he did
and I will always remember the day
that he and his heart

came <3
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
3.6k · Mar 2014
1,000 pictures
Kaitlyn Marie Mar 2014
A picture can paint a thousand words
To me
*A word can paint a thousand pictures
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
3.5k · Nov 2014
Kaitlyn Marie Nov 2014
I tried telling myself the black smudges around my eyes were decorations only to attract a guy. That the dark purple veins that were reaching to grab a hold of my rough terrain were a symbol of strength and love. And I tried telling myself that telling the truth might actually save me from the fires of Hell.

*the fire is raging, and so are my tall tales
@Copyright Kaitlyn marie
3.5k · Feb 2014
Kaitlyn Marie Feb 2014
Did you know that a face without freckles, is like the sky without the stars?*
It is a beautiful imperfection
that no one could hold an objection
so be proud of your face
because you can only erase mistakes
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
2.8k · Feb 2014
Kaitlyn Marie Feb 2014
Kiss me
kiss me now
kiss me forever in the moonlight
kiss me wherever it feels right
just kiss me
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
2.7k · Jun 2014
I used to
Kaitlyn Marie Jun 2014
I used to think people thought about me a certain way
In my head I would belittle myself
Thinking they didn't like me

I used to think people secretly hated me
So I acted less superior
And didn't accept any accomplishments

I used to think I was right all the time
That was wrong
But now I'm wrong
For thinking I was never right
I'm right
I'm the person I am
And that's perfectly right
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
2.5k · Nov 2014
Flirt they said
Kaitlyn Marie Nov 2014
The girl who couldn’t flirt, stood in the center of the hall.promising smile, style of them all. she talked, don’t get me wrong.but talking is only something,
if he’s  tall, and has reportedly *****
Desperately did she wanna speak. But every peep that she let leak, she said was weak. Because they rarely replied, and she’d get this pain inside. irritable, not friendly at all. Marriage isn’t even an option, when sophomore year she’s already coughing.
@Copyright Kaitlyn marie
2.5k · Aug 2014
I like lonelynights
Kaitlyn Marie Aug 2014
lonely nights never bothered me
because thoughts keep good company
I’d rather be homeless
than hopeless
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
2.4k · Mar 2014
Kaitlyn Marie Mar 2014
when you think-
you have no time to relax
is when you need to.

sit back
let everything else
take care of itself

because it's your life
you're in control
are the ruler

so take a stand
and keep moving forward
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
2.1k · Nov 2014
No Rhyme Or Reason
Kaitlyn Marie Nov 2014
If I wrote you a poem
there would be a rhyme
*but where's the reason?
@Copyright Kaitlyn marie
1.8k · Mar 2014
He is fire
Kaitlyn Marie Mar 2014
the fire that was once burning so explosively
giving up days after ratchet days to kindle it
It let off so much warmth in my heart
kept me cozy on days of doubt
was unselfish
caring to all
could easily be gone
if I didn't tend it just right
flaring in extraordinary ways
looked like a devil in an angel kind of way
reminds me of a fire.
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
1.6k · Mar 2014
Kaitlyn Marie Mar 2014
In a world where creativity is put first

no ranks

no grades

because how can you judge a human race

on if they made a certain grade

when we cannot even explain

the trueness of the big bang

oh, intelligence is fine

but I think it's not right

since we all come from a different whom

and are still expected to be advanced at school

school should become extinct

we have our brains still to think

no test is bigger than life

so maybe we should start *studying
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
1.5k · May 2014
do happy endings exist?
Kaitlyn Marie May 2014
Glowing from the refreshing crystal blue water
an angelic presence
along side
an artistic landscape
with an abundance of animals
roaming freely
everything appeared unblemished
my mother finished reading
I asked
is there such a thing as happy endings?
my mother replied
if you work with what you have
and are satisfied in the end
that’s all that truly matters
I took her words to heart
because I’ve never had a true answer
happy endings seemed to only be in fairytales
over the years,
I’ve also picked up on something else
in every fairytale
there are common factors
you aren’t just handed anything
you have to fight
overlook the irascible people
and do what’t best for you.

this was the most  important lesson I’ve ever learned.

Happy endings don’t only exist in fairytales.

**they exist everywhere.
@Copyrigh Kaitlyn Marie
1.5k · Aug 2014
humble / / /
Kaitlyn Marie Aug 2014
the other stars humbly shine in the darkness
for it isn’t who observes they mind
it’s who feels the butterflies that cold night
with a kiss softer than the blanket of grass under your toes
eyes glued to each other like third grade valentines day
words they can’t find but the constellations can write
how effortlessly the extravagant lights
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
1.5k · Jan 2019
Kaitlyn Marie Jan 2019
It’ll be a different kind of “I love you.”
1.4k · Apr 2021
Kaitlyn Marie Apr 2021
You feel uninteresting
Want to get unstuck
You strive to be part of a larger entity
But you sit and watch
1.3k · Jun 2014
uttermost respect.
Kaitlyn Marie Jun 2014
in the uttermost respect
you're alive
and breathing
so congratulations
but that does no justice
for your ignorance
you completely obliterate my existence
in your  head
acting like I deserve no space
for my legs
you are not the captain
of this god awful titanic
if we had to choose
you'd be voted last
on all ballads
how rude of me being mean and such
but it does no harm
for all of the hearts **you've crushed
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
1.3k · Jul 2017
Kaitlyn Marie Jul 2017
I'm young
not younger than the sun
but young enough to know you don't have to grow old
1.2k · Oct 2014
Kaitlyn Marie Oct 2014
the gap between your neck and shoulders
looks untouched
like the only flow of current that's touched
was the force of water from showers
the power increased to make you feel loved
that something could erase past mistakes
but honey
I'm here, waiting
Waiting for you to see what truly matters
and I'll continue to wait
my feelings for you constantly change
because nothing ever stays the same

let me touch the gap between your neck and shoulders
I could show you what honest love feels like.
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
1.2k · Nov 2014
Kaitlyn Marie Nov 2014
whose to say he wasn't looking at you when you were looking away?
but whose to say he ever looks your way
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
1.1k · Mar 2014
One to look up to
Kaitlyn Marie Mar 2014
is the reason so many people are blue
because the sky is casting down on us
and the rare times that we are happy
the sun is breaking through
breaking through the struggles
life's hardships
that one huge sun, but oh so small compared to the sky
can make a beautiful day just by perseverance
we owe it to the sun for being our example
*one to look up to
@Copyright Kaitlyn Weyer
Kaitlyn Marie Mar 2014

messed up.
yet again.

you cannot reverse time
so I hope you feel ashamed
the actions you've committed
the lies you've held to your grave

no sorry can solve
this heavenly burden

unless you fix
this problem
with your god given hands

be strong
be brave
you got yourself into this mess
find your way out

if you get lost
resort for some help

whoever said help was a sign of weakness
better get their ducks in a row
because I'll have you know
weakness is a sign of strength on your way
so never give up
never look back
never shed a tear
because there are people

**who got your back!
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
1.0k · Aug 2014
Stop pestering me;
Kaitlyn Marie Aug 2014
an unsettled gap between my stomach and back
a nerving tone of voice
is what my dad has.

my dads insufficient ways to encourage church
included yelling, guilt tripping, and personal traps
is some of his pestering crap.

church is a lovely place of gathering
though if you believe
that's one thought bubble
I'd like to leave .

I stopped believing after he pestered me for years
his brainwashing cycles
needed a clean.

it's my life
particularly my dream

you can control my birth
what I eat
the rules of the family

but not my beliefs...
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
1.0k · Mar 2014
Color me affection
Kaitlyn Marie Mar 2014
color me happy
paint me with a smile
and create me with some style
package me up
with care, and love
and send me away
to a place not so grey
where children laugh
adults show respect
and everyones relaxed...
I'm not asking for perfection
I'm asking for affection.
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
1.0k · Nov 2014
In his eyes I see me'
Kaitlyn Marie Nov 2014
In his eyes, I see what I feel inside but he has an excuse. In his eyes, I see a world shattered by negligence and abuse. In his eyes I see a tipping ***, hot and enraged. In his eyes, I see a boy, wanting to unleash himself from his cage.

In his eyes I see me
I see my locked up thoughts
my hidden apologies

my brains own starvation
the dirt in his eyes
I have, only in disguise.
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
1.0k · Dec 2014
Does Your Mother
Kaitlyn Marie Dec 2014



@Copyright Kaitlyn marie
966 · Nov 2014
Kaitlyn Marie Nov 2014
high and low are one
see the snow has to come from somewhere above
the ground selects a glove
and says batter I'm ready
show me all your love
@Copyright Kaitlyn marie
941 · Jul 2014
dirty little secret
Kaitlyn Marie Jul 2014
my ***** little secret
is that some nights
i get so into my dreams
that i actually believe
we were meant to be

then i remember
you've had a friend before
and maybe i'll just be thrown
out the door

cause i can't keep conversation
better less a four week relation
but it's my stupid willpower
makes me come back for more
my stupid tumblr inspiration board

it's me
it's me believing in happiness
and you are the center of
why i keep smilin

i have so many feelings for
i wanna tell them all to you
but i am fearful
that the truth may be rude
so i'll keep dreamin
and pretending it's true
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
940 · Aug 2015
Can you lose talent ?
Kaitlyn Marie Aug 2015
can you just simply forget
How to do the things that made you live
you let all fall that are gifted in grace, let them hesitate with an insecure skip
dismay catapults while grey shadows
your previously bubbling take
931 · Nov 2014
Paradox Dream
Kaitlyn Marie Nov 2014
yes, your dreams come true..
when you sleep!

no, your dreams don't come true...
when you sleep!
@Copyright Kaitlyn marie
920 · Jun 2014
Not knowing.
Kaitlyn Marie Jun 2014
I'd rather live my life not knowing
When I'll pack up my belongings
And wave cold goodbyes to my loved ones
Watch them heal themselves at the funeral
Which isn't really for me
But for their hurt hearts
It'll be then when my world transforms
To black and white
No more happiness
They cry when I'm born
They cry when I die
And thy cry with every little other thing
That's hurt me in my life
Why is sadness a thing?
Sadness is like a *** of gum
It has that initial burst of flavor
Which slowly fades away
But you still chew it
Because it's there
And you just for some reason
You don't let it go
Until you go to bed
Where you can just experience
A nightmare
Though I'd rather not know my death day
Until the snow is melted
And I am imbetted
In the ground
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
902 · Nov 2014
you remind me of her
Kaitlyn Marie Nov 2014
A girl once pretended to be nice
she wrote it down to describe herself
yet the only people she talked to
were her friends

*A boy once pretended to like her
he told all his friends'
yet the only people he told
were his friends
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
892 · Mar 2014
Kaitlyn Marie Mar 2014
Happiness is uncontrollable
and when it occurs
you will automatically know, know

here is the setting:
in a church choir
everybody smiling with such desire

but when the chorus hit
I couldn't handle it!
The beats and rhythm
even the tune!

first a smile sprouts on my face
then progressively changing
into a large grin
almost laughing
and then laughing

I pinched myself
to remember people were watching
but It wasn't working..

I thought about death
maybe that would make me depressed
but the chorus came again

and I knew
I couldn't hold it in!
@Copyright Kaitlyn Weyer
877 · Nov 2014
Kaitlyn Marie Nov 2014
writing your name a thousand times
the line on the paper
would curl up and die

the phrase “love don’t die”
is just a muddled version of
I’d like to lie

don’t make life seem like a fairy tale
books have known endings
stable mendings

we, however, weren't born to get sold

we were born to hold one another
save them from whatever's out there
while we are life's presence
but you cannot believe you can love forever
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
874 · Mar 2014
emotions get in the way
Kaitlyn Marie Mar 2014
you'd think in life
we'd be able to do anything
and not let emotions get in the way
crying every night
watching the latest soap operas
and you think you might die
for that upcoming test
you try to study
but your brain feels like a huge mess
a shark in the water
biting at your feet
hearing this
you may not be able to sleep
you get so mad
you may blow up
and bite off somebodies head
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
870 · Nov 2016
story of my life pt. 1
Kaitlyn Marie Nov 2016
deforestation; what is now occurring in the habitat I call home. Does my body dislike me? Does it have its secrets and tells the world. I want to be the penny that drops in the middle of a deadly quiet class. I want to be the  rat, who is so awfully hated, that they have now made traps. I want myself to pay attention to me. I think that is something in which we all believe. My friends are the world, along with me and my beautiful family. Sometimes I don't feel the support but I suppose I'm not made of spaghetti. Plastered in some kids bowl, tangling me up like he knows what he likes and being so helpless...but I'm so happy I have support.
854 · Mar 2014
the simplest expectation.
Kaitlyn Marie Mar 2014
do my expectations not phase a single person?
extremely carefully
I pick the proper picture
edit it with some pixie dust
and it's off
it is now the portrayers duty
to determine their thoughts upon my looks
heaven nows what they think
not a like in the first 5
yet the agony of knowing someones online
1 notification
let's see who it may be
just my uncle
have he no shame?
waiting impatiently
I've went to my witts
created a whole nother account
just to like the masterpiece
call me crazy
that would be an accurate depiction
but I'm sure you'd agree
being loved
is better than anything
if you don't mind me asking..
would you like my profile picture?
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie

upsetting truth.
848 · Apr 2014
remedy maker
Kaitlyn Marie Apr 2014
I need a remedy
a remedy for insecurity
some magical potion
that will act as a lotion for that unbearable
world in front of me
what caused this
who  knows
how to end it
I want to know
I beg of you
my friends
dear friends
is there a trick
a miracle
that has all of the answers
cause that would be great
or is the answer somewhere closer
within reach
or maybe is the answer
not very far apart
but maybe in my heart?....
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
832 · Oct 2014
Kaitlyn Marie Oct 2014
a tear
dropping to the floor
is as loud
as a marching band
erupting through the door
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
827 · Jun 2014
/between cold sheets/
Kaitlyn Marie Jun 2014
livin' in black & white
a colorless spectrum

the only resource I need
for the colorin' of  me

is your red heart beat
in between my cold sheets..<3
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
821 · Nov 2014
Kaitlyn Marie Nov 2014
the scent of you would be my favorite perfume. I'd walk to your doorstep,
as early as two. Because I want to feel that indescribable feeling. I wan't to be with you.

and it's not *** or desire that I'm looking for. it's the warmth from your hair, the fire from the blanket we both share.

but for now, I can only absorb my dreams. Pretend it's my only reality. only. why can't it be? See the struggle that is approaching me?
@Copyright kaitlyn Marie
816 · Jun 2014
Kaitlyn Marie Jun 2014
the sun is reality
the moon is fiction

Light for the people
Or dark for the witches

A reason to be alive
Or a reason to die

Following real life dreams
And partaking a lie

Which side do you stand by?

The almost fiction truth
Or the almost true fiction?
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
815 · Jun 2014
The Cycle of Happy
Kaitlyn Marie Jun 2014
I thought of an odd personality facet I have earlier today in class
I grin, smile, beam, twinkle, simper, leer, smirk
my cheeks feel as if they were about to burst
like a balloon that when I'm around someone who breathes
the balloon slowly expands into a rubbery piece of rubber
and right when it's inflated fully...
it pops.
all of the air floats away and makes someone else's day
and I'm left cold and let's face it, sad.
this cycle repeats constantly
and I don't know if I should breathe
because if I do, someone else will be happy and it wont be me
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
813 · Jul 2014
Consistent my friend
Kaitlyn Marie Jul 2014
It feels better to be consistent
then to hit
and miss the next day

It feels better to love you every day
then to see you once
and never again
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
808 · Mar 2014
the sound of a smell
Kaitlyn Marie Mar 2014
the sound of a smell
the feeling of a sight
the weirdness I feel
has never felt so right
typical human qualities
drive me insane
it's those ones
that get the human brain
it just doesn't flow
well I don't have flow
I have a different kind of mojo
one that is distinct
everybody recognizes me for
the one that gets overlooked
and people don't quite look for
in a race I come in last
just to embrace
the flow of the wind brushing past
you have come to realize
I care more
**for the meaningless things
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
807 · Sep 2014
not unusual but unusual
Kaitlyn Marie Sep 2014
I pressed my palm firmly on the desk
Watched my skin transform into a pale wreck
it's a doing of dirt
But which had to be done
I was going to tell him
What feelings have come
I gulped for air
but it vanished
What I felt was a secure feeling of famished
my teeth slammed together
A force of a traffic jam
my tongue was hidden
Like I wish I was
A smile hopped over my face
Literally hopped over
Because one second it was there
And the next I'm in despair
The whole plan was over
because nerves exist
Even when I wanted to persist
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
797 · May 2019
Kaitlyn Marie May 2019
I've met people I didn't think were human
and I've broken the human in me trying to figure them out
793 · Jun 2014
Burned out love
Kaitlyn Marie Jun 2014
Your love is leaving a lamp on
Its light helps for the moment
But the more you indulge in it
The warmer
More serious
But it cannot be left on forever
It must burn out
The fumes filling the air
If it didn't stop there
A fire could have unleashed
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
793 · Jun 2014
not over!
Kaitlyn Marie Jun 2014
Nothing really is over
it just no longer continues
to be important
for example
you are dating this boy
he is what you envisioned
as your ultimate fantasy
things go chaotic
and nevertheless,
you break up
the connection you once made
doesn’t disappear
it fades away
and if you never made a connection
then there was nothing started
in the first place
every person you have ever contacted
any person you have kissed
anybody who has a been a best friend
is important
but when you distant the connection
modern term
defriend ex boyfriend
that person slowly vanishes
into oblivion
but the thing is
it’s not over
truly they aren’t important to bettering your life anymore
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
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