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jerely Aug 2015
You're always be the struggling thoughts
Of your imaginative dream
Threshold of life expectancy
Why or why not still the same?
Places you go
People you meet
Events you're in
Something isn't right?
Why or why can't it be?
For the same ground
to land on
For the things that you can't move on
For it is the time
to the open door once more
Even if its scary
or a little bit dangerous,
go on while you can.
just a quick writing!
& i'm about to sleep
thoughts on the late night

August 26, 2015
jerely Sep 2017
we're not blind
to see things around us
in an open world
we lived through
something that we destroy
are already happening
danger are at risk in us
we are at risk
at any time
or even if we are so careful about it

when the nature are getting into trouble
it will be done without hesitating
and here we are carelessly
dumbfounded for what we've done
completely unaware for the reason
that we can't compensate
or just trying to refuse the
whole situation

a lot of people have been weeping,
and losing out of their battle
as they may even fighting for their own demons but what about the plants, the trees, the flowers; that we've been getting to,the water?; that we've been living for?, the air; that we've been breathing to?

they are also battling to survive on staying or even dying...

because it's not just the human justice that we should also protect and be respected for but above of all are the environment/nature that we should as well be aware of, that owe of respect and that we really need to save, protect and care for. As it is the only resources of human living to survive in all cost.
Sept 13, 2017 (Wed) 12:37am
jerely Apr 2013
It doesn't matter
how long the ride must go on
Just take a breathe and feel the
wonders of life.
jerely Dec 2014
There's no words to filled in
With these empty hearts
& empty minds
To leave...
December 4, 2014
jerely Jul 2013
If you can't find the way

Always remember 







Dedicated to a friend from HP Jelord hope u feel better!!! <3
jerely Feb 2021
We survive
In the war
Of our mind.
jerely Feb 2013
Isang bagay,isang mithi na gusto ko
Mga bagay na ika'y magpapaligaya sa aking tuwina
Ngiti **** aking sinusulyapan
Pintig ng aking puso ikaw ang siyang hinahanap

Dalangin na kay tagal kang hinintay
Ngunit sa paglisan mo ako'y nalulumbay
Hayaan mo maiparating ang aking munting hiling
Pinapanalangin na ako'y mahalin

Kahit sa sandali'y  ikaw ay mahalin
Lubos na dinadasal sa Maykapal
Na ika'y patnubayan
Mahalin mo ang sarili mo at maging masaya
jerely Sep 2015
Filled out the empty spaces
to almost but never
Never been enough of almost
As closed as we face each other
but too far away
I can't even get your name
nor I don't know
how could I get closer to you?
I'm such a loser
I'm such a desperate
But I'm a coward afterall
All I know is to stare at you
All I know is to examined
the unfamiliar face
I see everyday
to be familiarize.
By the look of your eyes
It's all in the ocean, somehow
drowned me that maybe I could
fall at any moment or any time
Not possible. It's hard to believe
I just can't even get over it,
It's written on my head.
late night thoughts
of that face.

Sept 28, 2015
jerely Nov 2020
Painted with love and art.
5 words
You are the one
Who creates passion
Through love and art

November 10,2020
jerely Apr 2014
Kung kailan kailangan kita
sa tag-araw na kay init
pa sa nagliliyab na apoy
tsaka pa kita mahahanap
Ang munti kong paypay.
eng translation
When I needed you the most
in the midst of the summer
that hot as a flaming fire
and that's when i found you
my little fan.

I dont know if i translated this correctly
cause there are some words that find me difficult to translate

April 25, 2014
jerely Nov 2018
Playful words in the mind
it creates illusion and image
of such scene
elevated into flamboyant sight
of magic and dreams
gather all the feelings
and emotions
jerely Apr 2024
Poems to kiss you to
Sing a song
Hums and Dance
are all in vibe.
A poetry prompt from ig
Using “poems to kiss you to”
jerely May 2013
I'm glad








jerely Apr 2014
DEFINITION:*  *A literary work in which special
intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas
by the use of distinctive style and rhythm;
poems collectively or as a genre of literature.

*Is a form of an art
were you could rant all the things
in your mind
A kind of feeling that you could express freely:
sad,happiness,pain,and etc.
Is a form of an art were you could make your own style
and your own signature.
Poetry is a kind of words were you could write  
everything you wanted to say
A form of love and despair.
April 6, 2014
Ⓒ jerelii
jerely Mar 2019
I found
that real connection
to communicate
with people,
through poetry.
March 22,2019
jerely Jun 2014
Is the best solution for everything.
Let us not forget the blessings and the things that we had right now and that was all possible with God.
"God is good all the time. All the time God is good."

Was reading Heaven is for Real and i was really touched every details of the story especially the verses coming in the Bible and how Colton describes the heaven, God of the Holy Spirit and Jesus himself <3 this is worth to read and i highly recommended this!!! (:
jerely Jun 2014
Be a little brave enough;
You are stronger than that.
Big or small problem you are stronger than that!!!
I remember when my prof in GMAT3 told us that every problem has a solution and same goes for our daily lives that we should not ignore it but face the challenge in life.

June 23, 2014
jerely Nov 2013


with you


© jerelii 2013.
jerely May 2013
Leaves fall behind the tree
As time goes
As train passed
As people walked along the road

There are smoother ways
to find
something new

we don't expect
for something else

for the sky that leave us smile,joy,tears
as we look through

Life is an excitement experiment
we could ever discover
from the history

we don't write as much information we had
but the memories saved it
as much as we do.

The memories that filters our mind
The ocean that let us rest for
a little while
And the glowing
colors of the rainbow
that witness us
on how we play
jerely Apr 2015
If you're in doubt to make a move
Don't ask why and how
but tell yourself
"I can do it!"

If you're a little bit down
Close your eyes
Take a deep breathe
& tell yourself
"I can do it!"

If you know you're in the right track*
Then make it happen
& tell yourself
"I can do it!"
We can make things possible if we believe and strive hard for more!
Be motivated! & patient for your turn.

April 25, 2015
jerely Apr 2016
pick out the star dust in your hands
resting both to draw out love
in galaxies & in milky way
of broader step it takes.
staring at the world we lived,
grasp the air of tales
to keep it grow & last,
as the star & the moon
like they used to be;
usual phase
of the setting time.
april 29, 2016
jerely Sep 2018
in the summer attraction
the luminous water
drop above the emotional sky
limitless feeling
poured beneath
unto my feet

subside to my inner reaction
blessed by the creation
gratitude sprinkle
with freedom and happiness

i am
amaze of what the nature
could give
to live with the energy of its spirit
wrap it all around my soul
as my body move automatically
like the wind blows
like the flower grows
like it flows naturally

so let me dance
and follow
the gaze of an epiphany
as it flourish the golden hours
of time and space
pleasure i find from tranquility
releasing it
in the hidden treasure land

beyond the living things
that we’re savoring for
i’m awe and stunnned by every moment
that i spend
take it while it last for an hour
earlier while i’m on my way to work
i felt love because of the beauty of the nature
and it rained too. Rain + nature = Love
grateful to experience that :)
and love seeing this kind of things
jerely Mar 2013
If only I could fly higher than the eagle
Then I will not suffer from this
Dreams that I would catch even stars will fall from the sky
If only I could fly higher than the eagle
I count them like 1,2,3
Soaring like it will never end
If only I could fly higher than the eagle
Then I will not suffer from this.
My first triolet!!!
Srsly i have lots of first haha
jerely Oct 2020
Respect your own being
Retain knowledge and teach it to some
Reform your ways of perception
And reborn your mindset with peace.
October 28,2020
jerely Jan 2015
In love x been  hurt
fall again x stand up
crying over x smile for the broken hearts
pieces of lonely self x fixing the old memory
move on x find something new
another challenge x seems interesting
beautiful world x you
happiness x pain
life x enjoy!
Just messing up with this!
can't think of any thing to fit
Konr's recipe challenge
jerely Mar 2020
Stop what you are doing today and pause for a moment of silence. Now, reflect on your thoughts on how you will do good things, reflect with a beautiful sunshine up above and pause for what you are grateful for. Pause for what you can change for better. Reflect on your actions and review on it.
march 18,2020
jerely Oct 2013
Think of a bright side!

Close your eyes!

Imagine things

That might be come true

Sadness,happiness,joy and pain

Feel it, touch it!

And embrace it warmly!


Go back to the times

When you are happy

The achievements that you receive

Your friends, family that loves you

And that someone who holds you back

When you fall down.

His smile, his charming, his gentleness

And the way he cares about you

It might be special or a never ending day.

As the scenes fade

Now open your eyes

Slowly and surely

Take notes of the things that

You wanted to fulfill

The things that you wanted to happen

The journey that you wanted to travel

Go back to the time machine

The past that you wanted to be the right

Thing to happen

That things you regret before,

Change it!

Make it happen again.

Maybe its the right choice that you

Will make it this time!

And now you create

A beautiful smile in your face

Hoping and dreaming that this

Will be came true

Someday, somehow, somewhere over the rainbow!

This won't be the last time you will write

Cause this time is not your ordinary

De ja vu

Cause you will never know

This might be happening around your corner

You just need to turn around

Glance for once

Tap your shoulder that

"You Can Do It!"

"I Can Do It!"

The best feeling in Life

Is to hold and breathe and

SMILE once again.
jerely Mar 2016
Will always reflects you in the mirror.
Whatever or whichever you do to others
Will return into you.
Short poem

March 13, 2016
jerely Feb 2016
on the spot
wavered feelings
looking back heart aches
for not intended it does
there are times when
we really feel so secured,
happy with that special person
but we just take it for granted
those beautiful memories
the laughter,
the song that reminded us,
& the time
when we fall
but lied
miserably to our self
miserably suffered
for cursing it.
not feeling okay,
but i hope i will forget these things so easily
but its so hard.
jerely Feb 2016
on the spot
wavered feelings
looking back heart aches
for not intended it does
there are times when
we really feel so secured,
happy with that special person
but we just take it for granted
those beautiful memories
the laughter,
the song that reminded us,
& the time
when we fall
but lied
miserably to our self
miserably suffered
for cursing it.
not feeling okay,
but i hope i will forget these things so easily
but its so hard.
jerely Jul 2014
1."What you do is who you are."
    (" 誰であるか.")

- The actions you carried is the person you are claiming to.

- You swallowed your own words for insulting other people and that will come back to you

- You share blessings and a lot of opportunities will come to you or double the prize will reward to you

- "Don't judge the book by its cover."

- "Do unto others, if you want others do unto you"

- 2 types of karma: a good karma & a bad karma ( you can't predict when will it hits you but be careful on your actions and words cause we don't know when will it happen )

2. Contemplating Within You

- You can't get back to where it belongs but you can only stand for it and move on. ( you can't get back to those happy moments when you're still a kid because the Almighty up above planned your life to where it should be. You should learn and not be afraid to commit mistakes because every fall you had is an ounce of every foot steps you would take & to look forward in your life that you should never be frown to it. If God gives you that kind of events or things in you, you should humbly accept it and be brave to take its challenges cause you are stronger than that )

-  There's always a reason for every thing and everything just happen for a reason.

- "Be honest with yourself."

- "Love yourself as much as you love thy neighbors."

- "Open your eyes and look for right." 'Be the light by One Ok Rock' ( Maybe this is the best line in a song that i'm looking to. And may apply it to ourselves as well )
I might add this one.
July 7, 2014
jerely Sep 2014
Typical writes are just nuisance;
To release the pain
Subside the feelings
that we brought us here.

A write to remember,

The  p a s t t t t t t t t t t
Is just a memory  by itself.
Sept 17, 2014
jerely Apr 2014
The optimistic outcome of your heart
The soul that wand'ring by everybody
Imagine that no one sees you
Dance like you've got the spot light
Sing like you will loose your breath
Play in the rain like those children from the streets
Eat like you own a bucket of restaurants
Go in the library and read your favorite books
Go to the beach and play in the sand
Go to the park and walk step by step
Feel the air, the people around you, the railing of the train, the busy stop light
And by the time you can pass through the limit
then make a shout out to yourself
On top of the roof top,
Relieve the stress inside
and walk again in the corridor
like nobody's watching you.
April 14, 2014
© jerelii
jerely Jun 2014
Let me empty your mind and soul
And your hands hold in mine
For i will take you to the places
That you've never been.

Let there be peace,
Forget the catastrophe
Show the nature and bizarre of love
For it will dwell unto you

Let me hold your mind for a bit
There's so much utterly words inside
Dreams we hope across the skyline
Yet untold stories we stored; memoirs we breathe in & out

Once again, empty your minds
We'll be sleeping in a goodnight dreams we last
Upon reaching and soaring the star dust
Lemme keep the selected nightingale; behold thy whispers of the breezing air.
June 29, 2014
jerely Sep 2019
Remember the days when we collide and subside
It took me so long to nerve wrack my neck
Wide open to my cylindrical taste of the magnesium
Turning round and round
Tuning in to the bass sound of love
The power of initiating wondrous kind of words
Split in gaze the night of tambourine
Simply pass the compass of the mazing map
Of its journey.
jerely Apr 2013
It was silent night
From black keys to white
Her hands that flows
Like a river.
I hear the music
My heart always pound
For its melody
Like a river.
That serenade
It easily
Makes me wonder
Like a river.
From low keys to high pitch
It was all so good
Just like a river.
Ever wonder
What river sounds like
To the breeze of the air
To the splashing water
I could only smell
The fragrance of flowers
My sister playing a piano beside me.
jerely Jan 2013
I could've made to see you
Like stars that falling from the sky
Sparks shattered through our eyes
It feels so amazing!
jerely Aug 2013








A passage in a booklet were i just discovered it yesterday. And also the booklet hid on a book XD luckyy i found something new.
jerely Aug 2015
Those old 50's, 60's & up
A young powerful love
Simple in the best that they can told
We won't know once
For it'll be the legend of the first story
Once we get there
It doesn't stop
It will spread eventually
Like watching the stars fall
each small dust into the land
which something that is invisible from our sight
and yet exploding it to another places.
Just like the whole romance of love
We fall, we barge in,
affections emerge thoroughly
Like building each moments &
The unforgettable things we can do
for the lucky Love.
each small things that you can do for love!
Well i guess it is also counted as romantic :)
Romantic for everytime it makes you special, happy and that butterflies in your stomach :)

August 29, 2015
jerely Apr 2014
making a tidbit time
maybe for awhile or a minute
but my selfless ways
are not considered yet
and there was you behind
this concept of mine
not to be touch but
holding you eternally
but this rush adrenaline of this decay
makes me feel confuse for a bit
i don't know why i felt this cliche thing?
or am i dreaming again?
please wake me up when you are here
i don't want this
i don't want this anymore
please be true
for whom shalt i love
thy sake of happiness and joy
April 28, 2014
jerely Aug 2018

in the forest
i see the light
of something true
beyond my circumstances
there’s a question
i can’t seem to find
doubts that hidden inside
squeezing me to tighten
my mind
but tensions are
far from what i know
yet the feelings
will always prevent me
to go
out of my limits
when you are only limited
but you haven’t tried going out there.
I think you just have to push yourself more
maybe, there’s an answer for it
someday when you keep exploring and
eventually you’ll end up discovering a lot
than you never expected to.

august 5, 2018
jerely Feb 2013



in my eyes


dream for me?*  

jerely Nov 2013
In a little way

**We can save people's lives
November 16,2013
jerely Sep 2014
Your mouth
block by those
vivid minds

Won't you
have the courage
to say those words
to me?

Is it hard
to avoid the feelings?

I hid my affections;
It agitates
deep inside.

tried enough
To show you
That i care.

Years had passed
You are there
& yet here i am
so far away

Will you
Miss me?
Sept 17, 2014
jerely Apr 2013
Pain it is
You are

Learn to be
jerely Jun 2014
Crave for the pumps of your heartbeat
the lungs that I've been wanting to;
when I am thirsty to have the swallowing mind to get you
but it doesn't make things go
why it must be held with nothing
preoccupied by the haunting sound of your imagination
never realize until i became real.
June 6, 2014
jerely Jul 2013


jerely Apr 2015
I might gonna find my tears into a riverbank
Flew off the dead leaves in autumn's metanoia
Fooled and choked what's been left unsaid
Changing its colors and season
Maybe someday i'll let myself;
Find the right things to be done
Trouvaille the beautiful things
to believe in.
thinking of words to speak out...
in these calmly night

May 1, 2015
jerely Apr 2013
In the village
One is outstanding

Sparks so shine and bright
Shadow's reflect

some are shamrock
some are crystals
some are rare to find.
This is my first Shanzi!!!
This is a syllabic poem in seven lines  4/5 5/4 4/4/5
April 29,2013
jerely Mar 2015
the world that we used to lived
it's not how we expected;

*crazy, weird, & mess.
March 21, 2015
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