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May 2016 · 684
In every drop of it
I know love and longing
are not one in the same
So I make no delusions
of love and its pain
but I fell asleep softly
to the sounds of the rain
and in the torrent unleashing
It uttered your name
I promised myself then
to fear no storm again
And the longing grew louder
In the raindrops you stain.
May 2016 · 294
Concept #15
Concept: There is a soft smile that warms me even when my bones have turned to ice. It is eternally summer in his embrace.
May 2016 · 763
That tempting *****
At once giving and snatching away
All that is known
And all that could be had
She laughs at my pleas
I want it all and she knows this
Mocking and unyielding
She gives me a fleeting taste
Of the joy I have craved for so long
Before again receeding her gift
Like the drawback of a tsunami tide
I am then sinking and breaking
Under the weight of her
And all that she encompasses
And all that she ever could
Our mistress, maiden, mother, crone,
Cruel as the devil
And twice as pretty
May 2016 · 844
Angry knots in the joints of my hands
My fists clenching and unclenching
I am not comfortable in this skin
Everything is so loud, so harsh to me,
The creak of the table, the chewing of gum
The tap tap tap of drumming fingers
I can feel lightning in my veins
Crackling and snapping, it is violent
I want to block everything out
I want it to blur at the edges of myself
And disappear somewhere quiet
Somewhere my skin isn't a cage
And my mind isn't an enemy
I need the lull of the sea on a hot day
And the embrace of the waves
As I sink.
May 2016 · 356
Four Nightmares
Most nights I don't know who I am
I lay awake and in the darkest hours
I either feel everything at once
Or nothing at all
I do not know which is worse

A faceless figure holds my hand
Talking of love in an implacable voice
The grip tightens and tightens
Until I am screaming, pulling at them
They are laughing and I am hurting

I am grinning and spinning
Dizzying myself in circles of joy
Faster - until everything blurs together
People, places, memories, blending
Eventually I stop spinning. I am blind.

I am standing on a tall, tall building
Looking down at the ants of my town
The breeze edges me closer to the drop
I jump, expecting to fly, expecting freedom
I plummet, and before death, I find regret.
Apr 2016 · 688
Concept #14
Concept: the moon and her light seeps through that starry blanket, and I am enveloped in the feeling that, maybe, I belong.
Apr 2016 · 416
Encompassing Dark
I arrived at the edges of myself
And here, at the end of all things
Admist the darkness and the drowning
Where the souls of my loved ones
Wept for the light they could not see
I leapt into the deep abyss
And surrendered myself to the shadow
That consumes all things
Like a rock into water, I sank
And the cold eclipsing emptiness
Unmade me, and rebirthed me
The weaves of time and space
Spinning me into a creature
That resented the chasm of dark
Yet could not escape it.
I am in my own personal hell
And I know that I am the only demon
Responsible for the rending of myself
Apr 2016 · 557
Fanciful dreams
Knight is his armor
Damsel in her tower
Who are we, really
Under the facade?
Beyond the fantasy?
The knight stands
With his golden armor
And jewelled scabbard
Itching for his next ****
Or his next drink
Blood looks like wine
Under pale moonlight
The damsel, fretting
But not distressing
She has never known
The outside of her walls
She will take leaps of faith
And fall flat, or fly
Is risk worth reward?
These are the stories of old
The fantasies we tell ourselves
Not knowing the world
Is so much deeper than ink
And we enter woods
Expecting wolves
And leave with boys
Not knowing both hunger
For something, at least
And we know now
How to slay dragons, but
Not the ones within ourselves
We have seen our happy endings
But we have yet to attain them
Apr 2016 · 1.1k
The ocean has a voice
Lilted notes upon rising tides
Drums of crashing waters shore
Water rippling and ocean sighs
A crescendo of a tempests roar

The screech of gulls taking flight
Melodious wind in water caves
Marvel here at the ocean's might
With the orchestra of the waves

See here the figures, singing loud
Harmony salty, sweet, and strong
Ocean creatures awed and cowed
At the hurricane of the siren's song
Testing out rhymes again

I want to be in the ocean where no one can find me
Most days, i don't know who the victim is
me, for swallowing lies like salt water?
gulping and gasping and choking
but still adamant in my belief of him, of us
was i wrong to overlook his angry love?
but him, with his blue eyes filled with pain,
could i ever truly blame him
knowing that the promises i made him
were sticky and sweet and un-keepable?
was he wrong for clipping my wings
even when i was happy to be earthbound?

who is the true victim in this circumstance?
who feels the most shame?
the crippled bird, unable to remember who she was
or the boy who broke her, and in doing so, broke himself.
Apr 2016 · 507
Concept #13
Concept: i live in an undiscovered forest and I co-exist. The trees, the wind, and the animals love me. I never feel alone.
Apr 2016 · 532
Galaxies away
her eyes were turned to the stars
yet he was looking only at her
and in bittersweet unison
they both sighed at the distance
Apr 2016 · 313
Concept #12
Concept: my body is a chrysalis, and someday I will emerge. Into the sun, vibrant, bright. And I will be beautiful
Apr 2016 · 755
April showers
The rains came and I was washed away
The grit, the dirt, and the tar
All the unclean parts of myself
Were swept in the downpour
Drifting like flotsam away from me
And then the storms came
Thunder, crashing and lightning, bright
I was struck with that forked spark
and when the haze passed
I was lit up. I was golden.
All the darkness had burned away
Apr 2016 · 3.6k
The hyenas cackled maniacally , gasping and choking and she lunges at them, jaws snapping, eyes glittering gold. Throats were torn and yet the laughing continued, wheezing and guttural, shakey with their final breathes. Life leaves them and she roars to her enemies; She was sunlight, she was stardust, she was the warrior queen.
((About me trying to fight depression))
Apr 2016 · 337
The collapse
                                                                ­ whole
        ­                and
                                                          ­                       and
                                                       ­                              didn't
Mar 2016 · 2.3k
I am the sea I drown in
I felt empty;
every possible notion
of happiness, and the brilliant light
that once stood so stark
against this aching, hollow dark,
had been eclipsed
by the encompassing knowledge
that i was an undersea mountain
forced to stand alone and unmoving
and watch as the faces i knew
pass me by, onto calmer waters

I stand inconsolable in my emptiness
it is a captivating and terrible thing to behold.
Mar 2016 · 354
Concept #11
Concept: I have spent two days laying in bed, in the dark, I awaken today and decide to leave the confines of my room. The sun is shining. Everything is warm.
She was pounding on the place above her breastbone where the heavy thrum thrum thunk of her heartbeat could be heard through a rattling ribcage.
"there's nothing there!" she cried, "just this ticking inside me to remind me that I'm broken"
The darkness could be seen clinging to her like a shadow, and sunlight skittered around her at even the peak of summer. The clocks changed twice that year and yet the thunk of her heart sputtered on; in winter she beat on her chest with tears in her eyes and let the shadow control the whirrs and clicks of her soul.
Mar 2016 · 256
Concept #10
Concept: me, filled with light. People gravitate around it like moths but instead of death they find comfort. My joy creates joy and it is all beautiful.
Mar 2016 · 314
The dark, the dark
I looked inside myself hoping to find in blood what liquid desires ran and created me, and found the tributaries of myself hollow and shrivelled and smelling like rust and iron. The arteries and capillaries which once carried sunlight now only hold the memories of who I used to be before the dark settled in, stank and putrid and petrifying my once course, swift bloostream. My inner rivers used to sing and now I lie halted and lame and the ocean is inside me but the riptides have died and the currents are stone. I am empty I am empty and the sun is eclipsed by my brokeness.
Mar 2016 · 683
Concept #9
Concept: people come and go, their presence is a fond memory and their absence is not sharp and raw. We all have our paths.
Mar 2016 · 264
Concept #8
Concept: me, no longer burdened with the notion that I am alone and incapable of understanding. I am surrounded by love. It flows in and out of me.
Mar 2016 · 463
Concept #7
Concept: I stop quieting the bird in my heart. She is singing with joy and as she spreads her wings they unfurl from my back. We fly away together. We are both free.
Mar 2016 · 294
Your mind is a Universe.
From birth, you were a blank slate
the Big Bang of yourself
blossoming gloriously
with the first look at your mother's face
and every star, a thought,
every system, a laugh
every galaxy, a memory
you have billions of small worlds
in your head
you create;
you are a god;
you are God.
of your universe
of yourself.
The world had magic, once
But we drove it out
With our hate and our sorrow
And our pollution
And our new age machines
With our war and our strife
And our forgetting
Most of all, the forgetting

We forgot the hum of the earth
And the song of the wind
We forgot the language of trees
And the comfort of soil
We forgot to be kind to the world
And that drove out the magic
That kept us whole, and good

We are left now with rubble
And a grey, polluted sky
The trees do not whisper to us
Since we started cutting them down
The earth doesn't hum
With our oil swords plunged deep

We have forgotten our roots
And they, have so, forgotten us.
Mar 2016 · 277
Concept #6
Concept: I am laying in bed in my smog-smothered town but it is okay because the rain hits my face it's pitter patter rhythm lulls me into dreams of rivers and faraway valleys.
Feb 2016 · 247
Concept #5
Concept: It is dark out and I can see all of the stars. One by one they fall to Earth, into my room, and light up all the dark parts of myself.
Feb 2016 · 334
I had a dream I was falling
through blue sky and stars
falling, falling, falling,
crash   jolt,   wake up
And find I am still falling
through this bedframe
and the floorboards
down to the molten earth
falling, falling, falling
crash   jolt,   darkness.
Feb 2016 · 828
the remains of us collect dust
on the kitchen counter
and i have stacked our memories
in bookshelves, tucked away,
dog-earing my favourite pages
and scribbling out the tragic chapters
you know the ones.
How like me
to hide away nostalgia
but refuse to dispose of it
Sentimentality, i always joked,
would be the ruin of us
and how like you
to prove me wrong
and leaving,
just as the story
was getting good
Feb 2016 · 297
Concept #4
Concept: There is so much noise around but I am in my own small world and it is blissfully quiet. No one's words can touch me here.
Feb 2016 · 417
what is poetry?
Is it still poetry if I put my hands to paper and words spill out?
Cascading like rivers with no due course
Is it still poetry if I don't know what I'm saying?
Only that the words forming in front of me are mine alone
Is it still poetry if I cry while I'm writing it?
Tears falling into the page and blooming new phrases, like spring flowers

Is it still poetry if the whole world sees me from the inside, out?
Is it still poetry if I lose myself writing it?
Is it still poetry if they cannot find me?
I have always preferred the ancient, crippled and malformed ruins of places. The backbones of civilisation laid bare upon the ribs of the earth, I see more beauty in this destruction than angel's houses that stand tall and golden, shimmering in the light of the sun and preserved as if God's own hand had molded them. They are wrong.
See here the gloat of man! How we scream for attention and praise using the shining foundations of an unknown God to control the known masses and make them believe we are bigger than we are; bigger than the dirt that molded us and the humble springs that nutured us. We are not infallible nor unbreakable as those golden houses would tell. We are as fleeting and finite as the ages of man passed in bare rememberence.
We build our homes amongst ruins and return to them despite any prayers, temples, or carved angels, we are born from dust and we return to it, with no divide to say what man served what god or what coin filled who's purse.
The dark takes everything and does not hold favourites.
looking through old poems
seeing how I would throw the word 'love'
so carelessly, knowing nothing of it
mere infatuations, brief and fleeting
I know better now
love is hard to obtain
It takes time
I have not found it
I won't for a while yet.
Feb 2016 · 872
It is all slipping away
Trying to explain how I feel
Is like trying to hold water
In my bare and calloused hands
I want to find a forest, lay under sun
And let the moss grow over me

Wake me when the world is softer
And the air is not pungent
With decay and despair
Until then I will lay in the forest
By the brook, and my emotions
Can feed the trees.
Feb 2016 · 944
Concept #3
Concept: I whisper to the moon that I cannot sleep and she sends me dreams of ocean waves and whale songs
Feb 2016 · 649
Bus Stations
I still look for you, you know
I wait and hope that you will be there
once a month, maybe, I will see you
you sit next to me and we launch into conversations
making up for lost time, perhaps?
All too brief and then you are gone
I journey the rest of the way in a heavy silence
thinking about what I should've said
last I saw you I wanted to rest my head
on your shoulder, like I used to
but I didn't
because that would hurt, in the end

It is as they say; hope breeds eternal misery
I don't know if he'll see this
I don't know if I want him to
Feb 2016 · 598
Concepts #2
Concept: I am in the wind and it carries me to undiscovered lands, the air is clean and the trees are tall. I decide to stay.
sorry for inactivity btw, I haven't been able to access my account
Jan 2016 · 470
Distress signal
Do you not hear?

The Earth is speaking in morse code
with every tremor of Her land
that devastates cities


and every wave that drowns us
when Her tears rise up
and cascade down in agony


She is calling for us and we are deaf
we are blind to Her plight and pain
She is crumbling around us

Jan 2016 · 1.5k
Concept: I am a hermit crab leaving its shell for the first time. The ocean is vast and I am unafraid.
I don't write well
I write crookedly and
my words do not always
make sense to any but me
but I write
and the pain in me
spills and becomes something real
some constructive
and unlike that terrible reality
of blood in the bathtub
I create I create I create
I don't write well
but I am writing something
at least.
Jan 2016 · 418
I poured every ounce of myself
Into oceans and bath water
And blood and sweat and tears
At the end of all of this
I am finally empty.
I am trying to love myself
oh god, I am trying
but the stars are too far
for me to find comfort in
and the ocean
the ocean that is my blanket
lies miles from this bed
this bed where I cried until slumber
took me into nightmares
where the ice cracked underfoot
and I plunged into a lake
of self-loathing
I drowned in that cold world
And awoke with frostbite on my heart

How sad it is
to see the sun
but not feel it
I am trying to find warmth
in myself
but find only ice
and a terrible, tragic
Jan 2016 · 979
I won't try to swim
The ocean is inside of me
It is turbulent and merciless
I will drown in these waters
I will choke on my own blood
Jan 2016 · 421
It is not the nicotine
His kisses taste like cigarettes
And when he's drunk
He'll call me his girl
And I'll smile into the phone
While he mumbles at me

He holds me by the waist
And I feel grounded but light
Like he tethers me
Without anchoring me
He doesn't know this

We sat in my kitchen
And drank tea and talked
It felt real in that moment
Like the future was now
And it was so tranquil

His kisses taste like cigarettes
And with every smile
And every time I see him
Staring at me with ocean eyes
I am understanding
His addiction.
Jan 2016 · 524
For him.
We are so different
And so nuclear
He, the sun,
Shining brilliantly
Loved by all
He is golden and warm
And the summer incarnate

I, the moon,
I am distant
And echo with cold
Very few stay to watch me
But those who do feel the glow
I am silver and fluorescent
But filled with craters

I do not know how the winter
Will deal with summer's return
I hope we survive
I hope he does not realise
That my cold
Could eclipse
His warmth
I hope I do not burn
Beneath his brilliance

I await spring
And it's harmony
The shooting star
I saw at 6am
Was the perfect reminder
That night does not
Have to mean darkness
And that even dying things
Can go on a journey

I will blaze and soar
My wish
Was to be that star
Jan 2016 · 295
January 3rd. 3am
I look at the yellow sphere above
through clear blue waves
he is golden and
smiling at me
the fish circle me
I am the sun
In this moment.
The ocean dances around me

I feel like God
found this in my memos
January is the time for new beginnings
and hopefully it brings new light, too
Make my heart cold
Make it icy
I don't want to be so red
So ****** and beaten
Every time I fall too hard
And every time I bleed out
Emotion emotion emotion

It is my greatest strength
And my fatal weakness
Sometimes I wish I didn't have a heart
Dec 2015 · 477
a concept: the sky is so blue, there is an ocean in the sky. I reach up and my hand comes away wet, there is stardust on my fingers.

a concept: There are eyes looking at me, the colour changes, but not the love. Never the love.

a concept: I can stare at the sun for hours with no pain, the sunlight is leaking into my body. I am glowing golden.

a concept: I cannot see the sky for the trees stretch ever onwards, I can feel the hum of the earth and mother nature blows me kisses in the wind.

a concept: My fingers are clasped around another's hands, they trace circles on my palm. My heart beats and I am finally happy about that.
inspiration taken from who i have been so fortunate to discover
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