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Sep 2016 · 2.1k
Prescribed (false solutions)
Ethan Solouki Sep 2016
Here’s some Xanax for the anxiety caused by the Adderall that you got for not being able to focus as a side effect of the anti-depressants prescribed to you for the depression caused by a low nutrient, snake oil infused society.
Sep 2016 · 789
Why do I?
Ethan Solouki Sep 2016
Why do I...
Rely on tomorrows,
Loathe in secret sorrows.
Why do I...
Pretend like this time is borrowed,
As if this isn't the real thing...
It's practice, that must be what I think.

Why do I, when I know it's not true?
Jul 2016 · 602
Ethan Solouki Jul 2016
Another lifetime,
My friend then you were..
When we were 730 days old,
We had been placed in the same social circle.
Our parents were around one another,
Therefore so were we.
Countless hours spent together
None that I can recall..
Just the general idea of it all
Separated for some time,
Since your parents lived somewhere different than mine.
You became a memory in my mind,
Barely there, somewhere hidden way behind
But still, you were there..

From my mental you appeared
Into my physical, you became visual
It felt oddly visceral
You were not something I learned,
Yet something I knew
You knew as did I,
When we first spoke again
About the time we've spent,
Both of us knew we no longer "knew" that time,
Just a memory of our minds.
Cordial we soon became,
Through shared friends during summer school breaks.

Fast forward sometime..
Follow it down the straight line
Springtime, I believe it was
Or maybe fall
What time of year do teens start school again?
Might have thought spring,
From recalling nostalgias of that time
Growth and blooming
Nature's prime-time
Just the right time,
When the earth is perfectly distanced from the sun.
Placed together once again
This time by algorithmic (g)odds.
This time was different
The choice was now ours,
We chose to "spend time"
We chose to treat each other like kin
We chose to respect each other, and trust one another
We chose to become very close.
I thought you were visually stimulating
Though there were no ****** tensions,
No physical intentions
Simple acquaintance elation,
Good relations.

I upset the bond,
I messed up.
Without giving it much thought,
I leaked a clue to a secret I did not know was so "secret."
Not knowing what it meant to you,
I came to find out what I meant to you..
A lot less than I thought I meant to you.
Becoming the victim of a public shun,
Our time seperate had begun.
I was sorry for what I dropped,
But wasn't aware of the weight it held.
I was ashamed
Ashamed of me,
Ashamed of you.

I thought I'd give time a breath
Let it have a little stretch
Letting it go,

Not knowing it would never return.
Jun 2016 · 656
Are you?
Ethan Solouki Jun 2016
Are you running from me..
Like i'm running from you?
Are you thinking of me
How i'm thinking of you?
Telling yourself it won't work out..
It must be "too good to be true."
Are you using excuses for me
Like I am for you?
Too this, too that, not enough _.
Are you uneasy with the warm feelings,
wishing instead to stay blue.
Are you stumped like I am
Wanting to reach out,
But thinking "maybe I should wait a few?"
Not wanting to suffocate you..
Are you down 4 me like i'm down 4 you?

..Are you?
She keeps on passin me by.
Jan 2016 · 944
I'll be in the woods...
Ethan Solouki Jan 2016
I'll be in the woods, but you won't need me. When I find the wood guarded by scarcity I too will steal, yet I will only take the milk that has already been liberated.

Los Angeles: The air available here is no longer adaptable, my lungs have not evolved like the rest and my filter is getting full, it’s getting complicated to breathe. The chemicals are no longer reacting like they are supposed to. I used up all the gas, the batteries too. I try to wind-up, pull the string, re-charge. These sources no longer work, I need something new. The wiring seems off, the lights sometimes flicker, rarely staying bright for long. I tried replacing the crank, yet there was not enough electricity to put it into rotation. I called for a tow-truck but it never showed, I pumped up my tires and pushed but I still could not roll. I opened the door, starting my journey to the woods…which I hope still exist.
Jan 2016 · 996
Outermost me
Ethan Solouki Jan 2016
They look and see
The quiet surface of me,
Slight waves of personality.

They don't know what I hide
How strong my tide.
The depth of my sea,
They simply cannot see.

They will never be
able to swim to my depths,
or reach my upmost steps
Couldn't possibly stay afloat when I've wept.

To see what lives in the deep darkness of me,
There is not enough breath to explore beneath chest.

I am a labyrinth.. I confess.
No one will ever truly know you, know know.
Jan 2016 · 1.7k
A mind infected
Ethan Solouki Jan 2016
Cooking up styles
Master Recipes,
For no one to see.
The people are at the shore
I'm stuck at sea,
Barely floating
Almost choking
Mind infected,
Hoping for a resurrection.
I've got all the skill
But, I'm missing the will.
It's been too long waiting for change
It won't find me...
I am stuck at sea.
cycles of the negative mind.
Nov 2015 · 1.6k
Flesh vs. Soul
Ethan Solouki Nov 2015
As this heart beats and my mind thinks,
Battlefields are taking place inside of me.
Two main teams:
The Soul-Mind versus Flesh-Life.
Pirates and Sailors both floatin the same ship.
Peace, sometimes...though mostly misery,
As I attempt to find calm at sea.
The oppositions create distance with the teams,
As they've come to disrupt my woken dreams.
Which one is right, I often think.
Two of the same,
The same are not two.
There is no sense to be made.
We trade, we trade, playing this game.
We are yet to know that in the end...

All is the same.
Duality. High Waters Lower Waters
Sep 2015 · 534
Ethan Solouki Sep 2015
Im Lost, and there is no found
A hound with no more scent around
Am I living to live, or hear to make a sound?
Confused I am you see, but you don’t see.
We are; lost at sea, both you and me.
Why is this world round?
All these options; up/down, smile/frown
In evolutions I am lost
But there is no found.
My eyes read and read
These leads and leads, make my mind bleed.
My soul is trapped, dancing inside of me
Fighting to be free.

These tracks keep going, there’s no longer a lead
As far as I can see, as far as I can see.
I once had a God, he left me.
I once had a god, It was I that left
I didn’t want to believe
In great destiny,
I wanted misery.
How could this be?
Bound to,
Getting around to,
What I found?


Scared of the profound.

Safe House,
I’m a mouse
I'm lost you see. ;)
Ethan Solouki Jul 2015
If there comes a day
When death takes me away
I want no sorrow,
I wasn't built to stay.

If there comes a day
When my body is put to lay
I need you to smile
With no delay.
I used up my color,
All that was left turned gray.

If there ever comes a day
When I look like a stray or exist far away,
You should justly know
The world never heaped it's weight
And that...
I want it to be this way.
Jul 2015 · 1.1k
My Father's Blood
Ethan Solouki Jul 2015
The blood that runs through me
Running deep,
Through every artery

When he speaks, I hear me
The silent scream of humility,
The whisper of sensitivity.
Passion, curiosity,
Refusing complexity;
I know he wonders great mysteries:
What is this, what are we?

He is the tree
I am the fruit...
His father the roots.

I am his blood, he is me

We are one,
Traveling different possibilities
Roles reversing
Floating the same sea.

He is my maker,
I must be his keeper

My fathers blood runs free.
May 2015 · 962
Quondam (that once was)
Ethan Solouki May 2015
I used to laugh and giggle
For no reason at all
I used to spit and expend,
Not caring how much you saw.
I was given food and clothes,
Without asking the type.
I would learn from anyone around,
Whatever the hype.
I would play on the grass
Without a worry for anything in sight.
I used talk to young and old
Without the slightest peek of a fight.
I used to not know,
How little it was that I knew
Now I wish I never learned,
Because I want to feel a laugh without reason
For that is the best reason of all.
-yearning for the elation of childhood without having a reason to be happy.
Aug 2014 · 1.1k
Black Hole Deep
Ethan Solouki Aug 2014
I still think of you.
Most times
You're here in with me.
Head or heart
In both, sometimes apart
..Forever the heart.

I wish I could just say 'hi'
And tell you
That at times I go back,
Reminiscing on you and I.
I need to tell you
That when I said that "I will love you..
Always, no matter what"
That I really meant it,
Standing the test of time.

I wanted to tell you that if you still really feel
Everything I feel..
Then I must to apologize for all the Agony.
The negative emotions,
The way I look but don't see.
And all of the too many thoughts I still have.
The fears & Energy...
I hope they're far from you my dear.

**** I still love you.
**** it hurts so bad.

I fear crashing into you,
For my heart will be totaled.
I can't know
If you're happy or sad,
Both would be equally bad.
I can't see your skin,
The freckles running down your arm.
I wouldn't be able to look
Into your eyes
See your soft thighs,
My insides would just stop working, die.

I fear you having negative
or false thoughts towards me,
Thinking that I moved on.
I'm so afraid that you're still hurting,
Like I'm hurting.
There is no one,
no where to move past you.
I need you to know that
You are still my number one,
I changed with you,
You became a piece of my soul
Which I could never erase,
I wouldn't want to.

Please know
I'm still here,
Thinking you're beautiful
Even though I've seen your ugly.
Precious girl,
I wish I could tend to you
When you're down.
I wish I could see you up..
But I really can't.

If you thought differently,
I need you to know,
It was you,
It was me.

How silly,
I still care for you..
More than anyone.
My blood, it's you,
My sight, it's you.
My vision of  Love,
It will remain..

Even if you have moved on
I need you to know that
I still am deeply in love with you.
Not rivers deep,
And not oceans deep.
Not even galaxies deep,
Or the universe deep.

It's black hole deep,
Only we know what's in
That black hole.
Nothing can or will ever compare.

Please know.
For the ones I loved but lost.
Jul 2014 · 829
It's not me that's worried
Ethan Solouki Jul 2014
They all think it's me that's worried.
They don't know it's them I'm worried for...
They never will.
The clay has already set and hardened within the cast.
It has been fired and glazed,
How 'conventional' it was made.
The product can no longer be remolded, unless we break it
Shatter it on the floor, pick up the pieces
And try to...+pursue- to put them back together.
Held now together within a different set of rules,
Same shape different glue.
It's you, It's you.
Set in our ways
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
Ethan Solouki Jul 2014
Engines roar
The blacks crow
While the whites soar.
Trees they whistle
the plants wait,
Birds chirp,
The wind sizzles.
Humans communicating,
Roaming the surface.
Few may stay for some time,
Though soon enough comes their decline,
Decay, back down the opposite way.
In and out, expand & retract, forward and back
Solid to ash, consumption to trash.
Rock to sand, sand to glass
Glass to observe other mass.
The ash & mass come together once again
Solid for some time.
Eventually, rivers of wine.
Observation of patterns in life.
Jul 2013 · 1.3k
Ethan Solouki Jul 2013
It is more important to love than to be loved,
It is more important to be loved than to love.
It means more to care than to be cared for,
It means more to be cared for than to care.
It is more meaningful to think of someone than to be thought of,
It is more meaningful to be thought of than to think of someone.
It is purpose that gives my life meaning,
It is life that gives purpose a meaning.
Is it myself that makes me feel alive,
Is it you that makes me feel alive.
What is it?
The word it…
What is the word “it”?
It is better to be idolized than to idolize,
Is it better to idolize than to be idolized.
It is satisfying to influence the world,
Without the world influencing you.
It is, It is.
I am sure of it.
Jul 2013 · 960
You are Beautiful Like:
Ethan Solouki Jul 2013
You are beautiful like
Not wanting to reminisce about you beautiful.
Beautiful like the pain you left.
Beautiful like the form of the water my body shed.
So beautiful, the way you made my torso ache...
My hands, knees, medusa shake.
A beauty, the way your eyes deceived
Dismissing lies so swiftly,
As an agile butterfly taken with the breeze.
The way you kept me in a cage
While you roamed the zoo.
The Queen B, so beautiful
The way I made your throne.
Too beautiful, I was...
to you.
Jul 2013 · 1.2k
A Grain of Sand
Ethan Solouki Jul 2013
Influenced by silent hearts,
Longing for absent parts.
Claiming to be hard as stone,
Though precious as gold...
Your sweet temper shown.
About a simple grain of sand,
You seem to speak so grand.
About man,
You can't comprehend his plan.
Simply allow nature to select
& following close behind,
Nurture will come next.
It may be difficult to understand,
That love is giving...
You just need to grasp its hand.

A grain of sand..
is where we stand.
Nature will do its job, move out of the way

For Venom P.
Jul 2013 · 462
Ethan Solouki Jul 2013
Filling with water,
Curving amongst the corners.
From white to red,
Like lava beneath the ice causing it to crack
Leaving the water to melt,
Continuously flowing down
Finding its way through the bluffs,
Joining back with the vale of the mortal.
All life cries as we do, including our planet and the skies.
Jul 2013 · 1.3k
Cycle of Vitality
Ethan Solouki Jul 2013

When A Flower Gets Enough Light, It Opens Up

This Is Where All The Beauty Begins.

That Beauty, Is Usually

Short Lived.

When Enough Light Is Consumed

& The Flower Has Sacrificed Itself To Nature

There is Nothing Left to do but Perish the Salvaged Soul.

Infinite Cycle of the Universe found everywhere in Life.
Mar 2013 · 825
Fire or Ice
Ethan Solouki Mar 2013
Fire or Ice
I  choose to burn
Rise out this hell
Into the heavens
Float into the light
Absorbed, consumed
Spirit carried by smoke
Becoming a part of the cosmos
A grander scale
I pray for clear skies
Blankets of evil will try to bring me back down,
as the son of ice
To confirm my burial in hell
Yet I will sprout
Disguised once again
My branches will continue to reach
For the light I will become
With the light I will grow
Fire I am,
Ice I consume
I convert
I digest
I rise.

   ...I will always Rise.
Dec 2012 · 583
Must be a Reason
Ethan Solouki Dec 2012
Beauty ,                                                 an illusion of the eye

Love ,                                                an illusion of the mind

Peace ,                                                an illusion of the soul

That is all,
I am,
Here for.
Dec 2012 · 527
Ethan Solouki Dec 2012
Dearest darkest dreams,
Will you please come to me?
I'd rather meet you in my sleep,
Than bump into you on the streets.
Make me a nervous wreck,
So I could wake up wiping off the sweat,
And go on to living my beautiful nightmare.
Dec 2012 · 678
My Subject
Ethan Solouki Dec 2012
Look at me with honest eyes
Make love to me with shaking thighs
Speak words that you only mean
Make the same mistakes, but enjoy the in between
Listen to my every word
I will listen back, make sure your voice is heard
You might lose but never fail
If you need a hand, I will be your bail
When there's no option but to cry
I will be your tissue, and make you dry
So love me but not only with your heart...
You are my subject, let's make this art.
Dec 2012 · 1.9k
Your Smile no More
Ethan Solouki Dec 2012
I try to stay away from the reality
My mind can't handle the possibility.
Keep me company, please don't leave me alone
Or else my heart will slip, tears will be thrown.
The one instance that my soul understands
It reaps me, and my soul cannot stand.
Never again will we see that smile
Yes, nor hear you talk
Your personality, only when we mock.
Its hard to face the spot,
When you look truth in the eye
You will blink first cause the tears from your cry.
My words will not suffice, this I already know
I want to help, for now, for tomorrow.
Dec 2012 · 587
Birdy Lost
Ethan Solouki Dec 2012
What's left to love?
Everything left with only memories for me to think of.
I try and try to stay on track
But my mind wanders, it keeps going back.
At first I gazed from a far
Wanting to know, you, unknown to me.
Looking closer, I got to see
You were the one with whom I wanted to be.
So from there we grew, planted that tree
From it's forbidden fruit we ate & thrived.
We didn't know it was eating us, slowly inside.
There are certain rules in this world that you must abide,
But they're not out on the table, they hide.  
It goes round and round this thought stuck in my head,
Thinking where did my birdy go?
Dec 2012 · 567
Risk for A Remedy
Ethan Solouki Dec 2012
Risk for A Remedy
A risk for a remedy
Sounds like a fair trade to me
The cure can come from speed
Or relief tasted by a ****
A risk is what it takes
The cure lies in the size of the stakes.

— The End —