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Jun 2018 · 519
only one morning
Darkness Jun 2018
One morning
misty and full
i woke up to find
no peace of mind

And while i was
changing my clothes
i suddenly felt
i was in love
Feb 2017 · 495
Darkness Feb 2017
The wind wins this race
the rain pours down on my face
I know i ain't gonna write a pretty poem today
so i put down my pencil and paper
and sarcastically thank the World, 'the heartbreaker'.
Jan 2017 · 650
Darkness Jan 2017
Your cheekbones lay out a landscape in front of me;
mountains and hills i want to cross

Darling, let me caress you
for all I've been doing is gathering moss

I'll kiss the highest hill, salute the bravest mountain
and follow the trail, to touch the blue sky

Knapsack on my back, following the track,
way up high

And when i descend
my eyes meet the sea and the moving waves
and as i gaze in wonder
i still love you my darling, and the world does too
Jan 2017 · 552
The door open
Darkness Jan 2017
The door open
like a wound

that shows me crying in my room
don't enter, it's grieve in bloom

naked and weak
i present me to you
as human as i can be
Dec 2016 · 1.1k
Sue is a bad girl
Darkness Dec 2016
Sue took my hand
on a saturday night
walked her home
when she told me with all her might

About her rock n roll boys
and her school shenanigans
how she found her voice
in the backroom with her toys

She seemed to be a bad girl
out of my league
so during the way home
i could only look at her rosy cheeks

Got to her doorstep
where she whispered goodbye
kissed me on my cheek and said
till monday, you magpie
Darkness Nov 2016
what i can find

in dark clouds
over shaded fields
inky mouths
after somber dreams

is your love
Oct 2016 · 604
Darkness Oct 2016
As we were looking for falling stars
suddenly i knew
that these moments would be haunting my mind for a week

and miles apart
we sit, thinking it over

Stars on this painting called the universe
staring in darkness, thousand years and going strong
how could they know, the dots far away
we two,  just like them, turning and dreaming of nothing
just being
and if the world may fall apart out of nowhere
we will be nothing
and these moments will be nothing
just  layers of black
and the stars will still gaze upon us
as once we gazed upon them
Sep 2016 · 833
Autumn of wine
Darkness Sep 2016
White sheets like white clouds
covering my blue bed
like they do

Tears on my cheek
like pillows on the sun
i walk in my dreams
straight to your door

It was the autumn of wine
and i wished you were all mine
but miles miles away
in much grief i’d stay

Unknown faces pass my way
people who don’t love in any way
streets filled with soulless dark
in my lonely  house i bark
Sep 2016 · 1.1k
bluebirds in the sky
Darkness Sep 2016
Like a starry night in summer
you passed by
and in a short time
you showed a grown man how to fly
like bluebirds in the sky
Sep 2016 · 404
Darkness Sep 2016
if the sea would turn dark blue
would you still be true

cigarettes dangling on thick red lips
in an uncomfortable way
lips im dying to kiss
i want you
you don't want me
Aug 2016 · 699
Darkness Aug 2016
your lips, my tongue
dancing in unison
sheets spinning
hands tightening
tongue swirling
breathing heavily
you screaming
a sigh of lust
us resting
Aug 2016 · 1.3k
Darkness Aug 2016
where did she come from
a meteor, it must be
her eyes contain the madness from stars
her lips the endlessness of the dark
Darkness Aug 2016
Occasionally i find myself walking through these old streets
its you im dying to find and meet
But only your shadow lingers on
and i know our real love is gone

Do you remember the blue banners at school
the purple leaves and the oak tree
The first days of spring and the flower dresses
how the love making used to be

Suddenly in the crowd it's you i see
and in that moment our eyes are a lost tragedy
But in the hush of living we lose each other again
and these old streets are as empty as can be
Apr 2016 · 848
Waiting in vain
Darkness Apr 2016
Eating breakfast on a strange star
way up in the sky
Baconian, egg-less and toasty creatures
passing by

Waving at me
four arms four hands
avoiding crumbs  
while dancing to joyful one-man bands

Painting Cezanne's masterpieces
with van Gogh like skill
painting purple geese
and showing off until

I woke up hot
looking like hell
cursed my way down to my mademoiselle

Apologised to her in rapid succesion
got on my seat and called me a connection, waitress;
told her my **** breakfast was tasteless

Looked up at her hands and noticed some things
she was wearing some great tiny shiny gold rings
that wasn't that much strange but i noticed something else

She had twenty fingers
and four ******* hands
'crazy', i thought, all by myself

Woke up again
but in rapid succesion
and glad to find my girlfriend
waiting in vain
Apr 2016 · 331
Spring again
Darkness Apr 2016
Spring again
writing again
seeing you again
loving you again
fighting you again
leaving you again
missing you again
loving you again
writing you again
painting for you again
dancing again

you and me crying
but never leaving each other
Sep 2015 · 534
Darkness Sep 2015
Under the coatstand
Many a things take place
A dream of kisses
The reality of fear
The end of day

Me kissing you
You kissing him

Jealousy in many forms
loyal friends
Fighting friends, still loyal

But most of the time
a lot of coats and jackets dangle
Till i pass by and make them  swirl
Sep 2015 · 457
Darkness Sep 2015
She was like a soft dream on a dark night
An angel from april sent to lighten september
Darkness Apr 2015
he probably made your heart melt
so i talk to the trees more often lately

i walk and talk
stare and walk

(looking/walking/seeking, without a goal
strolling along, but on my very own

i , your warm body
there's a warm fireplace

becoming art
of your near grace

lighting my eyes
blinking, thinking
Long time ago, time to forget.
Mar 2015 · 727
Get me now
Darkness Mar 2015
thrill my heart tomorrow
gather moss yesterday

touch me tomorrow
leave me yesterday

have me this year
dream of me yester-year

soften my pillow tonight
Jan 2015 · 597
One problem
Darkness Jan 2015
I stared a lot
At nothing
At eyes, wanting me
But their looks went unanswered
Why; i liked only you

I loved you, you didn't love me
I looked a lot, you didn't look back
So i stopped loving you

But the problem is
The eyes that wanted me before
Won't return my favor anymore
They whisper;
You're too late now.
Jan 2015 · 634
The magic of my poems
Darkness Jan 2015
Now it's too late
i tend to wait
and look what you've done

All of my being
seems hazy
what now, is the purpose of my living?

The magic of my poems
fled with the breeze
you started,
walking by
the last poem about you
Dec 2014 · 597
For I exist
Darkness Dec 2014
Nature, my motherly figure
Your trees, Your flowers
How they sing to me, gracefully
How they chant songs of night and
day, songs about yester-years and yesterdays.
All men and women; miracles. Even these words being miracles, at this very moment, as this moment is a miracle by itself.
Children, laughing gratefully, unaware of being alive, which is more worth than planets and sky's, for without life no planets and sky's would exist, nor would this poem.
So let me read books, listen to music, kiss my lover, swim the ocean, walk the woods, talk of life, look at stars and fly through the sky.
For I exist, mother, nature.
Dec 2014 · 814
O heart O mind
Darkness Dec 2014
O heart
Do not hurry

O mind
Live's a worry

Maybe in april you two may cling,
But not at this very moment.
You two, ever fighting.
Are you even aware of the person i love, i mean, you two made me love her true, didn't you?
Dec 2014 · 1.0k
hard to love
Darkness Dec 2014
a girl
she's shy and unseen
often walks tired
but looks at you
weary blue eyes
like ***
laughing timidly
for mystical reasons
always beautiful
and easy going
but  hard to love
Dec 2014 · 802
Darkness Dec 2014
across a giant black sea
full of insecurity
there lies a town
loved by many
but cherished by me

i often stare
at the beaming city lights
reflected by a giant black sea
keeping you, away from; me
leaving me, blushing sighs

if not a boat, if not a bird
is willing to  take me straight to eagerness
swimming will do
maybe dying too
maybe too

i love you
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
i and you
Darkness Nov 2014
i** need you tonight
under bright stars and dark sheets
clarinet plays
your heart stays
you brush my worries away
and for another hundred years i'm satisfied with my life
Oct 2014 · 747
little one
Darkness Oct 2014
all day through
i think about you
the chance of meeting you grows smaller
but my love for you grows taller
little one
Oct 2014 · 2.3k
Darkness Oct 2014
I inhale
Fresh air
Produced by my
Dear friends
The trees and flowers and plants

I give it back to you

Well look at that,
We do have something in common after all;
Oct 2014 · 798
oak trees
Darkness Oct 2014
i only hear autumn serenades
leaves seem to fall, as fast as my tears
O i love you so
you there alone
catching them, red brown green
i want to walk down the forest with you
catching them, yellow
oak trees waving their empty branches
through clouds, changing every hour
as autumn clouds do in autumn sky
they all chant poems of desire
i longlingly look upon them, hear them
but they don't seem to reach me

All the oak trees know
they whisper

give up the ship
kiss goodbye

but i dont want to
because i want you
oak trees = me
Oct 2014 · 2.6k
Take my hand stranger
Darkness Oct 2014
Take my hand stranger,
for thy hand fits perfectly in mine
for there is no reason to be insecure

The lines of our hands cross each other, floating rivers meeting, like an estuary, passionately touching,  but never perfectly fitting (as real love should be)
Our nails glancing to each other; the same happens when your blue eyes meet my greenies
Our skins stunning each other,  blushing, softening the insecurities they both feel
Our joints silly wrestling with each other; O the subtle touch of them

Take my hand stranger,
for thy hand fits perfectly in mine
for there is no reason to be insecure
Sep 2014 · 5.8k
last night-skin
Darkness Sep 2014
last night
your skin tasted like strawberries
gently sprinkled with soft sugar
it made me shiver
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
You'll see
Darkness Sep 2014
I am tired of grieve
I wonder
Should i love you?
Should i?

I want to

but i can't give you

This isnt sometimes
This feeling is always

wait; my old man said one early night like old men do

never give up, on giving the girl who secretly wants your giving

(You'll see, my girl
One day you'll see)
Sep 2014 · 17.6k
your smile
Darkness Sep 2014
your smile
shines in every season

In spring it blooms
In summer it blinds
In autumn it relieves (me)
In winter it warms

i would not know
what to do
you and your  shining
love you happy sad autumn
Sep 2014 · 860
Violet lips
Darkness Sep 2014
violet lips
on violet lips

why would you like me (i
                                                                ­      line
                                                                ­             10 times  
                                                         ­                                   for  
                        ­                                                                 ­        you)

look at other boys, 10000000 times more loveable than me
10000000 times more likeable than me

but yeah me, i change lines 10 times for girls as magnificent as you
so one chance would be appreciated


violet lips
on violet lips
Strange mood = strange poetry
Sep 2014 · 593
Darkness Sep 2014
i don't stand a ghost of a chance with you
but don't forget me, i will not forget you
i still hear your words;
the rhyme
i hear them
in the rhythm of the rain
crashing on my weak roof

but this afternoon was greatly great

although we didn't really really really like eachother

did we?

i really liked you

scrub  the wall of my self-pity

or maybe i'm just tired of

love (only need it from you you you
Sep 2014 · 937
as swiftly
Darkness Sep 2014
influence by blue velvet hasnt fade away

                         as swiftly
thy ears sing (                    as landscapes were created by monet)
they belong to you as much as your lips do
or your eyes or your feet and toes and blue-colored nails
and may they all be forever touched
by my bare hands
Sep 2014 · 1.3k
American mountains
Darkness Sep 2014
I am lost,
On a mountain passage
To love

I am dry,
In a yellow desert
Of lover kisses

I am wet,
In a dark steamy town
Ruled by rarities, like you

I am melancholic,
                                In a forest, big - no - immense as              (American
directed by autumn, dominated by orange green trees and leaves

I am rosy,
On a bird flying through
Breast-formed clouds

I am desperate,
in a sea of swimmers
full of hope

love know one thing
though i am
lost dry wet melancholic rosy desperate
my love for you is a big as

Sep 2014 · 2.9k
to hell with dreams
Darkness Sep 2014
i never dream of you
no one else has ever made more
experimental love than you
love more beautiful
- it  makes dreams look like little tiny fruit flies

so earlier this day the girl asked
        what i was dreaming about last night
i said; woman
        my dreaming starts at first daylight
for i know that this day will be one of many
         i'll spend with you, darling

(ironic me; lately i have been dreaming of I
having the chance to say this)
Sep 2014 · 625
i see
Darkness Sep 2014
i see you in every flower
you probably don't see me that way
but there is one certainty
i love you
and i hope that's enough for you and us two
Sep 2014 · 2.6k
my jupiter
Darkness Sep 2014
the moons of jupiter can be found in her eyes
they shine brightly

even the sun
blinks her eyes
in jealousy
the pensive green-eyed monster
Sep 2014 · 768
On a day like tomorrow
Darkness Sep 2014
i heard on a day like tomorrow
from others
you are not what you are
all  poetry fled out of me
the way a river floats into the ocean;
it fled to infinity

but what's so nice about easy women
i'd rather fight for you in eternity
suffer in hell for days
with fake sympathy
from phony lovers

so i will stumble upon you
on a day like tomorrow
and ask you for two things
Acceptance and permission
Sep 2014 · 1.2k
and we are life
Darkness Sep 2014
i take the fisher boat
pushed up by white-glowing waves
to the other part of the island
and i will take you with me
and we will build a house; only made out of wood; wood gathered by me: like a man should
live beneath trees; and look up
every morning
at the strange, never-seen birds
singing their tropical symphonies;
before we learn them Beethoven and Tchaichovsky
run through sand with bare feet;
even in winter
eat ***** fruit
drink strange water
But we don't care;
we are living
and we are life
Sep 2014 · 2.2k
That's how our love is
Darkness Sep 2014
imagine driving a car
in New York
alone at night

That's how our love is

imagine walking
in paris
together in spring

That's how our love is

imagine riding a bike
in Barcelona
afternoon sun glowing on our
Smiling lips

That's how our love is

imagine dancing
in a cosy bar
in the heart of Rome

That's how our love is
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
Me, you and town
Darkness Sep 2014
my voice inside
screamed of
finally liking someone
in this godforsaken town


every godforsaken boy
in this town liked her
me included, definitely

every godforsaken boy
In this town talked to her
Me not included, definitely

and everybody made love to her
Except me


this poem will change that, i promise
Sep 2014 · 1.2k
First raindrops
Darkness Sep 2014
If the first raindrops
of Autumn
  stir the late-summer ground


I know I am too late

I accuse myself
of being myself;
not being with you.
Sep 2014 · 1.2k
There was you
Darkness Sep 2014
There was you
In bright sight
of confident
June moonlight

There was you
In eyesight  
of insecure
August sunlight

There was you
In right sight here now
of Every season's

There was you
Sep 2014 · 721
My house
Darkness Sep 2014
This aroma of yours
This perfume of yours

Is in every corner
of my small house
on the plain fields of everything

As strong
as when I touch
your blonde curled hair
and wave my hand.

— The End —