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 Feb 2016
Ami Shae
ripped from the sacred slumber
that held me in its embrace
and awakening to this reality
staring me in the face--
I look around with blinking eyes
and wonder if all this that I see--
the burning flames upon the wall
is truly meant to be--
surely this is just a dream
and not reality at all
and then I hear a distant scream
and my name being called
soon the smoke engulfs my room
no hope to make an escape--
and I feel an impending doom
unable to deny what I know is fate
I lay in my bed, close my eyes
and beg for forgiveness while I wait...
but I woke up, so I guess it really was just a nightmare...
 Feb 2016
Ami Shae
I'm having a really hard time
understanding our world these days.
I feel like I am just losing my way.
I keep thinking I'll get it together,
that my mind is stronger than this,
that soon, very soon
I will somehow overcome
the overwhelming desire
to just
Honestly--I am just so tired
and so fed up with life.
It seems that the human race
has for the most part
lost its collective mind
and the morals of mankind
are falling into the toilet.
I would just hit the handle
and flush it down,
but the **** thing is so full
that it's blocked
and the sludge
just swirls endlessly
--nothing is being accomplished
except to keep people churned up
and fighting against one another.

Nothing makes sense anymore.
The cruelty, the stupidity of the campaign for Presidency (***, if Trump gets elected, our country is DOOMED) his hatred and
the uncaring hearts that follow him all swirl about this land &
are enough to make me want to just give up...
 Feb 2016
A monochrome film plays
Over and over.
To a singular audience.
It rewinds.
It sticks on one frame
Over and over.
In the scene
It's me, lost in a
It's walls lit with
projected clips
of a monochrome film.
Over and over.
 Feb 2016
Ami Shae
hiding inside the darkness
peering out into the light
only to find
that my soul hates the bright--
too much to comprehend
too much to grasp
the dark seems safer for me
and I keep wanting just to clasp
its safety and its comfort
for darkness brings only quiet
and light brings all the sound
'make it stop!', my inner voice screams
as I fall in a heap onto the cold, hard ground...
trying to capture the pain of a migraine...ow, ow, ow!
 Jan 2016
Ami Shae
Need: to feel to love to care to give to take
Want: to feel to love to care to give to take
Have: to feel to love to care to give to take
Gone: no feeling no love no caring no giving no taking
you see, my heart is literally breaking.
Love just plain is not real. It's NOT.
Sad :(
 Jan 2016
Ami Shae
Perhaps if I go back to sleep
I'll find that on the morrow
I will still be alive
and can wash this nightmare
from my soul
and begin anew--
I keep thinking...
perhaps in the morning
I can just let it all go...
morning comes in only an hour or two...
nightmare wakes me up and my mind keeps racing refusing to let it go...but maybe if I can make it til morning...thank god it's a weekend!
 Jan 2016
Ami Shae
I found myself floating in the dark dungeon
gasping for breath--for it was filled with murky water
and all I could do was float (I don't know how to swim)--
I opened my eyes and no light came through
only wet and cold and bone chilling pain
and I considered for a moment (or was it two or three)
of just letting go
and allowing the murkiness to swallow me--
all I would have to do
is stop trying to float
and allow myself to sink below
I so wanted to just allow it, to just let go
and suddenly I awake
and here I am, dry to the bone
and wondering why, god, why
am I so alone?
I'm still shaking. The one night I go to bed before midnight and I have this **** dream which shakes me to my core. I'm awake now.  :(
I really hate the night sometimes, you know?
 Jan 2016
Ami Shae
None can ever say
that I did not try
to find my way--
I traveled all the way here
to start a new life
to escape the fear
of living with a monster
that never stayed under the bed--
instead he lashed out daily
and bashed in my head
and when I ran with all my might
to escape the abuse, the fear
he somehow found his way
and discovered me here--
so I had to resort to legalities
begging the law
to just take him away--Please.

He's in jail now
for quite a long time--
you see he finally committed
a heinous crime
of killing someone
with his bought and paid for gun
and I hope he does many years
so I will no longer have to run--

none can ever say
that I didn't try
to find my way
to make a real life
right here...
so that I won't have to hide
and live in fear
of monsters that don't stay under the bed
and of wondering  when it will be me
who they find lying dead...
 Dec 2015
Ami Shae
Turned on the television
for the first time in many a day
had to shut it off poste haste
as everything they had to say
was full of venom and hate
and horrors that I cannot understand
sometimes I wish I would have been born
in a far away distant land.

Perhaps I came into this realm
at the most inopportune time--
should have come along years long ago
way back before machine guns were involved in crime--
should have been here
during the horse and buggy days
working on a ranch somewhere
sowing seeds and baling hay...

I have to fight the urge each morning
to leave and run far far away
to run into the woods and find a tree
where I can hole up and stay
and forget the horrors and hatred all around
that seems to be
this lifetime's favorite and unending sound...

Turned on the television
for the first time in many a day
had to shut it off poste haste
as everything they had to say
was full of venom and hate
and horrors that I cannot understand
sometimes I wish I would have been born
in a far away distant land.
is it just me? am I the only one who feels like they just do NOT belong in this time and place? I do NOT understand all the hate, the vileness of human kind. I just want to go away somewhere and find peace and love, but I'm afraid it really does NOT exist.
 Dec 2015
Liz And Lilacs
Watch your body fall to pieces.
It will not be the first to give up on you,
but it won't be the last, either.

When your nose bleeds,
resist the urge to scream.
It is only because all you've eaten
in the past three days was a grape.
Calcium deficiency.

Your skin will turn yellow
and your nails will be brittle.
It's not beautiful.
You will not look like the plastic
photo lies on the magazine covers.

Your body is consuming itself.
Maybe it sounds like poetry,
but it tastes like fear.
The fear of gaining weight,
the fear of not being perfect.

Your heart will weaken,
your kidneys could fail,

If you die of anorexia nervosa,
it will not be beautiful.
It will not be poetic.
It is grotesque and painful.
The doctors will shove tubes down your throat
just to keep you alive,
while your mind screams,
we can't have those calories

How do you waste away?
It's easy to do.
Hate every piece of yourself
until it's so small you can't feel it.
 Dec 2015
Ami Shae
Those messages you sent
to me in the dark of night
mean no more now
than they did
when we used to fight.
Just stay out of my life
and leave me alone!--
I don't want you anymore
and no, I won't come home--
I have no home
with you anymore
and I wish somehow
you'd just ignore
that we ever were a couple
for any length of time--
you hit me, you spat on me
you committed a crime
and NO, I will not take you back
and give you ONE MORE CHANCE
you see, I've already done that;
already danced that Dance--
and I don't need a repeat
of what I considered a living hell
so get the eff out of my life
and know this:
I do NOT wish you well!
Why is it the past keeps finding me? He blew his chance and I will not ever allow him back into my life, my heart. I still have a few scars to remind me. Nope. Not happening, dude. Leave me Alone!
 Dec 2015
Ami Shae
wandering and wondering
through this long
drawn out night,
my body screams
for sleep
my mind yearns
for peace
my heart aches
for love~~
would that I could fly
away from here
to find eternal peace
perhaps to transition
into a most serene
and beautiful
mourning dove...
thank goodness I have the day if I could just get some rest. Nightmares  have  jolted me awake
over and over again. I gave up
trying to sleep...
 Dec 2015
Ami Shae
She woke up to an eery sight
seems that somehow during the night
a shadow (or something!) had crept into her room
and brought with it a giant box full of gloom
and though she tried hard to seal that huge box
it wouldn't close even with one of her best locks
and out spilled the gloom all over the freakin' place
and now she's wearing that **** gloom on her face...
but no, it didn't just stop there--
somehow it leached into her hair
and ran across her feet, her legs as well
and now she stands wondering, is she living in hell?
just one of those days, I guess...
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