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Dhia Awanis Aug 2024
'though time was brief—your light was vast
your presence lingers; your memory stays
in the warmth of my hand, where i brushed you off my fingers

in the softest light of fading days,
unconditional, unexpected, true,
grief may weigh, but love won’t bend

pay me a visit through my dreams
play with me as i will feed you your favorite treats
tell me about the rainbow bridge

a love unplanned, in fur and bones
you have brought us so much joy

yet in the silence, sometimes i would hear your bell as you walked by
forever in my heart, my dear cat Mona.
December 2023 - August 2024.

thank you Mona for coming into our lives. i will forever miss those curious eyes and that starving look
Dhia Awanis Jan 2024
though tough decisions;
more ofthen than not
i question & constantly challenge myself

is this what you seek in life?
are the hardships you endure reflect growth—
or is it just you forcing against the universe?

notice how your surroundings revolve,
take part in what you believe in;
do you receive the sign you are looking for?
does it speak to you?

all my life i believe
i have always been guided
towards where i am meant to be

so my answer to all of that is yes
have faith; be patience
you will get there
Jan 2024 · 428
Dhia Awanis Jan 2024
in French they don't say "i miss you"
but rather "tu me manques"
or "you are missing from me"

so tell me,
was it your presence that is missing?
was it your warmth against mine?

there is this big void in my heart
waiting to be filled
it longs for your shadow
Jan 2024 · 501
Dhia Awanis Jan 2024
here we are

looking at grief in the eyes
sitting side by side with the pain
without it we won’t be standing still,
firmly; and as resilience; as tough;
as brave as we are right now

somehow deep down, we knew
when the strom was going to hit us,
and perhaps we didn’t remember
how we managed it through;
how we managed to survive

at last,

we made it to the shore
though in crumble and collapse
the storm don’t last forever;
it's over in the end
Jan 2024 · 259
samskeyti // attachment
Dhia Awanis Jan 2024
give me your hands
take mine in yours
let me trace the lines of your palms
let me feel them against my own

for some souls are never strangers to begin with
and if many lifetimes do exist
i will ask for you in each of one
i'd pray to find you then—through them all

but if perhaps not in this life,
i hope you'd stumble upon a heart
that resembles yours
May 2023 · 1.8k
the birthday poem
Dhia Awanis May 2023
growing up feels like i turned five two days ago
i've been fifteen for years
wasn't i twenty just a few weeks ago?
all my friends and i are still ten
the week is going by so slow
an entire year has passed

this year i'm turning 25; tomorrow is 30

i hope i remember to breathe
Jan 2023 · 550
Dhia Awanis Jan 2023
you ignite
the fire within me
i didn't know still exist

and for that
i'm thankful

you make me feel alive again
Dhia Awanis Oct 2022
We were tiptoeing
all the way to the kitchen
sneaking out like we used to
thousand of days before

The lights went off
he pulled me into his arms
all I can hear was his breathe
and his beating heart

Through his gaze;
I felt his warmth
Through his embrace;
I felt his longing

It’s almost as if
I can hear he said;
“welcome home”
without a word

It’s almost as if
all the goodbyes
were coming back
all at once
Apr 2022 · 801
Dhia Awanis Apr 2022
I took the long way back home
Wishing the noise would draw me away
Wishing the time would let you slip from memory

I went to places we used to sip our coffee
Everything is distorted as if time didn’t exist
Everything is surreal as if we were never there

I talk to people to keep me sane
All I felt was a small mouthful of nonsense
All I felt was longing for the warmth of your skin
I wish it doesn’t have to end like this
Apr 2022 · 1.0k
Tranquility (Before Chaos)
Dhia Awanis Apr 2022
Like the calm before the storm
Like the silence before the tsunami
Like the feeling when russian roulette spins
Like a rollercoaster after it touches the sky
Like a sandcastle when the tide is coming
Like a house of cards—
We’re in constant danger of collapse
Apr 2022 · 357
Maybe, Just Maybe
Dhia Awanis Apr 2022
In another life, meet me again

In another life, let’s try it one more time
Make me fall in love with you again

In another life, at the very least
We could say that we didn’t give up
We could say that we’d take a bullet for each other—even if we’re bleeding to death

So maybe, just maybe
Life would be a little kinder to us
Maybe life would let us be together that time
maybe in another life—but not in this one
Jan 2022 · 767
Beyond the Façade
Dhia Awanis Jan 2022
On one Summer day
a girl was wearing her heart
on her sleeves

She planted her gardens;
watered them sincerely
day by day

With each day goes by,
some people sneak a peek
into her blossoming flowers

Yet, no one bothers
to step even further
beyond the facade

She couldn’t help but wonder
why do people tend to admire
the beauty from the outside?

While the true beauty,
lies from within—
as it’s never about what it seems

And she thought,
even when her garden is flawed
it is at least, well taken care of
She foolishly thought it was enough—but it wasn’t
Jan 2022 · 666
Dhia Awanis Jan 2022
Substance over form
depth over surface

Layers by layers—
see me raw
Dec 2021 · 890
Hymn of Remorse
Dhia Awanis Dec 2021
I. Intro

"I'm as afraid; as exposed; as vulnerable, as you are right now," I remember saying it on the day you were born.

Falling in love scares me to death, yet I'm so glad I kept it open. It’s probably one of the bravest thing one could do—fully aware you are walking on eggshells and you could have your heart torn into pieces.

I guess love is the hope you feel in your chest when you meet someone and you just know, in a bizarre and all-consuming way, that they are going to mean a lot to you, that you are going to clear a little corner of your soul out for them.

Love is a mess—yes, but my God, is it ever a beautiful one.


II. Interlude

I still remember the day I met you for the first time again after 10 years passed by. You smiled at me that day, and the way you called me by my childhood name sounds so familiar—it is almost as if it never left your lips. You spell it fluently as if you recite it every day until the day we’d finally meet again.

“You were my first love,” you whispered to me tenderly, as I replied the very same to you.

Like a fairytale told in every classic stories, you came into my life out of thin air. I should’ve known by then that if something was too good to be true, it’s probably not true—or perhaps I was too naive to admit.


III. Encore

“We were in love and we were happy,” is the sentence I repeatedly mumbled to you as I hold back the scream off my lungs.

With all the sweet nothing, betrayal was something I did not see coming.

In the end, love alone is not enough.

You broke my heart when all I did was loving you.
Here I am on my bended knees; with my wounds wide open—wishing there comes a day where I’m no longer burning the bridges to ashes
Dec 2021 · 704
A Lost Cause
Dhia Awanis Dec 2021
I sip my morning coffee religiously
but lately my two shots doesn't feel
as bitter as it used to be

Perhaps that's the thing about life;
you get used to bitterness so much that
you can no longer distinguish which one is which
since everything tastes all the same

Or perhaps, the thought of you crossed my mind
and all the pain suddenly comes rushing back
as if I am being tormented for the sins I didn't commit

My wounds are burning; they’re still half-open
almost to the point it's unbearable for me to mend
had I known the bruise would left me scars this deep
I would have walked the opposite direction that day
Now we’re just a lost cause
Nov 2021 · 2.2k
Love Is Nothing but A Verb
Dhia Awanis Nov 2021
In the end,
You betrayed us and my trust
Your hypocrisy only goes so far
with each lies slowly unraveled

You didn’t love me at all
You love the idea of loving me
You thought you knew what love was

To me,
Love is never a phrase
It’s always been a verb
Nov 2021 · 666
Dhia Awanis Nov 2021
Opportunity knocks you once
but certainly not twice

So this is it—the final closure
of what I would forever call
an almost;
a road not taken
a missed connection;
a wasted second chance;

We may have everything
but never time
Perhaps growing up also means burning the old bridges to the ashes
Mar 2021 · 331
Love Language
Dhia Awanis Mar 2021
I wish one day
I'd be lucky enough
to meet someone
who speaks my language
so I don't have to spend
a lifetime
translating my soul
Mar 2021 · 655
Please Spare Me Some Time
Dhia Awanis Mar 2021
The clock is ticking

Time is fleeting before my eyes

It almost feels like
all these moments
turned into memories
in a blink of an eye

Oh, dear Time

Please, please, please
slow down a little bit
freeze if you would

Please, please, please
I'm started to lose grips
of everyone; everything
Nov 2020 · 794
An Ode to The Dead
Dhia Awanis Nov 2020
Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

How's the Earth looking from up there?
I bet you wouldn't even bother about the livings anymore,
I bet you couldn't wait for the Heaven; the eternity

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

Forgive me,
For every time I see a butterfly perched on my window I always thought that was you missing me
Forgive me,
For every time I see a cat around the backyard I always thought that was you visiting and checking up on me

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

Now I'm at peace, realizing that you are free from any physical pains;
As you are no longer burdened by your glaucoma or sudden heart attack
As your fragile skins won't have to be bruised when you coincidentally knocked on the table
As you won't have to feel headache each time you're overwhelmed by the thoughts of your family

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

Still, it doesn't feel right for my brain to comprehend that
My childrens won't ever get to hear the warmth of your voices;
Tasting the overburnt eggs and noodles you used to make;
Watching your favorite old movies in the afternoon;
Playing with the wrinkles on your hands;
or making fun of your white hair

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

I know you will never know about this
But I'm down on my knees
Silently pray inbetween the night and the dawn;
So that the angels will not be too harsh on you
In hereafter
I miss you
Oct 2020 · 497
Dhia Awanis Oct 2020
& so i fill,
i fill,
i fill;
every void
every space
every hollow
with my own
until it’s spilled
& reach the edges
until it’s full enough
that it doesn’t require
anyone else—but myself
self-love is not selfish
Sep 2020 · 606
The Ballad of Isolation
Dhia Awanis Sep 2020
Why do humans tend to appreciate life
when it feels like they are losing their grips?
Aug 2020 · 1.5k
Oasis in the Desert
Dhia Awanis Aug 2020
As the wind unwinds the surface
The Savanna nods to The Shepherd gently
yet every steps he took left deeply-rooted footprints

He carelessly steps on her wildflowers,
and while he rest, he'd pluck some of hers
deep down he knows he's in dead end

The Savanna couldn't help her curiosity,
so she asked where is he heading off
and why he tossed his compass halfway to the ground

On the spur of a moment, The Shepherd fainted
his throat choked; like he wasn't allowed to say a word
little did The Savanna knows he was cursed

"I am no use of you," said The Shepherd.
"I am cursed to walk on my path with me alone;
I am cursed to left my soul in every steps I took
I am cursed to get lost in the midst of unknown!"

The Savanna embraces him tenderly
'tho every time he bawls out and enraged
for countless time she failed but she's persistent

"Let me take care of you," insists The Savanna
"Until your broken compass works again;
until you know where you are heading towards
—until then, let me help you."

And just like that,
The Shepherd found within her
his long-time quest; his very own oasis in the desert
Apr 2020 · 416
No Poetry For You
Dhia Awanis Apr 2020
I have written poetries
for as many as I could remember
for people I once loved before
and those who came before you

I used to think that
it's a tribute to turn them into poetries
since I couldn't have them anymore
any other way in my life

At least, I think to myself
I could find a piece of them
inbetween spaces in my poetries
whenever my heart longs for them

Now that I met you
my arms are shaking, trembling
for I couldn't imagine there comes a day
I'd write something about you
because for once after a long journey
I'd give up everything
to turn something as beautiful as poetry
into reality; that is you
With you, I stopped becoming a poet
Apr 2020 · 434
Emoji of a Wave
Dhia Awanis Apr 2020
My dear,
the scars in your body is a map and a living proof
of how far you've gone and how you survived
despite every madness and chaos that restrain you

And just like waves;
this too shall pass
please hold on a little bit more this time.
you got this
Feb 2020 · 566
The Conversation
Dhia Awanis Feb 2020
"Do you believe in love?"

she shook her head.

"Well, you know what love does to people—destruction," she whispered quietly.

his astonished eyes stared at her with wonder and confusion.

"Being in love means you'd be willing to sacrifice and risk everything for it; or even worse, fight against anything that against it. All my life, I only witnessed the kind of love that ruin one another."

"Look at Bonnie and Clyde. Look at ******'s love for his Arya race. Look at Confessions of a Shopaholic. Look at Gollum. There's a thin line between obsession and love, and sometimes you can't tell which one is which."

her eyes looked far across the city; as if she was longing for something. perhaps, he thought, it's true that woman is an open book, it's just most men don't read and it's written in ancient Greek.

"But how about your Mom? How about the owner of animal shelter? How about the Environmentalist? How about the firefighters and crisis call center officers?" he responded.

and in that very moment, she knew she was in safe hands.
do you even believe in love?
Jul 2019 · 1.1k
Dhia Awanis Jul 2019
Your heart is an empty auditorium
during business hours
where everyone's too busy
to even see a play

It’s quiet, silent, and hollow,
like the cemetery at 3 a.m
and you will be frightened
by its silence

But as it heals,
the empty room will become
a hallway full of people
and it will foster

Until the emptiness turned into a parade
where broken parts march back
towards the eternal void,
and fill up the spaces
someday, you will love again
Jun 2019 · 2.2k
A Skeleton Made of Thoughts
Dhia Awanis Jun 2019
[ The Ache of Longing ]

It feels like an echo of hundred lifetimes ago,
that she almost failed to reminisce
the last time another soul looking through her
and tell her that her mind is brilliant;
that it's her warmth that captivates the most

And for what it's worth, she knows better
what it felt like to be seen for all that she is
and to be embraced for all that she isn't;
that she was never a quiet drizzle
but the storm that brings wreckage
yet, she was understood and accepted


[ The Echo from The Past ]

These days she never heard those words coming back to her
bet they won't even bother noticing what her eye color was
was it deep jet black? was it brown with a little hint of hazel?
since they were too busy staring at her curvy waist
that everything else becomes blur and dull

Sometimes when the day feels longer than the night,
and her cheeks started to weary of carrying her grin
she would contemplate of how good it must have felt
to have a comforting silence that worth thousand of words
where she could rest her overwhelmed thoughts for a while
yet, somehow the void that creeps inside her chest is filled
i wish one day,
someone would see through her again
to see that she is more than just
a skeleton made of bones and muscles;
she is a skeleton made of thoughts
Dhia Awanis Jun 2019
In this ocean of probabilities and uncertainties,
it's not death that I am most afraid of
since death is the only thing that is certain
yet, it's life and to be alive

In death, you only have one possibility
your nonexistent; an eternal darkness
of which light could never reach again,
even your loudest scream sounds like a long silence

In life, every steps taken create alternate endings,
perhaps sometimes you made the right choices
but when it comes that you didn't, it will haunt you
for the rest of your life that you'd start to wonder;

"what's on the other side of the roads you didn't take?"
"what happened if you'd only brave enough to take the risk?"
"what if what you thought was right, wasn't?"

Thus live, instead of just exist
worry not of your demise, but every seconds you spent
for life and death is only as thin as a thread;
make sure it is worth your while
it takes more than a pulse
and a pair of working lungs
to call a life,
Jun 2019 · 1.0k
Poetic Justice
Dhia Awanis Jun 2019
Soldier's weapon is gun and grenades,
while journalist's is pen and paper
& neither of them was ever a saint nor a sinner,
yet they play the most pivotal part
than anyone ever was

Unbeknownst to them,
the legacy they have sworn to protect
is curved from thousands of lifeless bodies,
glued with blood, pain, grief, and despair
of those whose names won't fit in history
May 2019 · 1.0k
Survival of The Fittest
Dhia Awanis May 2019
There are glory and victory in every battles
Yet there are more bleeding and suffering
Glory doesn’t bring back the dead to the living
Victory heals neither scars nor wound, let alone fixing the broken ribs

There are villains and heroines in every war
Yet there are more desolation and devastation
Villains are written in history by the side who wins
Heroines are what they call themselves after slaughtering the innocent

There are rebellion and revolution in every regime
Yet there are more poverty and misery
Rebellion is done by fewer people against jeopardy
Revolution is an act of people power against oppresive authority
Inspired by Game of Thrones
May 2019 · 1.1k
(Not a) Damsel in Distress
Dhia Awanis May 2019
See the unseen, even when it's poignant
even when it feels like your eyeballs will drop out of your skull
and you cry blood instead of tears

Speak the unspoken, even when it's bitter
even when it feels like the tongue will slip out of your mouth
and you spit blood instead of saliva

Fight the invincible, even when it's exhausting
even when it feels like your arms will be torn apart
and you shed blood instead of sweat

Seek the unknown, even when it's dangerous
even when it feels like your bet your life on shooting star
and you are drowned in blood instead of ocean
because the truth is, none of us is ever a damsel in distress—as no one is able to save us but ourselves
May 2019 · 2.9k
The Misfortune of Our Kind
Dhia Awanis May 2019
My dear sister, I’m sorry I wasn’t there
When they call you names and harass your crown on the street
When they tell you what you should or shouldn’t do with your body

My dear sister, I’m sorry I wasn’t there
When they pluck your honey against your will yet they tell them you enjoy it
When they touch your skin yet they left it bleeding and bruised

My dear sister, I’m sorry I wasn’t there
When they want you to cover your scars and pimples because they don’t meet the “beauty” standards
When they forcibly ask you to shave your hair because it doesn’t potray cleanliness and hygiene

My dear sister, I’m sorry I wasn’t there
When your rose is blooming and the moon is come but they show you their cold shoulders
When they make fun of your shape and laugh it off but they refuse to make a clean breast of it as an insult

Thus rise, dear sister
—for your pain is mine to carry
—for your wound is mine to mend
—for your war is mine to fight
Dhia Awanis Apr 2019
My mother never gave birth to a girl
Neither did her and my father ever raise a daughter
Yet, they raised a wolf—wild, fearless, strong, and resilient

They told me to howl at everything I found misfit;
to bark as a warning sign,
to riot as an act of resistance
maybe because i was born on national's prominent women heroine day, Kartini, thus i feel the urge to carry this responsibility upon my shoulder
Dhia Awanis Apr 2019
The dust is so lucky,
It gets to touch your sun-kissed skin and
caress your crimson hair that carries Summer memories

The sun is so lucky,
It gets to feel the warmth of your smile every morning
when you read your newspaper like it’s your breakfast

The moon is so lucky,
It gets to have your company every night when you dance to Frank Sinatra and having a glass full of bad wine

The stars are so lucky,
They get to feel your heartbeat echoes
while you were dreaming of some far away places

The galaxy is so lucky,
It gets to see its reflection through your eyes;
so crystal clear that it confuse the constellation

The whole universe is lucky
—but me
Dhia Awanis Feb 2019
God, guide me through this mess
ease my mind, soften my heart;
for I know that You know best what is good and what is not

God, help me accept the plan You have written for me
soothe my soul, strengthen my shoulder
for I know I plan, and they plan, but You are the best of all planners

God, release me from this pain and sadness
calm my nerves, harden my feelings;
for I know You will never weigh me something I'm not capable of carrying
Dhia Awanis Dec 2018
Pada akhirnya, yang mengerti
adalah bayangan dan diri sendiri
Sementara orang lain mati,
pergi tanpa sempat kembali

Pada akhirnya, yang berkeras hati
adalah jantung yang menolak berhenti
Sementara kaki mulai lelah berlari,
meraung ingin menyudahi

Pada akhirnya, yang abadi
adalah sunyi dan sepi
Sementara mimpi-mimpi,
hilang tergerus tanpa arti
Dec 2018 · 5.7k
In Her Wonderland
Dhia Awanis Dec 2018
Come closer,

What do you see?

Look deeper,
There's more of her than what meets the eye
She might spell queen on her tongue
She might blind people with her glance
But don't believe anything you see

Explore further,
There's more to her soul than the physical shape
She might wear fire on her skin
She might imply strong on her wrist
But don't believe anything you touch
she's more than her beauty, and she knows it well
Nov 2018 · 4.2k
Digital Love
Dhia Awanis Nov 2018
I think those who are in love on this era is cursed,
not that their love is delusional nor artificial
But because their manisfestation of love is perceived
by how society visualizes and defines it

We think someone genuinely love us because
they upload hundreds of photos of us
We think someone sincerely love us because
they write essay competition-worthy captions
We think someone truly love us because
they praise us at all of our selfie posts

To me, love is listening to a music
and suddenly it reminds you of them
To me, love is reading a good book
and suddenly wants them to read it as well
To me, love is when winter comes and all you ever think is whether they wear their warm clothes
To me, love is when the night comes and all you think of is how his day was

Well, then again, Chbosky once said that
"we accept the love we think we deserve"
And maybe we don't get to choose the way we love
or the way we want to be loved
Simply because we think it's the kind of love
that deserves us
"you make it far too easy to believe,
that true romance can be achieved these days" // Alex Turner
Sep 2018 · 4.7k
My Mind Is a Busy Street
Dhia Awanis Sep 2018
My mind is a busy street
its twinkling lights and noisy horns won't shut
whilst the walls are made out of skyscrapers,
only when the rain is pouring it began to quiet

My mind is a busy street
indefinite amount of strangers are crossing every now and then
leaving their footprints on every intersection,
little did they know it cost me bleeding wounds
Sep 2018 · 995
In The Midst of Chaos
Dhia Awanis Sep 2018
Every corner on this earth
feels like war zone

Every mouth of the people
tastes like revenge

How do we find peace
in this midst of chaos?
Aug 2018 · 3.7k
Dhia Awanis Aug 2018
The worst thing about losing someone to death is that
you didn't actually get that chance to pay your farewell

When they leave,
they just left

Suddenly, their brain refused to consume the oxygen,
their heart refused to pump the blood to the veins
It was almost felt like all those organs and cells had conspired together and finally come to their final conclusion

There will be days when you feel like grieving
and mourning over them are as normal as breathing

And it's okay,
it's okay

No one will ever get over death of loved ones easily
mostly because the "what if"s and "if only"s that follows,
Because the most painful goodbye
is the ones that never got the chance to be said
i miss you Grandma. if i could only turn back the time, i'd love to hug you tighter that night. for one last time
Jul 2018 · 2.4k
Déjà vu
Dhia Awanis Jul 2018
Strangely, your existence feels familiar
I think I've seen your face somewhere,
or was it your voice that I heard?
or was it your skin that I touched?

Are you sure this is our first meeting?
I'm not quite sure, though, but if it is,
why do I feel like my soul has known you forever?
why do I feel like my heart has been longing for you?

Well, I can't help but wonder,
when your deep brown eyes met mine anxiously
when your tongue spelled my name fluently
do you, by any chance, recognize me too?
Jul 2018 · 11.9k
House of Broken Dreams
Dhia Awanis Jul 2018
Darling, who ever told you that home is made out of bricks?
Home is whenever your heart feel at ease and be at peace
Home is whenever you go to places and in love with the streets
Home is whenever you listen to the music and jam to its rhythm

This two-story building made out of bricks,
is a place that shouldn't be burden off your shoulders
is a place that should you reminisce in joy instead of grief
is a place that should be a sanctuary rather than asylum

Darling, who ever told you that home is made out of bricks?
Home is whose eyes were jet black with a heartbeat
Home is whose smirks feel like summer in winter days
Home is whose touch melts away even the toughest iceberg

"Well", you said, "this two-story building made out of bricks,
is a place where I hear more yelling than laughter
is a place where my dreams died and buried deep
is a place where I used to shamelessly call as home
Jul 2018 · 7.7k
Running in Circle
Dhia Awanis Jul 2018
I was thousand kilometers away from you,
when a stranger bumped into me
he asked me where I was heading off
he asked me if I'm lost by the dead end

I remember answering that nothing to worry,
as I used to go solo and travel alone
'though he offered me help, I refused
it's the kind of kindness I can never repay

Years passed by until it comes to my senses,
how could I ever grasp his helping hand
while your fingerprints are still all over my skin?
while your voice still resonates down to my toes?

Youth was all we ever had, and
no matter how far I've come to walk away
every time I wander it goes directly to you
—I am running in circle
Feb 2018 · 2.8k
Three Question Marks
Dhia Awanis Feb 2018
Some say that before you breathe your last breath,
all your life will flash before your eyes
so tell me, what kind of life you'd want to have?

Some say that having your heart broken is like
having your flash ripped and your bones fractured
so tell me, will you regret to have fallen in the first place?

Some say that when you miss a dead person,
the Heavens will let your voice be heard
so tell me, what are the words you are going to say?
Jan 2018 · 9.5k
Her Soul is Tired
Dhia Awanis Jan 2018
Her soul is tired now
and all she ever wanted to do was
calming her crowded mind
and resting her heavy heart

Her soul is tired now
and the only path she’d go through
was no longer runaway full of eyes
but an empty and quiet hallways

Her soul is tired now
and the dreams are no longer dreams,
they became possessions and hunger
that consumes her alive

Her soul is tired now
as the passion slowly fades away
and the flame in her eyes began to vanish
can’t you feel the absence of her warmth?
Apr 2017 · 6.2k
In The Pursuit of Happiness
Dhia Awanis Apr 2017
Afraid not of mistakes,
but a chance not taken

Afraid not of aging,
but a youth spent wasted

Afraid not of death,
but a life unlived
Dhia Awanis Apr 2017
She has lost count on how many nights she spent alone,
spoiling her thoughts while sipping her whiskey at the balcony
looking at the stars and the moon with intimate longing,
and wishing to be one of them as if she was one, once

They say that to live is the rarest thing in the world,
as for her, life is always a puzzle with one missing piece,
an endless labyrinth with no way out, let alone the dead end
an unsolved riddles with no absolute clues, let alone the answer

Sometimes at times like tonight, she'd let her mind wander
to streets she has never walked before and people she has never met,
with language she barely understands nor familiar with,
thinking maybe solitude is not a bliss after all—it's an agony
Apr 2017 · 59.3k
Beauty in Diversity
Dhia Awanis Apr 2017
We were born in different shapes, colors, and size
Not a single embryo was able to decide their DNA or blood type
But that shouldn't make us less humans than the others
It's the diversity that makes us exquisite and beautiful

Break down the stereotype that beauty is fair skin,
that beauty is a skinny and blonde-haired lady
that beauty is wearing clothes with branded labels
that beauty is applying tons of foundation and mascara

Who are we to determine the standard of beauty, anyway?
While each of us is God's creativity,
authentically made by His hands

Who are we to judge God's taste in art, anyway?
While each of us is uniquely magnificent,
as His creations are never less than a masterpiece

Keep in mind that the real beauty lies within ourselves,
beneath our skin, between our thoughts, and inside our soul
Embrace your inner beauty
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