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Dec 2022 · 331
Make It Stop
Sara Jones Dec 2022
No matter how much I try
My heart continues to beat for you
And that scares the **** out of me
Nov 2022 · 286
Word Vomit (10w)
Sara Jones Nov 2022
I feel safer with you,
Than I do with myself.
Jan 2019 · 432
Sara Jones Jan 2019
Do you want to be with me?
Does the thought of having this baby scare you so much that you can't be patient with me?
Is it that we dont have ***?
Why is it when I speak you always get upset and say I'm trying to blame you when I'm just trying to talk?
Is it that I'm complaining too much?
Is it that I dont depend on you?
Is it that you want me to?

What do you want from me?
Do you want me to figure out a solution?
My solution is to just shut up and do whatever you want.
But you wont like that.
Neither will I.
Do you want me to visit at work everyday?
Ask where you are?
Be up your ***?
Do you want me to be fake?
Because that's what you're asking of me

I'm sorry
I can't live like that
Like this
I'm done.
Aug 2018 · 390
One Day
Sara Jones Aug 2018
One day I believe I'll be what you want me to be
One day I think I'll do what you want me to
One day I wont **** up so much
One day I'll be worthy of you
Mar 2018 · 651
2:39:47 AM
Sara Jones Mar 2018
Its times like this when i get home later than expected.
Hes sleeping peacefully,
But theres plenty to do:
Cleanin­g my car
Brushing my teeth
Being Happy, or prentending to be
Be uncomortable in my own skin
Scratch my arm in hopes the skin starts peeling off
Man this list is too much for me
Im going to bed.
Dec 2017 · 711
You said you wouldnt
Sara Jones Dec 2017
You said youd never leave me.
You said youd never dissapear.
You told me you would always stay right here.
But you lied, didnt you?
Made my friends heal all my wounds
You left, for what?
For someone who cant even take care of you?
For someone who would only use you?
Made alcohol into my bandaids,
Because you cant see the scars you left inside,
On my heart, in my mind
You left pieces of you behind and it makes me feel like i can hold on.
But why would i do that, when i can move on?
I can try and forget your name and fail as always
Because somehow
Youve poured your poison in my veins
The only way to get rid of you is to cut it out
But its gone into my heart and courses through my body with every rythmic beat and bump
Youre like taking a shot of *****
You remember that time you tried to drown yourself in it but it didnt work
Only landed you in the hospital for alcohol posioning
Alcohol at least helps numb the hurt as my heart continuse to pump your name throughout my system

Its not like my heart hasnt been broken before.
Whats one more time?
Cracks will always give way.
Just like how i will always run back to you
And history will always repeat itself.
And i will always end up
Sara Jones Dec 2017
Oh darling don't mind me and my twisted thoughts
It's not like you bothered to check before
So I'll down this bottle of Crown alone
Just like the one I did 20 minutes ago
To get as far gone as I can
Maybe I'll call you and confess what I've always wanted to say
After all, sober thoughts have never really done me much good.

Downing bottle after bottle sounds more appealing
Than you telling me you don't love me anymore
Dec 2017 · 406
Sara Jones Dec 2017
How dare you tell me

That I was the problem.
Dec 2017 · 588
Sara Jones Dec 2017
I used to paint pretty pictures on my skin.
My brush collection was wide,
Filled with box cutter razors, the blades out of pencil sharpeners, and knives.
I used to melt my shaving razors and rip the blades from their homes,
Nessled them deep within my flesh to warm their steel bodies with my blood.

Am I painting pretty again, Mommy?
Am I making you proud yet, Grammy?
Looking into the glass windows of my home like they were funhouse mirrors,
Twisting and distorting my hourglass figure until I could no longer recognize my own skin.

I used to own a hall of mirrors.
Collected my demons behind the glass.
Big and small,
Tall and short,
Thick and thin,
Each mirror distorting your body image more than the last.

I used to collect knives.
Steak knives, butter knives, utility knives, butcher knives.
Each blade glistening with crimson.

Oh how I miss my children.

I bet you think it rude to speak of my past gory collections so fondly.
As if cutting myself open to let the bees rattling inside my veins free was the animal abuse.
Well I'll have you know I've finally set them all free.

Now my true healing may begin.

Now I collect flowers off the side of the road.
I collect feathers
I collect poems
I collect words
I collect men
And finally,
I collect myself
Nov 2017 · 337
I Want You
Sara Jones Nov 2017
Everything would be easier
If you would walk away from me

But you won't
You'll leave me in limbo

Nov 2017 · 346
He reminds me of you
Sara Jones Nov 2017
When he touches me, I can feel your hand in mine.
When he kisses me, I can feel the heat of your breath.
When he ***** me, I can feel your hands on my hips.
When he sleeps, I can feel your heart beating.
When he looks at me, I can feel your eyes on my soul.
When he leaves me, I feel like you did all over again.
Nov 2017 · 392
Sara Jones Nov 2017
Sometimes people will
Never see your true colors
'Til you go away
Nov 2017 · 347
Writers Block
Sara Jones Nov 2017
Write a line or two, get a decent rhythm.
Write one line that sounds wrong.
Erase one word, replace it with another.
Re-read the whole thing to yourself.
Read it out loud.
Shut up because you sound awful and you're not a spoken word poet no matter how hard you try.
Erase the whole thing.
Try to start over.
Trip on your words.
Lose tract of the topic.
Forget this poem was not supposed to be like the last one.
Erase it again.
Try to come up with a title to inspire yourself.
Listen to music while staring at your pen.
Write a ****** poem about not being able to write a poem.
Kinda like it.
Feel inspired.

This has been the official tutorial.
Nov 2017 · 317
Growing Up
Sara Jones Nov 2017
When I was young,
I would play with numbers more than the toys in my trunk.
I would talk about science like it was the language if love.
I would play in the dirt as if I knew I belonged there.
When I was young, I had a sense of wonder.

When I got older,
I left the numbers on the pages of my algebra textbook.
I broke up with science and gravitated more towards English and poetry classes
I stopped playing in the dirt and began yerning to live underneath it.
When I got older, I wanted to **** myself.

When I get to where I'm going,
The boys who dismissed me all those years ago will ask for my hand.
My poetry will lay upon the pages of text books.
Maybe I won't want to **** myself.

But that's part of getting older, isn't it?
Moving on from things that made your heart sing?
Is this what it means to be an adult?
I envy younger versions of myself.
They all had this way about them that would draw people to them.
But I guess I lost my charm while I was breaking my own bones.

Maybe one day I'll get to where I want to be.
Nov 2017 · 289
Sara Jones Nov 2017
How dare you look at me that way.
Make me take you out of the little box that I hid my feelings for you.
How dare you treat me like you wanted me.
Then turn around and leave me for her
Nov 2017 · 1.3k
Sara Jones Nov 2017
It's the way she holds her head when you talk
The way her eyes light up when she sees a dog
The way her hair frizzes around her head like a halo
The way her body will melt into you when you hold her
She's beautiful

It's the way she talks to the voices in her head
The way she walks
The way she talks
The way she takes care of you

It's the way she holds you when you've had a long day
Or how soothing her voice is when your demons come to play

She's beautiful
But you never told her.
Nov 2017 · 432
Sara Jones Nov 2017
I've never loved myself more
Than I do without you next to me.
I don't feel shy or self conscious
I don't feel like I have to hide who I truly am
And i couldn't be happier to be done with you
Oct 2017 · 259
Sara Jones Oct 2017
Im more terrified of falling in love with you,
Than i would be if i was jumping off a building.
Im always sick and always tired.
I never have time to be around.
How could you come to stay in love with a nomad like me?
Oct 2017 · 535
Sara Jones Oct 2017
It doesnt matter where i am or who im with
When you call
i cant help but answer
Sara Jones Oct 2017
I just hope one day,
Someone will look right at me,
Like he used to do.
Oct 2017 · 424
Sara Jones Oct 2017
Maybe one day youll finally see me.
See me for the starry eyed, still-believes-in-magic type of girl ive always been.
The girl whos 21 and scared of thunder.
The girl who cries in the dark because its like nothing can reach her.
The girl who just wants to love.
To be loved.

Maybe youll finally see me as the girl who gave you her all.
The one who held you when you cried, screamed, and tortured yourself.

Maybe one day youll finally see
That im still helplessly in love with you
Sep 2017 · 1.1k
Sara Jones Sep 2017
Dont tell me I'm beautiful.
Because all i can think of
Is that i have such an ugly personality.

How can you fall in love with a monster like me?
Sara Jones Sep 2017
I cant help but look at the full moon and feel empty.
Maybe someday soon,
I can make myself feel whole again
Sep 2017 · 507
Take a deep breath
Sara Jones Sep 2017
I am drowning, help.
Lungs are filling with water.
I cant do this. Please.
Aug 2017 · 634
Sara Jones Aug 2017
Maybe one day soon,
I will cut my wrists wide open,
And find flowers growing in my veins.
Taking root deep within my heart,
Branching outward, trying to gouge out my eyes,
Curling around my eardrums,
Around my spine.
Blossoming in my temples,
And in my fingers.
Stems wrapping around my throat,
Making it hard to breathe.

With fuzzy vision, choking breathes, trembling hands,
Maybe i can manage to cut them out.
Carve up my hands until i can reach inside and rip them out.
Dig into my chest and tear them from the roots.
Maybe i can stop the pulsating, as the flowers try to make me beautiful
Try and make me like them
Try and **** me
Like we try to **** them
Jun 2017 · 1.5k
Heartstrings and Attacks
Sara Jones Jun 2017
You know that moment that most classify as your heart "dropping"?
When someone tells you something or you start thinking too hard
And suddenly you can feel your chest just stop?
Someone's holding your heartstrings so tight that they stop vibrating.
They stop making the music you've grown comfortable with
And make it start throbbing and makes your knees weak.
For me, and many people, it gets really bad sometimes.
Sometimes it gets so bad that you can't breathe quite right.

Like when your fiance tells you how worthless you are when you thought things were just looking up.
Like when your mother tells you the news that he left you with nothing but your anxiety attacks in the middle of the night.
sometimes you can't help but wonder why.
I know I wasn't perfect but I did everything I possibly could.
So when you hear the news he's going to be a father your world stopped and your heartstrings try to sing but
They can't
Because as he walked out he dragged them behind him
As if holding you there forever is such a possibility.

As if you'd follow him forever.
With your back breaking and knees clanking and palms sweating
You'd stay there just for him.
You'd deal with your anxiety attacks.
Youd try to no avail to silence the voices that have done nothing but break you down bit by bit.

You know that moment when your heart drops and you can feel your heartbeat in your toes?
As if that's where your heart has lived your whole life?
As if stepping on the veins that circulate every blood plaitlet in your body didn't hurt as everyone stepped on it.
As you stepped on
Because darling one of these days you're gonna take a wrong step and crush your own ******* heart.

So pick it up.
Pick your heart up from the soles of your feet.
Place it back inside that cage you call a chest and just keep trucking like you always
Because time does in fact heal all wounds but
God you wouldn't know that because you don't stop dwelling on the subject to let Father Time do his work.
Pick up your sharp edges and twisted senses.
Pick up the pieces of your broken mirrors and safety nets.
Baby it's time you learned how to fly and stop loving your life underneath the surface.

Pick it up.
Spread your wings.
Fly on the songs of your heartstrings
And never let
Your nightmares turn to reality
Apr 2017 · 677
Controlled Abuse
Sara Jones Apr 2017
I've never been one to take a punch without either dulling my senses or punching back
But this punch back feels wrong
Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing
I'm drifting through life
The corridors of my heart have been empty for years and I don't know how to fill them anymore
From my father to my first love to you I've been abused
I've been bruised, talked down to, manipulated, and confused
And you did nothing but confuse and dull my senses as if there was something I was supposed to see and you blocked it from my view
I've never hated you, I can't find the time to
But between when you left me barely functioning and now I've learned to love you without being next to you
And hearing you hurt and holding back the pain in your voice broke me and I didn't know how to respond.
So when you told me not to speak to you
Not to tell you that I loved you
Not to tell you that I missed you
I decided that because I do love you I was going to respect your wishes.

I check your Facebook now and again
I make sure you're still posting on your instagram to make sure you're still breathing
If I could ask you how you were doing I would
But you don't want to hear from me, it hurts to much
And I keep fighting the urge because baby
You learned how to control me
And now I cannot free myself.
Mar 2017 · 746
I wonder
Sara Jones Mar 2017
Sometimes I wonder if you find yourself here
Scrolling through the words of my past
Wondering if you're still in my mind
Or even scrolling further back to see all my love poems to you
Well if you haven't noticed you haven't left my head

So if by chance you've stopped by this page today my darling
Mar 2017 · 656
Closed Doors
Sara Jones Mar 2017
Don't worry about me, baby.
Just let me drift in and out of consciousness like I tend to do.
Open your mind, see things as I do.
Let the darkness take its toll as the music begins to grow
Until you can't hear the voices inside you
As if you finally learned to close the door.
Feb 2017 · 602
Cigarette Break
Sara Jones Feb 2017
Sometimes nothing feels right until you light a few cigarettes.

Sometimes you need that moment of silence when you feel your lungs fill with smoke

Sometimes you need to think about your life as you spend five minutes outside alone with your thoughts

Sometimes you just need a cigarette break
Feb 2017 · 351
Sara Jones Feb 2017
Why can't I forget you?
I'm doing so well, I have a family of my own
Then why can't I keep you out?
Why is it when I'm driving home from work at 3am,
and I know that he is home waiting for me
And I know that the kids miss me
That I think about the way you kissed me?
Feb 2017 · 1.2k
Sara Jones Feb 2017
I've finally come to terms with our parting.
It was sad and emotionally scarring.
But I've finally been able to move you out of my head.
So I can, finally, be at peace in his bed.
Jan 2017 · 437
Sara Jones Jan 2017
The blood is drying underneath my nails
And it's dripping off your cheek
While you stare at me in shock
That I would do such a thing
Jan 2017 · 563
Sara Jones Jan 2017
I would die a million deaths if it meant I got to hold you in my arms again.
If it meant I could smell your cologne, I'd stick my hand in a hornets nest.

I know we don't work.
Baby I know more than most
I know that I'll continue loving you no matter what.
No matter who says I'll get over it, I'll get better, I'll be happier without you
It's not true

For my heart has clung to you as I try to rip it out your grasp.
It's as if you decide to tug right when I decide I've won and stop fighting it.

You show up somewhere.
You show up in my dreams.
In my thoughts.
In my heartbeats.
You're there.
Just...being... you...
Jan 2017 · 1.1k
Daddy Cant You See
Sara Jones Jan 2017
Daddy can't you see just how bad you're hurting me
I've done what I can and poured out my heart
Trashed my mother and it tore us apart

Daddy can't you see just how much bad you've caused
For it know not of love and I can't see when it does
You've taught me a lesson that can't be unlearned

Daddy can't you see
How your actions in our time of being
Have tortured me
Dec 2016 · 440
Teach me
Sara Jones Dec 2016
I waited for you to teach me everything you knew
But you kept me sheltered and lonely
Well he's got me thinking and answering questions
As if there's a test I need to pass and he wants me to succeed
It makes me think you never really cared
For me to learn all about you.
Dec 2016 · 555
Sara Jones Dec 2016
I catch myself from time to time
Not thinking about how bad you hurt me
But how well he treats me
And I think it's a pretty great improvement
From howling your name at 4am
Trying to not wake my roommates.
Dec 2016 · 954
Sara Jones Dec 2016
My brain has been running wild as I live in the holes in my heart.
My brain wanders and loses track of everything
And my heart just shakes and rattles against the walls of my lungs
My skin sweats and my bones shiver
My brain is worried about everything except my heart
Because right now it's so broken the my brain doesn't know how to approach it
Sara Jones Nov 2016
Everytime I think my brain turns to you. And in turn my stomach churns hoping you’ll reply with an I miss you and a smile
Nov 2016 · 405
Rules of Engagement
Sara Jones Nov 2016
what if you wanted to be that girl for once?
the one with the cute engagement photos and beautiful ring
what if you wanted it all
but wont let yourself admit it
Nov 2016 · 494
Shut Up
Sara Jones Nov 2016
If you gave me a moment

I'd squander it

Telling you how awful I am
Oct 2016 · 403
Sara Jones Oct 2016
Who am i to tell you who i am

For you are the force that keeps me awake at night

Trembling at the thought of eternity alone.
Sep 2016 · 550
Sara Jones Sep 2016
Once i knew a girl who would smile about the smallest things
Now she frowns and looks away
Thinking to herself "i have to much to do today"
For shes not alive in the city she loves
And shes torn between what her heart wants
And what her brain tells her
Jul 2016 · 319
What do you do
Sara Jones Jul 2016
What do you do when you realize it was supposed to be you in that white dress?
What do you do when you realize
You may never again?
Jul 2016 · 331
You Drink
Sara Jones Jul 2016
What do you do when you realize youve made a mistake?
When the one who loved you left you alone and you moved on,
And now hes getting married and you dont know what to do.
You drink and drink and drink until you cant hear your heart beating
You drink till you forget to remember your own **** name.
You dont realize how much he affected you
How weak he made your knees
How beautiful he made you feel

Well he calls her beautiful now.
He calls her baby and love and baby girl
He calls her wife and he calls you stupid
"The Ex"
And then you drink some more
What do you do when you lose someone important?

Im sorry i wasnt ready when you were
And i am now and youre no longer here
Youre off in the sunset with her and youre smiling your smiles.
Dancing like a fool and making jokes with friends
And im here
Still drinking
Still thinking
Still wishing
You were mine.
Jul 2016 · 2.1k
He made me weak for him
Sara Jones Jul 2016
He was the sunshine in my rain
And when it became a monsoon
He simply smiled wider.
Jul 2016 · 752
Sara Jones Jul 2016
She swang in the breeze.
Her face was purple and her skin was cold.
She swung from a rope
Tied to the highest branch
She decided to leap
And on her way down
She inhaled
And finally realized she wouldnt feel
The pain
Of an exhale
Jun 2016 · 535
Sara Jones Jun 2016
What do you do when your veins throb to the sound of the clock ticking?
What do you say when words have no sound?
What do you mean when you say you want to end it all?
What does it mean to ponder your existance?

As if you never noticed your best friends eyes
Never saw how small her smiles are.
Never understood why she locks herself away
Never saw her beat herself ****** while crying his name

How could you miss the way he held your hand,
When ten minutes prior he was dragging you around?
Why do you remember the space between his eyes
And his mother's southern drawl
How could you forget how he touched you so roughly

What do you do when your veins thhrob to the sound of the clock ticking?
What do you say when words have no sound?
What do you do when youve stopped thinking,
And burn your soul to the ground?
Jun 2016 · 404
Suicidal Thinking
Sara Jones Jun 2016
I feel like falling apart.
As if the paint was peeling off the walls and showing me my true reality.
I dont know what else to do
This existentially crippling feeling makes me want to ***** the lunch i never ate
Wanting to grab a shotgun and point it to my brain
Maybe then, ill end the pain
Jun 2016 · 480
Old Love
Sara Jones Jun 2016
Eyes with fire
Missing the way you fought time
Just to be beside *me
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