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Oct 2019 · 484
Van Byrde Oct 2019
It takes twelve minutes for me to arrive
So if I come over, is that alright?
I know it's late
And I’m in such a state
But, baby, I need you tonight
Feb 2019 · 423
forget her
Van Byrde Feb 2019
first love
she understood
crushed me down
under the toe of her boot
i want to forget
i wish i did drugs
i don't get it. at least you have no idea who i am so  you can't point out how *******  pathetic i am right now. jesus.
Feb 2019 · 572
Van Byrde Feb 2019
she left me
ran away with another man
she said goodbye
and I did protest
I don't know what I did
but I loved  her with my best
god, it hurts
Jan 2019 · 853
Van Byrde Jan 2019
She was intoxicating
Like wine
Rich and dark
And ruby, ruby red

She moved
Like she was bathed
In love

How could I resist?
Jan 2019 · 801
Cold feet hot tea
Van Byrde Jan 2019
I speak your name into the night
my hands crawl across your sheets
and your body isn't there
I wait
the chill in the air puckers my skin
you've got a steaming cup
in your hand, as you come
softly padding in
the nights blue light
and your warm honeyed eyes
"Come back to bed," I say
"My feet are cold."
"I'll be your heater. Am I hot enough for you to hold?"
you climb in and thump my head

We waited there
Till the rays of light
Shined on our forms
Tea forgotten
Sleeping like two children
In a storm
Clutched to one another tight
Jan 2019 · 820
Nice People
Van Byrde Jan 2019
i don't think i like nice people
i feel guilty around them
like my past stains me still
and they see it all
Jan 2019 · 604
My Water Woman
Van Byrde Jan 2019
She's my water woman
Got an ocean in her eyes
And a well in her chest
She drags me down deep, all violent
I let her, for it's me who is blessed
inside of me, she cannot see my swimming heart leap
She doesn't understand
How can she when even just her hand
takes me to the safe place I crave?
An island. I’m surrounded by her.

We make love and she's a tidal wave
At night we navigate by touch
I've learned all her constellations
The stars she's made of
She's the fountain of life
Then she speaks
And I know why
Sailors were drowned
In deep blue seas
Her eyes find mine
She breathes like it's me
Who's the magic one
After, we lie warm and still
She says I'm hers
like I should have known it all along
I swallow my reply down like a pill
And she doesn't know yet,
The magic water woman,
That I had never loved before I met her
I had never loved anyone at all
Dec 2018 · 1.1k
Van Byrde Dec 2018
If all the best characters are a little broken...
does that make
the favourite?
Oct 2018 · 1.7k
Van Byrde Oct 2018
her heart beats a tattoo
against my belly
her head rests
against my chest

giving love to a monster is taboo
and when she does it,
she thrills me
again and again and again
Oct 2018 · 938
In the Dark
Van Byrde Oct 2018
I feel better in the dark.
I say things, then, that I wasn’t sure of
before I said it

In the light, I tell them lies
But when I slip away into her room at night,
I only speak the truth

We met by accident
She didn’t make me wish for
She whispered to me that things were better in between
  And she let me
     She begged me

Fire beckons me, but I’m in love with another
She’s too slick, but I love the sound of
       her laughter,
                her abandon.
She’s ready to hurt, but I love her
                 her affection.
She offers me the light,
         and I love her darkness, too.

I want all of her, if she’ll let me see
I’ll stay, anyway
Until she gets sick of me
Oct 2018 · 894
The Adored Woman
Van Byrde Oct 2018
Her heel is adorned with rubies
her temple with sapphires
her calf is painted in gold
and her glorious thighs in kohl

The curve of her hip is tucked in lapis
the swell of her breast is caressed by jade
skin so rich she shines like onyx
eyes so warm she can make a man

This is all she wears

— The End —