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4.4k · Feb 2018
Skyler M Feb 2018
I tell myself,
I force myself,
I convince myself,
I encourage myself,
with purpose,
I plead myself.
Skyler M Sep 2018
do you know,
what it's like,
to hate yourself,
but not just your face,
your entire body.
you look at your skin and it's much too pale,
you look at your chest and it makes your eyes bleed,
you'd gladly rip those out, pain and all,
I've considered it before,
to **** myself up so that they can be gone.

when your face doesn't match,
the way you wish,
then your voice interrupts your speech,
and you hate it so much,
you hate it so much.

you hate it so much.

you hate it so much.
you'd gladly go mute,
to make sure no one knows what you sound like.
if I'm lucky I might get them all gone
but I don't know how one can stay sane with all these flaws.

My chest hurts,
it hurts so much.
my body hurts,
it hurts so much.
My chest hurts,
it hurts so much.
my body hurts,
it hurts so much.
because of these,
alien things on top of me,
get rid of them for me,
won't you please?

days nights and years
days nights and years
days nights and years
Skyler M Mar 2018
Mr. Lake...hold me.

Mr. Lake...I beg.

Mr. Lake...It's late.

Mr. Lake...Aren't you there?

Mr. Lake...Where's your voice?

Mr. Lake...I need your breath.

Mr. Lake...Don't leave.

Mr. Lake...Are you there?

Mr. Lake...My palms are *****.

Mr. Lake...This is all there is.

Mr. Lake...I can't keep going.

Mr. Lake...Where are you?

Mr. Lake...Set me free.
1.8k · Feb 2022
Friday Night Bonfires
Skyler M Feb 2022
Blinded by a setting sun,
8pm on a summer night,
You say to me,
"My, my, look into those eyes."
Looking back at you is the sun,
His eyes are deep down brown.

Why won't you leave?
I'm begging, please.
Blinded by a marital dream,
Don't see the harm we receive.

Spend the midnight hours,
Rummaging through the old,
You say now,
"I could be free. Maybe one day I will be."
Looking down upon you is...

Wretched hands that don't believe,
Who am I to speak,
Except I'm the one who felt it,
Searing. Burning. Cutting flesh.
To the bone. Through the marrow.
Screaming till the throat is ******,
I know who I am but I'm not real,
An imaginary character to the sun.
Did I wrap the moon around my..
broken and bruised finger?

Why won't you leave?
I'm begging, please.
Blinded by a marital dream,
Don't see the harm you receive.
1.7k · Apr 2019
That Special Miller
Skyler M Apr 2019
You can bet I've broken so many metaphorical bones,
You can bet I've collected so many cursed tokens,
You can bet I've been selected to get my head shacked, she said depression,
I said repression,
Cause denying makes the truth all the more shady,
And then I've shaken to fading on the daily,
I'm a killer of a very special Miller,
Or perhaps that was the killer of me.

Now I'm a special boy,
Taken and shaken around like a toy,
You can confirm my death with many people,
Those who build steeples and feasible sentences,
I'm a prototype of a man,
Just watch as I ran to the sand underneath the sparkling grand moon man.

Take me up into the wind,
Bring me to the sinners den,
I will take his rusted hand,
And escape without a stand.

You can bet I've murdered so many beasts,
You can bet I've ruined so many well-lit feasts,
You can bet that I've introspected, to the point where I've retrospected into the infected past,
I keep on regretting going fast,
You're stuck in my head now get out before I pluck you out,
Tuck and roll to **** at everything that I lay eyes on.

Cause denying makes the truth all the more shady,
And then I've shaken to fading on the daily,
I'm a killer of a very special Miller,
Or perhaps that was the killer of me.

Cause denying makes the truth all the more shady,
And then I've shaken to fading on the daily,
I'm a killer of a very special Miller,
Or perhaps that was the killer of me.
A message to that ***** up I called a father.
1.7k · May 2022
American Dolls
Skyler M May 2022
Don’t wanna be restrained to,
Allow for the politicians abuse,
Freedom from the celebrity ruse,
As I struggle with these hues,
Red, White, and Blue.

We’re like toys,
We make noise,
Bring them joy,
We’re easy to poise.

Grab me by my hair,
Throw me in the chair,
Scream at me, “It’s not fair!,”
You say, “You’re a burden I can’t bare.”
I’ll kick your teeth out, it’s only fair.

Life couldn’t give you a more silver spoon,
Sat up in your high chair, tightening our noose,
Drinking from a sippy cup, it’s alcohol abuse,
I hope you forget that karma is on the loose.
Cause we’re coming for you.

Half-dead brutes,
***** of dried prunes,
Master of child abuse,
You are the fake news.

Others will avoid,
You will destroy,
The bombs you deploy,
For the middle east oil,
Brainwashed toys are easy to exploit.
Skyler M Sep 2018
It feels weird to be alone,
With nobody else in my home,
Can you see the scarecrows,
Lining up to take my gold,
Their greedy, beady little eyes stare through me,
And into the treasure behind me.
With every ounce of my being,
I know I cannot let them get to the pile,
Of all the things I cherish,
I cherish the gold the most,
So don't doubt me when I say that you mean so, so much to me.
The scarecrows taunt me,
Saying that things will always go wrong,
I can't trust anything that enters my head,
Even my own voice,
So I'm sorry if those scarecrows start to scare you,
Cause they scare me too,
And I don't want to lose you to their vice-like grips,
When the sun begins to set,
The shadows in the corners of my room grow,
Then their eyes begin to glow and teeth grow long,
Somehow they sneak past me as I'm paralyzed in fear,
The voices sink into my treasure,
Tearing it apart one by one,
What do I do?
My eyes have fallen out of my sockets,
I'm doubting everyone I've ever known,
I remember there's a gun in the room next to mine.
The sun rises and I'm awake again,
Shadows gone along with the scarecrows,
My treasure is intact, but where did my head go?
I don't miss you and I don't care,
This isn't right,
And I realize that the scarecrows never touched the treasure,
but ripped through my body like fresh meat,
Eating through my core while hissing doubts into my veins,
I'm sorry, God I'm so sorry.
Find me and I'll love you again.
1.5k · Feb 2019
Skyler M Feb 2019
Believer takes his hat and coat,
Walks out of his room,
Into a misty gloom where shadows warp his irises,
And he falls and falls straight into heaven.

Disbeliever steals a rock from the underground cave,
Ties it to his ankle never floats away,
Blasphemy is and will always be his life,
Every night the disbeliever sat near his bed,
Praying to Believer above,
When it never came he took the name,

Believer took pity and asked heaven for an angel,
The angel couldn't do much but mourn with Coward,
As his disbelief kept his sight blinded,
And he was content, by god he never wanted to let go.

Plants grew into Coward's room,
His frame growing frail and tired,
Years of fighting and giving up drained his veins,
Finally, an ounce of death brought a clearing in his vision,
Coward saw his angel and shot it not once, not twice, but thrice,
Once for the son, second for the father, the third for the holy spirit.

Believer took this as a sign,
That he was fearful of something controlling his life,
Coward needed to control and stabilize himself his way,
No angels over his shoulder,
No rules to abide by,
Whether it was real or not,
It was Coward who needed to learn to heal himself.

Coward shot himself once more and bandaged his wound with care,
Taking his blood with him,
He inspected it's contents,
Wondering what was inside that cursed and plagued his life,
He found that it was all himself and things he told himself,
To a shock and a conclusion of misery,
Coward knew that once he got off of his ride,
He'd have to drain his blood and purify it,
It took every ounce of sadness and courage,
But it worked. Oh god it worked.
1.3k · Aug 2022
Skyler M Aug 2022

Call us crazy,
Write the slurs,
Every name in the book,
And he’s scared,
You’ve scared him now.


Find a home inside your hate,
Scream at us when we won’t break,
Videos to prove the discomfort,
Are now all hidden inside.
1.3k · Jan 2021
Calligraphy Note
Skyler M Jan 2021
Take a moment to remember,
Our coffee date in November,
The spark of a thought-lost ember,
In December, hold me tender.

Calligraphy note left neat on my chest,
Made me forget all about the rest,
I cannot believe that I'm not a pest,
Something of a strange little mess.

Don't forget we looked at the stars,
From inside of a cold foggy car,
Our toes so cold and so far,
I had to say that you got my heart.

Take a moment to remember,
Our coffee date in November,
The spark of a thought lost ember,
In December, hold me tender.

Calligraphy note, in my sketch book,
Every so often I'll take a look,
You're my love,
My dear,
The one who holds the hook.
1.1k · Apr 2018
Skyler M Apr 2018
When the windows make me blind,
I don't know what life is mine,
Cause I've pretended so many times,
Just keep walking and pretending,
In this body I have to act like I'm not me.

Parachute, save me.
I know you're also just a lost soul,
Parachute, save me.
You got the sun in your eyes and it's pulling me.
Parachute, save me.

Sometimes I wish I could fly away,
I'm stuck on the ground,
Rooted by my history and who I was born to never be,
I just want to get rid of the baggage,
Something no one wants gone.

Parachute, save me.
I know you're also just a lost soul,
Parachute, save me.
You got the sun in your eyes and it's pulling me.
Parachute, save me.
1.0k · Aug 2023
Skyler M Aug 2023
You’re getting crushed by the boot you lick,
Sent to Hell by the book you thump,
Strung up by the men you defend,
They don't give a **** about you.

You're money,
They're cunning,
With a side of stupid,
You've been struck by cupid.
Yay. Stupid people are entertaining!
973 · Sep 2021
Remedy Me
Skyler M Sep 2021
Purple pools with floating jewels,
A merciful Goddess on a throne,
Bountiful treasure in the water,
Do you dare to tread inside it?

Remedy me,
I'm ready,
The tide is steady,
Remedy me.

Electric blue birds flew,
To the east towards the hues,
A redemption just to rule,
You'll rue the day you let Her die too.

Remedy me,
I'm ready,
The tide is steady,
Remedy me.

Pink sheets on ****** beds,
Walls are painted with reds,
Satin duvets are all shed,
She loves to dance with the dead.

Remedy me,
Remedy me,
Remedy me,
I'm ready.
838 · Jan 6
Remember Tonight
Skyler M Jan 6
What would I give,
Just to keep you close,
I hope I stay close,
To your inner world.

Will you remember?
Remember tonight,
Remember yesterday,
Do you recall with fondness?

Do I overestimate your conscious?
Does the voice appreciate,
Tell you to take a moment,
Take snapshots of the split seconds.

Will you remember?
Remember tonight,
Remember yesterday,
Do you recall with fondness?

It's not that deep,
Let's just be kings,
Lose a couple games,
What's the latest in your world?
I love being an older brother.
836 · Apr 2020
Goodluck, Fuckup
Skyler M Apr 2020
I’m not tired but there are sleep spots in my irises,
And I’m contemplating tomorrow’s leftover dinner,
Whether I’ll feed them to the saint at my gate or to the sinner on my porch,
Soon enough the sun will come up and break through,
Potholes strewn on my street show me that things have gone down.

Treading lightly cause I might wake up those dogs,
Nowadays I see empty collars,
And my footsteps hitting the ground as I’m running,
Hearing the barks and howls of what cannot get on the streets,
Good luck, headache.

Gravel crunches beneath the feet of the liar,
Now on the paper that is clenched in his hand,
Spells the time of his vision being blinded by bathroom porcelain,
Cuts and bruises that few, yet so many would understand,
Yet he fell and now he falls again.

Treading lightly cause I might find a weapon,
Nowadays I see that weapon,
And my heartbeats hitting my chest as I’m running,
Hearing the rumbling of thunder and lightening,
Good luck, headache.
730 · Jun 2023
Skyler M Jun 2023
All of my teeth are rotting and falling out my mouth,
The blood trails on down the corner of my smile,
There's a trickle of a burn rolling down my throat,
Could it be that I flayed and chiseled my enamel,

A prophecy states I'm doomed,
I've read it and it's dreaded end,
As the truth loomed overhead,
I found solace in eating the dead.

My fingernails are all bitten down,
Down to the bed that I laid into the ground,
I'm friends with the bandages that curl around,
I don't care what I've done so just keep me bound.
717 · Oct 2018
Before I Say Goodbye
Skyler M Oct 2018
How many times will my name be called within one day?
From the depths of my conscious to the outermost membrane,
It's a situation I cannot just walk away from,
And the insinuation that I'll give up only in my dreams,
Just makes me want to go even more,
For you believe I'm not me,
For you believe that I'm a liar and a manipulator.

If I'm just that fake I might as well go,
Leave my stuff here before I sink further,
And the temptation to bury myself in toxic waters is great,
Nothing you've ever felt will compare to the hurt,
In my chest and in my cords,
So take my hand before I say goodbye.
Before I say goodbye.

Spend some time with me,
Sit with me and laugh out the fears,
The fears that life has no point and I have no purpose,
It must be tonight and If He was real then I'd use that as my pedestal,
I wouldn't care if I was called fake cause if It keeps me awake then so be it,
Spit out your truths; do you believe I will make it in life?
I'm tired of being told I cannot,
That I cannot start this life off or make it with the dreams that I have.

If I'm just that fake I might as well go,
Leave my stuff here before I sink further,
And the temptation to bury myself in toxic waters is great,
Nothing you've ever felt will compare to the hurt,
In my chest and in my cords,
So take my hand before I say goodbye.
Before I say goodbye.

And the poison on my wrist,
Seeps out once again and into the air it dissipates into gas,
Enough for me to inhale and drink,
Drink until the world is fuzzy and grey,
Don't care, Don't care,
It's this pointless verb of dying that won't carry me on,
Don't care, Don't care,
Just believe in me, Just believe in me.

If I'm just that fake I might as well go,
Leave my stuff here before I sink further,
And the temptation to bury myself in toxic waters is great,
Nothing you've ever felt will compare to the hurt,
In my chest and in my cords,
So take my hand before I say goodbye.
Before I say goodbye.

Oh and before I say goodbye,
Place a rose in my hands,
With the name I was given but not the name I received,
***** you if you think I'm not me,
***** you if you think that this is manipulation,
Do you realize how much I drown in your hate?
I want to thrive and I want to strive for more and more,
It's just before I say goodbye,
I'll be watching for a way to survive,
You wrought hope and said I'd be living mediocre,
Did you realize that I don't care?
It's something I need before I say goodbye,
Before I say goodbye.
Before I say goodbye.
Before I say goodbye.
697 · Oct 2017
For You
Skyler M Oct 2017
We've reached the end of the earth,
Where the ground has dug up by centuries,
I'm taking your broken wings and hanging them up by the door,
When the lights fade,
And you're by my side,
I'll be hold you up,
as I drown in the dirt.

There's nothing like it now,
The feeling,
Of knowing you have my eyes,
You're guiding me home,
From the black forest.

Can you feel the midnight?
Creep into your veins,
I'm keeping them from red to blue,

For you.
695 · Mar 2018
Skyler M Mar 2018
I saw him at the gates,
Wondered why he would forsake,
Time slows down and I'm running,
Running for my life.
He's climbing over,
Gun in hand.
God, oh why God have you forsaken us?

Bang Bang, down goes my friends,
Bang Bang, down goes the educators,
Bang Bang, down at my feet.

Is this where my life ends?
I'm just only seventeen,
Where will I go when I die?
He's coming for us all,
Ak-47 in his hands.
God, oh why God have you forsaken us?

Bang Bang, down goes my friends,
Bang Bang, down goes the educators,
Bang Bang, down at my feet.

He's at the door.
Am I no more?
I can't see my own two hands.
Tears on my face.
I think it's pretty clear what this is trying to portray. As someone who is a year younger than the character, I can tell you that this is a huge fear when I walk to school everyday. I could die. It's a fact...but...what I'm scared of is the gun. not the man.
Skyler M Feb 2019
Nearly over,
Nearly defeated,
Nearly there,
Or nearly here.

Almost gone,
Almost broken,
Almost shown,
Or almost grown.

Bordering time,
Bordering death,
Bordering blood,
Or bordering ledges.

Now alive,
Now ready,
Now built up,
And now looking up.

The past builds to the present.
691 · Jan 2018
Just One Question
Skyler M Jan 2018
The question I have for tonight,
Is a simple one at that,
It's aimed for my head,
And the thoughts locked inside,
I picked the words carefully,
Like threading through a needle,
They are quiet,
Barely heard,
"Will I be alive tomorrow?"

Cause I battle every night,
Knowing that I just might not,
Make it through the inspection,
I do on my brain,
It repeats until I don't have a conscious left,
I can't breath.
Help me.

The battle between one side and another,
The demons and the angels,
Every night it gets darker,
Until my hand isn't being controlled by me,
It reaches for things I never want to see,
It skins things that I had hoped to save.
It repeats until I don't have a conscious left,
I can't breath,
Help me.

One more time,
I inspect my brain,
Write the words over and over,
Think of something better to say,
But there's nothing so I put it simply,
"Will I be alive tomorrow?"
645 · Mar 2022
Helluva Sinner
Skyler M Mar 2022
I am a stain,
and I am a saint,
I've never confessed,
And I swear I've lied,
At least a thousand times.

If you keep up with me,
You'll pray to the Devil,
And loose all your morals,
I will savor the fire He rains.

I will walk the lines,
That trace my pentagon,
Cause I'm a sinner,
Eating Christ for dinner.

If you keep up with me,
You'll pray to the Devil,
And loose all your morals,
I will savor the fire He rains.

A blight in your sight,
I will tempt you to Hell,
In all my lavish seduction,
A burning desire to do you.

Does it feel better?
When God points your compass?

If he were proven unreal.
Where would you go?
Would you burglarize?
Would you assault?

Would  you  ****?
If you believe morals are reliant on a higher power?
You gotta reevaluate your own morals.
640 · Sep 2024
Class Conscious Revival
Skyler M Sep 2024
If you don’t bow to their power,
If you dare not to cower,
They have the right,
They have the might,
To take you by your head,
Crush until you're dead,
Then blame it on your meds.

You're nothing but a victim,
Lost inside a system,
Built by ruling class,
They tell us not to be so crass?!

Got a letter from the feds,
Heard everything I said,
About tryna **** the state,
Refuse to capitulate,
Cops are at my door,
My feet hit the floor,
At more than just a jog,
They killed my ******* dog?!

You're nothing but a victim,
Lost inside a system,
Built by ruling class,
They tell us not to be so crass?!

Righteous only in the mind,
A duty so precisely designed,
To brutalize neighborhoods that’re undermined,
A position historically intertwined,
With those who hoisted it on their pride,
It’s been revised to assure class conscious demise.
I think you can get the idea.
623 · May 2022
Holy Cannoli!?
Skyler M May 2022
It's funny you think heaven will let you in,
When all you've done is blame the sin,
Did He never say, "Love Thy Neighbor"?
I beg of you to do me one little favor.

Pull out your wholly rotten teeth,
Cut off your boot-licking tongue,
Cram your throat full with holy script,
And stitch up your quivering God-fearing lips.

Take just one swing, fellow sinner,
It'll just give me another good excuse,
With a few good kicks, I'll curb-stomp you,
Straight to Hell 'cause you burnt my fuse.

Pull out your wholly rotten teeth,
Cut off your boot-licking tongue,
Cram your throat full with holy script,
And stitch up your quivering God-fearing lips.

I don't fear your guns,
I just fear for you,
No, I don't fear your guns,
I'll count to three, we'll have some fun.
For legal reasons: I won't be doing any of the violent acts described above. ;)
599 · Jun 2023
The Beast
Skyler M Jun 2023
We’re destined to be digested,
By a beast,
It haunts our neighborhoods,
And talks through our tv screens.

Well we’ll never run fast enough,
We’ll never see the day where it’s fast asleep,
It’ll **** your hopes and dreams to feed on the misery,
It’ll **** your family no matter how you plead.

Closing in,
On the chase,
You better choose,
To Consummate,
Or Congregate,
Oh **** this place!

We’re destined to be digested,
By a beast,
It haunts our neighborhoods,
And talks through our tv screens.

Well we’ll fight till the blood spills,
We’ll find a way to cut its throat,
We’ll fight our way through the beast’s guts,
We’ll find our way back into home.
Skyler M Sep 2021
I'm not sure how else to be myself,
I've learned that growing means fixing,
Everything that is wrong with me,
My character, my mind, my voice,
My schedule, my sleep,
Yet, my choice remains that I'll wander the world,
In search of something else to solve.

Fixer boy,
That's who I think I am,
Fixer boy,
Can't sleep at night I'm just,
Fixer boy.

I'd like to pack all my things,
Drive so far away that I drown,
In the ocean and sleep with the fish,
I'm not meant for this reality,
I just want to be ******* free,
I'm a man made of straw,
Push me over and **** me raw.

Fixer boy,
That's who I think I am,
Fixer boy,
Can't sleep at night I'm just,
Fixer boy.

Devolving into madness,
Every day I notice,
Everybody seems so unsatisfied,
I'm a pathological liar,
A manipulative crier,
So I'll live a life,
Far from the other side,
I won't beg for green grass,
Cause it's meant for men with cash.

Fixer boy,
That's who I think I am,
Fixer boy,
Can't sleep at night I'm just,
Fixer boy,
That's who I think I am,
Fixer boy,
Can't sleep at night I'm just,
Fixer boy,
That's who I think I am,
Fixer boy,
Can't sleep at night I'm just,
Fixer boy,
That's who I think I am,
Fixer boy,
Can't sleep at night I'm just,
Fixer boy,
That's who I think I am,
Fixer boy,
Can't sleep at night I'm just,
Fixer boy,
That's who I think I am,
Fixer boy,
Can't sleep at night I'm just,
Fixer boy,
That's who I think I am,
Fixer boy,
Can't sleep at night I'm just,
Fixer boy,
That's who I think I am,
Fixer boy,
Can't sleep at night I'm just,
Fixer boy,
That's who I think I am,
Fixer boy,
Can't sleep at night I'm just,
Fixer boy,
That's who I think I am,
Fixer boy,
Can't sleep at night I'm just,
Fixer boy,
I'll just **** myself before I'm 30.
576 · Sep 2021
The Ring
Skyler M Sep 2021
There's a place by the ocean,
On the east coast
Where all the naughty children go,
They got coal in their stockings,
And when they go, they’re cured,
At night, in the dead of your sleep,
It'll be a nightmare but you're wide awake,
You'll realize only in the morning that you've lost,
Every sense of who you were, down the drain,
As they watch you shower with smiles,
Promising that your sins will be washed away.

Wipe off your smirk,
Don't you dare stand so wrong,
It's a group meeting just for you,
Or maybe you need some time in the ring.

Never be alone again,
No, cause they'll watch you sleep,
They love it when you take a misstep,
Cause god they love to see you cry,
Absolute dunce, a waste of a human,
Deserving of nothing but the worst,
And like the phoenix you will rise from the dust,
As a new upstanding citizen,
We'll keep you here as long as we can.

Wipe off your smirk,
Don't you dare stand so wrong,
It's a group meeting just for you,
Or maybe you need some time in the ring.

Take some time in the ring,
Swing it out, bully,
Take each one of them down,
Till you've lost feeling in your fingers,
And your eyes are swollen and bruised,
Everyone hates you, you're obscene,
Disgusting teen,
Disgusting, ugly teen.
The bully never wins.

Wipe off your smirk,
Don't you dare stand so wrong,
It's a group meeting just for you,
Or maybe you need some time in the ring.
Some time in the ring, will do you good.
555 · Oct 2017
Got to Sleep
Skyler M Oct 2017
Go to sleep
I've got to sleep

The messages in my brain
won't stop ringing and ringing and ringing
but I cannot pick up the phone
cause my hands are shackled to my sides.

Go to sleep
I've got to sleep

The cold war,
just replays and replays and replays
but I cannot push pause
cause the button is gone.

Go to sleep
I've got to sleep
537 · Oct 2018
Clay Creations Hold Onto Me
Skyler M Oct 2018
My friend gave me her pottery creation,
A beautiful rainbow cup to hold all my fantastical paradises,
Only so long until I realized that it held all my nightmares,
And the cup was designed to cut my lips as I sipped it's contents,
I was too young to understand, too young to know.

When years later all my walls came crumbling down,
Then the river flooded my town,
My imagination,
My creativity,
My will to fight,
And all my emotions I had hoped to keep,
Washed away within years of living alone inside her home.

I promised myself that I'd never let myself go that deep,
At this point when all my emotions get washed away,
If I had someone like her- I'd break myself back down,
I was strong then and then there's now, where I'm more so,
There was no rules or pay to fly back then but I never understood that,
Not in her grasp.

When years later all my walls came crumbling down,
Then the river flooded my town,
My imagination,
My creativity,
My will to fight,
And all my emotions I had hoped to keep,
Washed away within years of living alone inside her home.

The cup kept on cutting my lips,
Even after the aftermath of devastation she wrought onto me,
Colorful clay crumbling into razor blades,
Stop this now, please stop this now,
Nightly fights to stay home and brood into red stained papers,
I was too young, much too young to understand the capacity of my anger.

But I'm here now,
I see her time and time again,
Her eyes are brighter and she seems better,
I don't hate her but I most certainly should,
When my bones shiver in the past,
I become 10 years old once again,
Fearing for myself and the cold,
Scared beyond belief,
I don't trust anyone not even the ones closest to me,
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I keep pushing you away,
Bleed into my home and heal me again.

When years later all my walls came crumbling down,
Then the river flooded my town,
My imagination,
My creativity,
My will to fight,
And all my emotions I had hoped to keep,
Washed away within years of living alone inside her home.
530 · Dec 2017
Misty Lakes
Skyler M Dec 2017
A misty lake,
The cold air,
And my cold feet,
Gentle eyes defeat all the demons,
That shadow my lids.

They walk through the lake,
I can't see nor reach them,
But I can feel their breath on my skin,
Ripping and tearing.

I can see the other side,
The green trees,
peacefully standing,
Almost tauntingly.

I can feel my knees hit the dock,
The rusty nails digging into my flesh,
As the tide washes over my burdened back,
I slip away into the waves.

A still heart,
Polluted with suicide,
Darkened from all the infected scars,
I'll be ****** if I say anything.

Perhaps it'll help if I close my mouth,
Don't speak my mind,
Otherwise it'll burn my lungs,
They don't like it when I speak.

The misty lake,
Tugs at my rusted knees,
But the pain from the nails,
Hold me there.
497 · Jul 2022
Alive Inside the Walls
Skyler M Jul 2022
Get into your seat, writer,
Find your home inside the ink,
Construct the walls out of paper,
Your desk out of pencils,
And your pipes out of hollowed pens.

I know you fell for the feeling,
But it's easy to get lost in it all,
If you walked away now,
I know you'd go insane.

Upon your mirrors there's words,
Reflections that spell your introspection,
Flip it around cause it's too much noise,
Cause, writer, the sound is burdening you.

I know you fell for the feeling,
But it's easy to get lost with it all,
Crashing down on your thin walls,
I know you're going insane.
479 · Mar 2018
Bedside Blues
Skyler M Mar 2018
Bedside blues,
Sitting with no purpose,
Pride doesn’t exist anymore,
You’re left feeling empty inside,
Feeling the urge to hide and fly away.

Bedside blues,
Jacked up on whatever you got your hands on,
Ashamed to look at your worn face in the mirror,
So you sit on the edge of your bed,
Admiring the sky outside your window.

Bedside blues,
Blurry vision prevents you from getting up,
To continue your day would **** you dead,
Pondering how much a gun might cost,
How much would it take to fly away.

Bedside blues,
You don’t mind the abuse,
That lingers on your wrists,
Falling farther while flushing razors,
This is the last time.

Bedside blues,
Welcome home,
To your bedside blues.
476 · Aug 2023
Skyler M Aug 2023
I can't shake this hunger,
I just wanna be younger,
Instead I'm torn asunder,
Unhappy in the summer.

Have at thee,
I won't plea,
That's on me,
Please, oh please,
Leave me be.
468 · Oct 2017
Fell For You
Skyler M Oct 2017
I can't stop thinking about that dream,
I know instantly what it means,
You in my arms in paradise,
But do I act upon it?

Or should I let you be the one that got away?
Should I let you play with that boy?
It really hurts my heart to know that I am scared,
of saying the words to you.

I don't have the courage to walk up to you,
Tell me otherwise what I should do,
Should I have another dream to fulfill my means?

I fell for you way long ago but I never told you,
Cause I know the answer above all else,
Maybe you'll see this poem,
And regret talking to me.

I don't have the courage to walk up to you,
Tell me otherwise what I should do,
Should I have another dream to fulfill my means?

I know I lied to you,
about everything feeling that I have,
I just didn't want to lose you,
You're the only one that I got.

I don't have the courage to walk up to you,
Tell me otherwise what I should do,
Should I have another dream to fulfill my means?

I've walked myself into a hole,
Your love has lost himself,
Can't stop talking about the other girl,
That he separated from.

I don't have the courage to walk up to you,
Tell me otherwise what I should do,
Should I have another dream to fulfill my means?

Now I want to fulfill you,
Make you happy again,
Give you something that you deserve,
Even if I can't be with you.
Even if I can't be with you.
467 · Jan 2022
Frightened Of Silence
Skyler M Jan 2022
I don't think as well when the noise goes around my cranium,
Through my ears and into my skull where my brain resides,
So when the sounds begin a journey that subsides,
All of the thoughts come to light,
Less frightened of silence.
446 · Mar 2022
5'3, I think?
Skyler M Mar 2022
Fair to say I wanna be tall,
Standing 5’3 but I’m not picky,
I just wanna see over the forestry.
I think im 5'3..but i might be 5'4?
433 · Oct 2019
Skyler M Oct 2019
The letters behind your eyes,
Which scribe each and every line,
That you lean on all the time.

Whatever you've got left,
That's got you smiling,
If if it's got you living another day.

Your every bite of food,
Which keeps you content,
Even if it's never enough.

Your life is equivalent to mine and the rest of the human race,
Pretending the smile might be the way,
But I promise that you can live another day.
432 · Nov 2017
Skyler M Nov 2017
Running ******* the boulevard,
Drinking hits that aren't so fun,
Feeling sick in a ditch,
I'm just another criminal devotee.

Stealing chips from the corner store,
Adrenaline with no drugs,
Eating life by the *** to see what's fun,
I'm just another fake devotee.

Setting out for the sunrise,
Kicking rock to pass the time,
Throwing up to feel an emotion,
I'm just another escape devotee.

Taking off from the sound,
Of screaming voices,
I've been bad and you know it,
Just another criminal devotee,
Just another fake devotee,
Just another escape devote.
425 · Sep 2017
Can't Hold Back
Skyler M Sep 2017
Detonate the fuse
Gonna start a ruse
We are gonna lose
Now it's time to break the cues

Can't hold back
Can't hold back

They just wanna live in war times
Never in time to the chimes
They're gonna live sometime
Can't hold back full-time

Can't hold back
Can't hold back

Detonate the crowd
Feeling so endowed
Yelling out loud
Taking a bow

Can't hold back
Can't hold back

They just wanna live in wartimes
Never in time to the chimes
They're gonna live sometime
Can't hold back

Can't hold back
Can't hold back

Detonate the main street
Underneath our feet
Well it's gonna reek
I can't hear any heartbeat

Can't hold back
Can't hold back

Father up above
Sent me a dove
A message of love

Can't hold back
Can't hold back
413 · Dec 2017
Skyler M Dec 2017
In a momentary flash,
I reach for the sink as it slips away,
I'm on the floor,
Sinking into the molding tiles.

My arms become weak,
trying to hold onto the rope that loops the noose,
I curse and scream,
as my legs give away,
the failing motion of a singular boy.

Disapproving eyes that remember me from yesterday,
they like to yell and tell how useless I am,
how selfish I am,
spinning into nothingness,
A knife in hand.

I hate me, myself, and I,
It's enough to reopen the scars that remain on top of my arm,
they sting but I know I deserve it,
common sense fades away,
I'm left with my pillar of suicidal thoughts.

In front of their door,
they turn their back,
I'm on my own,
Once again.

I'm just meant to be,
killed off and torn away from paradise,
wash me,
drown me,
maybe I'll be saved tonight,
my hands in control of my mind,
new blood without a tear shed from my thoughts.

Who I am,
Is who I never want to be,
and what I want to be,
will be a mask,
a disguise for tough days,
with no God,
I'm alone.
407 · Nov 2018
Skyler M Nov 2018
arms and legs
spell untimely stories
just as eyes
are the windows to souls
the scars on foreheads
and the bruises on hands
take home
the stories you dont want told
"you don't know my brain. the way you know my name" -Anathema by twenty one pilots
405 · Sep 2018
Go Home, Please
Skyler M Sep 2018
Leaning over kitchen sinks,
Bubbles up my arm turn pink,
I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming,
Thankfully so,
I don't ever want to leave this dream world.
The only realm where my dreams come true,
I'm so sick and tired of waking up with nothing,
The feeling in the pit of me is why I'd like to die.

Don't take my words lightly,
I'm a stupid, teenage dreamer,
I sent myself into the stars but reality is catching up,
I'm not enough and never strong,
So believe me when I say,
Go home.
Go home.

Stumbling over the bulging pavement,
Roots burst through and grab my legs,
I know now that I am dreaming,
Don't stop dreaming please.
Cause when I leave this world,
My demons come after me,
They tell me that I will never make it,
When I'm 18 I know I'm not living anymore.
I'm not ready to build my home yet.

Don't take my words lightly,
I'm a stupid, teenage dreamer,
I sent myself into the stars but reality is catching up,
I'm not enough and never strong,
So believe me when I say,
Go home,
Go home.
404 · Oct 2018
Alternative Thoughts
Skyler M Oct 2018
Vertical, horizontal,
Pen that escapes my mind,
Bring back bones that I meant to burn,
Bring back the energy that kept me alive,
Where will they go from me.

Alternative thoughts mold into a voice,
Chasms call for a parents help,
When all they ever do is deny,
Their kid needs to be perfect and perfect they'll be,
If the time changes and your brain shifts them slowly.

If purpose if all I look for is my mind really trying to find it?
It's hard to think that when the water is black when it's supposed to be blue,
I promised that I'd be happier, that I'd live for them,
But I can't when I'm trying to figure myself and my own voice out,
Easy to call me selfish cause It's all you can really see,
Then take a look into my poison cups and see,
What I've been introspecting and inspecting inside of my head.

Alternative thoughts mold into a voice,
Chasms call for a parents help,
When all they ever do is deny,
Their kid needs to be perfect and perfect they'll be,
If the time changes and your brain shifts them slowly.
400 · Oct 2017
Blame Me
Skyler M Oct 2017
Blame me,
For the knife stuck in your throat.

Blame me,
For the moths blocking the light.

Blame me ,
For the drugs in your system.

Blame me,
For the grave you dug.
398 · May 2019
Skyler M May 2019
I can give you everything,
I can take you anywhere,
Whatever you want it's yours,
Oh you'll be the queen of this deadbeat land.
I am your ever so loyal partner in crime.
You've bewitched me.

As a king,
I'll break anyone who comes close,
Their heads on sticks and guts for confetti,
Eyes as fried snacks, don't you appreciate me?

Say you love me, won't you?
All those who broke your heart,
Are being torn apart,
Don't look at me like that, lovely baby girl,
After all, God has brought us together,
And with divine intervention,
Comes a craving like no other.

As a king,
I don't want to but-
I'll bury you alive inside your own bedroom,
The family you knew and choose to bother to find you,
Will only see the end of an ax,
I worship you so don't worry about me,
Just listen to God- he's speaking- can't you hear?

I'm obsessed,
I'll confess,
I've wanted to see whats under your skin since the day you said hello,
I promise all I do is worth it,
The blood you've seen was requested by the Father, the Holy Spirit, and the Son.

As a king,
I'll break anyone who comes close,
Their heads on sticks and guts for confetti,
Eyes as fried snacks, don't you appreciate me?
A little tale about a man obsessed with a girl- and how far he goes to prove it.
394 · Oct 2017
One. Two.
Skyler M Oct 2017
Taken two steps,



Carved two blades,



Killed two men,


And two.

Two drops o' blood,



Two eyes pop onto the wood,



Two screams, too many.



My vision is blue and red.
394 · Jun 2022
All Our Guts
Skyler M Jun 2022
The ramifications tear my guts apart,

All our guts apart,

This is our guts being pulled apart,

for the children,

The ramifications for the trans,

for the enby,

The ramifications for the women,

for anyone.

How many will die in just a week?
387 · Aug 2024
Grant Me Serenity
Skyler M Aug 2024
Gift me the serenity,
The serenity to accept,
The serenity to accept,
What I cannot hear,
What I cannot see,
What I cannot touch,
What I cannot taste,
What I cannot smell.

What I cannot hear,
What I cannot see,
What I cannot touch,
What I cannot taste,
What I cannot smell,
I cannot accept.

I will never accept,
My face in a crowd,
Of a darkening dawn,
Hearkening to the trumpets,
Regal against the manifest destiny.

Gift me the serenity,
The serenity to accept,
The serenity of concept,
Fleshing out the ability,
Well it's all so trivial,
Trivial is the sound,
We are the sound,
******* when did we,
When did they deserve?
When did they ever deserve?!

Gift me the serenity,
The serenity to shut the **** up,
The serenity to accept my place,
Accept my place as peasant,
Cut away my hearing,
Cut away my sight,
Cut away my touch,
Cut away my taste
Cut away my smell.
Cause then I can accept,
I can find the serenity,
To accept what I cannot change.

For now I find pure anger,
Anger in your complicity,
In your utter serenity,
******* and your being,
******* and your money,
******* and your serenity.

We're in your walls and beating down your doors,
Mountains of the peasants you bleed dry,
Coming back to trudge against the policy,
Of complete and utter serenity.

God gifted you the ability to find serenity in what you could change.
A wise rain from the East comes in with vengeance in its mind,
A pool or two in your backyard turned bitter and tasting of iron,
The liquid creeps into the cracks of your astroturf and seeps into your showerhead.

Now bathe my friend, bathe in the blood of your inaction,
Your passive income ***** the prisoners and bombs the citizens,
A biography written upon the charred flesh of the children,
Tell me how you're God, you're God now, yeah you're gonna grant everyone the serenity to accept what they could fight to change.
380 · Nov 2017
Skyler M Nov 2017
Can't you see,
You are lovely,
Lighting up my day,
No matter what you say.

A heart of gold,
That cannot be sold,
Take my hand and more,
We will be able to soar.

Can't you see,
You are lovely,
Your hands are wrapped in roses,
Warming up the coldest of noses.

You won't forgive yourself,
Leaving all your hate on the bookshelf,
Why won't you believe me?

Can't you see,
You are lovely,
The clouds are a shade of pink,
But still you rethink.
For my best friend who doesn't believe she is worthy.
374 · Jan 2021
Skyler M Jan 2021
When my voice is so loud,
How do you not hear me speak?
When I tell you these words,
About the pain I have felt,
You only speak from the pain that you've dealt.
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