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Shin Aug 2021
The party's lights are dim.
Smoke hovers in the air.
I want to hold your hand.
I wish you were still here.

Cutting through the summer haze,
The love we hold again.
Shin Apr 2021
A final hum of the furnace quivers;
its flame casts solitude in sharp relief.
A pondering pledge of endless bitters.
The final moments of endless belief.

We arrive at the dawn of the sixth moon.
Seven and twenty years frozen in time.
A hatchet comes down, its time shall come soon.
Finally, we reach the end of this rhyme.
Shin Apr 2020
I learned of the blade's dull chill on my wrist.
It differed from before, but red is red.
I wonder when perhaps, when will I purge.

I call the buckle's mark my hickey.
But you and I both know the kiss it holds.
I just need to lose a little more weight.
Shin May 2019
A bead forms as water cascades on the brink
of pressure while old dirt trails form in flesh.
Lips crack, parched, desperate for a drink.
Nostalgic for a time when the pain was fresh.

Falling into a hole not dark, but softly grey.
Rubbing silt away so the sun shines through.
Parchment falls into the flame, out of the way.
And I sit, and I rest, and I think about you.
Reflecting on my past and how desperately I miss being able to feel what I felt.
Shin Jul 2020
The first time I uttered the words, "I want to die,"
I was seven years old, in a ruby red fort.
******* crumbs on my lap, tears crusting my eye.

Later that year my brother passed away.
He left behind nothing but echoes and static.
I hated him. I wished he'd taken my hand on that day.

My home was shattered, but they insist I held joy.
I was unsure of this, so I pondered.
I ignored the cries, buried among my toys.

The first time I made the move to self-harm
I was nine years old, in an empty room.
I smashed and I smashed and I bloodied my arm.

That year I was useless my mother said.
A lazy child, always in her way.
I hold her word's sting more than her hits to my head.

Multitudes of mishaps, I claimed clumsiness.
Scars on my knees, bruises on my belly.
I grew ever fixated on my ugliness.

The first time I wrote a suicide note,
I was sixteen years old, in a classroom.
I told my teacher. "A joke!" he said, or so I quote.

I had a brief pause this year. I met a love.
My marmalade bumblebee, wrapped in warmth.
It confused me. This warmth I knew nothing of.

Merely milk and honey, it must be lies.
I cast it aside, and moved on my way.
A distraction from my scheduled demise.

Later that year, something I have yet to tell.
In the cold night, my body was taken.
I was decimated and banished to hell.

The first time I attempted suicide,
I was nineteen years old, in a garage.
A sleep mask and helium resting at my side.

I knew then that I still wanted to live.
But I was tired, I craved eternal rest.
So, I leapt forward, I gave all I could give.

Of course I failed. My pain was uncovered.
Taken to a stark white room, I waited.
Guided by that bumblebee, we sat and suffered.

The first time I felt myself fall in love
I was twenty years old, in an old car.
With punk rock playing, and your hand in my glove.

Mental illness still riddled my heart and soul.
So I stabbed the love. Abused it. Burned it.
Until it walked away, leaving a hole.

The following years I let myself go numb.
No sorrow, no pain, no joy, and no love.
Wasted away, just dirt under my thumb.

The first time I said, "my future is bright"
I was twenty four years old, in a coffee shop.
Reunited with my most beautiful sight.

This was the year I let myself love in peace.
I grew something beautiful, a home, and a life.
I finally felt my pent up pain's release.

Still I learned, I destroy all that I know.
My family cast to ash, my home ripped at the seams.
Alone again, the demons whisper, and so it goes.

We have reached the end of this broken tale.
I'm afraid I can't speak where to go from here.
I sit here, a mundane man waiting to fail.
Shin Dec 2013
Oh Neptune may be conflicted about
his rebellious son's awkward green thumb.
But at the end of the day that's just dumb.
Go ahead Neptune, continue to pout.

Jesus Christ thought his dad was a swell guy
So the kids beat him up, called him a ***.
They crucified him between rounds of tag.
He didn't mind: "My dad won't let me die"

Buddha was boring, just a plain human.
He only liked sitting and smoking ****.
He looked at the stars, what else do you need?
Though he secretly sought a lover's fan.

Modern man looked at these well worn statues.
What he saw was not the men you perceive,
Simply what the church would have us believe.
The truth in this tale will be heard by few.
Shin Jun 2020
I do not live in this world.
I merely
spy it
through the looking glass.
Shin Jul 2020
Love until the catacombs whisper your name.
Your skin turns to ash and memories fade.
Love through the pain of the fire and flame,
as you are stabbed again by its dull blade.
For only then will you see the world's worth.
Then and only then will beauty give birth.

Battered, bruised, abused, and betrayed, you wait.
You ponder, and your patience may wear thin,
but the sun shall rise, and hand you your fate.
Soon my friend, you shall purge your deepest sin.
So, sit by the candlelight, rest your eyes.
I promise you son, true love never dies.
Shin Jul 2018
Nothing satiates a haze,
however a *****'s breath
and sorrow makes it wallow.

A cylindrical prison
pounding ideas forevermore
into your scalped recompense.

Take away these porcelain
walls or rip down the violet
curtains smothering it all.
Shin Nov 2019
The cobweb crusted floorboards creak
as my leg's weight crosses the earthly plane.
I breathe in and shudder, "Yes this will do."
Moonlight teases the rafter's silhouette.
It calls my name, urging me to draw near.
The fibrous snake stirs beneath my jacket,
gently leaping from within its depths.
It twists and curves looking for its new home
before wrapping tightly amongst the wood.
It drops down, and it beckons me to come.
It whispers my name as I grow closer.
It kisses my neck in a warm embrace.
Finally it grows taut and I am slain.
Never again to cause this world my pain.
Shin Aug 2019
I hear a song in the blink of your eyes.
A small slice of peace, immersed in the grief.
Dream of sunsets in your grin's coy surprise.
A window of joy, a sigh of relief.
Shin Jun 2019
I have seen the lines in the sand.
Perhaps you understand.

God in the machine, weeping,
Perhaps you understand.

A furrowed brow upon the back of my hand,
Perhaps you understand.

A final hasty sigh, unto the void creeping.
Perhaps you understand.
Shin Jul 2018
Please sing me a tale as I stutter and make it a curse.
Let some simple song weave itself into my soul,
enter, and allow me to realize it's never been worse.
All that I was and all we were left an imprint of a hole.
So darling I now say, you would have been wise;
exit stage left, and leave this body festered and covered in lies.

Let's all sit closely and think of the years,
eons ago I whispered your name and left me in
tears, but that's just dust, and only one piece.

My mother would say that it's foolish to tame the beast,
execute him and end his tall tale of suffering.

Devils don't want his soul nor does the earth.
I can't say I blame them, he's just some dumb shell.
Every man wishes they could just determine his worth.
Shin Nov 2013
Oh dear butterfly's molten twilight husk.
You sit in the lobby with I til we
Reach the end of time, daylight becomes dusk.
This is something even the fool would see.

Oh sweet moonfilled vision of naught...perhaps.
I know nothing more of the guise you wear.
Not even time shall succumb to this lapse
Of what allows pleasure, my soul is bare

Oh how can we allow this potential?
It breaks us apart, and that's essential.
Shin Aug 2018
Sunbeams sift through emerald leaves
as 'munks pitter patter down below,
their whiskers tickled by the spring breeze.

At the shore a cerulean wave splashes,
while young lovers soak in the sand
brushing joy-filled tears from their lashes.

Baskets of fresh fried fish are passed around
to a picnicking family on the hill
absorbed in the peace of nature's sound.

There's something about these slices of time
that melts away the darkest of minds,
and that my friends is truly sublime.
These observations were made in Summit Park in Pentwater, Michigan across the street from Bortell's Fishery
Shin Dec 2013
The sun is set, and the souls are now dun.
The penultimate passion has elapsed;
the ultimate is enjoyed by no one.
The concept of this not even I grasp.

The adoration breeds restoration?
The universal hate will now be gone?
The final train all but left the station.
The gamemaker destroyed all of his pawns.

The scripture I write I cannot deny
The life that I lead, now it's time to die.
Shin Oct 2020
What do you surmise I spy in your eyes?
An opal? A sapphire shattered sea?
Perhaps a dream, merely nothing at all.
I do not know, I cannot say but still,
I love you at the end of the day.
Shin Dec 2019
I find my words getting lost in the mildew.
Expressions lost, is my sadness valid?
Surely not, my life is filled with beauty.
But I cannot strike down this dull devil.
Watching, waiting for the cracks to appear.
I wonder, will he ever leave my side?
Or is this marriage til death does us part?
Til death. I wonder how fast that clock ticks.
Like a heartbeat or perhaps a race horse.
Perhaps the time draws near or further still.
I do not know, I am merely a pawn,
and I know that this game is not quite done.
Shin Jan 2014
Shocking displays of yellowed purity.
Causing my fingers to go slick with grease.
Firm yet yielding; salty on my soft tongue.
The scent brings about a carnal fury.

I lick my lips as  I take the first plunge.
I take handfuls of this sweet heated flesh.
My eyes roll back as grease drips down my chin.
Joy personified, this is truly grunge.

As I reach the bottom, I feel forlorn.
As you can see, I talk about popcorn.
Shin Aug 2019
I do not fear death, I fear losing life.
I fear the sparkle fading from your eyes.
I will not return to the velvet grey,
I will nurture, and further grow this flame
Shin Sep 2018
Johnny got a job at the grocer
and Mary-Ann moved to Japan.
Sasha strips to feed her sons,
and I hear Jacob wound up sober.

But to me they're all sad sights
forgetting where those ******* came.
So go on ahead, call me a ***,
I'll still rep this south side plight.

Yes sir, sippin my 40 in the rain,
an ashen blunt pressed between my lips,
I have that swag on my back,
and that muddle in my brain.

Mister please knock me out,
I wanna spittle teeth and blood.
Go ahead buddy, take a swing.
Punch me in the mouth.
Shin Jan 2014
So a bat looked at its fruit
and realized it tasted sour.
He flew up to the sky and
hurried through all of the land
this taste he knew he must scour,
many forests he did loot.

First he looked to the sunset
thinking he'd find relief there.
So he journeyed to the west.
thinking "the sun knows what's best"
as he flew his gut grew bare
but he could not give up yet.

Arriving to the set sun
Our hero was out of breath.
He looked up to the wise star
and asked "please, I've traveled far,
I need sweets, or bring me death"
The sun grinned "but I have none"

Sadly the bat flew away,
wondering where to next search.
when yonder he saw the moon.
So, hoping to get there soon
he gave his wins a great lurch.
thinking just what he would say.

"Hello good moon, sweets I seek"
He replied "alas, I've none"
crestfallen the bat grew sad.
"I suppose I can't be mad".
For madness was no great fun.
It made his heart and soul reek.

At home he found his sour fruit.
In the end, that was okay.
Shin Jul 2018
Heard a song on the radio about
cold blood, some zeroes and ones.
Not sure why but it stirred up
something rather foul. You see,
she used to love that song.
Shin Dec 2013
My mother told me when I was a boy
Son look up, and see it, that grand old sky.
But now I suspect, her meaning was coy.
When I look up, I see that we will die.

This great ordeal will end without a ring.
For I have befallen no matriarch.
Not one coy mistress to dinner I bring.
For life is as passioned as my food's starch.

I don't want a body, merely your heart.
I no longer care, life has lost its art.
Shin Sep 2019
I remember my suicide attempt plainly.
A gas mask haphazardly knit in my hand.
The hiss of helium from the tank.
The flicker of light in my father's garage.

I put the mask on my face slowly.
I felt the world begin to fade.
But then suddenly the hose released
and air was all this poor face breathed.

I was so ******* exhausted.
"Ugh suppose I'll wait another day."
Then I went to the hospital.
I took the time.
I healed
and another day never came.
Shin Oct 2020
The ink of these letters soak through parchment
leaving stains on the maple underneath.
You look down at them on a later day,
and wonder what it was you'd thought to say.
Shin Jan 2021
Love once

Come home
Shin Jan 2016
Recognize that you are a monster.
Look into your mother's eyes and proclaim
that despite her best efforts she has failed.

Don't forget to adore what you see,

but remember to loath what it has become.

You can not start on a fresh page.
Shin Nov 2020
Breath of a beast or cowl of a coward.
Alone I ponder, which is the true curse?
Father and son, guided by light's shadow.
Showing me that it can always be worse.

I raise my glass, press my lips to my wife.
I don my cloak and leap into the night.
I wonder, when perhaps shall I know peace?
I wonder, when will I give up this fight?

Academic at heart, I weep from within.
Teacher, lover, father, hiding what's worse.
I pray they see my sin and let me be.
I pray they leave me with this coward's curse.
Shin Feb 2014
You leave each weekend to go to heaven,
Carelessly disregarding our own hell.
Hysterically I wait for your descent
I pick you up, tarnished, and wish you well.

The other children also do observe
That irony in your notes of remorse.
Pretending we aren't unimportant.
When we are but your stable's weary horse.

Return now, you immaculate liar.
We don't need you, angels shall warm our fire.
Loneliness wrote this
Shin Jan 2017
A harsh grey sheeted the others
as that sweet siren stole the show.
With an entrance that chilled the bone
and uplifted our pensive flow.
Our desires rested on hers.

A flash, and pleasant patch of pink
arose beneath her rosy thigh.
The sins we seek of her alone,
with this sweet and succulent sigh,
but alas we only can think...

No, dream of that wavering breath
and delicacy of her chest.
These feelings are finally sown.
Yet, even though we try our best,
this poem ends with only death.
Shin Dec 2020
I am a man made up of
beginnings and ends,
flesh and bone,
friends of the dead.

I whisper to my sweet little Valentine,
Miss must I be so maligned?

And so, it goes, it goes, it goes,
until the end of time.

I hear nothing more than the echoes
of when you were mine.
Shin Aug 2019
Salt the blade and lick the wound
my dear brother I'm joining you soon.
May the willows weep down
and look upon the riverbank
as they see the ******* dirt in my cut
as it mixes with mud
and then mixes with blood
Brother, mother, father, dear.
Do you not understand the words
I'm whispering to you here?
As I stand up upon my cross
looking down at you with
a bullet in my brain.

I don't have anything left to do.
There is nothing left to say.
I'm okay
Shin Jun 2018
"Never again"

The final words uttered by the already dead.
A sickly colored scratch scuffed porcelain skin
as fountains poured out glinting in the starlight.

And finally, I cried to the moon and dug deep.

"Never again"
I self harmed for the first time in 4 years today.
Shin Nov 2019
Can you ******* sincerity songbird?
Can you hear the truth quaver from my lips?
Can you smell the ash of our long gone sins?
Can you see the water welled in my eyes?
Can you touch the love, at least what remains?
Shin Aug 2019
There remains a taste of lily on my lips,
as my thoughts grow into a mundane gray.
The Lords of dark and light intertwine
pulling my soul's string, but the dull ache remains.

Sectumsempra's slice can release the devil's grip.
As blood pools at my feet I feel it all fade away.
Finally, this moment I control, it is solely mine.
Alas, I shake myself awake, and return to the pain.
A thought of Harry Potter
Shin Jun 2018
Live beyond the limits and
if you say goodbye they find
obtuse ramblings in your hand.

So pucker up buttercup
damnation to your consent;
you must now sip the queen's cup.

Or die trying, they don't mind
whether a bloom or wither
it's all sport to the confined.
Shin Nov 2013
Preach to the *****
as he looks at you.
Sing to him no shame.

Look down upon Pip,
not towards poor Joe.
Treat him just the same.

Satire made for her
assisted him too.
For they shared a name.

But bitter boys dip
in water their toes
shouting for sweet fame.

Solemnly holler
unto Hell's hot hues.
Lucifer, he came.

He wept powered woes
until the sky rips.
Hellfire's ashen stew,
to this I defer.
Shin May 2020
How can one hold the fragment of a nightmare so bleak?
Why must we cycle onward and spiral down?
I thought myself incapable of love.
I thought myself incapable of joy.
Please just wipe our sins clean.
I beg for just one more day, one more minute.
A single moment where I can say
I am yours, and you are mine.
Shin Mar 2024
Play in the mud rub dirt in that old scab.
Let the rainwater wash it all away again.
It's okay to dance; feel the wind in your breath.
Plaster that smile, glue on that grin.
Trust me, it'll purge us of all our sin.

Have yourself a wonderful little life.
Shin Jul 2020
I wail to the wind, "tread softly,come home."
As a martyr's prayers remain unanswered.
Chemical imbalance writing a tome.
and all the vicars burn the Hansards

A whip cracks idly, the flames lick the tongue.
Hands warm and wring, and Satan has his sin.
Bitterly encroached, subjecting the young.
We taste their demons, we pull from within.
Shin Mar 2015
I don't think my friends like me very much
and I don't think I like me very much.

A generic ex-teen sipping coffee
and all I ******* do is sip coffee.

Making a statement we already know
and telling a tale we already know.

Trying to be clever, wicked, and smart
and thinking I'm cool because I am smart.

So this song will end; it's lyrics are dead
and then I will leap and then I'll be dead.
Shin Sep 2019
I want the mud to cushion my fall
and the moonbeams to whisper
inside of my bones and scream out

and I will cry tears of bloodstains and crystal
and you will look down from your perch and
Shin Sep 2019
I can taste the purity of the blue.
Soaking through my spirit.
Offering tranquility to my mind.
These old bones are weary no longer.
Shin Mar 2014
So maybe I do care
about the porcelain
stains in your stupid hair.

The father told the son
and the son his young child
and the river flowed on.

Sinners stole the saint's soul,
and you continued down
your abusive love's hole.
The Meter is Very Important.
Shin Dec 2020
I sang a simple song today.
Fingers laced together,
honey-soaked marbled whispers,
lost photographs drifting down a forest creek.

Silence sank in.
Static tore at my beggar's brain.
Ink blots stained his cheek.
I looked down on him yet again.
He looked at me and smiled with relief,

and uttered

"I must ask.
Are we the lock?
Or the key?"
Shin Jun 2019
Let the hounds whisper in the juniper.
Dissolve your adolescence in the wind.
A detailed dawn, are you the rag and bone?
It's too late, embrace the awestruck murmurs.

Hush now sailor perched in the window pane.
Begone, begone, taste the sound of her breath.
The stark startled bookkeep will show the way.
But for now, take my hand, descend again.
A slice
Shin Jul 2019
Take a look at your life, whisper her name.
Stand at the edge and let the spring's refrain
consume you in its everlasting flame.
Do not fear, there's nothing to lose or gain.

Envelope the ointment within the skin.
As embers smoulder, drifting down the drain,
so too comes the blind man's voice a dull din.
Echoes reverberate leaving a stain.

The twinkle in her eye betrays her bliss.
She loved the ***** and she'll love again.
Your head down you offer a silent kiss.
Something, anything, bridged to share the pain.
Shin Apr 2019
Shakily take a drag; swallow the smoke.
Own up to your sins or else die trying.
Respectfully decline the subtle joke.
Rejoice, as the time wilts and you're dying.
Yes, you are a ghost, naked and alone.
I still am.
Shin Jul 2019
The wane and ebb of the wave within my brain,
A pain ever-glowing, flowing within
Why can't I sing any longer?
Why won't these thoughts remain insane?

I bid good night to the spider,
it's been a wonderful life.
But now this too must end,
as my heart is numbed by iron.
Been thinking about Mark Linkous of Sparklehorse a lot lately.
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