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Apr 2020 · 557
Her farewell
Enigmatic Apr 2020
Her trust in you is as good as an empty tank headed south
She won't use the rearview mirror headed far from you
What she leaves behind remains no concern to her burnt out heart
Eyes on the first exit out of here
The highway is her only vision, burying your bones
This is her farewell
Nov 2019 · 537
What you ignore
Enigmatic Nov 2019
Why can't I see the girl in the mirror
All her demons are playing Chinese whispers
One by one the secrets meet the conscious
Hidden wounds deform the mind
The pain you feel at the initial tear of a bandaid, every time you uncover another scathe
Bleeding out despair
You can not run
You can't decorate a gun in roses and tell me it won't **** you
You must confide in what you ignore
Stare into the mirror until you welcome the girl with open arms
Let out what's hiding beneath your lair
Oct 2019 · 1.2k
Your Demise
Enigmatic Oct 2019
In the boudoir of satan's play pen
Chain-smoking her pretty lies
You learn the art
In your veins
In your heart
You can not refrain, dancing with sins
Touching her slowly
Oh the pain, you can not contain
Out of reach, you weep
This is your defeat
Oct 2019 · 411
Bricks and Bars
Enigmatic Oct 2019
In the ocean I picture an easier world
Keep me locked in a cage
You once told me I wasn't good enough
How am I supposed to find the key
Around my cage you forced me to build bricks
Now no one can free my escape
Tears burn my tired eyes
Sep 2019 · 1.3k
fear is the trap
Enigmatic Sep 2019
Fear is the trap that confines all
Fear is holding hands with the grim reaper
It will haunt you to your grave
Taunt you in your dreams
Tie you back with the strongest rope there is and the hardest knot to escape from
Fear takes no time to find you
Takes no time to hypnotise you
Distorting your beliefs, questions are all that linger
Yes fear is strong but we go on
Dec 2018 · 466
Enigmatic Dec 2018
Rain caresses her worrying mind
11:22pm nothing matters
Her shattered heart still remains kind
Energy is energy
Her raw and tenderly touch, unexpected yet confirming
Mystery lays all over her delicate face
Your affirming touch, embraces her subtle tears
She melts into the lustful air
You promise to hold her there
The kisses you share are softening her cage
Her heart, her mind, her soul are opening to your sensual connection
Teenage affection fuels your urge to merge
An exchange, energy is energy.
Oct 2018 · 524
Unleashing the Hounds
Enigmatic Oct 2018
Stinging you with her electric eyes
This is your turn to lose the prize
For you shall burn
For you shall never return
Your heart can not depart the roses, you lay a bed
Thorns shall ***** you but this is not your moment to cry
This is not your moment to scream why
For she is taking the steps you can not reach
Reach for your despair, scream this just isn't fair
But she shall not turn around
Bury yourself deep in the ground
For she is unleashing her round of the hounds
Sep 2018 · 182
What's it like?
Enigmatic Sep 2018
What's it like to live they ask me?
I say, its laughter at 3 O'clock in the morning with those you adore dearly
Its challenging those fears you thought you'd never dear
It's opening your eyes and feeling love pour out of you for the first time ever
It's seeing everything with love.
Its the spontaneous ups and downs that keep you feeling alive
It's the adrenaline you feel when you know this **** moment is right
Its seeing life unfold exactly the way you dreamed of.
Aug 2018 · 471
ThE tOuch OF hEr KniFe
Enigmatic Aug 2018
Her hands hold the knife
Her mind holds her hands
Her ego holds her mind
Her soul holds her will to live

The touch of her knife

Only now it resides deep in her wounds
Aching, she pulls on her life
Around her she watches all those concerned
Somehow she stays centred like the true Bull she is
Soon enough she will drop the knife

For her hands will get tired
For her mind will go crazy
For her ego will get bored
For her soul is stronger than them all
Aug 2018 · 267
Let you go
Enigmatic Aug 2018
As I take that last reassuring breath
I know I am letting you go
Off you disappear with all the hope I had in you
But now you must travel far from my journey
You no longer serve a reason to be by my side
I know I will wander where you're ended up and I know you'll wander the same of me
But I will not wander enough to care to reach you
I have let you go and I feel even lighter
Now I fly with my dreams
Aug 2018 · 447
Enigmatic Aug 2018
I am shedding layers of un-purged skin, only to reveal I left myself long ago
I have outgrown this moment my hedges need trimming, will you help me?
I am evolving
I can't see myself right now but soon I'll know what I'm looking at
Everything is decaying, for the good obviously
You can't rattle me from resurrection
I am as grounded as the serpent
I am only protruding pain
Pain that no longer serves
I am no longer reserved
Vulnerability welcomes you to my heart
Here goes something like never before
Inkling, tender hearted passion
My skin is soft
My shedding skin is soft
I am soft
Don't poke me
Soft whispers ****** my state of mind
I am mellow
Watch my eyes fall slowly tonight
Slowly onto your shoulder I'll rest my impuissant head
Rest easy my child, for its only a while
The sun will kiss you gently
The future sees you, I see you
Enigmatic strings tie knots in my bleeding heart
Unknot me
Unwind me
Unfold me
Never confine me
Now is my time
Pull me out from the depths of Gaia's womb
I am of woman born
Reign me my power

— The End —