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Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
I need to improve on a couple of things straightaway
I had a performance review at work today.
I need to improve on a couple of things.
Ann M Johnson Sep 2014
I am so nervous and excited all at once
I start school tomorrow
I hope I can navigate my way through the site for my on line classes
I hope I will quickly learn what I need to
I yearn to attain new knowledge
I will need to get more organized
I can not disguise that I am not a morning person
I hope with my morning cup of coffee I can make it through
I will need to dust off my thinking cap and resist the temptation to take a nap
I will wipe the cobwebs off my mind and armed with determination everything should work out fine  
I am grateful for the new adventure
Ann M Johnson Mar 2015
I  looked at a paper at my doctor's office and could not believe my eyes.
I submitted a poem awhile back for the Poets Corner and they did not even notify me that they were going to put it in print it was a poem I put on here awhile back called Love Through Out The Year. I was pleasantly surprised that they found it Newsworthy.
Ann M Johnson Jan 2016
Resolve to be patient with one's self and others
Resolve to appreciate the beauty found in nature and in those around me
Resolve to take one day at a time and not let worry surround my thoughts
Resolve not to think about what I have not got
Resolve to appreciate each day for what it is a gift
Resolve to keep in touch with my family and friends
Resolve to learn new things
Resolve to try my best at everything
Resolve to treasure blessings both big and small
and appreciate them all
Resolve to see what is good in everybody around me
Resolve to live each day with an attitude of gratitude
This resolution starts with thanking all of you
for your friendship and for inspiring me
Ann M Johnson Jul 2014
There is so much noise that surrounds me everyday
Car alarms that beep as I walk by
Planes or helicopter's flying overhead in the sky
The alarm clock buzzing to  get me out of bed
The cross walk clicking  beckoning for me to cross quick
So much noise can make my head feel thick
The register beeping as I press the keys
I could get easily distracted or annoyed
I would rather think of it as the music of life, and appreciate that my heart still beats at least for one more day ; and hopefully many more , so I will embrace all the noise
I am having sinus surgery tomorrow
Just some random poem, I hope you like it.
Ann M Johnson Mar 2014
How much is too much?
I say no more snow !!!!!
A desperate plea from someone stuck in Minnie Snow Da
that someone is me
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
No time for Soap Opera's , too much drama in life
Some people I know try to **** me into their drama
Ann M Johnson Sep 2014
I am not 2 worried about my numbers on this site, after all I don't enjoy math.
I much prefer people and poetry, than numbers and math.
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
I had cut my fingernails, to prevent a occupational hazard
My long fingernails kept getting in the way of the cash register keys at work.
I miss the way they looked though .
Ann M Johnson Jun 2016
I regret to inform you, my friends,
that I may be offline for an extended period of time.
Due to intense visual migraines.
I will Greatly miss you all and your wonderful poetry.
I plan to return when my health improves so I need to
temporarily bid you  adieu.
Ann M Johnson Apr 2015
If I had one hundred works to describe you it would be difficult because just one hundred words would just not do to describe all the wonderfully unique qualities within you.
If you implored me to write just one hundred words about how I adore you just one hundred words would not do. For one hundred words alone cannot describe how much I Love You.
  For every one hundred reasons that I care for you there are one thousand more. I may not always show it but I really adore you. For every one hundred words there are one thousand more, you may not see them because they are written in my heart.
Ann M Johnson Jan 2017
Have you ever had one of those days when everything seems to go wrong?
Have you had one of those days when you felt anything but strong?
Have you had one of those days when it seemed like you were a human ping pong?
Have you had one of those days whenever you tried to move forward things went backwards way too fast?
One of those days are not meant to stay but will to quickly pass, be encouraged this kind of day will not last.
This present day itself will be gone before you know it. Please, hold on a little longer.
One of these days when the current hardships are over you should wake up feeling a little bit stronger.
Inspired by having one of those days.
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
Weight,  why I get so obsessed, your only a number
We often worry so much about our weight and comparing our self with others.
Some of us have struggled with eating disorders in the past including me.
Ann M Johnson Oct 2015
The Market crashed as the people dashed
   All the banks closed down
   The people frowned
   Natural disasters were all around
   Stock brokers quite literally took a dive
   Many people died
   On the day the earth stood still

    The daily grind
     The worry over bills
      Was replaced with the need to just survive
       Some people rioted just to get something to eat
       On the day the earth stood still
       Some people screamed
        While others cried
         Some people looked down looking for someone to blame
         Still others looked outward and sought ways to help out
        Some people banded together to keep each other and their         neighbors alive
        Some people looked up
       While some people prayed for wisdom for themselves and others
        to get through this trial
        Some people looked within only and felt all alone
        Still others thought of this as a test of their will
        On The Day The Earth Stood Still
         I wonder if we were faced with this crisis
         would we stand together
         or fall apart ?
         perhaps the answer is found already in our hearts
         If we are lacking a strong network of family and friends
          Now is the time to start
          We don't want to be found slacking if the world falls apart
                     Sometimes things happen in a blink of an eye
                    It might be best to get ready just in case
                    No time left for slacking if The Earth Stands Still
I recently watched the Movie San Andres, and it got me thinking and writing with this as a result. I would love your feedback and comments Thank You !
Ann M Johnson Apr 2020
Ann M Johnson ( Note,Oct 2015, original copy)
On The Day the Earth Stood Still (revised 2020)
The Market crashed as the people dashed
   All the banks closed down
   the people frowned
   Natural disasters were all around
   Stock brokers quite literally took a dive
Sickness abounds
   Many people died
   On the day the earth stood still

    The daily grind
     The worry over bills
      Was replaced with the need to just survive
       Some people rioted just to get something to eat
       On the day the earth stood still
       Some people screamed
        While others cried
         Some people looked down looking for someone to blame
Some people selfishness stood out hoarded things others need
         Still others looked outward and sought ways to help out
        Some people banded together to keep each other and their neighbors alive
        Some people looked up
       While some people prayed for wisdom for themselves and others
        to get through this trial
        Some people looked within only and felt all alone
        Still others thought of this as a test of their will
        On The Day The Earth Stood Still
         I wonder if we were faced with this crisis
         would we stand together
         or fall apart ?
         perhaps the answer is found already in our hearts
         If we are lacking a strong network of family and friends
          Now is the time to start
          We don't want to be found slacking if the world falls apart
                     Sometimes things happen in a blink of an eye
I just ran across this older poem of mine. It seems kinda eerie in light of this current Global Covid-19 crisis. My local banks lobby is closed by appointment only. Stores having a strict limit on food and supplies. People hoarding toilet paer whilee others have to do without. It was also mentioned that stores where low on 22 cartridges. Things are chaotic right now.
Ann M Johnson Nov 2014
Just an ordinary day
   doing things in an ordinary way
              tell you came along
                     Now I feel like singing a song
                        You made my otherwise ordinary day
                            Extraordinary in everyway
I dedicate this poem to my friends both near and on Hello Poetry
Who with their words and messages and presence make an otherwise
ordinary day an Extraordinary day.
Ann M Johnson Sep 2014
A friend recently explained the painful process an Oyster goes through to produce a pearl. It was like a revelation to hear that, the process comes at a great price  lots of pain to get something with priceless beauty. The other stuff people might rarely see, is it like you or like me?The tough stuff me go through if it don't make us bitter makes us better. We  gain compassion, more understanding, a little kindness goes a long way to
brighten someone's day. If we don't let our trials lead us astray.
The things that people see on the outside,don't define us the true beauty
is contained  deep inside; our jewel. The next time you are having a tough time it is just a process, the working out to make you stronger to
produce your jewel. The tough times are not meant to stay forever they
have come to pass. What is inside is what truly counts, be the pearl and
let your true inner beauty shine; the rest is just the outer shell.
Ann M Johnson Jul 2015
As a child I thought it would be neat to be a Movie Star like Ginger on Gilligan's island, who seemed Glamorous on a deserted island even though far away from all publicity.

As a teen being a movie star was no longer my dream
I dreamed of being a singer but one who would inspire humanity
It did not matter to me if I made it to the spotlight or not
I wanted to do something that I love doing

As I got older my dreams changed
Most of my dreams got pushed aside
do to tending to the realities of day to day living
It became much more important to encourage my children
in their education so they could reach for their dreams

Tell one day my daughter came along and encouraged me to reach
toward my dreams, which inspired me to continue my education
after a several year break
I am not concerned about the spotlight or how much money I will make
I want to encourage other's and help them through tough times
If I am able to also inspire them to try to reach for their dreams
That is worth more than a financial bottom line

Thinking back I am thankful to not have been in the spotlight
After all it is best to view a star from afar
I enjoy my simple lifestyle and anonymity
A lifestyle of Movie Star is not the life for me
It would be tough to have ever mistake (whether real or fake) in every gossip newspaper or magazine
That don't sound like peaceful living at least  not to me
I am content to stay out of the spotlight and live each day
and do the best that I can
I will be starting school soon at a new school for me, I am excited yet nervous while reaching toward my grown up dreams.
Ann M Johnson Jun 2016
Had such a busy week
so exhausted I could barely speak
Needed to get up early on Friday for an important appointment
much to my disappointment my alarm glitched
maybe even caused by a power outage
Instead of making it to the appointment I was dreaming about it while
asleep in my bed.
Perhaps maybe I needed the rest really bad and that is why I overslept.
It might be my body's way of saying that I needed to slow down a bit.
Ann M Johnson Aug 2014
The pages in the diary are beaten and worn
Some entries are happy others are forlorn
Some pages are torn
The lock broke a long time ago
The entries are an echo of the past
It is amazing that it would last all these years
Some pages are soaked with tears
It appears to have held up pretty well
It seems to have a tale to tell
It is enclosed in a hard shell
It has survived through many moves
I guess you could say I have too
I hope it can hold another entry or two
or  perhaps I should leave some pages unwritten
I found my old diary and thought of this
Ann M Johnson Jun 2014
You are the pen that writes on my paper heart
This is dedicated to all my friends here on Hello Poetry
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
I see the pendulum slowly sway back in forth keeping up with the hands on the Grandfather clock.
My life seemed to be going along just fine just seeming to keep up with the time
It feels lately that it is not swaying quite right, since I have been having problems with someone who I thought was a friend, now she won't talk to me, she also said not to call
I wish I could be like a pendulum and have everything sway right again
I wish I could, go back in time and make everything right with perfect insight  
I guess for now I have to be patient and wait and watch the pendulum sway and remember better days
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
I'm picking up the pieces of a shattered life: like a scattered puzzle I'm trying to find the pieces that will fit right
I'm trying to rebuild and see whats before me, and wanting to know how it will all fit together all right
It's hard to wait and see what the complete picture will be
I know I will get through it if I persist and except help if needed from others too
I ask, will there be mountains or streams will I have an opportunity to pursue my dreams?
I long for learning , I thirst for positive change
I crave for new adventures, for growth, yet at the same time, I'm scared, I don't want to be hurt again
I feel as if there was an earthquake and I am having to deal with the aftershocks
I survived and I know the future is uncertain
I hope I will have the strength to face The Great Unknown
I hope in the end I will succeed and that the outcome would be a better, stronger more confident me
I wrote this when I was going through a Divorce
Ann M Johnson Oct 2014
I                                                                  can
Not                                                picture
You are ALL  Important to me, my fellow Poets and Friends <3
Ann M Johnson Oct 2014
My  Head was in the clouds
So I misplaced my keys again
I seem to be falling in pieces
Many pieces of me
Earlier this year my ******* were reduced
I am not going to deduce what happen to my gallbladder that was removed a few years back
Speaking of my bad luck after some back-breaking labor it has never been the same
At least most days I can still remember my own name
One hand don't always know what the other is doing especially if I try to multi-task
I had one eye surgery and another is coming up soon, something my eyes spring a leak
My **** has a crack last time I looked there some years back
when I had a pimple I tried to look at I nearly gave my self a concussion
How would I have explained it to the doctor?
Speaking of my mind, I think I misplaced it some years ago
If you find it please handle it with care and send it back to me or you could replace it with a better one that would be fine with me
What was I last writing?
Ann M Johnson Sep 2014
Poem Thief beware we are watching you.
You may steal our words, but you will not steal our resolve
There is another thing that you can not steal which is our Love and support for each other
You may think that you are invisible but you are not
Many eyes are watching you
What you think you do in silence could come to light in public someday
Just as good deeds become known, woe to the one doing bad deeds, someday they have to pay a very high price
I hope that if you read this, you will be nice and give proper credit to the Author's of the poems you stole
I also feel I should warn you that with every poem you steal, you might be losing a piece of your soul
It has come to my attention that someone has been stealing Poems of my friends on Hello Poetry and claiming them as their own and posting them on another site.
Ann M Johnson Nov 2015
I thought of a great poem
while in the shower
I felt a bit overcome by it's power
I thought of flowers and love
I think it was something in the water
because as soon as the water dried
the poem died
I cried
because I did not remember it anymore.
I am wondering has anything like this ever happened to you?
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
I wish i could have a poetry party and invite all of you
We could recite poetry and talk about the good old days
We would not care if everything rhymed, we would just have a grand time
We would have  snacks to eat and lots to drink and share in each others company
We would talk until late at night and laugh at jokes
  We would reminisce about what we wrote
   I think at parties end, we would all be the greatest of friends
Ann M Johnson Oct 2014
I have had a hectic day
Poetry come and sweep me away
Transport me through time and space
Just take me to another place
I need a smile on my face
No one else can take your place
Poetry take me away

TV  will not do
I am devoted only to you
Give me a quote or a sonnet
My heart is yours
So write upon it
Poetry take me away

Poetry you are my most faithful friend
My love for you will never end
You are my undying trend
I want to spend time with you
Only you will do
My love for you is true
Poetry Take Me Away <3
I hope you like my random poem.
I Dedicate this Poem To All My Hello Poetry Friends
I Love your poems and I am Grateful for you!!!
Ann M Johnson Feb 2016
Poetry Take Me Away

I have had a hectic day ( that's an understatement)
Poetry come and sweep me away
Transport me through time and space
Please just take me to another place
I need to once more have a smile on my face
Because no one else can take your place

Poetry take me away

My TV  will not do
I am devoted only to you
Give me a quote or a sonnet or a rhyme or 2
My heart belongs to you
So write upon it with ink or stamp my heart
with your poetic seal
You have all  the appeal
For poetry I have zeal

Poetry take me away

Poetry you are my most faithful friend
My love for you will never end
You are my undying trend
I want to spend time with you
Only you will do
My love for you is so true
Poetry Take Me Away <3
Ann M Johnson @ 2016

I hope you like my random poem.
I Dedicate this Poem To All My Hello Poetry Friends
I Love your poems and I am Grateful for all of  you!!!
I hope you like my random poem.
I Dedicate this Poem To All My Hello Poetry Friends
I Love your poems and I am Grateful for all of  you!!!
Ann M Johnson Jul 2015
I like to take a dip in the poetry well
when my life seems to be dry
I like to take a dip in the poetry well
when I question why
I like to take a dip in the poetry well
when I lost the courage to try something new
I like to take a dip in the poetry well
when I need encouragement then I get it from you
I like to take a dip in the poetry well
to ease some anxiety
I like to take a dip in the poetry well
let my emotions swell
I take to take a dip in the poetry well
while holding paper and a pen
I like to take a dip in the poetry well
where inspiration never ends
I like to take a dip in the poetry well
where I can gather with my friends
This is for All My Hello Poetry Friends!!!!
Thank You so much for your friendship and encouragement!!!
Ann M Johnson Jul 2014
Let us set sail leave ever thing that ails
Let us toss out the map cuddle up and take a nap
Let loves compass be are guide to the Point Of No Return
Let us get away from civilization
We can have our own hideaway in the Point Of No Return
You can drown in the ocean in my eyes, my love I can't disguise
Love, let us set sail today, let us not wait one more day to go, to the Point Of No Return, there is much we can discover about each other, at the Point Of No Return
Will You come sail away with me to the Point Of No Return?
Ann M Johnson Jun 2016
Music is medicine
Music is food for the soul
Music transcends beyond time and space
Music lifts you up much higher
Music inspires
Music brightens the day
Music is the perfect ending to a day while watching the moon and the stars
Music and poetry are perfect company
Music and poetry work  together to end the day on a good positive note!
Ann M Johnson Jan 2015
Praying for a miracle
When one seems impossible to find
Praying for a miracle
When a situation threatens to break my mind
Praying for a miracle
When I feel stricken with grief
Praying for a miracle
When somethings shaken my belief
Praying for a miracle
When life's giants I have to face and relief is not in sight
Praying for  a miracle
When I can't find the words to say
When I can't voice it out-loud
Lord please listen to my heart
Ann M Johnson Sep 2015
A person could gain everything in the world
but lose those which they love
remember to always prioritize properly
Ann M Johnson Sep 2014
To trend or not to trend, that is the question?
There seems to be so much focus on whether poems trend or not.
There are many great poems that do not trend and they deserve recognition too.
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
Random words fly off my pen
Random thoughts run through my head
I pick a random song and sing along
I dance a random dance( I'm lucky no one sees me)
My favorite random thing, random acts of kindness
I'm sorry, if this is not very good, I wrote it at 4:00 am
Ann M Johnson Feb 2015
You're gone from this world let remain inside my heart
This is dedicated to our departed loved ones, who are greatly missed and who are alive in a sense through our fond memories of them.
Ann M Johnson Oct 2014
My remedy for a tough day is eating some chocolate
Ann M Johnson Nov 2014
As we enter the Holiday season we have so many reasons to be grateful so let be thankful
As we eat our holiday meals and have our fill lets think of those many who have no food or shelter  from the cold

In the land of the free and the and the brave it is not right that so many suffer hunger pains
When you spend time with those you love count your self blessed remember those who are lonely and depressed try to thlnk of others
Helping others don't  usualy  cost alot and has it's  own reward  it is great to see a grateful  smile on another's face not only at this time but any time of year after all poverty  never takes a holiday
I wish for you my friends that you are grateful for your many blessings
Ann M Johnson Aug 2014
I was stunned to hear the news that the Great and Loved Comedian had died Robin Williams age 63, I feel at a loss for adequate words.
I never got to meet him face to face, but I had much laughter inspired by his works in films and on TV his face and voice were Familiar to me.
I first discovered him when I was a  mere child when he was on Mork on Mork and Mindy. He played an alien, I bet that role was kind of fun.
I remember seeing him in Good Morning Vietnam, watching it in the Movie theater, via the big movie screen, He seemed somehow Larger than life, but loved the laughter he inspired.
I remember him in Dead Poets Society and Good Will Hunting to name a few.
I think he gained some more popularity and hilarity in his role in Mrs. Doubtfire .
I Loved watching him in Patch Adams playing a doctor treating people a bit unconventionally.
I remember him as the Voice of genie in Aladdin
I remember him in The Night At the Museum movies  
I feel the loss of him is quite a tragedy
He will be greatly missed
I will remember the laughs his works caused
I found out today 8/11/2014 that Robin Williams has died of a suspected suicide.  I feel this is a great loss of a  Comic Genius.
I wish I could offer condolences to his family. I felt some tribute should be made. I know this is not quite fitting enough for him.
I feel struck with grief for his family and all his fans, of which I am one.
Ann M Johnson Mar 2014
There are days when I wish I could rewind and start over again
There are days where I wish I could fast forward just to make it through
There are other days when I get to spend with you, on those days I wish I could press pause or freeze frame to make the moment last longer
Those times make life worthwhile and cause me to smile,
You cheer me up with your unique style
Ann M Johnson Sep 2014
I think I have Restless Mind Syndrome.
I have not had it diagnosed but it should be, I might need to suggest to my doctors to add it to the medical books.
I think on second thought if I made that suggestion, I might get a strange look.
I wonder if the doctor would think I was a hypochondriac.
The condition gets worse when I hit the pillow and try to sleep, and sometimes troubles me to the point were I become an Insomniac.
I think and think and think and my thoughts seem to swim;  so much so that it is hard to keep track of were my thoughts end or begin.
If I was a drinker I might reach for some gin.
In cases like this it seems like my train of thought seemed to have derailed long ago.
The symptoms of my condition seem to be getting worse each year, one example is that when I try to write something down such as a phone number the numbers get messed up between my mind and the paper; It would appear that I have dyslexia because some numbers get reversed.
I get so frustrated to the point of tears at times, and fear that I am on the verge of losing my mind.
I think of all the things left to do, or think of things I should have done better, and I wonder what is the matter with me, when I think to much I fear insanity; I wish that I had a more normal mind.
I hope someone can find the cure for my Restless Mind soon before I run out of time.
This poem was inspired by a poem By SoulSurvivor called RLS-20w
I thought of this after I made a comment on that poem, when I said that I think I have Restless Mind Syndrome.
Ann M Johnson Jun 2014
I'm trying not to shop till I drop,
                                                                      Me !!!!!!!
Working at a store makes it harder not to engage in, Retail Therapy.
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
I need a retreat
I need some time to be just mine
I need some time to get away from the daily pressures of life
I need a break from this worlds strife
I need a deeper sense of peace
I need to sigh with relief when my peace is restored
I need a slower pace, this life seems like a race
I need to see natures beauty away from the city
I need some time to feel restored
I need to get inspired
I need to curl up with a paper and pen and write some more
Who knows what will be in store for me at the retreat
Ann M Johnson Oct 2014
I go to the River when I have a tough day
I visualize my cares flowing away
I watch the birds soar overhead
I long to soar and feel free
Perhaps I will dream of flying while sleeping in my bed
I go to the River when things are Okay
It is a good way to spend a day
I go to the river when tired and dreary
I find it to be beautiful and cheery
I go to the river to feel renewed and restored
I go to the river and feel a connection to My Lord
I go to the river for these reasons and many more
I hope you can go to the river too
Ann M Johnson Sep 2014
The darkness is longer and less light makes me SAD
When there is less Sunlight, I get S.A.D
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
Sad clown i see you frown
I feel sad too
I'm still am trying to get used to 10 word poems!
Ann M Johnson Aug 2014
The toughest scars to heal are concealed on the inside
Ann M Johnson Jun 2016
Searching for inspiration where can it be found?
Searching for inspiration while glancing on the ground when
deep in thought.
I look within to see what I might find coming up empty
I continue this quest
I desire only what is best.
I look in the face of family and friends
I glance above and seek strength
I read your poems to see what message they hold my poetry friends.

I suddenly realize that I'm not all alone in this poetic sea
true inspiration is not all up to me.
It surrounds me but often seems unseen
It is found in the wind, earth ,air and sea
It can be found while we are awake or asleep.
It can be found above or here on earth.
It can be found in both public
or in solitary places.

It can be found in the loving faces of family or friends.
It can be found in poetic pages or in printed books.
It can be heard in favorite music that lifts you up.
It can be found in an inspiring speech.
It may be found in the words of a favorite teacher that is remembered throughout the years.
For some, it may be the words of a favorite preacher that offers encouragement and is inspirational.
For others being out in nature in a natural cathedral provides ample poetic inspiration to last for years to come.
It can be found in heartbreak or emotional turmoil that inspires you to turn your scars into stars that shine brightly for others to see.
It may be found through both love and loss.
It can be found despite the cost to you and me.
May inspiration help us weather all the storms that this life holds.
May inspiration be found in all of us  may it continue to strengthen and help us grow not only as writers but in life too.
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