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Ann M Johnson Jul 2016
3 little words can be the easiest to say or be the most difficult of all.
3 little words we all have heard them.
3 little words can have the potential to have the most influence and meaning and impact others for many years to come.
3 little words work best as a verb.
3 little words can not just stand alone but need some action to back them.
3 little words can become meaningless and empty, without the necessary action, they can be too quickly discarded and forgotten like yesterday's news.
3 little words can produce either happiness or regret dependent on what actions follow. If the meaning is hollow broken promises can follow. Leaving broken hearts and shattering lives like an emotional earthquake in its wake.
Only 3 little words but consider how much impact they really have. Please remember words are a powerful influence either to a positive or negative degree.
3 little words what a difference they can make when spoken wisely and backed with the proper action they can be fulfilling instead of empty.
3 little words should only be used with caution, beware of the power of the tongue and please choose your words carefully.
The choice is up to you and me what impact we give to 3 little words.
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
If I were a car I would be a classic
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
Across the miles, I send  a smile and love too
This poem is for all my friends on Hello Poetry!
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
I tried to start my day without coffee
It was harder than it first seemed
My get up and go left me in the dust
I had a caffeine withdrawal headache so bad I felt I might scream
I seemed to move slow like a scene of the zombies from The Walking Dead
I thought I should not  have gotten out of bed
I realize that this is nothing a few cups of coffee could not fix
I can hardly wait to drink that brew
I toast to all of you!
Ann M Johnson Oct 2014
Sven and Olie died and went to Hell. After awhile, the Devil came by to see how his new guests were doing. To his amazement, he found Sven and Olie were still wearing their winter gear and seemed to be quite comfortable. The Devil asked why they weren't hot.
Olie replied, "We come from Minnesota where it's always cold. This is feeling pretty good to us." This upset the Devil, so he turned up the thermostat. Awhile later the Devil looked in again on Sven and Olie. To his surprise he found they were still wearing their winter gear. The Devil questioned them on it again. "You have to remember that we are from Minnesota and it's very, very cold there. This is feeling nice to us."
The Devil was even madder at this, so he turned the thermostat all the way up to maximum temperature. The Devil waited some time and then went back to Sven and Olie. This time he found they had only unzipped their coats, but still had all their winter clothes on. The Devil couldn't understand what was going on. The punishment down here was supposed to be the unbearable heat. It wasn't working on these two. He had to ask again what the deal was. Sven replied, "We are Minnesotans and we just got over a freezing winter. This is really great for Olie and Me.
A light flickered in the Devil's mind. He went to the thermostat and turned it off. He thought if the heat wasn't a punishment, maybe he'd give them some freezing temperatures. A little while later the Devil came back to check in on Sven and Olie only to find them cheering and giving each other high fives, happier than ever! The Devil questioned them on their actions and Sven said happily, "Back home they always said, the Vikings will win the Super Bowl when Hell freezes over!!!"

I am sharing one of my favorite Minnesota  jokes.
Ann M Johnson May 2017
After too much noise we learn to appreciate the silence
After  experiencing chaos we embrace peace
After the rain, we search for the rainbow
After a long cold winter, we look forward to spring
After we experience heartache, we learn to appreciate the happiness of love if we experience it again
After a long solitude, we enjoy the company of a few close friends
After we truly appreciate all the little things
We can more fully experience the bigger things that life may bring.
I wrote this  awhile back but I recently found an old notebook with this poem in it. I hope you like reading it my friends.
Ann M Johnson Feb 2014
We are like fine wine, we age well over time
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
There are times when it is hard to know what to say, cliches don't take the pain away
In those times saying the wrong thing can make things worse a verse don't instantly make everything better
When someone has lost a friend hearing they lived a good life, does not give relief to the grief one feels
When one has lost a child or someone in their family, don't feel you have to say the right words better yet just be there as a friend and give them a hug, a hug can speak volumes when you don't know the right words
Ann M Johnson Sep 2015
A solitary walk in a nature trail can feel so energizing while alone
  A solidary walk through a crowded campus and through a long crowded hall while alone can feel so draining and lonely
In the first instance captivated by the beauty of nature
In the second instance the time seems to drag by while surrounded by anxiety
Ann M Johnson Nov 2014
I can not  picture my life without All Of You

Paper Heart
You are the pen that writes on my paper heart
You are etched in my memory and burned in my heart <3
I Want To Say Thank You To All My Faithful Hello Poetry Friends
This Melody Is For You
I appreciate All Of You So Much !!!!!!!!!!!
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
I have heard it said that the eyes are the windows to the soul.
I believe they are a mere reflection of what's inside
No one can see what we choose to hide our doubts, fears, pain and insecurities
No one truly knows  unless we choose to share and let someone care about us
We at times look at our reflection and we do not like, what we see because we are not like those on TV
We might feel like we are too short, or not thin enough or not beautiful or handsome
The reflection lies as we unjustly compare ourselves with others
We need to remember true beauty is inside
  We need to be know for our unique qualities and how we care for those around us
   We are individuals and their is no one else just like us
    Our eyes are but a mere reflection of whats inside
Ann M Johnson Apr 2014
You might think that my mind is scattered
In the past I was beaten and battered
I warn you that if you break my heart it might
shatter into a million pieces
If you try to pick them up, be careful or you might get cut
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
A moment in rhyme and my heart beats in time
This is my first attempt at a 10 work poem, I hope it is OK.
Ann M Johnson Mar 2014
I am living just a moment in rhyme as I go about my day, I think about rhymes that won't go away
My heart beats in synch with the song of a bird
I think of sweet words
At the end of the day, I say Good Night sweet rhyme
It is sublime living a moment in rhyme
Ann M Johnson Nov 2014
I am living just a moment in rhyme as I go about my day, I think about rhymes that won't go away
At the beginning  of the day
I gaze at the sun's rays

My heart beats in synch with the song of a bird
I think of sweet words

At the end of the day, I say Good Night sweet rhyme
It is sublime living a moment in rhyme
Ann M Johnson Jul 2013
I once was told by a friend
That when I cry the angels take my tears
And place them in a lake in heaven
Is that the Crystal Lake so Sparkling and pure
Perfect year after year
With as many tears as I've cried over the years
I wonder if it's now a river
or is it a magnificent waterfall beyond compare
Cascading down a mountain
Does it nourish the animals or make plants flourish
Make flowers grow
I guess I just won't know tell I get there
My friends next time you cry they just might be Angel tears.
Ann M Johnson Aug 2013
If I don't greet you when I meet you; it is not because I don't want to
I suffer with  from anxiety
I worry what you might think of me
I wont offer you my hand my palms are sweaty
I find it hard to concentrate on what you say
I feel like my heart is pounding like a drum
I feel kinda numb in my arms legs and feet
I feel like I might run
I feel jumpy
I feel a sense of dread
I wish I could crawl back in my bed
I wonder if you will understand this is not always like me
I am trying to get better control of the symptoms
The next time I see you I will take a deep breath
I will tell myself there is nothing to fear
I will do my best to greet you
Ann M Johnson Apr 2015
I at times will wake her up
reminding her of important stuff
I guide her by giving her the weather report
So she is appropriately dressed
I correct her  grammar when she chats
I help her stay in touch with family and friends
My list of duties appear to never end
I keep track of important dates
I give her the time so she is never late
I do all these tasks without thanks or praise
If I would just suddenly quit
She would just move on to using a newer version of me
because all I really am to her is just a cell phone that is what I was created to be
Written from a perspective of a cell phone, perhaps you would like to write a perspective poem of your own, Happy writing to you!
Ann M Johnson Aug 2014
A poem a day may not keep the doctor away, but it may keep the Psychiatrist at bay
Writing is very therapeutic and so is reading poems at least for me!
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
A poet knows raw emotion and stirs our emotions making us smile, laugh or cry
A poet knows devotion and expertly crafts it for all to see
A poet knows heartache and heartbreak and describes it, showing  he or she can relate
A poet knows what it is to experience love and happily shares with eloquent words
A poet knows many things and has a sense of  expectation in life
A poet knows the beauty around them and expresses it in words creating a masterpiece
This poem is dedicated to The Poets here on Hello Poetry!
Ann M Johnson Sep 2014
A Poets friends are an empty notebook and a pen
This Is A Tribute To All My Poet Friends, Here On HP
You Are The Very Best , The site calls you Followers, I Call You Friends
You are Awesome and Your Poems Are Too! :) :)
Ann M Johnson Sep 2014
A poets life consists of 90% inspiration and 10% perspiration !
It seems like you my poet friends are inspired almost all the time, but I never see you sweat. I hope you enjoy this 10 Word poem.
Ann M Johnson Jul 2015
Appreciation costs so little yet but always means so much!
I truly appreciate all of you, my Hello Poetry friend's :)
Ann M Johnson Jun 2014
Just a note to say how much I appreciate you!
I used 10 words but I could use many more, to say how lucky I feel to have you my Hello Poetry friends, in my life. Today and everyday!
Ann M Johnson May 2015
Random words fly off my pen
Random thoughts run through my head
I pick a random song and sing along
I dance a random dance( I'm lucky no one sees me)
I say Hi to a random stranger(that person looked at me like I lost my mind)
My favorite random thing to find are random acts of kindness
Maybe a random thing will come your way
or you might just have a random sort of day.
This Random poem comes to you via an insomniac.
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
A rose is beautiful to behold
A rose is fragrant to be smelled
A  rose is fragile to be held
A rose is sturdy and strong enough to be planted and transplanted
into the hearts of those who will receive them with humility and a gentle spirit
I wrote this poem some years ago.
I just thought I would share it with you!
Ann M Johnson Aug 2014
Hey Princess my name is Han, I picture us together in a Galaxy Far Far Away
I  promise you adventure to say the least
I'm not saying the courtship will be all filled with peace
I will fly you in a spaceship which is very nice
I hope you are able to withstand some strife
I have to let you know  that I have a kind of pet he is quite unique
He is a Wookie  you may in fact rather kiss him than me
If my mannerisms get under your skin
I feel I should warn you about the competition that is interested in You
I heard about a fat ugly guy named Jabba The Hut, he might even want to imprison you
Well I heard you once were interested in your brother, I am willing to overlook that fact
I can tell you that dating me is not boring to say the least
We will fight against The Empire and you will get to meet many Jedi Knights
You and I together will have to dodge fire from Storm trooper  guns
Not to mention the dictator Darth Vader wants to **** both me and you
I will let you know if this don't appeal to you or sound like to much fun
You could date a certain doctor named DR. Who and see were he and his Tardis might take you.
This is dedicated to some friends of mine who are big science fiction fans, and my daughter who likes DR. Who
I also give credit to George Lucas who created the Star Wars films and Whoever created DR. Who
Ann M Johnson Oct 2015
Hey Princess my name is Han, I picture us together in a Galaxy Far Far Away
I  promise you adventure to say the least
I'm not saying the courtship will be all filled with peace
I will fly you in a spaceship which is very nice
I hope you are able to withstand some strife
I have to let you know  that I have a kind of pet he is quite unique
He is a Wookie  you may in fact rather kiss him than me
If my mannerisms get under your skin
I feel I should warn you about the competition that is interested in You
I heard about a fat ugly guy named Jabba The Hut, he might even want to imprison you
Well I heard you once were interested in your brother, I am willing to overlook that fact
I can tell you that dating me is not boring to say the least
We will fight against The Empire and you will get to meet many Jedi Knights
You and I together will have to dodge fire from Storm trooper  guns
Not to mention the dictator Darth Vader wants to **** both me and you
I will let you know if this don't appeal to you or sound like to much fun
You could date a certain doctor named DR. Who and see were he and his Tardis might take you.

This is dedicated to some friends of mine who are big science fiction fans, and my daughter who likes DR. Who
I also give credit to George Lucas who created the Star Wars films and Whoever created DR. Who
#science   #star   #personal   #wars   #fiction   #ad
Reposting due to new Star Wars Movie
Ann M Johnson May 2016
I was making out a list of things I am grateful for which includes many things but I will list a few:
   Good friends
   Friends here on Hello Poetry
It made me think that one person on Hello Poetry deserves my Thank You and the Thank You of all of us here on Hello Poetry, the founder Eliot York who faithfully maintains this site that we all utilize. We might not always think about expressing gratitude for this site that we enjoy so much. There is no time like the present to do so.
Here's a Shout out to Eliot York who is responsible for all of us having this Great site to use to share our poetry!
With sincere, Gratitude this Shout out of Thanks goes to You!
Maybe you could join me and write a shout out or tribute to our sites founder Eliot York.
Ann M Johnson Jun 2018
Hello to all my Hello poetry friends. I hope that you are all doing well.
I am so sorry that I have not been on here posting yet this year. The reasons that I have not posted are as follows. My mother passed away in late November 2017. I recently went to a funeral for a friend that died from injuries sustained in a car accident. Another friend recently told me to hat her son who is only in his thirties is diagnosed as having pancreatic cancer. A lot has happened since I last posted.  On a happier note in February a poem I had posted on here a few years back got published in a local edition of the Sr. Perspective in the poetry section of the newspaper. I wish you all a good and healthy summer.
Ann M Johnson Sep 2014
If the Average Attention span is 8 seconds
How do I increase it for studying?
The statistic above regarding 8 seconds, I got from
I am taking a break from studying due to my attention span waning.
Ann M Johnson Aug 2014
Sometimes I write and it feels right to share for many eyes to see. and it is fun to share
Other times the words do not seem to come out alright or it feels
to personal to me
Those times I'm Ok with writing and not fighting the feelings: even if it is just for an audience of one
Ann M Johnson Nov 2016
The sun is shining brightly while the last of the leaves fall gently
it makes me feel like breaking out in spontaneous song, all seems calm and right under the light of the autumn sun.
Ann M Johnson Nov 2013
We are miles apart from various backgrounds
We are gathered together with a common love of poems and writing
The sky's the limit on what we can share
We have formed a bond and made friends that share our love of the written word
The friendships forged here have been strong, we feel like we have been friends for years
We look out for our fellow poets and they know we really care
Here on this site, I have found my voice which had been silent for far to long
I can write about many things with out fear of judgement
I can read many wonderful poems and hear your voice too
I am glad I listened to my daughter when she set me up on Hello Poetry on my Birthday
It has been a gift that keeps on giving, here I have found a Virtual Home.
Ann M Johnson Nov 2014
The best type of dreaming is done while wide awake
Ann M Johnson Jan 2015
Trying to recover from the Flu
There is so much yet that I have to do
I have midterm tests coming up
Doctor ordered rest
Feeling some stress
My apartment's becoming a mess
Trying to do my best
In my yearning to become a good learner
Unfortunately poetry has taken a back burner
Ann M Johnson Aug 2014
Many battles are Won or Lost depending on our thoughts
The mind is a powerful thing and our thoughts effect us in either positive or negative ways.
Ann M Johnson Aug 2015
Beauty is within the heart of a poet freely poured out in print forever
This is Dedicate to all your wonderful Poets on here!!!!
Ann M Johnson Feb 2014
You came into our lives like a shooting star
You dazzled us with your Amethyst light
You too quickly disappeared into the night
You made an impact on our lives
You remain in our hearts and our memories
We are forever changed because of you
This poem is first of all dedicated to my friend on here Jelly Belly who recently lost her Grandma.
Secondly to my Dad who when he was alive had a February Birthday
Ann M Johnson Nov 2014
Unchained I hear the melody
Unshackled I can dance again
Unbound I am breaking free
from the cocoon that held me
Free to be the Butterfly
Ann M Johnson Dec 2015
The busy day of taxing
  became one of relaxing when  in hushed
silence they stared at the Bethlehem Star
Did the star sparkle with colors that made
people silently exclaim  oh and awe?
In star stuck amazement the Shepherds left
their tasks to behold the Bethlehem star
Did the star shine like a beacon to light the way
to bring people safely home
In case I forgot to mention it got peoples attention
from near and far who wanted to get a closer look at
the Bethlehem Star
Did the constellations align in the shape of a mother and a child
making it a very rare sign that drew the Wise men from afar?
  To the Baby Born that day the star lit the way for people to find him
What a unique invitation to every tribe in every nation
What a joyous birthday party invitation
  Sometime later the star might had dimmed but for those who trust in Him the light is still shining today, there are pieces of that light shining in all the hearts of everyone he calls sons and daughters
  The light still shines like a beacon for those who are seeking for Him
His  invitation still stands today for every tribe and every nation
  No need to RSVP, he will  just meet you were you are if you will believe and except his invitation  He is waiting for you to receive the free gift of Salvation that He already paid the price for, He is a friend like no other invite your sons and daughters and friends too
There is a celebration party with all the angels in Heaven when he welcomes us home
In Heaven there are many mansions He is preparing a place for you it does not matter if you are rich or poor He will receive you all
May the light of the Bethlehem star shine brightly not just on one day but all year through and every year after that for You
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
Bills are  part of life and a source of  strife
I get a headache when I pay my bills, money talks it says goodbye.
Ann M Johnson Sep 2014
I won Bingo after taking a break from studying, yes :)
I played Bingo with my neighbors tonight and it was fun.
It cost me a quarter per card.
Ann M Johnson Sep 2013
I remember when you were a baby snuggled safely against me
Baby bird in my hand
I remember when you seemed to grow so quickly and learned to fly
I cried when you left my nest
Bird in the sky
I now see you so infrequently
I know you would rather be with your friends
Bird flying with friends
I miss you
I love to hear you sing
I'm tempted to hold unto you and tell you not to go
I need to let you grow
I hide my tears
I have memories of you to cherish of all these years
I let go and let you fly
I hope you know I will always be here if you need me
I hope you know how much I love you
My bird soar to new heights
My bird fly
I will look to the sky and watch you from afar
Fly my bird fly glide across the sky
Ann M Johnson Jan 2014
My neighborhood got a fresh new blanket of snow
Ann M Johnson May 2016
Sometimes my mind seems so full of thoughts
  Ideas spilling overflowing
   like ink onto paper

  Other times
my mind seems hazy
or just rainy day lazy
The more that I try to think  
more elusive my thoughts become
making me feel like I'm temporarily numb
Ann M Johnson Oct 2014
Blank page
either a source
      Of frustration
It is hard when you are not sure what to write at times whether for an assignment or creative writing. It helps to think on the positive side about Endless Possibilities.
Ann M Johnson Nov 2015
A lonely leaf blowing in the wind
tossed to and fro by the seasons change
you eventually land
become faded over time
but you never felt jaded
by the changes you faced

You grew from a tiny bud
shined upon by the suns love
you drank deeply
from heaven's rain
You remained free
from any human pain

When your time was up
You went out in a
Blaze of glory
in wonderful colors
for others to enjoy

someday when my time
earth is up
I can only
go out
Ann M Johnson Sep 2014
Watching the sun set with orange and pink hues
The Sun goes down in a Blaze Of Glory!!!!
Ann M Johnson Apr 2017
When heroes are perceived as villains and villains are considered heroes our perception is skewed
Once too many lines are crossed and boundaries are removed. Then cauos ensues and is thus free to rule.Would this even be displayed on the 6 o clock news?
Or would it just be considered necessary collateral damage?
Who would still be left to calculate the final cost on all of us?
I recently watched a movie at a friends house in which the villains were precented as the good guys. That got me to thinking and writing this as a result. I would appreciate your feedback on this poem, my friends. Thank you for taking the time to read this poem.
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