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Aug 2019 · 281
Kim Essary Aug 2019
Your ears are foolish to believe every word thought to be heard
Your eyes hold trickery as to what they think they really see.
Things of the past you may have forgotten,
So they should remain forgotten instead of manifesting only what you hear of negativity,
For if you fall in the darkness where might you find the light.
Foolishness is upon you as you act upon things you no not of .
Such things, self proclaimed rumors, lies spit from the devil's tongue.
Rumors are:
Spoken by liars
Spread by Idiots and
Believed by Fools.
The story is told to one and misconstrued by the rest.
Jul 2019 · 359
Kim Essary Jul 2019
Days of my life, most filled with pain.
Days where there's little sunshine, to see through the rain.
There are days when only my lonely whispers my name.
Some days I lay crying accepting my blame .
Days when Im sad for no reason at all
Days when silence fills these walls.
Through it all I still find strength  to Give God His Praise.
I will keep my faith and continue to Pray for God to send me  better days .
Although life seems so gloom I am very blessed to have been given each day I wake.
Apr 2019 · 176
Remember Me One Day
Kim Essary Apr 2019
From the moment I saw you it was love at first sight .
I held you in my arms and cuddled you tight.
Your hair a soft glow of  brown,
With little curls softly falling down.
Your eyes angelic as they turned emorald green
Oh and that smile , the most precious smile I had ever seen.
I watched you grow into your own little you.
One of a kind a little mischievious too
The years flew by in what seemed to be in the blink of an eye
I taught you manners, morals, honesty and respect.
For all through your life these are things you should never forget.
I taught you to crawl and how to talk
I taught you to stand before you could walk .
I picked you up when you would fall down
I wiped your tears away and made you smile instead of frown.
You brought so much joy to me you made my life full.
Before I knew it you were headed to school .
I could go on forever with each year that's past
I just wish they hadn't all flown by so fast.
I miss your hugs and your kisses too
I miss my baby boy this I know is true.
I don't know what happened or where I went wrong
I just know you  left me and have been gone to long .
Lord I'm nothing without him I'm empty inside.
I wish more than anything he could see the tears I have cried.
He and his sister have turned their backs on me.
They were my reason for living you see
Now all that's left are the memories they must have forgot.
All the struggles and sacrifices, hopefully they will not forget all the things I taught.
The sky above me has turned to grey it use to be so blue.
I have failed as a mother to your sister and you.
You made me a promise you would be out to take care of me one day.
I never dreamed out of anyone that you would be the one to walk away.
The End
Apr 2019 · 188
Kim Essary Apr 2019
I long to write of happiness, joyous days and mindful bliss.
My pen however flows of truth, each word written silently.
It tells a story of sadness how The tunnels of this life have confined me
Blinded walking in disbelief how I've allowed the people I love cause me so much pain.
Living yet never learning I only have myself to blame.
The sacrifices, the tears I've shed over things in which were out of my hands
I've confined myself in this tunnel by granting others demands
For now it is I have nothing left to give
My strength has grown weak, my life seems to have lost purpose as to even want to live .
I will always wonder what it's like to have someone to turn to in my times of hurt and despair.
For Everytime I was needed you turned around and I was there.
Don't take for granted the ones that stand by your side
Apr 2019 · 134
The End
Kim Essary Apr 2019
I can't see through my eyes as these tears are blinding..
I can't breath through all my wheeping
I try to feel but my body is so numb..
I can't find the strength to stand as my legs are shaking
I want to help but my heart has been left to shredded pieces not able to be mended.
I try to speak but I can't find the words needed to be spoken.
My thoughts race as I try to picture what your future holds now,
I have begged and pleaded, been emotionally abused and used. I have given all I had down to my last dollar.
Where does it stop how does it end, when will you listen and live a good life.
Wasn't three years of your life enough to live behind those prison walls?
Is this too much for a mother to ask, as there's no promise of tomorrow, what if I were to die to day my precious son, please ask of yourself ,
Could you live with that.
Nothing more to say but the sadness of my words.
Apr 2019 · 269
Kim Essary Apr 2019
I have done my best as a parent to raise my children right, but the pain I'm enduring right now is a pain I can't speak from my mouth I can only write.
My son has cussed me, stole from me, used me, drained me, tried to destroy my relationship, he has called me while he was hitting the dope ****** he lives with, as I'm begging him to stop while my chest is in so much pain, he continues with no thought at any moment I could die from heart failure,  he has put a knife to his throat in front of me and through it all I find myself hopeless but I still love him hurt for him want to hold him and tell him it's all going to be ok. Because at the end of the day he is my baby boy. He has drained me for every penny, blamed me, told me he was going to **** me, I didn't need to be on this Earth and through it all I still sit here this morning searching online for ways to save him because I know his heart and I feel his pain I'm supposed tO I am his momma . My emotions are torn beyond repair I get angry, mad, sad, hurt and frustrated not knowing how to help him but at the end of it all I cry with hope and prayer that God will bring him peace and comfort within himself  I pray that he remembers how he was raised and humbles himself enough to get the help he needs he has seen and been through more than most grown men could ever imagine and he survived so I am fighting a battle that he feels he has already won because he has survived so much more but still the end of the day the battle he faces is the rest of his life and it's all about a choice a simple seemingly choice.  The choice to continue a road to destruction for the rest of his life or the choice to humble himself and get help , we as mother's have wiped the tears from our children's faces throughout their life. We have cleaned their scrapes and nursed their fevers. We have fed them and clothed them we have spanked and loved we have faught their battles and stood in front of them to protect them from danger and when faced with their addiction we have found that the choice isn't ours anymore and that is the hardest most hurtful things to have to face when we can't take their hand to lead them from danger we can't tell them the fire is hot and will burn you and it's harder than anything in this world because at the end of the day we are still their mother. No excuse, no blaming the drug or drugs, no I'm sorry, it won't happen again, will ever erase the hurt inside my heart. But nothing can take away the blessing God gave to me, the gift of my son. Because when it's all said and done, I'll catch him when he falls and wipe his tears and clean his scrapes, I am forever and always "His Momma"
Addiction is a choice not a way of life. If something consumes or controls you , don't do it, the hurt is far beyond the eyes of an addict .
Mar 2019 · 143
What am I without Them
Kim Essary Mar 2019
As I lay in my bed rivers of tears streaming down my face,
Every hateful thing you said I'm trying to erase.
I've never been so hurt and torn apart,
There is no mending the scars your words left on my heart.
You, my only son, the reason every day I wake..
Your words were so hateful something I can never shake.
I never knew you felt that way, that you held so much hate for me inside.
I'm sorry for failing you I honestly thought I was a decent mom or at least I thought I tried .
Now I know the truth about how you feel about me and it's hard for me to accept.
23 years of anger inside you,  you have kept .
I am nothing now but a hopeless memory of the mother I meant to be.
I haven't even a soul inside wanting to be set free.
I don't know when my children concluded the feelings they have that their lives were ever so bad.
It was hard raising two children alone being a mom and a dad.
I worked hard trying to provide their wants and needs.
I can't think of a time that they asked and didn't receive .
We didn't live poor, I sacrificed things to make sure they wore nice things and lived in a nice place.
Looking back now, none of it was good enough as they have both slammed the door in my face .
I'm not claiming perfection by all means I know I made mistakes.
But they worship the ground their father walks on and believes every word he speaks.
None of this even makes a difference  or matters much anyway
My children have broken my heart with every hateful thing they could ever say .
My Breath is worthless from now on.
I tried very hard to do right for my children I don't know where I went so wrong
Mar 2019 · 231
Your Own Misery
Kim Essary Mar 2019
The prosana you stage is so visible to everyone but you. Claiming to be something you aren't, judging others for the same things you do.
Thinking that your life is so bright with that black cloud over your head.
Your purpose would be far better served if you would stop throwing stones and sweep your own doorstep instead.
Such a simple minded person to believe you do no wrong.
One day you will answer for your actions and it won't be long.
You invite misery wherever you go
I received your invitation so I guess you should know.
I won't be attending your party of misery. So you can count me out
I hope one day you can open your eyes and see what this life is really about .
Misery loves company however we have the choice to stay clear of it
Mar 2019 · 188
Her last Breath
Kim Essary Mar 2019
As shadows fall upon a saddened soul
Breath grows faint as hope lays still against her fragile heart.
She feels alive inside her trapped existence
Attempts yet failed to rise like the sun
Her mind races among memories of the past
Reliving each one in her mind but faced with the reality of no escape
The feeling of urge trying to break through
But her strength weakened from many attempts of failure.
Praying for chances to stand again, the soul of so much hurt and pain searching so hard for a smile of pleasure to break the force and allow a breath to rise for her life. .
Her story of life like the petals of a flower, falling to their death she slowly fades asleep
For her pain and sorrow too much to bear as the last petal floats to the ground, her soul flies away now she too like the petals that lay beside her has gone.
The feeling of wnding but still alive
Kim Essary Mar 2019
She struggles so much more than a young woman should , she never surrenders  like most probably would.
She' is treated poorly, pushed down by the ones that should stand by her side..
Somehow she manages to maintain her pride.
Through all of this sadness and pain she always manages to find sunshine in the rain.
She has turned her world completely around .
I've sat from afar and watched her pick herself  up off the ground.
She works hard every day to take care of her son
Since the day he was born, he's been her number one.
I am writing these words because I think she should know how precious she is and how blessed I am to have her and her son in my life.
They may not be blood but they are my family and one day her daddy will make me his wife.
No matter what the future may hold I want her to know im in their life to stay
Family doesn't always mean blood and I will never go away.
I love you both with all of my heart
Know matter where the roads of this life lead us I'm always here for you just like I've been from the start..
Dedicated to my step daughter Alicia Taylor Bludsworth and my precious Grandson, Lane
Feb 2019 · 165
Perfect Dream
Kim Essary Feb 2019
The dream of being loved through sickness and health,
Through richer and poor with your love being my wealth,
Getting the respect in return for the respect that I give,
Understanding  mistakes and able to forgive.
Trust and honor till death due us part,
Patiently waiting for my dream to start.
Time is running out for there's no promise of tomorrow,
Life is too short to live in constant sorrow.
Wanting to feel loved so badly, I conformed to your needs and did it gladly.
I can only wish my dream come true,
I have never loved another the way I love you.
Dreaming of such a happy life with the same happily ever after. Yet wondering if this exceeds the limits of expectancy to great for one to fill .
Feb 2019 · 143
Lost Soul
Kim Essary Feb 2019
I don't know where my life is going but I'm sure of where it's been.
The ups and downs of happy and sad from the beginning to the end.
Roads i traveled, knowing they were wrong from the start. Others left wreched  scars on my heart
It's hard not to second guess yourself when life's highways have put you through hell.
So many ups and downs, from a smoke filled room where only the poor were allowed to the glitz and the glamour of only the rich crowd.
I've witnessed very little loyalty from family and friends
The cruel and conniving actions were more than I could stand.
I learned it was safer to stand with my back against a wall.
Otherwise I would be setting myself up to fall.
Words we use are only just words as it's our actions that  prove to be true.
So easy to say, so much harder to carry through..
I can't seem to get a grip on my life
Feb 2019 · 342
Sound of Silence
Kim Essary Feb 2019
Shhhhhh Listen closely as you can hear the sound of silence screaming through the air.
Why must it sound haunted and be filled with pain , and not the muse of laughter singing silently in the rain .
The sound of silence rings like a bell , one of screaching one of yell.
It doesn't twinkle oh so bright , tis the sound of silence we fear at night.
Not the sounds we may hear nor the sights we can see,
Not even the brushing limbs up in the tree
Just the sound of silence screaming loud and clear   this sound brings lonely silence oh so near.
Lonely can be your best friend as well as your worst enemy don't let the sound of silence consume you.
Feb 2019 · 225
Dark Confusion
Kim Essary Feb 2019
Exhausted in mind,  body and soul,
My head spinning in circles out of control.
Exceeding even my own expectations yet succeeding to the fullest of failure in every way.
Becoming what ever it is I am today.
My attempts to reach the highest peak of the heavens , falling short every time
The fall leaving more lesions and memories I should have left behind .
Of all the beautiful birds in the sky why is it the dreadful vulture circles my existence .
From my darkened corner, peace is only seen from a distance .
As I await the angels to lift my tired soul up to the sky,
I watch them one by one slowly pass me by.
Sad to feel dark inside when all you want to see is the light
Jan 2019 · 120
Undying Pain
Kim Essary Jan 2019
Where have the years gone, Days like today I wish I could turn back time.
You've grown from my baby girl to a woman now twenty nine.
Although your memories of growing up you tell were mostly sad.
I wish you would remember some of the good ones we had.
I know you see things the way you want to or or believe all you've been told .
I hope one day you understand that not everything you have been told is completely true .
I'm not claiming perfection as no human will ever be
You will understand one day baby girl you to have made mistakes no different than me.
I tried very hard to provide you and you⁴r brother some stability.
After I became very sick I lacked the ability.
Sometimes we go through this life with a blindfold to cover our eyes
When we remove it we become victom of our own demise.
You have put me down and called me names and wished me hurtful things
I have found forgiveness in my heart and pray you never feel the pain all of this brings .
I'm proud of the woman you've become and hope that one day you will see.
I'm not the terrible person you have made me out to be.
I gave you life to watch you grow and teach you right from wrong , you kept me from your life and treated me like a disease keeping my grandson from me all along .
There will come a day when you sit all alone and wish you would have let me in instead of shutting me out but by then it will be to late.
I will have left this world never feeling your love only your mean words and hate
Never forget the times I reached out to you, I needed to feel your love and know you were there.
So many times I needed you but so many times you didn't care.
I remember you telling me a long time ago that I would die alone some day
So here I am babygirl that day you spoke haunts my existence in every way
Jan 2019 · 1.6k
A Wounded Healer
Kim Essary Jan 2019
Of this world so darkened by evils, evils that taint and tarnesh all the good in it's path..
Love bares a soul that only our creator can claim, hands that heal the wounded and a heart that breaks by day.
Hidden souls that crawl from the cracks left behind to wait for the coiled serpant like powerless pray.
They walk amongst us in a field left open , to be struck by the venome  as they lay hopeless and face their death ,.
The Wounded Healer kneels beside them with hands to lay, ******* the poison,  giving them purity to rinse their veins.
The Wounded Healer now weakened by the goodness of thyne heart but expects nothing in return
Now her age upon her,  taken over the beast of I'll, not one soul of the once wounded stands before her to show they love her,  as she asks of nothing more before she goes.
Is this what I see and feel before me to be A Wounded Healer yet die with painful sadness as I lay here all alone .  
Tis true to never expect the good you rein upon God's children to rein on you in return. Keeping your heart good and love without regret for This is the Only honest love that of a wounded Healer is certain they will get
Healing of anything is self serving in itself
Jan 2019 · 294
Momma's Baby Boy
Kim Essary Jan 2019
Your life hasn't been all I had hoped it would be ,
You have been to hell and back, sometimes I blame me.
But the struggles and journeys you have faced  have made you the man  you are today..
You have walked through this cold cruel world and kept your head held high, no matter what people might say.
Mistakes, indeed you have made your fair share and will make many more.
Just continue to learn from them son , keep being that guy that I adore. .
You make me proud to be your momma, no matter how people talk.
How special am I that you are my son , hand and hand we will walk.
There's no way that evil will win baby boy with me by your side and you by mine.
Back to back partner to partner no man among us will ever take our shine.
I've been told by some very good guys,
I should be very proud of the young man I raised , for his age he is very wise . .
Many Nick names you earned son some of them you fit the roll, from leo , pchyco , baby boy to " a fine young man with an old soul".
Dedicated to my baby boy Dylan Hinton
I love you very much
Jan 2019 · 186
Winter in the South
Kim Essary Jan 2019
Old Man Winter was  slow this year,
Its already January , but the weather outside says spring is near.
Ironic how the times have changed as the seasons have as well.
As each year passes the seasons are getting harder to tell.
One would expect the smell of chimney smoke throughout the air..
Usually summer clothes are packed away as winter clothes are brought out to wear.
Not this year, old man winter has gotten confused,
Our days are warm and nights not cold enough for heat to be used .
Maybe next year old man winter will get it right.
For this year he failed but the warm weather is such a delite.
Times are changing but the seasons are beginning to remain the same.
Jan 2019 · 479
Kim Essary Jan 2019
I am intrigued as I peer  up at the morning sky.
The sun rises with such poise as it caresses the white clouds  as it makes way to the top.
The magnificiant colors, what an array of beauty the sunrise holds  The magic of it rising begins our new day.
But for as fast as it rises , just as fast it's fading away.
Take time to wake early one morning before the sunrise is gone.
If you happen to miss it you can see it again for the sunset is just before Dawn.
Nothing compares to the beauty of the sunrise and subset
Jan 2019 · 193
Kim Essary Jan 2019
The Eve of Christmas and not one gift here to see,
The First Time in my life on Christmas I haven't put up a tree.
What am I becoming, someone I don't even know.
Not a light of twinkling or even a soft glow.
Christmas has always been my favorite holliday, up until this year.
So many things have changed, ive lost my Christmas cheer.
No kids to play santa for, they are all grown.
The Holliday I once loved I now spend all alone.
A once use to be favorite now so sad
Jan 2019 · 650
Reflection of Me
Kim Essary Jan 2019
Bound by this life and what it has become , Lost like the blind walk amongst a house with no walls.
Searching as high as I'm able to see, as I'm walking on the rubbel from the ground beneath me.
The reflection of a woman very familiar, someone I seem to recognize but  I have never seen, yet she follows me around even when I dream.
A familiar face looks quite like mine but it's aged by many years, her body no longer that shape like an hour Glass, her face worn with the worry of years,
Her breaths wheezing , no shine in her eyes, her smile seems to be hidden under so much pain.
The reflection of myself standing right in front of me as I stare  in disbelief,  I no longer see any beauty or feel  happiness , for my mind is no longer sane
Life holds no promises of what we are to become .
Dec 2018 · 234
Loves Vision
Kim Essary Dec 2018
Eyes piercing like popcicle wine, lips clenching of thirst like grapes from a vine.
A scene of perfection drawn from a mythical book.
Your body rippled like a flowing mountain Brook ,
Your hand grasped tightly closed for if opened you would see,
In the palm of your hand what belongs to me
It beats only for you and holds a bond for we shall never part.
You hold in your hand the key to my heart.
Live isn't blind for you are all I see and forever want.
Nov 2018 · 159
Forgotten Past
Kim Essary Nov 2018
Searching through the rubbel, always trying to find,
The pieces of my life lay beneath all the past I've left behind.
Piece by piece unturned, the memories of long ago.
Digging deeper for the answers I may never know
A tear for this one a smile for the next I see
So much rubbel I've left to go through to rediscover me.
A few unanswered questions I long to unfold
Hidden deep somewhere beneath the rubbel, answers yet untold.
For when I discover the answers wherever they may be.
I hope they give me closure so I can set my mind free.
The past surely is something we can never change,
Once it's done there's no going back no matter how much we rearrange.
Maybe it is I am looking for something I feel but can not touch.
Could it be a purpose behind not knowing because the truth may be too much?
The storms of my life left destruction enough to last forever,
Though I've heard it said that forever is a mighty long time to endeavor.
I allow my thoughts to slow so that I may think .
Although I think my search of importabce as it may be but the life I'm wasting in search of something I can't change when my life could be gone in a blink.
The important things in life are learning from your mistakes and loving the life set forth for you.
Don't waste precious time searching through the rubbel of your past some things are better left, there's no changing the answers even if you knew .
No matter how much we search our past we can't change it .
Nov 2018 · 4.2k
Kim Johanna Baker
Kim Essary Nov 2018
As her words grab my heart with each and every message or poem I read,
It truly saddens me to be so far in distance, I can't offer her what she may need.
Never have I layed my eyes upon her, I can only Invision her beauty by her poems and words of wisdom.
Her soul sweet as the blooming flowers and heart as pure as gold.
It's as if her soul is that no less than angelic as she has touched many on this site and more.
What saddens me is soon she will no longer be with us as her illness is growing worse day by day,
My Dearest Kim Johanna Baker, there will be a sadness and void on this site and in my heart the day the Lord takes you away.
I hope that she may see this before it's her time to go, for when the other angels come for her I want for her to know.
The impact her sweet soul has left for all of us here on HP, some more than others , some of you like me.
So if you would or care to join me in my dedication to a very loving soul that makes this site so pleasurable, feel free to leave a comment below.
We love you our dear friend , our dear friend Kim!
Please feel free to repost this for the ones I don't know
Never met this wonderful lady but she has touched me and my life so dearly. Kim Johanna Baker
Nov 2018 · 407
Kim Essary Nov 2018
Blame is merely a person's way of.  placing fault of their own amongst someone else to keep them from admitting any wrong.
Fault, a widely described word in which is a cause and or effect of a purpose.
Putting blame upon another is telling them they are at fault of making the wrong decision or choice of action.
Not much intellect goes into either word as I see it.
An action , so to speak, is bound to get a reaction.
So mind boggling these words, maybe it is that your actions caused another to make a decision you may Invision to be wrong when in respect it was only a reaction to your action, so whom shall be to blame or at fault now?
When in the act of pointing the finger or making such accusations of blame or fault ask yourself , was it an act you did that caused them to react in such a manner that it could be wrong?
Just a jumble of thoughts crossing my mind .
Nov 2018 · 196
Home Free
Kim Essary Nov 2018
Passing through those Gates it was finally sinking in,
In just a few more minutes I was going to see you again.
I remembered before how I felt as I watched the other mother leave with her son.
Now I can't believe you are the one.
God answered my prayer to let me be there to see you free
It wasn't much time but felt like forever before they brought you to me.
The very second I caught a glimpse of your face as you walked through that door,
Trying my best to hold back my tears until I couldn't control myself anymore.
I burst into tears holding you in my arms as you held me too.
I hope you know just how much I love and have missed you.
I watched your face as we walked out that gate
Arm and arm, still trying to grasp the feeling of being free.
Son it's all in your hands now, you choose your fate.
Make the right choices and do the right things
Only you can determine what your future brings.
I drove you to that place that you chose to go
Wishing you would change your mind but I already know
It just seems so unfair I've waited so long to get you back just to let you go and I'm still all alone
It's just hard for me to realize your no longer a child you are now grown .
I pray God keeps you safe in everything you do
Just know when things get tough you have a home to come too..
Letting go is the hardest thing to do
Oct 2018 · 197
Riches and Poor
Kim Essary Oct 2018
He resides in his kingdom heir to his thrown, with all the riches of this world, his people kneeling at his feet
What more could he ask for, he's living every dream a poor man haven't the means to meet.
Yet the poor man lives in his old run down house no food on the table no power to see,
But the love in his heart and he is a husband to his  wife and a father to his  kids , these are all the rich man wants to be.
No matter how rich in money there remains a void that all the money will never fill,
The poor man with no money has more in riches than the rich man ever will.
Money will never buy happiness
Kim Essary Oct 2018
Time has  preserved you as it has taken toll on me ,
Three years of waiting on the day to come, as you are to be  set free.
Free from chains that bound you with locks on Gates and slamming metal doors, Guards at every turn, no privacy to keep you away from the fears you had to hide
Nothing will erase the things that you've encountered and much more you had to see, behind those  prison walls known as life on the inside.
There isn't a time I can recall when you asked and didn't receive.
I took care of you and have waited three years just to pick you up and watch you leave.
My heart is broken but there's nothing I can do..
The choice is yours to make, I can't live your life for you. .
Everyone that hasn't been there and stood against me.
Are the ones that will enjoy your freedom ,  it's so unfair but you don't agree.
So I'll do what a mother should
I've been there for you all that I could
I pray you have all you ever dreamed and more
A family with your baby girl I know you will adore.
Maybe God will answer one more prayer for me
He already answered the one to allow me to make it long enough to see you free.
Now I Pray for him to keep you safe in a town full of demons just waiting  for you to come.
I'm always here for you , my one and only son .
I know it's time for me to let go and allow you to be a man
I'm always here for you son just don't forget always be the best that you can.
But in this busy world we live in nobody is promised another day,
Don't forget to tell the ones you love how much you love them because it only takes one minute to say and in that same minute it takes a blink of an eye for them to go away.
Sometimes it's hard for a mother to let go and allow their children to grow up and I don't know how well I'll succeed at this I just know I've got to try.
Oct 2018 · 510
Volcanic Seduction
Kim Essary Oct 2018
Your presence is volcanic, your body glowing from the heat within.
As you come closer the seductive scent of your cologne intrigues my senses.
My eyes close to Invision your body with steam of your breath against my skin ,
Our bodies come together, I feel your insides roar.
Anticipating your next move as I lay beneath you, your steamy beads of hot lava flowing down your body on to mine..
The burning feel of pure satisfaction waiting to erupt,
Feeling the chills of pleasure cover my skin as my body bears it's sweet realease, like an eruption of the volcano as it prepared to unleash.
The hot lava throbs inside of me from your volcanic eruption and leaves us limp like the smouldering Ash that lay beneath us.
Oct 2018 · 412
Nothing is written in Stone
Kim Essary Oct 2018
This life in which we exist holds nothing written in stone.
For we are here today and gone tomorrow, left fearing the unknown.
No promises are kept, nor word without a lie.
No love that lasts, or knowing the reason why.
Nothing kept sacred or secret left untold.
No friendship remains loyal , or souls remain unsold.
No together as one forever , or death until we part,
No goals accomplished or finish what we start.
No respect given nor respect earned
No punishment for our actions or any lesson learned .
Morals and values are no longer what is taught.
Freedom is no longer free for reason this country faught.
What has this world become or what have we conformed to.
Wrong doesn't make right and evil is never good, as well as something false is never true
Sad but true
Oct 2018 · 154
Dedicated to Mark B.
Kim Essary Oct 2018
As you travel life's winding road wherever it shall lead,
There's very few things you should take and many more to leave behind, lots of things your sure to want , but much less you're sure to need.
I'm glad our paths crossed along the way and I  found a friend in you,
A loving man in search of his happiness, and very deserving of it too.
I believe every path crossed is not of coinsadence but of fait,
God is always on time never early nor late.
I wish you well my friend and pray for you while your away,
Don't forget me and remember what I say,
A friend is true and honest and loyal to the end,
They never break a promise, or judge, on them you can depend.
I won't say goodbye but I'll see you later my friend.
God be with you every day to the end .
Love ,
Oct 2018 · 424
Daddy's Day
Kim Essary Oct 2018
I woke today with a hole in my heart wishing you were still here.
Time was supposed to make things easier but it gets harder for me each and every year.
Today we should be celebrating you birthday but instead I woke from my dream and had to face fact.
The fact that your not here with me, and knowing you're never coming back.
Not a day since you left to join the Angels in the sky,
That I haven't needed you or sat alone to cry.
I know I'll see you someday soon
You're not here to celebrate your birthday daddy so I'm sending you up one balloon.
When it goes through all the clouds and straight to heaven for you.
You will find your birthday card attached that reminds you every day how much your loved and how I've missed you too.
Happy Birthday up in heaven Daddy, love you baby girl
I miss him every day know matter how long My Her My Daddy has been away
Oct 2018 · 450
Hurricane Michael
Kim Essary Oct 2018
From miles out in the horizon, a storm was headed our way;
The oceans waves rolled with fury and  would  hit land today.
People boarded up their homes and headed for a safe place to stay;
This storm of fury was a level four hurricane destroying everything in it's way.
As it hit landfall with it's massive force;
All we could do is pray it would weaken or shift to another coarse.
The raging winds roared above 100mph as it continued on it's path;
We all took shelter as we waited in fear to see it's aftermath.
Never in our history have we witnessed such a beast;
The wrath of mother nature was hungry and our land was her feast.
Shingles flew from rooftops, trees lifted from their roots, thousands left with no power, some were homeless in the street.
Many things we can control in this world but mother nature we will never defeat.
Hurricane Michael made his way and left just as fast;
The storm of October 10, 2018 will soon be a memory past.
Thank God it's over I've seen my share of storms but nothing to compare .
Oct 2018 · 228
Kim Essary Oct 2018
I wanted to thank you for many things:
But first on my list,  thank you for the comfort your friendship brings.
We may not see each other every day:
But I know if I need you or you need me we are a phone call away.
We have great memories of riding dirt roads in search of wild flowers along our way.
The conversation and laughter was just what we needed on that very day.
I love you for being the friend that you are to me
Your diverse personality makes you who you are you see.
A man of your word you hold with honor and trust ;
Loyalty and respect is a must.
It's hard to find someone so true,
I'm thankful for finding a friend in you.

Just a few words to let you know true friends are hard to find,
That's why you my friend are profoundly one  of a kind
Dedicated to my dear friend Bobby Phillups
Oct 2018 · 196
Night Time
Kim Essary Oct 2018
Your darkness falls all over me;
Blackened so it's hard to see.
The only lights that shine on you is the light from the stars and moon that comes through.
The evils of this world consume you,
As they are hidden in the shadows of your darkness too.
As the sun begins to rise and begin a new day,
The darkness of the night slowly fades away.
When you return after the day is done.
Your darkness of night replaces the sun.
Oct 2018 · 400
Letter From Heaven
Kim Essary Oct 2018
Dear Momma,
I'm sorry the Good Lord called me home so soon without even saying goodbye;
Seems He had bigger plans for me way up here in the sky.
Heaven is so beautiful, no pain or sadness, you would be so proud;
I'm able to walk and run by myself, no wheelchairs are allowed.
Momma I know you miss me and I I hope you know I miss you too;
Just close your eyes and think of me because I'm always with you .
I want to thank you for everything you did for me growing up, however big or small;
To have you as my mother was the greatest gift of all.
I wish I would have told you more how much you mean to me and gave you one more hug and kiss;
You are taking such good care of Emileigh, that's one little girl I'm surely going to miss.
I know we have both said some things to each other that we didn't mean to say;
I pray you have forgiven me as I have forgiven you if I could I would take every ugly word away.
As Emileigh gets older and asks questions about me please tell  her that I love her now just like I loved her then;
Her mommy wasn't well and thought that's the way things should've been.
Please tell her every day how much I love her and be a good girl for her Grammy and she can talk to me anytime she wants because I'm never far away;
You may not be able to see me  forever in your heart to stay.
I only wanted what was best for her I hope she already knows;
I'm sorry I'm not going to be there to watch her as she grows.
I'm so very blessed when God chose my mama it was you that he picked for me;
Just ask my other two sisters as I'm sure that they will agree.
I wish I could have been there to wish you a happy Mother's Day;
I love you so much and   will see you again when the good Lord calls you home to stay.
But until then please don't cry for me or live  with any regret;
Cherish and hold on to every good  memory that way you're sure to never forget.
Dedicated to my best friend Camille , I can't imagine losing a child like she did
Oct 2018 · 714
Innocence of a Child
Kim Essary Oct 2018
So sweet and young at the age of ten, yet endured more loss and and hurt than most ever will.
So many things about your precious life have been stripped that it doesn't seem real .
Four years ago when we first met I had no idea that you would become so very special to me.
Your Daddy was doing his very best raising his little girl but there was so much he didn't see.
You needed a woman in your life to teach you certain things.
The progress that you have made has left me more than proud of you.
You have transformed into a beautiful young lady and make A's and B's too.
But a tragedy has entered your already broken life as God called you Daddy home.
Now I don't get to see you, they've taken you away from everything and everyone you have ever known.
My heart hurts so bad , I want to hold you and tell you everything is going to be alright .
I've grown so close to you, it's like I can feel you crying in your new bed at night.
I miss you my little Luhoo and love you more than you know.
I never dreamed I wouldn't be in your life to watch you as you grow.
We use to look up at the clouds and tell each other what we see.
I may not be there with you baby girl but Everytime you look at the clouds now please think of me.
A child that has touched my heart and made so much progress in her life her daddy was killed in a motorcycle wreck I was the only thing besides him she knew and now she's been taken away from me. My heart hurts so bad for her
Sep 2018 · 770
One Life
Kim Essary Sep 2018
What is it so great that consumes us of fear.
Why must we hide who we truly are and be ashamed of the person we see in our mirror.
Does this world exist more of such fabrication and lies that we forget who we are and where it is we came from
We must conform to the piercing eyes of our society and March to the beat of everyone else's drum
Can you take one minute out of your oh so busy day
Long enough to pose  the question to yourself,
If today was the last day of my life , have you any regrets left un mended, or things you didn't take time to say?
If you will be honest and swallow your pride,
Make time for the ones you love, have empathy for even those you don't know, make your wrongs right, forgive and forget , so if today were your last you will leave this Earth knowing you took time and at least you tried .
Stop fearing yourself and confirming to ways just to fit in,
You have only one that can forgive your sin
No man on Earth can take away from you what he didn't give,
So love who you are and be happy with no regret because after all , you are only given one life to live .
Life is something we all take for granted until it's too late
Sep 2018 · 117
More Than You See
Kim Essary Sep 2018
I am so many things in this life , what I choose for me to be .
I will remain strong and not consider all the cruel things you say to me .
I am not the Matt that fits inside a  door .
I am not nor will ever be a ***** or a *****.
So when you stand like a coward and spit words in my face .
Be sure that you mean them because they can never be erased .I'm sorry that you feel the need to cause me such pain.
It must be a living hell inside your brain.
I'm so much more than what your eyes can see
You will never know nor will i let you take that away from me.
The woman that I really am inside this  shell
God made me special and all you've done is drag me through hell .
I have to forgive you because My Lord says to
But He never said I had to forget all you have put me through.
I understand you you have the need to feel control at all cost to you.
I hope the price you had to pay is worth everything you do.
Because when it's all said and done and I am gone in a blink of an eye.
I've left you these words to remind you daily so you never have to question why!!
Abuse is much more than a slap or a hit.
Enough is enough when I tell you to quit.
Just because you have the body of a man doesn't give you the right.
Your body parts don't make you a man nor do the words you spit when we fight.
Maybe one day you will grow up and see
I am more of a woman than the man you will ever be.
Abuse isn't just physical it is emotional scars from words spoken to the ones we are supposed to love .
Sep 2018 · 896
I am my own fear
Kim Essary Sep 2018
The fire raging from my body is filled with hate and memories of a man I rid myself of years ago, only this fire is so different, filled with numbness  for the man whose now supposed to protect me now of the way he's become with spit flinging from his mouth , his body engulfed in raging veins and words as he stands in my face like a king with all control when he is now just a coward in his own flesh .
Am I bound to a curse , certainly this is not the life God intended for me to live . Life is free will. The creation of the evil that surrounds this life it haunts some like myself, it  is powerful but the fear isn't what they can do to me , the fear is what I am capable of doing to them .
Being scared of someone holds no fear being scared of myself does .
Sep 2018 · 715
Kim Essary Sep 2018
Spider Webb's of depression rain down from these walls.
The scent of musty clothes gathered like a rug on this floor.
Dishes overflow the kitchen sink, wrapped with anxiety just waiting to be clean.
But my mind awaits the title wave to wash all this pain away.
There may or may not have been a time set to tidy, where it went if it's gone I haven't a clue as the bricks of my life are weathered and frail some lay beneath my feet, The wood to rebuild it is too warped for any future so I will lay myself down and sleep it all away, as I've come to conclude what people use to say ,this too shall pass, and so it does to the same way I feel today.
It overwhelms me sometimes to think I use to be made organization to this caused by depression
Sep 2018 · 889
Her Will
Kim Essary Sep 2018
Looking at these walls filled with  sickness in every room, I can't help but wonder what is going through your mind.
A thousand questions I know is  running through my mine.
How did you get to this point of giving up and cause your own defeat,
Was there something  I could have done or said or something I didn't do? Did  you give up when I moved away, did you think I gave up on you?
Such a beautiful soul that lost all her will to live.
I caught myself when i started questioning God why.
Why did they have to take your leg when you had already lost your ability to walk
It's like He opened a book and made it so clear to me.
There you are laying in that hospital bed shining like a star.
The light I thought was gone forever is all that I can see.
You may have lost a small part of your leg but you gained your will to live.
You woke from your nightmare of giving up on yourself .
Now you are chasing your dreams and setting goals, you are finding your self worth.
It won't be long and we will be walking along the beach of the oceans sand.
I'm forever by your side as God will guide your way, if you should fall don't give up just reach up and grab God's hand .
God has big plans
Dedicated to my best friend, Angie Crawford
Aug 2018 · 392
Kim Essary Aug 2018
As every season holds  it's own description, the feeling  that fall gives  is one in it's own kind.
As the night comes upon us in the early days of fall a soft touch of a cool  breeze to clear your mind.
Here in the south a much welcome time of year.
As our nights get longer, days become shorter, we know Fall is near.
The green leaves of summertime almost turning over night.
The morning dew glistens upon the tree tops shining ever so bright.
You can hear the soft beginning of the leaves falling to the ground,
You can listen close as the animals start to play, walking across fallen leaves making a crackling  sound.
This time of year brings so much more than the falling leafs and cool night air.
The sweet aroma of cotton candy and funnel cakes coming from the Fair.
Children laughing and screaming  as  they ride the carnival rides.
Boyfriend's playing games to win their girlfriend a prize.
Its getting colder As the months of fall come to an end .
We say goodbye for now and prepare for Old Man Winter to begin.
Fall is a beautiful time of year with a bit of summer and a nip of winter put together is the way fall makes you feel.
Aug 2018 · 638
A Mother's Pain
Kim Essary Aug 2018
A sense of lonely covers my soul, like the darkest ebony amongst the snow.
The feeling of sadness and pain fills my heart, as I bare witness to evil tearing us apart.
So many obstacles stand in the way, my only hope is to bow my head and pray.
Though it's written in the Bible ,in which I believe to be true.
The children will turn on each other and their parents too.
Yet though hath commandments written in the stone.
Thought shall respect thy father and thy mother, no matter if you are grown.
How am I to accept this , the children I carried to life now turn their back against me.
How can one command  yet give warning just the opposite of the way the end shall be..
There is no greater pain other than when a mother gives birth , but for when her only children no not their mothers worth.
I will never understand how the children we have raised can conform to the evils of this world and turn their back on their mother.
Aug 2018 · 1.3k
Kim Essary Aug 2018
Have you ever wonder what is at the end  of a rainbow. Or do rainbows ever end?
Believing or not believing that would all depend.
The Irish, such as myself have always believed at the end of every rainbow, a  little man called a leprechaun awaits protecting his *** of gold.:
If the rest of the world can see  UFO's and green little men called aliens,  then why is it so hard to believe in a leprechaun and stories our ancestors told .
The magic of the rainbow is it is  caused by the sunlight,  yet always appears on the opposite side of the sun.
The colors, an array of beauty as it's pattern always has seven.
They say in Ireland if you sit and listen you can sometimes hear the sound of the leprechauns gold coins hitting hos iron pail.
Beware of trying to find him or ask from him his gold because he will never tell .
But there is one thing he will do to make you see his trickery and play you like a fool
He will grant you three wishes but before you know it he will run off  to never be seen again because leprechauns live by only the leprechauns Rule,
Some call it a myth some believe it to be true
Me , aw yes I believe in leprechauns and his *** of gold too
Aug 2018 · 236
Broken Friendship
Kim Essary Aug 2018
People come and go in  your life, some you set free.
Sitting as I look at your empty  chair across from me.
Your not there anymore, it's hard for me to see
I will never understand why you walked out.
Is this what love and loyalty is All about?
You promised me things would always be the same
Now a broken friendship and it's me who gets the blame .
20 years of friendship, all the laughter, joy  and pain.
We have been each other's rock through the sunshine and the rain.
You saved my life that night when you found me all alone.
If you hadn't come for me nobody would have known.
9 days you spent in ICU lucky you weren't dead
Who would have thought it was me saving your life instead.
I'm missing you my friend today and all the days  that's past.
I'm sure I'll miss you all the days to come as well, just how long does this hurt last?
I fought so long and so hard for you to be free.
I couldn't stand the thought of you spending life in prison, now you've walked away from me .
I Pray you never forget the friendship and love we shared.
We had a friendship most everyone searched for but never compared.
I'll close my words with one ssßß goodbye to you my dear friend
I'll cherish our memories I just wish this wasn't the end.
Losing someone in your life over nonsence truly hurts
Aug 2018 · 901
Burning Bridges
Kim Essary Aug 2018
I believe it's time, time for me to run down this long and winding road full of bridges and every memory we ever made.
I've got to put it all behind me now and learn to live without you, it's so hard for me to face:
The first bridge was the hardest, as I poured the gasoline, wondering what went wrong, did I give up to soon, maybe I should have stayed.
As I lit the match, I watched as it turned to Ash;
I'm Burning Bridges along the way:
Ive got to keep pushing forward like the water in the creeks, Never looking back, no turning around , I'm setting our memories free. I don't want to relive this anymore:
I'm Burning Bridges along the way:
I don't want to remember how you held me in our bed at night or woke me with a good morning kiss. I don't want to remember the feel of your touch, or the way I could see the love you had for me shining in your eyes, it's time to set our memories free:
I'm Burning Bridges along the way:
Tears roll down my cheeks as I pour the last drop of gasoline, one more match, one more memory, as I turn around one last time with nothing left to say, One last bridge up in smoke:
I'm Burning Bridges along the way:
One step forward towards the rest of my life, I've set all our memories free,
I've Burned every Bridge along the way!
Just something I wrote
Aug 2018 · 113
Us -vs- Animals
Kim Essary Aug 2018
To be alive, what it takes is a heart that beats, blood that flows through vanes, lungs to feed the oxygen to a body,  
To be alive, the eyes allow us to see, the ears to hear, the nose to smell, the mouth to taste and consume the food eaten and the water to drink, as it flows to the stomach and is excreted through the bottom side .
To be alive, for the most part, we as humans are born with all we need. This leads me to the moral of my words as you continue to read!
I have always had a softness for animals of all kinds. But I'm stuck in my mind where we as humans came to conclude that just because animals are deemed animals to our kind, how we came up with they are so different than me and you. Indeed they are in many different ways, the ways of there survival, their looks yes indeed, their lack of the ability not to speak but to speak like you and me. But you see we aren't of their exact kind no matter how many tests with inconclusive results we may administer we as humans can only assume that they are so different than us , I would tend to disagree because,
To be alive like you and me you must have all of the above , animals do, they have a heart that beats and lungs to breath, just like me and you, they have blood flowing through their vanes ,a mouth, eyes, nose, and ears, a stomach, and even a bottom to excrete. They cry when they get hurt which tells me they have emotions, some more than others but so do we. Yet most of us have no compassion for an animal and I would have to disagree because if it consists of the same things to stay alive it's not much different than you or me.
I understand that God put some animals on this land for us to eat, but I believe every animal has a purpose and are not intended for anyone to neglect or beat.
Animals have feelings to. I believe everything and everyone has a purpose on Earth
Kim Essary Aug 2018
The time is drawing closer, what seems to have felt like a lifetime , was a little over two years.
Although our lives were changed on August 1, 2012, when your accident took the life of your best  friend.
They sentenced you to 30 months of prison 5 years of  probation,   one mistake during this time 15 more years to spend .
So many things have changed in such little time since you've been behind that fence of barbed wire which is soon to end.
I am so ready for you to be free from those bars and become whatever your heart desires.
All I ask of you son, when I pick you up, before you take your first  step into freedom, leave the prison mantality behind that fence and never look back.  Take with you only what you need and that your freedom requires.
From that moment on every decision and choice you make will pave the road for your life and freedom.
Remember the ones that carried you and anyone one else you don't need them ,
Please believe me son they don't have your best interest at heart and never truly do.
My excitement and fear are about the same I'm worried sick over you
If I could make you step outside the box maybe then you would see.
There's not but one that's rode with you and will always guide you right and son that one person is me.
November 8 is the day of his release. Im so ready to see him but so afraid of the choices he might make.
Aug 2018 · 2.8k
Swimming in a fish bowl
Kim Essary Aug 2018
Did you ever imagine your life to be ,  like a fish swimming around a fish bowl wanting to be free
One minute you are surrounded by family and friends, to swimming around a bowl that never ends.
The question haunts you every single day , why did my family just throw me away,
I always thought blood was thicker than water, now I don't believe.
Now I see blood can clot and family will deceive.
Like a fish swimming around a bowl with no end
I'm learning more each day nobody but you will always be there not family or a friend
No matter how many times a fish swims around his bowl it never finds it way
No matter how much you love and trust someone in your time of need they always go away
no matter what you do for family or friends in there time of need they are nowhere around in yours
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