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A noiseless patient spider,
I marked where on a promontory it stood isolated,
Marked how to explore the vacant vast surrounding,
It launched forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself,
Ever unreeling them, ever tirelessly speeding them.

And you O my soul where you stand,
Surrounded, detached, in measureless oceans of space,
Ceaselessly musing, venturing, throwing, seeking the spheres to connect them,
Till the bridge you will need be formed, till the ductile anchor hold,
Till the gossamer thread you fling catch somwhere, O my soul.
JL Oct 2011
so love deeply you I. Though sadly I see in my minding eye. A life long without you. So short is my minds eye unknowing dark futures-I long will stop their hauntings. Lingering echoes echo soundly. Maybe dreamer I can hold your eyes. As artifacts in museums silencencing laughing boys. Eyes whose crystal stare read the heart of the strongest, and blink so heavily without remorse.
I'm supposed to take a test on Tuesday
about some Bill of Rights, Constitution, founding fathers *******
I've been hearing about this **** for what seems like a never ending river of forever but I'm still failing that test.
I'm supposed to take a test on tuesday about everything I'm supposed to have absorbed from the beginning of September to now, in my political systems class in my senior year of high school
political systems, systems of politics
Can you teach me about our government TODAY
in two-thousand-and-thirteen so I can have
at least some delusional illusion that I know
at least a fraction of what the **** is going on

I should be memorizing each amendment on the Bill of Rights
which was written long enough ago
instead of morning coffee
there'd be lines of blow, legally
my mom, would be billing the hospital for the right to my captivity
if I tried to convince everyone that dancing is good for your ******* soul
after smoking a bowl and doing a line I'd sign on the dotted line
"no man is above or below shaking their ***** until the lights stop to glow"

Am I the only outraged kid in here?
Am I the only person who believes this country's worsened-and if we're learning about our country
put me back in US history because I barely passed my sophomore year
I barely passed the year before that one too
and not because of my report card

I'm supposed to take a test on Tuesday, on the Bill of Rights, and how it applies with the passing of time but if there's one Bill I know that's right, it's my boy Billy
when he gets real silly and stomps his feet to the beat like the street's ******* ground meat and he's the butcher

I'm supposed to take a test on Tuesday, I'm also supposed to go to work at 3
I'm supposed to stay in good shape and not turn in any schoolwork late
and Cotillion's soon so I gotta find a date

I'm supposed to go to college next year to get more knowledge but my mind is still lost somwhere between
I've seen too many scary pink ***** too young
I've felt too many scary pink licks too young
now I always think people are out to get me
so I walk around looking strung out on amphetamines
waiting for the earth to crumble beneath me
So when I was supposed to be taking notes on the Boston Tea Party
Please excuse me if I was a little busy
trying to hold the delicious wishes of dying at bay

So I'm kind of proud to say
I'm ******* alive today
and on Tuesday I'm supposed to take some test
but this, this moment is my very own test
I'm studying to be my very own best
version of a classmate, a student, a friend, a daughter
and someone I can listen to every waking moment
and someone I can stand up to when the right to my free will is challenged
Dianne Dec 2014
The cold festive wind blew;
Laughters, hollers of "Merry Christmas!"
Came along with the breeze.
Children, with their little toy drums
Bang, bang, banging away;
Choruses of "Gloria In Excelsis Deo";
Pine trees, Snow flakes, deformed Snowmen;

Houses are lined with
Blink, blink, blinking
Colorful lights and wreaths;
Somwhere among them,
in some living room,
"All I Want For Christmas" is on loop;
Cookies are laid for Santa Claus;
Presents are stacked
Under the Christmas tree--
With garlands and *****

The Christmas lights
In a room in the middle of a second storey house,
Were shining as brightly as they could,
Being wrapped around the neck
Of a teenager misunderstood,
Hanging lifeless on the ceiling
With a note pinned that read,
"Happy Christmas from the dead."
A classmate of mine just died yesterday. I don't know how to look at this coming Christmas positively, anymore. Sorry.
midnight prague Jan 2011
the way it feels when your eyes role back
the way it feels when salt turns into sugar
a stillness is born between two fires
burning and feeding off of eachother somwhere
in a forest of raven
the clouds die and give birth above us
every second, something has a beating heart
somewhere very close to me
somewhere there is a child emiting a smile
for the first time
and his mother becomes weak inside
somwhere there is a woman giving birth
to a genius an energy permanently marking the world
I, with these hands
have found profound use
I with this heart have witnessed much abuse
I with this soul soak that thread which ties burdens
so that its knots unravel and become loose
and I hold onto lifes energy
I bring it into my body, and with my mind
I begin to ******
attract thoughts of nothing but a bliss
and calm auroa
and when I lay naked on nature herself
you see its these poems that I produce
when I speak and say I need nothing more
than her love and she is always there waiting
for me in every tree
in every bee
oh how I miss you in these cities awfully
in every flower
rot the superficiality and give me that
natural power
that speaks history and wisedom
through different levels of silence
life it seems to me sometimes
has lost its balance
and so from that ignorance we must distance
kiss the wind and see that in simplicity
is where lives true brilliance
Four days into the book tour I came to realize I was on the wrong
one but that Harry Potter tour  is a wild bunch  and i was living the rock n roll lifestyle  but little boys who ride on broomsticks and  resembled Elton John  really wasnt my crowd.

The univesty of South Carolina had many things to offer including just
turning of age  young ladies  who wanted to get wasted and drop there standards amoungst other things.

But who did they want really?
Gonzo  or the mildley attractive  man Gonzo was trapped in?
Who gives a **** man  its like  finding a ounce of  of ****
in your mothers  freezer hey just say no to drugs kids.

The Gonzo had been booked hungover  and  in a semi coma
i felt like the elephant man  the handsome *******.
chics dig the trunk.
Why cant they love you for your mind?

But much like my virginty.
I had lost that at eight  when grandpa Gonzo took me to a brothel.
Ahh what tender moments.
Yes grandpa almost had tears in his eyes
Son I can remember when i met your grandmother
in this very same place   i should say hello to her.

So like a oversexed teenager  I continued my
my madness like a idot trying to run a marathon with his
pants around his ankles.

The room seemed  hostle but i brought protection allthough these
condoms  really didnt seem to be for that purpose.
But God knows where that microphone had been.

They set ready with there pens and  other writing devices
with there big words  and tight sweeters.
But i was armed with a wild turkey buzz and a asortment skittels
better known as pills.

It was a blur of  bizzar questions  spoken in a strange language
I had way to much nyquill  and ***** punch  the night befor.
But Gonzo  was needed  and what more do kids in a frat need more than a keg party and some hot oil  wrestling.

This place was like disneyland on crack.
With its nonstop party enviroment  and bar games
Class what does learning have to do with being in college ?
these young people had tripped and taken to many drugs.

So i bid my new brothers farewell yes I will
think of you one day when  I have a memory.
And so are strange trip  was off once again.

Hey any more of that punch left?
We had acquired dwarf somwhere along the way
he was plesant and  sang Milley Cyruss songs  
while dressed up like Brittney Spears.

Dellusion is a sad thing indeed.
I didnt have the heart to tell him  he was outta key.
Although maybe it was just a side effect from the punch.
Anyways untill we meet again.

Stay crazy Gonzo
dont let your kids eat paint chips  and always say no to drugs and loose
women   and always look booth ways befor crossing the street and never take a ride with a male dwarf dressed like britnney spears  

words of advice well unless there really good drugs  im just saying cheers  hit me baby one more time cheers Gonzo
Lamar Lewis Jul 2011
So you're riding in this car, and you feel this kind of feeling. Like the wind is softly caressing your skin as curtains drawn over a freshly opened window on a spring day, blowing in soft spurts up and down your skin, subtely undulating to the ryhtym of natures heartbeat in harmony with your own. At a stop sign, it's second nature to stick your cigarette out the window and flick, but at full speeds you should have known. You should have known that the sheer movement all in one direction would be enough to wipe that ash straight away, revealing a new and beautiful burning ember, bursting with life and oxygen, beckoning up at you with the long lost pleasures of your most recent inhalation of life into those black heavy lungs. You stop to think and realize that life, with it's many shortcomings and speed car races, is a mysterious enigma, with an ultimate prize when you solve the puzzle.

But that last puzzle piece, oh how elusive it remains over the years. Be it love? Or loss? Perhaps musical inebriation or an exceptionally deep relative conversation with a complete stranger. The kind that leads to dancing eyes and an incredible variation of ****** expressions that you hadn't even thought possible from the tiny muscles below your cheeks, pulling the strings from somwehere up above to show you the right complexion to wear at any given moment or pause.

I still think that love must have something to do with it. More intoxicating than the ripest wine from the most exotic vineyard. More majestic and mystifying than the school bus ride with your fresh smelling brand new pleather/plastic superhero backpack and matching shoes on your first day of school back in 1995. More powerful and tumultuous, yet unpredictably moving, than the first time it hit you like a ton of bricks remembering in mid adulthood that some place, some where in time, you had a real home, with a real family, with real holiday tradtitions to celebrate and commiserate about each and every year, but that's all gone and done for. Yes, love must be involved some how, the invariably escapable little *****. She must be hiding somwhere amongst the tree lines and leaves, the rivers and valleys, the shooting stars and comet tails brightening the dull black of night. Yes. She must be somewhere.

Maria Yuryevna Sharapove
Cuantos amore y tu?
De Donde eres?
Soy de Estados Unidos, un poco en la Florida.
Es muy bonita aqui, Yo pasar vivir en Tampa, FL.
Currente en Orlando, FL.
Sus ojos me gusto muchas.
El feo es muy beauty-full.
Las flores de unas manifestaciones have certainly done their NUMB3r on me.
Elliter­ation eh?
wet Yet?
I bet you sweat for a Poet?
I certainly hope you adore an actor.
I beumse you to be a mused by musicians musing over you alone.
Marriage isnt so tough when you I toughed it out this long.
Have Your Veins ever felt like Runaways?
Me, OWWW?!
more like supernoavs!
excuse me
I could do this alllllllll day (:
Wuv youuuu
Lov u?
I wish I knew russian
Yuryevna is the only world I need to understand.
The sun swirled my whole life
Arent you the sun incarnate
immaculate of course.
we gloridifed all the benches
killed all the 'rockstars'
I Am augustus, antony, another one?
it goes on
ad infinitum.
I have a perfect soul.
So do you.

'I want you to notice when Im not around. You're so very specialllll :(

I wish I was Special

But Im a 'creep?
Your the creep!

Your the ******.
But its okay
I like 'Polka" dots.
Ill 'CRUCIFY' you wink any ******* time you want. BELIEVE ME.

Are we done yet?

"Whatever makes you happy, whatever you want, a child as soon as possible of course. Youre beaitful. The most beautiful princess a 'prince' of 'peace' could corrupt. (;

Lets Let Love LIE, Live.

Everything in its right place Maria.
I know Im a Tangential Thinker, diagnosed by Grace itself.

Ive been through prison, kail, solitary confinement.

and guess what

it wasn't all for you
but it was and i never knew

My lost lenore.
Quoth the Raven.
Megan Hoagland Apr 2013
Looking through pages
I see only memories
and feel only a bittersweet feeling
but it's fleeting
I wonder how you are doing
but the moment is gone
it was merely fleeting
I felt a faint stirring
somwhere deep within
there and gone
it was only fleeting
3 years together ended so fast
*after all, it was only fleeting

since I've got
into your lungs-
as a sudden
this sweet
lingers on. . .
late into the
humid night
hummin' 'bout  
our primal outburst
of raw desires -
delightful and determined!
not carin' for the rest
of the world -
let it cease -
for god's sake -
along stray cats
and narrow alleys
& unfurl
somwhere else!
for your hard
passion upon my soft
skin. . . sang most
beautifully &
the desire's
splendour. . .
this luscious
wouldn't leave
me 'till dawn -
this sleepless
love grip

Written by
Impeccable Space
Poetic Lover
Emily Dec 2019
I lost myself somwhere in the darkness
Only because i was reckless
And now it all seems pointless
And you and you and you are speechless
I have posted endless
letters to my beloved
to open them when I'm
gone and trickle a tear
for us maybe many
moons, suns, stars, look at us!
we probably exist in sunlight
wretched the same  between
betweexed white clouds
floating on fantastic
feathers   hope awaits us
one apt day pierced with
blazing light sinking
softly unheard
resignation dissolvin'
astonished silent
of flesh crystalized
of transcendense being
pregnant with your heart

felt transcendental height?
It's been trembling
These ******* moments
crashing crashing
into one another
the given time
reality scope  
long leak
of remotness
flowersprings and
stolen dreams
and we're done!
for such a minor great
distance   I'll die anyhow
somwhere not soon
without you
which I love  without
any reasonable substance
nehyl Jul 2013
The door appeared ajar,
malignant forces pulling from far.
vehement sin,
Yet i stepped in.
Only to break to shreds,
A journey of Regrets.*

A voyage that led me somwhere,
my every part was played fair,
Was i stuck in middle of nowhere?
Where  sun never rises or sets,
Began 'A journey of Regrets'.

Only my skies aren't blue,
reliving in old hell yet so new,
Falling to aphotic depths turned true.
Living in this world so fake,
now my demons are wide awake.

*Fleeting cynosure could make me confess,
Had i not been in middle of 'Journey of Regrets'.
Sarah Michelle Oct 2010
I will travel by hummingbird
fleeting from each soft flower
gathering wisdom
and carrying it away with me
I will travel like feathers from a torn pillow
blowing wildly in the wind
settling somwhere to rest
until I am carried away again
I will deeply root myself
wherever I deem perfect in this universe
knowing that all things are beautiful and full
Hanna Elizabeth Jul 2011
Every step you take gets you somwhere,
Every breath could be your last,
So why, why in the world
Are we so afraid,
To step outside and breathe in deep?
I'm guilty of it, I've lived
Afraid and with regret.
It may come again, but
remember, bad things happen to even
The best people.
Those good people don't always
Get what they deserve.
But I hope it never stops them, from doing
What makes them happy.
We all would hope to be the exception,
When we are only rules.
Rules made to be bent, twisted,
Broken into a million pieces.
Be proud, be determined.
Please, I'm begging you...

Be fearless.
Breeze-Mist Apr 2016
In Poland, a young Jewish girl plays with a ball near her house
not seeing the Gestapo riding in on trucks

In Japan, a boy plays with a butterfly-shaped kite
not seeing the impending fallout over the city center

In Nanking, a girl plays dress-up with her sister's old dress
not seeing the army outside of the city

In Hawaii, a boy runs along the beach, jumping in and out of the waves
not seeing the bombers over the nearby harbor

In Ethiopia, a girl and her mother walk home from a friend's house
not seeing the yellow-green cloud advancing

In London, a boy races his friends through the streets
Not seeing the bombers overhead

In Vietnam, a girl looks over her family's farm
Not seeing the troops in the jungle

In Syria, a girl and her older sister walk to get water
Not seeing the fighters moving in

Somwhere in this world, a child is living happily
Not seeing the terrible change ahead.
Currently learning about WWII, and it got me to thinking, so I decided to write this.
midnight prague Nov 2010
my disposotions in your eyes feeds
the love that I have planted long ago somewhere in the dirt
cycles spelt in forgein languages
me and you both dont understand
has the dirt covered our eyes in such a way
why have these vines wraped around my neck
they are suffocating me
and the thorns puncture
my memories of you where you are smiling
and holding me happily
somwhere in your arms
now im somewhere in the dirt
DaRk IcE Jan 2016
A shattered hourglass holds no time
Much as broken hands
Disoriented in a place that doesn't
Know days
Mornings or evenings
Is there such of
Is there such thing
Familiarity escapes the
What is this place?
Somwhere between
Hell perhaps
Im not burning, nor at peace
Am I forever bound in such a place?
Walking foward but
Sitting down
While standing
My body doesn't yield time
Where am I?
Is there such thing as forever lost?
Not in the world, but in
Maybe I must be lost before
AR Nov 2013
They say if you look up at the moon someone somwhere is looking up too,

That night the moon was clear as can be and so I reminiced of you and me,

A time and a date many memories ago
A place full of happiness never any woe,

A night so bright it shimmered like gold
A love affair of the ages never to be told,

A young romance between friends, a night time thrill
Staring at the stars I begin to feel a sudden chill,

As I glance away from the moon and the sky,
I have myself questioning why oh why?

Why did our love die like the shimmering stars,
Our love doomed, like venus and mars.
jeffrey robin Jul 2010
and someone is calling........calling!


someone is crying....crying

WHO CARES!!......?

in the middle of a lazy afternoon
in the middle of a lazy life


and somwhere a sound escapes the death
and somewhere creation becomes human breath

and somewhere SOMEWHERE takes "shape"

and somewhere one sees a  human face

and someone is calling........calling!


someone is crying....crying

WHO CARES!!......?
frankie Nov 2017
somwhere in the world
a small girl sits in a classroom while the teacher tells the class that they won't be reading Maya Aneglou because of it's sensitive content
while later that day the same small girl goes home to a father who binds her wrists so tightly to the bed, her veins almost burst. His sick fantasy gone wild and she'll never read about someone who survived.

somewhere in the world
little boys run wild, with smiles on their faces
ignorant to teh chaos around them
these little boys look so happy, to the untrained eye
but look around them, they're actually running for their lives.

somewhere in the world
a mother watches a family through a restaurant window throwing away full course meals with tears in her eyes wondering if she'll be able to feed the kids tonight

somewhere in the world
lovers hide, in fear of being found out that they are not of different sexes and that they are of different races
petrified of being punished for what everyone else sees as a crime
or even worse, not making back to their beloved alive

somewhere in the world,
a little girl asks if daddy is ever gonna come back
and she wonders why he's gone in the first place because no one ever told her that daddy never loved her.

somewhere in the world,
the restless lie awake at night fighting battles with their demons
fumbling open a bottle of jack or a pharmacy vial of xanax
wondering how fast they'll take away the pain

across the world
there is sin, all seven of them
pouring out of every thing that inhabits the earth

somewhere in the world
there is a someone who will erupt the revolution
and we're all patiently waiting for the anarchy to begin.
I'm consumed in the flames of confusion
There's nowhere to hide from them
But all I want to do is run away
and stay away until I fade away.
I'm scared to stay in one place for too long
I'm afraid I'll be burnt to a crisp
I'm scared to be alive but I'm scared of death itself.
Pain, it's my biggest fear, but I'm drawn to it.
I hurt all day, every day.
Yes, music helps.
But to make music you must hurt.
Hurt to help.
That's my struggle every day.
No, this is not a poem about someone.
No, this is not a poem for someone.
No, this is not for you, or for me.
It's for the universe.
It's for the everlasting pain humans cause themselves.
It's for nothing and everything.
It's for no one and everyone.
It's for life.
It's for death.
It's for old and young, and nonexistent.
This is a story of a young girl of whom everything is expected.
This is a story of a young girl who doesn't want any of it.
This is a story of a young girl who would rather die than conform.
I'd rather jump out my window and just run.
I just want to get away from here.
I just want...
I don't know.
I don't want anything.
But I want everything.
I want love
I want hate
I want him
I want them
I want it all
I want nothing at all.
I am me
I am her
I am nothing
I'm just another name in the books
I'm just another face in the crowd
I'm just someone somwhere.
I don't want help
But I want caring.
Nobody seems to know the difference.
I'm alone
I'm surrounded by billions.
I write "I" too much.
I love too much.
I don't know how to end this.
This poem.
This hour.
This time.
This love.
This life.
I'm infected with the hatred of this world
But I like it.
Too much.
Nothing will ever be the same will it?
How much do you really care?
How much can one person stand?
How much is too much, really?
Did I say something wrong?
Did I say something too right?
Did I strike a chord?
Heartstrings pulled?
Eyes opened? Ears listening?
Mouth shutting.
I'm just a scared little girl.
People forget that.
Everyone is.
Nobody is invincible.
Love is invincible.
Love is no one.
Hate is invincible.
Hate is no one.
Blue, red, yellow, black, purple, green, orange.
Everything's different
Yet it's all the same.
I hope.
Forget me.
I don't want your sympathy.
I want no help.
I want to be left behind.
I want to be alone.
I want none of that.
I need someone.
I need love.
I need help
I need company.
I need love.
I need water
To get rid of this consuming fire.
This fire that's consuming me
in a thing of victory.
I'll be reduced to nothing
until that day.
La Jongleuse Mar 2013
heavens’ whisper, i fall to my knees
& collapse in the ephemeral weight

following the curve of your spine
until it becomes the small of your back

& fall further further further
ever further.

the air is thick as morning arrives,
my mind dances somwhere in the sky

oh, how splendid it is to be mortal
& to feast on the nectar of gods
DaRk IcE Jan 2016
Sleepless nights take me away
As the blood pours
And my skin
Im left ******
Somwhere between
Near and
Come take me away to my distant
And leave me disturbed and crazed
Darkness hovers where eyes are peeled open
And zombies are my
Staggering in rhythmic choreographed dances
That werewolves sing to
Offering a hand so we can dance the
pin Jun 2015
Like a rainbow tiger
Thoughts catch me a cold
The ones there before the sundown
Like can we, me trust lost souls
Cause theyve lost mine
Rewind old voices maybe it makes us feel shivers down our spines
I know theres two of me sometimes
I know theres two of me somewhere
Sitting & dealing with cardio sickness
I know theres two here somwhere
Mohd Arshad Mar 2014
The dust of the creeping evening
On the mammoth sphere falls
The day has flown way
somwhere to sing
Reminding the people
The dreams they had seen
On the pillow I place
My reflective mind
As the silence of thick darkness
Brings back to me
The golden moments i had lost
When the day was much bright
On the floor i see the chance
Shattered into pieces lying
Promising nothing
Still a little bit light
In my pensive heart shines
In this confusion we live
But tomorrow may be and may not be
Only today was full of life
With heaviness of mind i lie
Promising myself to achieve
My goals at this very moments only
Sebastian May 2015
I can't say I expected anything more or less
but through empty promises constantly bombarding my brain
and false hopes repeating over and over in vain
as if there really was something to gain
I guess I did at least expect something else
The shame of who I became, like a disgusting parasite residing deep within the chambers of my heart
ripping, gnawing and doing everything in it's power to tear it apart
so it can be set free, overwhelm my being and eventually inhabit every part of me.
In my feeble attempts of drowning it with liquor or choking it with poisonous gas,
it grows ten times stronger and comes back to bite me in the ***.
So instead I'll drown myself in poetry and sad songs
in search of some sort of understanding or meaning to what I see in myself as wrong.
I believe we all have the power to change and I did change once but I can't say for how long.
It all got lost somwhere between drunken adventures,
consequential head-exploding hangovers and exhausting-everyday-back-pains.
So I'll look forward to when I can look back and remember these times
and feel proud that I made it out intact
I've told myself a million times; You can make it
but right now
I don't know how
Sounds better in my head, the rythm non-existant when written down
I heard somwhere that first loves never die,
But if that is so what were we?
Once upon a time I loved you,
I thought you loved me too,
But you were playing with my heart,
You left me defenseless and alone,
You can't destroy someone,
You can't change a person
and still expect them to be okay with "friends?"
jeffrey conyers Dec 2012
I don't drink.
I don't smoke.
Been called a square by friends I know.
Who seems to party?
Get lose in the mix.
Very unaware, who they waking up next too?

I mind my business.
Never into theirs.
Care and concern about them.
When they out getting in trouble somewhere.
Call me a square.
I've heard it before.

Drinking and smoking.
Seems to be all I hear.
Or, who score with a certain guy or girl?

Yes, I have my fun.
But it's safe and secured.
I'm more likly the type.
You won't hear about vanishing somwhere.

So call me a square.
It's better then being in the inner circle.
That many of us tries to fit in.
Andy Felix Apr 2018
On a walk in the middle of spring.
All the bees on cali orange blossoms. The birds sing  
The difgerent smell of food as i go downtown
Live music somwhere in the distance echoing all around. Through the old neighborhoods i always  roam.
I feel at home.
Passing houses. Cars pass.  Incenese nag champa. ciggs. **** and fresh cut grass.
Seeing familiar people out and about.
Fresh air. Free. No lock down. No care. Even the dogs runnin up on me barkin is all good. Warm night Cool breeze through my neighborhood
Michelle M Jan 2018
Fate is a funny bird,
The way she breezes in,
like a tipsy traveler,
tinkering with the scenery,
bumping switches,
with a head toss and a laugh,

Then flitting off,
to the next hapless reality,
leaving not so much,
as a blueprint,
or a crudely sketched,
cocktail napkin,
in her wake.

And so began the story of us...

I had seen the inside of that bar,
but once in a decade,
it was the sort of solo-cup,
frat haven,
of the type I staunchly avoided,

But the city was a Sunday night,
ghost town,
and she snd I were diligent,
two chicks desperately ,
chasing the night,
we wandered onto Boston Street.

And you were there,
slinging drinks,
to a smattering of people,
A handful of bar snacks,
in semi formal wear.

And then there were three,
I'll never know,
if it was boredom,
or a  mutal wish
to be anywhere,
but our respective homes,
that kept it going,
or if  something,
in each of us,
recognized the other,
that night,

Gypsy dancing into the dawn,
sauced on your private recipe,
lemonade warlock potion,
my frienzied twirling stitching,
a spell in the darkness,
while my friend,
assured of her superiority,
tried to ****** you,
With that cocked-brow smirk,
you looked past,
and watched me.

Was I burning bright?
Or burning out?
A superstar in your midst,
or a supernova self-destructing?

I think we've yet to see it
the same way,
at the same time.
Is this our strength,
or our impending demise?
To this day I can't be sure.

And somwhere,
in a dank speakeasy,
our mistress fate,
is taking a long sip,
from a dry martini,
and throwing back her head,
with a throaty laugh.
Hira malik Jan 2017
I know this haphazardness is inherited
Like a swirling derwish
I keep encircling my lost emotions
As if someone trying to find sonething,
Non existing, extinct, unborn, un-uttered!!
I try to speak and my words loose my ways
As if, everything despise me,
Even my own shadow!

Something in air is not good
As if a mourning lost child trying to find his mother,
And his naked feet all dust and dirt
His head messed up,
But still he finds for love, an eternal lost love!!

I am drowning, where? I myself unaware,
The bank of the reverbering sea, i cant see,
And while hearing the stardom of storm,
I myself loosing my speech, somwhere somehow, too bad, too badly!!
dean evans Jan 2015
Some said it was the angel in her eyes
Lost within the faded moonlight, evil in disguise
Broken hearts and wasted time, believing in her lies
She'll break you then forsake you,
though refusing is unwise

Somewhere in the starlight shines the answer
As you quickly go from agony to laughter
Your mind is weary, following the dancer
Her deadly touch that brings with it,
the cancer

She opens up the gate
you step inside to find it's much too late
To save yourself
You crawl the streets on hands and knees
you feel the pain you have the need
And somwhere in the cold, cruel dawn you see
But it can't be...

In long lost dreams she flies on through the night
Don't want to see her face again,
though you try with all your might
Longing for the one who brings your visions into light
It seems that this was meant to be

But it don't seem right...

She can look straight to your soul and sell you lies
Lost within the sliver mist, stands horror in disguise
Broken dreams and wasted lives
She cries....she cries...
The Angel hides the Evil in her eyes....

Dean Evans
7-24 2013
K603 Mar 2013
Gental Please
For once you leave
bits of love given between
will be lost

we gave bits of love to eachother
on nights I was allowed to have you
how things have changed

how strange how things tend to change

an echo reaching towards me
and somwhere towards you
but you won't think of me
as I do of you
maybe some-day

Bits of love and the echo will be again
come back
Emma Kate Price Dec 2017
One decision
can lead to many others

One decision
can change a life

One decision
and we knew about the cancer

One decision
and we lived somwhere new

One decision
And I got to meet you
It's crazy to think aout the fact that little decisions have made so many huge things happen in my life...
much love
Chris Apr 2019
First it needs to be noted that the REAL commandments, the set of
ten, come after these in the bible, but for purpose of mockery, I shall use the popular version instead.

1.Thou shalt have no other gods before me.(except for drugs, alcohol, your job and TV.)
2.Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image(except a Jesus magnet, Holy mother Mary and a picture of Moses for a magnet on a fridge.)
3.Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain(except when you're having ***, or hitting your head or having vaginal pain)
4.Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.(Do I need to say anything, in America it seems, the thing that is sacred- money only.)
5.Honour thy father and thy mother(except if you want to do drugs, **** and party even harder.)
6.Thou shalt not ****(That ones easy, you can hire someone who will)
7.Thou shalt not commit adultery(But that loli across the street makes this list a mockery)
8.Thou shalt not steal(except from people who can't defend themselves and you need their oil, for real.)
9.Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour(except if she's an evil witch a Muslim or a traitor.)
10.Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house,
thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife(No, you'll just mimic his behavior in order to have a richer life.)

Now, I'm not a man believing, but it seems these lost their meaning,
Somwhere in between the Moses climbing,
Up Sinai and later finding,
The Lord has changed his mind a bit,
And he's made a brand new list.
I am an atheist, I am just calling out hipocrisy of the people who'd have me be sexually repressed and punish my evil thoughts but who at the same time commit every sin almost every day. Freedom is not negotiable. It is the only imperative.
JuzChristian Oct 2014
You know i think to much,
Still i gotta whole to say but  i rather not fuss.

when you wanna hang i come
when i want you to hang your bout to go somwhere or something..
but this is so irrelvent
maybe i just need a friend at this moment thats
clingy won't leave me won't be picky
I would say the man in the mirror but even he leaves for reason sometimes.
FiguringItOut Mar 2020
during my fifteen-minute break at work,
I saw a sleeping bag in the dugout of a baseball field.
it’s almost autumn now.
too cold for whomever this belongs to.

I leave a post-it note
asking what his name is.
my break is over so I go back to work.

the next day, I check for a response
and it’s in the garbage.
I take it out and put it back with the sleeping bag
I can wait.

the day after that I check,
it says “Doug”.
I grab a notebook and introduce myself,
“hi Doug, I’m Tanner. can I get you anything?”

the next day, “anything would help.”
“I’ll bring some back warmers you can use at night
in your sleeping bag.  they’re like regular hand warmers but bigger.”
later that night, after my shift,
i do

this goes on for a while.
I’ll ask him if he needs food,
I’ll bring granola bars.
I’ll ask if he needs light,
I’ll bring a battery-powered lantern.

I ask him what he’ll do when the snow comes
I get a simple response, “I have somwhere to go.”
his spelling isn’t that great.
I ask, “where?”
no response the next day.

I think about him now.
figured I’d ask him how he got to be homeless.
he said he came to town when his father got sick,
said he lost his job for leaving.
eventually, he ran out of money.

I leave a twenty in the notebook.
the next day it reads, “thank you.”
a little bit into winter I still saw his bag
and we still exchanged notes, never once seeing each other.

one day in the middle of winter, I notice his bag is gone.
the notebook isn’t so I hide it under the dugout bench.
winter passes, I still haven’t seen him.

it’s finally spring, still no sign of him.
summer comes along, nothing
little league baseball is starting
the kids found the notebook
and ripped out every single page we ever shared,
shredding each one into tiny illegible pieces
thrown away in the trash can.

I’ll never see Doug again.
Sal Gelles Apr 2013
have you seen it recently?
have you moved it somewhere i wouldn't look?
i've searched for days now, and i've come up with nothing.
i think it's mixed in somwhere where my bob dylan t-shirt is,
lost for the rest of my time as a sad, sick soul on this planet.
are you sure you didn't move it before you left?
have you heard anything?
Lauren Apr 2017
i dont know how to live in a moment
i am always somwhere else
picking daisies out of a field
running through crowded city streets

i am never here

i am always there
with him
always with him
and he is always laughing

he is always holding my pinkie finger
and kissing my shoulder
he is always calling me, "baby"
he is always there

that is why i am there
that's where he is

and where he is
is not here
what i mean is sometimes i feel homesick in my own bedroom
everyone has thoughts some are good or bad

some they make you happy some they make you sad

there are many thoughts there inside of you

it is up to you to choose the one you do

they change from day to day spinning round inside

you cant runaway find somwhere to hide

they can rule your mind decisions they will make

it is up to you and which one you will take

— The End —