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Paul Hansford May 2016
(I don't really hate pantoums, but once, when I wrote about the rules for repeating forms like pantoums and villanelles, one girl commented "I hate pantoums and villanelles. I guess I get bored easily." But this only provoked me to write a Pantoum using her words, just a little edited.)


I hate pantoums and villanelles
because I'm very easily bored
when a poem goes on and on, and tells
the things that have been said before.

Because I'm very easily bored,
I get impatient for lots of stuff.
The things that have been said before
don't need repeating. Once is enough.

I get impatient, for lots of stuff
I get to hear throughout the day
don't need repeating. Once is enough
to understand what you have to say.

I get to hear throughout the day
the same old news again and again.
To understand what you have to say
should not be hard. Intelligent men

and women don't need those extra lines
when a poem goes on and on, and tells
what it's said before, too many times.
I hate pantoums – and villanelles!
Maggie Emmett Nov 2014
It happened on a Summer’s morning
Hiroshima’s bomb once dropped upon that day
She was feeling tired and started yawning
Her crochet rug was tucked around her knees

Hiroshima’s bomb once dropped upon that day
The yellow capsules easily went down
Her crochet rug was tucked around her knees
She’d sent Arthur on a journey into town

The yellow capsules easily went down
She couldn’t stand another day of pain
She’d sent Arthur on a journey into town
At 82, she hoped they’d judge her sane

She couldn’t stand another day of pain
Two wars survived and still it came to this
At 82, she hoped they’d judge her sane
There was nothing left on earth that she would miss

Two wars survived and still it came to this
There is simply nothing more that can be said
There was nothing left on earth that she would miss
In a little while I hope I will be dead

There is simply nothing more that can be said
She was feeling tired and started yawning
In a little while I hope I will be dead
It happened on a Summer’s morning
This poem tells the true story of my grandmother crippled with osteo-arthritis, who chose to **** herself on August 6th 1982. She had lived through both World Wars. Hiroshima Day was a very important day for her each year. She would have been 83 years old in the November of 1982. Her note simply said,"I can't stand the pain anymore.".
The pantoum is the poet's task.
It twists the mind, that rhyming test.
I'm left with a strong need to ask,
is there a method you'd suggest?

It twists the mind, that rhyming test.
Rewrites add wrinkles to my brain.
Is there a method you'd suggest
to keep me from going insane?

Rewrites add wrinkles to my brain
as I struggle to end my phrase.
to keep me from going insane,
could you offer a little praise?

As I struggle to end my phrase,
I'm left with a strong need to ask,
could you offer a little praise?
The pantoum is the poet's task!
A friend challenged me to write a pantoum. I found it difficult. Please let me know what you think.
Cyril Blythe Aug 2012
He had a red raised bump from writing too long
Now, I feel a proud resistance from my 36 ‘o clock shadow’s frill
Summer cicadas, on Cranfield Road, always sang their song
and the sun set behind our blue Appalachian foothill

Now, I feel a proud resistance from my 36 ‘o clock shadow’s frill
I got to shoot Dad’s 30/30 rifle when I was fourteen
and the sun set behind our blue Appalachian foothill
No other Bayless has ever seen Peru’s countryside eaten in fire and morphine

I got to shoot Dad’s 30/30 rifle when I was fourteen
but Mom has always been a vegetarian (except for some fish)
No other Bayless has ever seen Peru’s countryside eaten in fire and morphine
Cheese, fruit, and silence is our favorite family dish

But mom has always been a vegetarian (except for some fish)
Mimi and Leiron love cats and Pops and I on ink relied
Cheese, fruit, and silence is our favorite family dish
Mimi’s glasses, shaken by sobs and laughter, fell off when he died

Mimi and Leiron love cats and Pops and I on ink relied
his dead lips were painted a shade too red, inexcusably
Mimi’s glasses, shaken by sobs and laughter, fell off when he died
The trashcan in my room was filled with murdered versions of his eulogy

his dead lips were painted a shade too pink, inexcusably
Summer cicadas, on Cranfield Road, always sang their song
The trashcan in my room was filled with murdered versions of his eulogy
He has a red raised bump from writing too long.
ray Jun 2014
I have a secret
I can do it again
Peel my skin back
To reveal my bones that rot like fruit

I can do it again
Let my lies open like shells
To reveal my bones that rot like fruit
Feel me and pray for my release

Let my lies open like shells
Kiss my wounds, wrap me up
Feel me and pray for my release
I am nothing but this skeleton

I have a secret
Dhaye Margaux May 2014
My love, let us dance in the rain
Let it wash our tears away
Heal our wounds and clean our stain
Make us feel better today

Let it wash our tears away
Let it help us forget our sorrow
Make us feel better today
Forget yesterday and think of tomorrow

Let it help us forget our sorrow
Every storm will surely end
Forget yesterday and think of tomorrow
Feel the raindrops that really mend

Every storm will surely end
The pain, the hurt, we’ll soon forget
Feel the raindrops that really mend
Just remember the goals we set

The pain, the hurt, we’ll soon forget
Heal our wounds and clean our stain
Just remember the goals we set
My love, let us dance in the rain.

The pantoum consists of a series of quatrains rhyming ABAB in which the second and fourth lines of a quatrain recur as the first and third lines in the succeeding quatrain; each quatrain introduces a new second rhyme as BCBC, CDCD. The first line of the series recurs as the last line of the closing quatrain, and third line of the poem recurs as the second line of the closing quatrain, rhyming ZAZA.

The design is simple:

Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4

Line 5 (repeat of line 2)
Line 6
Line 7 (repeat of line 4)
Line 8

Continue with as many stanzas as you wish, but the ending stanzathen repeats the second and fourth lines of the previous stanza (as its first and third lines), and also repeats the third line of the first stanza, as its second line, and the first line of the first stanza as its fourth. So the first line of the poem is also the last.

Last stanza:

Line 2 of previous stanza
Line 3 of first stanza
Line 4 of previous stanza
Line 1 of first stanza

Credits to:
martin Jun 2015
When the glass runs out of sand
Gently guide me through the night
Sit by me and hold my hand
Be my comfort and my light

Gently guide me through the night
Let us chase the shadows down
Be my comfort and my light
Let me see you smile not frown

Let us chase the shadows down
Though I see your eyes do weep
Let me see you smile not frown
Until such time as we may sleep

Though I see your eyes do weep
Sit by me and hold my hand
Until such time as we may sleep
When the glass runs out of sand
Whitney Oct 2017
Everyday I imagine a future where I can be with you
Some things truly are impossible
In my hand is a pen that will write a poem of me and you
Happiness can't exist there

Some things truly are impossible
The ink flows into a dark puddle
Happiness can't exist there
Just move your hand, write your way into his heart!

The ink flows into a dark puddle
Like Quicksand, smothering me
Just move your hand, write your way into his heart
Maybe I can make it out

Like Quicksand, smothering me
But in this world of infinite choices
Maybe I can make it out
what will it take just to find that special day?

But in this world of infinite choices
One choice always results in more choices
What will it take just to find that special day?
When there are no more choices to make

One choice always results in more choices
Have I found everybody a fun assignment to do today?
When there are no more choices to make;
When you're here, everything that we do is fun for them anyways

Have I found everybody a fun assignment to do today?
I don't want to let you guys down
When you're here, everything that we do is fun for them anyways
Nothing I do makes anything better

I don't want to let you guys down.
When I can't even read my own feelings
If I can't make anything better,
What good are words when a smile says it all?

When I can't even read my own feelings
I don't know what to do
What good are words when a smile says it all?
No one else here feels real

I don't know what to do
And if this world won't write me an ending
We're the only two who feel real
What will it take just for me to have it all?

And if this world won't write me an ending
I can write my own ending
What will it take just for me to have it all?
How will I know when I have it all?

I can write my own ending
Does my pen only write bitter words for those who are dear to me?
How will I know when I have it all?
Is it love if I take you, or is it love if I set you free?

Does my pen only write bitter words for those who are dear to me?
This wasn't my intention
Is it love if I take you, or is it love if I set you free?
I just want to love you...

This wasn't my intention
The ink flows down into a dark puddle
I just want to love you,
How can I write love into reality?

The ink flows down into a dark puddle
I succumb to it
How can I write love into reality?
I can only give you mine

I succumb to it
If I can't hear the sound of your heartbeat
I can only give you mine
What do you call love in your reality?

If I can't hear the sound of your heartbeat
How am I sure you are real?
What do you call love in your reality?
How do I know love is real?

I'm sure that you are real;
And in your reality, if I don't know how to love you
I know love is real;
I'll leave you be.

And in your reality, if I don't know how to love you
Everyday I'll imagine a future where I can be with you
I'll leave you be
Though my hand will hold a pen that will write a poem of me and
Paul Rousseau Apr 2015
There is more free space than matter
My zenith is far from touching land
A wing tipped by the ring of Saturn
The orb that many thought unmanned

My zenith is far from touching land
With a silken era of neon speed
The orb that many thought unmanned
The Guardians acknowledged their time of need

With a silken era of neon speed
A gaseous clash of friend and foe
The Guardians acknowledged their time of need
And songs of victory may never know
I had two rats, to fill my days
Through spines of books and bed clothes
They chewed their lazy way
And when they saw you, froze

Through spines of books and bed clothes
Released out of their cage
And when they saw you, froze
For chewing was their rage

Released out of their cage
And when they saw you, froze
For chewing was their rage
Their pile of ***** grows

And when they saw you, froze
They lurked behind the dresser
Their pile of ***** grows
The cage mess is the lesser

They lurked behind the dresser
They chewed their lazy way
The cage mess is the lesser
I had two rats, to fill my days
I used to have two furry friends who meant everything to me
Marieta Maglas Dec 2011
Summer rainbow ribbon still stretches in the blue rain

As green snakes dance to the tune of charmer’s jazz flutes

Blue butterflies chase velvety bumblebees singing duets in vain

Summer laughs around red velvety roses and green fruits.

As green snakes dance to the tune of charmer’s jazz flutes

Summer ends her path over meadow, with a dream of green

Summer laughs around red velvety roses and green fruits

Moon shines behind the barrier of cloud's fence, as a queen.

Summer ends her path over meadow, with a dream of green

Into the autumn's sky with puffs of cotton clouds and floating light

Moon shines behind the barrier of cloud's fence, as a queen.

And dancing green shadows sprites appear all round the sight.

Into the autumn's sky with puffs of cotton clouds and floating light

Blue butterflies chase velvety bumblebees singing duets in vain

And dancing green shadows sprites appear all round the sight.

Summer rainbow ribbon still stretches in the blue rain.
PrttyBrd May 2010
Chasing rainbows out of time
There is not room to pause
Hesitate and be left behind
Reluctance be the cause

There is not room to pause
When running after dreams
Reluctance be the cause
All is not as it seems

When running after dreams
The world can speed right passed
All is not as it seems
Can dreams be made to last?

The world can speed right passed
With a dream just out of reach
Can dreams be made to last?
Is there a price to pay for each?

With a dream just out of reach
The focus can be intense
Is there a price to pay for each?
Can the cost be too immense?

The focus can be intense
Yet, it can slip right through your fingers
Can the cost be too immense
When the pain from failure lingers?

Yet, it can slip right through your fingers
Through fists clenched with all your might
When the pain from failure lingers
Don't hold the past too tight

Through fists clenched with all your might
You cannot feel the world around you
Don't hold the past too tight
You will find that it has bound you

You cannot feel the world around you
Hesitate and be left behind
You will find that it has bound you
Chasing rainbows out of time
Mary-Eliz May 2018
Can the opera inspire a Pantoum?

just a phantom thought!
Feeling silly this morning.,,maybe because I didn't get enough sleep last night! :-)
Paula Swanson Oct 2010
Blind through the heavens I seek
For the star that bears your name
There within my heart I keep
Eternally loves soft flame

For the star that bears your name
Guides me with loves sweet call
Eternally loves soft flame
Does hold me close and enthralled

Guiding me with loves sweet call
To stand by your side as wife
Does hold me close and enthralled
This bond together we call life

To stand beside your side as wife
Brings to me a joy untold
This bond together we call life
Nothing manmade can unfold

Brings to me a joy untold
This family we have raised
Nothing manmade can unfold
That which always does amaze

The family we have raised
There within my heart I keep
That which always does amaze
Blind through the heavens I seek
elle Mar 2017
Where did all the children go?
The wails of parents resonate
Homes stripped of joy and cheer
What do you mean, Christmas spirit?

The wails of parents resonate
But there's nothing they can do
What do you mean, Christmas spirit?
Here's a red poppy, please feel better

There's nothing they can do
but try their hardest not to cry
Here's a red poppy, please feel better
but nothing will ever be the same

While they tried their hardest not to cry,
the cold marble wall filled with the names of their children
reminded them that nothing would ever be the same
And all they could think of was, where did all the children go?
visited pearl harbor, may have cried a little (or a lot)
self importance he did relish
therein lay a swollen ego
was inflated of embellish
all this being held as a cargo

therein lay a swollen ego
so monumental the extent
all this being held as a cargo
of the largest conceited tent

so monumental the extent
it could not be denied at all
of the largest conceited tent
he finding joy in his own thrall

it could not be denied at all
ever putting one's self up first
he finding joy in his own thrall
was no shown quelling of the thirst

ever putting one's self up first
all this being held as a cargo
was no shown quelling of the thirst
therein lay a swollen ego
a crumbling of the floor's cement*
all pieces shall not stay welded
splintering bits in discontent
the plaster no longer melded

all pieces shall not stay welded
unity's oneness going awry
the plaster no longer melded
this being an unhappy fish to fry

unity's oneness going awry
each person in the deck breaks rank
this being an unhappy fish to fry
all of their cohesion well sank

each person in the deck breaks rank
on seeing a leader's madness
all of their cohesion well sank
they'll wake up to ego's badness

on seeing a leader's madness
the plaster no longer melded
they'll wake up to ego's badness
*all pieces shall not stay welded
Olivia Walters May 2015
My breath fades into a ghost
Feet crunch on a crust of ice
Branches stretch like skeletal fingers
Angels have left their silhouettes

Feet crunch on a crust of ice
Boot prints leading them away
Angels have left their silhouettes
Children gloves are strewn across the yard

Boot prints leading them away
To a place frozen shut
Children gloves are strewn across the yard
And door knobs stay untwisted

To a place frozen shut
When cheeks are stung red
And door knobs stay untwisted
Beneath frozen palms

When cheeks are stung red
Where summer used to dance
Beneath frozen palms
And everlasting sunshine

Branches stretch like skeletal fingers
Where summer used to dance
Beneath frozen palms
My breath fades into a ghost
Theia Gwen Jan 2014
Her thoughts during her first date mostly consisted of
Is he going to kiss me?
Should I kiss him?
Oh God, please don't let me **** this up

Is he going to kiss me?
Girls can make the first move, right?
Oh God, please don't let me **** this up
If anyone could ***** it up, it'd be me

Girls can make the first move, right?
Socially awkward girls can't though
If anyone could ***** it up, it'd be me
She couldn't mess anything up, no not tonight

Socially awkward girls can't though
Wait, he's leaning in!
She couldn't mess anything up, no not tonight
She's like a deer in headlights and doesn't know what to do

Wait, he's leaning in!
If she could rewind time, this is the part she would pull him close
She's like a deer in headlights who doesn't know what to do
Why doesn't someone write an instruction guide on this ****?

If she could rewind time, this is the part she would pull him close
But no, she pulled away
Why doesn't someone write an instruction guide on this ****?
"Your breathe smells like popcorn." Is the lame excuse she chose

But no, she pulled away
Is it too late to kiss him?
"Your breath smells like popcorn." Is the lame excuse she chose
Her thoughts during her first date mostly consisted of
My first pantoum reliving the events of my first date. And yes, I actually said "Your breath smells like popcorn." Needless to say, I regret it completely. The last stanza makes no sense and I had to alter the second line just to make it sound better. It was my first pantoum though, and I deserve a cookie for trying. I like to think that the last line makes a little bit of sense because the girl(me) keeps reliving her first date and her thoughts and where it went wrong and what she would have done differently given the opportunity.
no let up from the scorching bat
the flogging is a bit too thick
where the fielder gets laid out flat
due to its fervent canning stick*

the flogging is a bit too thick
we've been struck by the boiling heat
due to its fervent canning stick
every day this is on the beat

we've been struck by the boiling heat
downed in a sixer's knocking hit
every day this is on the beat
which drains our energetic pit

downed in a sixer's knocking hit
due to its fervent canning stick
which drains our energetic pit
*the flogging is a bit too thick
Matt KH May 2010
All they are, are simple appendages,
Extending out from your wrist.
We use them to leave our mark,
They let us leave our fingerprints.

Extending out from your wrist,
They let us feel our way through life.
They let us leave our fingerprints.
More than minds do.

They let us feel our way through life.
Hands learn.
More than minds do.
They learn how to hold other hands

Hands learn,
Learn how to create melodies,
They learn how to hold other hands
All they are, are simple appendages
This is my attempt at a pantoum
Terry O'Leary Nov 2013
He was my sun, my one and only son,
attired as a cowboy for the day.
And so I handed him a little gun
of fastened random sticks, for him to shoot and play.

Attired as a cowboy for the day
he searched for foes (with bows and arrows made
of fastened random sticks for them) to shoot, and play        
the part of ‘Injuns’ in a mock charade.

He searched for foes (with bows and arrows made)
well written in his story books before he left for school.
The parts of ‘Injuns’ in a mock charade
were tainted with a crimson war paint, oh so cruel.

Well writ in history books before he left from school,
the tales (retold of victories that we’d won)
were tainted with a crimson war paint, oh so cruel.
The flow of paint was not to staunch when once begun.

From tales retold of victories that we’d won,
he learned to fight for God and country glory, though
the flow of pain, ’twas not to staunch when once begun
and bane to both sides (as he’d later come to know).

He learned to fight for God and country glory, though
the wounds of war were kept unseen (while nigh)
and bane to both sides (as we’d later come to know);
but still he stuffed a duffel bag with several things of youth, then said goodbye.

The wounds of war were kept unseen. While nigh,
the hours boomed, the clock struck 12 at last, his time to leave.
But, still, he stuffed a duffel bag with several things of youth, then said goodbye
to those who’d stay and even those who wouldn’t grieve.

The hours boomed, the clock struck 12 - alas, his time to leave.
They sent back body bags they’d stuffed with severed things of those who’d died
to those who’d stayed. And even those who wouldn’t grieve
with tears were stiff and masked like wooden boxes meant to hide.

They sent back body bags they’d stuffed with severed things of those who’d died;
his boots hung loose, one camouflaged in mud.
With tears, the stiff were masked in wooden boxes meant to hide
our children from the spilling of their blood.

His boots hung loose, one camouflaged in mud;
they said they’d needed him to help defend
our children from the spilling of their blood.
But can they ever see or really comprehend?

They said they’d needed him to help defend,
and so they handed him a little gun.
But can they ever see or really comprehend?
He was my sun, my one and only son.
Let's offer up our prayers to a finicky Father
who sits in his segregated heaven, rocking
away senility on that rickety chair
with a spare, tall back wrapped in striped wool blankets.

Who sits in his segregated heaven, rocking?
Our Father, keeping his heart warm against the gusts.
With a spare, tall back wrapped in striped wool blankets
perfectly square (but too small to share with others),

our Father's keeping his heart warm. Against the gusts
and idling time, again he stays busy carving figures
perfectly square but too small to share. With others,
these tokens will help the faithful remain fertile

and idling. Time again, he keeps busy carving figures
on the edges of a pesky map. Mad for expansion,
these tokens will help the faithful. "Remain fertile!"
Father cautions, as he watches a big screen TV.

On the edges of a pesky map mad for expansion,
many errant souls who wander are unable to hear
Father's cautions. As he watches a big screen TV,
the devil's slipping him a low-ball offer to buy

many errant souls. Who wander are unable to hear
news heaven's economy is still struggling, and
the devil's slipping him. A low-ball offer to buy,
our aging Father mulls over hot oatmeal and tea.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
martin Jun 2015
Concealed amid the Summer green
As stars await their turn to shine
The thrush sings thrice his song unseen
And we would like to hold back time

As stars await their turn to shine
We want his song to never stop
And we would like to hold back time
As another cork we pop

We want his song to never stop
We hope for shooting stars up high
As another cork we pop
Watch nature's fireworks in the sky

We hope for shooting stars up high
The thrush sings thrice his song unseen
Watch nature's fireworks in the sky
Concealed amid the Summer green
A pantoum poem consists of 4 or more stanzas.
Each stanza has an ABAB rhyme pattern.
The 2nd and 4th line of each stanza is re-used as the 1st and 3rd line of the next stanza.
The pattern goes on for as long as you like until the last stanza, where the 2nd line and 4th line are re-cycled from the first stanza. The first line of the poem becomes the last line, and the 3rd line of the poem is repeated as the 2nd line of the last stanza.
Jane Doe Aug 2012
Open up the sky, come fall electricity
lift each blade of grass to yearn for heaven.
The churning leaves, pounding cataracts come fall,
beat us back into our ancestors, into the earth.

Lift each blade of grass to yearn for heaven
all reflected, caught in the water of our eyes.
Beat us back into our ancestors, into the earth
where words are rendered indigestible as stones

all reflected, caught in the water of our eyes.
Come, thirsty, choke on rhyme and water
where words are rendered indigestible as stones
In the grey and green wash, the last storm of summer.

Come, thirsty, choke on rhyme and water as
The sky breaks, sun behind its gauze of clouds, breaks
In the rose and gold wash, the last storm of summer
and this is that fairy land, the kingdom of heaven.
Davina E Solomon Jun 2021
She's risen coarse on rusted tracks,
through sandy loam, a summer sheen.
Rainbows are but colour barracks,
fair violet, through verdant green.

Through sandy loam, a summer sheen
sparked exile of Fall's fleeting mist.
Fair violet, through verdant green,
adds tint to sun in pigment grist.

Exile sparked in Fall's fleeting mist,
cleared light, silky ivory.
Adds tint to sun in pigment grist,
silhouette of this noble tree.

Cleared light, silky ivory
are petals cast in modest mould.
Silhouette of this noble tree,
tattered leaves, raging wind unfold.

Petals cast in a modest mould
are magi of summer solstice.
Tattered leaves, raging wind unfold
simply envy of breezy fleece.

Magi of the summer solstice,
Purple blush on sun dipped petals.
Raging envy of breezy fleece,
Scalding wind that scarcely settles.

Purple blush on sun dipped petals
Rainbows are but colour barracks.
Scalding wind that scarcely settles,
she rises coarse on rusted tracks.
Read the entire text at:
Emma Brigham Feb 2016
I am a builder of many mountains
My bones grew with the limbs of trees
My rain will fill your empty fountains
I am the flowers and I am the bees

My bones grew with the limbs of trees
You hear my voice in the song of a bird
I am the flowers and I am the bees
I am blood, bone, sinew, fur

You hear my voice in the song of a bird
I paint the colors of the sunrise
I am blood, bone, sinew, fur
I lay where the fallen tree lies

I paint the colors of the sunrise
You feel my sting of bitter cold
I lay where the fall fallen tree lies
I am forever young and growing old

You feel my sting of bitter cold
I am the spider that traps the fly
I am forever young and growing old
My love it stretches from sea to sky

I am the spider that traps the fly
My rain will fill your empty fountains
My loves it stretches from sea to sky
I am a builder of many mountains
Jon Tobias Jun 2012
So often I feel like you are fruit
Placed gently on me, a sandpaper offering plate.
I do not want to hold you so roughly,
But there are things I am still learning

Placed gently on me, a sandpaper offering plate
My rough rubs you slowly,
But there are things I am still learning.
How we are unto diamonds.

My rough rubs you slowly,
Until we are evenly raw.
How we are unto diamonds;
I wish I was that soft.

Until we are evenly raw,
This feels like the devolution of beauty.
I wish I was that soft.
Something similar to dying fruit.

This feels like the devolution of beauty.
Soon you will no longer be sweet.
Something similar to dying fruit.
And I am a sandpaper monster still learning,

And so often I feel like you are fruit.
My attempt at a Pantoum style poem.
Kurt Kanawa Jun 2014
climb out of the womb and be born
watch your limbs and fingers grow
let Them manufacture your soul
memorize and become a number

watch your limbs and fingers grow
set the neighborhood on fire
memorize and become a number
stare at the chains on your ankles

set the neighborhood on fire
rally your gods and your lovers
stare at the chains of your ankles
break free, run away

rally your gods and your lovers
let them manufacture your soul
break free, runaway
climb out of the womb and be born
there's a teenage riot in all of us.
5tar Jul 2011
Piercing sounds like the night howls of red foxes
where do the screams come from
echoing on the rooftops of the ghetto
how do we make them stop.

Where do the screams come from
more stunning than suicidal bombing blasts
how do we make them stop.
Turn tears into children's laughter.

More stunning than suicidal bombing blasts
eyes fixed - stand still. Until realisation hits
Turn tears into children's laughter
it makes more sense.

Eyes fixed - stand still. Until realisation hits
blocks crumbling, bare foot on concrete rubble
it makes no sense.
Fear clings to the air, casts shadows like rain clouds

blocks crumbling - bare foot on concrete rubble
splitting skin on rock, struggling to free them.
Fear clings to the air, casts shadows like rain clouds
Waiting for the raindrops.

The aftershocks.
Sedoo Ashivor May 2016
As I watch solemnly the dimming of love's fire
There were rifts we had no time to mend
Pain and regret burnt to ashes on the pyre
You were once the only one I called friend

There were rifts we had no time to mend
My heart grew sad and went on a break
You were once the only one I called friend
While some may have, we couldn't fake

My heart grew sad and went on a break
The hopes we had, replaced with doubt
While some may have, we couldn't fake
We did our best and took the only way out

The hopes we had, replaced with doubt
Pain and regret burnt to ashes on the pyre
We did our best, took the only way out
As I watch solemnly the dimming of love's fire
Lee Nov 2013
I feel so **** lonely sometimes.
Not that anyone can fix it for me,
but it’s always there it seems,
in the background, telling me,

that not anyone can fix it for me.
Those hands reaching for fever
in the background, telling me,
it’ll be okay, don’t worry, not now.

Those fevered hands. Reaching for
Those lies that say things to me like,
“it’ll be okay, don’t worry. Not now.”
Sick sentimentality wraps around

those lies that say things to me like-
Oh hell, I know it’s me talking all along
around sick sentimentality. Wraps,
smother, swim, I’d drown in your arms.

I know it’s me talking all along, Oh hell,
what could be so wrong with me when i
swim, smother, drown, in your arms. I’d
be sick to want anything other than,

what could be so wrong with me. When i
think about the best kind of days; I’m
sick to want anything other than, we.
At least I can know now for sure that

days like this one will pass, days where
I feel so **** lonely sometimes.
I’m sick of sadness, those crisp voices
in the background, telling me.
edited as of 12/1/2013
L Meyer Oct 2013
I went to the bar, alone, for the sole purpose of getting drunk.
I asked for cranberry with *****, she poured me ***** with cranberry,
but you sound better in my mouth when my speech is slurred,
and you’re a better dance partner when you’re not around.

I asked for cranberry with *****, she poured me ***** with cranberry.
A memory showed up wearing your green jacket.
You’re a better dance partner when you’re not around,
and the jukebox plays pop music that’s far too loud.

A memory showed up wearing your green jacket.
Base is pulse, and the room beats with my heart.
The jukebox plays pop music that’s far too loud,
but I wanted one more hazy dance with you.

Base is pulse, and the room beats with my heart.
You sound better in my mouth when my speech is slurred.
I wanted one more hazy dance with you.
I went to the bar, alone, for the sole purpose of getting drunk.
kgl May 2014
in loving you, i lost myself
lost to the world and its surroundings
no more than a meaningless shadow
a self-inflicted kind of despair

lost to the world and its surroundings
i find myself drowning
a self-inflicted kind of despair
the fault is mine, and mine alone

i find myself drowning
no more than a meaningless shadow
the fault is mine, and mine alone
in loving you, i lost myself
experimenting with different types of poetry. i find the monotony of this simultaneously hopeless and relaxing.
most of us don't get enough sleep
we're deprived of its good boon
the right amount is eight hours deep
then work days will beam of moon

we're deprived of its good boon
by not jumping under the quilt
then work days will beam of moon
at times we appear to wilt

by not jumping under the quilt
everyone of us are worn out
at times we appear to wilt
which isn't a super tale of spout

everyone of us are worn out
because we lack adequate rest
which isn't a super tale of spout
so to slumber long would be best

because we lack adequate rest
functioning can go on the blink
so to slumber long would be best
as we'll feel fresher in wink

functioning can go on the blink
the right amount is eight hours deep
as we'll feel fresher in wink
most of us don't get enough sleep
Aspen S Jan 2016
It's hard to love someone who can't low you
Even when their eyes outshine the sun's rays
And how the warmth of your skin likes to imbue
Through your skin upon those delicate veins

Even when their eyes outshine the sun's rays
My love for you was so contagious, it grew
Through your skin upon those delicate veins

My love for you was so contagious, it grew
We rose way above the mountain peaks, but it was far too overdue
No matter what, our love musn't go ablaze
I loved You like flowers love the pouring rain

We rose way above the mountain peaks, but it was far too overdue
And now, I have to deal with how you never knew
I loved you like flowers love the pouring rain
The way the ocean is greeted by the tides waves

And now I have to deal with how you never knew
How the warmth of your smile likes to imbue
The way the ocean is greeted by the tides waves
Its hard to love someone who can't love you
i am so sorry if this poem *****..... I didn't really like this one...

— The End —