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Amitav Radiance Aug 2014
Minds infested with lies
There is no reason to start a conversation
Every word a figment of sinister plan
Heady cocktail inebriating the sane mind
Muddled heart and mind in a state of stupor
Reasons not enough to not believe the unreasonable
Nicholas Rew Apr 2012
Considering belief, dispositions dutifully mixed
******* of skepticism, with ample deviation
Followed by a pony of existentialism riding in

Mad man's drink is bitter but,
At this point all he can accept
Chin deep in the highball glass

Sinking amongst the buoyant
Gulping down helplessness
Yearning for the forgotten island

Where belief was once believed
Fa Be O Apr 2014
I cut one swiftly,
the acidic elixir dripping through my fingers
unto my inebriating, rustic drink.
Day 5- Write a three line poem about lemons without using the following words: lemon, yellow, round, fruit, citrus, ****, juicy, peel, and sour.

this one is going to be particularly bad because i feel silly xD
Àŧùl Jun 2015
Your beauty is so malty,
It drives my love crazy,
Lest I commit a divine sin.

The night is intoxicating,
Cool is this ambience,
The whole world is drunk,
Oh the inebriating air,
It drives me mad for you.

Your beauty is so great,
It makes me go barmy,
I want to commit a divine sin.
My love's on a high.

My HP Poem #878
©Atul Kaushal
JLB Jan 2012
Power pulsating between my legs
Irrational intrigue  between my ears
Alacrity asunder between my ribs
-Heretical human blender-
Serving up cleverly crafted cocktails
I am
Spouting sureness from between my lips
I am
Stirring in sweet sultriness
Soliciting sour sabotage
Submerging you in salty squeamishness
-Colloquial courtesan, curtly castrating consumers-
Inebriating you equally with inevitable irrationality
Welcome to my "Reader’s Digest"
Prepared especially for you with my psychologically indigestible
K Balachandran Dec 2015
There in the air, it hung, muted yet palpable,
like the  inebriating scent of new rain on earth
with this signal morning alluded something,
as if challenging anyone there to swiftly respond.

Gazing at the far away mountains, waking up,
pulling away slowly the blanket of darkness
a purple sun above making a symphony of colors
she is caught in the waves of the mood, it's cadence
captures the spirit in a poem; it blooms on it's own.

Zestfully she reads it in her resounding voice,as if
to the chickens clucking around in the cluttered barn
there wasn't any audience other than the birds and the cattle;
a sudden change the chickens,strange, till the moment before
they were looking for a worm or two in the black earth.

As if forgotten all other things the chicken stood
their head held high, beaks open as if to peck
in an attentive posture, they stood listening to her,
the moment they got the tune right,started reciting it.

The cows in the shed  turned to the direction of her voice,
as if it's a song, and it's for them she was singing .
Mohit Kalwadia May 2012
One shouldn't sleep more than necessary; as extra
sleep induces paramount laziness; ruins the ability of
a person to work diligently,

One shouldn't eat more than necessary; as extra food
lying dumped in the stomach; reduces your ability to
have fun; fantasize and sizzle in the corridors of

One shouldn't dance more than necessary; as extra
gyrating the body; weakens the stem of mesmerizing
ideas in the brain; instilling the legs with
inevitable sleep,

One shouldn't whistle more than necessary; as extra
whistling causes the air in the mouth to exhaust; and
makes a person falter in his speech; grasp for breath;
immediately after it,

One shouldn't cry more than necessary; as extra
shedding of tears makes the eye bloodshot and and
swollen; rendering a person unfit to walk on the

One shouldn't write more than necessary; as extra
penning down of words creates a disdain for majestic
art; and the fragile fingers then intractably refuse
to even emboss down your name,

One shouldn't swim more than necessary; as the
poignant spray of the saline sea causes erratic
allergy to the entire skin; also there is always the
danger of the monstrous shark creeping in,

One shouldn't drink wine more than necessary; as the
alcohol has a profoundly inebriating effect on the
nerves; makes a person loose complete control of his
actions; body and speech; after consuming a few sips,

One shouldn't blow one's nose more than necessary; as
excessive sneezing; engenders the moisture in the
nostrils to amazingly evaporate; and a person ends up
inhaling bellows of hostile fire; instead of
compassionate air,

One shouldn't shout more than necessary; as
unprecedented screaming; foments the chords in your
throat to wear out; and you eventually find yourself
unable to even mew as softly as the cat; after a few

One shouldn't talk more than necessary; as baseless
talk yields plenty of secrets; and a person sometimes
in his inexorable urge to talk; doesn’t notice the
bored yawns becoming eminent and clear in the

One shouldn't clean more than necessary; as
unsurpassable amount of cleaning; leads to scraping
away the oils of nature; the rudiments of color which
add loads of vibrancy to life,

One shouldn't spend more than necessary; as exorbitant
expenditure results in dismal bankruptcy; and suddenly
the accounts replenished with surplus money till
yesterday; seem to be like veritable ghost towns

One shouldn't fight more than necessary; as incessant
war leads to lots of bloodshed; and what started as
just a test of nerves and skill; now ends up being a
battle of blood,

One shouldn't read more than necessary; as
overwhelmingly browsing through the books night and
day; has disastrous aftermaths on robust sight,

One shouldn't kick more than necessary; as ferocious
kicking evokes heaps of tension; perpetuates hurling
of a volley of abuses at each other; and thereby
disrupting the placid environment,

One shouldn't spit more than necessary; as continuous
spitting produces squalid streaks of dirt in the
area's you tread; and sometimes you find yourself
tripping head on; in the same slime you ejected out on
this earth,

One shouldnt't preach more than necessary; because at
times you tend to become a victim of your own ideals;
rather than having an impact and changing the lives of
other humans,

I think I have bored you enough with this unending
list of 'shouldnt's', but before emancipating I would
like to tell you; that there is indeed a thing that
you should do more than necessary; and which does not
have anything such as necessary or unnecessary in the
dictionary of its existence,

O! yes the thing I am talking about is none other than
your all time favorite, and which you must be dying to
proclaim at the moment as 'PASSIONATE LOVE'...
Sally A Bayan Oct 2016
It springs voluntarily,'s like a small voice
An invisible separator, and
An unseen magnet...
Amidst overwhelming crowds in your life
You step analyze.....
Pleasantries...short or long, are flowery
Nonstop gratitude is inebriating
What could be better,
...than, all at once,
From out of the blue
...a rainbow will appear
A kind of force is born
...for both giver and receiver
An energy that draws eyes, attention's like waking up from a long sleep,
Pulls like a irresistible force,
That invites, with open arms's like hearing a voice, saying:
"You belong here, with me, baby,


Copyright October 22, 2016
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
Debra A Baugh Feb 2013
his voice beguiles me, weakening me
in whispered warmth of breath, fingers
trace trembled want of hungry lips

tasting me...

Closing my eyes; I arch into need of
his touch, his voice of seduction breathes
against skin, teasing me

licking my tremors...

I moan in ache, my ripple upon his tongue,
my essence rises lingering within his mouth;
roughly kissing me and I kneel before him,
taking him in slowly suckling; tasting him tip
to pearls licking his veined pendulum swirling
in warmth, vigorously in out

loving his shudder...

he whispers as his fingers tenderly tweak ******
softly, inebriating my senses; aroused horniness,
entering my paradise, firmness weaves flesh in
breathless swells, igniting our twine; like tongue
licking heat of mouth

pulsing in wetness...

searing between open thighs, I ache for his plunge
engraving me, knotted within his arch; deluged in
fluidities flush as lips brush, tongue trails taut nips,
I blush beneath his fiery breath, still teasing

rocked to my foundation...

unraveling me in utter passion, our bodies aching;
assuaging yearn, calming quivers in wet want;
shuddering each abraded ******, loving its aftertaste
in trembled release enlivening; our lust still entwined

within wet ecstasy...
B Nov 2023
Your lips whispered a curse
and brushed against mine.
Soft, like sparrows' wings,
inebriating as wine.
I know I am lost now,
wandering so many city streets
wondering if you'd find me here
and take me off bare feet.
I am calloused, I've become raw.
How can you, so far away
remember me at all?
The street lights are turning on now
it will soon be dark.
Tell me how
to live without a heart.
galen treger Mar 2010
I tried so hard to reach you
But I can’t seem to break through
You continue to keep
The harder I try
The faster you fall
I’m ready to
Give up on you
I don’t know what else to do
It’s like I’m screaming
And you hear me, but you aren’t listening to me
You love the lies you tell yourself
And your mind thinks they are true
Because of how much you repeat them
Aloud and in your head
How dangerous.
You feel trapped
Not knowing what to do
So many things go wrong
But what you don’t get
Is under the shapeless words and I’m sorry’s
You know the real truth
You can fix your wrongs
And make them right
It seems that so much has gone wrong
That you are giving up
But it’s the wrong time for that
You tell yourself that I don’t care about you anymore
Yet another one of those lies
Cause if that was the truth
I wouldn’t still be around
You and I are living proof
That love is real
That love exists
But we’re also proof
That nothing is perfect
You get what you earn
You get out the same amount you put in
And right now
You are experiencing the cold truth
You have
No job
No money
No pride
No self confidence
No trust
From anyone
Is that how you want to live?
Seriously think.
Pay check by pay check
Bill by bill
Excuse after excuse
Borrowing knowing you can’t return
Being lucky as hell
To have just enough
Because as of right now
Your words mean nothing
Unless there is an action to back them up
I always say
“I’ll believe it when I see it”
And a cliché that fits
Actions speak louder than words
It’s true.
I wish for you to do better
I help you all I can
But I ran out of sympathy
I’m sorry.
And I’m not sure what to do
You should stop telling me that I need to prove myself to you
Because it is most definitely the other way around
I have never done anything
That would make you not trust me
I don’t break my promises
And I don’t forget about you, ever.
And now, I am killing myself from the inside out
For now, forget that you have me
And your mother
And your grandparents
And ryan
And all you have now is you
All your luck has run out
I don’t know what I’ve been doing all this time
There’s so much I feel you’ve stolen from me
And don’t get me wrong
I have expressed/given you all of that out of my love for you
But I feel drained.
I feel like even when I have nothing
You continue to pry.
And that frustrates me deeply
I don’t want to feel this way
And you can’t change for anyone but yourself
I feel scarred.
I can’t keep thinking
When will you change?
And keep a job
And get your life to where it should be
And be able to be independent?
And be free of borrowing, pills, and everything else you need
If you live the life you’ve lead
You’ll never get to what’s in store for you
You were dealt a certain hand
And you need to make decisions based on that
Not on what you think should have happened.
History repeats itself
And when I say be careful
I really mean it.
And please, when I talk about my past
Don’t get mad, and say “sweet”
Cause it means something to me
Which you need to respect
Ryan and I go way back
He’s my best guy friend
And even though it’s unfortunate he’s your little brother
How do you think he feels?
About you being his older brother
In this situation
Just think about the fact that
Things that don’t matter to you
Could mean a whole a lot to someone else
If it weren’t for ryan, I probably wouldn’t know you
Think about that maybe
Life is more then us.
My life can go beyond you.
I seem to keep telling myself
I’m done
And If so,
I won’t be around the drugs
And the lies
And the emotional obliteration
That has worn me down
We fight so much
Because I have lost all tolerance
I am no longer a pushover.
You are never going to win this war
Because you don’t understand
I’m not against you.
I’m trying to help you
And you just use me for support
You just think everyone around you
Will make up for your laziness
Poor decisions
And lack of effort to do anything
Things won’t just fall into place
You have to make things happen
On your own.
There are so many obstacles you face
But some you create
Inebriating yourself is IMMATURE.
It doesn’t make the problems go away
Or make reality disappear
And when it wears off
You are right back to where you were
And how you were feeling
Is it really worth it?
It makes you look like a coward
And helpless
But you’re more than that
When you blow coke
And smoke ***
And whatever else you do
And you lied to me and I didn’t find out
That’s no accomplishment
Cause you can’t fool yourself
And you can’t fool god
Under exaggerating the bad things you do
Doesn’t make it right
Or better
Or more okay because you only did a little bit, a couple times, maybe.
Don’t tell me you stopped smoking cigs because it will make me happy
Tell me when you have really done it
Because it should make you happy
And proud
You can’t careen through life
Just doing enough to survive
Doesn’t cut it.
Through these months
You’ve done just enough to keep me here
I am all that you have worked for
I look at you in distressing anger
Everything you do affects me
And emotionally
I have a notion
That you are afraid to ask for help
Besides money
I can’t see you not succeed
I’m just that kind of person
I don’t need tangible items
And gifts
And to be spoiled to know you love me
Wealth means nothing to me
Don’t try to buy me back into loving you
So baby please
Live your life to its fullest
Do everything to your full potential
And just please get your **** together
Because I don’t want to see us apart
And I know you can do it
I have full faith in you
And you always tell me
How I am the only one that matters
And only my opinion counts
I need you to put in a truthful endeavor
Your love for me emanates from your smiles
And hugs
And kisses
And I don’t want to lose it
So for our sake
And for the safety of your future
Take these words
And think about them
Cause I may forgive you one last time
You have had too many chances
And have completely ****** them all up.
Really think about what you are doing when the time comes to make a decision
And don’t make them because of me
Make them because you feel that even though its not what you may want
It’s what you have to do
To help yourself get out of being used to no daily routine
And dependence on others
And be a new
Mentally and emotionally stable
And most important
Be you.
I love you Justin Hurley Aronica
And I will love you forever
But it’s solely up to you
Whether or not I will be able to share my love with you
I didn’t know what love was
Until I met you
And now that we have experienced this deviation
I know what true love is
And it can’t be demised.
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
lips upon swell of breast,
caresses like a dance in
bated breath; a cry of
hunger unclothed to
nakedness; mouth travels
south, seeking to quench
libidinous drought; tongue
glides, nibbling kisses;
silently I sigh, each taste
he gets thicker as I become
wickedly *****

scents of honeysuckle
permeates the air as
tongue teases hardened
strobe; I glow within his
nature and he whispers in
elated breaths; I arch against
masculinity in sultry
poses, smiling in blushed
tints, fore, he knows me

and tells of his wants
to satiate my needs like
a rose opens its petals to
a bee's need; to suckle its
sepal of sweet nectar's
honey, sipped in little nips
inebriating his wanton
longing, he breaches
my honeycomb in gentle

he whispers against nape
of neck as hands control
movement of hip, tongue
glides against silken thigh;
in foolery baiting to entrap
me within his desirous
taunts of beggary...I sigh
Written by: Goddess of Sensuality aka NVMeeks
K Balachandran Mar 2014
He found a boundless sea inside  a diamond,
she keeps close to her soul, love pulsates in that ruby precious.
She wears an all -knowing smile, so ravishing,
when he gazes in to it, through her clear blue eyes.

He has seen memories that  quietly rest in her hive,
come searching for him, honeybees seeking the drops,
sweetness of the past inebriating at any time later.

We are wishes perennial of the people of yore,
who never ceased to love us
even after leaving the earth, for realms higher
echoes we are, from labyrinths of time
relayed from the timeless realm,
that appears after counting every universe existing there.
K Balachandran Sep 2013
An alien fruit
on a low hanging branch,
she swings invitingly
flaunting her color,
that pulled me near
what an adornment
you would be to my
meager fruit basket,
inebriating scent emanating
overpowers my senses.

Your design, I certainly smell
I hear the whisper,
the disclaimer to entice me
to your side, "I don't like him,
the keeper of my orchard,
he pretends he owns it
but does he know the truth?
it's different, fruits aren't
his passion, just a hoarder
he doesn't enjoy  the ripe fruits,
and I am a **** fruit,
I see yearnings play hide and seek
in your eyes, aren't you the kind of guy,
I've been waiting to come this way,
take me, soon I'll forget him,
throw away your qualms
like fruit peels to the dumps"

I can't now discern,
what I now think,
no, I am no purist
who detests tartness,
I like the taste of vinegar,
this fruit offers so much,
this is a taste I relish,
but I am not game for this,
like to chase and hunt,
fruits from higher branches,
"wouldn't touch a carcass,
even if it promises much"
Brandon Burtis Apr 2017
A clothes hanger
                   clutches a line
                   of paper lanterns
                                     lighting my next step
                                     on streets my shoes stick to
                                               from wheat beer
I hear the ‘Pit'                      coursing through cracks  
                    &                        inebriating aged clay bricks
                     of rain on rooftops
                                   & falsely take it
                                       for Charlie Parker's
                                                     'Hot House'
but it’s 2am near Tulane
  & they’ve graduated to
                  tracks from Tremé;
                  Brass jazz & barflies;
                  Mad Hatters & Mademoiselles
                                     dancing barefoot
                                     in the French Quarters
                                            under red fluorescent lights
                                               under cloud-covered stars;
She gets them drunk off dance & song;
Guaranteed to make locals
                      late to last call;
                      shows them back-country gems,
                        the beautiful ruins known only
                                                      by bayou gals
                                                            & city folk
outside,                                              in search of sirens
where the ceiling's missing,
dancing 'till their bodies taste like rain

They 'crash'
                                       .....breaking through worn wooden floors
                                                          ­           & cracks in plaster walls
lead by the ‘Pit’                                                     back to the street,
                              as other strange drops join the dance,
                              descending from skies to rooftops;
                                                     Finding lower highs
                                                     in search of Bourbon Street
                                                          ­          lost & looking
&                                                                 near Tulane at 2am
my blue suede shoes are dying of thirst,
                                 stuck upon each step;
                                          lacking direction
&                                         looking for jazz
waiting to drown
      in the 'Pit'
                 & 'Pat'
                     & splash
                         of this daily rain dance;
                         Lose myself in this listening
                         as dreamers do
                             on the streets near Tulane
                             At 2am;
Meant to be read like jazz.......preferably, with bourbon
Matthew M Apr 2013
Leeching light, vampire-like, her eyes burn,
Stolen attention lingers, cloyingly sweet,
Pearly laughs cling, bedeviling,
Shaking hips, like a disapproving finger,
Rising tides hold secrets close, unveiling,
A smirking smile, sweet as the taste of death,
Oh, angel lips, fallen to hell's debauchery,
Legs like an ignored muse, passion banked,
Hair's flick-kiss, black-heart dark,
Spicy scent, alcohol-like, inebriating,
Breathing deep the essence of the bonfire rose,
Ghost dance footprints fade and fulfill,
Everest's peak, an unscalable life-long goal,
Her free, stained-glass heart, my hopeless hope.
Nyx Apr 2024
Almost like it was etched into my soul
My mind refuses to forget.

I see you.
I see your smile.
And ****.
It consumes me again.

Dripping with that sickeningly sweet nectar
Reviving that lingering taste of honey on my tongue
Sparking that chaos that breeds like wildfire
For that foolish love that I once clung

Intoxicated by that familiar scent
Inebriating my mind of incoherent thought
Indulging in this irresistible poison
All sense of caution came to nought

That smile.
That ******* smile is what does me in

Blooming like honeysuckles on a vine
Vibrant in colour, alluring to the eyes
these blossoms aren't all new, just dormant for a time
lying in wait for the worst timing to arise

Entwining itself into the crevices of my heart
Spreading across my body it twirls and intertwines
Desperately trying to pull away as I might
But its futile against the ever tightening vines

You smile at me

Halting my breath but for a moment
As if encapsulating us in time
It feels almost as if the world is composed
completely of just you and I

I'm unable to resist

Big weld
Kane Jan 2015
The leaking beauty such as rebirthed life
And of the muddy earth slowly reclaimed
Persephone’s return, a dance of strife
Returning vividness, again, unmaimed
Escaping the monochromatic cell
By return of green, such luscious pigment
By Flora’s grace and by the Shepherd's bell
Revive events long free of merriment
The songbirds relearn their forgotten tunes
The bees prepare to collect flowered boons

Hibernation ending, returns routine
With warmth radiating, freely flowing
Crawling from thy shallow cave, sunlight seen
Flecked through dewdrops caught in Spider’s sewing
A land of new dawns, forgiving thieves
The fruit yet unblossomed, life is still ripe
The tree naked, still missing its leaves
Coverings absent before the first gripe
The animals hunger to end their fast
Humans hunger to remember the past

Come, serenity destroying pigment
Rend the ebony earth delicately
Spread your lovely, inebriating scent
And thus, set every fashion of life free
Free from that immaculate white prison
Free to frolic in fresh fields, unrestrained
The sun, in more wakefulness, risen
To maintain, nature’s mischievous work reined
In preparation for the coming time
The time of heat, growth, and color sublime
Riq Schwartz Mar 2014
This bottle bleeds like heartbeats
inebriating grass
contesting dew drops
     heartstopping plot lines
meanwhile fireflight christens
the night that listens
to our intoxicated forgetfulness
a cheap libation
young-morning dream sleep
waking walking, weaving
half-heard whispers of stubborn solemnity, we
wrought havoc;
we were not in love
it was just the cold night air
     and the field that smelled of chardonnay
Owen Feb 2021
Tonight, like every night,
and every day,
she is there
on my mind
all the time.
Her smile and her eyes
looking at me, and I
am the luckiest man
and I know that its true,
because my dreams of you
are inebriating, lucid, stirring,
She really gets me going :)
K Balachandran Nov 2011
an armadillo
falling in love
with an ant;
a tragedy
in the making.

                      A nightingale
                      getting enamored
                      by a crow;
                      certainly is
                      a comedy
                      in perfect proportions.
an elephant
the tropical jungles,
falling head over heels
for a blue whale,
even if for a while
is an adventure perilous
                         he and she  
                         falling in love
                         without rhyme or reason
                         propelled by a heavy dose of passion
                         is love at first sight, the height
                         it is thought, of a romantic liaison!
but tragedy and comedy
with all probabilities of
incompatibility lurk in human minds
till it strikes with out any signal of warning,
if the two, supposedly madly in love
are not certain, of the reasons, of the love that struck them,
and swept off the feet, in the inebriating love season
There were
Valentine Days

when these
would clink
to toast

she can't
live with him for
one more day

no longer
can she
suffer the
of his

the *****
just dropped
him through
yet another
trap door

in a long
of trap doors
rapidly in a
plunge to
a hard

one morning
she awoke
refusing to be
held hostage
by his raging

not one
single day

insanity, the
danger, the
threat the
parade of
pain needed
to end

she was sick
and tired
of being
sick and

she wisely
his *** out
and returned
his engagement ring

he went back
to Service Merchandise
on Valentines Day
to get a refund

his plan was to
hock it for *****

the merchant
only offered to credit
his expired charge card

he would have to wait
to see the charge reversed
on a future months statement

no dough for *****
that day as the
automatic doors
swung open
he realized he
should have
the ring

we like to remember the days of wine of roses
we forget about the lousy days of shots and beers
the world of spirits bedevils us

do you still believe in love?
vaya con dios mi amigo

Frank Sinatra
The Days of Wine and Roses

Bijan Rabiee Feb 2021
Colored clouds furnished the sky
Pink, yellow, orange and white
Imparting mystic images
Stimulating the view
The messages my heart decoded
To be from fire eroded
The gods and goddesses of yore
Rejuvenating my calor
The caress of passing breeze
Seemed no longer mundane
Flock of birds wafting above
Deity formation in disguise
The rays of Sun a rapid river
Flowing into ocean of air
In high plains i heard a whisper
Soothing my wounded crown,
Inebriating my spirit
Such calmness i had never felt
Such state far beyond pain
As the moments began to last
Intensifying my soul's goal
Time admonished the Earth to roll
And diminish the light fast
Where day endured becoming past.
aurora kastanias Nov 2017
Enticing transparency of glass, crafted
sand shaping figure, wide cavity craving
to be filled allowing, oxidation melding
to capture oxygen emanate aromas,

inebriating flavours held by opaque
long stems impeding my consideration, I want
I do not, an automated old recurring gesture
creeping slowly from within, whispering

no harm will come from flowing, burgundy
liquid gold in the abyssal hole where stormy
tides hide ghostly presence, of memories
left behind. Fooling mind in thinking I

am only slightly, braking the rule being
responsible by starting, lightly. It is only
eleven after all and with a drop it’s twelve
before I know. A more appropriate time

to indulge, caressing bottles faithful
lovers pouring to please me, while
viciously they hurt me slithering inside.
I select the self-inflicted idea, that I can deal

I do not, have a problem if I cut, down
that’s just because I want to, not because
I have to. And I am more fun, I can relate
Or at least pretend I do without, feeling

like a fish out of water I can laugh disregarding,
the harm that has been done, to me
of which I am weary. Believe me it is scary.
And as my lips turn purple despite a soothing

taste I don’t like, myself in this state I rather,
run to my refuge where I do. Love humanity
yet know so well, no one will ever care, more
for me than myself. Miss that little girl,

always smiling counting stories, now
shading behind glasses to keep every other
being at a distance. Unable to flout
the Universe’s tendency unlike humans,

to prefer me when I am sober. They don’t
know, how could they, believing they are
worried when they claim I need it, a social
life yet they ignore, how overly populated

is my soul, encompassing them all.

Last drops and I linger regretting
lost hours drowned in wine.
On Alcoholism and sobriety
aurora kastanias Oct 2017
You are to be found far and wide within
Me and out, flowing through veins, inundating
Entirety. Ancient drops of you concealed
In stars released through showering debris,
Rendering existence possible, your absence
Intolerable, instincts in eternal search of you.

Intimacy in little opaque cabins made of glass,
Ceramic tubs, algae basins, riverbeds, by shores
Where feet don’t touch, blanketing granular materials,
Silicon dioxide in the form of insoluble quartz, calcium
Carbonate from shells and skeletons of organisms,
Corals and molluscs losing you forever, stranded in deserts.

I allow you all for you know how, to gently
Lick and lap thirsty skins, totality of my body
Hankering after vital substance as you take control
Of me, manipulating vibrations with mastery, unaware
Of your nature, crucial lymph, my only lover,
Forcefully penetrating cavities and pores.

I shut my eyes to your caress, yearning
For profundity, melting desiring fusion as
I unseal my lips to drink of you, inebriating
The perfect system longing to redefine
Itself through absorption, recognising
Its consistency, you within and out.

Your power soothes my consciousness, heals
My ills, paces my movement as your sound
Orchestrates, my heartbeat and breath to
The rhythm of universal quantum. You are old.
Billions of years constantly mutate your state
From ice to vapours, though I crave for you most

In liquid form.
Jakob Doran Jun 2013
I am drunk on the poetry of a new found love,
it's a flow not a bond and it's well dreamt of.
Whilst the waters are sweet and crisp and clear,
a little further on a fork slides near.
The inebriating liquor pours under my skin,
so despite the cascade my face creeps to a grin.
Awash in the eddies of this close-found dream,
I giddy at the thought of rejoining downstream.
aurora kastanias Oct 2017
They flow in the meanders of streets and bars,
Warnings by enslaved sugar cane harvesters from afar.
The produce as dangerous as lashes on disobedience,
From sloshed owners of plantations delirious. Tipsy greed.

Known to colonists for driving drinkers mad,
“Le rhum rend fou” they whisper in France, gulping
The brutal inebriating substance of wrong doings,
Turning blind eyes to ancient ports of human trade.

He was a descendent of those who stayed behind,
Only to later emigrate to the Metropole, unwanted
Reminders of ungrateful history. Parents working
Hard to fulfil disillusioned dreams of opportunities.

His amber bottle, his best friend, able to turn white
Sclera red, smiles into raging smears and slurs, be it
Not a swear word, using lexicon to hurt as pupils
Dilate, for looks to stab and offend, cursing blessings.

Easier to be a victim than take responsibility, blaming
All exception made for the precious liquid, bashing
Intentions with statements of futility, projects with
Sentences of failure, as the last drop burns a sore throat.
nin-esque Nov 2013
Lady In Satin
rotates ‘round the phonograph
in melancholic

motions, leaving my
swollen tear ducts to moisten
my dry, longing skin.

I can no longer
write about your tender lips.
or vivacious eyes.

I can no longer
write about your presence- so

I can no longer
write about your honest soul
or audacious heart.

I can no longer
wish upon the moon in hopes
of you returning.

I can no longer
keep knocking on hope’s closed door.
I can no longer

love you.
Dania Jun 2014
It all crashed,
As if an intoxicated child had been steering towards the corner of Absentminded and Dazed.
                                                          ­    Harmless.
I just wanted the rush of it all.
I wanted to feel the car collide into a whirlwind of commotion.
                                                      ­        Chaos.
I wanted the chaos.
I craved the chaos.
The hectic emotions that skipped over the sweet heartbeats when our pulses fluttered together;
They were inebriating, invigorating,
Enthralling every ounce of my reluctant reason to thrill.
I wanted the lust and the simple beauty in love that I couldn’t have.
And it killed me.
I crashed into arteries of reality.
The ****** absorbed every fiber in my form,
Every neural tissue that tingled from the tips of my hair follicles to my toes.
Not one cell was safe,
Because my heart wanted what it wanted,
And it led my atoms to do things unimaginable—
Undesirable, but oh so desirable,
And it led me to…            
Tammy Cusick Mar 2017
And if she were my world,
she'd be right in the center,
between the soil,
where our skin would suffice a splinter,
I tried to call death but heaven already sent her.
Her stinging euphoria exhilarates my touch,
her body against mine has never felt so cold,
I've never felt a lifeless hold,
until I looked into her shimmered, crevassed eye's.

Not until she embraced my souls walls,
I listened to her indigenous call,
now I'm trapped in her concrete noose,
and I wouldn't wanna hold on any tighter to her recluse,
her voices music is my only muse.

I'm coiled up, tattered, and blue.
Now tell me,
where the **** are you?
a corpse has never been my reluctant seal,
but sometimes disgust brings the prettiest of deals.

Edging down these thick gray slabs,
the inebriating smell of your stench takes hold and grabs,
down my jaw-line,
her favorite feature,
and around my neck paperless and thin,
then tightened at the top,
She was holding the lever the second before I dropped.

Now I subdue into this henchman's knot,
fading into her chaos I decay,
death and I will go far away,
where the luminous meadows enrich our souls,
and my body forever in her rotting lifeless hold,
we'll float away onto burning coals,
'cause life ain't nothin' but gold when you've got a noose around your neck,
and nothin' to hold.
I rarely post onto this site anymore. So let me know what you think and I might share more!
aurora kastanias Jan 2018
Crystalline waters enclose the rocks
Which ancient sailors swore to be,
The remnants of genesis leftovers
Of creation ****** deep, in the heart

Of the Mediterranean sea. Stones
Of philosophers mystic alchemy,
Metamorphosing mercury into precious metals,
Silver and gold, thoughts and ideas.

Blissful grounds of Magnum Opuses
In search of enlightenment where arid soils,
Nurture the trees symbolising peace
Delivering fruits treasuring divine,

A golden juice, a gift from Athena, goddess
Of wisdom gently slithering In Greek veins,
Inebriating essence with innate, gratitude
Towards nature and pride for roots profoundly,

Entrenched in concepts of liberty equality
Justice for all human beings, are equal by nature
Social animals responsible for,
Governing themselves within a civil society

Of free individuals. A land encompassing
A thousand islands, perpetual movement
Of tectonic plates under a blistering sun,
Caressing mountains a tireless breeze, whirls

The little white flowers off olive trees,
Now embodying the pervasive spirits of past
Conquerors standing on millenary blood-bathed
Territories ruled, yet by the twelve Olympians

A mythology while history is written
And narrates, the story of the men who fought
For pride and glory earthly vices
And out of Love.
On Greece
I loved it when the Snowflakes fell
On the fourth of July.
They tittered there, in my eyes,
Captivating you as you stood idly by.

It made you think of yesteryears,
So cold in the snow, the forest here,
But as it quietly fell all round' you did not fear,
it was the chill that made you feel warm, alive, real.

Your blank spheres connected with mine, across time
and through space you could see the patterns,
they too made you feel alive, a blink of life,
A maze of God made man to get lost in,
and, alas, you felt, a tingle, a spark,
a fire in your heart,
A tickle on your cheek,
A nerve run down your spine,
It was inebriating, illuminating,
without form or word, just a feeling,
And the smile never reached my lips but
You could feel the darkness my little snowflakes,
Elusive Self
my heart calls
I have caught all
my teardrops in
a glass goblet
for you to swallow

Now you can gauge
the depths of my love

along the river banks
I glimpse your
azure face
and the sun's rays falling
prostrate at your spangled feet

sometimes I camouflage
myself as a golden deer
praying you'll bestow
a tender caress
one single rosebud kiss

possessed and enchanted
I stalk your inebriating
like a shadow chases the

Is there hope for me

can I survive one instant
without You
nin-esque Nov 2013
Time is merely a nonexistent concept
when your dark Oak wood eyes kiss
mine — and it is then that my skin
unravels itself as I become lost
in the inebriating feel of your presence —
intricacy makes up your delicate touch
and I have never felt such pristine and
tepid skin — my fearful soul has been
unhinged and you have inhabited my
hollow heart — I am not afraid and my
hope has been replenished —
promises of eternity have been planted
as you float in my crimson bloodstream
claiming ownership of every cell that creates
my being — these signs of possible love from
you permit my mind to wonder if it is enough
to profess my own love for you — one could
certainly be mistaken, though, given your
natural deceiving tendencies — perhaps I
am the moon you become desirous for
when the sun fails to rise in the deepest
craters of your mind — I will without hesitance
conquer your soul the way you have with
mine — and fear will run aggressively off
the cliff never to be seen again — and
our ardent love will lace itself between
every star that comforts the moon above
our bed as we find each others soothing
touch — and it is then that we both will
disintegrate into the wind — watering the
promise of eternity.
Aditya Roy Sep 2017
The sun is eclipsed by the moon
The sun’s on the rise
It learns to shine through like a sea green sunny noon

The whispers of the mermaids in the sea
Seek ears of humans deep down in the water
Never hoping or wanting to pass on the lonesome egotistic plea

The swan drives away the ugliness away from the duckling
By exposing it to its cygnets who swim close to it to investigate
But the swan parents remain far and friendly afterwards hurriedly engage in beauteous bucolic buckling

The supernova explodes but leaves no more than gas
We humans lurch in overt ****** up obesity
And splutter plastic bags and corpulence and we think we still have space for inebriating grass

We are social animals but among us we have introverts
Tells us we aren’t just animals
But laughingly we believe what we are told by scientific and psychological adverts

We learn to believe in weather forecasts
But never learn to get wet in the predicted rain
Because we will carry umbrellas and raincoats in the face of the challenge of having to face our embarrassing pasts

Imagine the embarrassment of being prone to embarrassment
Nothing to live for but we live to protect ourselves
How vain since never learn to open our hearts to anyone and we disobey the volatile tenements

Volatile since we have never learned to love people above our future
We always feel god but the joy of seeing him in his fake flesh is incomparable
We on the contrary are giving more credence to something intangible rather than something close to our own soul and nature

The deaf man isn’t heard after all he can’t hear
When will you learn to listen to the person representing him
When the earth shakes and you realize that your ears are nothing compared to THE ear

Because both of you will be equally aware
You may not help him but you will receive his help
Because of the hate and ostracization that he faced and in that time of sadness there was no façade that his sensitive self decided to wear

The blind man definitely hears on the radio when the revolution is through
And the last protest was wrapped up too
In that dystopia the blind man will still see what people do
When they apoplectically turn against the lot they will understand the psychological fallacy of survival of the fittest which forms a strange brew
Because the theory brings a superiority complex in those who believe they are the fittest whereas being neutral is closest you can get to God and inner peace too
Which is achieved naturally by a very few
The feeling of megalomania is quite widespread in antagonists and if you find one in a movie you in the face of your complex are mostly likely to sue
It's all in the title. It's surreal and satirical.
Telepathy mentality's osteopathic prescience.  Futurity's fatidic,  retrospectively retroactive's omniscient ubiquity.  Infinite possibility's eidetic prospectus perpetrates incorporeity ideology's perfectible ontology.  Objectified manifest's dimensional delineation presages astral projection's mystic symbiotic existential extremity.  Exserted protuberance corporeally preternatural's dynamic progressiveness.  Distance traveled time spent's investiture annuities to capital appreciation equity. 


Inebriating elixir this camaraderie prospectus perplexity.   Fecundity's exogamy with spatiotemporal telemetry's virility.  Propinquity habitation's harbingers of harangued.    Carousel ceaselessly ceremony chaos character charisma.  Extravagantly exorbitant flirtatious flamboyance, laboriously beleaguering hypercritically meticulous tedium.  Down here at the bizarre bazaar we all believe in the blasphemous farcical fugue-ness estranged ensemble orchestrations and all.
Some of us are even into the various assorted forms of related stranger weirdness, similar states of analogous contusion and ancillary subordinateness.  Elan vital's apotheosis.  The power of amendment.

— The End —