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3.7k · Aug 2022
Meek Emotions
To the distraction of work
Those toxic emotions are there
Being silenced and overlooked
In the corner of heart
Those emotions are empowering herself
Soon she’ll be pushing for equality
Distraction and denial won’t overpower
Sending me into a downwards spiral.
Burying my emotions away, won’t work for forever
3.1k · Oct 2020
Black Boy
At the beginning of time
they saw him as a slave
Now, it’s the police prime
to shoot him into the grave
Peers scared he’ll steal their toys
Teachers still stereotype that his a black boy
Expel him giving his future to the gangs
Either jail or stuck between devil’s fangs
Scrabbling through the trauma
Living through hates non-understandable
Unaware, untrained he’ll be a black man
Until then, either he stays in a comma
‘Cause I don’t know how the black boy can survive.
Honestly I don’t know what you guys think about this one. Hard writing about things political, societal shortfalls, economics. Things I’m passionate about. Many this is the first of many poems telling stories that aren’t told.
2.7k · Feb 2021
My Pink Palace
Pink Palace, I’ll protect from the white fish
Satisfaction is sometimes a slippery *****.

Pink Palace, the wettest and darkest cave
Never exposed to sunshine
Hopefully never exposed to unwanted prey.

Pink Palace, fingers, toys, members
No need to feel guilt, girl, for being human.

Pink Palace, no matter what they say
“Shield... security” or “Expose... enjoy”
It’s my choice what I do with you
My Pink Palace.
A relationship I haven’t yet fully comprehend and understand. An object I’m proud to have
2.5k · Jun 2022
Hand You a Rose
I would of handed you a rose
With beauty catching all eyes,
Energy that gives the term energy new meaning
Yet you have given the effigy
Of the former bright glow of your heart
First preference
And my rose would be better purpose
For someone else

A poem to myself
How i let the negative idea conquer the my true self and how i let that deny me from great things.
2.3k · Jun 2022
Blue Season
Ready my therapist, ready the tissues
Suicidal jargon and self harm, tenth issue
My tears, the alien plants to my fragile
sanctuary, ******* all the water and smiles,
Are changing to healthy oak trees,
Odd, in Blue Season, trees shrink to weeds,
The rain queen has become a frivolous giver,
And I remember how the cactus use to quiver
because Blue Season meant the Sun’s burning rays,
Well, the cactus isn’t **** anymore! Back to wearing his spiky clothes always.
Industrial air to countryside,
My fauna and flora haven’t died,
Actually they have multiplied,
The poachers, the self harm, hasn’t ambushed,
No, no! They have been seen about
But they’re less and success is a doubt.

Momentary depression, the lethal poison to
my sanctuary, wreckage seems to be subdued.
There’s still challenges in my sanctuary. However, mostly from death being the only way to super sad just need some chocolate, family, friends, a good book vibes, I feel proud.
2.1k · Oct 2021
The Undertaker
Staring, inane, deeply in reflective glass;
Nothing but green & gone am I;
At work, I wear dumb sunglasses
to hide, not sorrowful, but puffy, glossy eyes.

Soldiers, I ride clouds, later to fall in pits;
I sniff, I live. It fades, my life fades with it;
Soldiers with flags & badges, they lowered you;
Soon when I’m lowered too, would I have that too?
For substances and few crows will sing my song;
I envy soldiers, for the land will sing you long & long…
Please, can an angel save an angel,
The phoenix in your heart to roar, cry and
counsel to counsel, bold eagle angle,
No! “Just survive **** state” should be shunned.

Splash cash to prevent invaders but evil
invaded your uncle’s, boyfriend’s, son’s
heart. Loved men stuck in **** state’s upheaval,
Men and women don’t recognise the Sun.

“Just survive **** state” is **** tolerance,
We march ‘cause we have **** intolerance!
How can say happy women’s month when it’s not safe to be a women in South Africa.
1.7k · Jun 2022
Uncle Eric
Theirs tears are wiped by your words

Your prayer, the prey to their sadness

Hope is the response to your call

These radio waves push them to greener shores

Yet, I pray for you

That the thousandth, millionth time
Still has that first time glow
I had a chat with Uncle Eric who works at a prayer hotline. He prayed for my exam and he gave me his best wishes and advice. Then, when he was done, I asked him about his day. He just said how he asks God everyday for the strength to help people deal with their problems. I bet I must be the hundred person he has spoken to today but, I wonder, how he keeps up his vibrance.
1.7k · Aug 2021
Mirror, mirror
When my mind gets lost in the far corner of the dark side of the moon,
the need grows for razors to expose my blood, destroying progress’ fragile balloon,
I glaze myself in the mirror and, as if the mirror magically change
The beast I thought to see, to a fair queen. Who wonders why we grew estranged.
It’s does quick glances at the mirror that allow you to see the truth
1.4k · Jun 2022
Bare Respect
Innocence clothes me
The sin strips me
And I allow it
So my friends respect me.
The pressure to have *** in this generation…
1.1k · Feb 2021
Coconut? No!
Ain’t a hard, ***** brown shell
(Not a veneer covering that I’m lost)
Ain’t any edible white liquor inside me
(My black roots stops me from being uprooted)
Ain’t just colour for an outer layer
(The proudness that comes with being a god)
Ain’t no coconut, I’m being me
(Without using your stupid stereotype to judge my blackness by)
While white people make me feel insignificant then some black people make me feel no black enough.

Where the black love brothers and sisters?
I feel alone and hated by all
1.1k · Jan 2021
Her Hare
She needs a hare to fill the missing blocks
She needs a guide to help avoid the flock
A lover a reminder that’s she’s never alone
A comedian to get a laughter’s loan
A sick Santa to not gift tears on missed birthdays
A lullaby to swift sleepily from yesterday
She needs a hare to brush as mom rides the highs
A hairy being when no human beings is neigh

A fat hare eating rabbit food like her skinny dad
A big cheeks hare like his cheeks when mad
A friend for the bereaved until his death clarify
She needs a hare to stop her from asking why.
I wish i had a hare to comfort me when my dad left and never came back. Honestly it feels like his dead because i will never see I’m again
1.0k · Dec 2021
the stone
the stone had been left alone
to trek in search of a pool
that when a child offered the stone a floatie
the stone turned down the offer  
to drown
in the “stone’s special pool”
maybe the insecurity/pride/resentment
adding a extra ton or two
When I started hitting the gym, I had no trainer, friends and what not. Today I laughed how flustered I was when this other gentleman came up to me to give me advice.
1.0k · Sep 2022
Liberation South Africa
For we so fearful, let me lead with caution
to the truth your mind feels needs protection
We’re fenced
in and can't get out to be fully liberated.
Yes, fully, not this half liberated we overexaggerated
which made us blind to our institutionalized minds.
The Phala-Phalas know this, so this gang always reminds
us about 27 years, making us their voter slaves.
Until we realise Mandela took his party with him in his grave,
there's a Hendrik that keeps our rainbow apart.
Even if unity is the deepest desire of our hearts!
This poem is relevant until another GBV case takes the nation's attention away...
970 · Aug 2021
Haiku 08.21
To Rashid Khan and Qais Ahmed

During dread and death,
You use leather and willow,
To show Afghan’s strength.
Two of my favourite cricketers, Rashad Khan and Qais Ahmed, are examples of strength and character. Even though the Taliban of taken over Afghanistan 🇦🇫, we can still use sports to help achieve peace.
951 · Sep 2021
This note
i write
This note
because it will serve as evidence
of us until the earth has to pass
death do our bodies part
But Not
This note
and not our Love.
i promise…
“For as long eyes can see..”
815 · Apr 2022
X’s and O’s
long stretches of disappointing time
have turned you blind
to your dreams

well, in this time i have grown my vision
now i play life’s game
with better timing and precision

blind as you are
you’ll trip on your past convictions
flat on your face, full of regret

i pray
i don’t become blind
the older i get

resume to live by my unwise heart
manoeuvre to where
my unsure mind sees best

and this is how i see i’ll win,
where you have lost,
in the cruel game of life

(3 O’s in a row. I win!)

is my youth
my fall

and i’m unawarely
walking down the same blinding path
as you

will i see
that i’m blind
life has got me outplayed and i lost?
Dreaming is a necessity. Like everything necessity, it’s your responsibility to preserve it from it being stolen, even if the theft is life…
801 · Jul 2021
Her father wants his cows
Her father wants his cows
He said I can’t come inside
I can’t loiter by the gate
I can’t see my love
Her father wants his cows
Cows of great size
Cows the acres of the veld to the lake
Then I can see my love

Her father wants his cows
Then i told him i am a poet
And little did i know it
From his dreams he was aroused
He changed me a dead dove
And now i can see my love

Maybe i should of told him
I’m a poet at day’s dim
And a doctor with whims
Can you lie about your profession during lobola negotiations?
776 · Aug 2021
Time that is the enemy of purpose,
    Breathing birthing nothing but burden of ageing,
Wasting the time, in shortage, which one regrets
  when wrinkled and disabled,
      Waiting for Grim to release from illness.
Alas, if sleep is the cousin of death,
  This is dying and seeing death coming.
Life is short and making every single an eventful, admirable movie. Never experiencing a dull moment. Merely is impossible. If you can’t prove me wrong.
738 · Sep 2021
If he became a poem
He would mean nothing to me
He would no longer be held hostage in my heart.
  He would be prisoner to pen and paper.
       Easily disposable
   Easily replaceable
718 · Oct 2021
This Life No Balance
Life is a dice with four frightening faces,
Two faces with eyes seeing some joy and peace,
While you’re given another year,
Others are denied another taste of life,
Why? Well, this life no balance.

Others must sleep “comfortably” in a box or urn, River flowing from mother’s eyes. Shock fawning
sister’s eyes- soon she’ll also have a river,
The fat lady angelically burps every note with
a vein fighting for freedom from her fat neck
and furious eyebrows on her Ferrari red face,
Emotions fail to change that this life no balance.

And your drunken uncle slurps though his story…
The uncle looks like his competing with the dead,
Joyless, soulless, lifeless, died. Keep a watch on him,
We don’t want to be back here next week.
Yet who loves being in a life with no balance.

Priest, enjoys excited couples not cold corpses,
said “We are higher when we are on our knees.”
even more closer when we lay six-feet under,
That makes sense ‘cause this life no balance.

Time with your friends is only borrowed,
Tell the friend, sit down, stop pacing on end,
His racked with guilt when time is who to blame,
He’s wasting tons of time trying to solve infinities,
It’s simply answered, this life no balance.

On your birthday, smile until your cheeks swell!
‘Cause this life no balance. Never has. Never will!
My classmate said it perfectly, “This life no balance.”
Losing my friend four days before my birthday just proves that this life isn’t fair.
709 · Feb 2021
You broke up with me
Because I’m emotionally not stable
Who was that emotional stable person
You were dating for the last five months
That was never me.
706 · Nov 2020
The Grey Fence
A Black House and a White House,
       Lived on opposite ends and worlds,
Were merely divided by a Grey Fence.

The Black House made bricks of unknown,
                  So the Grey Fence was taller,
The White House made bricks of misjudgment,
            So the Grey Fence was wider.
The White House dug trenches of resentment,
                Then the Grey Fence had depth,
The Black House made bob-wires of pride,
                     So the Grey Fence had spikes.

The Black House and White House
Made improvements to the Grey Fence,
Until it was insurmountable, but hence
Came at the expense of the land of their houses.

They went back to living in their own worlds.
Settlers saw opportunity in the Grey Fence.
Doors, windows, furniture made it into house.

The Grey House was the tallest,
Wideness made it the biggest,
With trenches and bob-wires as protection,
The beaut besting between the three.

The White House got a sour sledgehammer,
The Black House an envious ripping bar,
The White House a jealous jackhammer,
The Black House a beguile bulldozer.

Both houses were going hammer and tongs,
Trying to demolish what they had built.
Minutes, hours, day after day and beyond
But the Hate, the Grey Fence, was rock solid.
A fence can stop things from coming in but can keep things- influences, ideology, beliefs. I know alot of won’t read this poem because it’s “lengthy”. However the message sticks. What fences have u built? Why? In future will u need to demolish it?
706 · Jan 2022
So Goodbye
Word of the Challenge

I tried smiling and pretending,
Amputating my memory of your sea lover,
Simply there’s a cerulean hue when I see you,
Again thoughts of her mermaid hands on you,
Gashes a pain from my heart in ICU,
And realisation of my flatline faith in you.
It keeps reminding of that ******* the beach you kissed and I can’t be with you no longer. Goodbye.
692 · Dec 2021
The Wise Man in the Coffin
For a week a man laid stiffen,
Was alive for his funeral in his coffin,
He admired the awing voices of the local choir,
For a second forgot why it was grimier,
He disapproved the chosen reverend,
For his summons would go on on end,
He couldn’t get over the irony so strong,
So many heartbeats for a summary a page long,
For a moment he wished he was dead,
For his mother retold childhood stories, turning his face red,
His love for his wife was renewed,
For on her face she had his buttocks tattooed,
He let out a silent one when his friend spoke,
Gas so deadly he could of choke,
He was irritated by his mother-in-law,
Lying that she loved him when he was her daughter’s biggest “flaw”,
His son had his heart overwhelmed,
Saying all the words in his pronunciation realm.

With his joy overflowing,
And the guilty for the tears growing,
The wise man bursted from his hiding place,
Embracing everyone, ignoring their confused face!

You might call the wise man mad,
While we are alive we insult, we make people sad,
But when they die, we utter praises, but they can no longer be glad.
That’s some serious irony.
686 · Oct 2021
Lonely heart
What a lonely heart remembers
Is what it needs to forget
And a lonely heart forgets
How to remember to forget…
In an attempt to survive
624 · Jul 2020
Everyday is Everyday
The sun will rise everyday,
Then will decent at sunset everyday,
The air will fill and empty your lungs
Every second and every minute everyday,
Hundreds of people die everyday,
But there’s thousands of births everyday,
Your history grows with every passing day,
And your future grows smaller everyday,
You must open your gift, the present, everyday
Even if it’s unpleasant or the best thing ever,
You must accept this gift everyday
And everyday and everyday and everyday,

Then comes that one day,
You see the sunrise and the sunset
And feel the air pass through your lungs
On that day you can touch the happy
Ambience of new live, the last time, and hear
The stories of your yesterday and listen
To the hopes for an innocent infant’s life,
On that day your hopes are pipe dreams
Cause today there’s no more tomorrow
Sadly, you join the fact of everyday
Then when you enter the door of sorrow
Inside the house the beds are cold coffins
And your everyday become yesterday.
All beautiful things
can’t compete with your beauty
Wearing school uniform
when you’re suppose to be dripping in pearls
guarded by red roses
Priceless, all the money in
the world isn’t enough
Bad foresight and your fairness
makes me blind to
everything except you
Gentle eyes, the door to the universe
The door to tranquil rivers of joy
The door to air, water and life itself
I talked to God asking if
Heaven is missing an angel.
P.S you’re beautiful
610 · Aug 2022
Envious eyes
My envious eye breaks my heart
When Romeo takes Juliet’s hand
in his, studies her eyes like the stars,
Breathes her scent, rich and sweet Jasmine sings
Slowly settles his lips on her
Kisses that Juliet under the moon's watchful eye
While my envious eye breaks my heart
My eyes start to sweat from the hard labor of jealousy
Will ever love, will I ever feel joy, will I ever have what Romeo has?

Romeo’s envious eye breaks his heart
When I hold the delicate flower in my palm
Observing how live courses thought Mother Nature
Breathing in the fresh morning dew
Then gently place my ***** on the grass
Drinking in the warm eye of heaven
While Romeo’s envious eye breaks his heart
For he will never get to live again, to love again
At least for Romeo, he can coldly caress Juliet’s corpse.
Jealous of his love, jealous of my life
604 · Apr 2022
Big problem
God makes beautiful women
Then the devil uses them
cover all doddles, hearts & scrabbles
teenage love evoking the inner child
innocent for now with a liberated soul

cover all doddles, hearts & scrabbles
teenage love evoking the childhood pain
swings couples where former child’s tears spilled

cover all doddles, hearts & scrabbles
teenage love has dramatic different faces
i don’t long to see ugly doddles and scrabbles
only the pretty hearts

i might paint the walls white
cover all old doddles, heart & scrabbles
draw our love story, me with my new partner
& pray, there only is pretty hearts.
Yet it ends up the same
554 · Feb 2021
Preposition of 2020
Up on top of the valley
Is the hometown girl
Under the scorching sun
Plays the guitar
Between the D Majors
Inwards came invisible crowns flying
Positioned in unpredictable times
Within or withheld in the belly of the beast
Behind a mask and up on an imagery valley
The girl’s guitar frolics freely.
Even if we’re contained. We can still be free.
548 · Apr 2021
To drop the call
I’m still there
On the other side of the line
I’m still here
And I love you
Why did u forget?
To keep the safety on
Or was it intentional
U didn’t drop the call but the gunshots drops u six feet under. I’m alone on the line
515 · Aug 2021
Beautiful Tattoo
Let me tattoo you with every beautiful word
in every language
so you can permanently see how beautiful you are.
Stop believing u are beautiful for a day but know that you are beautiful everyday.
514 · Mar 2022
Plastic & Plastic
The gen-z,
Opposition to plastic,
But in their social media sea, see,
The bombastic
amount of plastic people,
Floating and chanting against climate change,
The movement is only steeple,
To acclaim more turtle followers. In exchange
they don’t nothing but say hoaxes,
Let the environment die with a pretty pose.
There’s a difference between activism and PRing
506 · Sep 2021
You should of known
That I could do more with my breath
   than sing Funeral hymns
I could of told you a joke
Give you chats lasting throughout the night
Comfort you when you needed
      Someone the most
I could of shown all things before you took
     That last burdened breath.
  The grim, wooden human box
Tells me you have taken all your breaths
  I conclude, I’ll sing this Funeral hymn
        Like it’s the last breath I’ll ever take.
495 · Mar 2021
Fishing at 2am
The clock’s short arm
is two lines over midnight,
And the internet is a river
of nocturnal creatures,
My fishing rod is as plastic as
my phony profile picture’s nose,
A scripted act of deep affection
a tasty trapping virtual bait,
Singing mermaid ringing you in
There’s nowhere else to swim.

Successful the catfish-lady catching a fish-man.
I wonder if there any catfishes on HP using poetry to draw us in?
473 · Feb 2022
Ooh Why
I have been given
Two handsome guys
But they are
Both immature…
Better I’ll think I’m soo lucky,
Now I feel so unlucky
469 · Feb 2021
I see you have a Valentine
So I’ll show what we had was better,
Yes, our fire has turned into ashes
plus the warmth is long gone,
I’ll try to rekindle the flames
that we once owned.
Yet I don’t know how
to reignite our love
With waterfalls of tears
from my eyes.
Wow you “moved on” quickly however, nevertheless, i wish you and him the best of luck. Goodbye
449 · Jan 2021
Outsmarted Ronald Reagan
If you’re incarcerated black man
for selling rock around the block
Outplay Reagan with your smart investments
In the 80’s rock
By getting some white kid to sell the rocks
The state protects them, ain’t for us
Finding any reason to keep us locked up.
Crack epidemic was an easy go to to sent young black men to jail and keep the black revolution from happening. Anyway Crack is Wack.
416 · May 2022
Gogo Wails
A mournful wail
But brain makes her a whisper
Your heart, somewhere, feels a distance
As they khuluma
And you can’t
Yet they praat
And you caught a bietjie
Not like your people and not accept by white people.
411 · Jun 2021
Black Colonisers
I look at the painting,
The green forestry,
Pale blue sky,
Labourers in red clothes,
Wearing white.
Is this right?
Maybe, I’m in black, benefiting,
Upholding a treasury,
One had to die…
They graciously do, keeping the oaths,
That the old brown book writes.
It says that, right?
Would I know when I’m part of the problem?
405 · Jul 2021
eye never loved u
eye needed u 2 love me
2 substitute
da hate eye hv 4 myself
I would of left u after first day if i wasn’t initially empty and allowed u to make it worse
370 · Feb 2022
Public Prison
Juffrou, will the public prison set you Free
(Free like the Freedom we use to opPress)
mob trail wants you to explain
the depths of the universe
giving you 10 mississippis
we’re hearing, not Listening
Sentence you to a Label
BRANDED on you skin
Outcast you from society
into the Public Prison
for how long, Juffrou?
FOREVER or until our mind shifts
to the next person, another mob trail
(it’s a Game. Until the Game comes for me
More Deleterious)
To my Afrikaans teacher. What you said may of come of as racist. Also the way we acted was wrong.
367 · Jun 2022
Rather know the warden has the prison keys
Than knowing you have the prison keys
But you don’t want to set yourself free…
352 · Jan 2021
Fun Is Over
After the sugar-high
Maturity overcomes childish whims
Staying somewhere in nowhere
Is regret-bound, it’s time to quit the foolishness
To exit the game
The fun is over.
341 · Apr 2022
The informer and my faith
I received a message from an informer
Of someone whom can tell you
Why roses a red, answer the unanswerable and bring smiles to mourners
I hear. I believe. But I’m gonna leave the informer Blue
I’ll respond when I need a fix
If you stare at
a light long, hard
enough every-
thing around its
glow goes black, dark.
The light and you.

“Us against the world”
In the light you
can see some of
yourself just too
much and enough.
So to became
to see one’s way.

Remember when
the light burns out
and you can’t see
But impending

that the true
light isn’t
however it’s
really within.
333 · Jul 2021
You Burnt Down The Church
You burnt down,
you burnt down the church.

You burnt down,
you burnt down the church.

You burnt down,
you burnt down the church!

Where do you demons go to repent your sins?

Baby Moses was found floating in a basket
Lit the pages and you put him in a casket
Church bells rung and ran its course
Everything of evil’s euphoria was enforced

You’re not a mother to beseeched for
You burnt down the church at the age four
Joy emigrated from her face
Hatred immigrated to her face
Sicken the lamb, you committed sacrilege
Destroyed everything, even a pilgrimage...
The cross was in flames of your scorn
Only remains the crown of thorns

You burnt down
You burnt down the church

You burnt down
You burnt down the church

You burnt down
You burnt down the church

How much goodness that child could of done?
If sins done to her were undone.
(Besides the wrong the things that the people inside the church do) The church symbolises innocent. The innocent being damaged by the evil act of the mother ****** her four years old daughter. Why? Why do you do something so evil? Why?
331 · May 2022
Sonnet 05. 22

The truth of the number on it, is false
Run around miserable like a fun waltz
Dance in worship to the note, cattle, tooth
Die of tire before seeing the sad truth

The details on notes like the details that give
it power. Pushed with precision, live
men making money’s labyrinth return to
their hands, but they also wait in death’s queue.

If you need an easy buck, cut down trees, mine
coins, give it your own value. Undermine
the banks, make hatred useless, love priceless,
crush evil’s markets and invest in greatness.

That dumb note, the ruler slaving you away
The truth: it’s value is whatever you say.
Money makes the world go round
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