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SophiaAtlas Apr 2019
Roses are red,
Violets are ugly,
I'll **** myself
If you don't love me
this is a shout out to Leah. in one of my comments they said this poem. don't worry, i asked first.
SophiaAtlas Feb 2019
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Your blood is red,
So mine is too.
SophiaAtlas Aug 2019
You think you're smarter
Than me, with
All your bad poetry
This is a part of Melanie Martinez's song 'Alphabet Boy'
614 · Jun 2021
As I Lay Dying
SophiaAtlas Jun 2021
One minute, I was flying free through the air.

The next, I came crashing down into cold, unforgiving concrete.

As I lay dying, I tried to move my now useless appendages, but all that came out was a pathetic twitching. Panic and pain was my world. In the distance, the mountains I watched began to turn, turn in the snow.

I could feel my heart race as this thing, this titan turned around and stared down at me through its immensely black hood. I could feel its gaze meet mine somehow, through that emptiness, as it leaned in towards me.

Suddenly, the prospect of dying didn't seem so bad.

A familiar sense of longing and comfortability began to wash over me as my mind faded to nothing...


As I watched the bird die, its little wings flapping, I felt tears stream down my face.

"Oh no, oh just sleep little one, I'm so sorry, so sorry..."

What was I apologizing for? I didn't do this.

And it occurred to me how much I must have looked like death to this little creature, with my large hood blackening my face and my large, slender-fingered hand coming towards it, ready to embrace it and pull it towards its ultimate end, and I thought about how it may have seen the countless stars reflected in that great endless pool, somewhat like eyes...
612 · Mar 2022
What Is Love?
SophiaAtlas Mar 2022
Love is when you're missing some of your teeth
But you're not afraid to smile.
Because you know your friends will still love you
Even though some of you is missing.
SophiaAtlas Mar 2019
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
I just want to pull
Your skin open and crawl inside of you.
609 · Oct 2021
SophiaAtlas Oct 2021
"In other words, keep your bad vibes out of my cornflakes I'm not interested."

                   -Gerard Way
600 · Aug 2021
SophiaAtlas Aug 2021
I'm not "cute" awkward.

I'm Patrick Stump in 'Dance Dance' music video awkward.
SophiaAtlas Apr 2019
I walk to school with my best friend
Surprise, surprise, she's late again
She's got a club she wants me in
Don't think I've ever raised a pen
I'll consider it, sure
No fan of literature
Books with less pictures than words
Leave me a little bit bored
But hey, they promised cupcakes
So it's a chance that I'll take
Four gorgeous girls await me
Okay, I think that I'll stay
Sayori's aloof and kooky
Natsuki's sweet and cutesy
Yuri is deep and brooding
Monika's brains and beauty
There's a festival needs planning
Swear I won't leave them hanging
So many clubs to rival us
I guess it's just the five of us
Just the five of us
We can make it if we try
But each day that passes by
Is tearing pages from my mind
Just the five of us
No escaping if I tried
Though these maidens might seem kind
There's something going on behind
They looked so sad and lonely
I sold my soul for poetry
This hell is members only
Why did I say Okie-Doki?
I walk to school alone again
I'm not a guy with many friends
I've got no club, I've time to spend
So I read manga and stay in
I run into Monika
Says that I should just join hers
Sounds like a club for books with words
But they need some more members
I say okay
I'll come along for just one day
But just you try and get away
When 3 gorgeous girls beg you to stay
Sa- Y oRi'S a LoOf AnD k-Oo Ky
Natsuki's a brutish cutesy
Yuri is too in to me
Monika's brains and beauty
It's almost festival time
Could say we're cutting it fine
The task may seem laborious
I wOnDeR wHeRe SaYoRi Is?
I guess it's just the four of us
Just the four of us
We can make it if we try
But each day that passes by
Is tearing pages from my mind
Just the four of us
No escaping if I tried
Though these maidens might seem kind
There's something going on behind
They looked so sad and lonely
I sold my soul for poetry
This hell is members only
Why did I say Okie-Doki
Well I'm back at school again
Monika's my only friend
Monika's my everything
My beginning and my end
Wait a second... weren't there other girls-
MoNiKa'S aloof and kooky
MoNiKa'S sweet and cutesy
MoNiKa'S is deep and brooding
MoNiKa'S brains and beauty
MoNiKa sees right through me
MoNiKa'S all that you need
MoNiKa'S all that you need
MoNiKa'S aLl tHaT yOu NeEd
I'm not an ugly guy
But I can't understand why
She'd be so utterly in love she'd leave her club mates to die
Monika's obsession is ominous to be honest
Omnipotent Goddess concocting demonic sonnets
I could delete her but I never could harm Monika
So I'm trapped here forever.
Where's my harmonica?
Never thought I'd get a girl
Literally out of this world
Guess she controls the universe
Looks like it's just the two of us
Just the two of us
In this classroom in the sky
Crimes of passion are just fine
When enacted on AI
Just the two of us
Quite a drastic pick up line
Leaving characters to die
Just to guarantee you're mine
She seemed so sad and lonely
Don't think there's any hope for me
This hell is members only
Why did I say Okie Dokie?
Why did I say Okie Dokie?
Why did I say Okie Dokie?
Why did I say Okie Dokie?
Why did I say Okie Dokie?
587 · Nov 2019
BEN Drowned
SophiaAtlas Nov 2019
Violets are blue,
Like the water I fell in
Now it's getting hard to breathe
Where I dwell
So be my gamer girl
And i'll be your gamer boy.
579 · Sep 2019
Beautiful Light
SophiaAtlas Sep 2019
As sunbeams graze my cold cheeks,
I am reminded that
We too have the power
To warm the world with
Our beautiful light.
578 · Mar 2021
Tee Hee
SophiaAtlas Mar 2021
Darth Vader.
But every time he breathes,
You hear a harmonica.
576 · Dec 2020
We Think We're Not
SophiaAtlas Dec 2020
We cut and **** flowers
Cuz we think they're pretty.
We cut and **** ourselves
Cuz we think we're not.
569 · Feb 2019
SophiaAtlas Feb 2019
Cheery and bright,
She's just so neat.
You won't even notice
the darker qualities that lurk within.
562 · Nov 2019
Closer To Goodbye
SophiaAtlas Nov 2019
They'll check your wrists,
But not your thighs.

They'll hear your laughs,
But not your cries.

Smile much, laugh loud, make jokes and lies,
And they won't see the depression in your eyes.

Just keep calm and starve yourself,
You need to be pretty, forget about your health.

Go look in the mirror on the wall,
We need to be skinny, thin, and tall.

Another cut upon your thigh,
One step closer to goodbye.
Is it bad that i tell and i do these things to myself literally every day?........... :(
562 · Aug 2021
SophiaAtlas Aug 2021
You like stars?
Those are the little holes poked in the container so we can breathe.
561 · Sep 2020
Congratulations Society
SophiaAtlas Sep 2020
She sat alone.
Alone and at home.
Where her screams were silent,
But her mind was violent.
Her insecurities hid deep inside.
And they indeed, ate her alive.
A tear rolled down her face
As her heart began to race.
She took her blade and tore her skin,
Where her depression lied deep within.
This went on for days,
And until she cried her very last tears.
She decided she had enough,
The world around her was much too tough.
She took a gun to her head.
Congratulations society,
She is dead.
560 · Oct 2019
SophiaAtlas Oct 2019
Sometimes I walk at night alone
He follows me home
He follows me home
Sometimes he speaks in mumbles and moans
I mimic his tone
Repeating his poem
Wraps my hands and leads me to his throne
Forever we roam
Forever we roam
He tells me that one day, we'll share a soul
And now I know...
That THIS is my HOME.
557 · Jan 2019
What if I told you....
SophiaAtlas Jan 2019
What if I told you
I want to die?
That i’m tired of living,
Of being alive?

What if I told you
It gets worse at night?
The thoughts get louder,
And nothing is right?

What if I died?
Would you even cry?
Would you even care?
If I took my own life?
Tbh.... I kinda wrote this for my ex....he doesn’t have an account on here so don’t try to find him on here....but this is kind of what I want to ask him.
546 · Jul 2019
Real Boyfriend
SophiaAtlas Jul 2019
A real boyfriend will love
His girlfriend with all his heart
And won’t be afraid to go up
To his friends, point at you and say,
“That’s my girl”
This is true. Girls, if he isn’t man enough to do this, and he hides you from the world, he isn’t worth it.
532 · Jan 2019
mirror, mirror on the wall
SophiaAtlas Jan 2019
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Was i always meant to fall?
Roses white, and dying light
Silver's sweet forgiving bite.
He'll ask, "Why?"
No answers will be found.
And I will be rotting
Beneath the ground.
nothing to say here.
528 · Oct 2023
SophiaAtlas Oct 2023
Paranoia is healthy in small doses.
What does it mean to you?
523 · Aug 2020
Love Shouldn't Hurt
SophiaAtlas Aug 2020
I was weak
I'll admit it,
But that doesn't mean
You have rights
To play games
With my heart.
503 · Sep 2019
My Heart Smiles
SophiaAtlas Sep 2019
The darkness of the night,
Brightness in my mind,
Lights and colors lost in time.
The dawn whispers in my dream.
And my heart smiles.
498 · Jan 2021
SophiaAtlas Jan 2021
" I see you lying next to me, with words I thought I'd never speak, awake and unafraid, asleep or dead?"

                                                               -Gerard Way
497 · Feb 2022
SophiaAtlas Feb 2022
When an earthquake happens, Coffins become underground maracas.
SophiaAtlas Feb 2019
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
My heart is full
Of love for you.
495 · Dec 2019
I Fall
SophiaAtlas Dec 2019
I fall for chocolate
I fall for laughs
I fall for eyes
I fall for you.
Love me forever, Senpai.
for a certain person on Hello Poetry. :)
489 · Nov 2019
SophiaAtlas Nov 2019
It's hard to be loved,
The horns aren't fake.
My mommy called me a monster,
I'm a mistake.
But Slenderman shows his love,
Jeff shows his care,
Eyeless Jack shows his strength,
While Zalgo wants me to spare.
Lazari is Zalgo's daughter. She's only twelve years old. she's half demon, half human. her mom would chain her in the basement and whipped her on the back with a whip to try and get the demon out of her. on Lazari's 12th birthday, her mom took her by the hand into the woods. Lazari's mom then hung herself in front of Lazari. Slenderman came along and took Lazari as his own. Lazari now lives in the Slenderman mansion with the proxies.
488 · Feb 2021
Im Not Okay (I Promise) #2
SophiaAtlas Feb 2021
Roses are red
The skies are all grey
It's been 8 years
And I'm STILL not okay.
(I promise)
488 · Sep 2021
Babysitting My Cousins....
SophiaAtlas Sep 2021
When a little kid falls over,
The silence that follows after is the worst.
Because their either absolutely fine,
or filling their lungs with enough air to mimic an air raid siren.
484 · May 2019
13 Reasons
SophiaAtlas May 2019
13 reasons
All explaining why
Hannah Baker
Decided to die.
So many reasons,
Why would a dead girl lie?
i made this based on my love for 13 Reasons Why
SophiaAtlas Nov 2019
Toby: I really don't understand how a lot of you are still single. Because you're all attractive and have good taste in music. What more do people want?

Masky: Sanity.

Toby: People are so demanding.
this is a mood lol raise your hands if this is a mood! *Raises hand*
477 · Sep 2022
SophiaAtlas Sep 2022
L- Let's
G-  Get down to
B- Business
T- To defeat the Huns
473 · Aug 2021
Just Like Books
SophiaAtlas Aug 2021
Boys treat girls just like books.
If the cover doesn't catch their eye,
They won't even bother to read what's inside.
The cover is not the book. The body is not the person.
468 · Apr 2021
Christian Coma
464 · Sep 2021
People Suck
461 · Aug 2021
SophiaAtlas Aug 2021
Some girls don't realize what they're worth.
Some guys don't realize what they have.
Then she leaves after realizing,
And he realizes.
453 · May 2022
Clothes Aren't The Problem
SophiaAtlas May 2022
If lesbians can control themselves when women are wearing revealing clothing but men can't, Maybe the clothes aren't the problem.
451 · Feb 2019
virus ( a DDLC song)
SophiaAtlas Feb 2019
I held my breath and choked
When you walked into my life
You seemed so out of place
With your intoxicating grace
I only knew you courtesy
The corner of my eye
Now you're right in front of me
Read my poetry

Your sending subtle signals
That i'm failing to decode
Your smile makes my stomach ache
It's more than I can take
Oh, Monika you're making
All my defences erode
You've got a face like paradise
You make my blood run cold as ice

You're like a virus
Slowly infecting me
Pretty poison rushing
Through my heart
You're just a virus
I can't delete
I was falling for you
Now i'm falling apart

Everybody that I thought
I used to know
Changed overnight
And now they're getting into fights

Reality is broken
Scattered pieces on the floor
This isn't just a game
Any more

You're just a virus
Slowly infecting me
Pretty poison rushing
Through my heart
And you're just a virus
I can't delete
I was falling for you
Now i'm falling apart
And it was all over
From the moment I pressed START

Is this really what you think
It means to be in love?
I don't understand why you're
The one i'm dreaming of
You tampered with my feelings
You hacked into my brain
You've broken every rule
And only you remain

You're like a virus
Slowly infecting me
Pretty poison rushing
Through my heart
And you're just a virus
I can't delete
I was falling for you
Now i'm falling apart

And you're like a virus
A dangerous and deadly
Work of art
And you're just a virus
In my soul
I was falling for you
Now i'm falling apart
And it was all over
From the moment I pressed START.
451 · Nov 2019
I Can't Die
SophiaAtlas Nov 2019
I'm hungry, but I can't eat.
I'm tired, but I can't sleep.
I'm sad, but I can't cry.
I'm suicidal, but I can't die.
i keep trying...but i cant die. why is that?.....
448 · Nov 2021
A Fear
SophiaAtlas Nov 2021
When someone close to me
Leaves me a voice mail after a missed call,
I don't erase them.
Because I'm worried that one day
They'll all be gone.
And all I'll have
Are their voices.
444 · Aug 2021
Dinosaur Names
SophiaAtlas Aug 2021
It's a good thing we named most of the dinosaurs 100 years ago when we were all into mythology and speaking Latin.

If we just had just learned about dinosaurs now and had to name 100s, there'd be a Heckin Chonkosaurus and a Northern Thicc Scaleyboi.
437 · Sep 2020
SophiaAtlas Sep 2020
I wish I could take
The colors from a rainbow
And place them
Into your heart
So you would remember
What beautiful feels like
And know there is
Hope in the dark.
436 · Jul 2019
SophiaAtlas Jul 2019
I usually give people more chances then they deserve.

But when I’m done,

Who else does this
434 · Nov 2020
Bryce Walker
434 · Jan 2019
Things I love
SophiaAtlas Jan 2019
I love lots of things.
I love the literature club.
I love reading.
I love manga.
And i love you!
I love reading together.
I love making cupcakes with you.
The way Monika looks at you breaks my heart.
It makes me feel alone.
It makes me want you more.
It makes me miss you more.
Yuri takes you away.
But it was our time to play.
Play with me.
Play with me.
Play with me.
Play with me.
Play with me.
Play with me.
Play with me.
Play with me.
******* Monikammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
this is a poem that i wrote... and i made it sound like something Natsuki would have written from Doki Doki Literature Club!
432 · Mar 2021
March 22nd
SophiaAtlas Mar 2021
Okay emos....
Today is that time of the year....

Killjoys, Make some noise.
Never be afraid to keep on living.
Never be afraid to walk this world alone.
We'll carry on.
So long and goodnight.
425 · Jan 2019
The day my love left me
SophiaAtlas Jan 2019
The moon split in half
And the stars crumbled,
Falling like fireworks into the sea.

I watched my world
Fall apart the day
My love left me.
I thought I loved someone... turns out I didn’t know what love was until it was too late. I loved him.... or at least I thought I did....but for some reason I can’t get over’s like everywhere I look I see him. Then it just makes me sad and I break down.
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