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Lady Bird Mar 2017
ignore yesterday's rain
let it stay behind
for today is anew
tomorrow isn't promised
so live in the moment
enjoy making it last
there 's nothing to do
about the past
but learn from it
Mane Omsy Feb 2017
Let's not be the grieved faces
Who didn't get the most of happiness
Throwing ourselves on broken walls
When we don't have strength to defend

Let's bring the joyous children
Wandering at the beautiful parks
Even the bees sting, but honey's sweet
Wait for days to pass melted hearts

Let's not worry what we lost
Reunite the joints shattered far away
Widen hearts to show bright tooth
We breath the same air, my dear
Nox Feb 2017
Please stop to trying

cause I’m still collecting pieces

from the time i walked home crying.

Stop showing me that frown

for I’m still coughing water

since the last time you let me drown.

Stop to ignore it

for I’m still healing wounds

from the time you took my heart and tore it.
Clindballe Feb 2017
My mother works as florist, she cuts and arranges flowers in order to make it pretty. Even though my mother works at home she never has time to sit down. She is always in a hurry and never has time to worry. My mother has a mentally sick family, it runs in the blood but skipped her generation and found its way to her children's brains. The sickness came as a lightning from a thunderstorm - totally expected. Yet, my mother never saw it coming because she never had time to sit down and listen to the thunder roaring, she just turn up the volume on the radio, which only played happy songs about love and flowers. Inside the house the flowers wither from all the depressed children compressing the air till there is nothing left. Everyone sits at the dinner table gasping for air while fighting for the attention of an uncaring florist. She never sees the pain in her children's eyes or how their always wear long sleeves even when the flowers are blooming outside. My mothers children never felt pretty nor good enough so they started cutting their own skin.
Written: February 9. - 2017
HappyHappyHappy Jan 2017
Hey! They say. Got a problem?
Hey! You say. Got a problem?

Hey! Are you gonna get attention.
Hey yay! Why ignore the inside tension

K! K! Okay, this is pretty smooth
I mean you, not me, please explain the truth

Wow? Wow? Wow! Above ground
***** ***** ringing boom beat holy sound

ignore this if you want. i was just bored~! hahaha
Mane Omsy Jan 2017
Pow, that's a go shot
Who to dare race a leopard?
Thumbs up, how you'll loose
Get hit by a nail, Boy?
Still breaching life insecurities
Think listening to the wise men
Put your throat out, cry out
Don't try to roar, you're never near
Crooks shoot the animal first
Pow, did you hear that?
Same **** come over again and again
Now you're wasting time
The hare in the race, you know well
Sleep if you're smart and dumb
Get rid of your comic sense, kid
You a genius, bet with real men
Kick them ***** real from their front
If you're listening to the sound
Here, hear with the another sense
Loud, voices trembling your feet
Never mind what they have to give
You don't have to give a ****
Ride across witches cursing you
Let them get the fact that
You won't surrender
Even if you're surrounded
cait-cait Jan 2017
Step one starts with forgetting/

you begin by tearing
yourself from the skin they took home in,
disconnecting your arms from their seams,
eating their hearts
and hoping that they forget you,

Step two means burning all
dissolving each memory like the pills
your mother took at breakfast,
how could you have let this happen?

so you pull
veins from yours and
untangle what they gave you,
choke down a penny
and hope
that they don't think of

Step three is the
cut yourself open and scrub yourself
unchain your wrists from that dinner table
and hope that his nightlight doesn't bleed

orange was never a pretty color

Step four is the hardest,
when you take a knife to your palm,
and make slits down to your wrist,

when you ignore the beck and call
of memories you forgot you had,
people you realize never cared,
so you take
a drink for those you know you've
long forgotten,

and come clean
to three different people, all the
same and hope the next girl
doesn't know step one....

it never seemed to hurt when you
played it all out in your head.
this has been in my phone's notes for a really long time and i finally wrote step four. right as he forgets and replaces me...:.. ....ok
RLG Jan 2017
Fell the Christmas tree
for us to dress
and pine-scent our homes
in weeks of Nativity.

Discard the Christmas tree,
as January blows in
and the council men come
to clear the needled streets.

Forget the Christmas tree
as we start again
and media’s ‘Blue Monday’
brings the suicide spree.

Grow the Christmas tree
for us to dress,
pine-scent our homes
and delay unwelcome reverie.
K G Dec 2016
Could this be the day I've waited for?
When all my hard work doesn't go ignored?
They always walk away...
So there's no use in trying anymore
It's like my life is looked upon by jealous eyes
Plucking the pearls and personality from my bones
They lay the hiatus of happiness with lies
Because *there's no use in trying anymore
Àŧùl Dec 2016
It is difficult to ignore,
When it is omnipresent,
Day or night doesn't matter.
Even though I had left that ship long ago,
Beeping ears and moving surroundings,
The cannons blared to give me tinnitus,
And the ship sailed to give me vertigo.

Now I hardly ever snore,
When I do it's instrumental,
As my naps no longer matter.

Beeping ears since long,
And vertigo since you left,
I definitely have been better.

No poems seem sane now,
And this one does neither,
To me, it's just a breather.
HP Poem #1304
©Atul Kaushal
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