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George Cheese Jul 2014
The concrete is cracked,
the bodies are burning,
and the skies are screaming with rocket fire,
our bullets.

It might be I don't understand the politics or the religion,
but these are the things we use to aim with precision.

Humanity is a fragile thing,
our world is bleeding,
and if this bloodshed is to globalise,
then we all need to mobilise.
i've been listening to way too much politically charged music this week.... and the news these past couple of months has been fairly devoid of good.
C J Baxter Jul 2014
Handle that with care, my head couldn’t take it breaking.
its pretty fragile too , so I repeat 'take care'.  
you see, I used to take it almost everywhere
but now i get worked up and can’t keep my hands from shaking.
I think it means too much,  so much it scares
so much my head starts aching.  

But Its a long weekend, and I could be the one to break it.
Theres no use me keeping it in my pocket,
like a sad act with a picture in a locket
That’s why I’m giving it to you, so take it.
You don’t wanna say "i could have stopped it,
If I’d only looked and not just faked it. "

For the beauty of time is in its hands and its face,
They make me feel like I’m Caught in a race.
It’s the way they stay true no matter their place-
always behind the leader.
the minutes run on while the hours play chase.
never to seem too eager.  

So take it before I break down and beg yo
PrttyBrd Jun 2014
Dreams* crafted
useless yesterdays
empty tomorrows

Cracks spackled
makeup and tears

Porcelain facade

... *
Sean G Jun 2014
I tried to fix you,
Because that's what I do.
I look for imperfections and cracks.
And as I tried to put your pieces
Back together, I
Noticed that I was
Chipping away.
I am more broken than you.
Instead of putting you back
together, I should have been
saving myself.
nichole r Jun 2014
he approached me as the sky streaked pink
limping with tears streaming down his gaunt cheeks
he whispered to me under heavy breaths and groans
"someone cracked my ribs while I was asleep.
I woke up this morning only to find them broken
and marked with a delicate design of pain.
I shriveled and gasped and could not breathe
and I finally understand what you mean
when you speak of your depression."
Emma May 2014
The leaves are cracked
They lie like pieces of pottery
Drying, baking in the sun
An orange is suspended in the sky
Round heat floats down
Round heat... Uhm... I don't know don't judge me it seems poetic I don't know what I'm doing.
Emma May 2014
My tears are rubies
My heart is a diamond
My hands are merely leaves

Cracked and dry
They lie still

The sand slides through them
And hits the ground

It doesn't move
And now I know
The sand is gold
Of course, an alternative ending to the last paragraph is It doesn't move, And now I know, It is dead and hollow like all other things. But that's kind of depressing.
They say they'll help you
But they always leave
They promise to fix you
They'll give you all you'll ever need
So you put all your eggs in their basket
But they leave you alone to waste in your casket
Basically, this is just about people coming into your life and promising to make it better but then leaving and making it worse. Something I've been experiencing a lot lately.
Marly Apr 2014
I keep a cracked mirror in my room.
My mother asks why,
Yet I'm too scared to tell her that it's because I want to see what's on the inside of me.
I find it weird how poets can look at a field of grass and find meaning behind the vast expanse of space.
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