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Jul 2019 · 293
Not a poem
By M Jul 2019
this is isn't poem
i just need to get it out
my dog is sick
he's dying
i don't want to lose him
but i don't want him to suffer
i don't want to live without him
but i don't know if he would be better off if i put him down

i'm terrified and i don't know what to do
i don't want to sleep because my dreams are all about losing him or life without him
i feel like i haven't fully comprehended what's happening

i found out about this yesterday right after getting home from a 2 week trip
right before i left, i had a feeling that i should spend a little more time with him because he's getting old
the whole trip something was nagging at me

i knew something was wrong this whole time
and i did absolutely nothing about it
i want him to be as comfortable as possible but i don't think i'll be able to handle being around him without breaking down
May 2019 · 692
By M May 2019
why wait
for the pain
for someone to hurt you

when you can hurt them first?
May 2019 · 327
By M May 2019
I think I was distracted
From the truth swirling around me
I'm thankful for the stress that shielded me
From the truth

That I am alone; unheard, unwanted,

My exam stress completely distracted me from the truth that my family is completely ******* up. We can't be in the same room without yelling or fighting or putting each other down. I wish I didn't have to be here.
May 2019 · 573
I Can't
By M May 2019
When life gets rough
I know I should take it,
push through

But I just want to scream
"I can't"
I am going to fail all my exams I don't know what to do...
May 2019 · 738
By M May 2019
It never ends
Just continues
Due to


It weighs on your lungs
Drowning and going
Down the
of stress
I'm so stressed I have exams coming up and I just cannot focus. I'm so tired and I can't sleep either. I swear I just want to sleep for 5 years.
May 2019 · 1.8k
By M May 2019
I watch the night owl
Soaring over the night
She effortlessly flies
Untouched by all
Lesser creatures
watch her glide
as night falls with


Silent wingbeats
alert none to her presence.
All respect
I once had a dream of flying. I cried when I woke up because it was the life I knew I could never have.
Read the separate words vertically.
May 2019 · 333
By M May 2019
The flame of determination
It is dying
As am I
May 2019 · 2.8k
The Sex Worker
By M May 2019
What is a *******?
But a woman
Who partakes in joy with another
A person who provides acceptance and pleasure:
Both emotional and physical
Despite being called "*****"

What is a *******
But a woman
Who nurtures and loves another
A person who provides pain and pleasure
For those in need for a strong hand to the light
Despite being called "crazy *****"

What is a pornstar?
But a woman
Who has the courage to bare her body to the world
A person who provides guidance and desire
To those exploring their sexualities
Despite being called "****"

What is a *** worker?
But a woman
Who breaks society's taboos
A person who does what she loves
For those who love her for what she does
Despite being called "disgusting"
And so much more

What is a *** worker?
But a woman
Who is beautiful,
and a truly liberated woman.
I am obviously aware of women being coerced into ****** jobs or doing them because they have no other options but there are women all around the world who love their jobs as *** workers and I think we should respect them and give them the right they deserve.
May 2019 · 373
I Give Up
By M May 2019
There's nothing I can do
To make you proud
To please you
Why do you insist,
In believe that I'm a bad person?
What did I ever do?
Because of you, I gave up
and again,
I feel like giving up.
Apr 2019 · 340
By M Apr 2019
I walk
And open
the chest of treasures
I scan the jewels
I try to pick something
But I cannot decide
And so I turn and say


"There's nothing to eat"
if you didn't get it, the treasure chest is my fridge and the jewels are delicious food. I love food <3
Apr 2019 · 576
Look forward to
By M Apr 2019
There's much to look forward to
Like love

And Avengers Endgame
I can't wait to watch it and I'm hoping and praying that my friends won't spoil it for me.
Apr 2019 · 1.8k
His hands
By M Apr 2019
I felt his hands touching my *******, my thighs
I fought but it changed nothing,
Because I was only 5

He told me that I should like it
Though I begged him to stop
It was more terrifying than I could ever admit

But he pulled me down
When I tried to run
And I felt like I was going to drown

He, who I had trusted
Desecrated my most private places
But he also forced his way into my head

It was only his hands
But to me
It was something I would never fully understand

His brother saw me
And ignored my pleas
As He violated my purity

I finally ran
From Him, my cousin
And the memory of his touch,
His hands.
Dear Cousin, I hate you. I hope you die full of regret and guilt. That in your last moments, you remember what you did to me. Because I can never forget. You destroyed something that was so precious, my sense of safety. And I will never ever forgive you.
Apr 2019 · 300
I wish...
By M Apr 2019
I wish I was a bird
Who could fly over all others
Who's song entranced
Who was free, high out of anyone's reach

I wish I was a cat
Who could slink through the night
Who obeyed none
Who's cunning was revered by all
Who was loved and adored

I wish I was Night
Who had unchecked power
Who could strike fear in all
But offer comfort to the floundering
Who's children would never forget her

I wish I was Nothing
Apr 2019 · 221
It Was You.
By M Apr 2019
You may have not handed me the bottle
You may have not told me to take those pills
But you might as well have
You killed me,
It doesn't matter who's hand it was
It was you.
Apr 2019 · 333
I Can't Remember
By M Apr 2019
I can't remember the last time you smiled
I can't remember the last time you asked me how I felt
I can't remember the last time you said "I love you"
I can't remember the last time you understood
I can't remember the last time we agreed
I can't remember the last time we laughed together; truly laughed
I can't remember the last time we sat down and talked
I can't remember the last time I was good enough

All I remember is your hatred
All I remember is your scorn
All I remember is your sharp, cutting words
All I remember is that unending disappointment
All I remember is my pleas being ignored
All I remember is you telling me I'm worthless

And I remember
the day I took those pills because of you
To, Dad
Apr 2019 · 844
All I Crave
By M Apr 2019
I don't crave love
I don't crave hate
I don't crave joy
I don't crave innocence
I don't crave what makes others seem so...

All I crave is peace
Apr 2019 · 268
Fear The Light
By M Apr 2019
In the darkness,
I wait
For the shadows to take my soul
For the pain to engulf me
I lie in fear

A bright light shines
But it is not warm, or kind
It burns like a raging fire
My fear is hurting me,
I cannot fight to freedom
Apr 2019 · 303
The Girl
By M Apr 2019
And so, she gave herself release.
A slow gentle tear made its way down her scarred cheek and fell.
It froze midair and shattered on the frost coated Earth,
next to the still cooling corpse.
The girls rubbing her arms,
trying to coax life into her.
But there was just bleak nothing.
The tears fell faster, freezing faster,
until her eyes froze shut.

And so, the scarred, frozen, broken girl laid down
to die with her companion.
The world mourned No One
As No One became a lifeless shell.
Apr 2019 · 196
By M Apr 2019
the thick oily scent of it
the tightening of your chest,
the tensing of every muscle
as you debate fight or flight,

the burning in your stomach
the fists curling up,
the nails cutting into your palms
as you struggle to hold back

The hopelessness that chokes,
the knowledge that you will never escape,
the heavy weight as you try to hold your head high
the pain of being
Apr 2019 · 177
Mother Nature
By M Apr 2019
The wind was gentle, ruffling my hair and pulling at my sleeves; it invigorated me
I felt the warm sun on my face and heard the rustle of leaves and grass
The sound of birds and bugs turned into a song, almost a lullaby
This place, this pocket of nature in a world of metal is the embodiment of peace
I am at peace; I am no longer a separate being from a different world
I feel nature accept me into its fold
The wind takes me into its warm, comforting embrace
I am one with nature; nature is one with me
Then I remember what I truly am and what I have done and nature leaves me
The wind gives me one last touch; gentle as a mother's caress
It yearns for me as I will always yearn for it
Someday, I will return to the wind
My pains and woes will scatter and I will be with nature once more
And I truly will be home

— The End —