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10.9k · Nov 2014
-marcesibleghost Nov 2014
I feel like a volcano, that will erupt.
The lava isn’t cooling, it’s just heating up.
The lightest wind, will ******* off.
The most little rain, will drown me in.

The lightening strikes, my so called soul.
And thunder will, deafen me from my core.
Walking in this darkness, I can see no more.
Walking in this darkness, I can see no more.
3.4k · Jul 2014
Invisible Objects.
-marcesibleghost Jul 2014
You know it’s nothing but emptiness,
When you fail phrasing your feelings in words.
Other people might call it love rather than emptiness.

But let me tell you this:
Without emptiness,
We wouldn’t find warmth in love.

Some say love is frigidly cold,
Some say love is fondly warm.
Yet as seasons change from Summer to Winter,
Love will too.

And I’ve reached the point where I stopped seeking for love in people,
But in invisible objects that can keep me alive.

Can invisible objects really keep you alive?
Or will they leave you terrified?

Well, a definition for ‘Invisible Objects’ would be:
And in the end,
Their purpose is to Not. Keep. You. Alive.
2.1k · Aug 2015
Do Exits Exist?
-marcesibleghost Aug 2015
I find you in a room of a hundred walls where you can’t find yourself. You presume you too can find me, but I can’t feel it. I move my feet towards you and scream:
“I EXIST. YOU EXIST. I EXIST. YOU EXIST.” But you don’t seem to slightly hear me. Your eyes still pitch black, darker than the night but glittering and shimmering brighter than a million constellations. Does that indicate a near burnout? Or are you still in the process of combustion? Maybe you’ve exploded many light years ago but the aftermath is still demonstrating in your eyes fierier than ever.

“Insignificant.” You mumble.
“I exist, you exist.” I weep.
“I exist, you exist. But do exits exist?” you smirk, and I no longer want to exist.
910 · Aug 2014
Random Thoughts
-marcesibleghost Aug 2014
My eyes, the rain.
My soul, the lightening bolt.
My screams are thunder,
And my mind's a hurricane.
A quote I wrote that randomly was passing in my head..
865 · Jun 2014
“Some People.”
-marcesibleghost Jun 2014
Some people choose to live a fictional fantasy, their own world.
While others choose to live in the bitter reality, as it feeds on their blood.
Tonight I choose to break away from both, some other voices are calling.
And that was the moment I saw poison creep in through the cracks of my safest haven.
My safest haven was paper-made, now washed away by the tender droplets of rain.

Where am I to go?
No place to call home.
As cold as my first sin, I chose to disappear.

How or why or when?
Only God can answer you to that.
Because sadly, I no longer have any control leading my own head.
773 · Jul 2014
Blurred Out.
-marcesibleghost Jul 2014
Every so often you get the urge to blur out your friends and family,
To blur out those who claimed to love and care about you.

The term “I’ll always be there” is a deceiving lie,
The only lie you unconsciously attempt believing when you’re sinking in a vortex of pure loneliness.

Is it sincere?
Or just a form of temporary vague comforting?
I say,
You pick yourself up and shake off your own dirt;
Because ninety-nine percent of your living days,
Tears will be staining your shirt.
And loneliness will knock on your door once, twice or many more,
Maybe break through your windows from the second floor.

Tell me now,
Who cares about you at all?
728 · Aug 2015
-marcesibleghost Aug 2015
Maybe if you throw me at the bottom of an ocean I’ll be deep again, or maybe if you throw me up so high I’ll finally fly. Poor can be lack of feelings, poor can be lack of expression, poor can be lack of understanding and poor can be me. Sadness can be sometimes blue, sadness can also paint you black even if your roots are golden.
It’s okay. You don’t need to always shine. It takes special people to see your blaze and it would be preferable if they’re blind. Not necessarily visually impaired, but devoid of light. Maybe they’ll tell you that you’re not as poor and can actually make them feel something. It’s scary when you carry nostalgia for a specific thing that you have no eye sight for. No eye sight except at the back of your mind.

The burning desire for something that is unknown is like searching for something invisible with the naked eye. I feel naked, naked and so full of everything.
I am driven by notion.
I’ll be merged with the darkness.
I’ll be surging with the waves.
You’ll feel me in the gentle breeze,
Smell me between the leaves after rainfall,
and you won’t be as petrified to take one step closer.
714 · Apr 2015
-marcesibleghost Apr 2015
Where are you? Or where am I? Where’s God? Where’s the world heading? Why am I the way I am? Why are you the way you are? All vain questions remain with no answers and I’m done trying, searching for an answer that would alkalize my bitter acidity or tranquilize my electricity. It all seems so vaguely distorted, it all hurts. The feeling never left me, the only thing that has ever been there for me constantly. Empty, empty, empty, made a home out of the void, made peace with anxiety. So silence please wash me.
687 · Feb 2015
Here You Are II
-marcesibleghost Feb 2015
Here you are still, once again, or shall I say, more than ‘once’..  
When was the last time you actually felt worthy? Not as much towards the universe because that’s a tremendously scary huge scale; but to the ones around you, to your daily use objects and mostly, to yourself. Have you ever felt it? If not, what were you truly feeling? And please tell me something new, something other than the one and only numbing ‘emptiness’ that has always lingered in the cavity of your chest.
That has always lingered in the cavity of your chest and ribs, so strong and powerful that it made your heart beat faster than its normal pace, each speeding pulse giving a booming sound that echoed in the linings of your stomach and vibrated your walls of the intestines. It made you sick darling, made you sick that you almost vomited your entrails inside-out, it made your often spinning head upside-down as the adrenaline rush increased as if some ominous shadow has been chasing you.
You’ve felt it, your blood heating up, its boiling point exceeding a hundred.  
You know what’s funny? Your frosty cold limbs, the tip of your nose. Your bruised knuckles cracking in harmony as you spoke in low tones just to keep the act of communication going. “Ouch”, now your jaw hurts too from smiling but that’s good! Good, unless it’s not from the bottom of your heart.
And now your friends keep asking, your mother keeps asking, your room’s walls keep asking: “When will you change your outfit?” and all you ever say:
“Someday, but not today.”
If it concerns you, what’s that outfit again? “Not okay.” I’d say.
649 · Dec 2014
Here You Are
-marcesibleghost Dec 2014
Here you are, in the middle of the day, or shall I say, since the moment you’ve went to bed last night, you had hardly found sleep. You just cannot differentiate between the days anymore because they are all the same.
And as for the moment you’ve woken, you’ve cursed the sun for rising as if it were the reason for your sadness. Was it? Maybe the thought of a “Good-morning” had never existed in your dictionary of words, because everyday you’d wake up even more broken than the night before and if that makes any sense to you, I hope you feel me. Feel me, not sympathize with me. But what would your empathy serve me? Nothing. After all, you cannot save people, you just have to listen to them and tell them that someday, somewhere, everything will be alright and of course, they will not believe you. Because when you are standing in a dark forest, you cannot expect someone to talk to you about the sun when it hasn’t risen, yet. “Yet” is what you try to convince them when as a matter of fact, they had never seen it. At least not clearly bright and shining.
608 · Jul 2015
The Days.
-marcesibleghost Jul 2015
The days where emptiness meets me are becoming endless.

Endless is not precise on a scale of time, but what would have you done if you knew time was nonexistent? What would have you done if you knew nothing could stop you? Nothing would veer to crush you? I wonder. But wondering never got me anywhere, and that’s why I’m still here.

Asking the stars for guidance is forgetting about the sun, then cursing the sky for darkness as you deny daytime. If it makes it better for those who are victims of the same disease, don’t hesitate looking at the vast of space knowing we all sleep under the same ******* sky.
If we sleep at all.
-marcesibleghost Aug 2014
Guys, this is a video I made for the poem "Some People."
It's a spoken word with background music, hope you like it :)
I know this is a post, and not a poem..
555 · Jun 2015
-marcesibleghost Jun 2015
Don’t you dare tell me you know the confusion of missing someone until you search for their features in every person you meet, or even worse, search for them in the crowds of passing strangers in the street and how you suddenly stand and stare if it’s them buying a certain food or riding shotgun in a car. It leaves you in shambles, stupefied as if you’ve lost your 5 senses to develop a 6th. You run around in circles as if that ‘6th’ is all you care about, that if you saw them in front of you the whole world would just stop its orbiting, and the only orbiting thing would be your feelings as you stand still unable to mutter a letter, flinch or make a single sound.

But eye contact scares you, doesn’t it? It gives your bones a colder shiver than that of the chilly winter, and you realize you can only spend time with them in your tired head.
527 · Jul 2014
"More Like Of.."
-marcesibleghost Jul 2014
More like of the quiet yet noisy type.
Pretty much of a chatterbox when it comes to talking about things you love,
People you’ve met, bands you’ve listened to and books you’ve read.

“Go ahead, I’ll listen.”

More like of a shy person whose job is to keep the walls of the house company.
Yet is willing to give up these walls in a moment’s notice,
For an adventure with someone worth it.

“Go on, I’m listening..”

Could be a lover, a friend, or even an amorphous wraith.
You won’t spot me mingling with a group of people,
I’d rather you to be calling me, begging for a walk in Winter’s cold rain as we shiver and shake.

“Keep going, still listening…”

I do not know who you are I’m talking to,
But I do know that I’d walk for hours and never bite my tongue.
I’d talk about the silliest, stupidest and most ridiculous things that’ll never cross your mind,
But I promise you this:
In a blink of an eye, you’d realize that I’d switched to a poetically deep discussion that’ll split the wiring of your brain.

“I am who you’re looking for, and I am..
487 · Sep 2014
Not a poem..
-marcesibleghost Sep 2014
This is a link for a video a made for the poem "More Like Of.."

Hope you like it and subscribe :)!
378 · Jul 2015
-marcesibleghost Jul 2015
Can’t put my feelings on paper, can’t phrase them in words.
Something doesn’t feel right.
Something’s giving my inner tissues an irritable itch.
It can be hollow emptiness, it could be stinging hurt.
Do I care? I don’t want to.
I can’t even write, I can’t even think.
What am I thinking about then?
Am I thinking about thinking? Or am I thinking about not thinking?
Or maybe I am thinking. Thinking about what? Err..
My heart is pounding for something, like it’s trying to reach for something.
Tell me what it is, and I swear I’ll try to help in reaching it.
Just don’t leave me hanging because I will suffocate.
Ever felt hatred towards everything but with the desire to hug the world in a tight squeeze? As if getting hold of things inside your arms will do you good.
It’ll probably ******* up even more baby.
I feel death. I want to have a beautiful death.
But before it, I want to dedicate a poem to each and every friend that has made me feel warm in a skin icy-cold.
Your presence is evergreen.
Your words are softer than milk.
And your hugs are a whole other world.
I want to be covered in paint.
Black space, blue ocean.
Blood red and grey skies.
I want to be buried with the same t-shirt I’ll never take off for the rest of my life.
I don’t want change, but I desperately need it.
You can’t mix conflict with contradiction and expect a beautiful thing.
One day, all this will end.
But only God knows when.
For now, I’ll only stain my wrists with wet ink and sit here as I sink.
337 · Jul 2014
"Look At Me."
-marcesibleghost Jul 2014
Look at me, and tell me who do you see?
Look at my feet, are they still or shaking?
I stare at the trees, the sky is where I ought to be.
I open my heart to the seas, but they drowned me.

Look at me, climbing buildings in a rush.
Look at me, am I balanced at all?
I stare at the city lights, they seem to distort me.
Am I too blind, to try to find truth in reality?

— The End —