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Jan 2016 · 980
Drunk Thoughts About You
I wish you were here to hold my hand
I’m glad you’re as crazy as I am
I feel bad about that
I wish you were here to hold my hand
I threw a glass at the refrigerator when you asked me to be your girlfriend
I’m glad I’m your girlfriend
There was glass everywhere
I laughed… a lot
My roommates did not laugh
I laughed even more
You’re a dork
Sometimes at night I hate you
But that’s because I like you
I don’t like that I like you
I’m not good at liking people
I wish you were here to hold my hand
Jan 2016 · 550
Your footsteps sound like symphonies
I had the task of writing something on a sidewalk on campus. This is what I came up with.
I want to crawl into bed with you
And you're in another's bed
I want to slink past these people
Slither into your soft sheets
Curl up around your body and feel your warmth
Heat my cold blooded heart
Hold me while I'm frozen with the fear of losing you
Dec 2015 · 1.6k
Mentally Broken
Drugs can't fix you
Doctors can't fix you
Nothing can fix you
Because you aren't broken
You're sick
Nov 2015 · 849
When a star reaches death it expands
When it’s core can no longer stand up against gravity
It bursts
The particles of the once bright and flaming ball of light
Drift off into space
Slowly forming a new heavenly body
Something beautiful
Something better
Let me be a fixed luminous point in the sky
A remote incandescent body like the sun
Let me float in space alone and start anew
Let me be a star
Sep 2015 · 947
Roanoke Cowboy
A part of me has hated you from the moment we met
Because all the other parts of me were instantly
In love with you
I hate how I stare at my computer screen every night
Hoping to see that green circle next to your name
But you and I both know I’ll never do a **** thing about it
I loathe those little things that remind me of you
I pour coffee
I see you brushing your teeth
I drive down highway 105
Pass the Biscuitville sign
Instantly in my mind
I see you walking around in your cowboy hat
Hear brown boots making their familiar clip clop sound
Your footsteps sound like symphonies
And I hate that hat
You may be the cowboy of Roanoke
But to me you’ll always be that ******* from Alamance  
Who I could never get over
May never get over
Usually nothing sticks with me
I’ve only been addicted to two things in my life
Self-destruction and you
And I’ve spent my entire life trying to find a replacement
Cigarettes are expensive
Coke has a bad comedown
Other people
They’re just not the same
I detest you
You’re pompous
And the best human being I’ve ever met
I hate how I can’t forget you
I hate!
I hate…
Because it’s easier for me to hate than to love
I choose loathe over like
Obsession over rejection
Loneliness over loss
To love you would be to lose you
Hate it's my armor
The weight
It’s pulled me underwater
And even there you’re still swimming circles ‘round my head
You can’t help the way the current flows
But baby
Not baby
Not darling
Not mine
I caught you once and threw you back
Cause I didn't know how to love
I still don't
But I know very well how to hate
And my God do I hate you
Sep 2015 · 758
There are words racing
Through all of us we must learn
to let them run free
Sep 2015 · 488
Haiku #6
There's no copyright
On ****** situations
Write your poetry
Sep 2015 · 1.4k
Hell Will be a Waiting Room
Hell will be a waiting room
You’re sitting in an uncomfortable chair
With dingy magazines five months old
The couples on the covers have split
Someone has already torn out the coupons, filled in the quizzes and crosswords
Twelve letters across another word for your damnation?
The answer scrawled out in red ink
Waiting for the news that is never going to come
That anticipation is worse than the diagnoses
You could have five months to live this afterlife
Five weeks
Five hours
You could drop undead in the middle of that waiting room
Where no one would do a ******* thing
Because God doesn’t dwell down here
Here the devil is king
And then it begins again
A different waiting room
The same dingy magazines
Except this one smells like a dentist’s office
You’ll just sit
The walls read
If you have been waiting more than fifteen minutes please notify the receptionist
Alert staff if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms
Thank you for not smoking
No smoking
No talking
No texting tweeting or reading
Just Waiting
In this ***** dusty hell of a room
Please take a seat
A nurse will call you to the back shortly
I would really appreciate any feedback on this poem. It's for a class I'm in.
Aug 2015 · 1.5k
Haiku #78
Meteors falling
And I'm wasting my wishes
On your sorry ***
Jul 2015 · 623
Haiku #34
I want to punch you
in the face until I can't
recognize myself
Jul 2015 · 495
Broken Marionette


From breaking every time I step farther away from you

I am a puppet and my strings are tangled in you hair

Either unaware or just don’t care

That I hold scissors in my hand
Jul 2015 · 1.6k
Prozac and Tic Tacs
Prozac and Tic Tacs
That's what keeps me sane
One keeps my mouth clean
The other Scrubs my brain
These small sweet little pills I pop

                now two

                                         now four

I wonder what would happen if I took a couple more
Jul 2015 · 894
I'm not a Suduko
Tracing my body.
Trying to connect the dots.
But I’m a crossword.
Jul 2015 · 488
Cigarette Breath
I smoke cigarettes
now just because I know how
much you hate the taste
Jul 2015 · 2.1k
I'm Angry
I'm angry
I'm mad
I'm going to rant
But at the same time I don't want to write
I'm tired
And my hand takes up too much space
Everything about me takes up too much space
I'm suffocating the people in my life
I'm a balloon that's about to pop
And they need to cut the string

I'm sad now
Jun 2015 · 509
12:25 am
A part of me has hated you from the moment we met
Because all the other parts of me were instantly, pathetically
in love with you.
You know those stickers you used to have as a kid?
The kind that were kind of 3D?
And you'd be able to run your fingers over them and feel their edges?
That's what level I'm at right now.
I was very high from legal marijuana when I wrote this...
Feb 2015 · 1.4k
Worry Warts
When I eat I chew equally on both sides of my mouth
This is because if I don’t
I worry the teeth on one side will get cavities and eventually fall out
I touch with my toes the yellow stripes lining the stairs outside
alternating a different foot and different parts of my shoes every time
If I don’t the paint will stick to my feet
Turning my shoes the same yellow as the concrete
They’ve recently come in contact with
Now I know you think these notions are crazy and I agree
For people with obsessive compulsive disorder little everyday things
Can take a little longer
We think differently
And honestly I don’t mind that my mind minds things
Other’s brains don’t seem to be constantly thinking about.
My uncle, the child psychologist, once told my mother
I don’t have this illness
Because often I’m not bothered by my abstract obsessions
With frustration wrinkling her face she snapped back
That I most certainly do because they bother her!
My mom hates that I can’t stand to be in our living room
When the volume of our television isn’t on a number divisible by five
Or an even number if the digit’s below twenty  
She’s afraid I’ll revert back to that time when I was in grade school
That time where I would wash my hands so much they cracked and bled
Whenever she tried to hold them
The pain for me was temporary but she tells me she can still feel the sting
My mother blames herself for my problems like your average parent does
I catch her thinking to herself
“Maybe if I hadn’t constantly clipped my daughter’s nails”
“She wouldn’t bite them until blood”  
Maybe, but probably not
When she looks at me
I can see her thinking
“What if I’d never told her about the germs?”  
“What if I had listened?”
"What if I'd done more to help?"
“What if I’d paid more attention?”
She doesn’t realize that she did
She’s always helped me
She was the one who listened while I cried as the monsters called bacteria
Crawled under my skin
Holding my crumbling hands
My mother, keeper of the non compos mentis
Never cried
Never yelled
Instead she took my ****** palms and sang
As she fixed them with Band-Aids, lotion, and kisses.
She’s always there to try and fix me when I fall apart
When I worried so much my hair grew thin
She gave me her own mother’s worry dolls
Telling me they would do all the fretting for me
she placed them ‘round my room
But I worried that my worries would make them too worried
And wondering if you could die from anxiety
I stuffed them in the back of my dresser drawer whispering,
“You’ll be safer here”
I want to do that to my mother
I know I cause her sleepless night
I can see her lying in bed wondering if I’m eating,
If I’m living
If I’m even breathing
You see,
My lack of sanity is slowly taking hers
This woman who raised me spent so long defending me from my demons
She forgot to fight off her own
Well now it’s my turn
I’ll tuck her safely in my dresser drawer
Nestled next to my old worry dolls
ThereI’ll keep her safe
I’ll take my meds
I’ll eat my supper
I won’t upset her
She’s my mother
She doesn’t deserve a crazy daughter
I'll Shield her from my worries to protect her from her own
Because that’s what love is
Love is the lotion on my hands
Love is changing the volume when no ones looking
Love is not understanding but still listening
And most importantly love is worrying
My mother shows her love by trying to keep me together
I’ll show mine by trying not to break her or myself apart
Today I missed my Mom for the first time in a long time. She calls and asks me how I'm doing on my own up here. I know she worries about me. I worry about her too, and to me that's love.
Feb 2015 · 1.0k
Searching for God
The Devil is everywhere
He's the telemarketer who calls during dinner
He's hiding in your untuned guitar string
Hell last I heard good ole beelzebub was down in Georgia
But where's God been lately?
We used to talk everyday
Now I can't even get a one worded text
I've been to his many houses but no one was home
Just more like me hoping to catch a glimpse of him hiding in the shadows
I call and act like he's listening but I know I'm just getting his voicemail
And I broke the machine by leaving one to many messages
Maybe he's behind on his phone bill
1.)    I don’t want you to think I’m crazy

2.)    People see your pain and they see an opportunity to play the good guy. The hero in your twisted little fairytale. The public finds out you’re chemically imbalanced and the magic spell is cast! Like Cinderella’s dress, their contempt for you transforms into love and admiration. They now feel the need to let you know they are there, they care, they pray for you. When they can’t even remember your name.

3.)    Expression of my depression is not a cry for attention. You asked me how I was and I’m really tired of using the word “fine”.

4.)     “Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem” **** THAT and all the same psychobabble ******* that’s recycled over and over again. If you want to help me tell me what you think. Tell me how you feel. Don’t google mental illness and memorize the wiki page I already did.

5.)    Self-harm gets enough publicity already. If you want this trend to go away stop drawing hearts on your wrists, wearing orange ribbons on your chest, and telling people you love them but only if they hate themselves first.

6.)    And while we’re on the subject what’s this obsession with kissing scars? You're not the lead singer of some punk band you’re my boyfriend. Kiss my lips or kiss my ***

7.)    If I wanted another therapist I’d buy one

8.)    What if you think I’m weak 8) What if I am weak 8) You’ll know I’m weak

9.)    How am I to explain to you what’s wrong with me when I can barely admit it I have a problem in the first place.

10.)  I want you to know my favorite songs, Why I hate my name or how I once ate 50 starbursts in one sitting. I want you to know the good things. I want you to know me. I don’t want you to think I’m crazy.
Feb 2015 · 557
I remember the first time I heard a poem and knew it was poetry.
Sitting in an audience twiddling my thumbs wondering when this stupid class would be over I never
Expected to find this interesting
Until they walked on stage
Every one of them dressed in black
I knew none of them
Minds wandering as one of those strangers walked forward, leaned toward the mic
My apathy and boredom causing me to ignore him
Until he spoke
He opened his mouth and the words fell out
But these were no ordinary words
They were filled with helium
And as they floated off his tongue up to the heavens
They took the mask hiding this mans face with them
He wasn’t a stranger anymore
We knew his dreams, fears, aspirations
He was an inspiration sending sensations in the form of goose bumps up my arms
I listened as the strangers surrounding me dissolved into something more familiar
Telling me their stories
Hearing their sweet voices would cause the corners of my mouth to curl up creating this Cheshire cat smile
While I was too afraid to snap or clap
Not thinking my opinion was worthwhile
All I did was listen
You see
I’m usually quiet
These thoughts run circles through my head
Until the ruts they make hit the bottoms of my feet.
With stuttering lips and chewed cheeks
Shaking hands, pounding heart beat
I tried to be that old stranger who was now a friend
I tried to speak
But my voice was weak
The muscles controlling my sounds
Crumbling from years of mistreatment
Somewhere deep inside my throat the thoughts they get hung
On something
Until one night at four in the morning suddenly the flood gates opening
My words flowing faster than the ink I used to try and jot them down
And with unstable body itch and twitch
I stood under those bright lights
this is me
this is my voice
Poetry gives me a voice
And now
You can still watch my legs quake my face turn red my voice shake
And sometimes my words fill like lead rather than light
But ******* at least I’m trying
this is my catharthacism
Helps to feed my narcissism
Tell me
What the **** is wrong with loving yourself?
I love myself
Say it
Write it
Because proclaiming your love or putting it to paper makes it that closer to the truth
Just Fake it till you make it
If I didn’t I couldn’t take this world
And I want so badly to keep on living
Breathing Speaking Listening
To your poetry
Until there are no more strangers
Jan 2015 · 2.5k
He used to quote John Green

Like the cancer kid he was "on a roller coaster that only went up”

He never told me he was afraid of heights
Jan 2015 · 1.7k
I never loved you

I never even really liked you that much

You were just a boy that was there, that was nice

That’s all just a boy

I just wanted to be a girl

I wanted us to be like leeches, like parasites

We get what we wanted and then fall off

And that’s what I did but you

You refused to leave, you grew attached

you said it’s over you said I’m done

But you were the one that wasn’t leaving

And when I did you followed me

You aren’t a very good leech
Jan 2015 · 1.1k
People say love is a game

Monopoly is more fun than this ****

and at least that comes with directions though no one bothers to read them

With love the rules change with every new player

The basics are

You should smile

Laugh at all their jokes especially if none of them are funny

do not be too “available”

do not awkward

do not be weird, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.

I’m not a hopeless romantic

I’m just hopeless

People tell me to get a clue

But I’d much rather be playing clue

Yeah Miss Scarlett killed Mr. Body with the lead pipe in the hall

But hey at least she can’t break your heart

See I don’t mind losing a silly little board game

but baby I couldn’t stand to lose you

When you’re gone my hearts

when you’re with me it hurts even more

This hurt shooting through my veins and down my spine

like the rush of a thousand bingos and Yahtzee’s combined  

reminding me I’m alive

That I can feel and think and… love

I don’t want to lose that

I can’t lose that

But wins and losses are a part of life

And I’m not talking about the one I can cheat at

So I’ll just cross my fingers and roll the dice.
Jan 2015 · 994
Beer Bottles and Last Names
My momma always warned me
She’d say
“Baby doll liquor runs through our veins”
I was making a family tree for health class last week and a third of the people hanging from the branches had beer bottles clinking next to them.
My grandfather’s favorite hobby was downing a bottle of jack and carrying out the cliché tradition of beating his wife and kids
Just like his father did.
My dad learned from this vowing never to forget what alcohol did too his family
My uncle he drinks just trying to forget.
My mother has a similar background
She remembers riding into town with my grandma to buy her granddaddy’s medicine
It was only until she was older she realized the pharmacy was an ABC
The “medicine” cheap whiskey
As the elixir slid down my great grandfathers throat it trickled into the workings of our tree
Infecting its core
Yeah my parents would always warn me
Against the dangers of alcohol
Don’t drink the punch at parties
Don’t be like your uncles
Don’t end up like your aunts
But what they failed to tell me was depression runs through our veins too
They taught me how to ward off being a drunkard
But never told me to stay away from the dark spaces in my mind
They never taught me what to do about the numbness
And in my house people are more ashamed
Of going to therapy than alcoholics anonymous.
How do you protect yourself from something already inside you?
You see those relatives of mine
They were doctors
Preforming at home blood transfusions
Replacing the bad blood with good beer
The dark thoughts with white wine
Until the depression swimming through them was too drunk to see straight
We nurture our family tree with PBR and Prozac
Helping the roots twist and grow so they can grasp for the younger generation dangling from the lower limbs and I mean
Hey we all need something to make the feelings go away
And they say alcohol’s not the answer
But it sure as hell makes you forget the question
We all need something to forget the questions
And Like my kin I picked my poison
Because I felt it
The liquor in my veins I felt it
getting warmer
This liquid in my veins it gets too hot.
I’m slitting my wrist to poor myself another shot
It’s not what it looks like momma
I just wanna feel that buzz and my blood is all I got
I picked my poison
I’m like my uncles
A crude copy of my aunts
I’m an addict
Just not an alcoholic

— The End —