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Marc Morais
Fences fail quietly—
in a slow tilt,
colors give way,
a silent retreat
from brown to brittle.

I press a finger,
catch the rough
edge of metal,
its dust scratching my skin—
years thin us,
like coins drowned
in riverbeds.

It goes this way,
I think—
a long fade,
grit slipping
into dark water,
turning to mud,
just enough to remember
we once held on.

And I wonder if we, too,
were made to loosen,
to dissolve—
no shards or splinters,
just a long sigh—
as time corrodes
at our hearts,
turning all we were to rust.
Vianne Lior
Mornings licked amber—
wet, bright—
papaya pulp split in the grass,
rain still steaming off rooftops.

they came—
sway-backed, jewel-eyed—
weaving cobalt ribbons through the cricket fields,
feathers slick as oil spills.

I waited—
barefoot, rice pinched in small fingers—
not offering—inviting.

they took—
beaks sharp,
eyes glinting like they carried whole summers behind them—
but they never left.

even when the rains came—
hard and urgent—
they stayed, hips swaying under silver sheets,
tails dragging through warm mud.

I thought they danced for me—
as if the whole monsoon belonged only to the girl watching— silent, secret-spined—
hair curling at the nape—
too small to touch,
too quiet to call them by name—
but they saw me.

I know they did.

they crowned me in silence—
Princess of Puddles,
Keeper of Small Hungers.

somewhere between the serpent hunts,
the rain-slick pirouettes—
I learned how beauty moves—
how it takes without asking,
how it lives without needing to be seen.

they were never mine—
but I belonged to them—
to the fevered mornings,
to the blue-green shimmer folded beneath heavy air,
to the secret language only wild things speak—

something wordless—
something that never leaves you.
Every morning, on my way to school, I passed by those peacocks—swaying through the fields, feathers damp with night rain—the first beautiful thing that ever made me feel chosen. Feeding them in my backyard became the quiet ritual of my childhood, and still remains one of my fondest memories.
I mistook the weight of absence for clarity,
as if the silence meant something resolved.
But I find no finality in distance,
only echoes that shift when I turn away.

Certainty was never more than a flicker,
a brief pause in an unsteady hand.
Even now, I trace the outlines of the past
as if repetition could make it solid.

But the shape keeps changing,
just like it always does.
K Balachandran
Every single
mistake of mine,
even the recurring ones,
patiently you edit within
and read as if it's fine,
nothing has ever gone wrong.

what your love
has to me done,
my poor, darling!

in my writing, they see
the grammar fully muddled,
so many words I spell wrong.

I see this, only when
others, bitterly, loudly complain
gentle soul, your'e forgiving,
but the world isn't,vengeful it seems,
don't you see the predators, prowling?

Why don't you consider the truth,
I am imperfect, want to be corrected
why not help me change,
tell me where I go wrong, urge
I'll certainly adore you more for that.
Darling, don't turn a blind eye to my faults, out of love
March 2025
HP Poet: Mike Adam
Age: 66
Country: UK

Question 1: A warm welcome to the HP Spotlight, Mike. Please tell us about your background?

Mike Adam: "Slum east London, dysfunctional violent childhood, playing on bombsites. School, dungeons and kidnappings, sad little boy. Love of dogs and plants and rocks. School: Beckett Shopenhauer, work, college, work university, 1st love lost, travel Asia beaches and mountains, monasteries, monks, Bhodidharma. Work, work, work, Lady J (published collection), retirement, happy at last."

Question 2: How long have you been writing poetry, and for how long have you been a member of Hello Poetry?

Mike Adam: "Began writing 10 years old, HP about ten years."

Question 3: What inspires you? (In other words, how does poetry happen for you).

Mike Adam: "Poems gestate and arrive unbidden, laid like turtle eggs, a little hole, sand flicked and forgotten."

Question 4: What does poetry mean to you?

Mike Adam: "From 1,000 posts perhaps start with the latest few. I call them "mercifully short," easy to read but, given time, you may unpack a great deal."

Question 5: Who are your favorite poets?

Mike Adam:
Why ask who has Satori, who has not?
What need have I for that dust, fame and gain

Life that seemed vast
Is briefer than your handkerchief"

Question 6: What other interests do you have?

Mike Adam: "Amidst the first suicidal mass extinction in history I am grateful to read new poetry and garner hope from young poets still expressing themselves in beautiful combinations of words so thank you all for that...

Who am I?
I don't know"

Carlo C. Gomez: “Thank you so much Mike, we really appreciate you giving us the opportunity to get to know the person behind the poet! It is our pleasure to include you in this Spotlight series!”

Mike Adam: "With gratitude, Mike."

Thank you everyone here at HP for taking the time to read this. We hope you enjoyed coming to know Mike a little bit better. We certainly did. It is our wish that these spotlights are helping everyone to further discover and appreciate their fellow poets. – Carlo C. Gomez

We will post Spotlight #26 in April!

The gun falls,
a quiet thud swallowed by the earth.
For a moment, everything stops—
spirit caught midair,
astonishment blooming, then fading.

The wreath of laurel means nothing now.
The universe holds its breath.
Limbo stretches wide,
a wheat field swaying like a forgotten memory.

Lost, but the road home is familiar.
It slips through my hands,
like little fish gasping in the shallows.
Their fluttering bodies remind me
of something I can’t name.

Heart breaking, but softly.
Like stepping on eggshells,
like knowing and not knowing.
Resignation settles in my stomach,
a slow swallow of disappointment.

Blowing words into the silence,
watching them dissolve.
Everything is bleached, pristine white—
a space too clean,
too empty,
too much like an ending.
Happy 1st of March, many blessings your way ❣️ medication has put me in a trance like state, hope I heal soon...
Nat Lipstadt
~for Jonathan Larson (2)~
where poets dare to tread
knowing the jeopardy to
themselves when their truths
are outed by the light shedding
come the morning’s birthing,
my ending unwritten,
the methodology unknown
the tabulations final sum
identified by a =  
couplet doublet line
underlining, undermining,
tho the sign indeterminate,
pos or neg,
worse yet maybe,
zero sun-shiny outed,
must be one of but just
them three tri-bipolar optionalities

the script unwrit
the possibilities vast,
alone nursing home,
an empty dull
barely furnished,
studio apartment
an unnoticed blah, blah blah;
that’s ok

there will be no vast array,
conclave of family & friends,
his stateless status
formed by a choice reenforced by time,
a man chose a solitary tilt,
till it
was a deathly rigid reality factual,
free willed
the irony sweetbitter,:
he who loved love
sometimes writing wrinkles
of only love poetry
but was
by its consequences continual
in and out, deep or not at all ,
but only periodic,
alternating decades from
age ninteen

his leavings will be
his trail,
dusted under,
and his sense of wonderment
at the atomic elemental
extant and yet undiscovered,
is where will live his
only wisps of his whispers,
heard  ‘pon the backs
of rushing to nowhere
guest gusts of
canyon winds
of his york;
city of naissance

do not protest
nor deviate with debate,
the future unpredictable
and yet curved hewn from,
made from straight block stone
of absolute clarity
of speckled Barre gray granite
mistake this not
for bewailing,
catlike caterwauling,
ever even the bitters,
of short-lived
the in~between now
and resting place finale
but follow a path of words,
an Appalachian Trial
roving  through forest & civilization,
multiple states,
safe and dangerous
worldly, wormwood wordfuls
all jumble uttered simultaneous

so we dare to ask out loud,
will I die in dignity,
the answer a stale prequel
question obvious answered
in his heritage-styled genes,
with another wink
of a question;

what is dignity?
alone, surrounded by
no one,
matters not,
headstone irrelevant
for this good morning
of cherishing
words and tunes,
adding a line
here and there,
is dignity enough,
and this,
well known to him,
within his collapsing vein's depths,

so the answer
smooth planed and plain:

this is dignity
one more time,
one more winding
spiraling downwards

and a
never ending~never the less

Lyrics by Jonathan Larson
“Will I/ Life Support

Will I?
Will I lose my dignity? Will someone care?
Will I wake tomorrow from this nightmare?

Will I lose my dignity? Will someone care?
Will I wake tomorrow from this nightmare?

Will I lose my dignity? Will someone care?
Will I wake tomorrow from this nightmare?

Will I lose my dignity? Will someone care?
Will I wake tomorrow from this nightmare?

Will I lose my dignity? Will someone care?
Will I wake tomorrow from this nightmare?

Will I lose my dignity? Will someone care?
Will I wake tomorrow from this nightmare?
Salmabanu Hatim
What is in my heart let me tell you today
I don't  need gold or silver ,
Neither do I need castles or cars,
Nor diamonds or pearls,
What is all that of use to me now,
With one leg in the grave,
All I need is lots of hugs and kisses,
And a simple WhatsApp everyday,
"I love you granny".
beth fwoah dream
like a molten star
i'm burning on the trend page
please read someone else!
well like everyone else on this site i love a good trend - but - i have been up near the top of the trend page for over a day now - it is more than time to give a chance to someone else!
Belinda S Richmond
Lonely bird,
Lonely bird,
all alone
Lonely bird
Lonely bird
on its own,
no type of empathy, or
sorrow is shown,
just sad and lonesome,
no friends, all alone,
just sitting on a tree branch,
singing lullabies,
fighting back tears,
of lonely bird cries,
Lonely bird,
Lonely bird,
questions why???
why are you so lonely,
as you weep and cry,
Lonely bird,
Lonely bird,
wipe your
tears away,
You have a Friend in Jesus
He will Brighten up your day!!

Date: 3/2/2025
inverted soul
have you ever felt too alive?

ya know, so alive that ya feel like killing yourself like four or five times,

just to feel alive
i was in the garden when a robin came along
sat upon my fence sang his robin song
his red chest it was gleaming underneath the sun
he just sat there singing having lots of fun

such a lovely tune with a lovely melody
sat there on my fence singing it to me
when his song was over in to the air he flew
his song will stay with me for my whole life through
If I were a tree,
my roots would tunnel towards you.
My branches,
stretching for just one touch.

If I were a flower,
my petals would blossom at the sound of your laughter.
My thorns,
removed by the tenderness of your voice

If I were a river,
my stream would carve for you a way through mountains.
My water,
purified by your resilient spirit.
guy scutellaro
the bird takes flight
into a starless night

into the long, lonely why
of endless sky.

trapped bird must fly
or surely she will die

I heard a desert bird
sing a new song this morning

yes... before the sunrise

i recognized it as the
song of a cactus thrasher
but it had added a
new note to it's call

i've never, in my 40+ years
in the desert, heard it's like!

it must've found love

i know

because i myself
found a new note

the first time i said your name.

soulsurvivor aka
Write of Passage aka
Invisible inc
(c) 5/31/2015
When I wrote this I ehad a new love I met online.  But a long oʻng distance love affair is like taking a bite of a chocolate bar with the wrapper on
darkness wears two faces
one is void and empty
cold and harsh
leaving nothing
but you and your loneliness
the other is warm and permeates
it engulfs you entirely
cradling you in its arms
lulling you to sleep
humming its tender silence
I can't do brain
I can't do thoughts
I can't do friends
And I can't do smoking in parking lots

I can't do death
But I also can't do living

I can't do anything
Except for just giving
And giving
Nishu Mathur
I love the rain, but you dote on the sun
I sing for spring flowers and life-like trees
I gaze at the stars when the day is done
But you hide from the dusky canopy.
Your eyes are violet, but mine are not
Your hair is auburn, mine is like night
What I think each day are not your thoughts
Neither are we wrong, nor in the right.
Beneath the veneer, behind given names
I walk my walk and you do what you do
Despite the differences, we are the same
A heart beats in me as it does in you.
Together, let's revel in being alive -
Dance to the beats of the rhythm of life
Mary Huxley
If you return,
do not knock,
the door has memorized your hands.

If you leave,
do not turn back,
the wind carries only forward.
I believe everything
Happens in a sequence
In an order

I don't need to be
Versed in religion

To understand that
Every test, every sickness

Is moulding me
Into a more concrete form

One with unshakeable foundation

Through every pain
Along my incision side

Made me softer
To other people's pain
And yet I'm grateful for it

The pain yesterday is worse
Than today's pain

And yet with that I still
Don't glorify pain

I just think it's the only way
That I truly learn
Haley Maloney
From the first time we met, I knew,
My heart finds peace when it’s with you.
Every time we are together I know it’s right,
Because you turn everything from dark to bright.
Your kindness, goofiness, and affection,
These are examples of your pure perfection.
I don’t want or need anything more,
I love you so much for the way you are.
Carlo C Gomez
First God
Then Everest
To the ends of elation

Her eyes in sunflare
An imprint from her light
Heavy and pulling me
The ever after of the hereafter

In that moment I was hesitant

Sometimes you think that you want to disappear, but all you really want is to be found.
you knew I was lost,
you took advantage of that.

i had to accept your touch
i had to understand your desire
and your hand on my body
left a mark

i broke into pieces,
with your touch that I can't wash away
and with your face,
which I cannot forget

now am silenced
for the rest of my days
You know those
Moments of
In between the
Of hammers?





That’s kind of
What my
Feels like right now
Lorrelyn Lopez
I heard a crackle;
A heart that was enkindled,
Entranced by laughter,
Feet on uncharted waters,
Life as I know it, altered.
Why does time fly?  
Why can’t it stay?  
I wished it would hurry,  
Now I beg it to wait.  

I counted the days,  
I longed for this flight,  
But now that it’s here,  
Something’s not right.  

I walk like I’m certain,  
Like I know where to go,  
Yet deep in my chest,  
I still don’t quite know.  

Did you feel this too?  
Were you just as afraid?  
Did you stand at the edge,  
Wishing time could delay?  

I take one more breath,  
And let go of the past,  
Time won’t stop for me
But I can make this moment last.
I don’t want tomorrow to come
Esperanza H
Fingertips travel,
Across my tender landscape.
Flush lust takes it shape.
This is an older poem I wrote based on the "honeymoon phase" feeling that we all get to experience the burnout of.
Grief and time is a paradox.
It feels like yesterday
You left me without a trace,
And yet it seems like forever
Since I’ve seen your face.
I beg of you
Please don't leave me behind
I need you
Don't leave me here
Don't walk away!
You're leaving me behind!
Look back!
You're leaving me here!
I'm begging you
Don't leave me behind!
I need you
Please don't leave me here.
Madelyn Annette
I’m all yours
Forever or however
Long you want
To be mine
We can be happy
one of two
me and you

we can swim in the dark and ill still recognize your face
your smile
your heart
warmer than stars which light the universe and sets me free

you were hand crafted by all who came before
built cell by cell in the womb of the sun
so your brightness reflects on my face
made just for me,
It tells a story,
the sadness in her eyes,
are words you don't hear,
When eyes speaks louder than what you hear
beth fwoah dream
i thought i understood the water,
the silver whispers of stream,
dying the way sadness sighs  
like a star.

the water didn't bring me to
you or you to me.

you were not the shimmer of a

you were the light reflecting,
bold splashes of colour
on a bold canvas. you

were night when i could
hardly bear the night and you
fell through me

like twilight bringing black
marble moons and watery ghosts.

i thought i understood the water.
i thought the stars painted your
reflection on my lips,

but the silver whispers were not
sad they were happy and
i wondered how i ever
found them sad.
If ratios strike fear—
into every one in two,
half the world will be—
in abject misery.
As the lifeless soul travels through the cosmos, it encounters a simple, sparkling light that at first glance, even at an unreachable distance, was able to bring back the dormant intensity that was once the essence of everything.
Hugo Pierce
I don't love you
But I love you so much I am trying
Travis Green
Being in his heavenly presence
Was the topmost thrill
That sent chills down my spine
Feeling his manly touch all over me
Gave me unmatched joy
That flowed through the core of my existence

I drowned in his desirable features
His striking sunflower eyes
His velvety, arresting lips
His majestic beard
I was lost in his top-notch charm
His shimmering dreaminess
His formidable build

I couldn’t keep still
In his irresistible arms
His impressive masculinity gave me
Immeasurable pleasure
His commanding, captivating voice
Made my heart soar
I loved him even more
I surrendered to his incomparable allure
Pablo Neruda
Se van rompiendo cosas
en la casa
como empujadas por un invisible
quebrador voluntario:
no son las manos mías,
ni las tuyas,
no fueron las muchachas
de uña dura
y pasos de planeta:
no fue nada y nadie,
no fue el viento,
no fue el anaranjado mediodía
ni la noche terrestre,
no fue ni la nariz ni el codo,
la creciente cadera,
el tobillo,
ni el aire:
se quebró el plato, se cayó la lámpara,
se derrumbaron todos los floreros
uno por uno, aquél
en pleno octubre
colmado de escarlata,
fatigado por todas las violetas,
y otro vacío
rodó, rodó, rodó
por el invierno
hasta ser sólo harina
de florero,
recuerdo roto, polvo luminoso.
Y aquel reloj
cuyo sonido
la voz de nuestras vidas,
el secreto
de las semanas,
que una a una
ataba tantas horas
a la miel, al silencio,
a tantos nacimientos y trabajos,
aquel reloj también
cayó y vibraron
entre los vidrios rotos
sus delicadas vísceras azules,
su largo corazón

La vida va moliendo
vidrios, gastando ropas,
haciendo añicos,
y lo que dura con el tiempo es como
isla o nave en el mar,
rodeado por los frágiles peligros,
por implacables aguas y amenazas.

Pongamos todo de una vez, relojes,
platos, copas talladas por el frío,
en un saco y llevemos
al mar nuestros tesoros:
que se derrumben nuestras posesiones
en un solo alarmante quebradero,
que suene como un río
lo que se quiebra
y que el mar reconstruya
con su largo trabajo de mareas
tantas cosas inútiles
que nadie rompe
pero se rompieron.
Understanding but
Not really feeling, the need
Others have when they
Absolutely cannot be
Without someone else around.
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