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FS-30 3d
It was never going to take long
For the world to show us it’s colour
What was once blue and green
Just gets duller.
FS-30 3d
I look up to the sky
Are you really there?
Or are you around me?
Are you everywhere?
Near or far
I just know
I want to be
Wherever you are.
FS-30 3d
If time is a healer
Why has nothing changed?
I feel the pain of your loss
Like it happened yesterday.
If time is a healer
Why does it feel worse?
Another day without you
On this lonely earth.
Time is not a healer.
When you took your last breath
The clock stopped ticking
The very moment you left.
FS-30 Mar 27
They just weren’t you,
So I picked them apart
And threw the pieces on the floor.
If only I knew
They just weren’t you.
FS-30 Mar 14
I was once a diamond in the rough.
I went through the dirt
And almost got stuck.
Yet I lasted the test of time.
Now watch me sparkle,
It’s my time to shine.
FS-30 Mar 14
When you took your last breath
It’s like I took mine too
How am I supposed to live
Without you?
FS-30 Mar 2022
Dear Hansel,
Over my eyes
You pulled the wool,
I saw the magic
And my heart felt full.

But you were full of deceit
It was all a lie,
You strung me along
Then waved goodbye.

I was left all alone
Feeling numb,
Why did I follow
Those **** breadcrumbs.
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