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K Balachandran Jan 2012
                     a flower
                              spreads petal;
               i thirst
               for honey..
K Balachandran Apr 2017
An eager honeybee,
hovers over a book of poetry.
Ah! sweet subtlety.
K Balachandran Nov 2011
like the pink sun rising
the beginning was very kind,
and pleased every one's mind.
a fine start, ensuring
that things are half done
(yet the other half is worrying)
            the irony is this,
the moment it was begun,
the beginning itself has become
the lone thought
took possession then
of everyone
was the concern about ending
or rather,
the worry, how it would all  end.
the short lived euphoria of beginning
gave way to the angst
regarding the end.
the sun  then, goes in to an eclipse.

the end was
just the opposite, rightly so,
of the beginning.
it was  imminent too.
no beginning could stand
without the inevitable end.
-it could be extended, may be,
just a little.

the end was very rude
only fair, counting the kind beginning;
it could only be that
--and the cycle continues....
K Balachandran Feb 2019
inky dark sky,
decides to hide moon and stars;
siding with the thieves!
K Balachandran Oct 2013
An arid desert, she was, dreaming in green still
with an array of cactus vivid and diverse, her adamence evident.
Like her other admirers,
it has left him amazed every moment his eyes had fallen on her.
He can't stop finding reasons
to be in love with her for season after season, when he arrives
swirling over her often, he fatasizes flowing as rivers over her,
but in desert, dark clouds form, even if he yearns deep, once in a while,
and the sparse rain leaves much to be desired
for the desert, parched and panting.
                          Can't do more than that  for a desert wind, to quench
her thirst for love. What this  desert has most is longing;
a wonder, the desert and wind still  continue their loving
bitter than sweet even from the beginning.
K Balachandran Apr 2012
Black buck,winsome lass,
my eagerness is limitless,
love doesn't spring from just looks,
shall we begin from there first?
Black bucks, a graceful antelope species, native to Indian subcontinent, are near threatened.
K Balachandran Feb 2013
You are a songbird,
at night shift,
on the branch of my tree.
I am ever ecstatic,
in documenting body music;
the time is ripe for our concert,
we are intoxicated, drunk with the vintage wine of lust.
"No combination could be more perfect"
I hear you whisper poetry in my ear, inebriated.
Let us satiate-
the prompt of our divine longing
before this night leaves us behind.
Yes, you are right,
**I am Omar Khayyam thinly disguised.
K Balachandran Dec 2011
someone had shut my window
i opened it.
when i kept it closed,
someone fancied
keeping it open.
-i want it shut.
i am glad
the window is there
either opened or closed
**what time is it?
Dec13, 2011
K Balachandran Mar 2016
Each day dawns as an unrehearsed
new act of a scene in the play of love,
that continues with you,
terribly shaking my heart,
though the plot thickens day by day,
when our silent love takes new turns,
who knows which way it goes---

Never did we speak one to one,
how could one, when it's an anathema
for a boy and a girl to hold hands in the open!
with you sitting there in your balcony,
a full bloom, nah, now a tempting ripe fruit,
as soon as you are back home after
the day's engagement, at school and piano class,
all eyes for me to come to your eyeshot.

I start to play exclusively for your balcony
from my front courtyard or backyard
as mom's movement and situation demands.
I do it in ways ingenious, I invent at the moment,
to capture your heart, I know what it wants
still in jitters, not knowing you approve or not,
signalling in that sign language you developed
to dupe our horde of relatives, already suspicious.

Every sunset see you and me silhouetted,
in eager expectation of seeing or showing
a boy's life here is only longing and yearning
don't know what results from this lesson of pain,
a punishing schedule,driven by hormone rush
Teen age love is lot of work
and at the best conducted
in utmost secrecy, hereabouts
dedicated to guys here  whose love life
is terrorized by well meaning elders
who probably want kids to learn "Kamasutra" well
before starting to act...
K Balachandran Feb 2020
Non stop time-space tango.
Five senses twist and turn stories!
Retreat to greater time.
K Balachandran Jan 2017
The evidences all
were strewn all over
the place of crime;
visible to the naked eyes
as if posing a challenge
to the pretentious detectives.

But the adamant
forensic expert on the spot,
sporting thick rimless glasses
wouldn't notice
any of those nonsense!
Those eyes fell
precisely on an evidence
that could have been there,
within the first five minutes,
and constructed what he could
out of those evidences.
(Whatever that means)
K Balachandran Nov 2012
Wasn't a sound, but I heard,
wasn't a sight, yet I saw,
though I wasn't there
how, I never thought!
wasn't a word, or bird,
present or past ,
east or west,
or absence
neither me
nor you
or anything.
in consciousness.
**In nothingness
as essence,
has no
K Balachandran Jun 2013
Every river remembers summer with anger
though, in all other times every  memory is flooded with water.
K Balachandran Mar 2019
To wind I lend my ears,
her prank instantly cheers, then
on our separate ways.
K Balachandran Jan 2012
a lady contortionist, par excellence,
was in collision course, with an expert in calisthenics,
as expected, their competition soon ended,
the tie breaker, bedroom mechanics, lasted days.
mechanics: the branch of physics that deals with the action of forces, on bodies and with motion.
K Balachandran May 2014
Every time she smiles,
I read without fail
on her face thus:
"wealth belonging to cosmic treasure"
K Balachandran Dec 2011
A house,
sitting on the
slopes of a verdant hill,
has a different view of things
even on things heavenly ,
--a star in the western sky.
A star with silver sheen,
smiles down at the children
playing in the engulfing darkness
in front of a hut , thatched with  braided coconut leaves.
Chilly wind blows, children shudder,
their tattered clothes flutter,
they are hungry still , looking like withered pepper vines,
facing blazing sun, all day long
waiting for their parents to turn up
after day long toil in the rice paddy yonder.
The jackals howl, chicken in the coop, respond in fear.
From afar, strains of music waft, from Syrian Orthodox Church
in tea estates atop the high rages of Kerala mountains.

"Why they are so late?" the youngest, a frail anemic girl asks-

"They may have gone to market to bring us delicacies for Christmas"
the eldest girl, a cheerful but wimpy one quips,
hiding her own fears...
Tomorrow is the day of Christmas, (if they don't get their wages..)

Night descends from the hills in thick rolls through the slopes,
flooding their hut and them all in inky darkness, without any hope,
the boy and the girls, not ready to  loose hope look up to the lone silver star,
even when darkness eats them up.
The star gives them it's happiest of smiles
at the saddest of times, it ever did...
a drop of tear
from the eye of the hapless star
falls on a child's tattered dress.
In the South Indian state of Kerala, there is a considerable number of ancient Christian population ; indeed an interesting mix of churches including, Eastern Orthodox(Syrian, Chaldean, Jacobite,  Mar Thoma, and other smaller churches),Catholic( Roman, Latin rites) and Anglican.Traditionally it is believed that St.Thomas visited Kerala in A.D. 52 on the trail of Jewish merchants doing spice trade based in Malabar and Cochin region of Kerala.Interestingly Kerala is  probably the only place in the world now,  where Aramaic (semitic language from 300 BC to 600 A.D) supposed to be spoken by Jesus Christ, is still in use in Orthodox Church services.There are still few Orthodox priests left in Kerala,  who can converse and write poetry in this biblical language.
K Balachandran Sep 2012
Beyond rippling paddy, runs a river,
Across the river, is a verdant hill,
Atop its pinnacle is a palm grove,
Above the tallest coconut  palm, sits  a civet cat,
drinking toddy, inebriated dreaming a strange light.
After having stomach full of toddy, the civet cat grows bold,
makes himself  a ball and simply fall down, avoiding the impossible task of  climbing down stone drunk.
K Balachandran Sep 2017
A thorn is nothing
but a wish stubborn,
with an earnest point
to make a deep impact.

2.Her Reality

The core of a nightmare
broke loose, is she,
dislocated in a space
on broad day light
ready for someone
with a yen, for day dreaming.

3.A borrowed Deja vu

He suspects his love life, in vain
is piece of a well orchestrated ordeal,
of some one regaled much in pain;
just a cosmic 'cut and paste' job!

4.Tiger's aesthestics

"A match perfect, for me,
you are a befitting target"
growled the greedy tiger,
as he sighted the gazelle.


Day and night act
so well as the opposites,
yet they complement
ad infinitum,without
any complaint,
and sans even a trace
of pride or  jealousy.
Everything, even those
looking diametrically
opposite to untrained eyes,
are uniquely meaningful.
K Balachandran Oct 2011
A small piece of sky

has fallen in to my cup

brimming with lust for life;

a mysterious brew indeed.

I relished in silence

it's cloudy turbulence,

the comet fallen in to it

made all the difference.
K Balachandran Jan 2013
That alluring cloud, just a whiff of vapor
                      that slowly dissolves.
Night has only specks of light
             sprinkled in smoky darkness.
Life is a murky  lake with
              swirling undercurrents.
Love is the only boat,
      that would float and ferry us safe.
K Balachandran Apr 2017
Lonesome evening star,
Above millions of neon sparks,
Illusions in time.
K Balachandran Feb 2017
Alone it sits there,

intensely brooding
on how this evening
would turn out to be;
an elegant, gleaming
thirsting, ****** wine glass
without a drop of wine.
K Balachandran Jul 2014
She stupefy truth
with her finely crafted lies
that stand head held high
without even
the slightest sign
of embarrassment.
She waters the seeds
with acid, deliberately
even manage to get kudos
for her 'kind intervention'
Her 'collected venom'
in real, is a counterfeit concoction
more deadly than the real,
that attracts unlimited attention
and the loudest rounds of applause,
for it's new shade of blue
when displayed with special effects
for all to view.
In her presence, fairness loses its meaning
foulness like her, usurps it, makes its own,
becomes the reigning queen!
Whatever she does
has a dark beauty,
even the true angel of evil
would greatly envy her.
K Balachandran Dec 2011
A dart
of light
from your eyes,
at a soft spot
in my heart,
to leave.
K Balachandran Apr 2013
Bamboo shoots, cooked in oil,
we munched were delicious. The tender love,
we shared, in our sojourn, in the lodge
deep inside the forest, had complemented it.
She was a playful tigress, transformed
by the atmosphere, with a manifested ****** interest,
different from her usual demure self.
One thing led to another, we fed each other,
heady vintage wine, from our mouths,
till we found out, in such circumstances,
love would make us do things,
we never imagined we could.

The sketch she made depicting us,
as two wild elephants, in musth*
rummaging the bamboo grove,
eating shoots to our fill,
reminded *Shiva and Parvathi, his consort,
taking the form of elephants
indulging  in every possible play amorous,
culminating in the birth of Ganesha,
the cute God, elephant faced,
the remover of obstacles.

Love drunk the song  we both sung,
was one of innocence.
The booming wind in bamboo leaves,
suddenly changed tune, sounding like ankle bells.
Dense, dark, green womb of forest
and the flow of wind above, like a blood stream,
kindled the prenatal memories, from deep down,
and as the background score,
cacophony of unknown birds of many feathers.

We swam in the lukewarm water,
of a day so different, with joyous abandon.
A voice mysterious, spoke in my blood stream:
"Be like birds, wind on bamboo grove, elephants seeking what they want,
the love you share would bring, fantastic results,
the world, would look far more simple,
life and death cease to be riddles, just natural,
shadows vanish, no fear remains in deep caves,
everything gently flows, like a clear river to the ocean"
Musth- Periodic condition of highly aggressive behavior of male elephants.
*The legend is about Lord Shiva, the destroyer ("the master of dance")in Hindu pantheon
K Balachandran Mar 2013
Blue sky, green sea,
hands of wind tickling
the coconut trees,
in the catamaran,
afloat the rolling waves,
a love smitten pair,
he and she, loosing themselves
in each other's eyes.

White spray from high waves,
rain on them, they gleam.
afternoon sun, fizzes down,
air is filled with laughter and joy,
pure magic of  love,
the kind one experiences
when nature extends its hands,
to love for a dance of exuberance.

A shoal of colorful fish, swimming too close,
jump up to amuse them,
bringing much cheer.
Swinging on the  waves
the sea keeps  company to their craft.

**That day flew away and joined the repository of memories.
He and she scampered through the arches
waves after high waves erected,
took voyages far, through troubled waters.
But never, could they forget,
the laughter and joy that day represented,
when they stood together,
or went on to their separate ways.
K Balachandran Jun 2014
Shining chariot of the king you are, I am the sprinting horse,
the diabolic king has met with his fate, we two freedom seek,
I am a ******* rider, the shining star of the rodeo nights,
you are an ambling horse, moves the way my mind wishes to dance
no animal activist can ever find any fault in our magical pact,
I do bull riding, barrel racing, tie-down roping and all the rest,
an unbeaten team we are, life for us has been a blast so far
you are my Juliet and I am your Romeo, right from the first sight
against the wish of the whole ****** world, that keeps snarling at us,
happily united in a suicide pact, no one can in anyway object,
when the passion filled moments cherished, turn to mere mirage,
why live, life is but a dream, let's wake up at last, fall dead.
K Balachandran Apr 2012
A serpentine beauty, lips painted
       with psychedelic poison-
    is soul kissed; wanton kisser,
hides a stiletto behind his back.
K Balachandran Sep 2015
In the backwaters, as waves lapped on a canoe violently rocking
we kissed;  two eager lovers quickly turning in to winged creatures,
eyes shut, she crushed her malleable ******* against my chest,
we took this journey through the labyrinth of love leading to
the gallery of ****** artifacts, arranged in progression, in our minds.
Her lips swelled up and took mine so deftly in to their control,
and in some moment when our languid eyes opened unawares,
the kiss , a golden fish swished in to the water, gleefully swarm around,
the gathered backwater fish , viewed astonishingly this rare species.
K Balachandran Apr 2015
Gently he'll take her in his arms,"Öh! my precious orchid"
he looks deeply in to her eyes, classic lover style, it still works,
that was the hope he finally clung on,her mother would murmur
something away from  his ears,to be careful, he didn't get her point.

her eyes were bright and deceptive, his Waterloo,those two were,
eyelashes always would flutter, as if she is afraid, he would abduct her,
how romantic, his heart jumps up at once in delight,
a shipful of bounty returning after the hunt of a lifetime!

"Could I call you anytime, please let me, even if it's too late"
she would plead, too cute,then pretend dejection, ah! he  likes it
as if he'll deny it and she can't bear that thought, her heart'd break,
he'd say" Ẅhy not, I'd anticipate your call all night"

he would stand sentinel,that night, wait for her call
hell, she won't call, not a day!, still can he go and sleep?
he'd meet her with bleary eyes, the day after so apologetic,
she'd get offended at his disheveled , mad look.

"Aren't you my heart's poem, then come to me little more decently"
asking him  to keep awake all night, this wasn't her speaking!
"Come to coffeehouse, sharp at  four" she is curt this time.
then, someone will come and inform, "She won't  make it today"

And when things get muddled, she comes running
and pretend **** apologetic,"Sorry, a fool I am, to hurt you, dear"
never did he tell her what she really was, never asked her to *******
she was a shipwreck, spectacular, rescue was someone else's business..
K Balachandran Aug 2014
Even if I forget your beautiful name
that moved my heart day and night like a poem,
silver light in your eyes and your lissome form
all in a moment of insanity or oblivion
a foamy deluge, takes me in, when it comes
looking for each one of us, even civilizations;
who can stop that incessant flow from past
to the time to come, an irrefutable canon!
                                But nature would never forget
the lightening, at it's strike creating a diamond, effulgent,
the mutual intimate wanting, divine, beyond the realm
of human emotions,carved out equally from our psyches
like a gem stone cutter precisely does, with his sharp chisel
in a rare moment of revelation, will it be repeated ever again?

A  brilliance, hearts  struck, emitting echoes of love
though no more we would be in human realm
If only one could imagine a  love  beyond the limits of being
K Balachandran Apr 2014
A melancholy ***** we came to adore
in mournful tone, finish the tale abruptly
and sob, uncontrollably;
"Memories of my melancholy ******"
including "Love in the times of cholera"
are now part of our folklore, this land
of cashew groves and banana plantations
in  Indian landscape, far far away from Latin American shores.

Her lascivious days are over
death visits the house of love, blood splattered
and a haunt of dark happenings, that begets children with tails,
shame, honor and secrets creep out of manuscripts.
Gabo is no more, no more"Living to tell the tale"
the Part Two, promised before.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez, after three false starts
goes to his final abode for rest, now.

A coded manuscript, written in
in classical Sanskrit,
(the language of all divine texts
of Indian sages of yore)
scripted by the mysterious gypsy,Melquiades
predicts the wipe out of Buendia clan
of five generations

Torrential rain and deluge engulf Macondo,
ends "One hundred years of solitude".
Gabo you point towards east
what is the answer to the conundrum of Buendias?

In Mexico city
they were preparing to take  Gabo to his last ride
to the origin of all magical realism he'd return

In a land far away,
yet exactly the same landscape as Latin Americas
we grieve his death as that of one of our own
Gabo, in past thirty years, you mysteriously taught us
to discern the magical realism of cosmos
World famous Colombian novelist Gabriel Jose de la Concordia Garcia Marquez ,(Gabo/el maesto to millions of fans of his writing) who died in Mexico city on Thursday is as much popular in Malayalam, the language of southern Indian state of Kerala,as the most popular contemporary writerwhere millions of copies of his novals are sold in Translation.News papers brought out special feature pages in honor of Gabo yesterday.
K Balachandran Sep 2012
When I tell the story of this fragile butterfly,
possible, it becomes autobiographical,
I come across larks of the sky, sharks too,
how lucky to see you, fleetingly- a swan at large, so lovely!
a drop of tear on the corner of my eye-
gleams, every departed one tears my heart apart...
i am a mortal,  love you give me gifts wings
when a flower in my inner garden wilts....within me something beautiful dies.......adieu
K Balachandran Nov 2011
nose stud,
               I am
               crazy !
diamond nose studs are ******* enticements, one can hardly resist
K Balachandran May 2012
A dog and a cat, two pets
transfixed by a  purple sunset,
view avidly sitting straight,
without batting an eyelid.
K Balachandran Apr 2014
*In the masquerade of a poet
he acquires secret wings,
becomes equal parts real and unreal,
treading the twilight zone.
He still is an apprentice
with the conjurer,
incomparable wizard
who never stops amazing
being the anarch of slight of hand,
the illusionist grand,
we in the flow who swim or drown
in the river, known  as life
that none ever defined the way it really is.
Inside his cubicle
transformed to a scribe by a curse
when he coveted it, was a boon
he is real, all  his magical powers robbed
by the day light, realities of life
he is grappling with news
that make  his heart grow weak.
He is now a sobbing poet within,
firmly  handcuffed to a pact strict,
only to write reports, that's his might
anything of beauty he couldn't  escape,
its all pain in forms unimaginable
most of it man made, even famine.

A life swinging between a hope
to come in terms with
the uncertainties of the ebb and flow
that breaks his heart bit by bit,
and facing realities stark that drives a knife
has become the rut, he wouldn't escape.

Dawn peeps through the window blind
he has lost meaning for day and night  long time back
when this double life, has trapped him in this pen
K Balachandran Sep 2014
Alone stands an empty wine glass
dreaming the rich  grape harvests of the past.
As it gets filled with the wine of memory
to the brim, he stealthily starts to drink
from the very first moment lost, with
a fervency, only a thirsty one trapped
in the maze of past alone will display
K Balachandran Nov 2014
Spreading dense night, dark robust forest,
growing relentless, virtually unstoppable;
it went on for some time after the sun surrendered
we were stranded in it's cloudy  thickets, thorny bushes.
Then came white butterflies, waves after waves after waves,
from the silver moon's abode  they descended so spectacularly.
          We were overwhelmed, by this sudden invasion of beauty,
that swayed my mind, made it fly high weightless like a feather,
couldn't even notice them eating up the fear of the forest altogether.
K Balachandran Mar 2014
A fluffy winged adventurer seed
sanctified by the halo
gifted by morning sun's kind rays
slowly descends on its parachute.
K Balachandran Jul 2012
Contrary to the belief,
                              a dying star doesn't feel pain,
                        the fire in its core sings a song
                                        of liberation, all along.
                                                in a galaxy distant
                                                         ­ it simultaneously takes birth

                                               Death is not the end of a star,
                                                           ­  yet another beginning it is
K Balachandran Sep 2012
This gentle forest, you lead me to, taking my hand, brings deja vu,
beauty in waves after waves invades, consciousness dances in pleasure,
profusion of colors, bird tweets, whisper of leaves,medley of fragrances,
mind swims in magic waters, when your lips touch mine, I faint.
Remember the old Russian song."Let's go to the forest said Alyosha,/ Let's... let's, but only together"
K Balachandran Dec 2011
Oh! God
(Are you there?)
extricate us,
from traffic snarls.
K Balachandran Mar 2016
A girl sitting at the table next
restless, was slyly eyeing his pie,
kind of cute, like in childhood
it sure was, yet seemed a ploy
to gatecrash in to his privacy,
and give company, as it pleased her.
"The pie is blackberry if you fancy it ,
I''ll be glad, you can have it all,
I know there is no other left"
He played Mr.Nice guy,solicitous,
but behind that face of his,
was the arrows of light, hitting him,
from those  sparkling eyes,
vying with each other, to build up
a halo chamber,  almost visible  around him!

Blackberry pie is no big deal, of course
he knows a whole hillside with
bushes full of ripe, succulent ones,
any day he could have his fill, raw
or as a flaky crusted pie backed by his mom.

But those sparkling eyes that in a moment
made him build castles in the air
had an electric appeal, he can't ignore.
The offer she said, was irresistible,
not a type she is who snatches,
dainty stuff from someone just bumped in to
"But the way your eyes did glint,
when you looked makes me ask
:haven't we met somewhere before?"

"There is a fickleness in this,love at first sight,
do you need to fall head over heels?"
a little voice within, that has a problem
in such things, kept raising a doubt.
"But without a first sight,there can't be love
may it be fickle, we'll tackle it the way it goes"
replies another,who seems to care for love.
K Balachandran Jul 2012
Translate the night for me,
                    in the words of timelessness,
transform the dreamless sleep,
                   in to a trance beyond death.
K Balachandran Feb 2020
Above cliffs a condor soars.
Through its eyes I scan the world
My inner being in flight.
K Balachandran Oct 2014
A sunlit narrow path cleaving  
       overgrown green hedge, both ways,
such exhilarating surprises, it too can offer,
        but would one expect, in the first place?

On my track, I stand arrested hold that flower,
                that made my heart jump, in my front,
felt being washed inside out
                 by a kind wave, transformed.

The flower, romancing the sun
         still is on it's branch,alive
didn't feel the temptation
        to pluck it like many times before.

Even the beauty's name is unknown to me,
     just another hibiscus,amidst her  cousins,
"I love the one next to her, the purple one"
    said a female voice, a wayfarer like me.

Standing by me, she adoringly looked at her favorite,
     I had no hesitation to accept it, like mine.
no ranking makes sense, each has
      own quicksilver tongue, if you 'd listen.

"Look at you! how pleased you look
    I love the folks, that adore flowers!"
she sounded like a skylark, hands of
  evening sun caressed her, we are kindred spirits.

"You have wide eyes like girls,
    eyes seeking beauty reflect it"
we held hands like childhood friends,
   long lost, looked at each other's eyes.

Isn't it the feeling one try to capture and define,
       when trying to say what poetry makes to happen?
it's there, a tangible feeling, if you know what it means,
   on our separate ways we went, gifting what to keep for ever.
K Balachandran Mar 2019
from a dry split pod,
a lot of winged seeds explode;
a future forest
K Balachandran Mar 2014
Your kiss
my dull
brought a
   a sheen
all over my
see it clearly
in my eyes
that borrowed
two stars
from some
  love struck 
I'll be known
as your
"haloed lover"
your saliva
tasted like
fine wine,
added with
just enough for fizz
just for one'
I heard the whisper
of your eyes.
I'll tightly wrap
my arms around you
to keep
the formula a secret,
strictly between us.

I am still
in intoxication
after all these
cycles of lives
K Balachandran Sep 2014
Did he live dangerously as he believed? You decide.
A wish he cherished inanely for long
Did him in or liberated from fear once and for all
His date with the camouflaged piranha
He coveted much, was an unqualified success
He repeatedly said, though none disputed it.
An ace strategist, he thought of himself
Aware of all the wily tactics the fish practices
It all started with the tickling pleasurable nibbles
But when the blood started flowing the fangs were out
Nature's invisible sensors respond to the situation precisely.


Hopeful vultures circling above slyly observing
His each faltering step is alacritous, turned hostile,
"Walking skeleton, buddy, fly back.No scope for us
Crumbling little by little.Let it ride, bad luck"
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